Name: libneat Version: 1.0.6 Release: 1 Summary: NEAT Project License: BSD-3-clause Group: Applications/Internet URL: Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz AutoReqProv: on BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: jansson-devel BuildRequires: ldns-devel BuildRequires: libmnl-devel BuildRequires: libuv-devel BuildRequires: lksctp-tools-devel BuildRequires: openssl-devel BuildRequires: openssl-devel-engine BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: swig # BuildRequires: libusrsctp-devel BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %description The NEAT project wants to achieve a complete redesign of the way in which Internet applications interact with the network. The goal is to allow network “services” offered to applications – such as reliability, low-delay communication or security – to be dynamically tailored based on application demands, current network conditions, hardware capabilities or local policies, and also to support the integration of new network functionality in an evolutionary fashion, without applications having to be rewritten. This architectural change will make the Internet truly “enhanceable”, by allowing applications to seamlessly and more easily take advantage of new network features as they evolve. %prep %setup -q %build %cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DSOCKET_API=1 -DUSRSCTP_SUPPORT=0 -DSCTP_MULTISTREAMING=1 -DFLOW_GROUPS=1 . %cmake_build %install %cmake_install %files %{_libdir}/* %package devel Summary: NEAT (Core API Development Files) Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: libuv-devel %description devel The NEAT project wants to achieve a complete redesign of the way in which Internet applications interact with the network. The goal is to allow network “services” offered to applications – such as reliability, low-delay communication or security – to be dynamically tailored based on application demands, current network conditions, hardware capabilities or local policies, and also to support the integration of new network functionality in an evolutionary fashion, without applications having to be rewritten. This architectural change will make the Internet truly “enhanceable”, by allowing applications to seamlessly and more easily take advantage of new network features as they evolve. This package contains the built examples for the NEAT Core API. %files devel %{_includedir}/neat.h %{_libdir}/libneat-static.a %{_libdir}/libneat[^\-]*so %package examples Summary: NEAT (Core API Examples) Group: Applications/Internet Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description examples The NEAT project wants to achieve a complete redesign of the way in which Internet applications interact with the network. The goal is to allow network “services” offered to applications – such as reliability, low-delay communication or security – to be dynamically tailored based on application demands, current network conditions, hardware capabilities or local policies, and also to support the integration of new network functionality in an evolutionary fashion, without applications having to be rewritten. This architectural change will make the Internet truly “enhanceable”, by allowing applications to seamlessly and more easily take advantage of new network features as they evolve. This package contains the built examples for the NEAT Core API. %files examples %{_libdir}/libneat/client %{_libdir}/libneat/client_data %{_libdir}/libneat/client_http_get %{_libdir}/libneat/client_http_run_once %{_libdir}/libneat/msbench %{_libdir}/libneat/peer %{_libdir}/libneat/server_chargen %{_libdir}/libneat/server_daytime %{_libdir}/libneat/server_discard %{_libdir}/libneat/server_echo %{_libdir}/libneat/server_http %{_libdir}/libneat/tneat %{_libdir}/libneat/minimal_client %{_libdir}/libneat/minimal_server %{_libdir}/libneat/minimal_server2 %{_libdir}/libneat/client_dtls_echo %{_libdir}/libneat/server_dtls_echo %package socketapi Summary: NEAT (Socket API Library) Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description socketapi The NEAT project wants to achieve a complete redesign of the way in which Internet applications interact with the network. The goal is to allow network “services” offered to applications – such as reliability, low-delay communication or security – to be dynamically tailored based on application demands, current network conditions, hardware capabilities or local policies, and also to support the integration of new network functionality in an evolutionary fashion, without applications having to be rewritten. This architectural change will make the Internet truly “enhanceable”, by allowing applications to seamlessly and more easily take advantage of new network features as they evolve. This package contains the library for the NEAT Sockets API. %files socketapi %{_libdir}/* %package socketapi-devel Summary: NEAT (Socket API Development Files) Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-socketapi = %{version}-%{release} %description socketapi-devel The NEAT project wants to achieve a complete redesign of the way in which Internet applications interact with the network. The goal is to allow network “services” offered to applications – such as reliability, low-delay communication or security – to be dynamically tailored based on application demands, current network conditions, hardware capabilities or local policies, and also to support the integration of new network functionality in an evolutionary fashion, without applications having to be rewritten. This architectural change will make the Internet truly “enhanceable”, by allowing applications to seamlessly and more easily take advantage of new network features as they evolve. This package contains the built examples for the NEAT Sockets API. %files socketapi-devel %{_includedir}/neat-socketapi.h %{_libdir}/libneat-socketapi-static.a %{_libdir}/libneat-socketapi*.so %package socketapi-examples Summary: NEAT (Socket API Examples) Group: Applications/Internet Requires: %{name}-socketapi = %{version}-%{release} %description socketapi-examples The NEAT project wants to achieve a complete redesign of the way in which Internet applications interact with the network. The goal is to allow network “services” offered to applications – such as reliability, low-delay communication or security – to be dynamically tailored based on application demands, current network conditions, hardware capabilities or local policies, and also to support the integration of new network functionality in an evolutionary fashion, without applications having to be rewritten. This architectural change will make the Internet truly “enhanceable”, by allowing applications to seamlessly and more easily take advantage of new network features as they evolve. This package contains the built examples for the NEAT Sockets API. %files socketapi-examples %{_libdir}/libneat/httpget %{_libdir}/libneat/httpserver1 %{_libdir}/libneat/httpserver2-select %{_libdir}/libneat/httpserver2-threads %changelog * Sat Dec 14 2024 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.6 - New upstream release. * Wed Dec 06 2023 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.5 - New upstream release. * Wed Feb 08 2023 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.4 - New upstream release. * Thu Feb 17 2022 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.3 - New upstream release. * Wed Feb 16 2022 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.2 - New upstream release. * Thu Dec 05 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.1 - New upstream release. * Fri Aug 23 2019 Thomas Dreibholz - 1.0.0 - New upstream release. * Fri Dec 02 2016 Thomas Dreibholz 0.0.1 - Initial RPM release