Summary: The Linux SDK for The Imaging Source cameras. Name: tiscamera Version: 0.14.0 Release: 1%{?dist} License: Apache Version 2.0 URL: Source0: Patch0: tiscamera-0.14.0.patch BuildRequires: pkgconf BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: libuuid-devel BuildRequires: libzip-devel BuildRequires: gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel # for libudev-devel: BuildRequires: systemd-devel # for libusb1: BuildRequires: libusbx-devel # for gui/tools BuildRequires: python-qt5 # for documentation BuildRequires: python3-sphinx Requires: libstdc++ Requires: libusbx Requires: libuuid Requires: systemd Requires: libzip Requires: gobject-introspection Requires: glib2 Requires: gstreamer1 Requires: gstreamer1-plugins-base Requires: python-qt5 %description This package will give you additional resources to control your TIS camera. %prep %setup -n tiscamera-v-tiscamera-0.14.0 -q %patch0 %build mkdir %{_target_platform} pushd %{_target_platform} cmake \ -DBUILD_ARAVIS=OFF \ -DBUILD_GST_1_0=ON \ -DBUILD_TOOLS=ON \ -DBUILD_V4L2=ON \ -DBUILD_LIBUSB=ON \ -DBUILD_DOCUMENTATION=ON \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{buildroot}/usr \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DO_STRIP:BOOL=OFF \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ .. popd make %{?_smp_mflags} -C %{_target_platform} %install rm -rf %{buildroot} make install -C %{_target_platform} %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-,root,root) /etc/udev/* /usr/bin/* /usr/lib64/* /usr/lib/* /usr/share/* /usr/include/* #/etc/init.d/foo #{_sbindir}/foo #/usr/share/man/man8/foo.8 #%files devel #%defattr(-,root,root) #/usr/include/foo.h #/usr/lib/foo.a %changelog * Fri Jan 13 2023 George - rebuild for AlmaLinux 9.1 - 0.14.0 release 1 * Wed May 23 2018 George - rebuild for Centos 7.5 - 0.9.0 release 3 * Thu Oct 5 2017 George - fixed dependency on cmake3 * Tue Sep 5 2017 George - ver 0.9.0 - initial version of spec file