Name: ipfixcol2 Version: 2.7.1 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: IPFIX Collector Toolset License: BSD URL: Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Group: Liberouter Vendor: CESNET z.s.p.o. Packager: Michal Sedlak BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release} BuildRequires: gcc >= 4.8, gcc-c++ >= 4.8, cmake >= 2.8.8, make BuildRequires: libfds-devel, /usr/bin/rst2man, zlib-devel BuildRequires: librdkafka-devel Requires: libfds >= 0.2.0, zlib, librdkafka >= 0.9.3 %description IPFIXcol is a flexible IPFIX (RFC 7011) flow data collector designed to be extensible by plugins. # Create also devel package with header files (for plugins building) %package devel Summary: IPFIX Collector development package Group: Liberouter Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}, libfds-devel %description devel IPFIXcol is a flexible IPFIX (RFC 7011) flow data collector designed to be extensible by plugins. This package contains header files needed for development of plugins for IPFIX Collector (ipfixcol). # Unzip files from tar archive %prep %autosetup #%post #/sbin/ldconfig #%postun #/sbin/ldconfig # Build source code %build %global _vpath_builddir . %cmake . make %{?_smp_mflags} # Perform installation into build directory %install make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} # Temporarily disabled # TODO: %check #ctest -V %{?_smp_mflags} %files %license LICENSE # %doc add-docs-here %{_bindir}/ipfixcol2 %{_bindir}/ipfixsend2 %{_bindir}/fdsdump %{_libdir}/ipfixcol2/*.so* %{_mandir}/man7/*.7.gz %files devel %{_includedir}/ipfixcol2.h %{_includedir}/ipfixcol2/*.h %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/ipfixcol2.pc %changelog * Mon Oct 8 2018 Lukas Hutak 2.0.0-1 - Initial RPM release