Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.

You can reproduce this build on your computer by running:

  sudo dnf install copr-rpmbuild
  /usr/bin/copr-rpmbuild --verbose --drop-resultdir --srpm --task-url https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/backend/get-srpm-build-task/8766766

Version: 1.2
PID: 9047
Logging PID: 9048
{'appstream': False,
 'background': True,
 'build_id': 8766766,
 'chroot': None,
 'package_name': '389-ds-base',
 'project_dirname': '389-ds-base-nightly',
 'project_name': '389-ds-base-nightly',
 'project_owner': '@389ds',
 'repos': [],
 'sandbox': '@389ds/389-ds-base-nightly--https://api.github.com/users/mreynolds389',
 'source_json': {'clone_url': 'https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base.git',
                 'committish': 'e21c31b7fd30cb31cdb886a84450a5b5f395ffac',
                 'spec': '',
                 'srpm_build_method': 'make_srpm',
                 'subdirectory': '',
                 'type': 'git'},
 'source_type': 8,
 'submitter': 'https://api.github.com/users/mreynolds389',
 'task_id': '8766766'}

Running: git clone https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base.git /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base --depth 500 --no-single-branch --recursive

cmd: ['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base.git', '/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base', '--depth', '500', '--no-single-branch', '--recursive']
cwd: .
rc: 0
stderr: Cloning into '/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base'...

Running: git checkout e21c31b7fd30cb31cdb886a84450a5b5f395ffac --

cmd: ['git', 'checkout', 'e21c31b7fd30cb31cdb886a84450a5b5f395ffac', '--']
cwd: /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base
rc: 0
stderr: Note: switching to 'e21c31b7fd30cb31cdb886a84450a5b5f395ffac'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at e21c31b7f Issue 6663 - RFE - Add option to write error log in JSON

Running: mock --uniqueext 1741905286.920755 -r /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j/mock-source-build.cfg '--plugin-option=bind_mount:dirs=(("/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-mro4ynbm", "/mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm"), ("/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j", "/mnt/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j"))' --chroot 'set -x && cd /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base && echo -e "[safe]
directory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base
directory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/*" > ~/.gitconfig && make -f /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/.copr/Makefile srpm outdir="/mnt/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j" spec="/mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base"'

cmd: ['mock', '--uniqueext', '1741905286.920755', '-r', '/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j/mock-source-build.cfg', '--plugin-option=bind_mount:dirs=(("/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-mro4ynbm", "/mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm"), ("/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j", "/mnt/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j"))', '--chroot', 'set -x && cd /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base && echo -e "[safe]\ndirectory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base\ndirectory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/*" > ~/.gitconfig && make -f /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/.copr/Makefile srpm outdir="/mnt/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j" spec="/mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base"']
cwd: /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base
rc: 0
stdout: + cd /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base
+ echo -e '[safe]
directory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base
directory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/*'
+ make -f /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/.copr/Makefile srpm outdir=/mnt/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j spec=/mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base
# Install dependencies to generate srpm
dnf install -y git rsync bzip2 rpm-build cargo rust npm make python3-argcomplete
Updating and loading repositories:
 updates                                100% |  50.6 KiB/s |  14.6 KiB |  00m00s
 fedora                                 100% | 109.4 KiB/s |  16.0 KiB |  00m00s
Repositories loaded.
Package "bzip2-1.0.8-19.fc41.aarch64" is already installed.
Package "rpm-build-4.20.0-1.fc41.aarch64" is already installed.
Package "make-1:4.4.1-8.fc41.aarch64" is already installed.

Package                 Arch    Version                   Repository      Size
 cargo                  aarch64 1.85.0-1.fc41             updates     17.0 MiB
 git                    aarch64 2.48.1-1.fc41             updates     85.3 KiB
 nodejs-npm             aarch64 1:10.9.2- updates      9.3 MiB
 python3-argcomplete    noarch  3.5.3-1.fc41              updates    314.0 KiB
 rsync                  aarch64 3.4.1-1.fc41              updates    813.8 KiB
 rust                   aarch64 1.85.0-1.fc41             updates     73.2 MiB
Installing dependencies:
 annobin-docs           noarch  12.69-1.fc41              fedora      97.7 KiB
 annobin-plugin-gcc     aarch64 12.69-1.fc41              fedora       1.1 MiB
 cpp                    aarch64 14.2.1-7.fc41             updates     31.4 MiB
 expat                  aarch64 2.6.4-1.fc41              updates    349.0 KiB
 gcc                    aarch64 14.2.1-7.fc41             updates     91.9 MiB
 gcc-plugin-annobin     aarch64 14.2.1-7.fc41             updates     67.5 KiB
 git-core               aarch64 2.48.1-1.fc41             updates     22.3 MiB
 git-core-doc           noarch  2.48.1-1.fc41             updates     17.4 MiB
 glibc-devel            aarch64 2.40-22.fc41              updates      2.2 MiB
 groff-base             aarch64 1.23.0-7.fc41             fedora       5.2 MiB
 kernel-headers         aarch64 6.13.3-200.fc41           updates      6.4 MiB
 less                   aarch64 668-1.fc41                updates    550.1 KiB
 libasan                aarch64 14.2.1-7.fc41             updates      1.5 MiB
 libatomic              aarch64 14.2.1-7.fc41             updates     66.1 KiB
 libb2                  aarch64 0.98.1-12.fc41            fedora     202.2 KiB
 libcbor                aarch64 0.11.0-2.fc41             fedora     202.0 KiB
 libedit                aarch64 3.1-54.20250104cvs.fc41   updates    275.3 KiB
 libfido2               aarch64 1.15.0-2.fc41             fedora     342.4 KiB
 libgit2_1.8            aarch64 1.8.4-1.fc41              updates      1.3 MiB
 libmpc                 aarch64 1.3.1-6.fc41              fedora     280.8 KiB
 libssh2                aarch64 1.11.0-8.fc41             fedora     333.7 KiB
 libubsan               aarch64 14.2.1-7.fc41             updates    460.6 KiB
 libuv                  aarch64 1:1.50.0-1.fc41           updates    604.3 KiB
 libxcrypt-devel        aarch64 4.4.38-6.fc41             updates     30.8 KiB
 llhttp                 aarch64 9.2.1-2.fc41              fedora     196.7 KiB
 llvm-libs              aarch64 19.1.7-3.fc41             updates    115.2 MiB
 mpdecimal              aarch64 2.5.1-16.fc41             fedora     328.9 KiB
 ncurses                aarch64 6.5-2.20240629.fc41       fedora       1.7 MiB
 nodejs                 aarch64 1:22.14.0-2.fc41          updates    189.6 KiB
 nodejs-libs            aarch64 1:22.14.0-2.fc41          updates     71.5 MiB
 openssh                aarch64 9.9p1-3.fc41              updates      1.4 MiB
 openssh-clients        aarch64 9.9p1-3.fc41              updates      2.8 MiB
 perl-AutoLoader        noarch  5.74-514.fc41             updates     20.5 KiB
 perl-B                 aarch64 1.89-514.fc41             updates    542.1 KiB
 perl-Carp              noarch  1.54-511.fc41             fedora      46.6 KiB
 perl-Class-Struct      noarch  0.68-514.fc41             updates     25.4 KiB
 perl-Data-Dumper       aarch64 2.189-512.fc41            fedora     263.8 KiB
 perl-Digest            noarch  1.20-511.fc41             fedora      35.3 KiB
 perl-Digest-MD5        aarch64 2.59-5.fc41               fedora     231.9 KiB
 perl-DynaLoader        aarch64 1.56-514.fc41             updates     32.1 KiB
 perl-Encode            aarch64 4:3.21-511.fc41           fedora       5.9 MiB
 perl-Errno             aarch64 1.38-514.fc41             updates      8.3 KiB
 perl-Error             noarch  1:0.17029-16.fc41         fedora      77.3 KiB
 perl-Exporter          noarch  5.78-511.fc41             fedora      54.3 KiB
 perl-Fcntl             aarch64 1.18-514.fc41             updates     93.1 KiB
 perl-File-Basename     noarch  2.86-514.fc41             updates     14.0 KiB
 perl-File-Find         noarch  1.44-514.fc41             updates     41.9 KiB
 perl-File-Path         noarch  2.18-511.fc41             fedora      63.5 KiB
 perl-File-Temp         noarch  1:0.231.100-511.fc41      fedora     162.3 KiB
 perl-File-stat         noarch  1.14-514.fc41             updates     12.5 KiB
 perl-FileHandle        noarch  2.05-514.fc41             updates      9.3 KiB
 perl-Getopt-Long       noarch  1:2.58-2.fc41             fedora     144.5 KiB
 perl-Getopt-Std        noarch  1.14-514.fc41             updates     11.2 KiB
 perl-Git               noarch  2.48.1-1.fc41             updates     64.0 KiB
 perl-HTTP-Tiny         noarch  0.090-1.fc41              updates    154.4 KiB
 perl-IO                aarch64 1.55-514.fc41             updates    191.1 KiB
 perl-IO-Socket-IP      noarch  0.43-1.fc41               updates    100.3 KiB
 perl-IO-Socket-SSL     noarch  2.089-1.fc41              fedora     703.3 KiB
 perl-IPC-Open3         noarch  1.22-514.fc41             updates     22.5 KiB
 perl-MIME-Base32       noarch  1.303-21.fc41             fedora      30.7 KiB
 perl-MIME-Base64       aarch64 3.16-511.fc41             fedora     222.2 KiB
 perl-Net-SSLeay        aarch64 1.94-7.fc41               fedora       1.4 MiB
 perl-POSIX             aarch64 2.20-514.fc41             updates    263.2 KiB
 perl-PathTools         aarch64 3.91-512.fc41             updates    224.2 KiB
 perl-Pod-Escapes       noarch  1:1.07-511.fc41           fedora      24.9 KiB
 perl-Pod-Perldoc       noarch  3.28.01-512.fc41          fedora     163.7 KiB
 perl-Pod-Simple        noarch  1:3.45-511.fc41           fedora     560.9 KiB
 perl-Pod-Usage         noarch  4:2.03-511.fc41           fedora      84.8 KiB
 perl-Scalar-List-Utils aarch64 5:1.68-1.fc41             updates    152.9 KiB
 perl-SelectSaver       noarch  1.02-514.fc41             updates      2.2 KiB
 perl-Socket            aarch64 4:2.038-511.fc41          fedora     272.1 KiB
 perl-Storable          aarch64 1:3.32-511.fc41           fedora     372.5 KiB
 perl-Symbol            noarch  1.09-514.fc41             updates      6.8 KiB
 perl-Term-ANSIColor    noarch  5.01-512.fc41             fedora      97.5 KiB
 perl-Term-Cap          noarch  1.18-511.fc41             fedora      29.3 KiB
 perl-TermReadKey       aarch64 2.38-23.fc41              fedora     236.2 KiB
 perl-Text-ParseWords   noarch  3.31-511.fc41             fedora      13.6 KiB
 perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap    noarch  2024.001-511.fc41         fedora      22.6 KiB
 perl-Time-Local        noarch  2:1.350-511.fc41          fedora      69.0 KiB
 perl-URI               noarch  5.30-1.fc41               fedora     256.9 KiB
 perl-base              noarch  2.27-514.fc41             updates     12.5 KiB
 perl-constant          noarch  1.33-512.fc41             fedora      26.2 KiB
 perl-if                noarch  0.61.000-514.fc41         updates      5.8 KiB
 perl-interpreter       aarch64 4:5.40.1-514.fc41         updates    174.3 KiB
 perl-lib               aarch64 0.65-514.fc41             updates      8.5 KiB
 perl-libnet            noarch  3.15-512.fc41             fedora     289.4 KiB
 perl-libs              aarch64 4:5.40.1-514.fc41         updates      9.9 MiB
 perl-locale            noarch  1.12-514.fc41             updates      6.5 KiB
 perl-mro               aarch64 1.29-514.fc41             updates     81.7 KiB
 perl-overload          noarch  1.37-514.fc41             updates     71.5 KiB
 perl-overloading       noarch  0.02-514.fc41             updates      4.8 KiB
 perl-parent            noarch  1:0.242-1.fc41            fedora      10.0 KiB
 perl-podlators         noarch  1:6.0.2-2.fc41            fedora     317.5 KiB
 perl-vars              noarch  1.05-514.fc41             updates      3.9 KiB
 python-pip-wheel       noarch  24.2-1.fc41               fedora       1.2 MiB
 python3                aarch64 3.13.2-1.fc41             updates     83.8 KiB
 python3-libs           aarch64 3.13.2-1.fc41             updates     42.3 MiB
 rust-std-static        aarch64 1.85.0-1.fc41             updates    146.0 MiB
 tzdata                 noarch  2025a-1.fc41              updates      1.6 MiB

Transaction Summary:
 Installing:       105 packages

Total size of inbound packages is 196 MiB. Need to download 196 MiB.
After this operation, 694 MiB extra will be used (install 694 MiB, remove 0 B).
[  1/105] git-0:2.48.1-1.fc41.aarch64   100% |   3.9 MiB/s |  51.7 KiB |  00m00s
[  2/105] rsync-0:3.4.1-1.fc41.aarch64  100% |  19.9 MiB/s | 408.2 KiB |  00m00s
[  3/105] cargo-0:1.85.0-1.fc41.aarch64 100% | 142.2 MiB/s |   6.0 MiB |  00m00s
[  4/105] python3-argcomplete-0:3.5.3-1 100% |  47.5 MiB/s |  97.3 KiB |  00m00s
[  5/105] nodejs-npm-1:10.9.2- 100% |  88.4 MiB/s |   2.4 MiB |  00m00s
[  6/105] git-core-0:2.48.1-1.fc41.aarc 100% | 297.4 MiB/s |   4.8 MiB |  00m00s
[  7/105] git-core-doc-0:2.48.1-1.fc41. 100% | 136.2 MiB/s |   3.0 MiB |  00m00s
[  8/105] perl-Git-0:2.48.1-1.fc41.noar 100% |   4.7 MiB/s |  38.4 KiB |  00m00s
[  9/105] perl-Getopt-Long-1:2.58-2.fc4 100% |  31.2 MiB/s |  63.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 10/105] perl-TermReadKey-0:2.38-23.fc 100% |  17.5 MiB/s |  35.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 11/105] libssh2-0:1.11.0-8.fc41.aarch 100% |  42.0 MiB/s | 129.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 12/105] nodejs-1:22.14.0-2.fc41.aarch 100% |   5.1 MiB/s |  46.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 13/105] perl-Error-1:0.17029-16.fc41. 100% |  13.2 MiB/s |  40.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 14/105] perl-Exporter-0:5.78-511.fc41 100% |  10.1 MiB/s |  30.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 15/105] perl-constant-0:1.33-512.fc41 100% |  11.2 MiB/s |  23.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 16/105] perl-Pod-Usage-4:2.03-511.fc4 100% |   9.8 MiB/s |  40.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 17/105] perl-Text-ParseWords-0:3.31-5 100% |   4.0 MiB/s |  16.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 18/105] libuv-1:1.50.0-1.fc41.aarch64 100% |  85.5 MiB/s | 262.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 19/105] rust-std-static-0:1.85.0-1.fc 100% | 199.3 MiB/s |  37.3 MiB |  00m00s
[ 20/105] rust-0:1.85.0-1.fc41.aarch64  100% |  86.9 MiB/s |  24.5 MiB |  00m00s
[ 21/105] nodejs-libs-1:22.14.0-2.fc41. 100% |  90.2 MiB/s |  18.5 MiB |  00m00s
[ 22/105] perl-Carp-0:1.54-511.fc41.noa 100% | 555.6 KiB/s |  28.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 23/105] perl-Pod-Perldoc-0:3.28.01-51 100% |   4.4 MiB/s |  86.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 24/105] perl-podlators-1:6.0.2-2.fc41 100% |  62.9 MiB/s | 128.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 25/105] groff-base-0:1.23.0-7.fc41.aa 100% | 215.0 MiB/s |   1.1 MiB |  00m00s
[ 26/105] perl-Encode-4:3.21-511.fc41.a 100% | 130.1 MiB/s |   1.0 MiB |  00m00s
[ 27/105] perl-File-Temp-1:0.231.100-51 100% |   8.2 MiB/s |  59.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 28/105] perl-Pod-Simple-1:3.45-511.fc 100% |  42.8 MiB/s | 219.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 29/105] perl-parent-1:0.242-1.fc41.no 100% |   4.9 MiB/s |  15.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 30/105] perl-Term-ANSIColor-0:5.01-51 100% |  15.5 MiB/s |  47.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 31/105] perl-Term-Cap-0:1.18-511.fc41 100% |  10.8 MiB/s |  22.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 32/105] perl-Storable-1:3.32-511.fc41 100% |  47.6 MiB/s |  97.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 33/105] perl-MIME-Base64-0:3.16-511.f 100% |   2.7 MiB/s |  30.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 34/105] perl-File-Path-0:2.18-511.fc4 100% |   3.1 MiB/s |  35.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 35/105] perl-Pod-Escapes-1:1.07-511.f 100% |   1.9 MiB/s |  19.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 36/105] perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-0:2024.00 100% |   3.0 MiB/s |  21.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 37/105] ncurses-0:6.5-2.20240629.fc41 100% |  82.5 MiB/s | 422.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 38/105] perl-File-Basename-0:2.86-514 100% |   3.3 MiB/s |  17.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 39/105] perl-POSIX-0:2.20-514.fc41.aa 100% |  18.9 MiB/s |  97.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 40/105] perl-libs-4:5.40.1-514.fc41.a 100% | 207.0 MiB/s |   2.3 MiB |  00m00s
[ 41/105] perl-Errno-0:1.38-514.fc41.aa 100% |   2.1 MiB/s |  14.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 42/105] perl-interpreter-4:5.40.1-514 100% |   6.4 MiB/s |  72.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 43/105] perl-PathTools-0:3.91-512.fc4 100% |  28.4 MiB/s |  87.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 44/105] perl-DynaLoader-0:1.56-514.fc 100% |   8.4 MiB/s |  25.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 45/105] perl-vars-0:1.05-514.fc41.noa 100% |   3.1 MiB/s |  12.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 46/105] perl-Fcntl-0:1.18-514.fc41.aa 100% |   9.7 MiB/s |  29.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 47/105] perl-IO-0:1.55-514.fc41.aarch 100% |  26.6 MiB/s |  81.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 48/105] perl-Socket-4:2.038-511.fc41. 100% |  27.1 MiB/s |  55.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 49/105] perl-Symbol-0:1.09-514.fc41.n 100% |  13.7 MiB/s |  14.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 50/105] perl-if-0:0.61.000-514.fc41.n 100% |  13.5 MiB/s |  13.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 51/105] perl-overload-0:1.37-514.fc41 100% |  44.3 MiB/s |  45.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 52/105] perl-HTTP-Tiny-0:0.090-1.fc41 100% |  55.1 MiB/s |  56.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 53/105] perl-IO-Socket-SSL-0:2.089-1. 100% | 112.9 MiB/s | 231.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 54/105] perl-Net-SSLeay-0:1.94-7.fc41 100% |  91.7 MiB/s | 375.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 55/105] perl-Time-Local-2:1.350-511.f 100% |   6.7 MiB/s |  34.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 56/105] perl-URI-0:5.30-1.fc41.noarch 100% |  34.4 MiB/s | 140.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 57/105] perl-Data-Dumper-0:2.189-512. 100% |  26.9 MiB/s |  55.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 58/105] perl-MIME-Base32-0:1.303-21.f 100% |  20.0 MiB/s |  20.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 59/105] perl-libnet-0:3.15-512.fc41.n 100% | 125.5 MiB/s | 128.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 60/105] perl-Digest-MD5-0:2.59-5.fc41 100% |  35.2 MiB/s |  36.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 61/105] perl-Digest-0:1.20-511.fc41.n 100% |  24.3 MiB/s |  24.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 62/105] perl-IPC-Open3-0:1.22-514.fc4 100% |  21.2 MiB/s |  21.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 63/105] perl-AutoLoader-0:5.74-514.fc 100% |  20.6 MiB/s |  21.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 64/105] perl-IO-Socket-IP-0:0.43-1.fc 100% |  41.2 MiB/s |  42.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 65/105] perl-base-0:2.27-514.fc41.noa 100% |  15.7 MiB/s |  16.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 66/105] perl-Scalar-List-Utils-5:1.68 100% |  35.7 MiB/s |  73.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 67/105] perl-Getopt-Std-0:1.14-514.fc 100% |  15.2 MiB/s |  15.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 68/105] perl-B-0:1.89-514.fc41.aarch6 100% |  86.3 MiB/s | 176.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 69/105] glibc-devel-0:2.40-22.fc41.aa 100% | 148.1 MiB/s | 606.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 70/105] libmpc-0:1.3.1-6.fc41.aarch64 100% |  14.2 MiB/s |  72.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 71/105] cpp-0:14.2.1-7.fc41.aarch64   100% | 116.9 MiB/s |  10.4 MiB |  00m00s
[ 72/105] python3-0:3.13.2-1.fc41.aarch 100% |   1.4 MiB/s |  28.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 73/105] python3-libs-0:3.13.2-1.fc41. 100% | 176.0 MiB/s |   9.0 MiB |  00m00s
[ 74/105] llvm-libs-0:19.1.7-3.fc41.aar 100% | 157.2 MiB/s |  29.4 MiB |  00m00s
[ 75/105] gcc-0:14.2.1-7.fc41.aarch64   100% | 144.4 MiB/s |  33.1 MiB |  00m00s
[ 76/105] libb2-0:0.98.1-12.fc41.aarch6 100% | 377.9 KiB/s |  24.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 77/105] mpdecimal-0:2.5.1-16.fc41.aar 100% |   2.6 MiB/s |  89.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 78/105] perl-overloading-0:0.02-514.f 100% |  12.5 MiB/s |  12.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 79/105] python-pip-wheel-0:24.2-1.fc4 100% | 240.4 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
[ 80/105] perl-mro-0:1.29-514.fc41.aarc 100% |   5.7 MiB/s |  29.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 81/105] perl-locale-0:1.12-514.fc41.n 100% |  13.2 MiB/s |  13.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 82/105] perl-File-stat-0:1.14-514.fc4 100% |  16.5 MiB/s |  16.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 83/105] perl-SelectSaver-0:1.02-514.f 100% |   5.7 MiB/s |  11.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 84/105] perl-Class-Struct-0:0.68-514. 100% |  10.7 MiB/s |  21.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 85/105] libedit-0:3.1-54.20250104cvs. 100% |  49.1 MiB/s | 100.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 86/105] libxcrypt-devel-0:4.4.38-6.fc 100% |  14.3 MiB/s |  29.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 87/105] expat-0:2.6.4-1.fc41.aarch64  100% |  54.5 MiB/s | 111.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 88/105] less-0:668-1.fc41.aarch64     100% |  92.9 MiB/s | 190.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 89/105] openssh-clients-0:9.9p1-3.fc4 100% | 185.4 MiB/s | 759.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 90/105] openssh-0:9.9p1-3.fc41.aarch6 100% |  85.1 MiB/s | 348.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 91/105] libfido2-0:1.15.0-2.fc41.aarc 100% |  47.4 MiB/s |  97.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 92/105] kernel-headers-0:6.13.3-200.f 100% | 124.0 MiB/s |   1.6 MiB |  00m00s
[ 93/105] libcbor-0:0.11.0-2.fc41.aarch 100% |  10.7 MiB/s |  32.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 94/105] perl-File-Find-0:1.44-514.fc4 100% |  12.3 MiB/s |  25.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 95/105] perl-lib-0:0.65-514.fc41.aarc 100% |  14.4 MiB/s |  14.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 96/105] libatomic-0:14.2.1-7.fc41.aar 100% |  44.3 MiB/s |  45.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 97/105] libasan-0:14.2.1-7.fc41.aarch 100% | 115.5 MiB/s | 473.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 98/105] perl-FileHandle-0:2.05-514.fc 100% |   7.5 MiB/s |  15.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 99/105] libubsan-0:14.2.1-7.fc41.aarc 100% |  40.6 MiB/s | 208.0 KiB |  00m00s
[100/105] tzdata-0:2025a-1.fc41.noarch  100% | 139.3 MiB/s | 713.3 KiB |  00m00s
[101/105] libgit2_1.8-0:1.8.4-1.fc41.aa 100% |  86.3 MiB/s | 530.1 KiB |  00m00s
[102/105] llhttp-0:9.2.1-2.fc41.aarch64 100% |   6.4 MiB/s |  32.7 KiB |  00m00s
[103/105] gcc-plugin-annobin-0:14.2.1-7 100% |  14.2 MiB/s |  58.1 KiB |  00m00s
[104/105] annobin-docs-0:12.69-1.fc41.n 100% |  29.9 MiB/s |  91.8 KiB |  00m00s
[105/105] annobin-plugin-gcc-0:12.69-1. 100% | 105.4 MiB/s | 971.3 KiB |  00m00s
[105/105] Total                         100% | 183.9 MiB/s | 195.5 MiB |  00m01s
Running transaction
[  1/107] Verify package files          100% | 157.0   B/s | 105.0   B |  00m01s
[  2/107] Prepare transaction           100% |   1.0 KiB/s | 105.0   B |  00m00s
[  3/107] Installing expat-0:2.6.4-1.fc 100% | 171.4 MiB/s | 351.1 KiB |  00m00s
[  4/107] Installing libedit-0:3.1-54.2 100% | 135.2 MiB/s | 277.0 KiB |  00m00s
[  5/107] Installing libmpc-0:1.3.1-6.f 100% | 275.7 MiB/s | 282.3 KiB |  00m00s
[  6/107] Installing libuv-1:1.50.0-1.f 100% | 296.4 MiB/s | 607.1 KiB |  00m00s
[  7/107] Installing libssh2-0:1.11.0-8 100% | 163.8 MiB/s | 335.4 KiB |  00m00s
[  8/107] Installing nodejs-libs-1:22.1 100% | 378.2 MiB/s |  71.5 MiB |  00m00s
[  9/107] Installing nodejs-1:22.14.0-2 100% |  93.6 MiB/s | 191.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 10/107] Installing cpp-0:14.2.1-7.fc4 100% | 308.1 MiB/s |  31.4 MiB |  00m00s
[ 11/107] Installing llvm-libs-0:19.1.7 100% | 368.0 MiB/s | 115.2 MiB |  00m00s
[ 12/107] Installing annobin-docs-0:12. 100% |  96.5 MiB/s |  98.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 13/107] Installing llhttp-0:9.2.1-2.f 100% | 193.2 MiB/s | 197.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 14/107] Installing libgit2_1.8-0:1.8. 100% | 157.7 MiB/s |   1.3 MiB |  00m00s
[ 15/107] Installing tzdata-0:2025a-1.f 100% |  41.0 MiB/s |   1.9 MiB |  00m00s
[ 16/107] Installing libubsan-0:14.2.1- 100% | 225.3 MiB/s | 461.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 17/107] Installing libatomic-0:14.2.1 100% |  65.2 MiB/s |  66.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 18/107] Installing libasan-0:14.2.1-7 100% | 378.2 MiB/s |   1.5 MiB |  00m00s
[ 19/107] Installing libcbor-0:0.11.0-2 100% | 198.6 MiB/s | 203.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 20/107] Installing libfido2-0:1.15.0- 100% | 167.9 MiB/s | 343.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 21/107] Installing openssh-0:9.9p1-3. 100% | 276.3 MiB/s |   1.4 MiB |  00m00s
[ 22/107] Installing openssh-clients-0: 100% | 188.0 MiB/s |   2.8 MiB |  00m00s
[ 23/107] Installing less-0:668-1.fc41. 100% | 135.1 MiB/s | 553.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 24/107] Installing git-core-0:2.48.1- 100% | 342.9 MiB/s |  22.3 MiB |  00m00s
[ 25/107] Installing git-core-doc-0:2.4 100% | 258.9 MiB/s |  17.6 MiB |  00m00s
[ 26/107] Installing kernel-headers-0:6 100% | 151.9 MiB/s |   6.5 MiB |  00m00s
[ 27/107] Installing libxcrypt-devel-0: 100% |  10.8 MiB/s |  33.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 28/107] Installing glibc-devel-0:2.40 100% | 120.2 MiB/s |   2.3 MiB |  00m00s
[ 29/107] Installing gcc-0:14.2.1-7.fc4 100% | 362.0 MiB/s |  92.0 MiB |  00m00s
[ 30/107] Installing rust-std-static-0: 100% | 405.6 MiB/s | 146.0 MiB |  00m00s
[ 31/107] Installing rust-0:1.85.0-1.fc 100% | 342.1 MiB/s |  73.2 MiB |  00m00s
[ 32/107] Installing python-pip-wheel-0 100% | 620.8 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
[ 33/107] Installing mpdecimal-0:2.5.1- 100% | 322.3 MiB/s | 330.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 34/107] Installing libb2-0:0.98.1-12. 100% |  33.1 MiB/s | 203.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 35/107] Installing python3-libs-0:3.1 100% | 271.5 MiB/s |  42.6 MiB |  00m00s
[ 36/107] Installing python3-0:3.13.2-1 100% |  83.5 MiB/s |  85.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 37/107] Installing ncurses-0:6.5-2.20 100% | 129.9 MiB/s |   1.7 MiB |  00m00s
[ 38/107] Installing groff-base-0:1.23. 100% | 185.7 MiB/s |   5.2 MiB |  00m00s
[ 39/107] Installing perl-Digest-0:1.20 100% |  36.2 MiB/s |  37.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 40/107] Installing perl-Digest-MD5-0: 100% | 114.1 MiB/s | 233.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 41/107] Installing perl-B-0:1.89-514. 100% | 177.6 MiB/s | 545.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 42/107] Installing perl-FileHandle-0: 100% |   0.0   B/s |   9.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 43/107] Installing perl-MIME-Base32-0 100% |  31.4 MiB/s |  32.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 44/107] Installing perl-Data-Dumper-0 100% | 259.4 MiB/s | 265.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 45/107] Installing perl-libnet-0:3.15 100% | 143.9 MiB/s | 294.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 46/107] Installing perl-AutoLoader-0: 100% |   0.0   B/s |  20.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 47/107] Installing perl-IO-Socket-IP- 100% |  99.8 MiB/s | 102.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 48/107] Installing perl-URI-0:5.30-1. 100% |  65.8 MiB/s | 269.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 49/107] Installing perl-Text-Tabs+Wra 100% |  23.3 MiB/s |  23.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 50/107] Installing perl-Pod-Escapes-1 100% |  25.3 MiB/s |  25.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 51/107] Installing perl-if-0:0.61.000 100% |   0.0   B/s |   6.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 52/107] Installing perl-Time-Local-2: 100% |  68.9 MiB/s |  70.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 53/107] Installing perl-Net-SSLeay-0: 100% | 204.7 MiB/s |   1.4 MiB |  00m00s
[ 54/107] Installing perl-File-Path-0:2 100% |  63.0 MiB/s |  64.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 55/107] Installing perl-locale-0:1.12 100% |   0.0   B/s |   6.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 56/107] Installing perl-IO-Socket-SSL 100% | 230.3 MiB/s | 707.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 57/107] Installing perl-Term-ANSIColo 100% |  96.9 MiB/s |  99.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 58/107] Installing perl-Term-Cap-0:1. 100% |  29.9 MiB/s |  30.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 59/107] Installing perl-POSIX-0:2.20- 100% | 258.3 MiB/s | 264.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 60/107] Installing perl-File-Temp-1:0 100% | 160.2 MiB/s | 164.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 61/107] Installing perl-IPC-Open3-0:1 100% |   0.0   B/s |  23.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 62/107] Installing perl-Class-Struct- 100% |   0.0   B/s |  25.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 63/107] Installing perl-HTTP-Tiny-0:0 100% | 152.8 MiB/s | 156.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 64/107] Installing perl-Pod-Simple-1: 100% | 185.7 MiB/s | 570.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 65/107] Installing perl-Socket-4:2.03 100% | 133.9 MiB/s | 274.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 66/107] Installing perl-Symbol-0:1.09 100% |   0.0   B/s |   7.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 67/107] Installing perl-SelectSaver-0 100% |   0.0   B/s |   2.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 68/107] Installing perl-File-stat-0:1 100% |   0.0   B/s |  13.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 69/107] Installing perl-Pod-Perldoc-0 100% |  82.6 MiB/s | 169.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 70/107] Installing perl-podlators-1:6 100% | 157.0 MiB/s | 321.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 71/107] Installing perl-Text-ParseWor 100% |   0.0   B/s |  14.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 72/107] Installing perl-Fcntl-0:1.18- 100% |  92.0 MiB/s |  94.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 73/107] Installing perl-base-0:2.27-5 100% |   0.0   B/s |  12.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 74/107] Installing perl-mro-0:1.29-51 100% |  80.8 MiB/s |  82.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 75/107] Installing perl-overloading-0 100% |   5.4 MiB/s |   5.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 76/107] Installing perl-IO-0:1.55-514 100% |  95.4 MiB/s | 195.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 77/107] Installing perl-Pod-Usage-4:2 100% |  84.3 MiB/s |  86.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 78/107] Installing perl-constant-0:1. 100% |  26.7 MiB/s |  27.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 79/107] Installing perl-parent-1:0.24 100% |   0.0   B/s |  10.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 80/107] Installing perl-MIME-Base64-0 100% | 219.2 MiB/s | 224.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 81/107] Installing perl-File-Basename 100% |   0.0   B/s |  14.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 82/107] Installing perl-Errno-0:1.38- 100% |   0.0   B/s |   8.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 83/107] Installing perl-vars-0:1.05-5 100% |   0.0   B/s |   4.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 84/107] Installing perl-Scalar-List-U 100% |  76.5 MiB/s | 156.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 85/107] Installing perl-Getopt-Std-0: 100% |   0.0   B/s |  11.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 86/107] Installing perl-overload-0:1. 100% |   0.0   B/s |  71.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 87/107] Installing perl-Storable-1:3. 100% | 182.6 MiB/s | 374.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 88/107] Installing perl-Getopt-Long-1 100% | 143.8 MiB/s | 147.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 89/107] Installing perl-Exporter-0:5. 100% |  54.3 MiB/s |  55.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 90/107] Installing perl-Carp-0:1.54-5 100% |  46.6 MiB/s |  47.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 91/107] Installing perl-DynaLoader-0: 100% |   0.0   B/s |  32.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 92/107] Installing perl-PathTools-0:3 100% | 111.7 MiB/s | 228.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 93/107] Installing perl-Encode-4:3.21 100% | 310.9 MiB/s |   5.9 MiB |  00m00s
[ 94/107] Installing perl-libs-4:5.40.1 100% | 213.2 MiB/s |  10.0 MiB |  00m00s
[ 95/107] Installing perl-interpreter-4 100% | 171.8 MiB/s | 176.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 96/107] Installing perl-TermReadKey-0 100% | 232.8 MiB/s | 238.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 97/107] Installing perl-Error-1:0.170 100% |  78.6 MiB/s |  80.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 98/107] Installing perl-File-Find-0:1 100% |   0.0   B/s |  42.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 99/107] Installing perl-lib-0:0.65-51 100% |   0.0   B/s |   8.9 KiB |  00m00s
[100/107] Installing perl-Git-0:2.48.1- 100% |  63.5 MiB/s |  65.0 KiB |  00m00s
[101/107] Installing git-0:2.48.1-1.fc4 100% |  85.4 MiB/s |  87.5 KiB |  00m00s
[102/107] Installing python3-argcomplet 100% |  80.0 MiB/s | 327.8 KiB |  00m00s
[103/107] Installing cargo-0:1.85.0-1.f 100% | 321.8 MiB/s |  17.1 MiB |  00m00s
[104/107] Installing gcc-plugin-annobin 100% |   4.8 MiB/s |  69.1 KiB |  00m00s
[105/107] Installing annobin-plugin-gcc 100% |  43.9 MiB/s |   1.1 MiB |  00m00s
[106/107] Installing nodejs-npm-1:10.9. 100% |  79.3 MiB/s |   9.8 MiB |  00m00s
[107/107] Installing rsync-0:3.4.1-1.fc 100% |   5.1 MiB/s | 819.3 KiB |  00m00s
cargo install cargo-license --root /usr
    Updating crates.io index
 Downloading crates ...
  Downloaded cargo-license v0.6.1
  Installing cargo-license v0.6.1
    Updating crates.io index
     Locking 62 packages to latest compatible versions
      Adding cargo_metadata v0.18.1 (available: v0.19.2)
      Adding itertools v0.12.1 (available: v0.14.0)
 Downloading crates ...
  Downloaded ansi_term v0.12.1
  Downloaded anstyle-parse v0.2.6
  Downloaded camino v1.1.9
  Downloaded thiserror v1.0.69
  Downloaded unicode-ident v1.0.18
  Downloaded winnow v0.7.4
  Downloaded syn v2.0.100
  Downloaded serde_derive v1.0.219
  Downloaded memchr v2.7.4
  Downloaded toml v0.8.20
  Downloaded unicode-width v0.1.14
  Downloaded clap_lex v0.7.4
  Downloaded clap_builder v4.5.32
  Downloaded itoa v1.0.15
  Downloaded spdx v0.10.8
  Downloaded utf8parse v0.2.2
  Downloaded toml_datetime v0.6.8
  Downloaded smallvec v1.14.0
  Downloaded hashbrown v0.15.2
  Downloaded csv-core v0.1.12
  Downloaded cargo_metadata v0.18.1
  Downloaded serde_json v1.0.140
  Downloaded serde v1.0.219
  Downloaded ryu v1.0.20
  Downloaded quote v1.0.40
  Downloaded semver v1.0.26
  Downloaded equivalent v1.0.2
  Downloaded csv v1.3.1
  Downloaded itertools v0.12.1
  Downloaded getopts v0.2.21
  Downloaded toml_edit v0.22.24
  Downloaded indexmap v2.8.0
  Downloaded clap v4.5.32
  Downloaded cargo-platform v0.1.9
  Downloaded thiserror-impl v1.0.69
  Downloaded proc-macro2 v1.0.94
  Downloaded either v1.15.0
  Downloaded clap_derive v4.5.32
  Downloaded anstyle v1.0.10
  Downloaded strsim v0.11.1
  Downloaded serde_spanned v0.6.8
  Downloaded heck v0.5.0
  Downloaded colorchoice v1.0.3
  Downloaded anstyle-query v1.1.2
  Downloaded is_terminal_polyfill v1.70.1
  Downloaded anyhow v1.0.97
  Downloaded anstream v0.6.18
   Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.94
   Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.18
   Compiling serde v1.0.219
   Compiling memchr v2.7.4
   Compiling utf8parse v0.2.2
   Compiling anstyle-parse v0.2.6
   Compiling anstyle v1.0.10
   Compiling itoa v1.0.15
   Compiling ryu v1.0.20
   Compiling colorchoice v1.0.3
   Compiling serde_json v1.0.140
   Compiling quote v1.0.40
   Compiling hashbrown v0.15.2
   Compiling syn v2.0.100
   Compiling equivalent v1.0.2
   Compiling semver v1.0.26
   Compiling camino v1.1.9
   Compiling anstyle-query v1.1.2
   Compiling thiserror v1.0.69
   Compiling is_terminal_polyfill v1.70.1
   Compiling anstream v0.6.18
   Compiling indexmap v2.8.0
   Compiling strsim v0.11.1
   Compiling anyhow v1.0.97
   Compiling clap_lex v0.7.4
   Compiling heck v0.5.0
   Compiling winnow v0.7.4
   Compiling clap_builder v4.5.32
   Compiling csv-core v0.1.12
   Compiling either v1.15.0
   Compiling smallvec v1.14.0
   Compiling unicode-width v0.1.14
   Compiling getopts v0.2.21
   Compiling spdx v0.10.8
   Compiling serde_derive v1.0.219
   Compiling thiserror-impl v1.0.69
   Compiling clap_derive v4.5.32
   Compiling itertools v0.12.1
   Compiling clap v4.5.32
   Compiling ansi_term v0.12.1
   Compiling toml_datetime v0.6.8
   Compiling serde_spanned v0.6.8
   Compiling toml_edit v0.22.24
   Compiling cargo-platform v0.1.9
   Compiling csv v1.3.1
   Compiling toml v0.8.20
   Compiling cargo_metadata v0.18.1
   Compiling cargo-license v0.6.1
    Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 22.39s
  Installing /usr/bin/cargo-license
   Installed package `cargo-license v0.6.1` (executable `cargo-license`)
# chown files in current working directory to root:root
# because when npm is run as root, scripts are always run
# with the effective uid and gid of the working directory owner.
# copr-rpmbuild runs mock with CAP_SETUID and CAP_SETGID
# capabilities dropped, and build commands are executed as root.
# So npm fails if current working directory is not owned by root.
chown -R root:root .
# Generate srpm
SKIP_AUDIT_CI=1 make BUNDLE_LIBDB=1 -f rpm.mk srpm
make[1]: Entering directory '/mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base'
rm -rf /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild
mkdir -p /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/BUILD
mkdir -p /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/RPMS
mkdir -p /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/SOURCES
mkdir -p /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/SPECS
mkdir -p /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/SRPMS
sed -e s/__VERSION__/3.1.2/ -e s/__RELEASE__/202503132235gite21c31b7f/ \
-e s/__VERSION_PREREL__/.202503132235gite21c31b7f/ \
rpm/389-ds-base.spec.in > /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/SPECS/389-ds-base.spec
mkdir -p dist/srpms
cargo update --manifest-path=./src/Cargo.toml
    Updating crates.io index
     Locking 24 packages to latest compatible versions
    Updating bitflags v2.8.0 -> v2.9.0
    Updating cc v1.2.12 -> v1.2.16
    Updating equivalent v1.0.1 -> v1.0.2
    Updating itoa v1.0.14 -> v1.0.15
    Updating libc v0.2.169 -> v0.2.171
    Updating linux-raw-sys v0.4.15 -> v0.9.2
    Updating log v0.4.25 -> v0.4.26
    Updating miniz_oxide v0.8.3 -> v0.8.5
    Updating once_cell v1.20.2 -> v1.21.1
    Updating openssl v0.10.70 -> v0.10.71
    Updating openssl-sys v0.9.105 -> v0.9.106
    Updating pkg-config v0.3.31 -> v0.3.32
    Updating proc-macro2 v1.0.93 -> v1.0.94
    Updating quote v1.0.38 -> v1.0.40
    Updating rustix v0.38.44 -> v1.0.2
    Updating ryu v1.0.19 -> v1.0.20
    Updating serde v1.0.217 -> v1.0.219
    Updating serde_derive v1.0.217 -> v1.0.219
    Updating serde_json v1.0.138 -> v1.0.140
    Updating syn v2.0.98 -> v2.0.100
    Updating tempfile v3.16.0 -> v3.18.0
    Updating textwrap v0.16.1 -> v0.16.2
    Updating tokio v1.43.0 -> v1.44.1
    Updating unicode-ident v1.0.16 -> v1.0.18
note: pass `--verbose` to see 5 unchanged dependencies behind latest
cargo vendor --manifest-path=./src/Cargo.toml
 Downloading crates ...
  Downloaded adler2 v2.0.0
  Downloaded ahash v0.8.11
  Downloaded autocfg v1.4.0
  Downloaded atty v0.2.14
  Downloaded arc-swap v1.7.1
  Downloaded zeroize_derive v1.4.2
  Downloaded cfg-if v1.0.0
  Downloaded backtrace v0.3.74
  Downloaded openssl-macros v0.1.1
  Downloaded pkg-config v0.3.32
  Downloaded getrandom v0.3.1
  Downloaded fernet v0.1.4
  Downloaded crossbeam-utils v0.8.21
  Downloaded foreign-types v0.3.2
  Downloaded windows-targets v0.52.6
  Downloaded tempfile v3.18.0
  Downloaded winapi-util v0.1.9
  Downloaded hermit-abi v0.1.19
  Downloaded shlex v1.3.0
  Downloaded clap_lex v0.2.4
  Downloaded zeroize v1.8.1
  Downloaded termcolor v1.4.1
  Downloaded strsim v0.10.0
  Downloaded bitflags v1.3.2
  Downloaded wasi v0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
  Downloaded wit-bindgen-rt v0.33.0
  Downloaded uuid v0.8.2
  Downloaded zerocopy-derive v0.7.35
  Downloaded getrandom v0.2.15
  Downloaded bitflags v2.9.0
  Downloaded tracing-attributes v0.1.28
  Downloaded tracing-core v0.1.33
  Downloaded tracing v0.1.41
  Downloaded hashbrown v0.12.3
  Downloaded cc v1.2.16
  Downloaded zerocopy v0.7.35
  Downloaded cbindgen v0.26.0
  Downloaded vcpkg v0.2.15
  Downloaded proc-macro-hack v0.5.20+deprecated
  Downloaded syn v1.0.109
  Downloaded clap v3.2.25
  Downloaded openssl-sys v0.9.106
  Downloaded wasi v0.13.3+wasi-0.2.2
  Downloaded object v0.36.7
  Downloaded version_check v0.9.5
  Downloaded paste-impl v0.1.18
  Downloaded openssl v0.10.71
  Downloaded gimli v0.31.1
  Downloaded windows_aarch64_gnullvm v0.52.6
  Downloaded rustix v1.0.2
  Downloaded crossbeam-queue v0.3.12
  Downloaded windows_x86_64_gnullvm v0.52.6
  Downloaded windows_i686_gnullvm v0.52.6
  Downloaded toml v0.5.11
  Downloaded textwrap v0.16.2
  Downloaded miniz_oxide v0.8.5
  Downloaded log v0.4.26
  Downloaded foldhash v0.1.4
  Downloaded base64 v0.13.1
  Downloaded allocator-api2 v0.2.21
  Downloaded sptr v0.3.2
  Downloaded indexmap v1.9.3
  Downloaded addr2line v0.24.2
  Downloaded pin-project-lite v0.2.16
  Downloaded os_str_bytes v6.6.1
  Downloaded once_cell v1.21.1
  Downloaded lru v0.13.0
  Downloaded jobserver v0.1.32
  Downloaded windows_x86_64_msvc v0.52.6
  Downloaded libc v0.2.171
  Downloaded windows_aarch64_msvc v0.52.6
  Downloaded windows_x86_64_gnu v0.52.6
  Downloaded windows_i686_gnu v0.52.6
  Downloaded windows_i686_msvc v0.52.6
  Downloaded tokio v1.44.1
  Downloaded concread v0.5.4
  Downloaded paste v0.1.18
  Downloaded crossbeam-epoch v0.9.18
  Downloaded rustc-demangle v0.1.24
  Downloaded fastrand v2.3.0
  Downloaded byteorder v1.5.0
  Downloaded heck v0.4.1
  Downloaded errno v0.3.10
  Downloaded foreign-types-shared v0.1.1
  Downloaded winapi v0.3.9
  Downloaded linux-raw-sys v0.9.2
  Downloaded winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu v0.4.0
  Downloaded winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu v0.4.0
  Downloaded windows-sys v0.59.0
   Vendoring addr2line v0.24.2 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/addr2line-0.24.2) to vendor/addr2line
   Vendoring adler2 v2.0.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/adler2-2.0.0) to vendor/adler2
   Vendoring ahash v0.8.11 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/ahash-0.8.11) to vendor/ahash
   Vendoring allocator-api2 v0.2.21 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/allocator-api2-0.2.21) to vendor/allocator-api2
   Vendoring arc-swap v1.7.1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/arc-swap-1.7.1) to vendor/arc-swap
   Vendoring atty v0.2.14 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/atty-0.2.14) to vendor/atty
   Vendoring autocfg v1.4.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/autocfg-1.4.0) to vendor/autocfg
   Vendoring backtrace v0.3.74 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/backtrace-0.3.74) to vendor/backtrace
   Vendoring base64 v0.13.1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/base64-0.13.1) to vendor/base64
   Vendoring bitflags v1.3.2 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/bitflags-1.3.2) to vendor/bitflags-1.3.2
   Vendoring bitflags v2.9.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/bitflags-2.9.0) to vendor/bitflags
   Vendoring byteorder v1.5.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/byteorder-1.5.0) to vendor/byteorder
   Vendoring cbindgen v0.26.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/cbindgen-0.26.0) to vendor/cbindgen
   Vendoring cc v1.2.16 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/cc-1.2.16) to vendor/cc
   Vendoring cfg-if v1.0.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/cfg-if-1.0.0) to vendor/cfg-if
   Vendoring clap v3.2.25 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/clap-3.2.25) to vendor/clap
   Vendoring clap_lex v0.2.4 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/clap_lex-0.2.4) to vendor/clap_lex
   Vendoring concread v0.5.4 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/concread-0.5.4) to vendor/concread
   Vendoring crossbeam-epoch v0.9.18 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/crossbeam-epoch-0.9.18) to vendor/crossbeam-epoch
   Vendoring crossbeam-queue v0.3.12 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/crossbeam-queue-0.3.12) to vendor/crossbeam-queue
   Vendoring crossbeam-utils v0.8.21 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/crossbeam-utils-0.8.21) to vendor/crossbeam-utils
   Vendoring equivalent v1.0.2 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/equivalent-1.0.2) to vendor/equivalent
   Vendoring errno v0.3.10 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/errno-0.3.10) to vendor/errno
   Vendoring fastrand v2.3.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/fastrand-2.3.0) to vendor/fastrand
   Vendoring fernet v0.1.4 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/fernet-0.1.4) to vendor/fernet
   Vendoring foldhash v0.1.4 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/foldhash-0.1.4) to vendor/foldhash
   Vendoring foreign-types v0.3.2 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/foreign-types-0.3.2) to vendor/foreign-types
   Vendoring foreign-types-shared v0.1.1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/foreign-types-shared-0.1.1) to vendor/foreign-types-shared
   Vendoring getrandom v0.2.15 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/getrandom-0.2.15) to vendor/getrandom-0.2.15
   Vendoring getrandom v0.3.1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/getrandom-0.3.1) to vendor/getrandom
   Vendoring gimli v0.31.1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/gimli-0.31.1) to vendor/gimli
   Vendoring hashbrown v0.12.3 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/hashbrown-0.12.3) to vendor/hashbrown-0.12.3
   Vendoring hashbrown v0.15.2 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/hashbrown-0.15.2) to vendor/hashbrown
   Vendoring heck v0.4.1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/heck-0.4.1) to vendor/heck
   Vendoring hermit-abi v0.1.19 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/hermit-abi-0.1.19) to vendor/hermit-abi
   Vendoring indexmap v1.9.3 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/indexmap-1.9.3) to vendor/indexmap
   Vendoring itoa v1.0.15 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/itoa-1.0.15) to vendor/itoa
   Vendoring jobserver v0.1.32 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/jobserver-0.1.32) to vendor/jobserver
   Vendoring libc v0.2.171 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/libc-0.2.171) to vendor/libc
   Vendoring linux-raw-sys v0.9.2 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/linux-raw-sys-0.9.2) to vendor/linux-raw-sys
   Vendoring log v0.4.26 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/log-0.4.26) to vendor/log
   Vendoring lru v0.13.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/lru-0.13.0) to vendor/lru
   Vendoring memchr v2.7.4 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/memchr-2.7.4) to vendor/memchr
   Vendoring miniz_oxide v0.8.5 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/miniz_oxide-0.8.5) to vendor/miniz_oxide
   Vendoring object v0.36.7 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/object-0.36.7) to vendor/object
   Vendoring once_cell v1.21.1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/once_cell-1.21.1) to vendor/once_cell
   Vendoring openssl v0.10.71 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/openssl-0.10.71) to vendor/openssl
   Vendoring openssl-macros v0.1.1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/openssl-macros-0.1.1) to vendor/openssl-macros
   Vendoring openssl-sys v0.9.106 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/openssl-sys-0.9.106) to vendor/openssl-sys
   Vendoring os_str_bytes v6.6.1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/os_str_bytes-6.6.1) to vendor/os_str_bytes
   Vendoring paste v0.1.18 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/paste-0.1.18) to vendor/paste
   Vendoring paste-impl v0.1.18 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/paste-impl-0.1.18) to vendor/paste-impl
   Vendoring pin-project-lite v0.2.16 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/pin-project-lite-0.2.16) to vendor/pin-project-lite
   Vendoring pkg-config v0.3.32 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/pkg-config-0.3.32) to vendor/pkg-config
   Vendoring proc-macro-hack v0.5.20+deprecated (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/proc-macro-hack-0.5.20+deprecated) to vendor/proc-macro-hack
   Vendoring proc-macro2 v1.0.94 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/proc-macro2-1.0.94) to vendor/proc-macro2
   Vendoring quote v1.0.40 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/quote-1.0.40) to vendor/quote
   Vendoring rustc-demangle v0.1.24 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/rustc-demangle-0.1.24) to vendor/rustc-demangle
   Vendoring rustix v1.0.2 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/rustix-1.0.2) to vendor/rustix
   Vendoring ryu v1.0.20 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/ryu-1.0.20) to vendor/ryu
   Vendoring serde v1.0.219 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/serde-1.0.219) to vendor/serde
   Vendoring serde_derive v1.0.219 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/serde_derive-1.0.219) to vendor/serde_derive
   Vendoring serde_json v1.0.140 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/serde_json-1.0.140) to vendor/serde_json
   Vendoring shlex v1.3.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/shlex-1.3.0) to vendor/shlex
   Vendoring smallvec v1.14.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/smallvec-1.14.0) to vendor/smallvec
   Vendoring sptr v0.3.2 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/sptr-0.3.2) to vendor/sptr
   Vendoring strsim v0.10.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/strsim-0.10.0) to vendor/strsim
   Vendoring syn v1.0.109 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/syn-1.0.109) to vendor/syn-1.0.109
   Vendoring syn v2.0.100 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/syn-2.0.100) to vendor/syn
   Vendoring tempfile v3.18.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/tempfile-3.18.0) to vendor/tempfile
   Vendoring termcolor v1.4.1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/termcolor-1.4.1) to vendor/termcolor
   Vendoring textwrap v0.16.2 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/textwrap-0.16.2) to vendor/textwrap
   Vendoring tokio v1.44.1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/tokio-1.44.1) to vendor/tokio
   Vendoring toml v0.5.11 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/toml-0.5.11) to vendor/toml
   Vendoring tracing v0.1.41 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/tracing-0.1.41) to vendor/tracing
   Vendoring tracing-attributes v0.1.28 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/tracing-attributes-0.1.28) to vendor/tracing-attributes
   Vendoring tracing-core v0.1.33 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/tracing-core-0.1.33) to vendor/tracing-core
   Vendoring unicode-ident v1.0.18 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/unicode-ident-1.0.18) to vendor/unicode-ident
   Vendoring uuid v0.8.2 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/uuid-0.8.2) to vendor/uuid
   Vendoring vcpkg v0.2.15 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/vcpkg-0.2.15) to vendor/vcpkg
   Vendoring version_check v0.9.5 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/version_check-0.9.5) to vendor/version_check
   Vendoring wasi v0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1) to vendor/wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
   Vendoring wasi v0.13.3+wasi-0.2.2 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/wasi-0.13.3+wasi-0.2.2) to vendor/wasi
   Vendoring winapi v0.3.9 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/winapi-0.3.9) to vendor/winapi
   Vendoring winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu v0.4.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0) to vendor/winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu
   Vendoring winapi-util v0.1.9 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/winapi-util-0.1.9) to vendor/winapi-util
   Vendoring winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu v0.4.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0) to vendor/winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
   Vendoring windows-sys v0.59.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/windows-sys-0.59.0) to vendor/windows-sys
   Vendoring windows-targets v0.52.6 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/windows-targets-0.52.6) to vendor/windows-targets
   Vendoring windows_aarch64_gnullvm v0.52.6 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/windows_aarch64_gnullvm-0.52.6) to vendor/windows_aarch64_gnullvm
   Vendoring windows_aarch64_msvc v0.52.6 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/windows_aarch64_msvc-0.52.6) to vendor/windows_aarch64_msvc
   Vendoring windows_i686_gnu v0.52.6 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/windows_i686_gnu-0.52.6) to vendor/windows_i686_gnu
   Vendoring windows_i686_gnullvm v0.52.6 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/windows_i686_gnullvm-0.52.6) to vendor/windows_i686_gnullvm
   Vendoring windows_i686_msvc v0.52.6 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/windows_i686_msvc-0.52.6) to vendor/windows_i686_msvc
   Vendoring windows_x86_64_gnu v0.52.6 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/windows_x86_64_gnu-0.52.6) to vendor/windows_x86_64_gnu
   Vendoring windows_x86_64_gnullvm v0.52.6 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/windows_x86_64_gnullvm-0.52.6) to vendor/windows_x86_64_gnullvm
   Vendoring windows_x86_64_msvc v0.52.6 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/windows_x86_64_msvc-0.52.6) to vendor/windows_x86_64_msvc
   Vendoring wit-bindgen-rt v0.33.0 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/wit-bindgen-rt-0.33.0) to vendor/wit-bindgen-rt
   Vendoring zerocopy v0.7.35 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/zerocopy-0.7.35) to vendor/zerocopy
   Vendoring zerocopy-derive v0.7.35 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/zerocopy-derive-0.7.35) to vendor/zerocopy-derive
   Vendoring zeroize v1.8.1 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/zeroize-1.8.1) to vendor/zeroize
   Vendoring zeroize_derive v1.4.2 (/builddir/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/zeroize_derive-1.4.2) to vendor/zeroize_derive
To use vendored sources, add this to your .cargo/config.toml for this project:

replace-with = "vendored-sources"

directory = "vendor"
cargo fetch --manifest-path=./src/Cargo.toml
tar -czf vendor.tar.gz vendor
cd src/cockpit/389-console; \
rm -rf node_modules; \
npm ci > /dev/null
npm warn deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead
npm warn deprecated rimraf@3.0.2: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported
npm warn deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful.
npm warn deprecated @humanwhocodes/config-array@0.13.0: Use @eslint/config-array instead
npm warn deprecated @humanwhocodes/object-schema@2.0.3: Use @eslint/object-schema instead
npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
npm warn deprecated eslint@8.57.1: This version is no longer supported. Please see https://eslint.org/version-support for other options.
cd src/cockpit/389-console; \
rm -rf cockpit_dist; \
NODE_ENV=production ./build.js; \
cp -r dist cockpit_dist
22:36:13: Build finished in 11586 ms
mkdir -p dist/389-ds-base-
rsync -a --exclude=node_modules --exclude=dist --exclude=__pycache__ --exclude=.git --exclude=rpmbuild --exclude=vendor.tar.gz . dist/389-ds-base-
mkdir -p dist/sources
cd dist; tar cfj sources/389-ds-base- 389-ds-base-
cd src/cockpit/389-console; rm -rf dist
rm -rf dist/389-ds-base-
cd dist/sources ; \
if [ 1 -eq 1 ]; then \
	curl -LO https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc/releases/download/5.3.0/jemalloc-5.3.0.tar.bz2 ; \
fi ; \
if [ 1 -eq 1 ]; then \
	curl -LO https://fedorapeople.org/groups/389ds/libdb-5.3.28-59.tar.bz2 ; \
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100  718k  100  718k    0     0  6945k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 6945k
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 33.8M  100 33.8M    0     0  25.3M      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 25.3M
cp dist/sources/389-ds-base- /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
cp rpm/389-ds-base-* /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
if [ 1 -eq 1 ]; then \
	cp dist/sources/jemalloc-5.3.0.tar.bz2 /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ ; \
if [ 1 -eq 1 ]; then \
	cp dist/sources/libdb-5.3.28-59.tar.bz2 /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ ; \
python3 rpm/bundle-rust-npm.py src/ src/cockpit/389-console/ /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/SPECS/389-ds-base.spec -f
rpmbuild --define "_topdir /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild" -bs /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/SPECS/389-ds-base.spec --with bundle_jemalloc --with bundle_libdb --without clang --without asan --without msan --without tsan --without ubsan --with cockpit
setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1741824000
Wrote: /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/SRPMS/389-ds-base-
cp /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild/SRPMS/*.src.rpm dist/srpms/
rm -rf /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/rpmbuild
make[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base'
if [[ "/mnt/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j" != "" ]]; then \
        mv dist/srpms/* /mnt/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j; \
stderr: INFO: mock.py version 6.1 starting (python version = 3.13.0, NVR = mock-6.1-1.fc41), args: /usr/libexec/mock/mock --uniqueext 1741905286.920755 -r /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j/mock-source-build.cfg '--plugin-option=bind_mount:dirs=(("/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-mro4ynbm", "/mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm"), ("/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j", "/mnt/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j"))' --chroot 'set -x && cd /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base && echo -e "[safe]
directory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base
directory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/*" > ~/.gitconfig && make -f /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/.copr/Makefile srpm outdir="/mnt/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j" spec="/mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base"'
Start: init plugins
INFO: tmpfs initialized
INFO: selinux enabled
INFO: chroot_scan: initialized
INFO: compress_logs: initialized
Finish: init plugins
INFO: Signal handler active
Start: run
Mock Version: 6.1
INFO: Mock Version: 6.1
Start: chroot init
INFO: mounting tmpfs at /var/lib/mock/make-srpm-method-1741905286.920755/root.
INFO: calling preinit hooks
INFO: enabled root cache
INFO: enabled package manager cache
Start: cleaning package manager metadata
Finish: cleaning package manager metadata
INFO: enabled HW Info plugin
INFO: Package manager dnf5 detected and used (fallback)
Start: installing minimal buildroot with dnf5
Finish: installing minimal buildroot with dnf5
Start: creating root cache
Finish: creating root cache
Finish: chroot init
INFO: Installed packages:
INFO: add-determinism-0.3.6-3.fc41.aarch64
INFO: Running in chroot: ['set -x && cd /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base && echo -e "[safe]\ndirectory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base\ndirectory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/*" > ~/.gitconfig && make -f /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/.copr/Makefile srpm outdir="/mnt/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j" spec="/mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base"']
Start: unpacking root cache
Finish: unpacking root cache
Start: chroot ['set -x && cd /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base && echo -e "[safe]\ndirectory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base\ndirectory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/*" > ~/.gitconfig && make -f /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/.copr/Makefile srpm outdir="/mnt/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j" spec="/mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base"']
Finish: chroot ['set -x && cd /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base && echo -e "[safe]\ndirectory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base\ndirectory = /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/*" > ~/.gitconfig && make -f /mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base/.copr/Makefile srpm outdir="/mnt/safe-resultdir-stdqrp1j" spec="/mnt/workdir-mro4ynbm/389-ds-base"']
Finish: run
INFO: unmounting tmpfs.

Can not remove the '/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-mro4ynbm', run copr-builder-cleanup.
Output: ['mock-source-build.cfg', '389-ds-base-']
Running SRPMResults tool
Package info: {
    "name": "389-ds-base",
    "epoch": null,
    "version": "",
    "release": "1",
    "exclusivearch": [],
    "excludearch": []
SRPMResults finished