# Generated from imap_processor-1.7.gem by gem2rpm -*- rpm-spec -*- %global gem_name imap_processor Name: rubygem-%{gem_name} Version: 1.7 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: IMAPProcessor is a client for processing messages on an IMAP server License: MIT URL: https://github.com/seattlerb/imap_processor Source0: https://rubygems.org/gems/%{gem_name}-%{version}.gem BuildRequires: ruby(release) BuildRequires: rubygems-devel BuildRequires: ruby # BuildRequires: rubygem(hoe) >= 3.22 # BuildRequires: rubygem(hoe) < 4 BuildArch: noarch %description IMAPProcessor is a client for processing messages on an IMAP server. It provides some basic mechanisms for connecting to an IMAP server, determining capabilities and handling messages. IMAPProcessor ships with several executables which can query and manipulate IMAP mailboxes in several different ways: imap_archive :: Archives old messages to a new dated mailbox. imap_cleanse :: Delete messages older than a certain age in specified mailboxes. imap_flag :: Flag messages to/from certain people. imap_idle :: Shows new messages in a mailbox. imap_keywords :: Queries an IMAP server for keywords set on messages imap_learn :: Flags messages based on what you've flagged before. imap_mkdir :: Ensures that certain mailboxes exist. %package doc Summary: Documentation for %{name} Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} BuildArch: noarch %description doc Documentation for %{name}. %prep %setup -q -n %{gem_name}-%{version} %build # Create the gem as gem install only works on a gem file gem build ../%{gem_name}-%{version}.gemspec # %%gem_install compiles any C extensions and installs the gem into ./%%gem_dir # by default, so that we can move it into the buildroot in %%install %gem_install %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir} cp -a .%{gem_dir}/* \ %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/ mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir} cp -a .%{_bindir}/* \ %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ find %{buildroot}%{gem_instdir}/bin -type f | xargs chmod a+x %check pushd .%{gem_instdir} # Run the test suite. popd %files %dir %{gem_instdir} %{_bindir}/imap_archive %{_bindir}/imap_cleanse %{_bindir}/imap_flag %{_bindir}/imap_idle %{_bindir}/imap_keywords %{_bindir}/imap_learn %{_bindir}/imap_mkdir %{gem_instdir}/.autotest %{gem_instdir}/Manifest.txt %{gem_instdir}/bin %{gem_libdir} %exclude %{gem_cache} %{gem_spec} %files doc %doc %{gem_docdir} %doc %{gem_instdir}/History.rdoc %doc %{gem_instdir}/README.rdoc %{gem_instdir}/Rakefile %{gem_instdir}/test %changelog * Tue Aug 24 2021 mockbuilder - 1.7-1 - Initial package