## START: Set by rpmautospec
## (rpmautospec version 0.7.3)
## RPMAUTOSPEC: autorelease, autochangelog
%define autorelease(e:s:pb:n) %{?-p:0.}%{lua:
    release_number = 2;
    base_release_number = tonumber(rpm.expand("%{?-b*}%{!?-b:1}"));
    print(release_number + base_release_number - 1);
## END: Set by rpmautospec

%bcond check 1
# Should we run integration tests, many of which require specific Python
# interpreter versions (major.minor, not major.minor.patch)? This adds a few
# dozen tests, but adds BuildRequires on more Pythons, and could reduce our
# confidence that everything works correctly in an environment that only has
# the main system Python.
# For the time being, these are still disabled since many of them still want
# network access, even when features like pypi and crates-io are removed from
# the default features. We should discuss this with upstream and consider
# offering a PR to conditionalize the affected tests. See
# https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/uv/pull-request/18#comment-229365 and
# https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/issues/8970#issuecomment-2466794088.
%bcond it 0

# On some releases and architectures, Koji builders sometimes or always run out
# of memory in the final linking step. This cannot be fixed by adding
# "-C link-args=-Wl,--no-keep-memory" to the RUSTFLAGS (as that seems to have
# no significant effect on memory requirements), nor can it be fixed by
# reducing parallelism with e.g. the %%constrain_build macro (although we do
# need this as well), since nothing else is happening at that point in the
# build. See:
# https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/codegen-options/index.html#debuginfo
%global rustflags_debuginfo 1

# As a separate limitation, memory exhaustion can occur on builders with very
# many CPUs. Typical workspace crates peak out at 2-4 GB per rustc invocation.
# The uv crate needs much more memory to compile (see the RUSTFLAGS adjustment
# in %%build), but in practice it is also compiled alone after all the other
# crates have finished, so it does not need to influence (and does not benefit
# from) this setting. Even though some crates will require more than 3GB, the
# average should be below that on many-core systems. Increase as needed.
%constrain_build -m 4096

Name:           uv
Version:        0.5.7
Release:        %autorelease
Summary:        An extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust

# The license of the uv project is (MIT OR Apache-2.0), except:
# Apache-2.0:
#   - crates/uv-python/src/libc.rs contains code derived from
#     crate(glibc_version)
# Apache-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause:
#   - crates/uv-pep440/ is vendored and forked from crate(pep440_rs)
#   - crates/uv-pep508/ is vendored and forked from crate(pep508_rs)
#   - crates/uv-python/packaging/ is vendored and forked from
#     python3dist(packaging)
# (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) AND BSD-3-CLause:
#   - The function wheel_metadata_from_remote_zip in
#     crates/uv-client/src/remote_metadata.rs is vendored and forked from the
#     function lazy_read_wheel_metadata in src/index/lazy_metadata.rs in
#     crate(rattler_installs_packages) and is BSD-3-Clause AND (Apache-2.0 OR
#     MIT): the original routine is BSD-3-CLause, and subsequent modifications
#     are explicitly (Apache-2.0 OR MIT).
#   - crates/uv-virtualenv/src/activator/ is vendored and forked from
#     python3dist(virtualenv)
# Additionally, the following are bundled/forked but happen to be under the
# same (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) terms as uv itself:
#   - crates/uv-extract/src/vendor/cloneable_seekable_reader.rs is vendored and
#     forked from crate(ripunzip)
# The following are present in the source but believed not to contribute to the
# licenses of the binary RPMs. Note that ecosystem/ contains only
# pyproject.toml files used for testing, not complete bundled projects.
# Apache-2.0:
#   - ecosystem/airflow/
#   - ecosystem/home-assistant-core/
#   - ecosystem/transformers/
#   - ecosystem/warehouse/
# Apache-2.0 OR MIT:
#   - ecosystem/packse/
# BSD-2-Clause-Patent:
#   - ecosystem/github-wikidata-bot/
# BSD-3-Clause:
#   - ecosystem/saleor/
# MIT:
#   - crates/uv-python/fetch-download-metadata.py is derived from
#     https://github.com/mitsuhiko/rye/tree/f9822267a7f00332d15be8551f89a212e7bc9017
#     which was MIT.
#   - ecosystem/black/
# Rust crates compiled into the executable contribute additional license terms.
# To obtain the following list of licenses, build the package and note the
# output of %%{cargo_license_summary}. This should automatically include the
# licenses of the following bundled forks:
#   - async_zip, Source100, is MIT.
#   - pubgrub/version-ranges, Source200, is MPL-2.0.
#   - tl, Source400, is MIT.
# (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) AND BSD-3-Clause
# (MIT OR Apache-2.0) AND Unicode-3.0
# (MIT OR Apache-2.0) AND Unicode-DFS-2016
# 0BSD
# 0BSD OR MIT OR Apache-2.0
# Apache-2.0
# Apache-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
# Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0
# Apache-2.0 OR ISC OR MIT
# Apache-2.0 OR MIT
# Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
# Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT
# BSD-2-Clause OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT
# BSD-3-Clause
# LGPL-3.0-or-later OR MPL-2.0
# MIT OR Apache-2.0
# MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR Zlib
# MIT OR LGPL-3.0-or-later
# MIT OR Zlib OR Apache-2.0
# MIT-0 OR Apache-2.0
# MPL-2.0
# Unlicense OR MIT
# Zlib
# Zlib OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT
License:        %{shrink:
                0BSD AND
                (0BSD OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT) AND
                Apache-2.0 AND
                (Apache-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause) AND
                (Apache-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause OR MIT) AND
                (Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0) AND
                (Apache-2.0 OR ISC OR MIT) AND
                (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) AND
                (Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR Zlib) AND
                (Apache-2.0 OR MIT-0) AND
                (Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception) AND
                (Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT) AND
                BSD-3-Clause AND
                ISC AND
                (LGPL-3.0-or-later OR MIT) AND
                (LGPL-3.0-or-later OR MPL-2.0) AND
                MIT AND
                (MIT OR Unlicense) AND
                MPL-2.0 AND
                OpenSSL AND
                Unicode-3.0 AND
                Unicode-DFS-2016 AND
# LICENSE.dependencies contains a full license breakdown
URL:            https://github.com/astral-sh/uv
Source0:        %{url}/archive/%{version}/uv-%{version}.tar.gz
# Default system-wide configuration file
# https://docs.astral.sh/uv/configuration/files
Source1:        uv.toml

# Currently, uv must use a fork of async_zip, as explained in:
#   Restore central directory buffering
#   https://github.com/charliermarsh/rs-async-zip/pull/2
# and further discussed in
#   Please consider supporting the current release of async_zip
#   https://github.com/prefix-dev/async_http_range_reader/issues/14
# We therefore bundle the fork as prescribed in
#   https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Rust/#_replacing_git_dependencies
%global async_zip_git https://github.com/charliermarsh/rs-async-zip
%global async_zip_rev c909fda63fcafe4af496a07bfda28a5aae97e58d
%global async_zip_baseversion 0.0.17
%global async_zip_snapdate 20241114
Source100:      %{async_zip_git}/archive/%{async_zip_rev}/rs-async-zip-%{async_zip_rev}.tar.gz

# For the foreseeable future, uv must use a fork of pubgrub (and the
# version-ranges crate, which belongs to the same project), as explained in:
#   Plans for eventually using published pubgrub?
#   https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/issues/3794
# We therefore bundle the fork as prescribed in
#   https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Rust/#_replacing_git_dependencies
%global pubgrub_git https://github.com/astral-sh/pubgrub
%global pubgrub_rev 57832d0588fbb7aab824813481104761dc1c7740
%global pubgrub_baseversion 0.2.1
%global pubgrub_snapdate 20241203
%global version_ranges_baseversion 0.1.1
Source200:      %{pubgrub_git}/archive/%{pubgrub_rev}/pubgrub-%{pubgrub_rev}.tar.gz

# For the time being, uv must use a fork of tl. See:
#   Path back to using released tl crate dependency?
#   https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/issues/6687
# It should be possible to stop forking and bundling if tl upstream merges and
# releases the following fix:
#   Avoid truncating URLs in unquoted hrefs
#   https://github.com/y21/tl/pull/69
# We therefore bundle the fork as prescribed in
#   https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Rust/#_replacing_git_dependencies
%global tl_git https://github.com/astral-sh/tl
%global tl_rev 6e25b2ee2513d75385101a8ff9f591ef51f314ec
%global tl_baseversion 0.7.8
%global tl_snapdate 20240825
Source400:      %{tl_git}/archive/%{tl_rev}/tl-%{tl_rev}.tar.gz

# Downstream-only: do not override the default allocator
# In https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/pull/399, it was reasonably claimed that
# using tikv-jemallocator improved benchmarks by 10%. However, this would
# require packaging at least the tikv-jemalloc-sys, tikv-jemalloc-ctl, and
# tikv-jemallocator crates, and this is expected to be not quite trivial.
# We use the default allocator for now, and reserve tikv-jemallocaator
# packaging as optional future work.
Patch:          0001-Downstream-only-do-not-override-the-default-allocato.patch

# Downstream-only: Always find the system-wide uv executable
# See discussion in
#   Should uv.find_uv_bin() be able to find /usr/bin/uv?
#   https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/issues/4451
Patch:          0001-Downstream-patch-always-find-the-system-wide-uv-exec.patch

# These patches are for the forked, bundled async_zip crate.
# Revert "Update zip requirement from 0.6.3 to 2.1.5"
# This reverts commit ba532d50a943ecf0fadb3c0a20c5e51bcb81441d.
# See: Concerns with zip version 1.x
# https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/issues/3642
Patch100:       0001-Revert-Update-zip-requirement-from-0.6.3-to-2.1.5.patch
Patch101:       0002-Revert-Update-mod.rs.patch

# This patch is for the forked, bundled pubgrub crate.
# Downstream-only: Revert "feat: ensure successful round-trip of RON (#193)"
#   This reverts commit 21c6a215432fea9a75b7d15d9a9936af9ccc17cb.
# We will not be packaging an alpha version of rust-ron. We can adjust this
# after ron 0.9.x is released.
Patch200:       0001-Downstream-only-Revert-feat-ensure-successful-round-.patch

# https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/EncourageI686LeafRemoval
ExcludeArch:    %{ix86}

BuildRequires:  cargo-rpm-macros >= 24
BuildRequires:  rust2rpm-helper
BuildRequires:  tomcli
BuildRequires:  python3-devel
%if %{with check} && %{with it}
# See trove classifiers in pyproject.toml for supported Pythons.
BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/python3.8
BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/python3.9
BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/python3.10
BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/python3.11
BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/python3.12
BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/python3.13

# This is a fork of async_zip; see the notes about Source100.
%global async_zip_snapinfo %{async_zip_snapdate}git%{sub %{async_zip_rev} 1 7}
%global async_zip_version %{async_zip_baseversion}^%{async_zip_snapinfo}
Provides:       bundled(crate(async_zip)) = %{async_zip_version}
# This is a fork of pubgrub/version-ranges; see the notes about Source200.
%global pubgrub_snapinfo %{pubgrub_snapdate}git%{sub %{pubgrub_rev} 1 7}
%global pubgrub_version %{pubgrub_baseversion}^%{pubgrub_snapinfo}
%global version_ranges_version %{version_ranges_baseversion}^%{pubgrub_snapinfo}
Provides:       bundled(crate(pubgrub)) = %{pubgrub_version}
Provides:       bundled(crate(version-ranges)) = %{version_ranges_version}
# This is a fork of tl; see the notes about Source400.
%global tl_snapinfo %{tl_snapdate}git%{sub %{tl_rev} 1 7}
%global tl_version %{tl_baseversion}^%{tl_snapinfo}
Provides:       bundled(crate(tl)) = %{tl_version}

# In https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/issues/5588#issuecomment-2257823242,
# upstream writes “These have diverged significantly and the upstream versions
# are only passively maintained, uv requires these custom versions and can't
# use a system copy.”
# crates/uv-pep440/
# Version number from Cargo.toml:
Provides:       bundled(crate(pep440_rs)) = 0.7.0
# crates/uv-pep508/
# Cargo.toml has 0.6.0, but Changelog.md shows 0.7.0, and the source reflects
# the changes for 0.7.0:
Provides:       bundled(crate(pep508_rs)) = 0.7.0
# crates/uv-virtualenv/
# As a whole, this crate is derived from https://github.com/konstin/gourgeist
# 0.0.4, which was published as https://crates.io/crates/gourgeist. It looks
# looks like the project was subsumed into `uv`, and the link to `uv` at
# https://konstin.github.io/gourgeist/ seems to support this, so we consider
# this not to be a real case of bundling, and we do not add:
#   Provides:       bundled(crate(gourgeist)) = 0.0.4

# crates/uv-extract/src/vendor/cloneable_seekable_reader.rs
# Version number is an educated guess based on comparison of file contents,
# cross-checked with timing: the file was first introduced to uv as
# crates/puffin-installer/src/vendor/cloneable_seekable_reader.rs in
# https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/commit/2a846e76b7725633776fd08e04ce8b827bb0580f
# on 2023-10-08, and 0.4.0 was the current release of ripunzip at that time.
Provides:       bundled(crate(ripunzip)) = 0.4.0
# wheel_metadata_from_remote_zip only, in
# crates/uv-client/src/remote_metadata.rs
# Version number is, at the time of this writing, the only release of
# https://github.com/prefix-dev/rip containing the corresponding function
# lazy_read_wheel_metadata in
# (crates/rattler_installs_packages/)src/index/lazy_metadata.rs.
Provides:       bundled(crate(rattler_installs_packages)) = 0.9.0

# crates/uv-python/src/libc.rs
# This is at least partially derived (with changes) from the glibc_version
# crate, https://github.com/delta-incubator/glibc-version-rs. The last commit
# that we can match up with the file in uv is
# 5e1002dc7a3c39c0d72631cc488bef2fc5fea0fb, although it would be equally
# correct to reference any of several slightly later commits.
Provides:       bundled(crate(glibc_version)) = 0.1.2^20221117git5e1002d

# The contents of crates/uv-virtualenv/src/activator/ are a bundled and
# slightly forked copy of a subset of https://pypi.org/project/virtualenv; see
# https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/tree/main/src/virtualenv/activation.
# The same justification for not attempting to unbundle downstream applies as
# for the bundling from python3dist(packaging), below; additionally, some of
# the scripts have been forked. See also:
#   https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/issues/5588#issuecomment-2257474140
# The scripts were last updated from virtualenv upstream in
# https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/pull/3376 on 2024-05-04; the latest
# virtualenv release at that time was 20.26.0.
Provides:       bundled(python3dist(virtualenv)) = 20.26

# The contents of crates/uv-python/python/packaging/ are a bundled copy of a
# subset of https://pypi.org/project/packaging.
# This was added in
# https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/commit/7964bfbb2bed50a5c7b0650a7b6799a66503a33a,
# the commit message of which helps explain the rationale. In part:
#   The architecture of uv does not necessarily match that of the python
#   interpreter. In cross compiling/testing scenarios the operating system can
#   also mismatch. To solve this, we move arch and os detection to python,
#   vendoring the relevant pypa/packaging code, preventing mismatches between
#   what the python interpreter was compiled for and what uv was compiled for.
# We cannot use the system package directly because these Python sources are
# compiled into the uv executable, and the binary package does not even depend
# on the system Python interpreter. Patching uv to read the sources from the
# system package at runtime would be much too extreme for a downstream change.
# Copying sources from the system package into the build tree is feasible, but
# – especially considering that the sources are not necessarily executed with
# the system Python interpreter – the risks of deviating from upstream’s tested
# sources would seem to greatly outweigh any possible benefits of such
# “build-time unbundling.” We therefore consider this instance of bundling
# technically necessary. See also:
#   https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/issues/5588#issuecomment-2257474140
# README.md has the bundled commit hash, __init__.py has the version number,
# and https://github.com/pypa/packaging/tree/${commit} is the source of the
# snapshot date.
Provides:       bundled(python3dist(packaging)) = 24.1~dev0^20240310gitcc938f9

%global common_description %{expand:
An extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust.
Designed as a drop-in replacement for common pip and pip-tools workflows.


  • ⚖️ Drop-in replacement for common pip, pip-tools, and virtualenv commands.
  • ⚡️ 10-100x faster than pip and pip-tools (pip-compile and pip-sync).
  • 💾 Disk-space efficient, with a global cache for dependency deduplication.
  • 🐍 Installable via curl, pip, pipx, etc. uv is a static binary that can be
    installed without Rust or Python.
  • 🧪 Tested at-scale against the top 10,000 PyPI packages.
  • 🖥️ Support for macOS, Linux, and Windows.
  • 🧰 Advanced features such as dependency version overrides and alternative
    resolution strategies.
  • ⁉️ Best-in-class error messages with a conflict-tracking resolver.
  • 🤝 Support for a wide range of advanced pip features, including editable
    installs, Git dependencies, direct URL dependencies, local dependencies,
    constraints, source distributions, HTML and JSON indexes, and more.}

%description %{common_description}

%package -n python3-uv
Summary:        Importable Python module for uv

BuildArch:      noarch

Requires:       uv = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n python3-uv %{common_description}

This package provides an importable Python module for uv.

%autosetup -N
%autopatch -p1 -M99

# Usage: git2path SELECTOR PATH
# Replace a git dependency with a path dependency in Cargo.toml
git2path() {
  tomcli set Cargo.toml del "${1}.git"
  tomcli set Cargo.toml del "${1}.rev"
  tomcli set Cargo.toml str "${1}.path" "${2}"

# See comments above Source100:
%setup -q -T -D -b 100 -n uv-%{version}
# Adding the crate to the workspace (in this case implicitly, by linking it
# under crates/) means %%cargo_generate_buildrequires can handle it correctly.
ln -s '../../rs-async-zip-%{async_zip_rev}' crates/async_zip
git2path workspace.dependencies.async_zip crates/async_zip
pushd crates/async_zip
%autopatch -p1 -m100 -M199
install -t LICENSE.bundled/async_zip -D -p -m 0644 crates/async_zip/LICENSE
# Drop dev-dependencies that are only required for compiling the
# actix-multipart example, and remove it. Note that while “futures” is in this
# section of Cargo.toml, it is in fact also used in a test.
tomcli set crates/async_zip/Cargo.toml del dev-dependencies.actix-multipart
mv crates/async_zip/examples/actix_multipart.rs{,.disabled}
tomcli set crates/async_zip/Cargo.toml del dev-dependencies.actix-web
tomcli set crates/async_zip/Cargo.toml del dev-dependencies.derive_more
tomcli set crates/async_zip/Cargo.toml del dev-dependencies.uuid

# See comments above Source200:
%setup -q -T -D -b 200 -n uv-%{version}
ln -s '../../pubgrub-%{pubgrub_rev}' crates/pubgrub
git2path workspace.dependencies.pubgrub crates/pubgrub
pushd crates/pubgrub
%autopatch -p1 -m200 -M299
install -t LICENSE.bundled/pubgrub -D -p -m 0644 crates/pubgrub/LICENSE
# Drop a benchmark-only dev-dependency.
tomcli set crates/pubgrub/Cargo.toml del dev-dependencies.criterion
# Omit tests requiring varisat; it is not packaged and has significant
# dependencies of its own.
tomcli set crates/pubgrub/Cargo.toml del dev-dependencies.varisat
mv crates/pubgrub/tests/proptest.rs{,.disabled}
mv crates/pubgrub/tests/sat_dependency_provider.rs{,.disabled}
# We can’t have two workspaces!
tomcli set crates/pubgrub/Cargo.toml del workspace
# Note that install does always dereference symlinks, which is what we want:
install -t LICENSE.bundled/version-ranges -D -p -m 0644 \
git2path workspace.dependencies.version-ranges crates/pubgrub/version-ranges

# See comments above Source400:
%setup -q -T -D -b 400 -n uv-%{version}
ln -s '../../tl-%{tl_rev}' crates/tl
git2path workspace.dependencies.tl crates/tl
pushd crates/tl
%autopatch -p1 -m400 -M499
install -t LICENSE.bundled/tl -D -p -m 0644 crates/tl/LICENSE
# Drop a benchmark-only dev-dependency.
tomcli set crates/tl/Cargo.toml del dev-dependencies.criterion

# Collect license files of vendored dependencies in the main source archive
install -t LICENSE.bundled/packaging -D -p -m 0644 \
install -t LICENSE.bundled/pep440_rs -D -p -m 0644 crates/uv-pep440/License-*
install -t LICENSE.bundled/pep508_rs -D -p -m 0644 crates/uv-pep508/License-*
install -t LICENSE.bundled/ripunzip -D -p -m 0644 \
# The original license text from rattler_installs_packages is present in a
# comment, but we want it in a separate file so we can ensure it is present in
# the binary RPM.
install -d LICENSE.bundled/rattler_installs_packages
awk '$2 == "BSD" { out=1 }; $2 == "```" { out=0 }; out' \
    crates/uv-client/src/remote_metadata.rs |
  sed -r 's@^///( |$)@@' |
  tee LICENSE.bundled/rattler_installs_packages/LICENSE
# Similarly for virtualenv. All files in
# crates/uv-virtualenv/src/activator/activate/ have the same license text.
install -d LICENSE.bundled/virtualenv
awk '$1 == "#" { out=1 }; $1 != "#" { out=0; exit }; out' \
    crates/uv-virtualenv/src/activator/activate |
  sed -r 's@^#( |$)@@' |
  tee LICENSE.bundled/virtualenv/LICENSE

# Patch out foreign (e.g. Windows-only) dependencies. Follow symbolic links so
# that we also patch the bundled crates we just finished setting up.
find -L . -type f -name Cargo.toml -print \
    -execdir rust2rpm-helper strip-foreign -o '{}' '{}' ';'

# The uv-trampoline crate (a fork of posy trampolines, from
# https://github.com/njsmith/posy) contains a set of trampoline Windows
# executables for launching Python scripts. We must remove these to prove they
# are not used in the build (and since they are only used on Windows, nothing
# is lost by doing so).
rm -v crates/uv-trampoline/trampolines/*.exe
# Per Cargo.toml, uv-trampoline is excluded from the workspace and not
# compiled because it still requires a nightly compiler. For now, we remove it
# entirely to show that we do not need to document bundling from posy.
rm -rv crates/uv-trampoline

# Do not strip the compiled executable; we need useful debuginfo. Upstream set
# this intentionally, so this change makes sense to keep downstream-only.
tomcli set pyproject.toml false tool.maturin.strip
tomcli set Cargo.toml false profile.release.strip

# Exclude the bench crate from the workspace. We don’t need to build and run
# benchmarks, and it brings in unwanted additional dev dependencies.
tomcli set Cargo.toml append workspace.exclude crates/uv-bench
# The uv-dev crate provides “development utilities for uv,” which should not be
# needed here, and it also brings in extra dependencies that we would prefer to
# do without.
tomcli set Cargo.toml append workspace.exclude crates/uv-dev

# Do not request static linking of liblzma – not even when the performance
# feature is enabled.
tomcli set crates/uv-extract/Cargo.toml lists delitem \
    features.performance 'xz2/static'

# Disable several default features that control which tests are compiled and
# executed, and which are not usable in offline builds:
# ”Introduces a dependency on managed Python installations.”
# (These are pre-compiled Pythons downloaded from the Internet.)
tomcli set crates/uv/Cargo.toml lists delitem features.default 'python-managed'
# ”Introduces a dependency on PyPI.”
tomcli set crates/uv/Cargo.toml lists delitem features.default 'pypi'
# ”Introduces a dependency on Git.”
# This sounds innocuous – we have git! – but in fact, it controls tests of git
# dependencies, which implies accessing remote repositories, e.g. on GitHub.
tomcli set crates/uv/Cargo.toml lists delitem features.default 'git'
# ”Introduces a dependency on crates.io.”
tomcli set crates/uv/Cargo.toml lists delitem features.default 'crates-io'
# Note that the python-patch feature, which ”introduces a dependency on a local
# Python installation with specific patch versions,” is already not among the
# default features.

# Omit tests requiring wiremock; its dependency tree is too large and complex
# to consider packaging it right now. The conditional #[cfg(any())] is always
# false.
sed -r -i 's/^#\[cfg\(test\)\]/#[cfg(any())]\r&/' \
tomcli set crates/uv-auth/Cargo.toml del dev-dependencies.wiremock

%if %{without it}
# Integration tests (it crate) nearly all require specific Python interpreter
# versions (major.minor, not major.minor.patch, unless the python-patch feature
# is enabled). We might choose to disable this in order to double-check that
# everything else works well with only the primary system Python in the
# environment.
# -p uv --test it:
comment='Downstream-only: skip, needs specific Python interpreter versions'
sed -r -i "s@mod (${mods});@// ${comment}\n#[cfg(any())]\n&@" \

# For unclear reasons, maturin checks for the presence of optional crate
# dependencies that correspond to features we have not enabled. We need to
# patch out those that are not packaged, an unfortunate but straightforward
# hack. See further commentary in %%generate_buildrequires.
tomcli set crates/uv/Cargo.toml del dependencies.axoupdater
tomcli set crates/uv/Cargo.toml del features.self-update
tomcli set crates/uv/Cargo.toml del dependencies.tracing-durations-export

# Loosen some version bounds that were aggressively updated upstream by the
# renovate bot. We retain this comment and the following example even when
# there are currently no dependencies that need to be adjusted.
# # foocrate
# #   wanted: 0.2.0
# #   currently packaged: 0.1.2
# #   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1234567
# tomcli set crates/uv/Cargo.toml str dev-dependencies.foocrate.version 0.1.2

# unicode-width
#   wanted: 0.1.13
#   currently packaged: 0.1.12 (or 0.1.13+really0.1.12)
# This is a whole mess: https://github.com/unicode-rs/unicode-width/issues/55,
# https://github.com/unicode-rs/unicode-width/issues/66
# Once upstream switches to 0.2.0, https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/pull/7632,
# we will no longer need to patch this; however, for now the upstream change is
# waiting for textwrap to make a release that includes
# https://github.com/mgeisler/textwrap/commit/ef91a27bcf5f4cf50ee12993032b227982ecf52e.
tomcli set Cargo.toml str \
    workspace.dependencies.unicode-width.version '0.1.12'

# procfs
#   wanted: 0.17.0
#   currently packaged: 0.16.0
#   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2316899
tomcli set Cargo.toml str \
    workspace.dependencies.procfs.version '>=0.16,<0.18'

# which
#   wanted: 7.0.0
#   currently packaged: 6.0.3
#   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2323107
tomcli set Cargo.toml str \
    workspace.dependencies.which.version '>=6.0.3,<8.0.0'


# For unclear reasons, maturin checks for all crate dependencies when it is
# invoked as part of %%pyproject_buildrequires – including those corresponding
# to optional features.
# Furthermore, if we do not supply -a to %%cargo_generate_buildrequires, then
# maturin will fail looking for crates like pyo3 (and will still look for
# optional crate dependencies).
# Since maturin always checks for dev-dependencies, we need -t so that they are
# generated even when the “check” bcond is disabled.
%cargo_generate_buildrequires -a -t
# These crates are excluded from the workspace – upstream writes:
#   Only used to pull in features, allocators, etc. — we specifically don't
#   want them to be part of a workspace-wide cargo check, cargo clippy, etc.
# – but they are still needed to support features, and the build will fail if
# we do not generate their dependencies, too:
for cratedir in \
    crates/uv-performance-memory-allocator \
  pushd "${cratedir}" >/dev/null
  %cargo_generate_buildrequires -a -t
  popd >/dev/null


%{cargo_license} > LICENSE.dependencies

# TODO: Since the --help output interacts well with help2man, use it to
# generate man pages: ideally, a man page for each (sub)command
# cross-referenced appropriately. (There are many subcommands, and this would
# be tedious to do manually.) This should be feasible with the --include option
# to help2man and a bit of scripting, but we choose to ship the initial package
# without man pages and defer this to a later effort.

%pyproject_save_files uv

if [ '%{python3_sitearch}' != '%{python3_sitelib}' ]
  # Maturin is really designed to build compiled Python extensions, but (when
  # the uv executable is not bundled in the Python package) the uv Python
  # library is actually pure-Python, and the python3-uv subpackage can be
  # noarch. We can’t tell maturin to install to the appropriate site-packages
  # directory, but we can fix the installation path manually.
  install -d %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}
  mv %{buildroot}%{python3_sitearch}/uv* %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}
  sed -r -i 's@%{python3_sitearch}@%{python3_sitelib}@' %{pyproject_files}

# generate and install shell completions
for cmd in uv uvx
  target/rpm/${cmd} --generate-shell-completion bash > ${cmd}.bash
  target/rpm/${cmd} --generate-shell-completion fish > ${cmd}.fish
  target/rpm/${cmd} --generate-shell-completion zsh > _${cmd}

  install -Dpm 0644 ${cmd}.bash -t %{buildroot}/%{bash_completions_dir}
  install -Dpm 0644 ${cmd}.fish -t %{buildroot}/%{fish_completions_dir}
  install -Dpm 0644 _${cmd} -t %{buildroot}/%{zsh_completions_dir}

# Install a default system-wide configuration file
install -t '%{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/uv' -p -m 0644 -D '%{SOURCE1}'

%if %{with check}
# These tests rely on debug assertions, and fail when tests are compiled in
# release mode:
# cargo test -p uv-auth --lib:
skip="${skip-} --skip keyring::tests::fetch_url_no_host"
skip="${skip-} --skip keyring::tests::fetch_url_with_no_username"
skip="${skip-} --skip keyring::tests::fetch_url_with_password"

# These tests require specific Python interpreter versions (down to patch
# release number), which upstream normally downloads, precompiled, into the
# build area; they might also require network access.
# -p uv-client --test it:
skip="${skip-} --skip remote_metadata::remote_metadata_with_and_without_cache"

# This snapshot test fails due to a trivial difference in error message text
# between url 2.5.2 and 2.5.3. The meaning of the message is the same. See
# https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/commit/9368268e494cbf05374165f25cdf1e9f6d2cceb9.
# We can stop skipping this test once the rust-url package is updated to 2.5.3,
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2323618.
# ---- metadata::requires_dist::test::invalid_url stdout ----
# ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Snapshot Summary ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
# Snapshot: invalid_url
# Source: crates/uv-distribution/src/metadata/requires_dist.rs:460
# ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
# Expression: format_err(input).await
# ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
# -old snapshot
# +new results
# ────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#     0     0 │ error: TOML parse error at line 8, column 16
#     1     1 │   |
#     2     2 │ 8 | tqdm = { url = "§invalid#+#*Ä" }
#     3     3 │   |                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     4       │-relative URL without a base: "§invalid#+#*Ä"
#           4 │+invalid value: string "§invalid#+#*Ä", expected relative URL without a base
# ────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
skip="${skip-} --skip metadata::requires_dist::test::invalid_url"

%cargo_test -- -- --exact ${skip-}


%doc README.md

# Equivalent to “uv tool run”:


%dir %{_sysconfdir}/uv
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/uv/uv.toml

%files -n python3-uv -f %{pyproject_files}

## START: Generated by rpmautospec
* Mon Dec 09 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.7-2
- Follow upstream in using zlib-rs instead of zlib-ng

* Sun Dec 08 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.7-1
- Update to 0.5.7 (close RHBZ#2330950)

* Wed Dec 04 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.6-1
- Update to 0.5.6 (close RHBZ#2330247)

* Sun Dec 01 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.5-3
- No longer patch to allow thiserror 1.x

* Thu Nov 28 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.5-2
- Revert "Backport a path-escaping fix for the batch activation script"

* Wed Nov 27 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.5-1
- Update to 0.5.5 (close RHBZ#2329188)

* Wed Nov 27 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.4-2
- Backport a path-escaping fix for the batch activation script

* Thu Nov 21 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.4-1
- Update to 0.5.4 (close RHBZ#2327512)

* Thu Nov 21 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.3-1
- Update to 0.5.3

* Tue Nov 19 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.2-2
- Stop loosening the mailparse dependency version bound

* Mon Nov 18 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.2-1
- Update to 0.5.2 (close RHBZ#2323792)

* Sat Nov 16 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.1-1
- Update to 0.5.1

* Sat Nov 16 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.5.0-1
- Update to 0.5.0

* Thu Nov 14 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.30-4
- Also configure python-preference = "system"

* Thu Nov 14 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.30-3
- Install a default system-wide uv.toml
- Configure python-downloads = "manual"

* Tue Nov 12 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.30-2
- Backport commit to unbundle reqwest-middleware/reqwest-retry

* Mon Nov 11 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.30-1
- Update to 0.4.30

* Sun Nov 10 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.29-4
- Stop allowing goblin 0.8 (since goblin 0.9 is packaged)

* Sun Nov 10 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.29-3
- Add a bcond that would re-enable integration tests

* Sun Nov 10 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.29-2
- Remove python-managed and git from the default features
- Both of these imply network access during testing.

* Thu Oct 31 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.29-1
- Update to 0.4.29

* Tue Oct 29 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.28-1
- Update to 0.4.28

* Mon Oct 28 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.27-1
- Update to 0.4.27

* Fri Oct 25 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.26-1
- Update to 0.4.26 (close RHBZ#2321691)

* Mon Oct 21 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.25-1
- Update to 0.4.25

* Fri Oct 18 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.24-1
- Update to 0.4.24 (close RHBZ#2319248)

* Fri Oct 18 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.23-1
- Update to 0.4.23

* Thu Oct 17 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.22-1
- Update to 0.4.22

* Thu Oct 17 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.21-1
- Update to 0.4.21

* Fri Oct 11 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.20-1
- Update to 0.4.20 (close RHBZ#2314073)

* Fri Oct 11 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.19-1
- Update to 0.4.19

* Fri Oct 11 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.18-1
- Update to 0.4.18

* Thu Oct 10 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.17-1
- Update to 0.4.17
- Stop patching the tracing-tree dependency, since 0.4 is now packaged
- Generate separate completion scripts for uvx; this has been possible
  since release 0.4.14 due to https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/pull/7511

* Wed Sep 25 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.16-1
- Update to 0.4.16

* Sun Sep 22 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.15-1
- Update to 0.4.15 (close RHBZ#2314073)

* Fri Sep 13 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.10-1
- Update to 0.4.10

* Wed Sep 11 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.9-1
- Update to 0.4.9 (close RHBZ#2311362)

* Wed Sep 11 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.8-1
- Update to 0.4.8

* Sun Sep 08 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.7-1
- Update to 0.4.7

* Fri Sep 06 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.6-1
- Update to 0.4.6 (close RHBZ#2310414)

* Thu Sep 05 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.5-1
- Update to 0.4.5

* Wed Sep 04 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.4-1
- Update to 0.4.4 (close RHBZ#2309685)

* Sun Sep 01 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.2-1
- Update to 0.4.2

* Sat Aug 31 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.1-1
- Update to 0.4.1

* Thu Aug 29 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.4.0-1
- Update to 0.4.0

* Wed Aug 28 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.3.5-1
- Update to 0.3.5

* Tue Aug 27 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.3.4-3
- Increase per-process memory allowance when building

* Tue Aug 27 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.3.4-1
- Update to 0.3.4

* Mon Aug 26 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.3.3-3
- Use %%constrain_build to prevent memory exhaustion on many-core builders

* Mon Aug 26 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.3.3-2
- Reduce debuginfo level to “limited”
- Fixes failures due to memory exhaustion on builders, particularly in F41

* Sat Aug 24 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.3.3-1
- Update to 0.3.3 (close RHBZ#2307495)

* Sat Aug 24 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.3.2-1
- Update to 0.3.2

* Thu Aug 22 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.3.0-1
- Update to 0.3.0

* Wed Aug 21 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.2.37-1
- Update to 0.2.37

* Sun Aug 11 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.2.35-1
- Update to 0.2.35

* Thu Aug 08 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.2.34-1
- Update to 0.2.34

* Thu Aug 08 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.2.33-3
- For now, remove the entire uv-trampoline crate before building

* Thu Aug 08 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.2.33-2
- Remove (unused) pre-compiled Windows executables before building

* Fri Aug 02 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.2.33-1
- Update to 0.2.33

* Thu Aug 01 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> - 0.2.32-1
- Initial package (close RHBZ#2299712)
## END: Generated by rpmautospec