%{!?tcl_version: %global tcl_version %(echo 'puts $tcl_version' | tclsh)} %{!?tcl_sitearch: %global tcl_sitearch %{_libdir}/tcl%{tcl_version}} # Don't abort on compilation errors of the example python snippets %global _python_bytecompile_errors_terminate_build 0 %if 0%{?el6} %ifarch ppc64 %global build_mpich 0 %else %global build_mpich 1 %endif %else %global build_mpich 1 %endif # Upstream stopped releasing source tarballs, generating directly via snapshot at commit (see Source0).... # Get commits for version at https://sourceforge.net/p/netgen-mesher/git/ci/master/tree/ %global commit 94fd57154f556450a04808b244eb8c83e7a95fb6 %global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7}) %global togl_ver 2.1 Name: netgen-mesher Version: 6.2 Release: 0.8.git%{shortcommit}%{?dist} Summary: Automatic mesh generation tool License: LGPLv2 URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/netgen-mesher/ Source0: https://sourceforge.net/code-snapshots/git/n/ne/netgen-mesher/git.git/netgen-mesher-git-%{commit}.zip Source1: netgen-mesher.png Source2: netgen-mesher.desktop # Don't try to install pybind files Patch1: 0001-Don-t-install-pybind-files.patch # Rename shared libaries (the original names are often way too generic), add library version Patch2: 0002-Rename-libraries-add-library-versions.patch # Set a default NETGENDIR appropriate for the Fedora packaging Patch3: 0003-Set-default-NETGENDIR.patch # Make some includes relative (needed for when headers are in -private subpackage) Patch4: 0004-Make-some-includes-relative.patch # Make bin, lib and python sitearch installation directories configurable Patch5: 0005-Make-bin-lib-and-pysitearch-dirs-configurable.patch # Unbundle togl (see also %%prep) Patch6: 0006-Unbundle-togl.patch # SuperBuild.cmake fails to propagate USE_JPEG Patch7: 0007-Add-missing-USE_JPEG-propagation.patch # Add missing -ldl Patch8: 0008-Add-missing-ldl.patch # Only include immintrin.h on x86 arches Patch9: 0009-immintrin.patch # TODO Re-evaluate: Some fixes to the code (taken from salome netgen plugin) # Patch10: netgen-5.3.0_fixes.patch # Rename binary in cmake so that exported modules work correctly Patch10: 0010-rename-netgen-binary.patch BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: tk-devel BuildRequires: OCE-devel BuildRequires: libjpeg-turbo-devel BuildRequires: tcl-togl-devel = %{togl_ver} BuildRequires: metis-devel BuildRequires: mesa-libGLU-devel BuildRequires: libXmu-devel BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: dos2unix %if %{build_mpich} BuildRequires: mpich-devel %endif BuildRequires: openmpi-devel BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: pybind11-devel Requires: %{name}-common = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator. It accepts input from constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (BRep) from STL file format. The connection to a geometry kernel allows the handling of IGES and STEP files. NETGEN contains modules for mesh optimization and hierarchical mesh refinement. %package common Summary: Common files for netgen Requires: hicolor-icon-theme Requires: tix BuildArch: noarch %description common Common files for netgen. %package libs Summary: Netgen libraries %description libs Netgen libraries. %package devel Summary: Development files for netgen Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description devel Development files for netgen. %package devel-private Summary: Private headers of netgen Requires: %{name}-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description devel-private Private headers of netgen, needed to build certain netgen based software packages. %package -n python3-%{name} Summary: Python3 interface for netgen %{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-netgen} Requires: %{name}-openmpi-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description -n python3-%{name} Python3 interface for netgen. ############################################################################### %package openmpi Summary: Netgen compiled against openmpi # Require explicitly for dir ownership and to guarantee the pickup of the right runtime Requires: %{name}-common = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-openmpi-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description openmpi Netgen compiled against openmpi. %package openmpi-libs Summary: Netgen libraries compiled against openmpi %description openmpi-libs Netgen libraries compiled against openmpi. %package openmpi-devel Summary: Development files for Netgen compiled against openmpi # Require explicitly for dir ownership Requires: openmpi-devel Requires: %{name}-openmpi%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description openmpi-devel Development files for Netgen compiled against openmpi. %package -n python3-%{name}-openmpi Summary: Python3 interface for netgen compiled against openmpi %{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-netgen-openmpi} Requires: %{name}-openmpi-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description -n python3-%{name}-openmpi Python3 interface for netgen compiled against openmpi. ############################################################################### %if %{build_mpich} %package mpich Summary: Netgen compiled against mpich # Require explicitly for dir ownership and to guarantee the pickup of the right runtime Requires: %{name}-common = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-mpich-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description mpich Netgen compiled against mpich. %package mpich-libs Summary: Netgen libraries compiled against mpich %description mpich-libs Netgen libraries compiled against mpich. %package mpich-devel Summary: Development files for Netgen compiled against mpich # Require explicitly for dir ownership Requires: mpich-devel Requires: %{name}-mpich%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description mpich-devel Development files for Netgen compiled against mpich. %package -n python3-%{name}-mpich Summary: Python3 interface for netgen compiled against mpich %{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-netgen-mpich} Requires: %{name}-openmpi-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description -n python3-%{name}-mpich Python3 interface for netgen compiled against mpich. %endif ############################################################################### %prep %autosetup -p1 -n netgen-mesher-git-%{commit} # Remove bundled togl rm -rf ng/Togl-1.7 rm -rf ng/Togl2.1 rm -f ng/togl_1_7.h %build ### serial version ### mkdir serial (cd serial %cmake -DINSTALL_DIR=%{_prefix} \ -DUSE_NATIVE_ARCH=OFF \ -DINCDIR=%{_includedir}/%{name} \ -DUSE_JPEG=1 -DUSE_OCC=1 \ -DPYBIND_INCLUDE_DIR=%{_includedir} \ -DLIBTOGL=%{_libdir}/libTogl%{togl_ver}.so \ -DOpenGL_GL_PREFERENCE=GLVND \ .. %make_build ) ### openmpi version ### %{_openmpi_load} export CXX=mpicxx mkdir openmpi (cd openmpi %cmake -DINSTALL_DIR=%{_prefix} \ -DUSE_NATIVE_ARCH=OFF \ -DINCDIR=%{_includedir}/openmpi/%{name} \ -DBINDIR=%{_libdir}/openmpi/bin/ \ -DLIBDIR=%{_libdir}/openmpi/lib/ \ -DPYTHON_PACKAGES_INSTALL_DIR=%{_libdir}/openmpi/python%{python3_version}/site-packages \ -DUSE_JPEG=1 -DUSE_OCC=1 -DUSE_MPI=1 \ -DPYBIND_INCLUDE_DIR=%{_includedir} \ -DLIBTOGL=%{_libdir}/libTogl%{togl_ver}.so .. %make_build ) %{_openmpi_unload} ### mpich version ### %if %{build_mpich} %{_mpich_load} export CXX=mpicxx mkdir mpich (cd mpich %cmake -DINSTALL_DIR=%{_prefix} \ -DUSE_NATIVE_ARCH=OFF \ -DINCDIR=%{_includedir}/mpich/%{name} \ -DBINDIR=%{_libdir}/mpich/bin/ \ -DLIBDIR=%{_libdir}/mpich/lib/ \ -DPYTHON_PACKAGES_INSTALL_DIR=%{_libdir}/mpich/python%{python3_version}/site-packages \ -DUSE_JPEG=1 -DUSE_OCC=1 -DUSE_MPI=1 \ -DPYBIND_INCLUDE_DIR=%{_includedir} \ -DLIBTOGL=%{_libdir}/libTogl%{togl_ver}.so .. %make_build ) %{_mpich_unload} %endif %install %define writepkgconfig() \ install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}/$MPI_LIB/pkgconfig; \ cat > %{buildroot}/$MPI_LIB/pkgconfig/%{name}.pc << EOF\ prefix=%{_prefix}\ exec_prefix=${prefix}\ libdir=$MPI_LIB\ includedir=$MPI_INCLUDE/%{name}\ \ Name: %{name}\ Description: %{summary}\ Version: %{version}\ Libs: -L\\\${libdir} -lnglib\ Libs.private: -lngcgs -lnggeom2d -lngmesh -lngocc -lngstl\ Cflags: -I\\\${includedir}\ EOF\ %{nil} ### openmpi version ### %{_openmpi_load} %make_install -C openmpi %writepkgconfig # Avoid conflicts with netgen, remove data files (are correctly installed below) rm -f %{buildroot}/$MPI_BIN/*.tcl rm -f %{buildroot}/$MPI_BIN/*.ocf %{_openmpi_unload} ### mpich version ### %if %{build_mpich} %{_mpich_load} %make_install -C mpich %writepkgconfig # Avoid conflicts with netgen, remove data files (are correctly installed below) rm -f %{buildroot}/$MPI_BIN/*.tcl rm -f %{buildroot}/$MPI_BIN/*.ocf %{_mpich_unload} %endif ### serial version ### %make_install -C serial export MPI_LIB=%{_libdir} export MPI_INCLUDE=%{_includedir} %writepkgconfig # move data files to correct place mv %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/*.tcl %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/*.ocf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name} chmod -x %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/*.tcl %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/*.ocf # Install icon and desktop file install -Dpm 0644 %SOURCE1 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/%{name}.png desktop-file-install --dir %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/applications/ %SOURCE2 # Delete the doc folder, the files are in %%doc below rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/doc # Install private headers ( cd libsrc find \( -name *.hpp -or -name *.hxx -or -name *.h -or -name *.ixx -or -name *.jxx \) -exec install -Dpm 0644 {} %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/%{name}/private/{} \; ) # Install the nglib.h header install -Dpm 0644 nglib/nglib.h %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/%{name}/nglib.h %post common update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || : /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : %postun common update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || : if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : fi %posttrans common /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : %post libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %post openmpi-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun openmpi-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %if %{build_mpich} %post mpich-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun mpich-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %endif %files common %doc AUTHORS doc/ng4.pdf %license LICENSE %{_datadir}/%{name}/ %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/%{name}.png %{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop %files %{_bindir}/* %files libs %{_libdir}/*.so.* %files devel %{_includedir}/%{name} %exclude %{_includedir}/%{name}/private %{_libdir}/*.so %exclude %{_libdir}/libngpy.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/%{name}.pc %{_datadir}/cmake/*.cmake %files devel-private %{_includedir}/%{name}/private %files -n python3-%{name} %{python3_sitearch}/netgen/ %{_libdir}/libngpy.so %files openmpi %{_libdir}/openmpi/bin/* %files openmpi-libs %{_libdir}/openmpi/lib/*.so.* %files openmpi-devel %{_includedir}/openmpi*/%{name} %{_libdir}/openmpi/lib/*.so %exclude %{_libdir}/openmpi/lib/libngpy.so %{_libdir}/openmpi/lib/pkgconfig/%{name}.pc %files -n python3-%{name}-openmpi %{_libdir}/openmpi/python%{python3_version}/site-packages/netgen/ %{_libdir}/openmpi/lib/libngpy.so %if %{build_mpich} %files mpich %{_libdir}/mpich/bin/* %files mpich-libs %{_libdir}/mpich/lib/*.so.* %files mpich-devel %{_includedir}/mpich*/%{name} %{_libdir}/mpich/lib/*.so %exclude %{_libdir}/mpich/lib/libngpy.so %{_libdir}/mpich/lib/pkgconfig/%{name}.pc %files -n python3-%{name}-mpich %{_libdir}/mpich/python%{python3_version}/site-packages/netgen/ %{_libdir}/mpich/lib/libngpy.so %endif %changelog * Mon Nov 26 2018 Orion Poplawski - 6.2-0.8.git94fd571 - Rebuild for openmpi 4.0 * Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.2-0.7.git94fd571 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jun 19 2018 Miro Hrončok - 6.2-0.6.git94fd571 - Rebuilt for Python 3.7 * Wed May 02 2018 Sandro Mani - 6.2-0.5.git94fd571 - Rename netgen binary at CMake level to prevent breaking cmake config module (#1573330) * Thu Feb 08 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.2-0.4.git94fd571 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.2-0.3.git94fd571 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild * Thu May 11 2017 Sandro Mani - 6.2.0-0.2.git94fd571 - Install the nglib.h header * Thu May 11 2017 Sandro Mani - 6.2.0-0.1.git94fd571 - Update to 6.2.0 snapshot * Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.3.1-13 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Oct 21 2016 Orion Poplawski - 5.3.1-12 - Rebuild for openmpi 2.0 * Thu Apr 7 2016 Richard Shaw - 5.3.1-11 - Rebuild for updated OCE. * Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.3.1-10 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Sep 15 2015 Orion Poplawski - 5.3.1-9 - Rebuild for openmpi 1.10.0 * Sat Aug 15 2015 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 5.3.1-8 - Rebuild for MPI provides * Sun Jul 26 2015 Sandro Mani - 5.3.1-7 - Rebuild for RPM MPI Requires Provides Change * Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.3.1-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild * Sat May 02 2015 Kalev Lember - 5.3.1-5 - Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change * Thu Mar 12 2015 Sandro Mani - 5.3.1-4 - Rebuild (GCC5 ABI change) * Sat Dec 13 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.3.1-3 - Fix library in -devel package * Tue Oct 07 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.3.1-2 - Fix soname, use -release instead of -version-info * Mon Oct 06 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.3.1-1 - Update to 5.3.1 * Mon Sep 01 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.3.0-1 - Update to 5.3.0 * Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.1-11 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jul 29 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.1-10 - Rebuild (OCE) * Thu Jun 19 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.1-9 - Add missing mpich-devel BR * Thu Jun 19 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.1-8 - Fix escaping of pkg-config variables * Sat Jun 14 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.1-7 - Rename subpackage private -> devel-private * Sat Jun 14 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.1-6 - Add netgen-5.1_relative-includes.patch * Sat Jun 14 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.1-5 - Add subpackage for private headers - Add patches from salome - Make common package noarch - Add missing %%{?_isa} * Fri Jun 13 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.1-4 - Update netgen-5.1_build.patch - Add netgen-5.1_msc-ver.patch * Thu Jun 12 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.1-3 - Fix libgnlib soname * Thu Jun 12 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.1-2 - Split off libraries in libs subpackages - Rename shared libraries to less generic names * Thu Jun 12 2014 Sandro Mani - 5.1-1 - Initial package