# TESTING Except the `tests/smoke.lua`, all tests require a LDAP server (by default available on localhost). Except the `tests/smoke.lua`, there is no test running on Windows. With old releases (ie. without `smoke.lua`), the following command could be a minimal smoke test : ``` $ LUA_CPATH="./src/?.so" lua -l lualdap -v ``` ## setup a LDAP server You could install/setup `slapd` (the OpenLDAP server) in your environment, or run a Docker image containing `slapd` [openshift/openldap-2441-centos7](https://hub.docker.com/r/openshift/openldap-2441-centos7) is an image on-the-shelf which was built from source available on . ``` # docker pull openshift/openldap-2441-centos7 # docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE openshift/openldap-2441-centos7 latest 9bae1ab605d5 2 years ago 355MB ``` ``` # docker run -d --rm --name openldap -p 389:389 -p 636:636 openshift/openldap-2441-centos7 3d557fc1136fffe91def479ee5cd445da1b974a4809520795a79e1836e62f23e # docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 3d557fc1136f openshift/openldap-2441-centos7 "/usr/local/bin/run-..." About a minute ago Up 56 seconds>389/tcp,>636/tcp openldap # docker kill openldap ``` ## tests.old/test.lua This is the original test suite coming from the Kepler Project. It is a pure lua script without any dependency. The following command: ``` $ LUA_CPATH="./src/?.so" tests.old/test.lua localhost:389 dc=example,dc=com cn=person,dc=example,dc=com cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com admin ``` gives: ``` basic checking .......................... Warning! Couldn't connect with TLS. Trying again without it.................. OK ! checking compare operation ................. OK ! checking basic search operation ........................................... OK ! checking add operation .............. OK ! checking modify operation ................. OK ! checking advanced search operation .............. OK ! checking rename operation .................. OK ! checking delete operation ............... OK ! closing everything ... OK ! ``` ## tests/test.lua This is a port of the original test suite on the top of the framework [busted](http://olivinelabs.com/busted/). `busted` could generate a JUnit XML output which allows nice integration with CI. Previously, the parameters were passed by argument of the command line, now there are passed with environment variables (see `test.env`) The following command: ``` $ tests/openshift/setup.sh # one time, after starting the docker openshift $ . tests/openshift/test.env && tests/test.lua ``` gives: ``` 133 successes / 0 failures / 0 errors / 0 pending : 0.329875 seconds ``` Or via the `Makefile`, just `make check`.