# This RPM spec file exists primarily to enable CI/CD pipelines and automatic # testing of built RPMs. This RPM can be used as a suitable baseline for a # proper distribution package, but changes should be made to suit the needs of # the package. # # See https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/yggdrasil/blob/rawhide/f/yggdrasil.spec # for a better example of a downstream distribution packaging example. %bcond_without check %global has_go_rpm_macros (0%{?fedora}) # must be before %%gometa Version: 0.4.1 # https://github.com/redhatinsights/yggdrasil %global goipath github.com/redhatinsights/yggdrasil %global commit 403740a3c1c2f77ce883f40e6616bfbb29045612 %global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7}) %global archivename yggdrasil-%{version} %if %{has_go_rpm_macros} %gometa %{?fedora:-f} %else %global gourl https://github.com/RedHatInsights/%{name} %global gomodulesmode GO111MODULES=off %global gosource %{gourl}/releases/download/%{version}/yggdrasil-%{version}.tar.gz %global gocompilerflags "-buildmode pie -compiler gc" %endif # Manually redefine %%dist to work around an issue in COPR where the build root # that creates the srpm does not define a value for %%dist. This should *NOT* be # carried in downstream; this is strictly an upstream/COPR/CI workaround. %if "%{dist}" == "" %global dist %{distprefix}.fc%{fedora} %endif %if 0%{?fedora} %global setup_flags -Dvendor=False -Dexamples=True %else %global setup_flags -Dvendor=True -Dexamples=True %endif %global common_description %{expand: yggdrasil is a system daemon that subscribes to topics on an MQTT broker and routes any data received on the topics to an appropriate child "worker" process, exchanging data with its worker processes through a D-Bus message broker.} %global golicenses LICENSE %global godocs CONTRIBUTING.md README.md Name: yggdrasil Release: 0%{?dist} Summary: Remote data transmission and processing client License: GPL-3.0-only URL: %{gourl} Source: %{gosource} BuildRequires: systemd-rpm-macros BuildRequires: meson BuildRequires: pkgconfig(dbus-1) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(bash-completion) BuildRequires: golang >= 1.18 %description %{common_description} %if %{has_go_rpm_macros} %gopkg %endif %prep %if %{has_go_rpm_macros} %goprep %{?rhel:-k} %else %autosetup %endif %if 0%{?fedora} %generate_buildrequires %go_generate_buildrequires %endif %build %undefine _auto_set_build_flags export %gomodulesmode %{?gobuilddir:export GOPATH="%{gobuilddir}:${GOPATH:+${GOPATH}:}%{?gopath}"} %meson %setup_flags "-Dgobuildflags=[%(echo %{expand:%gocompilerflags} | sed -e s/"^"/"'"/ -e s/" "/"', '"/g -e s/"$"/"'"/), '-tags', '"rpm_crashtraceback\ ${BUILDTAGS:-}"', '-a', '-v', '-x']" -Dgoldflags='%{?currentgoldflags} -B 0x%(head -c20 /dev/urandom|od -An -tx1|tr -d " \n") -compressdwarf=false -linkmode=external -extldflags "%{build_ldflags} %{?__golang_extldflags}"' %meson_build %global gosupfiles ./ipc/com.redhat.Yggdrasil1.Dispatcher1.xml ./ipc/com.redhat.Yggdrasil1.Worker1.xml %install %meson_install %if %{has_go_rpm_macros} %gopkginstall %endif %if %{with check} %check %if %{has_go_rpm_macros} %gocheck %else %meson_test %endif %endif %files %license LICENSE %doc CONTRIBUTING.md README.md %{_bindir}/* %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/* %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name} %{_unitdir}/* %{_userunitdir}/* %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/* %{_datadir}/dbus-1/{interfaces,system-services,system.d}/* %{_datadir}/doc/%{name}/* %{_mandir}/man1/* %if %{has_go_rpm_macros} %gopkgfiles %endif