Warning: Permanently added '2620:52:3:1:dead:beef:cafe:c191' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. You can reproduce this build on your computer by running: sudo dnf install copr-rpmbuild /usr/bin/copr-rpmbuild --verbose --drop-resultdir --srpm --task-url https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/backend/get-srpm-build-task/7665712 Version: 0.73 PID: 6398 Logging PID: 6399 Task: {'appstream': False, 'background': True, 'build_id': 7665712, 'chroot': None, 'package_name': 'python-pollination-alias', 'project_dirname': 'PyPI', 'project_name': 'PyPI', 'project_owner': '@copr', 'repos': [], 'sandbox': '@copr/PyPI--ksurma', 'source_json': {'pypi_package_name': 'pollination-alias', 'pypi_package_version': '0.11.11', 'python_versions': [], 'spec_generator': 'pyp2spec', 'spec_template': ''}, 'source_type': 5, 'submitter': 'ksurma', 'task_id': '7665712'} Running: which pyp2spec cmd: ['which', 'pyp2spec'] cwd: . rc: 0 stdout: /usr/bin/pyp2spec stderr: Running: pyp2spec pollination-alias --fedora-compliant --top-level -v 0.11.11 cmd: ['pyp2spec', 'pollination-alias', '--fedora-compliant', '--top-level', '-v', '0.11.11'] cwd: . rc: 1 stdout: Generating configuration file Assuming 'pollination-alias' is a package name Querying PyPI for package 'pollination-alias' Assuming --description=This is package 'pollination-alias' generated automatically by pyp2spec. Assuming --summary=Collection of alias inputs and outputs for Pollination recipes. Fatal exception occurred: Invalid SPDX expression: Apache-2.0 License stderr: Unable to generate spec for `pollination-alias' Copr build error: