Version: 4.49.3 Release: 1%{?dist} URL: %global foundry AX86 %global fontlicense OFL-1.1 %global fontlicenses COPYING %global fontfamily Terminus (TTF) %global fontsummary Terminus TTF is a monospace TrueType Font %global fontdescription %{expand:Terminus TTF is a TrueType version of Terminus Font, a fixed-width bitmap font optimized for long work with computers. If the application you want to use the font with supports the original Terminus Font, you should really use that one instead of this TTF version — it will most likely be a more pleasant experience for you. There are applications that neither support the original Terminus Font nor use bitmaps embedded in TrueType fonts. They completely rely on the automatically generated scalable outlines. When Terminus TTF is used with such applications, it will probably look a little bit weird and not exactly like the original Terminus Font (since the generated outlines do not exactly match the bitmaps); you will see whether you like it or not. Because the outlines are scalable, it should not matter which size you use, but anything bigger than 32 px (24 pt) will probably not look very nice. It should also be noted that you need to render Terminus TTF in monochrome black/white if the outlines are used; otherwise, they will look smeary.} %global fonts *.ttf %global fontconfs %{SOURCE10} Source0: %{url}/files/%{version}/terminus-ttf-%{version}.zip Source10: 60-%{fontpkgname}.conf BuildRequires: fontforge %fontpkg %prep %setup -q -n terminus-ttf-%{version} %build %fontbuild %install %fontinstall %check %fontcheck %fontfiles %changelog * Tue May 21 2024 Benson Muite - 4.49.3-2 - Use .conf extension instead of .xml * Sun Jun 04 2023 Benson Muite - 4.49.3-1 - Update to current release - Remove patches that are no longer needed * Thu Dec 22 2022 Benson Muite - 4.49.2-3 - Clean up unpacking of source * Fri Oct 28 2022 Benson Muite - 4.49.2-2 - Update foundry name - Rename font file to remove spaces * Sun Aug 28 2022 Benson Muite - 4.49.2-1 - Initial packaging