%bcond_without mingw Name: liblerc Version: 4.0.0 Release: 4%{?dist} Summary: Library for Limited Error Raster Compression License: Apache-2.0 URL: https://github.com/Esri/lerc Source0: https://github.com/Esri/lerc/archive/v%{version}/lerc-%{version}.tar.gz # Add version suffix to mingw dll Patch0: lerc-dllver.patch BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: python3-devel %if %{with mingw} BuildRequires: mingw32-filesystem >= 95 BuildRequires: mingw32-gcc-c++ BuildRequires: mingw64-filesystem >= 95 BuildRequires: mingw64-gcc-c++ %endif %description LERC is an open-source image or raster format which supports rapid encoding and decoding for any pixel type (not just RGB or Byte). Users set the maximum compression error per pixel while encoding, so the precision of the original input image is preserved (within user defined error bounds). %package devel Summary: Development files for %{name} Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description devel The %{name}-devel package contains libraries and header files for developing applications that use %{name}. %if %{with mingw} %package -n mingw32-%{name} Summary: MinGW Windows %{name} library BuildArch: noarch %description -n mingw32-%{name} %{summary}. %package -n mingw64-%{name} Summary: MinGW Windows %{name} library BuildArch: noarch %description -n mingw64-%{name} %{summary}. %endif %prep %autosetup -p1 -n lerc-%{version} # Fix line endings sed -i 's/\r$//' NOTICE README.md doc/MORE.md %build # Native build %cmake %cmake_build %if %{with mingw} # MinGW build %mingw_cmake %mingw_make_build %endif %install %cmake_install %if %{with mingw} %mingw_make_install %endif %files %license LICENSE %doc README.md CHANGELOG.md NOTICE %{_libdir}/libLerc.so.4 %files devel %doc doc/* %{_includedir}/Lerc_c_api.h %{_includedir}/Lerc_types.h %{_libdir}/libLerc.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/Lerc.pc %if %{with mingw} %files -n mingw32-%{name} %license LICENSE %{mingw32_bindir}/libLerc-4.dll %{mingw32_includedir}/Lerc_c_api.h %{mingw32_includedir}/Lerc_types.h %{mingw32_libdir}/libLerc.dll.a %{mingw32_libdir}/pkgconfig/Lerc.pc %files -n mingw64-%{name} %license LICENSE %{mingw64_bindir}/libLerc-4.dll %{mingw64_includedir}/Lerc_c_api.h %{mingw64_includedir}/Lerc_types.h %{mingw64_libdir}/libLerc.dll.a %{mingw64_libdir}/pkgconfig/Lerc.pc %endif %changelog * Thu Jul 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.0.0-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 19 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.0.0-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jul 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.0.0-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jul 21 2022 Sandro Mani - 4.0.0-1 - Update to 4.0.0 * Mon Jul 11 2022 Sandro Mani - 3.1-0.3.gitb1de4cd - Re-enable mingw32 on EL9 * Fri Jun 10 2022 Orion Poplawski - 3.1-0.2.gitb1de4cd - Drop mingw for non-x86_64 on EL9 * Fri May 06 2022 Sandro Mani - 3.1-0.1.gitb1de4cd - Initial package b1de4cd