%global debug_package %{nil} Name: python-snactor Version: 0.2 Release: 40.1.git.38.cc36783None Summary: Python Actor execution library Group: Unspecified License: ASL 2.0 URL: https://github.com/leapp-to/snactor # git clone https://github.com/leapp-to/snactor # tito build --tgz --tag=%{version} Source0: python-snactor-git-38.cc36783.tar.gz BuildRequires: python2-devel BuildRequires: PyYAML BuildRequires: python2-jsl BuildRequires: python2-jsonschema %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7 BuildRequires: python-setuptools BuildRequires: epel-rpm-macros %else %if 0%{?fedora} > 25 BuildRequires: python2-pytest-cov BuildRequires: python2-pytest-flake8 %endif BuildRequires: python2-setuptools BuildRequires: python-rpm-macros %endif Requires: ansible Requires: PyYAML Requires: python2-jsl Requires: python2-jsonschema %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7 Requires: python-six BuildRequires: python-six %else Requires: python2-six BuildRequires: python-six %endif %description %prep %autosetup -n python-snactor-git-38.cc36783 -p1 %build %py2_build %install %py2_install echo Starting to copy data from: $PWD install -dm 0755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name} cp -r examples/* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/ %check %if 0%{?fedora} <= 25 || (0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7) echo 'Skipping tests due to missing dependencies' %else make test %endif %files %doc README.md LICENSE %{python2_sitelib}/* %dir %{_datadir}/%{name} %{_datadir}/%{name}/scripts/* %{_datadir}/%{name}/actors/* %{_datadir}/%{name}/schema/* %{_datadir}/%{name}/playbooks/* %{_bindir}/snactor_runner %changelog * Fri Oct 06 2017 Vinzenz Feenstra 0.2-40.1 - Drop wrong message (vfeenstr@redhat.com) * Fri Oct 06 2017 Vinzenz Feenstra 0.2-40 - Install snactor-runner tool (amello@redhat.com) - Added debug logging to executor (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - README: Updated to the current state (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Schema versioning applied + more simplification of the actor format (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Fixed remote variable resolving: wrong parameter order (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Refactored remote_execute a bit (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - ADD: Initial implementation of schema versioning (mgazdik@redhat.com) - remote.host and remote.user need to have variable support (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Added remote ability via an ansible playbook (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Drop extends and ansible executors (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Drop python and bash executors (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Drop payload support (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Updated GETTING_STARTED.md (amello@redhat.com) - Update GETTING_STARTED.md (amello@redhat.com) - Start docummenting HowTo create an Actor (amello@redhat.com) - Set logging stream to sys.stderr (amello@redhat.com) - Add runner: a tool to execute actors using snactor (amello@redhat.com) * Wed Sep 20 2017 Vinzenz Feenstra 0.2-39.2 - start_container: Remove non breakable space from yaml (vfeenstr@redhat.com) * Tue Sep 19 2017 Vinzenz Feenstra 0.2-39.1 - spec: BuildRequires python2-six (vfeenstr@redhat.com) * Tue Sep 19 2017 Vinzenz Feenstra 0.2-39 - Add the Actors decriptions (jzigmund@redhat.com) - checks aren't happy about the print (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - migrate-machine: Add target verification before starting to sync (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - create-container: Proper error handling (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - create_container: Report failure if there was an error (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - sudo has to be within the scripts (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Attempt to solve the remote execution problems (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - ansible-script: Dump script arguments as json string if they are dicts (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - create_container: Use a shebang (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - start/create container remote (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - portmap: Fixed pep8 violation (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - portmap: Fix user conversion properly (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - portmap: Fix user conversion (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - rsync: Add remote target support (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - port-mapping: Missing input (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - migrate-machine: Missing input use_default_port_map (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - ansible-module: Using ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING instead (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - containers_list: Fix the real reason for the quotes (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - containers_list: Strip quotes around container names (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Fix broken tests (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - ansible_module: Disable strict host key checking (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - remote-target-check: Sort container list (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - portmap: Adding missing use_default_port_map option (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - ansible-module executor: Also consider as local (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Fix remote-destroy-container name (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - remote target check group (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Added actors for remote target capabilities (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - actors: Refactored docker_info and rsync_info actors (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - add tag to a forgotten actor (pcahyna@users.noreply.github.com) - fix warnings (pcahyna@users.noreply.github.com) - whitespace (pcahyna@users.noreply.github.com) - Add a script analogous to checktarget.py, using leappwf. (pcahyna@users.noreply.github.com) - Tag actors that are ready to be composed into a check-target workflow (pcahyna@users.noreply.github.com) - Add a gnereic leappwf workflow run function. (pcahyna@users.noreply.github.com) - change img to leapp-scratch (jmikovic@redhat.com) - portmap: Fix user port map translation (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Missing pipe in actor (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - check-target: Add missing directory list functionality (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - check-target actors: Add missing 'status' feature (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - port-mapping-output: Fix output to be valid JSON (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - setup.py: requires should be install requires (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - check_target_group: Missing output actor (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - actors: Add port-mapping related actors (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - actors: check-target-output actor (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - port-inspect-output: Fix name and parameter to print the righ thing (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - port-inspect: Group + Printer (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - registry: Fix missing export (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Add tags to actor definition to allow searching loaded actors by tags. (pcahyna@users.noreply.github.com) - Actor: changed inputs of common postconfig actor (mgazdik@redhat.com) - Add actors: Added actor for common postconfig ops (hosts, resolv...) (mgazdik@redhat.com) - Add force option to create container (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - fix post_configure_upstart actor (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - fix rsync and portmap actors (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - portscan fix format (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - schema: introduction of must_get_schema (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - group actor: Improved the missing input message to be shorter (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - pep8: Fix line length (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - actor: Fixed naming and input/output naming for migrate-machine (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - actors: More migrate machine requirements fulfilled (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - group: Verify that all inputs are satisfied (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - pep8: Missing new line at end of file (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Correct the target info schema: docker and rsync messages are Null in case of success. Suggested by @vinzenz and corrected by @artmello. (pcahyna@users.noreply.github.com) - Split registry into modules and add unit tests (fabiojrb@gmail.com) - actors: add inspect machine using ansible and extend ansible executor (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Rename 'container_name' input to 'user_container_name' for create_container_name actor (jzigmund@redhat.com) - Complements b37b8c4 by changing dict key as well (fabiojrb@gmail.com) - spec: Fixed syntax errors and warnings (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - spec: Fix condition in the spec file (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - No tests on FC25 (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - spec: NO flake 8 and cov for FC25 (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Add set_container_directory_actor (fabiojrb@gmail.com) - spec: Directly depend on python packages not via macro (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Fix schema create_container actor (fabiojrb@gmail.com) - unify channel names and types (jmikovic@redhat.com) - Add create_container_name actor (jzigmund@redhat.com) - validation: Final fixes for schema validation (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - schema: More fixes for the schema validation parts (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - tests: Some more fixes (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - pep8: Do not fail on unused imports or nonstandard import locations (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - testing: Refactor scripts for stripping more of the boilerplate (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Fixing validation issues and pep8 issues (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - schema validation: Fixed design issues and made the registration work (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - schema validation: Fixed design issues and made the registration work (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - pep8: Fix too long line (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - loader: fixed missing post_resolve passing (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - import: reordered import dependencies (mgazdik@redhat.com) - deps: added dependencies to spec and requirements file (mgazdik@redhat.com) - Added schema validation (mgazdik@redhat.com) - lib: Make use of the filter_by_channel function where appropriate (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Use ExposedPorts schema in portmap actor (fabiojrb@gmail.com) - Corrected typo in the name of a file, name of type, code cleanup (mgazdik@redhat.com) - Added rsync and array->csv actors (mgazdik@redhat.com) - Improve create_container actor and schema (fabiojrb@gmail.com) - Add create_container_dir actor (jzigmund@redhat.com) - spec: Install also examples so they can be linked from other packages (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Add start_container actor (jzigmund@redhat.com) - Update Travis file (fabiojrb@gmail.com) - Fix style errors (fabiojrb@gmail.com) - Extend tests (fabiojrb@gmail.com) - fix targetinfo schema (jmikovic@redhat.com) - change OneOfField to ArrayField when all the data is expected (jmikovic@redhat.com) - use appropriate fields in machineinfo schema (jmikovic@redhat.com) - Allow empty data in value (mgazdik@redhat.com) - Extended unresoved reference error in order to give hint (mgazdik@redhat.com) - Refactoring loader (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Add create_container actor (fabiojrb@gmail.com) - A little bit of usability changes - Don't create classes on the fly (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Some cleanup (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - Add more unittests for loader.py (amello@redhat.com) - Add inspect machine actor(s) (amello@redhat.com) - Refactor checktarget to use group actor (amello@redhat.com) - fix loading of input data (jmikovic@redhat.com) - add default post_conf actor (jmikovic@redhat.com) - create post_configure_upstart actor (jmikovic@redhat.com) - Added portscan (and derivates), portmap and container delete actors with djson schemas (mgazdik@redhat.com) - do not try to handle stdout if there is none and none is expected (jmikovic@redhat.com) - No debug package (vfeenstr@redhat.com) - spec: PyYAML is a build and runtime requirement (vfeenstr@redhat.com) * Fri Aug 25 2017 Vinzenz Feenstra 0.1-1 - new package built with tito