Name: perl-Module-Manifest-Skip Version: 0.23 Release: 30%{?dist} Summary: MANIFEST.SKIP Manangement for Modules License: GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl URL: Source:{version}.tar.gz # Adapt to changes in Moo-2.004000, bug #1826148, # Patch: Module-Manifest-Skip-0.23-Adapt-to-changes-in-Moo-2.004000.patch BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: git BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: perl-generators BuildRequires: perl-interpreter BuildRequires: perl(:VERSION) >= 5.8.1 BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) >= 6.76 BuildRequires: perl(File::ShareDir::Install) >= 0.06 BuildRequires: perl(strict) BuildRequires: perl(warnings) # Run-time: BuildRequires: perl(File::ShareDir) BuildRequires: perl(File::Spec) BuildRequires: perl(Moo) >= 0.091013 # Tests: BuildRequires: perl(base) BuildRequires: perl(Cwd) BuildRequires: perl(Exporter) BuildRequires: perl(lib) BuildRequires: perl(Test::More) BuildRequires: perl(Test::Pod) Requires: perl(File::ShareDir) Requires: perl(File::Spec) Requires: perl(Moo) >= 0.091013 Requires: perl(warnings) # Remove under-speficied dependencies %global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:%__requires_exclude|}^perl\\(Moo\\)$ # Remove private modules %global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:%__requires_exclude|}^perl\\(TestModuleManifestSkip\\)$ %global __provides_exclude %{?__provides_exclude:%__provides_exclude|}^perl\\(TestModuleManifestSkip\\)$ %description CPAN module authors use a MANIFEST.SKIP file to exclude certain well known files from getting put into a generated MANIFEST file, which would cause them to go into the final distribution package. The packaging tools try to automatically skip things for you, but if you add one of your own entries, you have to add all the common ones yourself. This module attempts to make all of this boring process as simple and reliable as possible. %package tests Summary: Tests for %{name} Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release} Requires: coreutils Requires: perl-Test-Harness %description tests Tests from %{name}. Execute them with "%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/test". %prep %autosetup -S git -n Module-Manifest-Skip-%{version} # Help generators to recognize Perl scripts for F in $(find t/ -name '*.t'); do perl -i -MConfig -ple 'print $Config{startperl} if $. == 1 && !s{\A#!\s*perl}{$Config{startperl}}' "$F" chmod +x "$F" done %build perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor NO_PACKLIST=1 NO_PERLLOCAL=1 %{make_build} %{__make} manifest %install %{make_install} # Install tests mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name} cp -a t %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name} # share dir is for testing cp -a share %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name} # Remove author tests rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/t/release-pod-syntax.t cat > %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/test << 'EOF' #!/bin/bash set -e # Some test files writes into CWD DIR=$(mktemp -d) cp -a %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/* "$DIR" pushd "$DIR" prove -I . -j "$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)" popd rm -r "$DIR" EOF chmod +x %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/test %{_fixperms} %{buildroot}/* %check RELEASE_TESTING=1 %{__make} test %files %license LICENSE %doc Changes CONTRIBUTING README %{perl_vendorlib}/* %{_mandir}/man3/* %files tests %{_libexecdir}/%{name}