Name: GtkAda Version: 2.24.2 Release: 49%{?dist} Summary: GTKada 2, an Ada binding to GTK+ 2 Summary(sv): GTKada 2, en adabindning till GTK+ 2 License: GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.0-or-later # Adacore released this version with the GNAT exception removed from the Ada # files, but the C files kept the LGPL. Thus only GPL-compatible code may link # to this version of GTKada, but if somebody wanted to extract the C files and # link only those into their program, then they wouldn't be required to apply # the GPL to that program. URL: # The release tarball is no longer available for downloading, but the source # code should be possible to find at Github as the version history has been # imported there. Source: gtkada-gpl-%{version}-src.tgz # Patch for a more flexible build system, proposed upstream 2011-02-14: # Patch: GtkAda-2.24.2-configuration-5.patch # Patch to make project files use fedora-gnat-project-common: Patch: GtkAda-2.14.1-multilib_gpr.patch # Fedora-specific patch to make gtkada-config use uname: Patch: GtkAda-2.14.1-multilib_gtkada-config.patch # Patch to fix implicit DSO linking, proposed upstream 2010-02-16: # Patch: GtkAda-2.18.0-lm.patch # Hack to get libgtkada_gl in the right place: Patch: GtkAda-2.18.0-gl_placement.patch # GNU-specific patch to avoid link bloat: Patch: GtkAda-2.18.0-link_as_needed.patch # Patch to avoid conflicts where two project files claim the same source files, # fixed upstream 2012-08-07: # Patch: GtkAda-2.24.2-source_dir.patch # "Only can be included directly." (said to be fixed upstream): Patch: GtkAda-2.18.0-no_include_gmain.patch # Patch to remove obsolete manpage cross-references, proposed upstream 2012-07-27: # Patch: GtkAda-2.24.2-man_xref.patch # Fix abuse of printf-style format strings: Patch: GtkAda-2.24.2-format_security.patch # "extern inline" doesn't seem to work in GCC 5: Patch: GtkAda-2.24.2-no_extern_inline.patch # Build with GPRbuild: Patch: GtkAda-2.24.2-gprbuild.patch BuildRequires: gcc-gnat BuildRequires: gprbuild BuildRequires: gtk2-devel >= 2.21 BuildRequires: libgnome-devel BuildRequires: libgnomeui-devel BuildRequires: libgnomecanvas-devel BuildRequires: libbonobo-devel BuildRequires: libbonoboui-devel BuildRequires: libGL-devel BuildRequires: libGLU-devel BuildRequires: GConf2-devel BuildRequires: fedora-gnat-project-common >= 3 BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: findutils BuildRequires: recode # Build only on architectures where GPRbuild is available: ExclusiveArch: %{GPRbuild_arches} %global common_description_en \ %{name} is an Ada binding to the graphical toolkit GTK+. It allows you to \ develop graphical user interfaces in Ada using GTK+. %global common_description_sv \ %{name} är en adabindning till den grafiska verktygslådan GTK+. Med %{name} \ kan du utveckla grafiska användargränssnitt i ada baserade på GTK+. %description %{common_description_en} This is a compatibility package of GTKada 2. See also the GtkAda3 package. %description -l sv %{common_description_sv} Detta är ett kompatibilitetspaket med GTKada 2. Se även paketet GtkAda3. %package devel Summary: Development files for GTKada 2 Summary(sv): Filer för programmering med GTKada 2 Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-gnome%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-gl%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: fedora-gnat-project-common >= 2 # gtkada.pc requires gtk+-2.0, maybe incorrectly. Requires: gtk2-devel%{?_isa} Recommends: %{name}-doc Conflicts: GtkAda3-devel # GTKada 3.x is packaged as GtkAda3, and this is now a compatibility package. # # Unlike GTK+, GTKada has no support for installing two versions side by side, # other than dumping the entire directory tree under some nonstandard prefix # and requiring users to mess with various environment variables. Despite the # API incompatibilities, both versions use the filenames "gtkada.gpr" and # "gtkada-config", and directories named "gtkada". # # Hacking the build system to change various filenames from "gtkada" to # "gtkada3" would be more trouble than it's worth, and would make Fedora # incompatible with everything that uses GTKada. Both developers and packagers # would have to do special things to select the right version of the library. # # Therefore GtkAda-devel and GtkAda3-devel are allowed to conflict. %description devel %{common_description_en} The %{name}-devel package contains source code and linking information for developing applications that use GTKada 2 to bind to GTK+ 2.x. See also GtkAda3-devel. %description devel -l sv %{common_description_sv} Paketet %{name}-devel innehåller källkod och länkningsinformation som behövs för att utveckla program som använder GTKada 2 för att binda till GTK+ 2.x. Se även GtkAda3-devel. %package gnome Summary: GTKada 2 binding to Gnome's GUI libraries Summary(sv): GTKada 2:s bindning till Gnomes GUI-bibliotek License: GPL-2.0-or-later # None of the LGPL-licensed C files are in the subdirectory "gnome". Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description gnome %{common_description_en} The %{name}-gnome package contains the GTKada 2 binding to Gnome's graphical user interface libraries. %description gnome -l sv %{common_description_sv} Paketet %{name}-gnome innehåller GTKada 2:s bindning till Gnomes bibliotek för grafiska användargränssnitt. %package gl Summary: GTKada 2 binding to OpenGL Summary(sv): GTKada 2:s bindning till OpenGL Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description gl %{common_description_en} The %{name}-gl package contains the GTKada 2 binding to the OpenGL interface. %description gl -l sv %{common_description_sv} Paketet %{name}-gl innehåller GTKada 2:s bindning till OpenGL-gränssnittet. %package doc Summary: Documentation for GTKada 2 Summary(sv): Dokumentation till GTKada 2 BuildArch: noarch License: GFDL-1.1-invariants-or-later AND GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.0-or-later # GFDL 1.1 applies to the User's Guide. # The reference manual has been generated from the source code, and presumably # inherits its license. # The example code files are licensed like the library itself. %description doc %{common_description_en} The %{name}-doc package contains the documentation for GTKada 2. %description doc -l sv %{common_description_sv} Paketet %{name}-doc innehåller dokumentationen till GTKada 2. %prep %autosetup -p 0 -n gtkada-%{version}-src find -name .cvsignore | xargs rm -fr # Transcode the author's name in comments in two source files. recode ISO-8859-1..UTF-8 testgtk/opengl/lw.[hc] %build # This package triggers a GCC failure when building with LTO. Disable # LTO for now. fld_incomplete_type_of, at tree.c:5371 %define _lto_cflags %{nil} %{configure} --enable-build=Debuginfo --disable-subdirs --disable-static make src "GPRbuild_optflags=%{GPRbuild_optflags}" # The documentation is not regenerated because that requires GPS and would # cause a dependency loop. %install %{make_install} gprdir=%{_GNAT_project_dir} # Also install the gtkada-config manpage. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1 install --mode=u=rw,go=r,a-s --preserve-timestamps docs/gtkada-config.1 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1 # Put the info documentation in the right place. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_infodir} mv %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/gtkada/gtkada_ug/ --target-directory=%{buildroot}%{_infodir} # Put the examples in the documentation directory, excluding binaries. mv --no-target-directory %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/examples/gtkada %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/gtkada/examples # Include these documentation files. install --mode=u=rw,go=r,a-s --preserve-timestamps AUTHORS README features known-problems %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/gtkada mkdir --parents %{buildroot}%{_licensedir}/gtkada install --mode=u=rw,go=r,a-s --preserve-timestamps COPYING %{buildroot}%{_licensedir}/gtkada # There is a COPYING3 in the 2.24.2 tarball, but the source files' headers say # version 2 or later, so COPYING3 is left out of the package for now. %files %{_libdir}/libgtkada-*.so.* %license %{_licensedir}/gtkada %dir %{_docdir}/gtkada %{_docdir}/gtkada/AUTHORS %{_docdir}/gtkada/README %files gnome %{_libdir}/libgnomeada-*.so.* %files gl %{_libdir}/libgtkada_gl-*.so.* %files devel %{_bindir}/* %{_includedir}/gtkada %{_libdir}/gtkada %{_GNAT_project_dir}/* %{_libdir}/lib*.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/* %{_mandir}/man*/* %files doc # features and known-problems belong with the documentation for developers. # The license, the list of authors and the directories need to be replicated in # the doc subpackage as it doesn't depend on the main package. %license %{_licensedir}/gtkada %dir %{_docdir}/gtkada %{_docdir}/gtkada/AUTHORS %{_docdir}/gtkada/features %{_docdir}/gtkada/known-problems %{_docdir}/gtkada/gtkada_ug %{_docdir}/gtkada/gtkada_rm %{_docdir}/gtkada/examples %{_infodir}/* %{_datadir}/gps %changelog * Wed Jul 17 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-49 - Rebuilt for * Mon Jan 22 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-48 - Rebuilt for * Fri Jan 19 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-47 - Rebuilt for * Thu Jan 18 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-46 - Rebuilt for * Tue Jan 16 2024 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-45 - Rebuilt with GCC 14 prerelease. * Wed Jul 19 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-44 - Rebuilt for * Fri May 05 2023 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-43 - Adapted to backward compatibility breakage in uname. - Adapted the License tags to Fedora's new license policy. * Wed Jan 18 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-42 - Rebuilt for * Tue Jan 17 2023 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-41 - Rebuilt with GCC 13. * Wed Jul 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-40 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-39 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-38 - Rebuilt for * Mon Jan 25 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-37 - Rebuilt for * Tue Dec 08 2020 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-36 - Rebuilt with GCC 11. * Mon Jul 27 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-35 - Rebuilt for * Fri Jul 10 2020 Jeff Law - 2.24.2-34 - Disable LTO * Tue Jan 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-33 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 24 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-32 - Rebuilt for * Tue Feb 12 2019 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-31 - Built for x86. * Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-30 - Rebuilt for * Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-29 - Rebuilt for * Fri Feb 09 2018 Igor Gnatenko - 2.24.2-28 - Escape macros in %%changelog * Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-27 - Rebuilt for * Sun Feb 04 2018 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-26 - Switched to building with GPRbuild as project file support was removed from Gnatmake in GCC 8. - Dropped gtkada-dialog as it's useless and didn't build correctly. * Wed Aug 02 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-25 - Rebuilt for * Sun Jul 30 2017 Florian Weimer - 2.24.2-24 - Rebuild with binutils fix for ppc64le (#1475636) * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-23 - Rebuilt for * Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-22 - Rebuilt for * Sat Feb 04 2017 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-21 - Rebuilt with GCC 7 prerelease. * Fri Aug 12 2016 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-20 - Rebuilt to let it be built on new architectures. * Wed Feb 03 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-19 - Rebuilt for * Sun Jan 31 2016 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-18 - Rebuilt with GCC 6 prerelease. * Sat Dec 26 2015 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-17 - GtkAda-devel now recommends GtkAda-doc. * Tue Jun 16 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-16 - Rebuilt for * Mon Mar 16 2015 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-15 - Tagged the license file as such. * Mon Mar 16 2015 Than Ngo - 2.24.2-14 - bump release and rebuild so that koji-shadow can rebuild it against new gcc on secondary arch * Sat Feb 07 2015 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-13 - Patched out "extern inline". * Fri Aug 15 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-12 - Rebuilt for * Thu Jul 24 2014 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-11 - Made it clear that this is now a compatibility package of GTKada 2. - Collected documentation files in %%{_docdir}/gtkada. - Verify that the generated Ada code is the same as what the developers upstream have reviewed and tested. - Moved the GPS plug-in to GtkAda-doc. - Tightened dependencies. - Preserve timestamps on documentation files. * Fri Jun 06 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-10 - Rebuilt for * Thu Apr 10 2014 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-9 - Rebuilt with GCC 4.9.0 prerelease. * Thu Nov 21 2013 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-8 - Fixed abuse of g_snprintf. * Sat Aug 03 2013 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-7 - Require libbonobo-devel instead of bonobo-activation-devel. * Fri Aug 02 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-6 - Rebuilt for * Thu Jan 24 2013 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-5 - Rebuilt with GCC 4.8. * Tue Jul 31 2012 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-4 - Removed the manpage for Gate, as Gate itself has been removed. - Removed obsolete references from the manpage for gtkada-config. * Fri Jul 20 2012 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-3 - The info version of the user's guide is now installed correctly. - Improved the descriptions a little. * Wed Jul 18 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.24.2-2 - Rebuilt for * Sat Jul 07 2012 Björn Persson - 2.24.2-1 - Upgraded to 2.24.2. - The binding to Libglade has been removed, so there is no GtkAda-glade package anymore. * Thu Feb 23 2012 Björn Persson - 2.18.0-4 - Rebuilt with fedora-gnat-project-common 3.4 and redhat-rpm-config-9.1.0-27.fc18. * Thu Jan 12 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.18.0-3 - Rebuilt for * Thu Jan 05 2012 Björn Persson - 2.18.0-2 - Patched to adapt to Glib changes. * Sun Aug 14 2011 Björn Persson - 2.18.0-1 - Upgraded to 2.18.0. - Moved the documentation to a directory that can remain constant across releases. - Improved the package descriptions. * Tue May 03 2011 Björn Persson - 2.14.1-7 - Updated for fedora-gnat-project-common 3. * Wed Mar 09 2011 Björn Persson - 2.14.1-6 - Corrected dependencies. - Put the sublibraries in the right group. - Improved the description of the -devel package. * Mon Feb 14 2011 Björn Persson - 2.14.1-5 - Made some dependencies architecture-specific. - Made _GNAT_project_dir affect the build system. * Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.14.1-4 - Rebuilt for * Tue Jan 25 2011 Björn Persson - 2.14.1-3 - Rebuilt with GCC 4.6. * Wed Jan 19 2011 Dan Horák - 2.14.1-2 - updated the supported arch list * Mon Jan 17 2011 Björn Persson - 2.14.1-1 - new release 2.14.1 - Patched the GtkAda build system quite a lot to disable static libraries, put files in the right directories and reduce the number of workarounds in the RPM spec. * Sun Jul 11 2010 Björn Persson - 2.14.0-7 - Hacked in missing link options to get the subpackages to depend on the main package. - Implemented a better way of enabling debug information, making it possible to build with GCC 4.5. * Sun Jun 27 2010 Björn Persson - 2.14.0-5 - Patched to build against GTK+ 2.21 (#599780). * Sun Feb 14 2010 Björn Persson - 2.14.0-4 - Link testgtk to libm explicitly (#564610). * Mon Nov 30 2009 Björn Persson - 2.14.0-3 - Enabled debug information. * Sun Nov 29 2009 Björn Persson - 2.14.0-2 - Fixed project files and gtkada-config for multilib systems. - Marked the doc subpackage as noarch. * Sun Aug 9 2009 Gerard Milmeister - 2.14.0-1 - new release 2.14.0 * Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.10.2-3 - Rebuilt for * Mon Feb 23 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.10.2-2 - Rebuilt for * Sat Dec 13 2008 Gerard Milmeister - 2.10.2-1 - new release 2.10.2 * Wed Jan 30 2008 Michel Salim - 2.10.0-4 - Add missing BRs on gtk2-devel and pkgconfig * Tue Jan 29 2008 Michel Salim - 2.10.0-3 - Make gtkada.pc use _libdir - Fix URL and source fields * Sat Jan 5 2008 Gerard Milmeister - 2.10.0-2 - exclude arch ppc64 * Sat Jan 5 2008 Gerard Milmeister - 2.10.0-1 - new release 2.10.0 - documentation in separate package * Fri Jan 5 2007 Gerard Milmeister - 2.8.0-7 - reenabled ppc * Sat Oct 21 2006 Gerard Milmeister - 2.8.0-5 - new version 2.8.0 * Mon Aug 28 2006 Gerard Milmeister - 2.4.0-13 - Rebuild for FE6 * Mon Mar 27 2006 Gerard Milmeister - 2.4.0-12 - BuildReq texinfo -> texinfo-tex * Fri Feb 17 2006 Gerard Milmeister - 2.4.0 - Rebuild for Fedora Extras 5 * Thu Feb 2 2006 Gerard Milmeister - 2.4.0-10 - remove "--param=ssp-buffer-size=4" from gnatmake command line * Wed Feb 1 2006 Gerard Milmeister - 2.4.0-9 - patch to handle all cases * Thu May 12 2005 Thorsten Leemhuis 2.4.0-6 - Add excludearch ppc ppc64 (no gcc-gnat currently for those) #157550 * Tue May 10 2005 Thorsten Leemhuis 2.4.0-5 - Remove excludearch x86_64 (gcc-gnat now in FC4 for x86_64) - BR textinfo, tetex-dvips * Thu Apr 7 2005 Michael Schwendt 2.4.0-4 - rebuilt * Sun Feb 13 2005 Gerard Milmeister - 0:2.4.0-3 - Excluded arch x86_64 * Sat Feb 12 2005 Gerard Milmeister - 0:2.4.0-2 - Removed touching /usr/include/gtkada/* * Sat Jan 22 2005 Gerard Milmeister - 0:2.4.0-0.fdr.1 - New Version 2.4.0 * Sat May 29 2004 Gerard Milmeister - 0:2.2.1-0.fdr.2 - Replaced XFree86 reference with xorg * Fri Nov 21 2003 Gerard Milmeister - 0:2.2.1-0.fdr.1 - New Version 2.2.1 * Mon Nov 10 2003 Gerard Milmeister - 0:2.2.0-0.fdr.5 - Work around to compiler bug * Tue Oct 28 2003 Gerard Milmeister - 0:2.2.0-0.fdr.3 - Better placing of documentation files * Mon Oct 27 2003 Gerard Milmeister - 0:2.2.0-0.fdr.2 - Improved specfile * Sun Oct 26 2003 Gerard Milmeister - 0:2.2.0-0.fdr.1 - First Fedora release