%global		pwsafe_release	1.12.0

Name:		passwordsafe
Version:	1.12.0
Release:	1%{?dist}
Summary:	Password Safe is a password database utility
Group:		Applications/Utils

License:	Artistic 2.0
URL:		http://pwsafe.org/
Vendor:		Rony Shapiro
Packager:	João Carlos Mendes Luís <jonny@jonny.eng.br>

Source0:	https://github.com/pwsafe/pwsafe/archive/%{pwsafe_release}.tar.gz#/pwsafe-%{pwsafe_release}.tar.gz

Conflicts:	pwsafe
%{?el7:BuildRequires: epel-release}
BuildRequires:	make, cmake, gcc-c++, zip, gettext, desktop-file-utils, perl
BuildRequires:	libXt-devel, libXtst-devel, libuuid-devel, libyubikey-devel, xerces-c-devel
BuildRequires:	wxGTK3-devel, ykpers-devel, qrencode-devel, openssl-devel, libcurl-devel, file-devel
%{?el7:Requires: epel-release, wxBase3, wxGTK3, xerces-c, ykpers}

# Errors:

# ELN:
# No matching package to install: 'libyubikey-devel'
# No matching package to install: 'ykpers-devel'

# Stream8
# No matching package to install: 'libyubikey-devel'
# No matching package to install: 'wxGTK3-devel'
# No matching package to install: 'xerces-c-devel'
# No matching package to install: 'ykpers-devel'

Password Safe is a password database utility. Like many other such products,
commercial and otherwise, it stores your passwords in an encrypted file,
allowing you to remember only one password (the "safe combination"), instead of
all the user name / password combinations that you use.

%global debug_package %{nil}


%setup -q -n pwsafe-%{pwsafe_release}
mv install/desktop/fedora-pwsafe.desktop install/desktop/passwordsafe.desktop


# EL7:
%{?el7:%global cmake_opt -D wxWidgets_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=/usr/libexec/wxGTK3/wx-config}

rpm --showrc
mkdir -p build
cd build
if [[ -d %{_host_alias} ]] ; then
  cd %{_host_alias}
make %{?_smp_mflags}
cd %{_builddir}/%{buildsubdir}


rm -rf %{buildroot}

mkdir -p build
cd build
if [[ -d %{_host_alias} ]] ; then
  cd %{_host_alias}
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
cd %{_builddir}/%{buildsubdir}

# Manually install the icon
install -p -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
install -p -m 644 install/graphics/pwsafe.png %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps

# Remove the superfluous .desktop file
rm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/pwsafe.desktop
# Install the real desktop file
desktop-file-install --dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications install/desktop/passwordsafe.desktop

%find_lang pwsafe

rm -rf %{buildroot}

%docdir /usr/share/doc/passwordsafe
%ghost docs/*

%files -f pwsafe.lang

%license LICENSE
%doc install/copyright
%doc docs/ReleaseNotes.md


%dir %{_datadir}/passwordsafe
%dir %{_datadir}/passwordsafe/xml
%dir %{_datadir}/passwordsafe/help

* Sat Dec 05 2020 João Carlos Mendes Luís - 1.12.0
- Copied from release 2019-11-04, Simon Gerhards - 1.08.3-0.git05fef0b4c
- New upstream release, 1.12.0