%global foundry adobe %global fontlicense OFL-1.1 %global fontlicenses LICENSE.md %global fontdocs README.md %global fontdocsex %{fontlicenses} %global fontfamily Source Code Pro %global fontsummary A set of mono-spaced OpenType fonts designed for coding environments %global fontpkgheader %{expand: Suggests: font(sourcecodevf)} %global fonts OTF/*.otf %global fontconfs %{SOURCE10} %global fontdescription %{expand: This font was designed by Paul D. Hunt as a companion to Source Sans. It has the same weight range as the corresponding Source Sans design. It supports a wide range of languages using the Latin script, and includes all the characters in the Adobe Latin 4 glyph set.} %global fontfamily2 Source Code VF %global fontsummary2 OpenType fonts designed for coding environments, variable versions %global fontpkgheader1 %{expand: Suggests: font(sourcecodepro)} %global fonts2 VF/*.otf %global fontconfs2 %{SOURCE11} %global fontdescription2 %{expand: %{fontdescription} This is the variable versions of the font Source Code Pro.}} %global version_roman 2.042 %global version_italic 1.062 %global version_vf 1.026 Version: %{version_roman}.%{version_italic}.%{version_vf} Release: 2.ac%{?dist} URL: https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro Source: https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro/archive/%{version_roman}R-u/%{version_italic}R-i/%{version_vf}R-vf.tar.gz#/source-code-pro-%{version_roman}R-u-%{version_italic}R-i-%{version_vf}R-vf.tar.gz Source10: 61-%{name}.conf Source11: 61-%{fontpkgname2}.conf %fontpkg -a %prep %autosetup -n source-code-pro-%{version_roman}R-u-%{version_italic}R-i-%{version_vf}R-vf %build %fontbuild -a %install %fontinstall -a %check %fontcheck -a %fontfiles -a %changelog * Wed Mar 13 2024 Ding-Yi Chen - %{version_roman}.%{version_italic}.%{version_vf}-2.ac - Shortcut packaging