Name: hencsat Version: 1.1.11 Release: 1 Summary: HENCSAT Test Bench Group: Applications/Internet License: GPL-3.0-or-later URL: Source:{name}-%{version}.tar.xz AutoReqProv: on BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: dejavu-sans-fonts BuildRequires: dejavu-sans-mono-fonts BuildRequires: dejavu-serif-fonts BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: ghostscript BuildRequires: gimp BuildRequires: google-noto-cjk-fonts BuildRequires: google-noto-sans-fonts BuildRequires: google-noto-serif-fonts BuildRequires: GraphicsMagick BuildRequires: perl-Image-ExifTool BuildRequires: pygtk2 BuildRequires: urw-base35-fonts BuildRequires: lksctp-tools-devel BuildRequires: qt5-qtbase-devel BuildRequires: qt5-linguist BuildRequires: qtchooser BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build BuildArch: noarch # TEST ONLY: # define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0 %description HENCSAT investigates the benefits of combining H.265 video encoding with torrent transmission and multi-path transport. Goal is to optimise communication services -- particularly also using satellite communication -- for the communication with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and vehicle convoys in remote areas. These are the GPL-licensed Open Source parts of the Test Bench. See for details on HENCSAT! %prep %setup -q %build # NOTE: CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=OFF for reduced log output! %cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=OFF . %cmake_build %install %cmake_install # ====== Relocate files ===================================================== mkdir -p %{buildroot}/boot/HENCSAT for name in HSClient1 HSController1 HSDevelopment1 HSManagement1 HSRouter1 HSServer1 ; do mv %{buildroot}/usr/share/hencsat-desktop/splash/${name}-*.jpeg %{buildroot}/boot/HENCSAT done mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/hencsat mv %{buildroot}/usr/share/hencsat-desktop/splash/hencsat-version %{buildroot}/etc/hencsat # =========================================================================== %package management Summary: Management tools for the HENCSAT Test Bench environment Group: Applications/Internet BuildArch: noarch Requires: bash-completion Requires: bridge-utils Requires: btrfs-progs Requires: bc Requires: bwm-ng Requires: colordiff Requires: cronie Requires: ethtool Requires: git Requires: gpm Requires: hping3 Requires: htop Requires: joe Requires: jq Requires: libidn Requires: lksctp-tools Requires: mlocate Requires: net-snmp-utils Requires: net-tools Requires: nmap Requires: (ntpsec or ntpdate) Requires: pxz Requires: reprepro Requires: smartmontools Requires: subnetcalc Requires: tcpdump Requires: td-system-tools-system-info >= 1.1.1 Requires: td-system-tools-system-maintenance >= 1.1.1 Requires: td-system-tools-configure-grub >= 1.1.1 Requires: tftp Requires: traceroute Requires: tree Requires: vconfig Requires: virt-what Requires: whois Recommends: grub2-tools Recommends: netperfmeter Recommends: reiserfs-utils Recommends: rsplib-docs Recommends: rsplib-services Recommends: rsplib-tools Recommends: wireshark-cli %description management HENCSAT investigates the benefits of combining H.265 video encoding with torrent transmission and multi-path transport. Goal is to optimise communication services -- particularly also using satellite communication -- for the communication with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and vehicle convoys in remote areas. These are the GPL-licensed Open Source parts of the Test Bench. This metapackage contains basic software for HENCSAT system management. The software installed provides a common working environment. See for details on HENCSAT! %files management /boot/HENCSAT/HSManagement1-*.jpeg %{_sysconfdir}/grub.d/??_hencsat_management_theme %{_sysconfdir}/hencsat/hencsat-version %{_bindir}/HENCSAT-Packet-Recorder %{_bindir}/HENCSAT-Routing-Rule-Setup %{_bindir}/HENCSAT-System-Info %{_bindir}/HENCSAT-System-Maintenance %{_mandir}/man1/HENCSAT-Packet-Recorder.1.gz %{_mandir}/man1/HENCSAT-Routing-Rule-Setup.1.gz %{_mandir}/man1/HENCSAT-System-Info.1.gz %{_mandir}/man1/HENCSAT-System-Maintenance.1.gz %{_datadir}/hencsat/grub-defaults %{_datadir}/hencsat/pbuilderrc %{_sysconfdir}/system-info.d/35-hencsat %{_sysconfdir}/system-maintenance.d/35-hencsat %ghost /etc/cron-apt/action.d/5-install %post management echo "Updating /etc/default/grub with HENCSAT settings:" configure-grub /usr/share/hencsat/grub-defaults -o /etc/default/grub if [ -e /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ] ; then /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg || true ; fi %postun management rm -f /etc/grub.d/??_hencsat_management_theme if [ -e /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ] ; then /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg || true ; fi %package firewall Summary: Firewall tools for the HENCSAT Test Bench environment Group: Applications/Internet BuildArch: noarch Requires: iptables %description firewall This package contains the scripts to configure a HENCSAT Management LAN firewall. See for details on HENCSAT! %files firewall %{_bindir}/Management-LAN-Firewall %{_mandir}/man1/Management-LAN-Firewall.1.gz %{_datadir}/doc/hencsat-firewall/examples/management-lan.conf.example %package development Summary: Development tools for the HENCSAT Test Bench environment Group: Applications/Internet BuildArch: noarch Requires: %{name}-management = %{version}-%{release} Requires: autoconf Requires: automake Requires: banner Requires: bison Requires: bzip2-devel Requires: clang Requires: cmake Requires: (createrepo_c or createrepo) Requires: debhelper Requires: dejavu-sans-fonts Requires: dejavu-sans-mono-fonts Requires: dejavu-serif-fonts Requires: devscripts Requires: flex Requires: gcc Requires: gcc-c++ Requires: gdb Requires: ghostscript Requires: gimp Requires: glib2-devel Requires: gnupg Requires: google-noto-cjk-fonts Requires: google-noto-sans-fonts Requires: google-noto-serif-fonts Requires: GraphicsMagick Requires: libcurl-devel Requires: libpcap-devel Requires: libtool Requires: lksctp-tools-devel Requires: make Requires: mock Requires: openssl-devel Requires: pbuilder Requires: perl-Image-ExifTool Requires: python3 Requires: qt5-qtbase-devel Requires: quilt Requires: R-base Requires: rpm Requires: texlive-epstopdf-bin Requires: uuid Requires: urw-base35-fonts Requires: valgrind Recommends: rsplib-devel %description development HENCSAT investigates the benefits of combining H.265 video encoding with torrent transmission and multi-path transport. Goal is to optimise communication services -- particularly also using satellite communication -- for the communication with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and vehicle convoys in remote areas. These are the GPL-licensed Open Source parts of the Test Bench. This metapackage contains basic software for HENCSAT development. The software installed provides a common working environment. See for details on HENCSAT! %files development /boot/HENCSAT/HSDevelopment1-*.jpeg %{_sysconfdir}/grub.d/??_hencsat_development_theme %post development if [ -e /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ] ; then /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg || true ; fi %postun development rm -f /etc/grub.d/??_hencsat_development_theme if [ -e /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ] ; then /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg || true ; fi %package server Summary: Server tools for the HENCSAT Test Bench environment Group: Applications/Internet BuildArch: noarch Requires: ffmpeg Requires: %{name}-management = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-firewall = %{version}-%{release} %description server HENCSAT investigates the benefits of combining H.265 video encoding with torrent transmission and multi-path transport. Goal is to optimise communication services -- particularly also using satellite communication -- for the communication with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and vehicle convoys in remote areas. These are the GPL-licensed Open Source parts of the Test Bench. This package contains the scripts to configure a HENCSAT server. See for details on HENCSAT! %files server /boot/HENCSAT/HSServer1-*.jpeg %{_sysconfdir}/grub.d/??_hencsat_server_theme %post server if [ -e /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ] ; then /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg || true ; fi %postun server rm -f /etc/grub.d/??_hencsat_server_theme if [ -e /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ] ; then /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg || true ; fi %package desktop Summary: Desktop setup for the HENCSAT Test Bench environment Group: Applications/Internet BuildArch: noarch Requires: %{name}-management = %{version}-%{release} Recommends: xorg-x11-drv-vmware %description desktop HENCSAT investigates the benefits of combining H.265 video encoding with torrent transmission and multi-path transport. Goal is to optimise communication services -- particularly also using satellite communication -- for the communication with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and vehicle convoys in remote areas. These are the GPL-licensed Open Source parts of the Test Bench. This metapackage contains the scripts to configure a HENCSAT desktop. See for details on HENCSAT! %files desktop %{_datadir}/hencsat-desktop/* %ghost /usr/share/hencsat/splash %package client Summary: Client tools for the HENCSAT Test Bench environment Group: Applications/Internet BuildArch: noarch Requires: ffmpeg Requires: %{name}-desktop = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-firewall = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-management = %{version}-%{release} %description client HENCSAT investigates the benefits of combining H.265 video encoding with torrent transmission and multi-path transport. Goal is to optimise communication services -- particularly also using satellite communication -- for the communication with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and vehicle convoys in remote areas. These are the GPL-licensed Open Source parts of the Test Bench. This package contains the scripts to configure a HENCSAT client. See for details on HENCSAT! %files client /boot/HENCSAT/HSClient1-*.jpeg %{_sysconfdir}/grub.d/??_hencsat_client_theme %post client if [ -e /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ] ; then /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg || true ; fi %postun client rm -f /etc/grub.d/??_hencsat_client_theme if [ -e /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ] ; then /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg || true ; fi %package controller Summary: Controller tools for the HENCSAT Test Bench environment Group: Applications/Internet BuildArch: noarch Requires: %{name}-desktop = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-management = %{version}-%{release} %description controller HENCSAT investigates the benefits of combining H.265 video encoding with torrent transmission and multi-path transport. Goal is to optimise communication services -- particularly also using satellite communication -- for the communication with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and vehicle convoys in remote areas. These are the GPL-licensed Open Source parts of the Test Bench. This package contains the scripts to configure a HENCSAT controller. See for details on HENCSAT! %files controller /boot/HENCSAT/HSController1-*.jpeg %{_sysconfdir}/grub.d/??_hencsat_controller_theme %{_bindir}/HENCSAT-QoS-Controller %{_datadir}/hencsat-controller/*.qm %{_mandir}/man1/HENCSAT-QoS-Controller.1.gz %post controller if [ -e /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ] ; then /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg || true ; fi %postun controller rm -f /etc/grub.d/??_hencsat_controller_theme if [ -e /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ] ; then /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg || true ; fi %package router Summary: Router tools for the HENCSAT Test Bench environment Group: Applications/Internet BuildArch: noarch Requires: uuid Requires: %{name}-firewall = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-management = %{version}-%{release} %description router HENCSAT investigates the benefits of combining H.265 video encoding with torrent transmission and multi-path transport. Goal is to optimise communication services -- particularly also using satellite communication -- for the communication with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and vehicle convoys in remote areas. These are the GPL-licensed Open Source parts of the Test Bench. This package contains the scripts to configure a HENCSAT router. See for details on HENCSAT! %files router /boot/HENCSAT/HSRouter1-*.jpeg %{_sysconfdir}/grub.d/??_hencsat_router_theme %{_bindir}/HENCSAT-QoS-Setup %{_datadir}/doc/hencsat-router/examples/hencsat-router.conf.example %{_datadir}/doc/hencsat-router/examples/sudoers.append %{_mandir}/man1/HENCSAT-QoS-Setup.1.gz %post router if [ -e /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ] ; then /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg || true ; fi %postun router rm -f /etc/grub.d/??_hencsat_router_theme if [ -e /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig ] ; then /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg || true ; fi %changelog * Sat Dec 14 2024 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.1.11 - New upstream release. * Sat Dec 14 2024 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.1.10 - New upstream release. * Wed Dec 06 2023 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.1.9 - New upstream release. * Wed Feb 08 2023 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.1.8 - New upstream release. * Sun Sep 11 2022 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.1.7 - New upstream release. * Wed Feb 16 2022 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.1.6 - New upstream release. * Mon Nov 29 2021 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.1.5 - New upstream release. * Tue Oct 26 2021 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.1.4 - New upstream release. * Mon Jun 14 2021 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.1.3 - New upstream release. * Sun Nov 15 2020 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.1.2 - New upstream release. * Fri Oct 09 2020 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.1.1 - New upstream release. * Tue Oct 06 2020 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.1.0 - New upstream release. * Fri Jun 19 2020 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.5 - New upstream release. * Mon Jun 15 2020 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.4 - New upstream release. * Tue May 05 2020 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.3 - New upstream release. * Wed Jan 22 2020 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.2 - New upstream release. * Wed Jan 22 2020 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.1 - New upstream release. * Thu Dec 12 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.0 - New upstream release. * Thu Nov 14 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.8.8 - New upstream release. * Thu Nov 07 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.8.7 - New upstream release. * Fri Oct 18 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.8.6 - New upstream release. * Thu Sep 26 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.8.5 - New upstream release. * Mon Sep 23 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.8.4 - New upstream release. * Fri Sep 20 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.8.3 - New upstream release. * Thu Aug 22 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.8.2 - New upstream release. * Wed Aug 07 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.8.1 - New upstream release. * Tue Aug 06 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.8.0 - New upstream release. * Tue Aug 06 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.7.6 - New upstream release. * Mon Aug 05 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.7.5 - New upstream release. * Fri Jun 28 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.7.4 - New upstream release. * Thu Jun 27 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.7.3 - New upstream release. * Fri Jun 21 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.7.2 - New upstream release. * Mon May 27 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.7.1 - New upstream release. * Wed May 15 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.7.0 - New upstream release. * Wed Nov 22 2017 Thomas Dreibholz - 0.0.0 - Created RPM package.