# Package the SELinux policy
%bcond_without selinux
%global selinuxtype targeted

# Disable openvpn3-addon-aws package by default for v22_dev
%bcond_with aws

%bcond_without unittests

%bcond_without dco

%define versiontag _dev
%define releasetag .dev1

%global _hardened_build 1
%global _vpath_srcdir %{name}-linux-%{version}%{?versiontag}

Name:           openvpn3
Version:        22
Release:        1%{?releasetag}%{?dist}
Summary:        OpenVPN 3 - TLS based VPN

License:        AGPLv3
URL:            https://codeberg.org/OpenVPN/openvpn3-linux/
Source0:        https://swupdate.openvpn.net/community/releases/openvpn3-linux-%{version}%{?versiontag}.tar.xz
Source1:        https://swupdate.openvpn.net/community/releases/openvpn3-linux-%{version}%{?versiontag}.tar.xz.asc
Source2:        gpgkey-F554A3687412CFFEBDEFE0A312F5F7B42F2B01E7.gpg
Patch0:         fedora-crypto-policy-compliance.patch
Vendor:         OpenVPN Inc

# Currently the code is buildable on 32-bit architectures
ExcludeArch:    armv7hl i686

BuildRequires:  meson
BuildRequires:  dbus-devel
BuildRequires:  glib2-devel
BuildRequires:  gdbuspp-devel >= 1
BuildRequires:  jsoncpp-devel
BuildRequires:  libcap-ng-devel
BuildRequires:  libuuid-devel
BuildRequires:  lz4-devel
BuildRequires:  openssl-devel
BuildRequires:  systemd
BuildRequires:  systemd-devel
BuildRequires:  zlib-devel

%if 0%{?rhel} == 8
# We're currently having tinyxml2-7.0.0 in the Fedora Copr
# repo which we want to avoid.  tinyxml2-6.0.0 is available
# via the CodeReady repository; use that instead
BuildRequires:  tinyxml2-devel < 7.0.2
BuildRequires:  tinyxml2-devel

BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
BuildRequires:  python3-dbus
BuildRequires:  python3-devel
BuildRequires:  python3-docutils
Requires:       python3-gobject-base
BuildRequires:  python3-jinja2
Requires:       python3-systemd

Requires:       dbus
Requires:       gdbuspp >= 1
Requires:       polkit
Requires:       python(abi) >= 3.6

# DCO support dependencies
%if %{with dco}
BuildRequires:  libnl3-devel
BuildRequires:  protobuf-compiler
BuildRequires:  protobuf-devel

Recommends:     kmod-ovpn-dco >= 0.2
# End - DCO support deps

%if %{with selinux}
Requires:       %{name}-selinux >= %{version}-%{release}

OpenVPN 3 based implementation targeting modern Linux distributions.
OpenVPN 3 aims to be protocol compatible with the older OpenVPN 2.x
releases, but does not support all features of OpenVPN 2.x.

%package devel
Summary:       Development headers for OpenVPN 3 Linux

%description devel
Contains generated C header file needed to have correct mapping of
constants used by OpenVPN 3 Linux.

%package client
Summary:       OpenVPN 3 Linux Client, TLS based VPN client
Requires:      %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

%description client
OpenVPN 3 Client components.  Provides the binaries and D-Bus services
required to initiate and manage VPN client configuration profiles and
manage VPN client sessions.

# openvpn3-addon-aws sub-package
%if %{with aws}
%package addon-aws
Summary:       OpenVPN 3 Linux AWS VPC integration support

%description addon-aws
This OpenVPN 3 Linux add-on will push VPN routes to the
AWS VPC to enable hosts inside the related VPC to utilize
the VPN setup.

# SELinux sub-package
%if %{with selinux}
%package selinux
Summary:        OpenVPN 3 Linux SELinux policy
BuildArch:      noarch
BuildRequires:  selinux-policy-devel
Requires:       selinux-policy-%{selinuxtype}

%description selinux
Additional SELinux policy required for OpenVPN 3 Linux to function
when SELinux is active.

gpgv2 --quiet --keyring %{SOURCE2} %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE0}
%autosetup -c -N

%if 0%{?rhel} > 8 || 0%{?fedora} > 31
pushd %{name}-linux-%{version}%{?versiontag}
%autopatch -p1

%if 0%{?fedora} > 39
%global nowerror -Dwerror=false

%meson -Dtest_programs=disabled -Dbash-completion=enabled \
       %{?with_unittests:-Dunit_tests=enabled} \
       %{?with_aws:-Daddon-aws=enabled} \
       %{?with_selinux:-Dselinux_policy=enabled} \
       %{?with_dco:-Ddco=enabled} \

# workaround due to the extra folder layer Meson adds,
# otherwise %%doc below gets less trivial
mkdir -p docs/dbus
pushd %{name}-linux-%{version}%{?versiontag}
cp -v COPYRIGHT.md README.md QUICK-START.md docs/*.md ../docs
cp -v docs/dbus/*.md ../docs/dbus

%meson_test --suite standalone

printf '\n\n\n\ ----------   Unit tests   ----------\n'
# Exclude PlatformInfo.DBus; it requires D-Bus available
pushd %{_vpath_builddir}
src/tests/unit/unit-tests --gtest_filter=-PlatformInfo.DBus

printf '\n\n\n --------   Version checks   --------\n'
src/client/openvpn3-service-backendstart --version
src/client/openvpn3-service-client --version
src/netcfg/openvpn3-service-netcfg --version
#src/sessionmgr/openvpn3-service-sessionmgr --version
#src/sessionmgr/openvpn3-service-configmgr --version
%{python3} -c "from src.python.openvpn3.constants import VERSION; print('Python constants version: {ver}'.format(ver=VERSION))"
src/ovpn3cli/openvpn3 version
src/ovpn3cli/openvpn3-admin version
printf '\n\n'

mkdir -vp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/autoload

# Ensure we have openvpn user and group accounts
getent group openvpn &>/dev/null || groupadd -r openvpn
getent passwd openvpn &>/dev/null || \
    /usr/sbin/useradd -r -g openvpn -s /sbin/nologin -c OpenVPN \
        -d %{_sharedstatedir}/%{name} openvpn
exit 0

echo "" >> "$LOGDEST"
echo "** openvpn3-admin init-config start -- `date`" >> "$LOGDEST"
%{_sbindir}/openvpn3-admin init-config --write-configs >> "$LOGDEST" 2>&1
echo "** openvpn3-admin init-config done (exit-code: $?)" >> "$LOGDEST"
exit 0

#  SELinux sub-package
%if %{with selinux}
%post selinux
# Install SELinux policy
%selinux_modules_install -s %{selinuxtype} %{_datadir}/selinux/packages/%{name}.pp.bz2
%selinux_modules_install -s %{selinuxtype} %{_datadir}/selinux/packages/%{name}_service.pp.bz2

# Enable the dbus_access_tuntap_device SELinux boolean.
# This is needed to make it possbile for the netcfg service
# to pass the file descriptor to tun devices it has created
# and configured.
%selinux_set_booleans -s %{selinuxtype} dbus_access_tuntap_device=1

%postun selinux
# Unset dbus_access_tuntap_device SELinux boolean
# and uninstall the SELinux policy we provide
%selinux_unset_booleans -s %{selinuxtype} dbus_access_tuntap_device=1
%selinux_modules_uninstall -s %{selinuxtype} %{_datadir}/selinux/packages/%{name}.pp.bz2
%selinux_modules_uninstall -s %{selinuxtype} %{_datadir}/selinux/packages/%{name}_service.pp.bz2


%doc docs/*.md
%config(noreplace) %{_datarootdir}/dbus-1/system.d/net.openvpn.v3.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_datarootdir}/dbus-1/system.d/net.openvpn.v3.configuration.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_datarootdir}/dbus-1/system.d/net.openvpn.v3.log.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_datarootdir}/dbus-1/system.d/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.conf
%config %dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
%config %dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/autoload
%dir %attr(750, openvpn, openvpn)%{_sharedstatedir}/%{name}
%dir %attr(750, openvpn, openvpn)%{_sharedstatedir}/%{name}/configs
%ghost %config(noreplace) %{_sharedstatedir}/%{name}/log-service.json
%ghost %config(noreplace) %{_sharedstatedir}/%{name}/netcfg.json


%files devel
%doc docs/COPYRIGHT.md docs/dbus/*.md

%files client
%doc docs/COPYRIGHT.md
%config(noreplace) %{_datarootdir}/dbus-1/system.d/net.openvpn.v3.backends.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_datarootdir}/dbus-1/system.d/net.openvpn.v3.client.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_datarootdir}/dbus-1/system.d/net.openvpn.v3.sessions.conf

%if %{with aws}
%files addon-aws
%doc docs/COPYRIGHT.md
%config(noreplace) %{_datarootdir}/dbus-1/system.d/net.openvpn.v3.aws.conf

%if %{with selinux}
%files selinux
%ghost %{_sharedstatedir}/selinux/%{selinuxtype}/active/modules/200/%{name}
%ghost %{_sharedstatedir}/selinux/%{selinuxtype}/active/modules/200/%{name}_service

* Mon Jun 17 2024 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 22-1.dev1
- Release of OpenVPN 3 Linux v22_dev

* Mon Oct 16 2023 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 21-3
- Don't depend on tinyxml2-7.0.0 on RHEL-8; use tinyxml2-6 from CodeReady repos

* Mon Oct 9 2023 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 21-2
- Build using devtoolset-11

* Fri Sep 22 2023 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 21-1
- Package the openvpn3-linux-21 stable release

* Fri Apr 21 2023 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 20-2
- Packaging fix only - Recommend kmod-ovpn-dco < 0.2
  - openvpn3 v20 is not ready for newer kmod-ovpn-dco versions yet
  - Improved descriptions

* Mon Mar 20 2023 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 20-1
- Package the openvpn3-linux-20 stable release

* Fri Oct 28 2022 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 19-1.beta
- Package the openvpn3-linux-19_beta release

* Tue Jun 7 2022 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 18-1.beta
- Package the openvpn3-linux-18_beta release
- D-Bus policies has been relocated to %%{_datarootdir}/dbus-1/system.d

* Mon Dec 13 2021 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 17-2.beta1
- Package the openvpn3-linux-17_beta release
- Build EPEL-7 using devtoolset-10

* Tue Oct 19 2021 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 16-1.beta1
- Package openvpn3-linux-16_beta release
- Include packaging of the new openvpn3-systemd integration

* Wed Jul 14 2021 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 15-1.beta1
- Package openvpn3-linux-15_beta release

* Wed Jul 14 2021 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 15-0.beta1
- Package openvpn3-linux-15_beta release

* Wed Jul 7 2021 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 14-0.beta1
- Package openvpn3-linux-14_beta release

* Sat Dec  5 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 13-0.beta1
- Package openvpn3-linux-13_beta release

* Mon Nov 16 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 12-0.beta1
- Package openvpn3-linux-12_beta release

* Fri Oct 30 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 11-0.beta1
- Package openvpn3-linux-11_beta release
- Enable building with DCO support on Fedora and EL-8
- Ensure D-Bus policies are packaged in the proper sub-package, not all in the main package.
- Ensure openvpn3 man pages are in the proper sub-package

* Sat Jul 25 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 10-0.beta1
- Package openvpn3-linux-10_beta release
- Move openvpn3 binary from -client to the base package
- Install bash-completions for openvpn2 in addition
- Install additional AWS region certificates in sysconfdir (openvpn3-addon-aws)
- Build RHEL-7 packages with -std=c++1y

* Tue Apr 28 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 9-6.beta1
- Add explicit dependency on python3-gobject-base

* Tue Apr 28 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 9-5.beta1
- Add explicit dependency on python3-dbus

* Tue Apr 28 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 9-4.beta1
- Make use of the %%{selinux_requires} macro for SELinux dependency handling in the -selinux sub-package

* Tue Apr 28 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 9-3.beta1
- Fix various openvpn3-selinux dependency related issues

* Sat Apr 25 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 9-2.beta1
- Remove the Fedora packaging OpenSSL compliance patch on all distro releases older than Fedora 32

* Thu Apr 23 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 9-1.beta1
- Packaging of the openvpn3-linux-9_beta release
- Reworked sub-packaging slightly, use proper bcond macros
- Added the new openvpn3-addon-aws sub-package

* Thu Feb 20 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 8-2.beta1
- Package SELinux policy in a separate package

* Thu Feb 20 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 8-1.beta1
- Adhere to Fedora Crypto Policy, using PROFILE=SYSTEM for cipher list init

* Mon Feb 10 2020 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 8-0.beta1
- Packaging of the openvpn3-linux-8_beta release
- Added additional compiler flags specific for RHEL-7

* Wed Dec 11 2019 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 7-0.beta1
- Packaging of the openvpn3-linux-7_beta release
- Corrected incorrect packaging of openvpn3-autoload.service file

* Fri May 24 2019 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 6-0.beta1
- Packaging of the openvpn3-linux-6_beta release
- This moves over to OpenSSL 1.1 on distributions providing that

* Wed Apr 3 2019 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 5-0.beta1
- Packaging of openvpn3-linux-5_beta release
- This release swaps out mbed TLS with OpenSSL
- Moving up to Python 3.6 dependency for RHEL 7

* Wed Mar 6 2019 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 4-0.beta2
- Added missing packaging of /var/lib/openvpn3/configs dir

* Fri Mar 1 2019 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 4-0.beta1
- Packaging of openvpn3-linux-4_beta release

* Thu Jan 31 2019 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 3-0.beta1
- Packaging of openvpn3-linux-3_beta release

* Wed Jan 30 2019 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 2-0.beta1
- Packaging of openvpn3-linux-2_beta release

* Sat Dec 8 2018 David Sommerseth <davids@openvpn.net> - 1-0.beta1
- First openvpn3-linux-1_beta release