%global pkg_name pyqt6-sip %global pypi_name PyQt6_sip %global _sip_api_major 13 %global _sip_api_minor 3 %global _sip_api %{_sip_api_major}.%{_sip_api_minor} Name: python-%{pkg_name} Version: 13.3.0 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: The sip module support for PyQt6 License: GPLv2 or GPLv3 URL: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/sip/ Source0: %{pypi_source} BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: %{py3_dist setuptools} >= 30.3 BuildRequires: %{py3_dist wheel} %global _description %{expand: The sip extension module provides support for the PyQt6 package. } %description %_description %package -n python3-%{pkg_name} Summary: %{summary} %{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-%{pkg_name}} Provides: python3-pyqt6-sip-api(%{_sip_api_major}) = %{_sip_api} Provides: python3-pyqt6-sip-api(%{_sip_api_major})%{?_isa} = %{_sip_api} %description -n python3-%{pkg_name} %_description %prep %autosetup -n %{pypi_name}-%{version} %build %py3_build %install %py3_install %files -n python3-%{pkg_name} %doc README %{python3_sitearch}/PyQt6_sip* %{python3_sitearch}/PyQt6/ %changelog * Wed Apr 13 2022 Onuralp Sezer - 13.3.0-1 - Initial Package