%bcond_without base %bcond_without next %bcond_with modular %bcond_with playground Name: epel-release Version: 9 Release: 5%{dist} Summary: Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository configuration License: GPLv2 # This is a EPEL maintained package which is specific to # our distribution. Thus the source is only available from # within this srpm. URL: http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel Source0: http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-%{version} Source1: GPL Source100: epel.repo Source101: epel-next.repo Source102: epel-modular.repo Source103: epel-playground.repo Source200: epel-testing.repo Source201: epel-next-testing.repo Source202: epel-testing-modular.repo # EPEL default preset policy (borrowed from fedora's 90-default.preset) Source300: 90-epel.preset # Add epel crb repo Source301: crb BuildArch: noarch Requires: redhat-release >= %{version} # epel-release is only for enterprise linux, not fedora Conflicts: fedora-release # crb needs config-manager to run # But only recommend it, incase people do not need crb Recommends: dnf-command(config-manager) %if %{with next} Recommends: (epel-next-release if centos-stream-release) %endif %description This package contains the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository GPG key as well as configuration for yum. %if %{with next} %package -n epel-next-release Summary: Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Next repository configuration Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description -n epel-next-release This package contains the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) Next configuration for yum. %endif %prep %setup -q -c -T install -pm 644 %{SOURCE1} . %install # GPG Key install -Dpm 644 %{SOURCE0} \ %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-%{version} # yum repo configs install -dm 755 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d %if %{with base} install -pm 644 %{SOURCE100} %{SOURCE200} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d %endif %if %{with next} install -pm 644 %{SOURCE101} %{SOURCE201} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d %endif %if %{with modular} install -pm 644 %{SOURCE102} %{SOURCE202} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d %endif %if %{with playground} install -pm 644 %{SOURCE103} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d %endif # systemd presets install -pm 644 -D %{SOURCE300} %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-preset/90-epel.preset # Add epel crb repo install -D -pm744 -t %{buildroot}%{_bindir} %{SOURCE301} %post # Doing a check to see if crb is enabled is as hard and resource intense as enabling or disabling crb. # So we will say crb is recommended, without first checking. But only on the initial install. if [ "$1" -eq 1 ] ; then echo "Many EPEL packages require the CodeReady Builder (CRB) repository." echo "It is recommended that you run %{_bindir}/crb enable to enable the CRB repository." fi %files %license GPL %if %{with base} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d/epel.repo %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d/epel-testing.repo %endif %if %{with modular} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d/epel-modular.repo %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d/epel-testing-modular.repo %endif %if %{with playground} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d/epel-playground.repo %endif %{_sysconfdir}/pki/rpm-gpg/* %{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-preset/90-epel.preset %{_bindir}/crb %if %{with next} %files -n epel-next-release %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d/epel-next.repo %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d/epel-next-testing.repo %endif %changelog * Fri Apr 14 2023 Troy Dawson - 9-5 - Tweak crb script, check os-release for RHEL (#2186721) * Tue Aug 09 2022 Troy Dawson - 9-4 - Tweak crb script, Recommends dnf-command(config-manager) (#2115602) * Wed Jun 29 2022 Troy Dawson - 9-3 - Add crb script * Wed Dec 01 2021 Carl George - 9-2 - Enable epel9 repo files * Fri Oct 08 2021 Carl George - 9-1 - Initial package for epel9-next * Fri Sep 03 2021 Mohan Boddu - 8-13 - Change the baseurl to point to source/tree for srpms * Fri Jul 30 2021 Kevin Fenzi - 8-12 - Enable certbot-renew.timer ( rhbz#1986205 ) * Thu Jun 03 2021 Carl George - 8-11 - Add epel-next-release subpackage * Sat Dec 05 2020 Kevin Fenzi - 8-10 - Add x509watch.timer enabled by default. Fixes bug #1901721 * Sat Oct 31 2020 Kevin Fenzi - 8-9 - Add countme feature for epel. Fixes bug #1825984 * Fri Dec 13 2019 Merlin Mathesius - 8-8%{dist} - Add modular repos. * Thu Oct 10 2019 Stephen Smoogen - 8-7%{dist} - Remove failovermethod from EPEL8 tree. It is no longer needed. * Mon Sep 16 2019 Stephen Smoogen - 8-6%{dist} - Change gpg key to use -8 versus -$releasever. This fixes bash problem * Tue Aug 6 2019 Stephen Smoogen - 8-5%{dist} - Fix playground release to have os/ on its name [Kevin Fenzi] - Make sure all values of $release are $releasever * Thu Aug 1 2019 Pablo Greco - 8-4 - Use the correct var for dnf to expand - Update playground source url - Remove epel-modules repo - Use https in baseurl * Thu Aug 1 2019 Stephen Smoogen - 8-3 - Make sure that the key name is named correctly * Thu Aug 1 2019 Stephen Smoogen - 8-2 - Make baseurl paths match dl.fedoraproject.org - Add draft of epel8 packaging - Fix docs * Thu Jul 18 2019 Stephen Smoogen - 8-1 - Update for RHEL-8 - Add playground repo data - Clean out 90-epel.preset to make sure we dont override RHEL-8 items. Just add items in which EPEL needs. * Mon Oct 02 2017 Kevin Fenzi - 7-11 - Add Conflicts on fedora-release to prevent people from installing on Fedora systems. Fixes bug #1497702 * Sat Jun 24 2017 Kevin Fenzi - 7-10 - Change mirrorlist= in repo files to be metalink= (as thats what they are). Fixes bug #1451212 * Tue Dec 27 2016 Kevin Fenzi - 7-9 - Add preset for drbdlinks package. Fixes bug #1405744 * Sat Jul 23 2016 Kevin Fenzi - 7-8 - Drop duplicate libstoragemgmt from presets. Fixes bug #1358971 * Fri Jun 03 2016 Kevin Fenzi - 7-7 - Drop initial-setup from presets. Fixes bug #1342511 * Wed Mar 30 2016 Jason L Tibbitts III - 7-6 - Remove macros.epel; let epel-rpm-macros handle it instead. * Tue Nov 25 2014 Rex Dieter 7-5 - fix typo in macros.epel * Fri Nov 21 2014 Rex Dieter 7-4 - add systemd 90-epel.preset * Fri Nov 21 2014 Rex Dieter 7-3 - implement %%epel macro * Tue Sep 02 2014 Kevin Fenzi 7-2 - Make repo files config(noreplace). Fixes bug #1135576 * Thu Aug 28 2014 Dennis Gilmore - 7-1 - enable gpg checking now we are out of beta * Wed Jun 18 2014 Kevin Fenzi 7-0.2 - Drop unneeded up2date post/postun - Fixed up description. - Fixes bugs #1052434 and #1093918 * Mon Dec 16 2013 Dennis Gilmore - 7-0.1 - initial epel 7 build. gpg cheking is disabled