## START: Set by rpmautospec ## (rpmautospec version 0.3.5) ## RPMAUTOSPEC: autorelease, autochangelog %define autorelease(e:s:pb:n) %{?-p:0.}%{lua: release_number = 1; base_release_number = tonumber(rpm.expand("%{?-b*}%{!?-b:1}")); print(release_number + base_release_number - 1); }%{?-e:.%{-e*}}%{?-s:.%{-s*}}%{!?-n:%{?dist}} ## END: Set by rpmautospec Summary: An enterprise-level RPC system Name: srpc License: Apache-2.0 Version: 0.10.0 Release: %autorelease URL: https://github.com/sogou/srpc Source0: %{url}/archive/v%{version}/%{name}-v%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gtest) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(liblz4) # Using pkgconfig for openssl gives a fedora-review warning # that openssl1.1 is deprecated and should not be used BuildRequires: openssl-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig(protobuf) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(snappy) BuildRequires: workflow-devel %global _description %{expand: SRPC is an enterprise-level RPC system used by almost all online services in Sogou. It handles tens of billions of requests every day, covering searches, recommendations, advertising system, and other types of services.} %description %_description %package devel Summary: Development files for SRPC Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description devel %_description %prep %autosetup %build %cmake %cmake_build %install %cmake_install # Do not package static library rm %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/libsrpc.a # README is packaged later rm %{buildroot}/%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/README.md %check # change build directory sed -i "s/DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR := build.cmake/DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR := %__cmake_builddir/g" GNUmakefile make check %files %license LICENSE %doc README.md %{_bindir}/%{name}_generator %{_libdir}/libsrpc.so.0* %files devel %{_libdir}/libsrpc.so %dir %{_includedir}/%{name} %{_includedir}/%{name}/*.h %{_includedir}/%name/*.inl %dir %{_libdir}/cmake/%{name} %{_libdir}/cmake/%{name}/*.cmake %changelog * Wed Apr 19 2023 John Doe - 0.10.0-1 - Uncommitted changes