# Compress with gzip instead of xz (faster): #define _binary_payload w9.gzdio #define _source_payload w9.gzdio %bcond_with snobol4 # disable python byte compiler %global _python_bytecompile_extra 0 %global __requires_exclude ^perl\\((PDF::Reuse.*|Pedigree.*|Text::Unidecode|Tie::Watch|SelfLoader|TeXLive.*|Tk::path_tre|only|pdfTeX|script::MakeSPList)\\)|/usr/local/bin/fontforge|/bin/wish|bin/texlua %global __requires_exclude_from %{?__requires_exclude_from:%__requires_exclude_from|}^%{_docdir}|^/usr/share/texmf-dist/doc %global __provides_exclude_from %{?__provides_exclude_from:%__provides_exclude_from|}^%{_docdir}|^/usr/share/texmf-dist/doc # filter out bogus auto-requires %global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:%__requires_exclude|}^/usr/bin/lua %global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:%__requires_exclude|}^/usr/bin/texlua %global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:%__requires_exclude|}^/usr/bin/wish %define enable_asymptote 0 %define texmfbindir %{_bindir} %define texmfdir %{_datadir}/texmf %define texmfdistdir %{_datadir}/texmf-dist %define texmflocaldir %{_datadir}/texmf-local %define texmfextradir %{_datadir}/texmf-extra %define texmffontsdir %{_datadir}/texmf-fonts %define texmfprojectdir %{_datadir}/texmf-project %define texmfvardir %{_localstatedir}/lib/texmf %define texmfconfdir %{_sysconfdir}/texmf %define __jar_repack %{nil} %define _enable_debug_packages %{nil} %define __debug_package %{nil} %define __debug_install_post %{nil} %define relYear 2024 Name: texlive-texmf Version: %{relYear}0312 Release: %mkrel 2 Summary: The TeX formatting system Group: Publishing License: https://www.tug.org/texlive/LICENSE.TL URL: https://tug.org/texlive/ Source0: ftp://tug.org/historic/systems/texlive/%{relYear}/texlive-%{version}-texmf.tar.xz Source1: ftp://tug.org/historic/systems/texlive/%{relYear}/texlive-%{version}-texmf.tar.xz.sha512 Source2: XDvi-color Source3: https://www.tug.org/texlive/LICENSE.TL Source4: ftp://tug.org/historic/systems/texlive/%{relYear}/install-tl-unx.tar.gz#/install-tl-unx-%{relYear}.tgz # Source5: http://mirror.hmc.edu/ctan/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb Source6: updmap-collection-basic.cfg Source7: updmap-dist.cfg Source8: updmap-fontsextra.cfg Source9: collection.basic Source10: fonts.extra Source11: fonts.asian Source12: fonts.sources BuildArch: noarch # for pathfix.py BuildRequires: python3 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(python3) # for _javadir def BuildRequires: javapackages-filesystem %if %{with snobol4} # for /usr/bin/snobol4 BuildRequires: snobol4 %endif #----------------------------------------------------------------------- Requires: perl-Algorithm-Diff Requires: xdg-utils Requires: texlive Requires: texlive-collection-basic = %{version} Requires: texlive-dist = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: tetex-cmsuper <= 0.3.3 Obsoletes: tex4ht <= 1:1.0.2008_02_28_2058 Obsoletes: tetex-afm <= 3.1 Provides: texmf-data = %version-%release # latex-beamer functionality is already included in texlive-texmf Obsoletes: latex-beamer < 3.13 Provides: latex-beamer = %version-%release Patch4: texlive-20160523-texmf-mageia-kpfix.patch # fix doc package deps: %global __provides_exclude %{?__provides_exclude:%__provides_exclude|}^pear\\(animals.php\\)$ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- %description This package will install the standard TeX Live and MetaFont distribution. It provides a comprehensive TeX system. It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software, including support for many languages around the world. %files #----------------------------------------------------------------------- %package -n texlive-collection-basic Summary: TeX Live essential package Group: Publishing Requires: texlive Requires(post): texlive Conflicts: texlive-texmf < %{version} Conflicts: texlive-dist < %{version} %description -n texlive-collection-basic This package installs the essential TeX Live distribution packages. They should be sufficient for most users of TeX or TeX-related programs. %files -n texlive-collection-basic -f %{SOURCE9} %{texmfbindir}/* %{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults/XDvi* %{_infodir}/* %{_mandir}/man1/* %{_mandir}/man5/* %{texmfdistdir}/chktex %if %{enable_asymptote} %{texmfdistdir}/asymptote %doc %{texmfdistdir}/doc/asymptote %endif %{texmfdistdir}/dvipdfmx %{texmfdistdir}/hbf2gf %{texmfdistdir}/LICENSE.TL %{texmfdistdir}/texconfig %{texmfdistdir}/texdoctk %{texmfdistdir}/tlpkg %{texmfdistdir}/ttf2pk %{texmfdistdir}/xdvi %{texmfdistdir}/bibtex %{texmfdistdir}/dvips %{texmfdistdir}/makeindex %{texmfdistdir}/metafont %{texmfdistdir}/metapost %{texmfdistdir}/mft %{texmfdistdir}/omega %{texmfdistdir}/pbibtex %{texmfdistdir}/scripts %{texmfdistdir}/web2c %{texmfdistdir}/tex4ht %{texmfdistdir}/xindy %{_javadir}/tex4ht.jar %{texmfdistdir}/texdoc %dir %{texmflocaldir} %ghost %{texmfdistdir}/ls-R %ghost %{texmflocaldir}/ls-R #context %exclude %{texmfbindir}/contextjit %exclude %{texmfbindir}/mptopdf %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/bibtex/bst/context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/scripts/context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/tex/generic/context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/map/pdftex/context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/metapost/context %exclude %{texmfbindir}/luatools %exclude %{texmfbindir}/mtxrunjit %exclude %{texmfbindir}/texexec %exclude %{texmfbindir}/texmfstart %post -n texlive-collection-basic cp %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap-collection-basic.cfg %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap.cfg #----------------------------------------------------------------------- %package -n texlive-dist Summary: TeX Live distribution package Group: Publishing Requires: texlive-texmf >= %{version}-%{release} Requires(post): texlive-collection-basic = %{version} #Requires(postun): texlive-collection-basic Requires(post): texlive Requires(postun): texlive Conflicts: texlive-texmf < 20120701-5 %description -n texlive-dist This package brings the main TeX Live distribution packages (fonts and TeX-related libraries) that are missing from the texlive-basic package. %files -n texlive-dist -f excludes %{texmfdistdir}/psutils/paper.cfg %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/afm/* %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/cid %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/cmap/* %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/enc/* %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/map/* %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/misc %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/ofm %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/opentype/* %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/ovf %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/ovp %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/sfd %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/* %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/tfm/* %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/truetype/* %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/type1/* %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/vf/* %{texmfdistdir}/tex/* #context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/afm/hoekwater/context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/enc/dvips/context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/map/dvips/context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/map/luatex/context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/tfm/hoekwater/context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/type1/hoekwater/context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/tex/context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/tex/generic/context %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/misc/xetex/fontmapping/context # xypic %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/dvips/xypic %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/afm/public/xypic %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/enc/dvips/xypic %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/map/dvips/xypic %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/tfm/public/xypic %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/type1/public/xypic %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/tex/generic/xypic # xetexconfig %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/tex/xelatex/xetexconfig %post -n texlive-dist cp %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap-dist.cfg %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap.cfg %postun -n texlive-dist cp %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap-collection-basic.cfg %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap.cfg #----------------------------------------------------------------------- %package -n texlive-context Summary: Tex Live ConTeXt Package Group: Publishing Requires: texlive-texmf >= %{version}-%{release} Requires: ruby Conflicts: texlive-collection-basic < 20220321-11 %description -n texlive-context This is the ConTeXt package of the TeX Live distribution. Use this only if you rely on context for building tex documents. %files -n texlive-context %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/afm/hoekwater/context %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/enc/dvips/context %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/map/dvips/context %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/map/luatex/context %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/map/pdftex/context %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/misc/xetex/fontmapping/context %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/tfm/hoekwater/context %{texmfdistdir}/fonts/type1/hoekwater/context %{texmfbindir}/contextjit %{texmfbindir}/luatools %{texmfbindir}/mptopdf %{texmfbindir}/mtxrunjit %{texmfbindir}/texexec %{texmfbindir}/texmfstart %{texmfdistdir}/context %{texmfdistdir}/scripts/context %{texmfdistdir}/tex/context %{texmfdistdir}/bibtex/bst/context %{texmfdistdir}/tex/generic/context %{texmfdistdir}/metapost/context %post -n texlive-context cp %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap-dist.cfg %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap.cfg %{_bindir}/mtxrunjit --generate > /dev/null 2>&1 %postun -n texlive-context cp %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap-collection-basic.cfg %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap.cfg #----------------------------------------------------------------------- %package -n texlive-doc Summary: Tex Live documentation Group: Publishing Obsoletes: tetex-doc <= 3.1 Requires: texlive-texmf >= %{version}-%{release} %description -n texlive-doc TeX Live is an easy way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. It provides a comprehensive TeX system. It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software, including support for many languages around the world. %files -n texlive-doc #{texmfdistdir}/doc/* %if %{enable_asymptote} %exclude %{texmfdistdir}/doc/asymptote %endif %{texmfdistdir}/doc #----------------------------------------------------------------------- %package -n texlive-fontsextra Summary: TeX Live extra fonts Group: Publishing Requires: texlive-texmf = %{version} Requires(post): texlive-dist = %{version}-%{release} Requires(postun): texlive %description -n texlive-fontsextra TeX Live is an easy way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. It provides a comprehensive TeX system. It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software, including support for many languages around the world. %files -n texlive-fontsextra -f %{SOURCE10} %post -n texlive-fontsextra cp %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap-fontsextra.cfg %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap.cfg %postun -n texlive-fontsextra cp %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap-dist.cfg %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap.cfg #----------------------------------------------------------------------- %package -n texlive-fonts-asian Summary: TeX Live extra fonts for Asian languages Group: Publishing Requires: texlive-texmf = %{version} Requires(post): texlive-dist = %{version}-%{release} Requires(postun): texlive %description -n texlive-fonts-asian TeX Live is an easy way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. It provides a comprehensive TeX system. It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software, including support for many languages around the world. %files -n texlive-fonts-asian -f %{SOURCE11} %post -n texlive-fonts-asian cp %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap-fontsextra.cfg %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap.cfg %postun -n texlive-fonts-asian cp %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap-dist.cfg %{texmfdistdir}/web2c/updmap.cfg #----------------------------------------------------------------------- %package -n texlive-fonts-sources Summary: TeX Live font sources Group: Publishing Requires: texlive = %{version} Requires(postun): texlive %description -n texlive-fonts-sources This package contains the source (mf) files for all fonts. This is usually only needed if you build applications. %files -n texlive-fonts-sources -f %{SOURCE12} %postun -n texlive-fonts-sources %{_bindir}/texhash > /dev/null 2>&1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- %prep %setup -q -n texlive-%{version}-texmf #remove source, as we don't need it and it saves some space rm -rf texmf-dist/source rm -rf texmf-dist/doc/latex/comprehensive/source #remove all windows bat files find . -name \*.bat -exec rm -f {} \; #remove all elf files function testElf(){ TMP=`file "$1"|grep -c "ELF"`; if [[ $TMP > 0 ]] ; then echo $1; fi ; } export -f testElf find . -type f -exec bash -c "testElf \"{}\"" \; |xargs -n 1 rm -f %patch -P 4 -p1 perl -pi -e 's%^(TEXMFMAIN\s+= ).*%$1%{texmfdistdir}%;' \ -e 's%^(TEXMFDIST\s+= ).*%$1%{texmfdistdir}%;' \ -e 's%^(TEXMF\s+= .*)\}$%$1,%{texmfdir}\}%;' \ -e 's%^(TEXMFLOCAL\s+= ).*%$1%{texmflocaldir}%;' \ -e 's%^(TEXMFSYSVAR\s+= ).*%$1%{texmfvardir}%;' \ -e 's%^(TEXMFSYSCONFIG\s+= ).*%$1%{texmfconfdir}%;' \ -e 's%^(TEXMFHOME\s+= ).*%$1\$HOME/texmf%;' \ -e 's%^(TEXMFVAR\s+= ).*%$1\$HOME/.texlive%{relYear}/texmf-var%;' \ -e 's%^(TEXMFCONFIG\s+= ).*%$1\$HOME/.texlive%{relYear}/texmf-config%;'\ -e 's%^(OSFONTDIR\s+= ).*%$1%{_datadir}/fonts%;' \ texmf-dist/web2c/texmf.cnf perl -pi -e 's%^(\s*TEXMFMAIN\s+=\s+").*%$1%{texmfdistdir}",%;' \ -e 's%\bTEXMFCONTEXT\b%TEXMFDIST%g;' \ -e 's%^(\s*TEXMFDIST\s+=\s+).*%$1"%{texmfdistdir}",%;' \ -e 's%^(TEXMF\s+= .*)\}$%$1,%{texmfdir}\}%;' \ -e 's%^(\s*TEXMFLOCAL\s+=\s+).*%$1"%{texmflocaldir}",%;' \ -e 's%^(\s*TEXMFSYSVAR\s+=\s+).*%$1"%{texmfvardir}",%;' \ -e 's%^(\s*TEXMFSYSCONFIG\s+=\s+).*%$1"%{texmfconfdir}",%;' \ -e 's%^(\s*TEXMFHOME\s+=\s+").*%$1\$HOME/texmf",%;' \ -e 's%^(\s*TEXMFVAR\s+=\s+").*%$1\$HOME/.texlive%{relYear}/texmf-var",%;' \ -e 's%^(\s*TEXMFCONFIG\s+=\s+").*%$1\$HOME/.texlive%{relYear}/texmf-config",%;' \ -e 's%^(\s*FONTCONFIG_PATH\s+=\s+").*%$1%{_sysconfdir}/fonts",%;' \ -e 's|^local texmflocal.*$||;' \ -e 's|^texmflocal.*$||;' \ texmf-dist/web2c/texmfcnf.lua perl -pi -e 's%^# (viewer_pdf = )xpdf.*%$1xdg-open%;' \ texmf-dist/texdoc/texdoc.cnf # fix python shebangs %py3_shebang_fix \ . \ texmf-dist/scripts/pdfbook2/pdfbook2 \ texmf-dist/scripts/de-macro/de-macro \ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- %build cat %{SOURCE9} %{SOURCE10} %{SOURCE11} %{SOURCE12} > excludes perl -pi -e 's%\%\{texmfdistdir\}%\%exclude \%\{texmfdistdir\}%g;' excludes #----------------------------------------------------------------------- %install #remove scripts for windows rm -f texmf-dist/scripts/texlive/uninstall-win32.pl rm -rf texmf-dist/scripts/tlgs \ texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/source \ texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/setup \ texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/install \ texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/mswin \ texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/win64 find texmf-dist/ -name *.exe -exec rm -f {} \; find texmf-dist/ -name *.dll -exec rm -f {} \; %if ! %{with snobol4} # remove script requiring /usr/bin/snobol4 rm -rf texmf-dist/scripts/texaccents/texaccents.sno %endif #remove scripts we have in psutils, gs or texlive rm -rf texmf-dist/scripts/psutils #change executeable for some files find texmf-dist/scripts/ -name *.jar -name *.pm -name README* -name CHANGES* -name LICENCE* -executable -exec chmod -x {} \; mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir} cp -la texmf-dist/* %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir} mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{texmfbindir} pushd %{buildroot}%{texmfbindir} #link executeables find %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/scripts/ -name '*.pl' -type f -executable -exec echo {} \; -exec basename {} .pl \;|sed 's,^%{buildroot},,'|xargs -n 2 ln -sf find %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/scripts/ -name '*.lua' -type f -executable -exec echo {} \; -exec basename {} .lua \;|sed 's,^%{buildroot},,'|xargs -n 2 ln -sf find %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/scripts/ -name '*.sh' -type f -executable -exec echo {} \; -exec basename {} .sh \;|sed 's,^%{buildroot},,'|xargs -n 2 ln -sf find %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/scripts/ -name '*.py' -type f -executable -exec echo {} \; -exec basename {} .py \;|sed 's,^%{buildroot},,'|xargs -n 2 ln -sf find %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/scripts/ -name '*.tlu' -type f -executable -exec echo {} \; -exec basename {} .tlu \;|sed 's,^%{buildroot},,'|xargs -n 2 ln -sf find %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/scripts/ -name '*.tcl' -type f -executable -exec echo {} \; -exec basename {} .tcl \;|sed 's,^%{buildroot},,'|xargs -n 2 ln -sf find %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/scripts/ -name '*.rb' -type f -executable -exec echo {} \; -exec basename {} .tcl \;|sed 's,^%{buildroot},,'|xargs -n 2 ln -sf find %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/scripts/ -type f -executable \ -not -name '*.pl' \ -not -name '*.cs' \ -not -name '*.lua' \ -not -name '*.sh' \ -not -name '*.py' \ -not -name '*.tlu' \ -not -name '*.tcl' \ -not -name '*.jar' \ -not -name '*.yaml' \ -not -name '*.pm' \ -not -name '*.txt' \ -not -name 'CHANGES*' \ -not -name 'LICENCE*' \ -not -name 'README*' \ -not -name '*.smc' \ -not -name '*.r' \ -not -name '*.rb' \ -exec echo {} \; -exec basename {} \;|sed 's,^%{buildroot},,'|xargs -n 2 ln -sf # cleanup of files not belonging to real commands, but that are installed from the commands above rm -f \ alt_getopt cloze herelist lapp-mk4 luaindex luamesh luamesh-polygon luamesh-tex \ lua-uca-collator lua-uca-ducet lua-uca-languages lua-uca-reordering-table \ lua-uca-tailoring luasseq lyluatex lyluatex-lib lyluatex-options \ make4ht-aeneas-config make4ht-config make4ht-dvireader make4ht-errorlogparser \ make4ht-filterlib make4ht-htlatex make4ht-indexing make4ht-lib make4ht-logging \ make4ht-xtpipes mkparams mkutils pgfmolbio physical \ placeat puyotikz pythontex_engines pythontex_install pythontex_utils \ spelling-main spelling-recurse spelling-stage-1 spelling-stage-2 spelling-stage-3 \ spelling-stage-4 tex4ebook-exec_azw tex4ebook-exec_azw3 tex4ebook-exec_epub \ tex4ebook-exec_epub3 tex4ebook-exec_mobi texdoclib-alias texdoclib-cli \ texdoclib-config texdoclib-const texdoclib-score texdoclib-search texdoclib-util \ texdoclib-view webquiz_layout webquiz_templates webquiz_xml # xindy (and xindy.mem) is already provided in the texlive package as a link to # scripts/xindy/xindy.pl, so skip the duplicate xindy link here. rm -f xindy #add some special links last ln -sf euptex uplatex ln -sf epstopdf repstopdf ln -sf texdef latexdef ln -sf allcm allec ln -sf fmtutil mktexfmt ln -sf mktexlsr texhash ln -sf tex lollipop ln -sf luatex luacsplain ln -sf luatex optex ln -sf kpsetool kpsepath ln -sf kpsetool kpsexpand ln -sf pdfcrop rpdfcrop ln -sf convbkmk.rb convbkmk ln -sf cluttex cllualatex ln -sf cluttex clxelatex ln -sf hitex hilatex popd (cd %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/tex/generic/config ; ln -sf ../tex-ini-files/pdftexconfig.tex .) mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults pushd %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults ln -sf %{texmfdistdir}/xdvi/XDvi XDvi cp %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults popd pushd %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir} %if !%{enable_asymptote} rm -fr asymptote doc/asymptote doc/info/asy* tex/latex/asymptote %endif rm -fr dvipdfm perl -pi -e 's%/usr/local%/usr%;' dvipdfmx/dvipdfmx.cfg rm -f ls-R README rm -fr doc/gzip cp -f %{SOURCE3} . find doc/man \( -name Makefile -o -name \*.pdf \) -exec rm -f {} \; # with_system_psutils rm -f doc/man/man1/{epsffit,extractres,fixdlsrps,fixfmps,fixmacps,fixpsditps,fixpspps,fixscribeps,fixtpps,fixwfwps,fixwpps,fixwwps,getafm,includeres,psbook,psmerge,psnup,psresize,psselect,pstops,psjoin,psutils,dvilualatex-dev,lualatex-dev,pdflatex-dev,platex-dev,uplatex-dev,xelatex-dev}.1 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir} mv -f doc/man/* %{buildroot}%{_mandir} mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_infodir} mv -f doc/info/*.info %{buildroot}%{_infodir} popd pushd %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir} rm -f ls-R README # .in files in documentation confuse find-provides rm -f doc/bibtex/urlbst/*.in popd mkdir %{buildroot}%{_javadir} pushd %{buildroot}%{_javadir} ln -sf %{texmfdistdir}/tex4ht/bin/tex4ht.jar tex4ht.jar popd pushd %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/doc/fonts find . -name \*.pdf -exec rm -rf {} \; rm -rf gnu-freefont/tools popd tar zxf %{SOURCE4} mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/tlpkg cp -la install-tl-*/tlpkg/TeXLive %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/tlpkg cp -la install-tl-*/tlpkg/installer %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/tlpkg rm -rf %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/tlpkg/installer/wget rm -rf %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/tlpkg/installer/xz perl -pi -e 's|-var-value=TEXMFROOT|-var-value=TEXMFMAIN|g;' \ %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/scripts/texlive/updmap.pl mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{texmflocaldir} touch %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir}/ls-R touch %{buildroot}%{texmflocaldir}/ls-R pushd %{buildroot}%{texmfdistdir} cp %{_sourcedir}/updmap-*.cfg web2c/ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- %changelog * Fri Mar 22 2024 wally 20240312-2.mga10 + Revision: 2051273 - build without script requiring snobol4 * Thu Mar 21 2024 mokraemer 20240312-1.mga10 + Revision: 2051135 - try to remove all possible elf files - remove some source files - remove not found files - remove not found files - fix patch - more py fixes - fix py - fix patch - fix util path - new release 2024 * Tue Jan 03 2023 mokraemer 20220321-12.mga9 + Revision: 1929421 - fix dangling symlinks from context package * Mon Nov 07 2022 mokraemer 20220321-11.mga9 + Revision: 1904545 - bad script fixed - remove files out of the list * Sun Nov 06 2022 ghibo 20220321-10.mga9 + Revision: 1904095 - Cleanup spurious executables in /usr/bin that don't belong to real TeXlive commands. - Fix missed xindy .pl files and other xindy scripts. - Fix duplicate entries in fonts.asian (morisawa, arphic). - Keep ps2eps. - Keep chtex scripts. * Tue Jun 21 2022 mokraemer 20220321-9.mga9 + Revision: 1865361 - rel - fix remove xindex - fix link - new rel - remove otfinfo link - move xindy to texlive - some more build fixes - changed some more scripts in usr/bin * Mon Jun 20 2022 mokraemer 20220321-4.mga9 + Revision: 1865280 - remove windows executeables * Mon Jun 20 2022 mokraemer 20220321-3.mga9 + Revision: 1865242 - fix dirs - fix script finding executeables, removed files conatined in psutils, ... * Sat Jun 18 2022 mokraemer 20220321-2.mga9 + Revision: 1864740 - fix script error - make some generic symlinks * Mon Apr 25 2022 mokraemer 20220321-1.mga9 + Revision: 1853735 - removed some asian fonts - expose more tex tools (mga#30325) - new version 2022 + umeabot - Mageia 9 Mass Rebuild * Fri Aug 27 2021 mokraemer 20210325-4.mga9 + Revision: 1742722 - fix missing symlinks (mga#29414) * Sun Aug 08 2021 tmb 20210325-3.mga9 + Revision: 1740134 - BR: javapackages-filesystem + mokraemer - remove post scripts, due to file trigger change of texlive * Fri Apr 02 2021 mokraemer 20210325-1.mga9 + Revision: 1712865 - remove soul - new release 2021 * Thu Mar 11 2021 mokraemer 20200406-6.mga9 + Revision: 1701460 - remove duplicate man pages (mga#28585) * Sun May 31 2020 tv 20200406-5.mga8 + Revision: 1589263 - stop overloading payload to gzip * Sun May 24 2020 mokraemer 20200406-4.mga8 + Revision: 1587316 - bump versioN - fix some symlinks * Sun May 24 2020 mokraemer 20200406-3.mga8 + Revision: 1587313 - fix some symlinks * Thu May 14 2020 mokraemer 20200406-2.mga8 + Revision: 1583699 - fixed typo - fix texhash * Wed May 13 2020 mokraemer 20200406-1.mga8 + Revision: 1583428 - added type3 fonts - fixed some file lists - new release 2020 - update requirements for font-source-package * Sun Feb 23 2020 mokraemer 20190410-11.mga8 + Revision: 1549613 - provide a font source package containing mf files * Tue Feb 18 2020 umeabot 20190410-10.mga8 + Revision: 1541788 - Mageia 8 Mass Rebuild * Thu Jan 02 2020 mokraemer 20190410-9.mga8 + Revision: 1475402 - reverted remove of binaries - fix moved statement - fix not creating dir - corrections for build - move asian fonts to an extra package due to their size - remove font sources * Tue Dec 24 2019 wally 20190410-8.mga8 + Revision: 1469855 - fix python shebangs - sync %%post and %%postun scriplets with texlive + mokraemer - add graphics-def to collection basic * Mon Oct 21 2019 mokraemer 20190410-7.mga8 + Revision: 1454908 - cleanup file list * Fri Oct 18 2019 tv 20190410-6.mga8 + Revision: 1454550 - fix deps * Fri Oct 18 2019 daviddavid 20190410-5.mga8 + Revision: 1454516 - filer out 2 more bogus auto-requires on /usr/bin/texlua and /usr/bin/wish * Fri Oct 18 2019 tv 20190410-4.mga8 + Revision: 1454467 - really filter out file request on /usr/bin/lua (sigh) * Fri Oct 18 2019 daviddavid 20190410-3.mga8 + Revision: 1454414 - really filter out bogus auto-requires * Fri Oct 18 2019 daviddavid 20190410-2.mga8 + Revision: 1454404 - filter out bogus auto-requires on /usr/bin/lua * Thu Oct 17 2019 mokraemer 20190410-1.mga8 + Revision: 1454344 - new version 2019 * Sat Oct 06 2018 tv 20180414-5.mga7 + Revision: 1318113 - get rid of broken file deps * Sat Oct 06 2018 tv 20180414-3.mga7 + Revision: 1318104 - relax requires on VR on other pkgs * Fri Oct 05 2018 mokraemer 20180414-2.mga7 + Revision: 1317791 - remove version dependency to texlive package * Thu Oct 04 2018 mokraemer 20180414-1.mga7 + Revision: 1317493 - new version for 2018 * Fri Sep 21 2018 umeabot 20170524-4.mga7 + Revision: 1291757 - Mageia 7 Mass Rebuild * Mon Aug 06 2018 eatdirt 20170524-3.mga7 + Revision: 1248316 - Relax to no-strict fmtutil to fix failing scriptlets * Mon Jan 08 2018 mokraemer 20170524-2.mga7 + Revision: 1191510 - fix some issues on texlive * Sun Jan 07 2018 mokraemer 20170524-1.mga7 + Revision: 1191326 - new Texlive 2017 * Mon Dec 04 2017 mokraemer 20160523-11.mga7 + Revision: 1181120 - correct script failure * Sat Nov 25 2017 mokraemer 20160523-8.mga7 + Revision: 1179268 - fix scriptlet failure (mga#21116) * Thu Nov 23 2017 mokraemer 20160523-7.mga7 + Revision: 1179020 - Fix error of bad texlive perl mods removed windows executables extracted context files to a new package with dependency to ruby removed source package * Thu Oct 20 2016 pterjan 20160523-6.mga6 + Revision: 1062816 - Move graphics-cfg to be packaged with graphics * Fri Oct 14 2016 pterjan 20160523-5.mga6 + Revision: 1060784 - Put tex/generic/tex-ini-files in the basic collection, it is required by other files there * Sat Oct 01 2016 bcornec 20160523-4.mga6 + Revision: 1057962 - Fix dangling symlinks (mga#19486) * Fri Sep 30 2016 bcornec 20160523-3.mga6 + Revision: 1057782 - Fix build issue of lilo pkg due to a missing link for pdftexconfig.tex under the config dir * Thu Sep 29 2016 bcornec 20160523-2.mga6 + Revision: 1057488 - Adds sha512 for texline-texmf - Fix missing wasysym module + tv - also exclude requires from /usr/share/texmf-dist/doc - exclude provides from /usr/share/texmf-dist/doc too - exclude deps from doc, thus fixing bogus file deps on /usr/bin/texlua * Tue Sep 27 2016 bcornec 20160523-1.mga6 + Revision: 1057044 - Update to upstream 20160523 - Update texlive-texmf to 20160523 upstream (remaining issue on post scripts) * Fri Feb 19 2016 umeabot 20130530-13.mga6 + Revision: 969906 - Mageia 6 Mass Rebuild * Wed Sep 23 2015 blino 20130530-12.mga6 + Revision: 882385 - drop patch that does not apply anymore and has been unapplied for years because of a rpm issue - rebuild for Mageia 6 (and to check if patch still apply properly) * Wed Oct 15 2014 umeabot 20130530-10.mga5 + Revision: 747603 - Second Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild * Fri Oct 03 2014 tv 20130530-9.mga5 + Revision: 736436 - add excludes for .php file in bindir... * Fri Sep 26 2014 tv 20130530-8.mga5 + Revision: 725241 - rebuild for bogus file deps * Tue Sep 23 2014 tv 20130530-7.mga5 + Revision: 720820 - fix excludes * Tue Sep 16 2014 umeabot 20130530-6.mga5 + Revision: 689848 - Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild + tv - use %%global for req/prov exclude - autoconvert to new prov/req excludes * Sun Aug 31 2014 malo 20130530-5.mga5 + Revision: 669796 - add xindy * Tue Dec 31 2013 malo 20130530-4.mga4 + Revision: 563472 - move obsoletes mf3pt1 to texlive * Mon Dec 30 2013 malo 20130530-3.mga4 + Revision: 563238 - fix post scripts, paths and add missing tetex to collection-basic - add newer version of metapost to fix build of lilypond (mga#12073) * Mon Dec 16 2013 malo 20130530-2.mga4 + Revision: 557802 - fix patch to texmf.cnf and texmfcnf.lua (mga#12003) * Wed Dec 11 2013 malo 20130530-1.mga4 + Revision: 556366 - update to 20130530 * Wed Oct 30 2013 malo 20120701-13.mga4 + Revision: 547911 - add xetexconfig and mptopdf file to collection-basic * Tue Oct 22 2013 umeabot 20120701-12.mga4 + Revision: 541718 - Mageia 4 Mass Rebuild * Sun Oct 13 2013 malo 20120701-11.mga4 + Revision: 496334 - add preprint package * Sun Oct 13 2013 malo 20120701-10.mga4 + Revision: 496230 - add ukrainian and other hyphenation packages * Sat Oct 12 2013 malo 20120701-9.mga4 + Revision: 495943 - add ruhyphen to basic * Sat Oct 12 2013 malo 20120701-8.mga4 + Revision: 495859 - add hyphen to basic * Fri Oct 11 2013 malo 20120701-7.mga4 + Revision: 495289 - fix file list * Sun Sep 29 2013 malo 20120701-6.mga4 + Revision: 489229 - fix post scriptlet * Fri Sep 13 2013 malo 20120701-5.mga4 + Revision: 478249 - split texlive-texmf in texlive-collection-basic and texlive-dist - remove info-install scriptlets (mga#10328) - Obsolete texlive-mf2pt1 (mga#8690) - run texhash in post and postun (mga#4818) - add requires to texlive (mga#10620) * Thu May 02 2013 tmb 20120701-4.mga3 + Revision: 411985 + rebuild (emptylog) * Thu May 02 2013 mitya 20120701-3.mga3 + Revision: 411964 - Fix #8753 and #9862; other minor fixes + umeabot - Mass Rebuild - https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Feature:Mageia3MassRebuild * Tue Dec 25 2012 mitya 20120701-1.mga3 + Revision: 335188 - TeXLive 2012 - Drop patches 2 and 3 (merged upstream) - Update patch 1 and font list * Mon Apr 02 2012 kamil 20110705-7.mga2 + Revision: 227819 - stop installing epspdf and texdraw info pages (they don't exist in the package) * Wed Mar 07 2012 obgr_seneca 20110705-6.mga2 + Revision: 221175 - added Obsoltes and Provides for latex-beamer since the functionality is included * Tue Oct 11 2011 dmorgan 20110705-5.mga2 + Revision: 153816 - Provides texmf-data * Fri Oct 07 2011 anssi 20110705-4.mga2 + Revision: 152888 - explicitely versionize conflicts due to file moves (fixes installation) * Fri Oct 07 2011 dmorgan 20110705-3.mga2 + Revision: 152823 - Try to fix fontforge autorequire * Fri Oct 07 2011 dmorgan 20110705-2.mga2 + Revision: 152801 - Add conflicts to ease updates * Fri Oct 07 2011 dmorgan 20110705-1.mga2 + Revision: 152584 - Sync with mdv version texlive 2011 * Sat Mar 19 2011 dmorgan 20100722-14.mga1 + Revision: 74535 - jadetex and xmltex are in its own package so do not package them here - Fix file list * Fri Mar 04 2011 dmorgan 20100722-13.mga1 + Revision: 63812 - Sync with mdv to ease upgrade from older mdv * Wed Mar 02 2011 dmorgan 20100722-12.mga1 + Revision: 62486 - Provides texmf-data * Wed Mar 02 2011 dmorgan 20100722-11.mga1 + Revision: 62485 - Bump release - Revert to latest co instable state with texlive * Wed Mar 02 2011 dmorgan 20100722-10.mga1 + Revision: 62476 - Do not use binary payload * Wed Mar 02 2011 dmorgan 20100722-9.mga1 + Revision: 62451 - FIx file list - Fix typo - Copy contents to correct subdirectory - Merge mdv commit 641199 - Change license tag to point to license file - Add basic infrastructure to allow test installs with tetex on older distro releases * Tue Mar 01 2011 dmorgan 20100722-8.mga1 + Revision: 62126 - Provides texmf-data * Tue Mar 01 2011 dmorgan 20100722-7.mga1 + Revision: 61953 - Actually add XDvi-color to file list - Correct open %%if. - Merge mdv commit 640042 - Add tex4ht.jar symlink to %%_javadir - Merge mdv commit 640011 - Do not symlink TeX fonts to /usr/share/fonts - Add a cutomized XDvi resource file - Merge mdv commit 639887 - Correct patch for initial updmap.cfg and post/postun of -fontsextra * Sun Feb 27 2011 dmorgan 20100722-6.mga1 + Revision: 61176 - Fix file list - Fix file list - Do not build asymptote and xindy for now - Remove mdv macros + mikala - imported package texlive-texmf * Thu Feb 24 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-6mdv2011.0 + Revision: 639732 - Add better handling of files that are new in texlive-fontsextra * Tue Feb 22 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-5 + Revision: 639265 - Add new texlive-fontsextra package and remove related texlive-texmf files * Thu Feb 17 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-4 + Revision: 638290 - Remove dependency loop of texlive and texlive-texmf - Merge texlive-fonts in texlive-texmf package * Thu Feb 17 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-3 + Revision: 638241 - Rebuild with updated Provides/Requires * Tue Feb 15 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-2 + Revision: 637828 + rebuild (emptylog) * Mon Feb 14 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-1 + Revision: 637746 - Update to texlive-texmf 20100722 * Mon Jan 31 2011 Paulo Andrade 2007-25 + Revision: 634558 - Update to match the fedora texlive-texmf package + Lev Givon - Set TEXMFLOCAL in default texmf.cnf to /usr/local/share/texmf (#40762). - Some LaTeX packages in texlive-texmf-latex need cmsuper (#51135). - Add explicit perl and ruby requires to texlive-texmf (#42316). * Thu May 14 2009 Lev Givon 0:2007-24.r6295.5mdv2010.0 + Revision: 375677 - Add post/postun scripts to texlive-texmf cmsuper package (#43729). Fix messed-up release number. + Paulo Andrade - o Correct #38016 (texlive misses some fonts for xdvi) The problem is that ~ is not expanded to $HOME in config files, what caused major problems (and directories named "~"). + Thierry Vignaud - ask to not commit 750Mb tarball when avoidable * Mon Jan 21 2008 David Walluck 0:2007-24.r6295.3mdv2008.1 + Revision: 155522 - rebuild for signing bug * Sun Jan 20 2008 David Walluck 0:2007-24.r6295.2mdv2008.1 + Revision: 155148 - Provides should not depend on status of obsolete_tetex option - make tetex-doc Provides consistent with other subpackages * Sat Jan 19 2008 Anssi Hannula 0:2007-24.r6295.1mdv2008.1 + Revision: 155108 - provide texmf-data for texinfo * Fri Jan 18 2008 David Walluck 0:2007-24.r6295mdv2008.1 + Revision: 154533 - SVN r6295 * Thu Jan 17 2008 Thierry Vignaud 0:2007-24.r6201mdv2008.1 + Revision: 154145 - stop providing/obsoleting tetex (too much issues) - simplify + Anssi Hannula - fix conflicts when built with obsolete_tetex=0 (not default) * Tue Jan 15 2008 David Walluck 0:2007-23.r6201mdv2008.1 + Revision: 152021 - add SVN revision to release tag * Sun Jan 13 2008 David Walluck 0:2007-22mdv2008.1 + Revision: 150852 - SVN r6201 * Fri Jan 11 2008 Anssi Hannula 0:2007-21mdv2008.1 + Revision: 147965 - restore calling texhash as bootstrapping is finished - restore lots of requires (it seems that the maintainer had wrongly assumed that "requires(post)" implies "requires" and replaced a lot of requires with requires(post); I restored them, but did not remove the added requires(post)) * Fri Jan 11 2008 Anssi Hannula 0:2007-20mdv2008.1 + Revision: 147944 - temporarily disable texhash to bootstrap the build - texlive-texmf-dvipdfm conflicts with old tetex-dvipdfm - do not obsolete+provide tetex-afm, tetex-dvips, and tetex-latex, those are in texlive-afm, texlive-dvips, and texlive-latex respectively - fix versions in obsoleting of latex-beamer - versionize obsoletes to avoid conflicts with itself - texlive-texmf-dvipdfm conflicts with old tetex - do not provide old tetex, causes conflict with texlive * Thu Jan 10 2008 Thierry Vignaud 0:2007-19mdv2008.1 + Revision: 147647 - add more conflicts in common subpackage to ease ordering on update - save 54Mb by recompressing main source with lzma (should make harder for SRPM creation to fail) - make texlive-dvips conflict with tetex (reported by Andrey Borzenkov) * Thu Jan 10 2008 David Walluck 0:2007-18mdv2008.1 + Revision: 147470 - change Requires to Requires(post) for scriptlets * Wed Jan 09 2008 Thierry Vignaud 0:2007-17mdv2008.1 + Revision: 147265 - BuildRequires texlive-fonts for texhash - run texhash - versionnate doc subpackage provides (#36582) - provide a fancyheadings.sty wrapper (#36569) * Tue Jan 08 2008 Thierry Vignaud 0:2007-16mdv2008.1 + Revision: 146626 - remove a bogus conflict * Tue Jan 08 2008 Thierry Vignaud 0:2007-15mdv2008.1 + Revision: 146442 - really enable obsoloting/provides tetex * Sun Jan 06 2008 Thierry Vignaud 0:2007-14mdv2008.1 + Revision: 146057 - enable obsoloting/provides tetex - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request + Olivier Blin - restore BuildRoot + Guillaume Rousse - rebuild * Sat Aug 25 2007 David Walluck 0:2007-12mdv2008.0 + Revision: 71100 - split out jadetex and xmltex packages - add some missing Requires: texlive-texmf-common = %%{epoch}:%%{version}-%%{release} * Thu Aug 16 2007 David Walluck 0:2007-11mdv2008.0 + Revision: 64084 - do not obsolete tetex - fix some file conflicts with the context subpackage - fix some file conflicts with the context subpackage * Wed Aug 15 2007 David Walluck 0:2007-9mdv2008.0 + Revision: 63838 - rebuild * Tue Aug 14 2007 David Walluck 0:2007-8mdv2008.0 + Revision: 62904 - rebuild * Sat Aug 11 2007 David Walluck 0:2007-7mdv2008.0 + Revision: 61922 - conflict with tetex-dvipdfm obly when obsoleting tetex * Sat Aug 11 2007 David Walluck 0:2007-6mdv2008.0 + Revision: 61906 - bump release - create conf directory in %%install - normal ls-R files by setting LC_ALL=C - include all default ls-R files * Fri Aug 10 2007 David Walluck 0:2007-5mdv2008.0 + Revision: 61039 - tpm dir no longer exists - exclude some files that are not distributable or distributed in other packages - update to non-GNOME defaults - don't call env to run scripts - fix %%bcond_with option - remove BuildConflicts so as to not obsolete tetex and texlive itself - fix %%with syntax - fix build - move build to %%prep (only execute once) - update texlive-texmf-src.tar.bz2 - don't obsolete tetex by default - stricter version requirements for subpackages - exclude files that are also shipped in texlive - exclude .pool files - install fixes - Import texlive-texmf * Wed Jun 20 2007 David Walluck 0:2007-1mdv2008.1 - release