%global _hardened_build 1 %global debug_package %{nil} %global snap_tstamp 20241219 %global commit a08b2fd1296035efdb81831f21e0c10a815ab1ad %global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7}) %define dkms_name ovpn-dco Name: %{dkms_name} Version: 0.2 Release: 0.%{snap_tstamp}git%{shortcommit}%{?dist} Summary: OpenVPN Data Channel Offload kernel accelerator License: GPLv2 URL: https://github.com/OpenVPN/ovpn-dco Source0: https://github.com/OpenVPN/%{name}/archive/%{commit}/%{name}-%{shortcommit}.tar.gz Source1: dkms.conf.in BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: kernel-devel BuildRequires: gnupg2 %description OpenVPN Data Channel Offload kernel module %package -n kmod-%{dkms_name} Summary: OpenVPN Data Channel Offload kernel accelerator (DKMS package) Requires: dkms >= 1.95 Requires: kernel-devel >= 4.18.0 Requires: kernel >= 4.18.0 %description -n kmod-%{dkms_name} This package contains an kernel module to accelerate OpenVPN traffic by doing the data channel encryption and decryption directly in the kernel space and put it directly unto a virtual network interface. By avoiding going via the user-space (which the traditional TUN/TAP devices requires), the encrypted data path from the remote host to the unencrypted data on the local virtual interface is shorter and more direct. Beware that the ovpn-dco kernel module does not support all the same data channel ciphers OpenVPN may support using a TUN/TAP device. This is because all the encryption/decryption of data channel packets utilizes the crypto API available directly in the Linux kernel and does not involve OpenSSL. Only the control channel packets are handled in user-space, where OpenSSL is used for the TLS packet handling. %prep %autosetup -n %{name}-%{commit} %build # Nothing to build %install if [ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ]; then rm -rf %{buildroot} fi mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/src/ mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_datarootdir}/%{module_name} cp -rv ../%{dkms_name}-%{commit} %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/src rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/src/%{dkms_name}-%{version}/.gitignore # Prepare dkms.conf cat %{SOURCE1} | sed -e 's/@@VERSION@@/%{version}.%{release}/' > %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/src/%{name}-%{commit}/dkms.conf # Rename ovpn-dco source dir to the package version including distro release tag mv %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/src/%{dkms_name}-%{commit} %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/src/%{dkms_name}-%{version}.%{release} mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} install -m644 README %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -f "%{name}-%{version}.dkms.tar.gz" ]; then install -m 644 %{dkms_name}-%{version}.dkms.tar.gz %{buildroot}/%{_datarootdir}/%{dkms_name} fi %clean if [ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ]; then rm -rf %{buildroot} fi %post -n kmod-%{dkms_name} # we cannot use %%{_libdir} as that points at /usr/lib64 on 64-bit platforms for POSTINST in %{_prefix}/lib/dkms/common.postinst %{_datarootdir}/%{dkms_name}/postinst; do if [ -f $POSTINST ]; then $POSTINST %{dkms_name} %{version}.%{release} %{_datarootdir}/%{dkms_name} exit $? fi echo "WARNING: $POSTINST does not exist." done echo -e "ERROR: DKMS version is too old and %{dkms_name} was not" echo -e "built with legacy DKMS support." echo -e "You must either rebuild %{dkms_name} with legacy postinst" echo -e "support or upgrade DKMS to a more current version." exit 1 %preun -n kmod-%{dkms_name} echo -e echo -e "Uninstall of %{dkms_name} module (version %{version}.%{release}) beginning:" dkms remove -m %{dkms_name} -v %{version}.%{release} --all --rpm_safe_upgrade exit 0 %files -n kmod-%{dkms_name} %{_pkgdocdir} %{_prefix}/src/%{dkms_name}-%{version}.%{release} %changelog * Thu Jun 20 2024 Frank Lichtenheld - 0.2.20240619-1 - Update to ovpn-dco release v0.2.20240619 * Thu Nov 16 2023 David Sommerseth - 0.2.20231117-1 - Update to ovpn-dco release v0.2.20231117 * Wed Oct 11 2023 David Sommerseth - 0.2.20231010-1 - Update to ovpn-dco release v0.2.20231010 * Fri Oct 6 2023 David Sommerseth - 0.2.20230426-3 - Fix incorrect dkms.conf.in variables; kernel module is now named ovpn-dco-v2 * Fri Oct 6 2023 David Sommerseth - 0.2.20230426-2 - Add PGP signature check of source code * Fri Oct 6 2023 David Sommerseth - 0.2.20230426-1 - Update to ovpn-dco release v0.2.20230426 * Mon Sep 5 2022 David Sommerseth - 0-20220905git3ba6c07 - Update to ovpn-dco master commit 3ba6c07ababd4d491c77f5327f8105bead6ddccc * Mon May 23 2022 David Sommerseth - 0-20220421git2db65af - Update to ovpn-dco master commit 2db65afe77f9857f5c6784091cff8d6fd8395d34 * Fri Mar 18 2022 David Sommerseth - 0-20220318gitd0d9920 - Update to ovpn-dco master commit d0d992019fa07a099fd449e360dfc21a0d1294c6 * Wed Jan 26 2022 David Sommerseth - 0-20220126gitca4de3d - Update to ovpn-dco master commit ca4de3d5f367a8f84e6f783f780767bafad75e6e * Wed Jul 7 2021 David Sommerseth - 0-20210708git6ae3b85 - Update to ovpn-dco master commit 6ae3b85f7bee7d9435dc0404868929bf71d97703 * Thu Oct 29 2020 David Sommerseth - 0-20201029gited1ca44 - Update to ovpn-dco master commit ed1ca44410336bee1e81c6985c54f01520256ec5 - Explicitly pass KERNEL_SRC as part of the make call, including the proper kernel version - Change the ovpn-dco DKMS version string to match the RPM package version/release; to avoid uninstalling DKMS on upgrades