# Generated by go2rpm %bcond_without check # https://bitbucket.org/creachadair/shell %global goipath bitbucket.org/creachadair/shell %global forgeurl https://bitbucket.org/creachadair/shell Version: 0.0.4 %global commit b625bb4113c0c4bd0bb9d96802240f2f97cbf214 %global distprefix %{nil} %gometa %global common_description %{expand: Package Shell supports splitting and joining of shell command strings. The Split function divides a string into whitespace-separated fields, respecting single and double quotation marks as defined by the Shell Command Language section of IEEE Std 1003.1 2013. The Quote function quotes characters that would otherwise be subject to shell evaluation, and the Join function concatenates quoted strings with spaces between them.} %global golicenses LICENSE %global godocs README.md Name: %{goname} Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Command-line splitting similar to the POSIX shell # Upstream license specification: BSD-3-Clause License: BSD URL: %{gourl} Source0: %{gosource} %description %{common_description} %gopkg %prep %goprep %install %gopkginstall %if %{with check} %check %gocheck %endif %gopkgfiles %changelog * Tue May 07 08:49:07 CEST 2019 Robert-André Mauchin - 0.0.4-1 - Initial package