# Generated by go2rpm 1.9.0 %bcond_without check %global debug_package %{nil} # https://github.com/mitchellh/copystructure %global goipath github.com/mitchellh/copystructure Version: 1.2.0 %gometa %global common_description %{expand: Copystructure is a Go library for deep copying values in Go. This allows you to copy Go values that may contain reference values such as maps, slices, or pointers, and copy their data as well instead of just their references.} %global golicenses LICENSE %global godocs README.md Name: %{goname} Release: %autorelease Summary: Go library for deep copying values in Go License: MIT URL: %{gourl} Source0: %{gosource} %description %{common_description} %gopkg %prep %goprep %autopatch -p1 %generate_buildrequires %go_generate_buildrequires %install %gopkginstall %if %{with check} %check %gocheck %endif %gopkgfiles %changelog %autochangelog