#----------------------------------------------------------------------------bh- # This RPM .spec file is part of the OpenHPC project. # # It may have been modified from the default version supplied by the underlying # release package (if available) in order to apply patches, perform customized # build/install configurations, and supply additional files to support # desired integration conventions. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------eh- %global ohpc_bootstrap 1 %include %{_sourcedir}/OHPC_macros %define pname lmod %if 0%{?suse_version} <= 1220 %define luaver 5.1 %else %define luaver 5.2 %endif %define lualibdir %{_libdir}/lua/%{luaver} %define luapkgdir %{_datadir}/lua/%{luaver} %define LUA_CPATH ?.so;?/?.so;%{lualibdir}/?.so %define LUA_PATH ?.lua;?/?.lua;%{luapkgdir}/?.lua Summary: Lua based Modules (lmod) Name: %{pname}%{PROJ_DELIM} Version: 8.1.18 Release: 1%{?dist} License: MIT Group: %{PROJ_NAME}/admin Url: https://github.com/TACC/Lmod Source0: https://github.com/TACC/Lmod/archive/%{version}.tar.gz#$/%{pname}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: lua >= %{luaver} BuildRequires: lua-devel >= %{luaver} BuildRequires: lua-filesystem%{PROJ_DELIM} BuildRequires: lua-posix%{PROJ_DELIM} BuildRequires: rsync BuildRequires: tcl tcl-devel %if 0%{?sles_version} || 0%{?suse_version} BuildRequires: procps %endif %if 0%{?sles_version} || 0%{?suse_version} Conflicts: Modules %else Conflicts: environment-modules %endif # 8/28/14 karl.w.schulz@intel.com - include patches to remove consulting notice and setting of TACC env variables Patch1: lmod.consulting.patch Patch2: lmod.site.patch # 4/25/17 karl.w.schulz@intel.com - upping patch fuzz factor for newer lmod %global _default_patch_fuzz 2 # Known dependencies Requires: lua >= %{luaver} Requires: tcl Requires: lua-filesystem%{PROJ_DELIM} Requires: lua-posix%{PROJ_DELIM} %description Lmod: An Environment Module System based on Lua, Reads TCL Modules, Supports a Software Hierarchy %prep %setup -q -n Lmod-%{version} # OpenHPC patches %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %build unset MODULEPATH export LUA_CPATH="%{LUA_CPATH}" export LUA_PATH="%{LUA_PATH}" ./configure --prefix=%{OHPC_ADMIN} --libdir=%{lualibdir} --datadir=%{luapkgdir} --with-redirect=yes --with-autoSwap=no %install export LUA_CPATH="%{LUA_CPATH}" export LUA_PATH="%{LUA_PATH}" make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install # Customize startup script to suit %{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d %{__cat} << EOF > %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/lmod.sh #!/bin/sh # -*- shell-script -*- ######################################################################## # This is the system wide source file for setting up # modules: # ######################################################################## # NOOP if running under known resource manager if [ ! -z "\$SLURM_NODELIST" ];then return fi if [ ! -z "\$PBS_NODEFILE" ];then return fi export LMOD_SETTARG_CMD=":" export LMOD_FULL_SETTARG_SUPPORT=no export LMOD_COLORIZE=no export LMOD_PREPEND_BLOCK=normal if [ \$EUID -eq 0 ]; then export MODULEPATH=%{OHPC_ADMIN}/modulefiles:%{OHPC_MODULES} else export MODULEPATH=%{OHPC_MODULES} fi export BASH_ENV=%{OHPC_ADMIN}/lmod/lmod/init/bash # Initialize modules system . %{OHPC_ADMIN}/lmod/lmod/init/bash >/dev/null # Load baseline OpenHPC environment module try-add ohpc EOF %{__cat} << EOF > %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/lmod.csh #!/bin/sh # -*- shell-script -*- ######################################################################## # This is the system wide source file for setting up # modules: # ######################################################################## if ( \$?SLURM_NODELIST ) then exit 0 endif if ( \$?PBS_NODEFILE ) then exit 0 endif setenv LMOD_SETTARG_CMD ":" setenv LMOD_FULL_SETTARG_SUPPORT "no" setenv LMOD_COLORIZE "no" setenv LMOD_PREPEND_BLOCK "normal" if ( \`id -u\` == "0" ) then setenv MODULEPATH "%{OHPC_ADMIN}/modulefiles:%{OHPC_MODULES}" else setenv MODULEPATH "%{OHPC_MODULES}" endif # Initialize modules system source %{OHPC_ADMIN}/lmod/lmod/init/csh >/dev/null # Load baseline OpenHPC environment module try-add ohpc EOF %{__mkdir_p} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_docdir} %files %dir %{OHPC_HOME} %dir %{OHPC_ADMIN} %{OHPC_ADMIN}/lmod %config %{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/lmod.sh %config %{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/lmod.csh %{OHPC_PUB} %doc License README.md README_lua_modulefiles.txt INSTALL