Version: 2.000 Release: %autorelease URL: %global foundry SIL %global fontlicense OFL %global fontlicenses OFL.txt %global fontdocs *.txt %global fontdocsex %{fontlicenses} %global fontfamily lateef %global fontsummary An Arabic script unicode font %global fontpkgheader %{expand: } %global fonts *.ttf %global fontconfs %{SOURCE10} %global fontdescription %{expand: Lateef is named after Shah Abdul Lateef Bhitai, the famous Sindhi mystic and poet. It is intended to be an appropriate style for use in Sindhi and other languages of the South Asian region. } Source0:{version}.zip Source10: 65-%{fontpkgname}.conf %fontpkg %package doc Summary: Optional documentation files of %{name} BuildArch: noarch %description doc This package provides optional documentation files shipped with %{name}. %prep %setup -q -n Lateef-%{version} %linuxtext *.txt %build %fontbuild %install %fontinstall %check %fontcheck %fontfiles %files doc %defattr(644, root, root, 0755) %license OFL.txt %doc documentation %changelog %autochangelog