# go-pretty
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Utilities to prettify console output of tables, lists, progress-bars, text, etc.
with a heavy emphasis on customization.
## Usage
The current major version of this package is __v6__, and it follows the standard
outlined [here](https://go.dev/doc/modules/version-numbers#major-version).
Run `go get github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/v6` to add this as a dependency to your
project, and import the packages in your code using one or more of these:
* `github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/v6/list`
* `github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/v6/progress`
* `github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/v6/table`
* `github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/v6/text`
## Table
Pretty-print tables in a terminal with colors, nested tables and more.
| 1 | Arya | Stark | 3000 | |
| 20 | Jon | Snow | 2000 | You know nothing, Jon Snow! |
| 300 | Tyrion | Lannister | 5000 | |
| | | TOTAL | 10000 | |
Execute `go run github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/v6/cmd/demo-table@latest colors` to get:
More details can be found here: [table/](table)
## Progress
Track the Progress of one or more Tasks like downloading multiple files in
More details can be found here: [progress/](progress)
## List
Pretty-print lists with multiple levels/indents into ASCII/Unicode strings.
╭─ Game Of Thrones
│ ├─ Winter
│ ├─ Is
│ ╰─ Coming
│ ├─ This
│ ├─ Is
│ ╰─ Known
╰─ The Dark Tower
╰─ The Gunslinger
More details can be found here: [list/](list)
## Text
Utility functions to manipulate text with or without ANSI escape sequences. Most
of the functions available are used in one or more of the other packages here.
- Align text [Horizontally](text/align.go) or [Vertically](text/valign.go)
- [Colorize](text/color.go) text
- Move [cursor](text/cursor.go)
- [Format](text/format.go) text (convert case)
- Manipulate [strings](text/string.go) (Pad, RepeatAndTrim, RuneCount, etc.)
- [Transform](text/transformer.go) text (UnixTime to human-readable-time, pretty-JSON, etc.)
- [Wrap](text/wrap.go) text
GoDoc has examples for all the available functions.
## Upgrading from v5 or less to v6 or above
If you are using a version of this library older than `v6.0.0` and want to move
to a newer version of this library, you'd have to modify the import paths from
something like:
I'd recommend you fire up your favorite IDE and do a mass search and replace for
all occurrences of `jedib0t/go-pretty/` to `jedib0t/go-pretty/v6/`. If you are
on a system with access to `find`, `grep`, `xargs` and `sed`, you could just run
the following from within your code folder to do the same:
find . -type f -name "*.go" | grep -v vendor | xargs sed -i 's/jedib0t\/go-pretty\//jedib0t\/go-pretty\/v6\//g'
If you are on MacOS, you'll have to use `sed -i ''` instead of `sed -i`.