# # spec file for package libsolv # # Copyright (c) 2021 SUSE LLC # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/ # %define libname libsolv1 %if 0%{?sle_version} >= 120300 || 0%{?suse_version} >= 1330 || !0%{?suse_version} %bcond_without bz2 %bcond_without xz %else %bcond_with bz2 %bcond_with xz %endif %if 0%{?sle_version} >= 150000 || 0%{?suse_version} >= 1500 %bcond_without zstd %else %bcond_with zstd %endif %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 7 || 0%{?mageia} >= 6 || 0%{?suse_version} >= 1330 %bcond_without richdeps %else %bcond_with richdeps %endif # we need at least swig 1.3.40 for the bindings ($typemap support) %if 0%{?suse_version} != 1110 %bcond_without python3 %if 0%{?suse_version} < 1550 %bcond_without python %else %bcond_with python %endif %bcond_without ruby %bcond_without perl %else %bcond_with python3 %bcond_with python %bcond_with ruby %bcond_with perl %endif %bcond_without static %bcond_with shared %bcond_with zypp Name: libsolv Version: 0.7.20 Release: 1.5.1 Summary: Package dependency solver using a satisfiability algorithm License: BSD-3-Clause Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++ URL: https://github.com/openSUSE/libsolv Source: libsolv-%{version}.tar.bz2 Patch0: 477.patch BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: libxml2-devel BuildRequires: rpm-devel BuildRequires: zlib-devel BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 6 || 0%{?mageia} BuildRequires: db-devel %endif %if %{with perl} BuildRequires: perl %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 6 || 0%{?mageia} BuildRequires: perl-devel %endif BuildRequires: swig %endif %if %{with ruby} %global ruby_vendorarch %(ruby -r rbconfig -e "puts RbConfig::CONFIG['vendorarchdir'].nil? ? RbConfig::CONFIG['sitearchdir'] : RbConfig::CONFIG['vendorarchdir']") BuildRequires: ruby BuildRequires: ruby-devel BuildRequires: swig %endif %if %{with python} %global python_sitearch %(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib(True))") BuildRequires: python-devel BuildRequires: swig %endif %if %{with python3} %global python3_sitearch %(python3 -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib(True))") BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: swig %endif %if %{with bz2} %if 0%{?suse_version} BuildRequires: libbz2-devel %else BuildRequires: bzip2-devel %endif %endif %if %{with xz} BuildRequires: xz-devel %endif %if %{with zstd} BuildRequires: libzstd-devel %endif %description libsolv is a library for solving packages and reading repositories. The solver uses a satisfiability algorithm. %if %{with shared} %package -n %{libname} Summary: Package dependency solver using a satisfiability algorithm Group: System/Libraries %description -n %{libname} libsolv is a library for solving packages and reading repositories. It consists of two central blocks: Using a dictionary approach to store and retrieve package and dependency information, and, using a so-called satisfiability algorithm for resolving package dependencies. %endif %package devel Summary: Development files for libsolv, a package solver Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++ %if %{with shared} Requires: %{libname} = %version %endif Requires: rpm-devel Conflicts: libsatsolver-devel %description devel Development files for libsolv, a library for solving packages and reading repositories. %package tools Summary: Utilities to work with .solv files Group: System/Management Conflicts: satsolver-tools-obsolete Obsoletes: satsolver-tools < 0.18 Provides: satsolver-tools = 0.18 %description tools libsolv is a library for solving packages and reading repositories. This subpackage contains utilities to create and work with the .solv files used by libsolv. %package demo Summary: Applications demoing the libsolv library Group: System/Management Requires: curl Conflicts: libsatsolver-demo %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 6 || 0%{?mageia} Requires: gnupg2 %endif %if 0%{?suse_version} Requires: gpg2 %endif %description demo Applications demoing the libsolv library. %package -n ruby-solv Summary: Ruby bindings for the libsolv library Group: Development/Languages/Ruby %description -n ruby-solv Ruby bindings for libsolv. %package -n python-solv %if 0%{?py_requires:1} && %{with python} %py_requires %endif Summary: Python bindings for the libsolv library Group: Development/Languages/Python %description -n python-solv Python bindings for libsolv. %package -n python3-solv Summary: Python3 bindings for the libsolv library Group: Development/Languages/Python %description -n python3-solv Python3 bindings for libsolv. %package -n perl-solv Summary: Perl bindings for the libsolv library Group: Development/Languages/Perl Requires: perl = %{perl_version} %description -n perl-solv Perl bindings for libsolv. %prep %setup -q %build %global _lto_cflags %{?_lto_cflags} -ffat-lto-objects export CFLAGS="%{optflags}" export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CMAKE_FLAGS= %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 6 CMAKE_FLAGS="-DFEDORA=1" %endif %if 0%{?mageia} CMAKE_FLAGS="-DMAGEIA=1" %endif %if 0%{?suse_version} CMAKE_FLAGS="-DSUSE=1" %endif cmake . $CMAKE_FLAGS \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{_prefix} \ -DLIB=%{_lib} \ -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=TRUE \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DWITH_LIBXML2=1 \ -DENABLE_APPDATA=1 \ -DENABLE_COMPS=1 \ %{?with_static:-DENABLE_STATIC=1} \ %{!?with_shared:-DDISABLE_SHARED=1} \ %{?with_perl:-DENABLE_PERL=1} \ %{?with_python:-DENABLE_PYTHON=1} \ %{?with_python3:-DENABLE_PYTHON3=1} \ %{?with_ruby:-DENABLE_RUBY=1} \ %{?with_bz2:-DENABLE_BZIP2_COMPRESSION=1} \ %{?with_xz:-DENABLE_LZMA_COMPRESSION=1} \ %{?with_zstd:-DENABLE_ZSTD_COMPRESSION=1} \ %{?with_zstd:-DENABLE_ZCHUNK_COMPRESSION=1} \ %{?with_richdeps:-DENABLE_COMPLEX_DEPS=1} \ %{?with_zypp:-DENABLE_SUSEREPO=1 -DENABLE_HELIXREPO=1} \ -DUSE_VENDORDIRS=1 \ -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=1 make %{?_smp_mflags} %install make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install ln -s repo2solv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/repo2solv.sh %if 0%{?suse_version} %if %{with python} %py_compile -O %{buildroot}/%{python_sitearch} %endif %if %{with python3} %py3_compile %{buildroot}/%{python3_sitearch} %endif %endif %check make ARGS=--output-on-failure test %if %{with shared} %post -n %{libname} -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %{libname} -p /sbin/ldconfig %files -n %{libname} %defattr(-,root,root) %license LICENSE* %{_libdir}/libsolv.so.* %{_libdir}/libsolvext.so.* %endif %files tools %defattr(-,root,root) %if 0%{?suse_version} %exclude %{_bindir}/helix2solv %exclude %{_mandir}/man1/helix2solv* %endif %exclude %{_mandir}/man1/solv.1* %exclude %{_bindir}/solv %{_bindir}/* %{_mandir}/man1/* %files devel %defattr(-,root,root) %if %{with static} %{_libdir}/libsolv.a %{_libdir}/libsolvext.a %endif %if %{with shared} %{_libdir}/libsolv.so %{_libdir}/libsolvext.so %endif %{_includedir}/solv %if 0%{?suse_version} %{_bindir}/helix2solv %{_mandir}/man1/helix2solv* %endif %{_datadir}/cmake/Modules/* %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libsolv*.pc %{_mandir}/man3/* %files demo %defattr(-,root,root) %{_bindir}/solv %{_mandir}/man1/solv.1* %if %{with perl} %files -n perl-solv %defattr(-,root,root) %{perl_vendorarch}/* %endif %if %{with ruby} %files -n ruby-solv %defattr(-,root,root) %{ruby_vendorarch}/* %endif %if %{with python} %files -n python-solv %defattr(-,root,root) %{python_sitearch}/* %endif %if %{with python3} %files -n python3-solv %defattr(-,root,root) %{python3_sitearch}/*solv* %if 0%{?suse_version} %{python3_sitearch}/*/*solv* %endif %endif %changelog * Sat Sep 25 2021 mls@suse.de - fix misparsing of '&' in attributes with libxml2 - choice rules: treat orphaned packages as newest [bsc#1190465] - fix compatibility with Python 3.10 - new SOLVER_EXCLUDEFROMWEAK job type - support for environments in comps parser - bump version to 0.7.20 * Fri Jul 30 2021 Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar@opensuse.org> - Disable python2 usage on suse_version >= 1550 by default (still possible to use osc build --with=python). * Wed Apr 7 2021 mls@suse.de - fix rare segfault in resolve_jobrules() that could happen if new rules are learnt - fix a couple of memory leaks in error cases - fix error handling in solv_xfopen_fd() - bump version to 0.7.19 * Fri Mar 26 2021 mls@suse.de - fixed regex code on win32 - fixed memory leak in choice rule generation - repo_add_conda: add flag to skip v2 packages - bump version to 0.7.18 * Tue Jan 19 2021 mls@suse.de - repo_write: fix handling of nested flexarray - improve choicerule generation a bit more to cover more cases - harden testcase parser against repos being added too late - support python-3.10 - check %%_dbpath macro in rpmdb code - handle default/visible/langonly attributes in comps parser - support multiple collections in updateinfo parser - add '-D' option in rpmdb2solv to set the dbpath - bump version to 0.7.17 * Tue Oct 20 2020 mls@suse.de - do not ask the namespace callback for splitprovides when writing a testcase - fix add_complex_recommends() selecting conflicted packages in rare cases leading to crashes - improve choicerule generation so that package updates are prefered in more cases - bump version to 0.7.16 * Mon Oct 5 2020 mls@suse.de - make testcase_mangle_repo_names deal correctly with freed repos [bnc#1177238] * Fri Sep 11 2020 mls@suse.de - fix deduceq2addedmap clearing bits outside of the map - conda: feature depriorization first - conda: fix startswith implementation - move find_update_seeds() call in cleandeps calculation - set SOLVABLE_BUILDHOST in rpm and rpmmd parsers - new testcase_mangle_repo_names() function - new solv_fmemopen() function - bump version to 0.7.15 * Tue Jun 23 2020 ma@suse.de - Enable zstd compression support for sle15 * Thu May 28 2020 mls@suse.de - Enable zstd compression support for sle15-sp2 * Wed May 27 2020 mls@suse.de - Support blacklisted packages in solver_findproblemrule() [bnc#1172135] - Support rules with multiple negative literals in choice rule generation - bump version to 0.7.14 * Fri Apr 24 2020 mls@suse.de - Fix solvable swapping messing up idarrays - bump version to 0.7.13 * Mon Apr 20 2020 mls@suse.de - fix ruleinfo of complex dependencies returning the wrong origin - bump version to 0.7.12 * Wed Jan 22 2020 mls@suse.de - fixed solv_zchunk decoding error if large chunks are used - treat retracted pathes as irrelevant - made add_update_target work with multiversion installs - bump version to 0.7.11 * Thu Dec 19 2019 mls@suse.de - fix solv_zchunk decoding error if large chunks are used [bnc#1159314] * Tue Dec 10 2019 mls@suse.de - build with -DENABLE_RPMDB_LIBRPM=1 on SUSE to support multiple rpm database backends * Tue Dec 10 2019 mls@suse.de - added two new function to make libzypp independent of the rpm database format - bump version to 0.7.10 * Thu Nov 21 2019 mls@suse.de - support conda constrains dependencies - bump version to 0.7.9 * Tue Nov 12 2019 mls@suse.de - support arch<->noarch package changes when creating patch conflicts from the updateinfo data - support for SOLVER_BLACKLIST jobs that block the installation of matched packages unless they are directly selected by an SOLVER_INSTALL job - libsolv now also parses the patch status in the updateinfo parser - new solvable_matchessolvable() function - bump version to 0.7.8 * Fri Oct 18 2019 mls@suse.de - fix updating of too many packages in focusbest mode - fix handling of disabled installed packages in distupgrade - new POOL_FLAG_WHATPROVIDESWITHDISABLED pool flag - bump version to 0.7.7 * Wed Aug 28 2019 mls@suse.de - Fix repository priority handling for multiversion packages - Make code compatible with swig 4.0, remove obj0 instances - repo2solv: support zchunk compressed data - bump version to 0.7.6 * Wed Jul 10 2019 Martin Liška <mliska@suse.cz> - Add -ffat-lto-objects to $optflags as the package provides static libraries - Remove NO_BRP_STRIP_DEBUG=true as brp-15-strip-debug will not strip debug info for archives * Thu Jun 13 2019 mls@suse.de - make cleandeps jobs on patterns work [bnc#1137977] * Wed Jun 12 2019 mls@suse.de - fix favorq leaking between solver runs if the solver is reused - fix SOLVER_FLAG_FOCUS_BEST updateing packages without reason - be more correct with multiversion packages that obsolete their own name [bnc#1127155] - allow building with swig-4.0.0 [bnc#1135749] - bump version to 0.7.5 * Wed Apr 24 2019 mls@suse.de - always prefer to stay with the same package name if there are multiple alternatives [bnc#1131823] * Fri Mar 29 2019 mls@suse.de - repo_add_rpmdb: do not copy bad solvables from the old solv file - fix cleandeps updates not updating all packages - experimental DISTTYPE_CONDA and REL_CONDA support - bump version to 0.7.4 * Wed Jan 30 2019 mls@suse.de - fixed a couple of null pointer derefs [bnc#1120629] [bnc#1120630] [bnc#1120631] [CVE-2018-20532] [CVE-2018-20533] [CVE-2018-20534] - do favor evaluation before pruning allowing to (dis)favor specific package versions - no longer disable infarch rules when they don't conflict with the job - bump version to 0.7.3 * Fri Dec 7 2018 mls@suse.de - do not autouninstall packages because of forcebest updates - support rpm's new '^' version separator - support set/get_considered_list in bindings - new experimental SOLVER_FLAG_ONLY_NAMESPACE_RECOMMENDED flag [fate#325513] - bump version to 0.7.2 * Wed Oct 31 2018 mls@suse.de - fix nasty off-by-one error in repo_write - also copy pattern categories from the rpm that defines the pattern [fate#323785] - bump version to 0.7.1 * Wed Oct 24 2018 mls@suse.de - new repowriter interface - new selection_make_matchsolvable function - dropped support of REPOKEY_TYPE_U32 - bindings: Selection.flags is now an attribute - bump version to 0.7.0 * Thu Aug 9 2018 mls@suse.de - refactor arch handling - add support for zstd and zchunk compression - convert repo2solv.sh script into a binary tool - bump version to 0.6.35 * Wed Jul 18 2018 ngompa13@gmail.com - Fix compatibility with Mageia and RH/Fedora * Wed Jul 18 2018 tchvatal@suse.com - Sort a bit with spec-cleaner - Use python/ruby/etc condition names to match what other packages do in order to make sure we are enabling/disabling stuff within prjcfg - Silence the source unpacking - Make sure to execute tests * Fri Mar 23 2018 mls@suse.de - make sure product files come from /etc/products.d in fallback search [bnc#1086602] - bump version to 0.6.34 * Thu Mar 1 2018 mls@suse.de - also use suggests for ordering packages [bnc#1077635] * Wed Feb 28 2018 mls@suse.de - fix bad assignment in solution refinement that led to a memory leak [bnc#1075978] - use license tag instead of doc in the spec file [bnc#1082318] - bump version to 0.6.33 * Tue Feb 13 2018 mls@suse.de - fixed bug that could make fileconflict detection very slow in some cases [bnc#953130] - bump version to 0.6.32 * Wed Jan 31 2018 mls@suse.de - new ENABLE_RPMDB_LIBRPM/ENABLE_RPMPKG_LIBRPM config options - new pool_set_whatprovides function to change the whatprovides data - much improved selection code - bump version to 0.6.31 * Tue Oct 24 2017 jengelh@inai.de - Update package descriptions and groups. Replace old $RPM_* variables by macros. * Mon Oct 23 2017 mls@suse.de - many fixes and improvements for cleandeps - support debian packages with xz compressed control.tar - always create dup rules for "distupgrade" jobs - use recommends also for ordering packages - Fix splitprovides handling with addalreadyrecommended turned off [bnc#1059065] - bump version to 0.6.30 * Thu Sep 7 2017 mls@suse.de - expose solver_get_recommendations in bindings - fix bug in solver_prune_to_highest_prio_per_name resulting in bad solver_get_recommendations output - support 'without' and 'unless' dependencies - fix yumobs rule generation bug - Use same heuristic as upstream to determine src rpms - bump version to 0.6.29 * Fri Jun 30 2017 mls@suse.de - make peace with newer perl versions - fix memory leak in bindings - add pool_best_solvables() function - fix 64bit integer parsing from RPM headers - bump version to 0.6.28 * Sun May 28 2017 ngompa13@gmail.com - Enable complex/rich dependencies for CentOS/RHEL 7, matching how libsolv is configured there. * Thu May 11 2017 ngompa13@gmail.com - Disable bzip2 and xz/lzma compression support for SLE <= 12 * Mon May 8 2017 ngompa13@gmail.com - Enable bzip2 and xz/lzma compression support - Enable complex/rich dependencies on distributions with RPM 4.13+ - Simplified CentOS/RHEL conditionals - Added Mageia conditionals - Fixed a few spec portability issues * Tue Apr 25 2017 mls@suse.de - change queue resize code to use adaptive chunk sizes - fix potential segfault in testcase_depstr [bnc#1036002] - fix performance issues with name = md5sum dependencies [bnc#1035946] - improve "forcebest with uninstall" handling - make dirid handling more robust - build with libxml2 instead of libexpat - bump version to 0.6.27 * Wed Feb 15 2017 mls@suse.de - export solvable_matchesdep function, as we now use it in the bindings [bnc#1025440] - bump version to 0.6.26 * Tue Feb 7 2017 mls@suse.de - add SOLVABLE_NAME hack for pool_whatmatchesdep and solvable_matchesdep - add SOLVER_FLAG_STRONG_RECOMMENDS option - add SOLVER_FLAG_INSTALL_ALSO_UPDATES option - do not special case release-less provides in sort_by_common_dep - solver_problemruleinfo2str: return reason why a package is not installable - guard against dirpool_add_dir being called with an illegal component id - reject solv files with bad directories - bump version to 0.6.25 * Thu Nov 10 2016 mls@suse.de - make testcase_str2solvid work with ignored packages - improve checks against corrupt rpm - add SOLVER_FLAG_FOCUS_BEST solver flag - rework susetags multi-line handling [bnc#1007273] - build both for python2 and python3 - bump version to 0.6.24 * Fri Jul 22 2016 mls@suse.de - also scan /usr/share/metainfo for appdata files [bnc#989830] - support tri-state product-endoflife [fate#320699] - take lockstep into account when calculating unneeded packages - ignore appplication extensions for now in appdata parser [bnc#984332] - add enabled features to solvversion.h - take disfavors into account when auto-minimizing for recommended packages - change cleandeps code so that it keeps all providers - make sure that all repos have different names in a testcase - bump version to 0.6.23 * Tue Jun 7 2016 mls@suse.de - fix bug in ignoreinst logic [bnc#983141] * Wed May 18 2016 mls@suse.de - add pool->setdisttype to the bindings - fix error in repo_deb that could lead to missing packages - add reason testing to testcase code - add pool_whatcontainsdep, selection_make_matchdepid, and SELECTION_MATCH_DEPSTR - add SOLVER_FAVOR and SOLVER_DISFAVOR job types - allow unknown archs in pool_setarch - add the SOLVER_FLAG_URPM_REORDER solver flag - fix segfault in cshash dedup code [bnc#980901] - fix supplements handling when implicitobsoleteusescolors is set - bump version to 0.6.21 * Fri Apr 8 2016 mls@suse.de - Better support of complex deps in pool_match_dep and selection_make_matchdeps - make SOLVER_REASON_CLEANDEPS_ERASE introspection reason work again - make dep2str use rpm-like output if disttype is rpm - implement filtering of Requires(pre,post) for installed packages - simplify handling of pseudo package updates [bnc#967006] - improve speed of rpmmd metadata parsing - bump version to 0.6.20 * Mon Feb 15 2016 mls@suse.de - parse media number from baseurl - support susedata.<lang>.xml language files - bump version to 0.6.19 * Fri Jan 29 2016 mls@suse.de - fix rule generation for linked packages [bnc#961738] - add hash method in bindings for some classes - bump version to 0.6.18 * Tue Dec 22 2015 mls@suse.de - fix update handling of multiversion packages [bnc#957606] - bump version to 0.6.17 * Mon Dec 21 2015 mls@suse.de - fix orphan handling for dup with keeporphans set [bnc#957606] - bump version to 0.6.16 * Mon Dec 14 2015 mls@suse.de - change product links to also look at timestamps [bnc#956443] - rework multiversion orphaned handling [bnc#957606] - support key type changes in repodata_internalize() - allow serialization of REPOKEY_TYPE_DELETED - improve appdata handling of installed packages - improve performance when run under xen - bump version to 0.6.15 * Mon Oct 5 2015 mls@suse.de - fix bug in recommends handling [bnc#948482] - also check installed packages in multiversion handling - fix build on Mageia - bump version to 0.6.14 * Fri Sep 25 2015 mls@suse.de - support a generic string for pattern-visible() [bnc#900769] - add a SOLVER_ALLOWUNINSTALL job type - add ordercycle introspection - fix mkmask handling of a zero size - support 'recommends' in repo_mdk.c - support filelist parsing in installcheck - bump version to 0.6.13 * Tue Sep 1 2015 mls@suse.de - added tcl bindings - improve debian ar archive handling - bindings: set the CLOEXEC flags in xfopen - bindings: support testcase writing [bnc#946752] - support REL_ELSE as evr of REL_COND - bump version to 0.6.12 * Tue Jun 2 2015 mls@suse.de - add forgotten sha-512 support to data_skip - speed up whatprovides lookup with a new helper array - fix dup with allowuninstall - improve alreadyinstalled handling of supplements - some code cleanup - bump version to 0.6.11 * Sat May 2 2015 mrueckert@suse.de - you really want to use rbconfig there * Wed Mar 18 2015 mls@suse.de - fix bug in dislike_old_versions that could lead to a segfault [bnc#922352] - bump version to 0.6.10 * Mon Mar 9 2015 mls@suse.de - rework splitprovides handling [bnc#921332] - improve package choosing code - new testcase dependency format - add alternatives introspection - make reorder_dq_for_jobrules also look at recommends/suggests - rework branch handling - add parser for rpm rich deps - bump version to 0.6.9 * Wed Jan 14 2015 ma@suse.de - fixes to build with swig 3.0.3 - bump version to 0.6.8 * Fri Dec 19 2014 ma@suse.de - add product:regflavor attribute [bnc#896224] - bump version to 0.6.7 * Tue Oct 7 2014 mls@suse.de - fix bug in reorder_dq_for_jobrules leading to crashes [bnc#899907] - rename rpm rules to pkg rules - add manpages for the tools - bump version to 0.6.6 * Thu Sep 11 2014 mls@suse.de - support DUCHANGES_ONLYADD flag in diskusage calculation [bnc#783100] - add whatmatchesdep to bindings - support pool->considered in testcases - always call selection_filelist if SELECTION_FILELIST is set - support yum style obsolete handling for package splits - bump version to 0.6.5 * Tue Jul 8 2014 mls@suse.de - expand solver_identical fix to applications [bnc#885830] - fix instbuddy generation code - improve autominimizing implementation to also look at supplements - bump version to 0.6.4 * Fri Jun 13 2014 ma@suse.de - quick fix for [bnc#881320] - bump version to 0.6.3 * Fri Jun 6 2014 ma@suse.de - Provide PRODUCT_REGISTER_TARGET for available products [bnc#881320] - bump version to 0.6.2 * Thu Apr 17 2014 mls@suse.de - support BREAK_ORPHANS and KEEP_ORPHANS solver flags - adapt to AppStream 0.6 - reduce memory usage in repo_write and repodata_internalize - make repodata_stringify return the result string - bump version to 0.6.1 * Mon Apr 7 2014 mls@suse.de - add support for sha224/sha384/sha512 - add userinstalled helper functions - improve dataiterator bindings (in an incompatible way) - automatically free pool in bindings - bump version to 0.6.0 (ABI + bindings API breakage) * Wed Mar 26 2014 mls@suse.de - fix handling of packages with no update/feature rule [bnc#870195] - fix crash when in internalize() when the schemadata gets reallocated - fix access to uninitialized memory in repo_empty() - a couple of optimizations - support REPOKEYWORDS in content parser - bindings: don't let str(Datamatch) change the strings - fix basename optimization for STRINGEND - bump version to 0.5.1 * Wed Feb 26 2014 mls@suse.de - improve appdata.xml parsing [bnc#865293] - repo_helix: parse application elements - bump version to 0.5.0 * Fri Feb 21 2014 mls@suse.de - fix bug in solver_get_unneeded that could lead to an endless loop [bnc#828764] - adapt to new rpm tags for weak dependencies - fix pseudo packages obsoleting other pseudo packages - optimize unfulfilled rule handling a bit - bump version to 0.4.5 * Fri Feb 14 2014 mls@suse.de - always keep job/jobflags in selection_filter() - implement COND handling in supplements/enhances - improve OR handling in supplements/enhances - fix typo in application backlink creation - support PRODUCT_ENDOFLIFE - store repoid as flexarray - also translate autoproduct strings - bump version to 0.4.4 * Mon Jan 27 2014 mls@suse.de - add support for autogenerated products - support repoid array in product definition - bump version to 0.4.3 * Fri Jan 24 2014 mls@suse.de - add -X option to susetags2solv [bnc#860271] - fix typos in pool_job2str - support DISTRO in content parser - make addfilelist more resistant against corrupt rpms - encode flags into rpmdb cookie - add identical and evrcmp methods in bindings - copy checksums in repo_add_rpmdb_reffp - repo_autopattern: make sure that the category is valid utf8 - fix double-free if the number of languages is reduced to zero - bump version to 0.4.2 * Mon Dec 9 2013 mls@suse.de - make repo2solv.sh work when appdata support is off - enable appdata support for SUSE * Tue Dec 3 2013 mls@suse.de - support appdata parsing and auto-pattern generation in tools - adapt to python3 - tweak findproblemrule heuristic for conflicts - add m68k/ppc64le architectures - plug weakrulemap memory hole - support debian multiarch annotation - support product/pattern/application links - bump version to 0.4.1 * Tue Sep 24 2013 mls@suse.de - do not add back cleandeps_updatepkgs packages [bnc#841781] * Mon Sep 23 2013 mls@suse.de - added repodata_lookup_binary - fix pattern obsoleting real packages [bnc#834376] - add selection_make_matchdeps function to query dependencies other than provides - bump version to 0.4.0 * Wed Aug 21 2013 mls@suse.de - add describe_decision() and unset() methods to bindings - do recommends pruning after selecting the highest versions - improve filelist handling - be more tolerant about bad xml: an empty epoch attribute means no epoch - fix another edge case will dup mode and multiversion packages [bnc#828389] - bring installcheck up to speed * Mon Jun 17 2013 mls@suse.de - add SOLVER_RULE_JOB_UNSUPPORTED and SOLVER_RULE_JOB_UNKNOWN_PACKAGE for better problem reporting - start with library documentation - adapt to obsoletes handling of new rpm versions * Wed Mar 6 2013 mls@suse.de - fix dataiterator returning random data in some cases - add changelog parser - fix nasty bug in selection_filter_rel - allow re-run of an existing solver - bump version to 0.3.0 * Mon Jan 14 2013 mls@suse.de - trivial_installable: check vendor of affected package to see if a patch should be ignored [bnc#736100] - fix trivial installable requires handling - bump version to 0.2.4 * Tue Dec 18 2012 mls@suse.de - fix potential access to freed memory - improve find_problemrule speed - add support for special namespaceprovides jobs - bump version to 0.2.3 * Wed Dec 5 2012 mls@suse.de - many Selection improvements - fix perl binding memory issue - improve file list matching - support targeted up/dup with cleandeps - bump version to 0.2.2 * Fri Nov 23 2012 mls@suse.de - support targeted up/dup - support best rules to enforce the installation of the best package - implement selection class to ease package selection - fix obsolete handling for debian packages - add pool_lookup_deltalocation helper - bump version to 0.2.1 * Thu Oct 18 2012 mls@suse.de - fix susetags parser, it ignored the filelist of the last solvable - fix encoding of large values - bump version to 0.2.0 * Mon Jun 25 2012 mls@suse.de - fix typo in repodata_merge_attrs [bnc#767510] * Wed May 30 2012 mls@suse.de - fix build for older suse versions - fix memory corruption in unneeded calculation when there are product buddies * Tue May 8 2012 ma@suse.de - build with swig-2.0.6 * Mon Apr 23 2012 mls@suse.de - added testcase framework - add solver_get_unneeded() to get a list of no longer needed installed packages - changed duprule generation to ignore uninstallable packages [bnc#750485] - fix memory leaks - speed up whatprovides generation - support 64bit nums, return files sizes in bytes - return errors instead of calling exit() - support tilde in rpm version comparison [bnc#466994] - 0.1.0 * Tue Feb 7 2012 mls@suse.de - add findutils to the requires of libsolv-tools [bnc#743634] * Wed Feb 1 2012 mls@suse.de - add cleandeps support for install/update - check for cleandeps mistakes (untested) * Fri Jan 27 2012 mls@suse.de - make repo type code selection modular - add more solvable_ functions - add dependency getter/setter code to bindings - cleanup dup handling - hide more internals * Mon Oct 24 2011 ma@suse.de - mls fixed package provides/obsoletes, but forgot to write a changes entry. * Tue Oct 18 2011 ma@suse.de - Add arch arvm7tnhl and armv7thl * Fri Apr 29 2011 mls@suse.de - bup version to 0.17.0 to make it different from 11.4 - 0.17.0 * Thu Mar 24 2011 mls@suse.de - add missing else part in rpmdbid2db() * Thu Feb 24 2011 mls@suse.de - ignore to be dropped orhaned packages when calculating candidates for recommends/supplements installation * Wed Feb 2 2011 kkaempf@novell.com - Split off 'applayer' and 'bindings' as a separate package to make the bindings more independant of libsatsolver - 0.16.4 * Tue Jan 25 2011 ma@suse.de - Apply patch introducing armv7nhl:armv7h * Fri Oct 22 2010 ma@suse.de - updateinfoxml: Correctly parse 'issued date' field. - 0.16.1 * Thu Sep 9 2010 mls@suse.de - bump version to 0.16 to make it different from code11_3 branch - 0.16.0 * Mon Sep 6 2010 dmacvicar@novell.com - ruby bindings: fix bugs regarding include path loading (was hardcoded) and refactor the way the library path is defined (only once in a helper) * Mon Sep 6 2010 dmacvicar@novell.com - SLE10SP3 also has vendor_ruby * Wed Aug 18 2010 kkaempf@novell.com - refactor ruby-satsolver, pure-Ruby extensions added - 0.15.1 * Thu May 6 2010 mls@suse.de - fix bug in cleandeps code - bump version to 0.15 to make it different from code11_2 branch - 0.15.0 * Tue Mar 23 2010 ma@suse.de - Parse an installed products <shortsummary> tag [bnc#586303] * Mon Mar 22 2010 mls@suse.de - dataiterator: reset parent when jumping to a solvid [bnc#589640] - 0.14.17 * Thu Mar 11 2010 ma@suse.de - parse global repository ids. [bnc#377568] - fix pattern parsing in repomd format. [bnc#585000] - 0.14.16 * Thu Mar 11 2010 mls@suse.de - fix language code lookup for fallback languages [bnc#584644] - change solvable_lookup_str_lang interface a bit for libzypp * Fri Feb 19 2010 mls@suse.de - make dup rules work when system repo is not first [bnc#581276] - parse pattern visibility flag in repomd format - 0.14.15 * Fri Jan 29 2010 mls@suse.de - speed up createwhatprovides when many solvables provide the same dep - fix choice rule creation for real (bnc#551637) - 0.14.14 * Mon Jan 18 2010 mls@suse.de - set repository:toolversion to 1.0 in common_write - 0.14.13 * Mon Dec 21 2009 mls@suse.de - disable update rule in noobsoletes case if installed package is to be kept [bnc#564239] - work around rpm bug when --prefix is used [bnc#565525] - add support for sparc architecture [bnc#566291] - 0.14.12 * Mon Dec 7 2009 ma@suse.de - Support optionally compressed product(s).xml in rpmmd metadata. - 0.14.11 * Mon Nov 2 2009 mls@suse.de - look at infarch/dup rules when creating choice rules, makes dup also install 32bit packages [bnc#551637] - 0.14.10 * Wed Oct 14 2009 mls@suse.de - ignore products element so that repo2solv works - support MULTI_SEMANTICS - add --withsrc option for installcheck - add SOLVER_DROP_ORPHANED job type - fix dropped package handling in removedisabledconflicts - 0.14.9 * Thu Sep 24 2009 mls@suse.de - fix bug in solvable_lookup_str_base * Wed Sep 23 2009 mls@suse.de - get missing translations from other solvables [bnc#386449] - also look at triggers when ordering packages - add support for REPOKEY_TYPE_BINARY - 0.14.8 * Wed Sep 16 2009 mls@suse.de - use repomdxml to query for the location [bnc#501425] - fix assertion failue... again - fix fp leak [bnc#535468] - 0.14.7 * Fri Sep 4 2009 mls@suse.de - fix multiversion handling for real - fix speed regression in repo_susetags - close fd leak [bnc#527506] - remove db.h workaround - 0.14.6 * Mon Aug 31 2009 mls@suse.de - fix to build with rpm-4.7 * Fri Aug 28 2009 ma@suse.de - add support for SOLVER_SOLVABLE_REPO - 0.14.5 * Thu Jul 30 2009 mls@suse.de - speed up file list parsing - speed up addfileprovides - fix bugs in pubkey handling - fix bug in filelist handling when there are no abs paths - 0.14.4 * Fri Jul 17 2009 mls@suse.de - add satversion.h header file - many changes regarding the load callback - more dataiterator control functions - add transaction ordering code - add support for file conflict checking - 0.14.3 * Mon Jun 22 2009 mls@suse.de - create libsatsolverext.a - 0.14.2 * Wed May 6 2009 ma@suse.de - Fix to support sha256 hashes (bnc#501425) * Wed Apr 1 2009 kkaempf@suse.de - 0.14.1 Core changes - fix potential NULL deref in srcrpm handling (mls) - clean up and fix suggested/recommended list creation code (mls) - kill obsolete and broken patchxml support (mls) - replace old solver_problemruleinfo with new solver_ruleinfo function (mls) - add solvable_selfprovidedep() function (mls) - add noinfarchcheck solver option (mls) - clone job queue to make the code more flexible (mls) - rewrite policy rule disabling/re-enabling (bnc#481836) (mls) - fix out-of-bounds in solver_printproblem() (mls) Bindings changes - provide 'Repo.attr(String)' accessor function (kkaempf) - provide 'Solver.sizechange' to compute the changes of the installed size after a transaction is applied (kkaempf) - solver result iterators for Python (jblunck) - add %%newobject to track newly created objects better (kkaempf) - generate rdoc documentation from swig input files (kkaempf) - add a no-op Pool destructor (bnc#483252) (kkaempf) - provide access to all flags and settings (kkaempf) * Wed Mar 4 2009 mls@suse.de - fix problem_to_solutions segfault - bump version to 0.14 to make it different from code11 branch - 0.14.0 * Mon Mar 2 2009 mls@suse.de - add solver_trivial_installable() to fix multiversion patches [bnc#480303] - 0.13.5 * Wed Feb 18 2009 ma@suse.de - Use correct namespace (e.g. pattern:) even if solvable has no name [bnc#470011] * Fri Jan 30 2009 mls@suse.de - fix weakmap boundary check - 0.13.3 * Tue Jan 27 2009 ma@suse.de - Ignore trailing whitespace in content file parser. * Mon Jan 26 2009 mls@suse.de - fix segfault caused by whatprovides reallocation [bnc#468313] - 0.13.1 * Tue Jan 20 2009 ma@suse.de - repo_rpmdb: Fix conversion to UTF8 * Fri Dec 5 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - enhance bindings to provide reasons for solver decisions * Mon Dec 1 2008 mls@suse.de - prefer patterns again until there's a real fix [bnc#450226] * Mon Dec 1 2008 mls@suse.de - susetags: fix file dependency parsing [bnc#450286] * Fri Nov 28 2008 mls@suse.de - correct problem solving algorithm - 0.13.0 * Fri Nov 21 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - remove unused updaterepokey, replaced by repo product information * Thu Nov 20 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - support content, distro and updates tag properly - remove the unused products tag * Mon Nov 17 2008 ma@suse.de - Parse RELEASE tag from contentfile (bnc #444978) - 0.12.3 * Fri Nov 14 2008 mls@suse.de - fix bugs in multiversion handling - bring perl bindings up to speed - 0.12.2 * Fri Nov 7 2008 ma@suse.de - fix SOLVID_POS dataiterator handling * Fri Nov 7 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - make repo_zyppdb more robust (bnc#441043) * Thu Nov 6 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - Add 'user_data' argument to all applayer iterator callbacks (bnc#418491) * Wed Oct 29 2008 ma@suse.de - Add 'sh4' architectures. * Tue Oct 28 2008 ma@suse.de - Add 'arm' architectures. * Mon Oct 27 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - Improve error detection and reporting when parsing 'content' file * Fri Oct 24 2008 ma@suse.de - Remember the /etc/products.d enties filename in .solv (bnc #432932) - 0.12.1 * Thu Oct 23 2008 mrueckert@suse.de - add zlib-devel as buildrequires, cmake is looking for it explicitely. rpm-devel used to require it but you dont really need it to link against librpm* - requires rpm-devel in the devel package, it is required to link against libsatsolver. * Wed Oct 22 2008 mls@suse.de - add pool_set_installed() - drop "installed" arguments from some functions - 0.12.0 * Wed Oct 22 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - support the new standarized tags available in createrepo > 0.9.6 saving of the distro tag still missing. * Thu Oct 16 2008 mls@suse.de - make iterator work with completely empty repos [bnc#435838] * Tue Oct 14 2008 mls@suse.de - the big solv data change * incompatible new file format * repodata handles are solvable ids * no more extra handles * no need to call repodata_extend anymore - work around solver dup repo priority bug, real fix follows soon - implement releasever - repo_products.c is now more robust * Mon Oct 13 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - make product parsing more robust (bnc#433362) * Thu Oct 2 2008 ma@suse.de - Product arttributes: removed FLAVOR and REFERENCES, added PRODUCTLINE. - revision 11233 - 0.11.0 * Tue Sep 30 2008 ma@suse.de - repo_content.c: fix broken dependency parsing. - revision 11214 * Mon Sep 29 2008 ma@suse.de - rpms2solv failed to write out most solvable data (bnc #422338). - revision 11201 * Fri Sep 26 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - new fallback strategy for installed products in rpmdb2solv try /etc/products.d (code11 style) first if this fails, try /var/lib/zypp/db/products/* if this fails, fallback to /etc/*-release (bnc#429177) - 0.10.16 * Thu Sep 25 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - fully support Dataiterator in Python and Ruby bindings. - 0.10.15 * Thu Sep 25 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - add support for keywords in susedata * Wed Sep 24 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - parse /etc/<xyz>-release if no /etc/products.d present (bnc#429177) - 0.10.14 * Mon Sep 22 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - ability to parse suseinfo.xml for extended repomd.xml attributes - fix susedata.xml parsing - add CPE attribute to installed product - real fix for segfault in multiarch parsing (bnc#427271) - 0.10.13 * Thu Sep 18 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - fix segfault in multiarch parsing (bnc#427271) * Wed Sep 17 2008 mls@suse.de - fix segfault in provides iterator - 0.10.12 * Fri Sep 12 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - support for susedata.xml * Fri Sep 12 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - add repo_add_poolstr_array - move updates="key,key.." to repomd.xml - make product url ids more extensible - 0.10.11 * Thu Sep 11 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - add REPOSITORY_UPDATES to match product -> repos - make updateinfo.xml support id attribute in collection that leads to insert that the repository updates that id. * Wed Sep 10 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - create one product per BASEARCHS * Wed Sep 10 2008 ma@suse.de - repo_products: Parse schemeversion, propagate product updaterepokey and flavor. Fix segfault on malformed xml. - 0.10.10 * Wed Sep 10 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - accept the PATTERNS tag in content file * Tue Sep 9 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - rpmdb2solv changes: - fix bug when parsing multiple products - adapt to .prod file as of 9/9/08 7:20pm - 0.10.9 * Tue Sep 9 2008 ma@suse.de - Reenable -Werror and fix bindings. - 0.10.8 * Tue Sep 9 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - disable -Werror for swig generated stuff * Fri Sep 5 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - adapt /etc/product.d parser to generated .prod files. * Fri Sep 5 2008 ma@suse.de - tools/repo_susetags.c: Parse packages vendor (bnc #422493). - 0.10.7 * Thu Sep 4 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - tools/rpmdb2solv: Adapt to xml-based /etc/products.d - tools/rpmdb2solv: Add '-a <attribute>' to print distribution.target attribute of baseproduct. * Tue Sep 2 2008 mls@suse.de - make solver includes use "" instead of <>, fixes bnc#415920 - implement otherproviders() - make patches do nevr matching - make patch conflicts work with multiversion - new job commands, now combinded from job type and select type - support for distupgrade mode - make SOLVER_ERASE_SOLVABLE work - also check obsoletes when disabling update rules - 0.10.6 * Fri Aug 22 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - add support for extensible metadata over primary + diskusage - 0.10.5 * Fri Aug 15 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - ensure existance of product solvable in repo_content(bnc#417594) * Fri Aug 15 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - follow /etc/products.d/baseproduct and mark product as 'base' * Fri Aug 15 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - Implement pre-code11 fallback for products, parse /etc/*-release if /etc/products.d is not available. * Wed Aug 13 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - provide installtime for installed products. * Wed Aug 13 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - include new file search capability commited by matz (SEARCH_FILES) - 0.10.4 * Wed Aug 13 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - Honor rpmdb2solv's '-r <root>' also for the products.d path. * Tue Aug 12 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - Add .prod parsing for 'installed' products to rpmdb2solv. - Improve python-bindings, add iterators. * Thu Aug 7 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - implement relogin suggested support (fate#304889) * Thu Aug 7 2008 ma@suse.de - Susetags: Allow whitespace in file provides generated by autobuild (bnc#415115) * Fri Aug 1 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - insert the checksum in rpmmd generated solv files (bnc#414002) - 0.10.3 * Tue Jul 29 2008 mls@suse.de - resolve job rules before installing system packages [bnc#411086] - no more freshens. R.I.P. - make repo2solv.sh also take repomd.xml in count - install repomdxml2solv - add Packager, Build Host, Distribution - disallow arch/vendor changes even if the package name changes * Sat Jul 12 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - infrastructure to save generated and expiration time stamp in rpm-md repositories (fate #301904) - 0.10.1 * Wed Jul 9 2008 ma@suse.de - Fix repo_content dependency parsing. Parser may lose up to two trailing dependencies. * Tue Jul 1 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - rename language bindings to {perl,python,ruby}-satsolver to follow naming conventions. * Mon Jun 30 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - forward port - add message tag to updateinfo.xml for displaying messages in the user interface - Fix missing self provides for patches (bnc #397132). - do not reorder binary rules if they are not rpm rules [bnc#397456] - 0.10.0 * Mon Jun 2 2008 coolo@suse.de - calculate recommendation list also if ignorealreadyrecommended is set, as some recommendations would be missing otherwise - make dependency output less confusing (bnc#396309) - 0.9.0 * Tue May 27 2008 coolo@suse.de - compile with RPM_OPT_FLAGS * Fri May 23 2008 mls@suse.de - add "zypper" flag - add "ignorealreadyrecommended" aka "zypper" solver option * Thu May 22 2008 coolo@suse.de - fixed language support in patterns (bnc#386524) * Mon May 19 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - make solvable_look_bool more robust by allowing both the void or the num == 1 strategy. * Thu May 15 2008 coolo@suse.de - fix susetags parser * Wed May 14 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - mls fix of satisfied patterns - 0.0.33 * Tue May 13 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - use repodata_set_void for pattern visible attr * Tue May 13 2008 jreidinger@suse.cz - read description dir path from content file (bnc #389414) * Tue May 13 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - a boolean is not a num attribute set to 1, but just a existing void attribute. (bnc#388818) * Mon May 12 2008 coolo@suse.de - provide libsatsolver to fix requires of debuginfo * Sat May 10 2008 coolo@suse.de - resubmit clean tar * Fri May 9 2008 ma@suse.de - Parse the products LABEL in content file to SUMMARY. * Fri May 9 2008 dmacvicar@suse.de - recognize 1 as true for reboot suggested and restart suggested (bnc#388818) * Fri May 9 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - move 'helix2solv' from satsolver-tools to satsolver-devel package (bnc#388595) * Mon May 5 2008 coolo@suse.de - add obsoleteusesprovides and implicitobsoleteusesprovides solver flags - speed up solving by not recreating the watch chains every time some rule is enabled/disabled. To do this, the "disabled" flag had to be moved from w1 to d. - fix bug that broke rule disabling when "forceResolve" was true - fix bug in update rule calculation - speed up solver a bit by creating a queue holding all assertion rules, so we do not have to scan all rules for assertions - parse also DISTPRODUCT and DISTVERSION (for registration), and the other (often unused) attributes of products. * Mon Apr 28 2008 coolo@suse.de - (De-)Serialize structured types. Dataiterator and repo_search support them too, but not yet nested, so that is unsupported for now. - skipping kinds in matcher when a flag is specified. - make --force behave a bit more like --noforce * Fri Apr 25 2008 coolo@suse.de - detect and skip empty lines (bnc#381828) - fix endless loop - move debug functions to solverdebug.c - do not delete negative bitfield entries [bnc#381908] - add "showinstalledrecommended" option to make the solver put installed packages on the suggestions/recommendations queues - Fix content parsing if PRODUCT isn't the first entry. - add more statistics - add two assertions - add support for susetags filelist - plug mem join2 leak - fix anchoring of filelist data - susetags move files added to provides back into filelist - ignore packages.FL for now * Sun Apr 20 2008 coolo@suse.de - fix build * Sat Apr 19 2008 coolo@suse.de - fix probleminfo if solvable conflicts with itself and has no requires - Fix parsing dep lines of content files (bnc #380396). - C++-guard also solver.h - add support for feature rules - fix a couple of small bugs - use new interface * Wed Apr 16 2008 coolo@suse.de - fix (rare) case of crashing solver * Tue Apr 15 2008 coolo@suse.de - some fixes around updateinfo parsing * Wed Apr 9 2008 jkupec@suse.cz - enable regex matching in Dataiterator * Fri Apr 4 2008 coolo@suse.de - package deptestomatic in -devel * Mon Mar 31 2008 coolo@suse.de - truly restart when analyze_unsolvable is hit (fixes bnc#368209) - make it work with really large directories * Mon Mar 24 2008 coolo@suse.de - install rpms2solv * Mon Mar 17 2008 matz@suse.de - Initialize all allocated array members for blocky arrays (when it matters, e.g. when extending also in blocks - bnc#371137) * Fri Mar 14 2008 coolo@suse.de - fix build on other distris - fix requires of tools * Wed Mar 12 2008 coolo@suse.de - store datadir for susetags - fixing assertion in rules learning * Fri Mar 7 2008 coolo@suse.de - several fixes in whatprovides (possibly root cause of bnc#367210) * Mon Feb 25 2008 coolo@suse.de - fixing rpmdb2solv argument handling * Fri Feb 22 2008 coolo@suse.de - support rpmdb2solv -r for chroots * Thu Feb 21 2008 coolo@suse.de - fix susetags parser for so called full trees * Wed Feb 20 2008 coolo@suse.de - no longer link against db43 but against rpmlib * Tue Feb 19 2008 coolo@suse.de - fix requires/obsoletes * Tue Feb 19 2008 coolo@suse.de - mls is back from vacation - several fixes and enhancements * Fri Feb 15 2008 coolo@suse.de - several fixes for the solv files * Tue Feb 12 2008 kkaempf@suse.de - add libappsatsolver, an application layer to ease coding against sat-solver. * Tue Feb 12 2008 coolo@suse.de - let susetags parse vendors * Thu Feb 7 2008 coolo@suse.de - rename libsatsolver in satsolver-tools - several updates and fixes * Fri Feb 1 2008 coolo@suse.de - really don't strip * Mon Jan 14 2008 coolo@suse.de - update from SVN: - various fixes - less logging * Tue Jan 8 2008 coolo@suse.de - update to SVN again and don't strip * Sat Dec 22 2007 coolo@suse.de - update to SVN so libzypp compiles again * Fri Nov 30 2007 schubi@suse.de - update for libzypp integration * Fri Nov 16 2007 coolo@suse.de - update to SVN again to make libzypp compilable again * Wed Nov 14 2007 schubi@suse.de - further develpment. bugfix, logging, docu,... * Mon Nov 12 2007 coolo@suse.de - update to the latest version from SVN - compilation fixes - policy engine * Thu Nov 8 2007 coolo@suse.de - update to the latest version from SVN * Tue Oct 2 2007 kkaempf@suse.de - Initial release