# If any of the following macros should be set otherwise, # you can wrap any of them with the following conditions: # - %%if 0%%{centos} == 7 # - %%if 0%%{?rhel} == 7 # - %%if 0%%{?fedora} == 23 # Or just test for particular distribution: # - %%if 0%%{centos} # - %%if 0%%{?rhel} # - %%if 0%%{?fedora} # # Be aware, on centos, both %%rhel and %%centos are set. If you want to test # rhel specific macros, you can use %%if 0%%{?rhel} && 0%%{?centos} == 0 condition. # (Don't forget to replace double percentage symbol with single one in order to apply a condition) # Generate devel rpm %global with_devel 1 # Build project from bundled dependencies %global with_bundled 0 # Build with debug info rpm %global with_debug 0 # Run tests in check section %global with_check 0 # Generate unit-test rpm %global with_unit_test 1 %if 0%{?with_debug} %global _dwz_low_mem_die_limit 0 %else %global debug_package %{nil} %endif %global provider github %global provider_tld com %global project bugsnag %global repo panicwrap # https://github.com/bugsnag/panicwrap %global provider_prefix %{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project}/%{repo} %global import_path %{provider_prefix} %global commit aceac81c6e2f55f23844821679a0553b545e91df %global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7}) Name: golang-%{provider}-%{project}-%{repo} Version: 1.1.0 Release: 0.6.git%{shortcommit}%{?dist} Summary: Go library for catching and handling panics in Go applications License: MIT URL: https://%{provider_prefix} Source0: https://%{provider_prefix}/archive/%{commit}/%{repo}-%{shortcommit}.tar.gz Patch0: change-import-path.patch # e.g. el6 has ppc64 arch without gcc-go, so EA tag is required ExclusiveArch: %{?go_arches:%{go_arches}}%{!?go_arches:%{ix86} x86_64 aarch64 %{arm}} # If go_compiler is not set to 1, there is no virtual provide. Use golang instead. BuildRequires: %{?go_compiler:compiler(go-compiler)}%{!?go_compiler:golang} %description %{summary} %if 0%{?with_devel} %package devel Summary: %{summary} BuildArch: noarch %if 0%{?with_check} BuildRequires: golang(bitbucket.org/kardianos/osext) %endif Requires: golang(bitbucket.org/kardianos/osext) Provides: golang(%{import_path}) = %{version}-%{release} %description devel %{summary} This package contains library source intended for building other packages which use import path with %{import_path} prefix. %endif %if 0%{?with_unit_test} && 0%{?with_devel} %package unit-test Summary: Unit tests for %{name} package %if 0%{?with_check} #Here comes all BuildRequires: PACKAGE the unit tests #in %%check section need for running %endif # test subpackage tests code from devel subpackage Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release} %description unit-test %{summary} This package contains unit tests for project providing packages with %{import_path} prefix. %endif %prep %setup -q -n %{repo}-%{commit} %patch0 -p1 %build %install # source codes for building projects %if 0%{?with_devel} install -d -p %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/ echo "%%dir %%{gopath}/src/%%{import_path}/." >> devel.file-list # find all *.go but no *_test.go files and generate devel.file-list for file in $(find . -iname "*.go" \! -iname "*_test.go") ; do echo "%%dir %%{gopath}/src/%%{import_path}/$(dirname $file)" >> devel.file-list install -d -p %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/$(dirname $file) cp -pav $file %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/$file echo "%%{gopath}/src/%%{import_path}/$file" >> devel.file-list done %endif # testing files for this project %if 0%{?with_unit_test} && 0%{?with_devel} install -d -p %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/ # find all *_test.go files and generate unit-test.file-list for file in $(find . -iname "*_test.go"); do echo "%%dir %%{gopath}/src/%%{import_path}/$(dirname $file)" >> devel.file-list install -d -p %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/$(dirname $file) cp -pav $file %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/$file echo "%%{gopath}/src/%%{import_path}/$file" >> unit-test.file-list done %endif %if 0%{?with_devel} sort -u -o devel.file-list devel.file-list %endif %check %if 0%{?with_check} && 0%{?with_unit_test} && 0%{?with_devel} %if ! 0%{?with_bundled} export GOPATH=%{buildroot}/%{gopath}:%{gopath} %else export GOPATH=%{buildroot}/%{gopath}:$(pwd)/Godeps/_workspace:%{gopath} %endif %if ! 0%{?gotest:1} %global gotest go test %endif %gotest %{import_path} %endif #define license tag if not already defined %{!?_licensedir:%global license %doc} %if 0%{?with_devel} %files devel -f devel.file-list %license LICENSE %doc README.md %dir %{gopath}/src/%{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project} %endif %if 0%{?with_unit_test} && 0%{?with_devel} %files unit-test -f unit-test.file-list %license LICENSE %doc README.md %endif %changelog * Wed Aug 02 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.1.0-0.6.gitaceac81 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.1.0-0.5.gitaceac81 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.1.0-0.4.gitaceac81 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Dec 17 2016 Jan Chaloupka - 1.1.0-0.3.gitaceac81 - Polish the spec file related: #1313834 * Thu Jul 21 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.1.0-0.2.gitaceac81 - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/golang1.7 * Wed Mar 02 2016 jchaloup - 1.1.0-0.1.gitaceac81 - Update to 1.1.0 resolves: #1313834 * Mon Feb 22 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 0-0.3.gite5f9854 - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/golang1.6 * Wed Feb 03 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 0-0.2.gite5f9854 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Oct 08 2015 jchaloup - 0-0.1.gite5f9854 - First package for Fedora resolves: #1270034