package egoscale import ( "fmt" "net" "net/http" "strings" "testing" "time" "" ) func TestClientAPIName(t *testing.T) { cs := newTestClient("ENDPOINT") req := &ListAPIs{} if cs.APIName(req) != "listApis" { t.Errorf("APIName is wrong, wanted listApis") } if cs.APIName(&AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress{}) != "authorizeSecurityGroupIngress" { t.Errorf("APIName is wrong, wanted Ingress") } if cs.APIName(&AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress{}) != "authorizeSecurityGroupEgress" { t.Errorf("APIName is wrong, wanted Egress") } if cs.APIName(AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress{}) != "authorizeSecurityGroupEgress" { t.Errorf("APIName is wrong, wanted Egress") } } func TestClientAPIDescription(t *testing.T) { cs := newTestClient("ENDPOINT") req := &ListAPIs{} desc := cs.APIDescription(req) if desc != "lists all available apis on the server" { t.Errorf("APIDescription of listApis is wrong, got %q", desc) } } func TestClientResponse(t *testing.T) { cs := newTestClient("ENDPOINT") r := cs.Response(&ListAPIs{}) switch r.(type) { case *ListAPIsResponse: // do nothing default: t.Errorf("request is wrong, got %t", r) } ar := cs.Response(&DeployVirtualMachine{}) switch ar.(type) { case *VirtualMachine: // do nothing default: t.Errorf("asyncRequest is wrong, got %t", ar) } } func TestClientSyncDelete(t *testing.T) { bodySuccessString := ` {"delete%sresponse": { "success": "true" }}` bodySuccessBool := ` {"delete%sresponse": { "success": true }}` bodyError := ` {"delete%sresponse": { "errorcode": 431, "cserrorcode": 9999, "errortext": "This is a dummy error", "uuidList": [] }}` things := []struct { name string deletable Deletable }{ {"securitygroup", &SecurityGroup{ID: MustParseUUID("09ae3132-3a35-458c-9607-e3c77dd0465b")}}, {"securitygroup", &SecurityGroup{Name: "test"}}, {"sshkeypair", &SSHKeyPair{Name: "test"}}, } for _, thing := range things { ts := newTestServer( response{200, jsonContentType, fmt.Sprintf(bodySuccessString,}, response{200, jsonContentType, fmt.Sprintf(bodySuccessBool,}, response{431, jsonContentType, fmt.Sprintf(bodyError,}, ) cs := newTestClient(ts.URL) for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { if err := cs.Delete(thing.deletable); err != nil { t.Errorf("Deletion of %#v. Err: %s", thing.deletable, err) } } if err := cs.Delete(thing.deletable); err == nil { t.Errorf("Deletion of %v an error was expected", thing.deletable) } ts.Close() } } func TestClientAsyncDelete(t *testing.T) { body := ` {"%sresponse": { "jobid": "01ed7adc-8b81-4e33-a0f2-4f55a3b880cd", "jobresult": { "success": true }, "jobstatus": 1 }}` bodyError := ` {"%sresponse": { "jobid": "01ed7adc-8b81-4e33-a0f2-4f55a3b880cd", "jobresult": { "success": false, "displaytext": "herp derp", }, "jobstatus": 2 }}` id := MustParseUUID("96816f59-9986-499c-91c5-f47bd1122c4b") things := []struct { name string deletable Deletable }{ {"deleteaffinitygroup", &AffinityGroup{ID: id}}, {"deleteaffinitygroup", &AffinityGroup{Name: "affinity group name"}}, {"disassociateipaddress", &IPAddress{ID: id}}, {"destroyvirtualmachine", &VirtualMachine{ID: id}}, } for _, thing := range things { ts := newTestServer( response{200, jsonContentType, fmt.Sprintf(body,}, response{400, jsonContentType, fmt.Sprintf(bodyError,}, ) cs := newTestClient(ts.URL) if err := cs.Delete(thing.deletable); err != nil { t.Errorf("Deletion of %#v. Err: %s", thing, err) } if err := cs.Delete(thing.deletable); err == nil { t.Errorf("Deletion of %#v. An error was expected", thing) } ts.Close() } } func TestClientDeleteFailure(t *testing.T) { things := []Deletable{ &AffinityGroup{}, &SecurityGroup{}, &SSHKeyPair{}, &VirtualMachine{}, &IPAddress{}, } for _, thing := range things { ts := newTestServer() cs := newTestClient(ts.URL) if err := cs.Delete(thing); err == nil { t.Errorf("Deletion of %#v. Should have failed", thing) } ts.Close() } } func TestClientGetFailure(t *testing.T) { things := []Listable{ nil, &Account{}, (*ListAccounts)(nil), &AffinityGroup{}, (*ListAffinityGroups)(nil), &IPAddress{}, (*ListPublicIPAddresses)(nil), &Nic{}, (*ListNics)(nil), &SSHKeyPair{}, (*ListSSHKeyPairs)(nil), &SecurityGroup{}, (*ListSecurityGroups)(nil), &ServiceOffering{}, (*ListServiceOfferings)(nil), &Snapshot{}, (*ListSnapshots)(nil), &VirtualMachine{}, (*ListVirtualMachines)(nil), &Volume{}, (*ListVolumes)(nil), &Zone{}, (*ListZones)(nil), &ISO{}, (*ListISOs)(nil), } for _, thing := range things { ts := newTestServer() cs := newTestClient(ts.URL) if _, err := cs.Get(thing); err == nil { t.Errorf("Get of %#v. Should have failed", thing) } ts.Close() } } func TestClientGetNone(t *testing.T) { body := `{"list%sresponse": {}}` bodyError := `{"errorresponse": { "cserrorcode": 9999, "errorcode": 431, "errortext": "Unable to execute API command due to invalid value.", "uuidList": [] }}` id := MustParseUUID("4557261a-c4b9-45a3-91b3-e48ef55857ed") things := []struct { name string listable Listable }{ {"zones", &Zone{ID: id}}, {"zones", &Zone{Name: "test zone"}}, {"publicipaddresses", &IPAddress{ID: id, IsElastic: true, ForVirtualNetwork: true}}, {"publicipaddresses", &IPAddress{IPAddress: net.ParseIP(""), IsSourceNat: true}}, {"sshkeypairs", &SSHKeyPair{Name: "1"}}, {"sshkeypairs", &SSHKeyPair{Fingerprint: "test ssh keypair"}}, {"affinitygroups", &AffinityGroup{ID: id}}, {"affinitygroups", &AffinityGroup{Name: "test affinity group"}}, {"securitygroups", &SecurityGroup{ID: id}}, {"securitygroups", &SecurityGroup{Name: "test affinity group"}}, {"virtualmachines", &VirtualMachine{ID: id}}, {"volumes", &Volume{ID: id}}, {"templates", &Template{ID: id, IsFeatured: true}}, {"serviceofferings", &ServiceOffering{ID: id}}, {"accounts", &Account{}}, {"nics", &Nic{}}, {"snapshots", &Snapshot{}}, {"isos", &ISO{}}, } for _, thing := range things { ts := newTestServer( response{200, jsonContentType, fmt.Sprintf(body,}, response{431, jsonContentType, bodyError}, ) cs := newTestClient(ts.URL) _, err := cs.Get(thing.listable) if err == nil { t.Error("an error was expected") continue } if err != ErrNotFound { t.Fatalf("expected ErrNotFound, got %v", err) } ts.Close() } } func TestClientGetZero(t *testing.T) { body := ` {"list%sresponse": { "%s": [] }}` id := MustParseUUID("4557261a-c4b9-45a3-91b3-e48ef55857ed") things := []struct { name string listable Listable }{ {"zone", &Zone{ID: id}}, {"zone", &Zone{Name: "test zone"}}, {"publicipaddress", &IPAddress{ID: id}}, {"publicipaddress", &IPAddress{IPAddress: net.ParseIP("")}}, {"sshkeypair", &SSHKeyPair{Name: "1"}}, {"sshkeypair", &SSHKeyPair{Fingerprint: "test ssh keypair"}}, {"affinitygroup", &AffinityGroup{ID: id}}, {"affinitygroup", &AffinityGroup{Name: "test affinity group"}}, {"securitygroup", &SecurityGroup{ID: id}}, {"securitygroup", &SecurityGroup{Name: "test affinity group"}}, {"virtualmachine", &VirtualMachine{ID: id}}, {"volume", &Volume{ID: id}}, {"template", &Template{ID: id, IsFeatured: true}}, {"serviceoffering", &ServiceOffering{ID: id}}, {"account", &Account{}}, {"nic", &Nic{ID: id}}, {"snapshot", &Snapshot{ID: id}}, {"iso", &ISO{ID: id}}, } for _, thing := range things { plural := if strings.HasSuffix(plural, "s") { plural += "es" } else { plural += "s" } resp := response{200, jsonContentType, fmt.Sprintf(body, plural,} ts := newTestServer(resp) cs := newTestClient(ts.URL) // fake 431 _, err := cs.Get(thing.listable) if err == nil { t.Errorf("an error was expected") } if err != ErrNotFound { t.Fatalf("expected ErrNotFound, got %v", err) } ts.Close() } } func TestClientGetTooMany(t *testing.T) { body := ` {"list%sresponse": { "count": 2, "affinitygroup": [{}, {}], "publicipaddress": [{}, {}], "securitygroup": [{}, {}], "sshkeypair": [{}, {}], "virtualmachine": [{}, {}], "volume": [{}, {}], "zone": [{}, {}], "template": [{}, {}], "serviceoffering": [{}, {}], "account": [{}, {}], "nic": [{}, {}], "snapshot": [{}, {}], "iso": [{}, {}] }}` id := MustParseUUID("4557261a-c4b9-45a3-91b3-e48ef55857ed") things := []struct { name string listable Listable }{ {"zones", &Zone{ID: id}}, {"zones", &Zone{Name: "test zone"}}, {"publicipaddresses", &IPAddress{ID: id}}, {"publicipaddresses", &IPAddress{IPAddress: net.ParseIP("")}}, {"sshkeypairs", &SSHKeyPair{Name: "1"}}, {"sshkeypairs", &SSHKeyPair{Fingerprint: "test ssh keypair"}}, {"affinitygroups", &AffinityGroup{ID: id}}, {"affinitygroups", &AffinityGroup{Name: "test affinity group"}}, {"securitygroups", &SecurityGroup{ID: id}}, {"securitygroups", &SecurityGroup{Name: "test affinity group"}}, {"virtualmachines", &VirtualMachine{ID: id}}, {"volumes", &Volume{ID: id}}, {"templates", &Template{ID: id, IsFeatured: true}}, {"serviceofferings", &ServiceOffering{ID: id}}, {"accounts", &Account{}}, {"nics", &Nic{}}, {"snapshots", &Snapshot{}}, {"isos", &ISO{}}, } for _, thing := range things { resp := response{200, jsonContentType, fmt.Sprintf(body,} ts := newTestServer(resp) cs := newTestClient(ts.URL) // Too many _, err := cs.Get(thing.listable) if err == nil { t.Errorf("an error was expected") } if err != ErrTooManyFound { t.Fatalf("expected ErrTooManyFound, got %v", err) } ts.Close() } } func TestClientTrace(t *testing.T) { ts := newTestServer(response{200, jsonContentType, `{"listzonesresponse":{ "count": 0, "zone": []}}`}) defer ts.Close() cs := newTestClient(ts.URL) // XXX test something... this only increases the coverage cs.TraceOn() _, err := cs.Request(&ListZones{}) cs.TraceOff() if err != nil { t.Error(err) } } // Things that can be listed, paginated type lsTest struct { name string fieldName string listables []Listable } func lsTests() []lsTest { ts := []lsTest{ {"zones", "", []Listable{ &Zone{}, &ListZones{}, }}, {"publicipaddresses", "", []Listable{ &IPAddress{}, &ListPublicIPAddresses{}, }}, {"sshkeypairs", "", []Listable{ &SSHKeyPair{}, &ListSSHKeyPairs{}, }}, {"affinitygroups", "", []Listable{ &AffinityGroup{}, &ListAffinityGroups{}, }}, {"securitygroups", "", []Listable{ &SecurityGroup{}, &ListSecurityGroups{}, }}, {"virtualmachines", "", []Listable{ &VirtualMachine{}, &ListVirtualMachines{}, }}, {"volumes", "", []Listable{ &Volume{}, &ListVolumes{}, }}, {"templates", "", []Listable{ &Template{IsFeatured: true}, &ListTemplates{TemplateFilter: "featured"}, }}, {"serviceofferings", "", []Listable{ &ServiceOffering{}, &ListServiceOfferings{}, }}, {"networks", "", []Listable{ &Network{}, &ListNetworks{}, }}, {"accounts", "", []Listable{ &Account{}, &ListAccounts{}, }}, {"nics", "", []Listable{ &Nic{}, &ListNics{}, }}, {"snapshots", "", []Listable{ &Snapshot{}, &ListSnapshots{}, }}, {"events", "", []Listable{ &Event{}, &ListEvents{}, }}, {"eventtypes", "", []Listable{ &EventType{}, &ListEventTypes{}, }}, {"resourcelimits", "", []Listable{ &ResourceLimit{}, &ListResourceLimits{}, }}, {"resourcedetails", "", []Listable{ &ResourceDetail{ ResourceType: "UserVM", }, &ListResourceDetails{ ResourceType: "UserVM", }, }}, {"tags", "", []Listable{ &ResourceTag{}, &ListTags{}, }}, {"users", "", []Listable{ &User{}, &ListUsers{}, }}, {"instancegroups", "", []Listable{ &InstanceGroup{}, &ListInstanceGroups{}, }}, {"asyncjobs", "", []Listable{ &AsyncJobResult{}, &ListAsyncJobs{}, }}, {"oscategories", "", []Listable{ &OSCategory{}, &ListOSCategories{}, }}, {"isos", "", []Listable{ &ISO{}, &ListISOs{}, }}, } for i, t := range ts { end := len( - 1 if strings.HasSuffix(, "ses") { end-- } if strings.HasSuffix(, "jobs") { end++ } fieldName :=[:end] if strings.HasSuffix(fieldName, "ie") { fieldName =[:end-2] + "y" } ts[i].fieldName = fieldName } return ts } func TestClientList(t *testing.T) { body := ` {"list%sresponse": { "count": 4, "%s": [{}, {}, {}, {}] }}` for _, tt := range lsTests() { responses := make([]response, len(tt.listables)) for i := range tt.listables { responses[i] = response{200, jsonContentType, fmt.Sprintf(body,, tt.fieldName)} } ts := newTestServer(responses...) cs := newTestClient(ts.URL) for _, ls := range tt.listables { things, err := cs.List(ls) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } if len(things) != 4 { t.Errorf("four %T were expected, got %d", ls, len(things)) } } ts.Close() } } func TestClientPaginate(t *testing.T) { body := ` {"list%sresponse": { "count": 4, "%s": [{}, {}, {}, {}] }}` for _, tt := range lsTests() { end := len( switch { case strings.HasSuffix(, "ses"): end -= 2 // nolint: ineffassign case strings.HasSuffix(, "jobs"): break default: end-- // nolint: ineffassign } responses := make([]response, len(tt.listables)) for i := range tt.listables { responses[i] = response{200, jsonContentType, fmt.Sprintf(body,, tt.fieldName)} } ts := newTestServer(responses...) cs := newTestClient(ts.URL) for _, ls := range tt.listables { req, _ := ls.ListRequest() counter := 0 cs.Paginate(req, func(i interface{}, e error) bool { if e != nil { t.Error(e) return false } counter++ return true }) if counter != 4 { t.Errorf("Four %s were expected, got %d",, counter) } } ts.Close() } } func TestClientPaginateError(t *testing.T) { body := ` {"list%sresponse": { "cserrorcode": 9999, "errorcode": 431, "errortext": "Unable to execute API command listzones due to invalid value. Invalid parameter id value=1747ef5e-5451-41fd-9f1a-58913bae9701 due to incorrect long value format, or entity does not exist or due to incorrect parameter annotation for the field in api cmd class.", "uuidList": [] }} ` for _, tt := range lsTests() { responses := make([]response, len(tt.listables)) for i := range tt.listables { responses[i] = response{431, jsonContentType, fmt.Sprintf(body,} } ts := newTestServer(responses...) cs := NewClient(ts.URL, "KEY", "SECRET", WithoutV2Client()) for i := range tt.listables { listable := tt.listables[i] cs.Paginate(listable, func(i interface{}, e error) bool { t.Errorf("no %T were expected %v %s", listable, i, e) return false }) } ts.Close() } } func TestNewClient(t *testing.T) { var ( testHTTPTransport = http.Transport{} testHTTPClient = &http.Client{Transport: &testHTTPTransport} testTimeout = 5 * time.Second ) client := NewClient("x", "x", "x", WithHTTPClient(testHTTPClient), WithTimeout(testTimeout), WithTrace(), ) require.Equal(t, testHTTPClient, client.HTTPClient) require.Equal(t, testTimeout, client.Timeout) require.NotNil(t, client.Client) // Test embeded v2.Client disabling client = NewClient("x", "x", "x", WithoutV2Client()) require.Nil(t, client.Client) }