%global extdir %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/rclone-manager@germanztz.com %global gschemadir %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas %global giturl https://github.com/germanztz/gnome-shell-extension-rclone-manager #%%global commit 2e8501fc0a144357353c42a84d74756f2831d488 #%%global commit_short %%(c=%%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7}) #%%global commit_date 20221001 Name: gnome-shell-extension-rclone-manager %if 0%{?commit:1} Version: 43.0^20230219g0e53bd3 %else Version: 43.0 %endif Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Adds an rclone indicator to the top panel License: GPLv2 URL: https://github.com/germanztz/gnome-shell-extension-rclone-manager %if 0%{?commit:1} Source0: %{giturl}/archive/%{commit}.tar.gz %else Source0: %{giturl}/arcive/v%{version}.tar.gz %endif Patch0: metadata-shell-version-patch.patch BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: gettext BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/glib-compile-schemas Requires: rclone Requires: gnome-shell-extension-common %if 0%{?fedora} Requires: libdbusmenu-gtk3 %endif %description Is like Dropbox sync client but for more than 30 services, adds an indicator to the top panel so you can manage the rclone profiles configured in your system, perform operations such as mount as remote, watch for file modifications, sync with remote storage, navigate it's main folder. Also, it shows the status of each profile so you can supervise the operations, and provides an easy access log of events. Backup and restore the rclone configuration file, so you won't have to configure all your devices one by one %prep %if 0%{?commit:1} %autosetup -n gnome-shell-extension-rclone-manager-%{commit} -p 0 %else %autosetup -n gnome-shell-extension-rclone-manager-%{version} -p 0 %endif %build %make_build %install %make_install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{extdir} %{buildroot}%{gschemadir} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/locale cp -fr ./* %{buildroot}%{extdir} install -m 644 %{buildroot}%{extdir}/schemas/*gschema.xml %{buildroot}%{gschemadir} mv -f %{buildroot}%{extdir}/locale %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/ %{__rm} -fr %{buildroot}%{extdir}/{DEVELOP*,LICENSE*,Makefile,README*,Vagrantfile,docs,locale,package*,schemas} %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7 %postun if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then %{_bindir}/glib-compile-schemas %{gschemadir} &> /dev/null || : fi %posttrans %{_bindir}/glib-compile-schemas %{gschemadir} &> /dev/null || : %endif %files %license LICENSE.rst %doc README.md docs %{extdir} %{gschemadir}/*gschema.xml %{_datadir}/locale %changelog * Wed Apr 19 2023 Astrawan Wayan - 43.0-1 - Bump version 43.0-1 * Sun Nov 13 2022 Astrawan Wayan - 42.2-1 - Initial import