# With Fedora, nothing is bundled. For everything else, bundling is used. # To use bundled stuff, use "--with vendorized" on rpmbuild %if 0%{?fedora} %bcond_with vendorized %else %bcond_without vendorized %endif # A switch to allow building the package with support for testkeys which # are used for the spread test suite of snapd. %bcond_with testkeys %global with_devel 1 %global with_debug 1 %global with_check 0 %global with_unit_test 0 %global with_test_keys 0 # Set if multilib is enabled for supported arches %ifarch x86_64 aarch64 %{power64} s390x %global with_multilib 1 %endif # Set if valgrind is to be run %ifnarch ppc64le %global with_valgrind 1 %endif %if ! %{with vendorized} %global with_bundled 0 %else %global with_bundled 1 %endif %if ! %{with testkeys} %global with_test_keys 0 %else %global with_test_keys 1 %endif %if 0%{?with_debug} %global _dwz_low_mem_die_limit 0 %else %global debug_package %{nil} %endif %global provider github %global provider_tld com %global project snapcore %global repo snapd # https://github.com/snapcore/snapd %global provider_prefix %{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project}/%{repo} %global import_path %{provider_prefix} %global snappy_svcs snapd.service snapd.socket snapd.autoimport.service snapd.seeded.service %global snappy_user_svcs snapd.session-agent.service snapd.session-agent.socket # Until we have a way to add more extldflags to gobuild macro... # Always use external linking when building static binaries. %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 %define gobuild_static(o:) go build -buildmode pie -compiler gc -tags="rpm_crashtraceback ${BUILDTAGS:-}" -ldflags "-B 0x$(head -c20 /dev/urandom|od -An -tx1|tr -d ' \\n') -linkmode external -extldflags '%__global_ldflags -static'" -a -v -x %{?**}; %endif %if 0%{?rhel} == 7 # no pass PIE flags due to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1634486 %define gobuild_static(o:) go build -compiler gc -tags="rpm_crashtraceback ${BUILDTAGS:-}" -ldflags "-B 0x$(head -c20 /dev/urandom|od -An -tx1|tr -d ' \\n') -linkmode external -extldflags '%__global_ldflags -static'" -a -v -x %{?**}; %endif # These macros are missing BUILDTAGS in RHEL 8/9, see RHBZ#1825138 %if 0%{?rhel} >= 8 %define gobuild(o:) go build -buildmode pie -compiler gc -tags="rpm_crashtraceback ${BUILDTAGS:-}" -ldflags "-B 0x$(head -c20 /dev/urandom|od -An -tx1|tr -d ' \\n') -linkmode external -extldflags '%__global_ldflags'" -a -v -x %{?**}; %endif # These macros are not defined in RHEL 7 %if 0%{?rhel} == 7 %define gobuild(o:) go build -compiler gc -tags="rpm_crashtraceback ${BUILDTAGS:-}" -ldflags "-B 0x$(head -c20 /dev/urandom|od -An -tx1|tr -d ' \\n') -linkmode external -extldflags '%__global_ldflags'" -a -v -x %{?**}; %define gotest() go test -compiler gc %{?**}; %endif # Compat path macros %{!?_environmentdir: %global _environmentdir %{_prefix}/lib/environment.d} %{!?_systemdgeneratordir: %global _systemdgeneratordir %{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-generators} %{!?_systemd_system_env_generator_dir: %global _systemd_system_env_generator_dir %{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-environment-generators} Name: snapd Version: 2.57.6 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: A transactional software package manager License: GPLv3 URL: https://%{provider_prefix} Source0: https://%{provider_prefix}/releases/download/%{version}/%{name}_%{version}.no-vendor.tar.xz Source1: https://%{provider_prefix}/releases/download/%{version}/%{name}_%{version}.only-vendor.tar.xz # FTBFS fix, submitted upstream https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/12357 Patch0: 0001-cmd-snap-confine-do-not-discard-const-qualifier.patch ExclusiveArch: %{?golang_arches}%{!?golang_arches:%{ix86} x86_64 %{arm} aarch64 ppc64le s390x} # If go_compiler is not set to 1, there is no virtual provide. Use golang instead. BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: %{?go_compiler:compiler(go-compiler)}%{!?go_compiler:golang >= 1.9} BuildRequires: systemd %{?systemd_requires} Requires: snap-confine%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: squashfs-tools %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 8 # Rich dependencies not available, always pull in squashfuse # snapd will use squashfs.ko instead of squashfuse if it's on the system Requires: squashfuse Requires: fuse %else # snapd will use squashfuse in the event that squashfs.ko isn't available (cloud instances, containers, etc.) Requires: ((squashfuse and fuse) or kmod(squashfs.ko)) %endif # bash-completion owns /usr/share/bash-completion/completions Requires: bash-completion # Force the SELinux module to be installed Requires: %{name}-selinux = %{version}-%{release} %if 0%{?fedora} && 0%{?fedora} < 30 # snapd-login-service is no more # Note: Remove when F29 is EOL Obsoletes: %{name}-login-service < 1.33 Provides: %{name}-login-service = 1.33 Provides: %{name}-login-service%{?_isa} = 1.33 %endif %if ! 0%{?with_bundled} BuildRequires: golang(github.com/boltdb/bolt) BuildRequires: golang(github.com/coreos/go-systemd/activation) BuildRequires: golang(github.com/godbus/dbus) BuildRequires: golang(github.com/godbus/dbus/introspect) BuildRequires: golang(github.com/gorilla/mux) BuildRequires: golang(github.com/jessevdk/go-flags) BuildRequires: golang(github.com/juju/ratelimit) BuildRequires: golang(github.com/kr/pretty) BuildRequires: golang(github.com/kr/text) BuildRequires: golang(github.com/mvo5/goconfigparser) BuildRequires: golang(github.com/seccomp/libseccomp-golang) BuildRequires: golang(github.com/snapcore/go-gettext) BuildRequires: golang(golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/armor) BuildRequires: golang(golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/packet) BuildRequires: golang(golang.org/x/crypto/sha3) BuildRequires: golang(golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal) BuildRequires: golang(golang.org/x/xerrors) BuildRequires: golang(golang.org/x/xerrors/internal) BuildRequires: golang(gopkg.in/check.v1) BuildRequires: golang(gopkg.in/macaroon.v1) BuildRequires: golang(gopkg.in/mgo.v2/bson) BuildRequires: golang(gopkg.in/retry.v1) BuildRequires: golang(gopkg.in/tomb.v2) BuildRequires: golang(gopkg.in/yaml.v2) BuildRequires: golang(gopkg.in/yaml.v3) %endif %description Snappy is a modern, cross-distribution, transactional package manager designed for working with self-contained, immutable packages. %package -n snap-confine Summary: Confinement system for snap applications License: GPLv3 BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: libtool BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: gettext BuildRequires: gnupg BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glib-2.0) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcap) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libseccomp) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libselinux) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libudev) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(udev) BuildRequires: xfsprogs-devel BuildRequires: glibc-static %if ! 0%{?rhel} BuildRequires: libseccomp-static %endif %if 0%{?with_valgrind} BuildRequires: valgrind %endif BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/rst2man %if 0%{?fedora} # ShellCheck in EPEL is too old... BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/shellcheck %endif # Ensures older version from split packaging is replaced Obsoletes: snap-confine < 2.19 %description -n snap-confine This package is used internally by snapd to apply confinement to the started snap applications. %package selinux Summary: SELinux module for snapd License: GPLv2+ BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: selinux-policy BuildRequires: selinux-policy-devel BuildRequires: make %{?selinux_requires} %description selinux This package provides the SELinux policy module to ensure snapd runs properly under an environment with SELinux enabled. %if 0%{?with_devel} %package devel Summary: Development files for %{name} BuildArch: noarch %if 0%{?with_check} && ! 0%{?with_bundled} %endif %if ! 0%{?with_bundled} Requires: golang(github.com/boltdb/bolt) Requires: golang(github.com/coreos/go-systemd/activation) Requires: golang(github.com/godbus/dbus) Requires: golang(github.com/godbus/dbus/introspect) Requires: golang(github.com/gorilla/mux) Requires: golang(github.com/jessevdk/go-flags) Requires: golang(github.com/juju/ratelimit) Requires: golang(github.com/kr/pretty) Requires: golang(github.com/kr/text) Requires: golang(github.com/mvo5/goconfigparser) Requires: golang(github.com/seccomp/libseccomp-golang) Requires: golang(github.com/snapcore/go-gettext) Requires: golang(golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/armor) Requires: golang(golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/packet) Requires: golang(golang.org/x/crypto/sha3) Requires: golang(golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal) Requires: golang(golang.org/x/xerrors) Requires: golang(golang.org/x/xerrors/internal) Requires: golang(gopkg.in/check.v1) Requires: golang(gopkg.in/macaroon.v1) Requires: golang(gopkg.in/mgo.v2/bson) Requires: golang(gopkg.in/retry.v1) Requires: golang(gopkg.in/tomb.v2) Requires: golang(gopkg.in/yaml.v2) Requires: golang(gopkg.in/yaml.v3) %else # These Provides are unversioned because the sources in # the bundled tarball are unversioned (they go by git commit) # *sigh*... I hate golang... Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/snapcore/bolt)) Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/coreos/go-systemd/activation)) Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/godbus/dbus)) Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/godbus/dbus/introspect)) Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/gorilla/mux)) Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/jessevdk/go-flags)) Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/juju/ratelimit)) Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/kr/pretty)) Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/kr/text)) Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/mvo5/goconfigparser)) Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/seccomp/libseccomp-golang)) Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/snapcore/go-gettext)) Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/armor)) Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/packet)) Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/crypto/sha3)) Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal)) Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/xerrors)) Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/xerrors/internal)) Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/check.v1)) Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/macaroon.v1)) Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/mgo.v2/bson)) Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/retry.v1)) Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/tomb.v2)) Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/yaml.v2)) Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/yaml.v3)) %endif # Generated by gofed Provides: golang(%{import_path}/advisor) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/arch) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/asserts) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/asserts/assertstest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/asserts/internal) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/asserts/signtool) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/asserts/snapasserts) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/asserts/sysdb) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/asserts/systestkeys) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/boot) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/boot/boottest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/bootloader) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/bootloader/androidbootenv) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/bootloader/assets) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/bootloader/assets/genasset) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/bootloader/bootloadertest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/bootloader/efi) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/bootloader/grubenv) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/bootloader/lkenv) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/bootloader/ubootenv) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/client) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/client/clientutil) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snap) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snap-bootstrap) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snap-bootstrap/triggerwatch) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snap-exec) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snap-failure) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snap-preseed) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snap-recovery-chooser) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snap-repair) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snap-seccomp) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snap-seccomp/syscalls) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snap-update-ns) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snapctl) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snapd) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snaplock) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/cmd/snaplock/runinhibit) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/daemon) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/dbusutil) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/dbusutil/dbustest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/desktop/notification) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/desktop/notification/notificationtest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/dirs) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/docs) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/errtracker) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/features) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/gadget) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/gadget/edition) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/gadget/install) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/gadget/internal) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/gadget/quantity) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/httputil) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/i18n) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/i18n/xgettext-go) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/image) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/apparmor) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/backends) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/builtin) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/dbus) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/hotplug) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/ifacetest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/kmod) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/mount) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/policy) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/seccomp) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/systemd) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/udev) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/interfaces/utils) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/jsonutil) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/jsonutil/safejson) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/kernel) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/logger) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/metautil) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/netutil) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/osutil) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/osutil/disks) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/osutil/mount) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/osutil/squashfs) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/osutil/strace) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/osutil/sys) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/osutil/udev/crawler) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/osutil/udev/netlink) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/assertstate) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/assertstate/assertstatetest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/auth) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/cmdstate) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/configstate) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/configstate/config) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/configstate/configcore) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/configstate/proxyconf) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/configstate/settings) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/devicestate) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/devicestate/devicestatetest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/devicestate/fde) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/devicestate/internal) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/healthstate) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/hookstate) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/hookstate/ctlcmd) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/hookstate/hooktest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/ifacestate) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/ifacestate/ifacerepo) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/ifacestate/udevmonitor) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/patch) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/servicestate) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/snapshotstate) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/snapshotstate/backend) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/snapstate) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/snapstate/backend) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/snapstate/policy) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/snapstate/snapstatetest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/standby) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/state) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/overlord/storecontext) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/polkit) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/progress) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/progress/progresstest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/randutil) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/release) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/sandbox) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/sandbox/apparmor) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/sandbox/cgroup) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/sandbox/seccomp) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/sandbox/selinux) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/sanity) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/secboot) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/seed) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/seed/internal) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/seed/seedtest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/seed/seedwriter) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/snap) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/snap/channel) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/snap/internal) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/snap/naming) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/snap/pack) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/snap/snapdir) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/snap/snapenv) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/snap/snapfile) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/snap/snaptest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/snap/squashfs) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/snapdenv) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/snapdtool) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/spdx) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/store) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/store/storetest) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/strutil) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/strutil/chrorder) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/strutil/quantity) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/strutil/shlex) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/sysconfig) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/systemd) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/testutil) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/timeout) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/timeutil) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/timings) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/usersession/agent) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/usersession/autostart) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/usersession/client) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/usersession/userd) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/usersession/userd/ui) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/usersession/xdgopenproxy) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/wrappers) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: golang(%{import_path}/x11) = %{version}-%{release} %description devel This package contains library source intended for building other packages which use import path with %{import_path} prefix. %endif %if 0%{?with_unit_test} && 0%{?with_devel} %package unit-test-devel Summary: Unit tests for %{name} package %if 0%{?with_check} #Here comes all BuildRequires: PACKAGE the unit tests #in %%check section need for running %endif # test subpackage tests code from devel subpackage Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release} %description unit-test-devel This package contains unit tests for project providing packages with %{import_path} prefix. %endif %prep %if ! 0%{?with_bundled} %setup -q %else # Extract each tarball properly %setup -q -D -b 1 %endif # Apply patches %autopatch -p1 %build # We don't want/need squashfuse in the rpm, as it's available in Fedora and EPEL sed -e 's:_ "github.com/snapcore/squashfuse"::g' -i systemd/systemd.go # Build snapd mkdir -p src/github.com/snapcore ln -s ../../../ src/github.com/snapcore/snapd export GOPATH=$(pwd):%{gopath} # remove the mod file, we are building without go modules support rm -f go.mod export GO111MODULE=off # Generate version files ./mkversion.sh "%{version}-%{release}" # see https://github.com/gofed/go-macros/blob/master/rpm/macros.d/macros.go-compilers-golang BUILDTAGS= %if 0%{?with_test_keys} BUILDTAGS="withtestkeys nosecboot" %else BUILDTAGS="nosecboot" %endif %if ! 0%{?with_bundled} # We don't need the snapcore fork for bolt - it is just a fix on ppc sed -e "s:github.com/snapcore/bolt:github.com/boltdb/bolt:g" -i advisor/*.go errtracker/*.go %endif # We have to build snapd first to prevent the build from # building various things from the tree without additional # set tags. %gobuild -o bin/snapd $GOFLAGS %{import_path}/cmd/snapd BUILDTAGS="${BUILDTAGS} nomanagers" %gobuild -o bin/snap $GOFLAGS %{import_path}/cmd/snap %gobuild -o bin/snap-failure $GOFLAGS %{import_path}/cmd/snap-failure # To ensure things work correctly with base snaps, # snap-exec, snap-update-ns, and snapctl need to be built statically ( %if 0%{?rhel} >= 7 # since RH Developer tools 2018.4 (and later releases), # the go-toolset module is built with FIPS compliance that # defaults to using libcrypto.so which gets loaded at runtime via dlopen(), # disable that functionality for statically built binaries BUILDTAGS="${BUILDTAGS} no_openssl" %endif %gobuild_static -o bin/snap-exec $GOFLAGS %{import_path}/cmd/snap-exec %gobuild_static -o bin/snap-update-ns $GOFLAGS %{import_path}/cmd/snap-update-ns %gobuild_static -o bin/snapctl $GOFLAGS %{import_path}/cmd/snapctl ) %if 0%{?rhel} # There's no static link library for libseccomp in RHEL/CentOS... sed -e "s/-Bstatic -lseccomp/-Bstatic/g" -i cmd/snap-seccomp/*.go %endif %gobuild -o bin/snap-seccomp $GOFLAGS %{import_path}/cmd/snap-seccomp ( %if 0%{?rhel} == 7 M4PARAM='-D distro_rhel7' %endif %if 0%{?rhel} == 7 || 0%{?rhel} == 8 || 0%{?rhel} == 9 # RHEL7, RHEL8 and RHEL9 are missing the BPF interfaces from their reference policy M4PARAM="$M4PARAM -D no_bpf" %endif # Build SELinux module cd ./data/selinux # pass M4PARAM in env instead of as an override, so that make can still # manipulate it freely, for more details see: # https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Override-Directive.html M4PARAM="$M4PARAM" make SHARE="%{_datadir}" TARGETS="snappy" ) # Build snap-confine pushd ./cmd autoreconf --force --install --verbose # FIXME: add --enable-caps-over-setuid as soon as possible (setuid discouraged!) %configure \ --disable-apparmor \ --enable-selinux \ %if 0%{?rhel} == 7 --disable-bpf \ %endif --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir}/snapd/ \ --enable-nvidia-biarch \ %{?with_multilib:--with-32bit-libdir=%{_prefix}/lib} \ --with-snap-mount-dir=%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/snap \ --enable-merged-usr %make_build %{!?with_valgrind:HAVE_VALGRIND=} popd # Build systemd units, dbus services, and env files pushd ./data make BINDIR="%{_bindir}" LIBEXECDIR="%{_libexecdir}" DATADIR="%{_datadir}" \ SYSTEMDSYSTEMUNITDIR="%{_unitdir}" \ SNAP_MOUNT_DIR="%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/snap" \ SNAPD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE="%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/snapd" popd %install install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir} install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8 install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_environmentdir} install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_systemdgeneratordir} install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_systemd_system_env_generator_dir} install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_userunitdir} install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/assertions install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/cookie install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/dbus-1/services install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/dbus-1/system-services install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/desktop/applications install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/device install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/hostfs install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/inhibit install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/lib/gl install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/lib/gl32 install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/lib/glvnd install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/lib/vulkan install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/mount install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/seccomp/bpf install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/snaps install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/snap/bin install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/snap install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/snapd install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/selinux/devel/include/contrib install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/selinux/packages # Install snap and snapd install -p -m 0755 bin/snap %{buildroot}%{_bindir} install -p -m 0755 bin/snap-exec %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd install -p -m 0755 bin/snap-failure %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd install -p -m 0755 bin/snapd %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd install -p -m 0755 bin/snap-update-ns %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd install -p -m 0755 bin/snap-seccomp %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd # Ensure /usr/bin/snapctl is a symlink to /usr/libexec/snapd/snapctl install -p -m 0755 bin/snapctl %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd/snapctl ln -sf %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snapctl %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/snapctl # Install SELinux module install -p -m 0644 data/selinux/snappy.if %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/selinux/devel/include/contrib install -p -m 0644 data/selinux/snappy.pp.bz2 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/selinux/packages # Install snap(8) man page bin/snap help --man > %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/snap.8 # Install the "info" data file with snapd version install -m 644 -D data/info %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd/info # Install bash completion for "snap" install -m 644 -D data/completion/bash/snap %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/snap install -m 644 -D data/completion/bash/complete.sh %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd install -m 644 -D data/completion/bash/etelpmoc.sh %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd # Install zsh completion for "snap" install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions install -m 644 -D data/completion/zsh/_snap %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions/_snap # Install snap-confine pushd ./cmd %make_install # Undo the 0111 permissions, they are restored in the files section chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/void # We don't use AppArmor rm -rfv %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/apparmor.d # ubuntu-core-launcher is dead rm -fv %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ubuntu-core-launcher popd # Install all systemd and dbus units, and env files pushd ./data %make_install BINDIR="%{_bindir}" LIBEXECDIR="%{_libexecdir}" DATADIR="%{_datadir}" \ SYSTEMDSYSTEMUNITDIR="%{_unitdir}" SYSTEMDUSERUNITDIR="%{_userunitdir}" \ TMPFILESDIR="%{_tmpfilesdir}" \ SNAP_MOUNT_DIR="%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/snap" \ SNAPD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE="%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/snapd" popd # Sudo tweaks do not work anyway, see # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1691996 for more details rm -rfv %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sudoers.d %if 0%{?rhel} == 7 # Install kernel tweaks # See: https://access.redhat.com/articles/3128691 install -m 644 -D data/sysctl/rhel7-snap.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysctldir}/99-snap.conf %endif # Remove snappy core specific units rm -fv %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/snapd.system-shutdown.service rm -fv %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/snapd.snap-repair.* rm -fv %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/snapd.core-fixup.* rm -fv %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/snapd.recovery-chooser-trigger.service # Remove snappy core specific scripts and binaries rm %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd/snapd.core-fixup.sh rm %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd/system-shutdown # Remove snapd apparmor service rm -f %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/snapd.apparmor.service rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/snapd/snapd-apparmor # Remove prompt services rm %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/snapd.aa-prompt-listener.service rm %{buildroot}%{_userunitdir}/snapd.aa-prompt-ui.service rm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/dbus-1/services/io.snapcraft.Prompt.service # Install Polkit configuration install -m 644 -D data/polkit/io.snapcraft.snapd.policy %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions # Disable re-exec by default echo 'SNAP_REEXEC=0' > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/snapd # Create state.json and the README file to be ghosted touch %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/state.json touch %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/snap/README # source codes for building projects %if 0%{?with_devel} install -d -p %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/ echo "%%dir %%{gopath}/src/%%{import_path}/." >> devel.file-list # find all *.go but no *_test.go files and generate devel.file-list for file in $(find . -iname "*.go" -o -iname "*.s" \! -iname "*_test.go") ; do echo "%%dir %%{gopath}/src/%%{import_path}/$(dirname $file)" >> devel.file-list install -d -p %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/$(dirname $file) cp -pav $file %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/$file echo "%%{gopath}/src/%%{import_path}/$file" >> devel.file-list done %endif # testing files for this project %if 0%{?with_unit_test} && 0%{?with_devel} install -d -p %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/ # find all *_test.go files and generate unit-test.file-list for file in $(find . -iname "*_test.go"); do echo "%%dir %%{gopath}/src/%%{import_path}/$(dirname $file)" >> devel.file-list install -d -p %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/$(dirname $file) cp -pav $file %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/$file echo "%%{gopath}/src/%%{import_path}/$file" >> unit-test-devel.file-list done # Install additional testdata install -d %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/cmd/snap/test-data/ cp -pav cmd/snap/test-data/* %{buildroot}/%{gopath}/src/%{import_path}/cmd/snap/test-data/ echo "%%{gopath}/src/%%{import_path}/cmd/snap/test-data" >> unit-test-devel.file-list %endif %if 0%{?with_devel} sort -u -o devel.file-list devel.file-list %endif %check for binary in snap-exec snap-update-ns snapctl; do ldd bin/$binary 2>&1 | grep 'not a dynamic executable' done # snapd tests %if 0%{?with_check} && 0%{?with_unit_test} && 0%{?with_devel} %if ! 0%{?with_bundled} export GOPATH=%{buildroot}/%{gopath}:%{gopath} %else export GOPATH=%{buildroot}/%{gopath}:$(pwd)/Godeps/_workspace:%{gopath} %endif export GO111MODULE=off %gotest %{import_path}/... %endif # snap-confine tests (these always run!) pushd ./cmd make check popd %files #define license tag if not already defined %{!?_licensedir:%global license %doc} %license COPYING %doc README.md docs/* %{_bindir}/snap %{_bindir}/snapctl %{_environmentdir}/990-snapd.conf %if 0%{?rhel} == 7 %{_sysctldir}/99-snap.conf %endif %dir %{_libexecdir}/snapd %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snapctl %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snapd %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-exec %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-failure %{_libexecdir}/snapd/info %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-mgmt %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-mgmt-selinux %{_mandir}/man8/snap.8* %{_datadir}/applications/snap-handle-link.desktop %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/snap %{_libexecdir}/snapd/complete.sh %{_libexecdir}/snapd/etelpmoc.sh %{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions/_snap %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snapd.run-from-snap %{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/snapd.sh %{_mandir}/man8/snapd-env-generator.8* %{_systemd_system_env_generator_dir}/snapd-env-generator %{_unitdir}/snapd.socket %{_unitdir}/snapd.service %{_unitdir}/snapd.autoimport.service %{_unitdir}/snapd.failure.service %{_unitdir}/snapd.seeded.service %{_userunitdir}/snapd.session-agent.service %{_userunitdir}/snapd.session-agent.socket %{_tmpfilesdir}/snapd.conf %{_datadir}/dbus-1/services/io.snapcraft.Launcher.service %{_datadir}/dbus-1/services/io.snapcraft.SessionAgent.service %{_datadir}/dbus-1/services/io.snapcraft.Settings.service %{_datadir}/dbus-1/session.d/snapd.session-services.conf %{_datadir}/dbus-1/system.d/snapd.system-services.conf %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/io.snapcraft.snapd.policy %{_datadir}/applications/io.snapcraft.SessionAgent.desktop %{_datadir}/fish/vendor_conf.d/snapd.fish %{_sysconfdir}/xdg/autostart/snap-userd-autostart.desktop %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/snapd %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/assertions %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/cookie %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/dbus-1 %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/dbus-1/services %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/dbus-1/system-services %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/desktop %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/desktop/applications %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/device %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/hostfs %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/inhibit %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/lib %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/lib/gl %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/lib/gl32 %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/lib/glvnd %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/lib/vulkan %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/mount %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/seccomp %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/seccomp/bpf %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/snaps %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/snap %ghost %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/snap/bin %dir %{_localstatedir}/cache/snapd %dir %{_localstatedir}/snap %ghost %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/state.json %ghost %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/snap/README # this is typically owned by zsh, but we do not want to explicitly require zsh %dir %{_datadir}/zsh %dir %{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions # similar case for fish %dir %{_datadir}/fish/vendor_conf.d %files -n snap-confine %doc cmd/snap-confine/PORTING %license COPYING %dir %{_libexecdir}/snapd # For now, we can't use caps # FIXME: Switch to "%%attr(0755,root,root) %%caps(cap_sys_admin=pe)" asap! %attr(4755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-confine %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-device-helper %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-discard-ns %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-gdb-shim %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-gdbserver-shim %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-seccomp %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-update-ns %{_mandir}/man8/snap-confine.8* %{_mandir}/man8/snap-discard-ns.8* %{_systemdgeneratordir}/snapd-generator %attr(0111,root,root) %{_sharedstatedir}/snapd/void %files selinux %license data/selinux/COPYING %doc data/selinux/README.md %{_datadir}/selinux/packages/snappy.pp.bz2 %{_datadir}/selinux/devel/include/contrib/snappy.if %if 0%{?with_devel} %files devel -f devel.file-list %license COPYING %doc README.md %dir %{gopath}/src/%{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project} %endif %if 0%{?with_unit_test} && 0%{?with_devel} %files unit-test-devel -f unit-test-devel.file-list %license COPYING %doc README.md %endif %post %if 0%{?rhel} == 7 %sysctl_apply 99-snap.conf %endif %systemd_post %{snappy_svcs} %systemd_user_post %{snappy_user_svcs} # If install, test if snapd socket and timer are enabled. # If enabled, then attempt to start them. This will silently fail # in chroots or other environments where services aren't expected # to be started. if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then if systemctl -q is-enabled snapd.socket > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then systemctl start snapd.socket > /dev/null 2>&1 || : fi fi %preun %systemd_preun %{snappy_svcs} %systemd_user_preun %{snappy_user_svcs} # Remove all Snappy content if snapd is being fully uninstalled if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-mgmt --purge || : fi %postun %systemd_postun_with_restart %{snappy_svcs} %systemd_user_postun_with_restart %{snappy_user_svcs} %triggerun -- snapd < 2.39 # TODO: the trigger relies on a very specific snapd version that introduced SELinux # mount context, figure out how to update the trigger condition to run when needed # Trigger on uninstall, with one version of the package being pre 2.38 see # https://rpm-packaging-guide.github.io/#triggers-and-scriptlets for details # when triggers are run if [ "$1" -eq 2 -a "$2" -eq 1 ]; then # Upgrade from pre 2.38 version %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-mgmt-selinux --patch-selinux-mount-context=system_u:object_r:snappy_snap_t:s0 || : # snapd might have created fontconfig cache directory earlier, but with # incorrect context due to bugs in the policy, make sure it gets the right one # on upgrade when the new policy was introduced if [ -d "%{_localstatedir}/cache/fontconfig" ]; then restorecon -R %{_localstatedir}/cache/fontconfig || : fi elif [ "$1" -eq 1 -a "$2" -eq 2 ]; then # Downgrade to a pre 2.38 version %{_libexecdir}/snapd/snap-mgmt-selinux --remove-selinux-mount-context=system_u:object_r:snappy_snap_t:s0 || : fi %pre selinux %selinux_relabel_pre %post selinux %selinux_modules_install %{_datadir}/selinux/packages/snappy.pp.bz2 %selinux_relabel_post %posttrans selinux %selinux_relabel_post %postun selinux %selinux_modules_uninstall snappy if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then %selinux_relabel_post fi %changelog * Fri Dec 16 2022 Maciek Borzecki - 2.57.6-2 - Fix for RHBZ#2152903 * Wed Nov 30 2022 Maciek Borzecki - 2.57.6-1 - Release 2.57.6 to Fedora * Tue Nov 15 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.57.6 - bugfixes * Mon Oct 17 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.57.5 - image: clean snapd mount after preseeding - wrappers,snap/quota: clear LogsDirectory= in the service unit for journal namespaces - cmd/snap,daemon: allow zero values from client to daemon for journal rate-limit - interfaces: steam-support allow pivot /run/media and /etc/nvidia mount - o/ifacestate: introduce DebugAutoConnectCheck hook - release, snapd-apparmor, syscheck: distinguish WSL1 and WSL2 - autopkgtests: fix running autopkgtest on kinetic - interfaces: add microceph interface - interfaces: steam-support allow additional mounts - many: add stub services - interfaces: add kconfig paths to system-observe - i/b/system_observe: honour root dir when checking for /boot/config-* - interfaces: grant access to speech-dispatcher socket - interfaces: rework logic of unclashMountEntries * Thu Sep 29 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.57.4 - release, snapd-apparmor: fixed outdated WSL detection - overlord/ifacestate: fix conflict detection of auto-connection - overlord: run install-device hook during factory reset - image/preseed/preseed_linux: add missing new line - boot: add factory-reset cases for boot-flags. - interfaces: added read/write access to /proc/self/coredump_filter for process-control - interfaces: add read access to /proc/cgroups and /proc/sys/vm/swappiness to system-observe - fde: run fde-reveal-key with `DefaultDependencies=no` - snapdenv: added wsl to userAgent - tests: fix restore section for persistent-journal-namespace - i/b/mount-control: add optional `/` to umount rules - cmd/snap-bootstrap: changes to be able to boot classic rootfs - cmd/snap-bootstrap: add CVM mode * Thu Sep 15 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.57.3 - wrappers: journal namespaces did not honor journal.persistent - snap/quota,wrappers: allow using 0 values for the journal rate to override the system default values - multiple: clear up naming convention for cpu-set quota - i/b/mount-control: allow custom filesystem types - i/b/system-observe: allow reading processes security label - sandbox/cgroup: don't check V1 cgroup if V2 is active - asserts,boot,secboot: switch to a secboot version measuring classic * Fri Sep 02 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.57.2 - store/tooling,tests: support UBUNTU_STORE_URL override env var - packaging/*/tests/integrationtests: reload ssh.service, not sshd.service - tests: check snap download with snapcraft v7+ export-login auth data - store/tooling: support using snapcraft v7+ base64-encoded auth data - many: progress bars should use the overridable stdouts - many: refactor store code to be able to use simpler form of auth creds - snap,store: drop support/consideration for anonymous download urls - data: include snapd/mounts in preseeded blob - many: Set SNAPD_APPARMOR_REEXEC=1 - overlord: track security profiles for non-active snaps * Wed Aug 10 2022 Alberto Mardegan - New upstream release 2.57.1 - cmd/snap-update-ns: handle mountpoint removal failures with EBUSY - cmd/snap-update-ns: print current mount entries - cmd/snap-update-ns: check the unused mounts with a cleaned path - snap-confine: disable -Werror=array-bounds in __overflow tests to fix build error on Ubuntu 22.10 - systemd: add `WantedBy=default.target` to snap mount units (LP: #1983528) * Thu Jul 28 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.57 - tests: Fix calls to systemctl is-system-running - osutil/disks: handle GPT for 4k disk and too small tables - packaging: import change from the 2.54.3-1.1 upload - many: revert "features: disable refresh-app-awarness by default again" - tests: improve robustness of preparation for regression/lp-1803542 - tests: get the ubuntu-image binary built with test keys - tests: remove commented code from lxd test - interfaces/builtin: add more permissions for steam-support - tests: skip interfaces-network-control on i386 - tests: tweak the "tests/nested/manual/connections" test - interfaces: posix-mq: allow specifying message queue paths as an array - bootloader/assets: add ttyS0,115200n8 to grub.cfg - i/b/desktop,unity7: remove name= specification on D-Bus signals - tests: ensure that microk8s does not produce DENIED messages - many: support non-default provenance snap-revisions in DeriveSideInfo - tests: fix `core20-new-snapd-does-not-break-old-initrd` test - many: device and provenance revision authority cross checks - tests: fix nested save-data test on 22.04 - sandbox/cgroup: ignore container slices when tracking snaps - tests: improve 'ignore-running' spread test - tests: add `debug:` section to `tests/nested/manual/connections` - tests: remove leaking `pc-kernel.snap` in `repack_kernel_snap` - many: preparations for revision authority cross checks including device scope - daemon,overlord/servicestate: followup changes from PR #11960 to snap logs - cmd/snap: fix visual representation of 'AxB%' cpu quota modifier. - many: expose and support provenance from snap.yaml metadata - overlord,snap: add support for per-snap storage on ubuntu-save - nested: fix core-early-config nested test - tests: revert lxd change to support nested lxd launch - tests: add invariant check for leftover cgroup scopes - daemon,systemd: introduce support for namespaces in 'snap logs' - cmd/snap: do not track apps that wish to stay outside of the life- cycle system - asserts: allow classic + snaps models and add distribution to model - cmd/snap: add snap debug connections/connection commands - data: start snapd after time-set.target - tests: remove ubuntu 21.10 from spread tests due to end of life - tests: Update the whitebox word to avoid inclusive naming issues - many: mount gadget in run folder - interfaces/hardware-observe: clean up reading access to sysfs - tests: use overlayfs for interfaces-opengl-nvidia test - tests: update fake-netplan-apply test for 22.04 - tests: add executions for ubuntu 22.04 - tests: enable centos-9 - tests: make more robust the files check in preseed-core20 test - bootloader/assets: add fallback entry to grub.cfg - interfaces/apparmor: add permissions for per-snap directory on ubuntu-save partition - devicestate: add more path to `fixupWritableDefaultDirs()` - boot,secboot: reset DA lockout counter after successful boot - many: Revert "overlord,snap: add support for per-snap storage on ubuntu-save" - overlord,snap: add support for per-snap storage on ubuntu-save - tests: exclude centos-7 from kernel-module-load test - dirs: remove unused SnapAppArmorAdditionalDir - boot,device: extract SealedKey helpers from boot to device - boot,gadget: add new `device.TpmLockoutAuthUnder()` and use it - interfaces/display-control: allow changing brightness value - asserts: add more context to key expiry error - many: introduce IsUndo flag in LinkContext - i/apparmor: allow calling which.debianutils - tests: new profile id for apparmor in test preseed-core20 - tests: detect 403 in apt-hooks and skip test in this case - overlord/servicestate: restart the relevant journald service when a journal quota group is modified - client,cmd/snap: add journal quota frontend (5/n) - gadget/device: introduce package which provides helpers for locations of things - features: disable refresh-app-awarness by default again - many: install bash completion files in writable directory - image: fix handling of var/lib/extrausers when preseeding uc20 - tests: force version 2.48.3 on xenial ESM - tests: fix snap-network-erros on uc16 - cmd/snap-confine: be compatible with a snap rootfs built as a tmpfs - o/snapstate: allow install of unasserted gadget/kernel on dangerous models - interfaces: dynamic loading of kernel modules - many: add optional primary key provenance to snap-revision, allow delegating via snap-declaration revision-authority - tests: fix boringcripto errors in centos7 - tests: fix snap-validate-enforce in opensuse-tumbleweed - test: print User-Agent on failed checks - interfaces: add memory stats to system_observe - interfaces/pwm: Remove implicitOnCore/implicitOnClassic - spread: add openSUSE Leap 15.4 - tests: disable core20-to-core22 nested test - tests: fix nested/manual/connections test - tests: add spread test for migrate-home command - overlord/servicestate: refresh security profiles when services are affected by quotas - interfaces/apparmor: add missing apparmor rules for journal namespaces - tests: add nested test variant that adds 4k sector size - cmd/snap: fix test failing due to timezone differences - build-aux/snap: build against the snappy-dev/image PPA - daemon: implement api handler for refresh with enforced validation sets - preseed: suggest to install "qemu-user-static" - many: add migrate-home debug command - o/snapstate: support passing validation sets to storehelpers via RevisionOptions - cmd/snapd-apparmor: fix unit tests on distros which do not support reexec - o/devicestate: post factory reset ensure, spread test update - tests/core/basic20: Enable on uc22 - packaging/arch: install snapd-apparmor - o/snapstate: support migrating snap home as change - tests: enable snapd.apparmor service in all the opensuse systems - snapd-apparmor: add more integration-ish tests - asserts: store required revisions for missing snaps in CheckInstalledSnaps - overlord/ifacestate: fix path for journal redirect - o/devicestate: factory reset with encryption - cmd/snapd-apparmor: reimplement snapd-apparmor in Go - squashfs: improve error reporting when `unsquashfs` fails - o/assertstate: support multiple extra validation sets in EnforcedValidationSets - tests: enable mount-order-regression test for arm devices - tests: fix interfaces network control - interfaces: update AppArmor template to allow read the memory … - cmd/snap-update-ns: add /run/systemd to unrestricted paths - wrappers: fix LogNamespace being written to the wrong file - boot: release the new PCR handles when sealing for factory reset - tests: add support fof uc22 in test uboot-unpacked-assets - boot: post factory reset cleanup - tests: add support for uc22 in listing test - spread.yaml: add ubuntu-22.04-06 to qemu-nested - gadget: check also mbr type when testing for implicit data partition - interfaces/system-packages-doc: allow read-only access to /usr/share/cups/doc-root/ and /usr/share/gimp/2.0/help/ - tests/nested/manual/core20-early-config: revert changes that disable netplan checks - o/ifacestate: warn if the snapd.apparmor service is disabled - tests: add spread execution for fedora 36 - overlord/hookstate/ctlcmd: fix timestamp coming out of sync in unit tests - gadget/install: do not assume dm device has same block size as disk - interfaces: update network-control interface with permissions required by resolvectl - secboot: stage and transition encryption keys - secboot, boot: support and use alternative PCR handles during factory reset - overlord/ifacestate: add journal bind-mount snap layout when snap is in a journal quota group (4/n) - secboot/keymgr, cmd/snap-fde-keymgr: two step encryption key change - cmd/snap: cleanup and make the code a bit easier to read/maintain for quota options - overlord/hookstate/ctlcmd: add 'snapctl model' command (3/3) - cmd/snap-repair: fix snap-repair tests silently failing - spread: drop openSUSE Leap 15.2 - interfaces/builtin: remove the name=org.freedesktop.DBus restriction in cups-control AppArmor rules - wrappers: write journald config files for quota groups with journal quotas (3/n) - o/assertstate: auto aliases for apps that exist - o/state: use more detailed NoStateError in state - tests/main/interfaces-browser-support: verify jupyter notebooks access - o/snapstate: exclude services from refresh app awareness hard running check - tests/main/nfs-support: be robust against umount failures - tests: update centos images and add new centos 9 image - many: print valid/invalid status on snap validate --monitor - secboot, boot: TPM provisioning mode enum, introduce reprovisioning - tests: allow to re-execute aborted tests - cmd/snapd-apparmor: add explicit WSL detection to is_container_with_internal_policy - tests: avoid launching lxd inside lxd on cloud images - interfaces: extra htop apparmor rules - gadget/install: encrypted system factory reset support - secboot: helpers for dealing with PCR handles and TPM resources - systemd: improve error handling for systemd-sysctl command - boot, secboot: separate the TPM provisioning and key sealing - o/snapstate: fix validation sets restoring and snap revert on failed refresh - interfaces/builtin/system-observe: extend access for htop - cmd/snap: support custom apparmor features dir with snap prepare- image - interfaces/mount-observe: Allow read access to /run/mount/utab - cmd/snap: add help strings for set-quota options - interfaces/builtin: add README file - cmd/snap-confine: mount support cleanups - overlord: execute snapshot cleanup in task - i/b/accounts_service: fix path of introspectable objects - interfaces/opengl: update allowed PCI accesses for RPi - configcore: add core.system.ctrl-alt-del-action config option - many: structured startup timings - spread: switch back to building ubuntu-image from source - many: optional recovery keys - tests/lib/nested: fix unbound variable - run-checks: fail on equality checks w/ ErrNoState - snap-bootstrap: Mount as private - tests: Test for gadget connections - tests: set `br54.dhcp4=false` in the netplan-cfg test - tests: core20 preseed/nested spread test - systemd: remove the systemctl stop timeout handling - interfaces/shared-memory: Update AppArmor permissions for mmap+link - many: replace ErrNoState equality checks w/ errors.Is() - cmd/snap: exit w/ non-zero code on missing snap - systemd: fix snapd systemd-unit stop progress notifications - .github: Trigger daily riscv64 snapd edge builds - interfaces/serial-port: add ttyGS to serial port allow list - interfaces/modem-manager: Don't generate DBus plug policy - tests: add spread test to test upgrade from release snapd to current - wrappers: refactor EnsureSnapServices - testutil: add ErrorIs test checker - tests: import spread shellcheck changes - cmd/snap-fde-keymgr: best effort idempotency of add-recovery-key - interfaces/udev: refactor handling of udevadm triggers for input - secboot: support for changing encryption keys via keymgr * Sat Jul 23 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.56.2-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jul 19 2022 Maxwell G - 2.56.2-4 - Rebuild for CVE-2022-{1705,32148,30631,30633,28131,30635,30632,30630,1962} in golang * Wed Jul 13 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.56.3 - devicestate: add more path to `fixupWritableDefaultDirs()` - many: introduce IsUndo flag in LinkContext - i/apparmor: allow calling which.debianutils - interfaces: update AppArmor template to allow reading snap's memory statistics - interfaces: add memory stats to system_observe - i/b/{mount,system}-observe: extend access for htop - features: disable refresh-app-awarness by default again - image: fix handling of var/lib/extrausers when preseeding uc20 - interfaces/modem-manager: Don't generate DBus policy for plugs - interfaces/modem-manager: Only generate DBus plug policy on Core - interfaces/serial_port_test: fix static-checks errors - interfaces/serial-port: add USB gadget serial devices (ttyGSX) to allowed list - interface/serial_port_test: adjust variable IDs * Sun Jul 10 2022 Maxwell G - 2.56.2-2 - Only build on %%golang_arches (i.e. where golang is available). - Rebuild to fix update ordering issues. * Sat Jul 09 2022 Maxwell G - 2.56.2-2 - Rebuild for CVE-2022-{24675,28327,29526 in golang} * Tue Jun 21 2022 Maciek Borzecki - 2.56.2-1 - Release 2.56.2 to Fedora and EPEL * Sat Jun 18 2022 Robert-André Mauchin - 2.55.3-2 - Rebuilt for CVE-2022-1996, CVE-2022-24675, CVE-2022-28327, CVE-2022-27191, CVE-2022-29526, CVE-2022-30629 * Wed Jun 15 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.56.2 - o/snapstate: exclude services from refresh app awareness hard running check - cmd/snap: support custom apparmor features dir with snap prepare-image * Wed Jun 15 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.56.1 - gadget/install: do not assume dm device has same block size as disk - gadget: check also mbr type when testing for implicit data partition - interfaces: update network-control interface with permissions required by resolvectl - interfaces/builtin: remove the name=org.freedesktop.DBus restriction in cups-control AppArmor rules - many: print valid/invalid status on snap validate --monitor ... - o/snapstate: fix validation sets restoring and snap revert on failed refresh - interfaces/opengl: update allowed PCI accesses for RPi - interfaces/shared-memory: Update AppArmor permissions for mmap+linkpaths * Thu May 19 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.56 - portal-info: Add CommonID Field - asserts/info,mkversion.sh: capture max assertion formats in snapd/info - tests: improve the unit testing workflow to run in parallel - interfaces: allow map and execute permissions for files on removable media - tests: add spread test to verify that connections are preserved if snap refresh fails - tests: Apparmor sandbox profile mocking - cmd/snap-fde-keymgr: support for multiple devices and authorizations for add/remove recovery key - cmd/snap-bootstrap: Listen to keyboard added after start and handle switch root - interfaces,overlord: add support for adding extra mount layouts - cmd/snap: replace existing code for 'snap model' to use shared code in clientutil (2/3) - interfaces: fix opengl interface on RISC-V - interfaces: allow access to the file locking for cryptosetup in the dm-crypt interface - interfaces: network-manager: add AppArmor rule for configuring bridges - i/b/hardware-observe.go: add access to the thermal sysfs - interfaces: opengl: add rules for NXP i.MX GPU drivers - i/b/mount_control: add an optional "/" to the mount target rule - snap/quota: add values for journal quotas (journal quota 2/n) - tests: spread test for uc20 preseeding covering snap prepare-image - o/snapstate: remove deadcode breaking static checks - secboot/keymgr: extend unit tests, add helper for identify keyslot used error - tests: use new snaps.name and snaps.cleanup tools - interfaces: tweak getPath() slightly and add some more tests - tests: update snapd testing tools - client/clientutil: add shared code for printing model assertions as yaml or json (1/3) - debug-tools: list all snaps - cmd/snap: join search terms passed in the command line - osutil/disks: partition UUID lookup - o/snapshotstate: refactor snapshot read/write logic - interfaces: Allow locking in block-devices - daemon: /v2/system-recovery-keys remove API - snapstate: do not auto-migrate to ~/Snap for core22 just yet - tests: run failed tests by default - o/snapshotstate: check installed snaps before running 'save' tasks - secboot/keymgr: remove recovery key, authorize with existing key - deps: bump libseccomp to include build fixes, run unit tests using CC=clang - cmd/snap-seccomp: only compare the bottom 32-bits of the flags arg of copy_file_range - osutil/disks: helper for obtaining the UUID of a partition which is a mount point source - image/preseed: umount the base snap last after writable paths - tests: new set of nested tests for uc22 - tests: run failed tests on nested suite - interfaces: posix-mq: add new interface - tests/main/user-session-env: remove openSUSE-specific tweaks - tests: skip external backend in mem-cgroup-disabled test - snap/quota: change the journal quota period to be a time.Duration - interfaces/apparmor: allow executing /usr/bin/numfmt in the base template - tests: add lz4 dependency for jammy to avoid issues repacking kernel - snap-bootstrap, o/devicestate: use seed parallelism - cmd/snap-update-ns: correctly set sticky bit on created directories where applicable - tests: install snapd while restoring in snap-mgmt - .github: skip misspell and ineffassign on go 1.13 - many: use UC20+/pre-UC20 in user messages as needed - o/devicestate: use snap handler for copying and checksuming preseeded snaps - image, cmd/snap-preseed: allow passing custom apparmor features path - o/assertstate: fix handling of validation set tracking update in enforcing mode - packaging: restart our units only after the upgrade - interfaces: add a steam-support interface - gadget/install, o/devicestate: do not create recovery and reinstall keys during installation - many: move recovery key responsibility to devicestate/secboot, prepare for a future with just optional recovery key - tests: do not run mem-cgroup-disabled on external backends - snap: implement "star" developers - o/devicestate: fix install tests on systems with /var/lib/snapd/snap - cmd/snap-fde-keymgr, secboot: followup cleanups - seed: let SnapHandler provided a different final path for snaps - o/devicestate: implement maybeApplyPreseededData function to apply preseed artifact - tests/lib/tools: add piboot to boot_path() - interfaces/builtin: shared-memory drop plugs allow-installation: true - tests/main/user-session-env: for for opensuse - cmd/snap-fde-keymgr, secboot: add a tiny FDE key manager - tests: re-execute the failed tests when "Run failed" label is set in the PR - interfaces/builtin/custom-device: fix unit tests on hosts with different libexecdir - sandbox: move profile load/unload to sandbox/apparmor - cmd/snap: handler call verifications for cmd_quota_tests - secboot/keys: introduce a package for secboot key types, use the package throughout the code base - snap/quota: add journal quotas to resources.go - many: let provide a SnapHandler to Seed.Load*Meta* - osutil: allow setting desired mtime on the AtomicFile, preserve mtime on copy - systemd: add systemd.Run() wrapper for systemd-run - tests: test fresh install of core22-based snap (#11696) - tests: initial set of tests to uc22 nested execution - o/snapstate: migration overwrites existing snap dir - tests: fix interfaces-location-control tests leaking provider.py process - tests/nested: fix custom-device test - tests: test migration w/ revert, refresh and XDG dir creation - asserts,store: complete support for optional primary key headers for assertions - seed: support parallelism when loading/verifying snap metadata - image/preseed, cmd/snap-preseed: create and sign preseed assertion - tests: Initial changes to run nested tests on uc22 - o/snapstate: fix TestSnapdRefreshTasks test after two r-a-a PRs - interfaces: add ACRN hypervisor support - o/snapstate: exclude TypeSnapd and TypeOS snaps from refresh-app- awareness - features: enable refresh-app-awareness by default - libsnap-confine-private: show proper error when aa_change_onexec() fails - i/apparmor: remove leftover comment - gadget: drop unused code in unit tests - image, store: move ToolingStore to store/tooling package - HACKING: update info for snapcraft remote build - seed: return all essential snaps found if no types are given to LoadEssentialMeta - i/b/custom_device: fix generation of udev rules - tests/nested/manual/core20-early-config: disable netplan checks - bootloader/assets, tests: add factory-reset mode, test non- encrypted factory-reset - interfaces/modem-manager: add support for Cinterion modules - gadget: fully support multi-volume gadget asset updates in Update() on UC20+ - i/b/content: use slot.Lookup() as suggested by TODO comment - tests: install linux-tools-gcp on jammy to avoid bpftool dependency error - tests/main: add spread tests for new cpu and thread quotas - snap-debug-info: print validation sets and validation set assertions - many: renaming related to inclusive language part 2 - c/snap-seccomp: update syscalls to match libseccomp 2657109 - github: cancel workflows when pushing to pull request branches - .github: use reviewdog action from woke tool - interfaces/system-packages-doc: allow read-only access to /usr/share/gtk-doc - interfaces: add max_map_count to system-observe - o/snapstate: print pids of running processes on BusySnapError - .github: run woke tool on PR's - snapshots: follow-up on exclusions PR - cmd/snap: add check switch for snap debug state - tests: do not run mount-order-regression test on i386 - interfaces/system-packages-doc: allow read-only access to /usr/share/xubuntu-docs - interfaces/hardware_observe: add read access for various devices - packaging: use latest go to build spread - tests: Enable more tests for UC22 - interfaces/builtin/network-control: also allow for mstp and bchat devices too - interfaces/builtin: update apparmor profile to allow creating mimic over /usr/share* - data/selinux: allow snap-update-ns to mount on top of /var/snap inside the mount ns - interfaces/cpu-control: fix apparmor rules of paths with CPU ID - tests: remove the file that configures nm as default - tests: fix the change done for netplan-cfg test - tests: disable netplan-cfg test - cmd/snap-update-ns: apply content mounts before layouts - overlord/state: add a helper to detect cyclic dependencies between tasks in change - packaging/ubuntu-16.04/control: recommend `fuse3 | fuse` - many: change "transactional" flag to a "transaction" option - b/piboot.go: check EEPROM version for RPi4 - snap/quota,spread: raise lower memory quota limit to 640kb - boot,bootloader: add missing grub.cfg assets mocks in some tests - many: support --ignore-running with refresh many - tests: skip the test interfaces-many-snap-provided in trusty - o/snapstate: rename XDG dirs during HOME migration - cmd/snap,wrappers: fix wrong implementation of zero count cpu quota - i/b/kernel_module_load: expand $SNAP_COMMON in module options - interfaces/u2f-devices: add Solo V2 - overlord: add missing grub.cfg assets mocks in manager_tests.go - asserts: extend optional primary keys support to the in-memory backend - tests: update the lxd-no-fuse test - many: fix failing golangci checks - seed,many: allow to limit LoadMeta to snaps of a precise mode - tests: allow ubuntu-image to be built with a compatible snapd tree - o/snapstate: account for repeat migration in ~/Snap undo - asserts: start supporting optional primary keys in fs backend, assemble and signing - b/a: do not set console in kernel command line for arm64 - tests/main/snap-quota-groups: fix spread test - sandbox,quota: ensure cgroup is available when creating mem quotas - tests: add debug output what keeps `/home` busy - sanity: rename "sanity.Check" to "syscheck.CheckSystem" - interfaces: add pkcs11 interface - o/snapstate: undo migration on 'snap revert' - overlord: snapshot exclusions - interfaces: add private /dev/shm support to shared-memory interface - gadget/install: implement factory reset for unencrypted system - packaging: install Go snap from 1.17 channel in the integration tests - snap-exec: fix detection if `cups` interface is connected - tests: extend gadget-config-defaults test with refresh.retain - cmd/snap,strutil: move lineWrap to WordWrapPadded - bootloader/piboot: add support for armhf - snap,wrappers: add `sigint{,-all}` to supported stop-modes - packaging/ubuntu-16.04/control: depend on fuse3 | fuse - interfaces/system-packages-doc: allow read-only access to /usr/share/libreoffice/help - daemon: add a /v2/accessories/changes/{ID} endpoint - interfaces/appstream-metadata: Re-create app-info links to swcatalog - debug-tools: add script to help debugging GCE instances which fail to boot - gadget/install, kernel: more ICE helpers/support - asserts: exclude empty snap id from duplicates lookup with preseed assert - cmd/snap, signtool: move key-manager related helpers to signtool package - tests/main/snap-quota-groups: add 219 as possible exit code - store: set validation-sets on actions when refreshing - github/workflows: update golangci-lint version - run-check: use go install instead of go get - tests: set as manual the interfaces-cups-control test - interfaces/appstream-metadata: Support new swcatalog directory names - image/preseed: migrate tests from cmd/snap-preseed - tests/main/uc20-create-partitions: update the test for new Go versions - strutil: move wrapGeneric function to strutil as WordWrap - many: small inconsequential tweaks - quota: detect/error if cpu-set is used with cgroup v1 - tests: moving ubuntu-image to candidate to fix uc16 tests - image: integrate UC20 preseeding with image.Prepare - cmd/snap,client: frontend for cpu/thread quotas - quota: add test for `Resource.clone()` - many: replace use of "sanity" with more inclusive naming (part 2) - tests: switch to "test-snapd-swtpm" - i/b/network-manager: split rule with more than one peers - tests: fix restore of the BUILD_DIR in failover test on uc18 - cmd/snap/debug: sort changes by their spawn times - asserts,interfaces/policy: slot-snap-id allow-installation constraints - o/devicestate: factory reset mode, no encryption - debug-tools/snap-debug-info.sh: print message if no gadget snap found - overlord/devicestate: install system cleanups - cmd/snap-bootstrap: support booting into factory-reset mode - o/snapstate, ifacestate: pass preseeding flag to AddSnapdSnapServices - o/devicestate: restore device key and serial when assertion is found - data: add static preseed.json file - sandbox: improve error message from `ProbeCgroupVersion()` - tests: fix the nested remodel tests - quota: add some more unit tests around Resource.Change() - debug-tools/snap-debug-info.sh: add debug script - tests: workaround lxd issue lp:10079 (function not implemented) on prep-snapd-in-lxd - osutil/disks: blockdev need not be available in the PATH - cmd/snap-preseed: address deadcode linter - tests/lib/fakestore/store: return snap base in details - tests/lib/nested.sh: rm core18 snap after download - systemd: do not reload system when enabling/disabling services - i/b/kubernetes_support: add access to Java certificates * Wed May 11 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.55.5 - snapstate: do not auto-migrate to ~/Snap for core22 just yet - cmd/snap-seccomp: add copy_file_range to syscallsWithNegArgsMaskHi32 - cmd/snap-update-ns: correctly set sticky bit on created directories where applicable - .github: Skip misspell and ineffassign on go 1.13 - tests: add lz4 dependency for jammy to avoid issues repacking kernel - interfaces: posix-mq: add new interface * Sat Apr 30 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.55.4 - tests: do not run mount-order-regression test on i386 - c/snap-seccomp: update syscalls - o/snapstate: overwrite ~/.snap subdir when migrating - o/assertstate: fix handling of validation set tracking update in enforcing mode - packaging: restart our units only after the upgrade - interfaces: add a steam-support interface - features: enable refresh-app-awareness by default - i/b/custom_device: fix generation of udev rules - interfaces/system-packages-doc: allow read-only access to /usr/share/gtk-doc - interfaces/system-packages-doc: allow read-only access to /usr/share/xubuntu-docs - interfaces/builtin/network-control: also allow for mstp and bchat devices too - interfaces/builtin: update apparmor profile to allow creating mimic over /usr/share - data/selinux: allow snap-update-ns to mount on top of /var/snap inside the mount ns - interfaces/cpu-control: fix apparmor rules of paths with CPU ID * Fri Apr 15 2022 David King - 2.55.3-2 - Rebuild against selinux-policy (#2070729) * Mon Apr 11 2022 Maciek Borzecki - 2.55.3-1 - Release 2.55.3 to Fedora * Fri Apr 08 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.55.3 - cmd/snap-update-ns: apply content mounts before layouts - many: change "transactional" flag to a "transaction" option - b/piboot.go: check EEPROM version for RPi4 - snap/quota,spread: raise lower memory quota limit to 640kb - boot,bootloader: add missing grub.cfg assets mocks in some tests - many: support --ignore-running with refresh many - cmd/snap,wrappers: fix wrong implementation of zero count cpu quota - quota: add some more unit tests around Resource.Change() - quota: detect/error if cpu-set is used with cgroup v1 - quota: add test for `Resource.clone() - cmd/snap,client: frontend for cpu/thread quotas - tests: update spread test to check right XDG dirs - snap: set XDG env vars to new dirs - o/snapstate: initialize XDG dirs in HOME migration - i/b/kernel_module_load: expand $SNAP_COMMON in module options - overlord: add missing grub.cfg assets mocks in manager_tests.go - o/snapstate: account for repeat migration in ~/Snap undo - b/a: do not set console in kernel command line for arm64 - sandbox: improve error message from `ProbeCgroupVersion()` - tests/main/snap-quota-groups: fix spread test - interfaces: add pkcs11 interface - o/snapstate: undo migration on 'snap revert' - overlord: snapshot exclusions - interfaces: add private /dev/shm support to shared-memory interface - packaging: install Go snap from 1.17 channel in the integration tests - snap-exec: fix detection if `cups` interface is connected - bootloader/piboot: add support for armhf - interfaces/system-packages-doc: allow read-only access to /usr/share/libreoffice/help - daemon: add a /v2/accessories/changes/{ID} endpoint - interfaces/appstream-metadata: Re-create app-info links to swcatalog - tests/main/snap-quota-groups: add 219 as possible exit code - store: set validation-sets on actions when refreshing - interfaces/appstream-metadata: Support new swcatalog directory names - asserts,interfaces/policy: slot-snap-id allow-installation constraints - i/b/network-manager: change rule for ResolveAddress to check only label - cmd/snap-bootstrap: support booting into factory-reset mode - systemd: do not reload system when enabling/disabling services * Wed Apr 6 2022 Maciek Borzecki - 2.55.2-1 - Release 2.55.2 to Fedora * Mon Mar 21 2022 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.55.2 - cmd/snap-update-ns: actually use entirely non-existent dirs * Mon Mar 21 2022 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.55.1 - cmd/snap-update-ns/change_test.go: use non-exist name foo-runtime instead * Mon Mar 21 2022 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.55 - kernel/fde: add PartitionName to various structs - osutil/disks: calculate the last usable LBA instead of reading it - snap/quota: additional validation in resources.go - o/snapstate: avoid setting up single reboot when update includes base, kernel and gadget - overlord/state: add helper for aborting unready lanes - snap-bootstrap: Partially revert simplifications of mount dependencies - cmd/snap-update-ns/change.go: sort needed, desired and not reused mount entries - cmd/snap-preseed, image: move preseeding code to image/preseed - interfaces/docker-support: make generic rules not conflict with snap-confine - i/b/modem-manager: provide access to ObjectManager - i/b/network_{control,manager}.go: add more access to resolved - overlord/state: drop unused lanes field - cmd/snap: make 1.18 vet happy - o/snapstate: allow installing the snapd-desktop-integration snap even if the user-daemons feature is otherwise disabled - snap/quota: fix bug in quota group tree validation code - o/snapstate: make sure that snapd is a prerequisite for updating base snaps - bootloader: add support for piboot - i/seccomp/template.go: add close_range to the allowed syscalls - snap: add new cpu quotas - boot: support factory-reset when sealing and resealing - tests: fix test to avoid editing the test-snapd-tools snap.yaml file - dirs: remove unused SnapMetaDir variable - overlord: extend single reboot test to include a non-base, non- kernel snap - github: replace "sanity check" with "quick check" in workflow - fde: add new DeviceUnlock() call - many: replace use of "sanity" with more inclusive naming in comments - asserts: minimal changes to disable authority-delegation before full revert - tests: updating the test-snapd-cups-control-consumer snap to core20 based - many: replace use of "sanity" for interface implementation checks - cmd/snap-preseed: support for core20 preseeding - cmd: set core22 migration related env vars and update spread test - interface/opengl: allow read on /proc/sys/dev/i915/perf_stream_paranoid - tests/lib/tools/report-mongodb: fix typo in help text - tests: Include the source github url as part of the mongo db issues - o/devicestate: split mocks to separate calls for creating a model and a gadget - snap: Add missing zlib - cmd/snap: add support for rebooting to factory-reset - interfaces/apparmor: Update base template for systemd-machined - i/a/template.go: add ld path for jammy - o/devicestate, daemon: introduce factory-reset mode, allow switching - o/state: fix undo with independent tasks in same change and lane - tests: validate tests tools just on google and qemu backends - tests/lib/external/snapd-testing-tools: update from upstream - tests: skip interfaces-cups-control from debian-sid - Increase the times in snapd-sigterm for arm devices - interfaces/browser-support: allow RealtimeKit's MakeThreadRealtimeWithPID - cmd: misc analyzer fixes - interfaces/builtin/account-control: allow to execute pam_tally2 - tests/main/user-session-env: special case bash profile on Tumbleweed - o/snapstate: implement transactional lanes for prereqs - o/snapstate: add core22 migration logic - tests/main/mount-ns: unmount /run/qemu - release: 2.54.4 changelog to master - gadget: add buildVolumeStructureToLocation, volumeStructureToLocationMap - interfaces/apparmor: add missing unit tests for special devmode rules/behavior - cmd/snap-confine: coverity fixes - interfaces/systemd: use batch systemd operations - tests: small adjustments to fix vuln spread tests - osutil/disks: trigger udev on the partition device node - interfaces/network-control: add D-Bus rules for resolved too - interfaces/cpu-control: add extra idleruntime data/reset files to cpu-control - packaging/ubuntu-16.04/rules: don't run unit tests on riscv64 - data/selinux: allow the snap command to run systemctl - boot: mock amd64 arch for mabootable 20 suite - testutil: add Backup helper to save/restore values, usually for mocking - tests/nested/core/core20-reinstall-partitions: update test summary - asserts: return an explicit error when key cannot be found - interfaces: custom-device - Fix snap-run-gdbserver test by retrying the check - overlord, boot: fix unit tests on arches other than amd64 - Get lxd snap from candidate channel - bootloader: allow different names for the grub binary in different archs - cmd/snap-mgmt, packaging: trigger daemon reload after purging unit files - tests: add test to ensure consecutive refreshes do garbage collection of old revs - o/snapstate: deal with potentially invalid type of refresh.retain value due to lax validation - seed,image: changes necessary for ubuntu-image to support preseeding extra snaps in classic images - tests: add debugging to snap-confine-tmp-mount - o/snapstate: add ~/Snap init related to backend - data/env: cosmetic tweak for fish - tests: include new testing tools and utils - wrappers: do not reload the deamon or restart snapd services when preseeding on core - Fix smoke/install test for other architectures than pc - tests: skip boot loader check during testing preparation on s390x - t/m/interfaces-network-manager: use different channel depending on system - o/devicestate: pick system from seed systems/ for preseeding (1/N) - asserts: add preseed assertion type - data/env: more workarounds for even older fish shells, provide reasonable defaults - tests/main/snap-run-devmode-classic: reinstall snapcraft to clean up - gadget/update.go: add buildNewVolumeToDeviceMapping for existing devices - tests: allow run spread tests using a private ppaTo validate it - interfaces/{cpu,power}-control: add more accesses for commercial device tuning - gadget: add searchForVolumeWithTraits + tests - gadget/install: measure and save disk volume traits during install.Run() - tests: fix "undo purging" step in snap-run-devmode-classic - many: move call to shutdown to the boot package - spread.yaml: add core22 version of rsync to skip - overlord, o/snapstate: fix mocking on systems without /snap - many: move boot.Device to snap.Device - tests: smoke test support for core22 - tests/nested/snapd-removes-vulnerable-snap-confine-revs: use newer snaps - snapstate: make "remove vulnerable version" message more friendly - o/devicestate/firstboot_preseed_test.go: remove deadcode - o/devicestate: preseeding test cleanup - gadget: refactor StructureEncryption to have a concrete type instead of map - tests: add created_at timestamp to mongo issues - tests: fix security-udev-input-subsystem test - o/devicestate/handlers_install.go: use --all to get binary data too for logs - o/snapstate: rename "corecore" -> "core" - o/snapstate: implement transactional flag - tests: skip ~/.snap migration test on openSUSE - asserts,interfaces/policy: move and prepare DeviceScopeConstraint for reuse - asserts: fetching code should fetch authority-delegation assertions with signing keys as needed - tests: prepare and restore nested tests - asserts: first-class support for formatting/encoding signatory-id - asserts: remove unused function, fix for linter - gadget: identify/match encryption parts, include in traits info - asserts,cmd/snap-repair: support delegation when validating signatures - many: fix leftover empty snap dirs - libsnap-confine-private: string functions simplification - tests/nested/manual/core20-cloud-init-maas-signed-seed-data: add gadget variant - interfaces/u2f-devices: add U2F-TOKEN - tests/core/mem-cgroup-disabled: minor fixups - data/env: fix fish env for all versions of fish, unexport local vars, export XDG_DATA_DIRS - tests: reboot test running remodel - Add extra disk space to nested images to "avoid No space left on device" error - tests: add regression tests for disabled memory cgroup operation - many: fix issues flagged by golangci and configure it to fail build - docs: fix incorrect link - cmd/snap: rename the verbose logging flag in snap run - docs: cosmetic cleanups - cmd/snap-confine: build const data structures at compile- time - o/snapstate: reduce maxInhibition for raa by 1s to avoid confusing notification - snap-bootstrap: Cleanup dependencies in systemd mounts - interfaces/seccomp: Add rseq to base seccomp template - cmd/snap-confine: remove mention of "legacy mode" from comment - gadget/gadget_test.go: fix variable type - gadget/gadget.go: add AllDiskVolumeDeviceTraits - spread: non-functional cleanup of go1.6 legacy - cmd/snap-confine: update ambiguous comment - o/snapstate: revert migration on refresh if flag is disabled - packaging/fedora: sync with downstream, packaging improvements - tests: updated the documentation to run spread tests using external backend - osutil/mkfs: Expose more fakeroot flags - interfaces/cups: add cups-socket-directory attr, use to specify mount rules in backend - tests/main/snap-system-key: reset-failed snapd and snapd.socket - gadget/install: add unit tests for install.Run() - tests/nested/manual/remodel-cross-store,remodel-simple: wait for serial - vscode: added integrated support for MS VSCODE - cmd/snap/auto-import: use osutil.LoadMountInfo impl instead - gadget/install: add unit tests for makeFilesystem, allow mocking mkfs.Make() - systemd: batched operations - gadget/install/partition.go: include DiskIndex in synthesized OnDiskStructure - gadget/install: rm unused support for writing non-filesystem structures - cmd/snap: close refresh notifications after trying to run a snap while inhibited - o/servicestate: revert #11003 checking for memory cgroup being disabled - tests/core/failover: verify failover handling with the kernel snap - snap-confine: allow numbers in hook security tag - cmd/snap-confine: mount bpffs under /sys/fs/bpf if needed - spread: switch to CentOS 8 Stream image - overlord/servicestate: disallow mixing snaps and subgroups. - cmd/snap: add --debug to snap run - gadget: mv modelCharateristics to gadgettest.ModelCharacteristics - cmd/snap: remove use of zenity, use notifications for snap run inhibition - o/devicestate: verify that the new model is self contained before remodeling - usersession/userd: query xdg-mime to check for fallback handlers of a given scheme - gadget, gadgettest: reimplement tests to use new gadgettest examples.go file - asserts: start implementing authority-delegationTODO in later PRs: - overlord: skip manager tests on riscv for now - o/servicestate: quota group error should be more explanative when memory cgroup is disabled - i/builtin: allow modem-manager interface to access some files in sysfs - tests: ensure that interface hook works with hotplug plug - tests: fix repair test failure when run in a loop - o/snapstate: re-write state after undo migration - interfaces/opengl: add support for ARM Mali - tests: enable snap-userd-reexec on ubuntu and debian - tests: skip bind mount in snapd-snap test when the core snap in not repacked - many: add transactional flag to snapd API - tests: new Jammy image for testing - asserts: start generalizing attrMatcherGeneralization is along - tests: ensure the ca-certificates package is installed - devicestate: ensure permissions of /var/lib/snapd/void are correct - many: add altlinux support - cmd/snap-update-ns: convert some unexpected decimal file mode constants to octal. - tests: use system ubuntu-21.10-64 in nested tests - tests: skip version check on lp-1871652 for sru validation - snap/quota: add positive tests for the quota.Resources logic - asserts: start splitting out attrMatcher for reuse to constraint.go - systemd: actually test the function passed as a parameter - tests: fix snaps-state test for sru validation - many: add Transactional to snapstate.Flags - gadget: rename DiskVolume...Opts to DiskVolume...Options - tests: Handle PPAs being served from ppa.launchpadcontent.net - tests/main/cgroup-tracking-failure: Make it pass when run alone - tests: skip migration test on centOS - tests: add back systemd-timesyncd to newer debian distros - many: add conversion for interface attribute values - many: unit test fix when SNAPD_DEBUG=1 is set - gadget/install/partition.go: use device rescan trick only when gadget says to - osutil: refactoring the code exporting mocking APIs to other packages - mkversion: check that snapd is a git source tree before guessing the version - overlord: small refactoring of group quota implementation in preparation of multiple quota values - tests: drop 21.04 tests (it's EOL) - osutil/mkfs: Expose option for --lib flag in fakeroot call - cmd/snapd-apparmor: fix bad variable initialization - packaging, systemd: fix socket (re-)start race - tests: fix running tests.invariant on testflinger systems - tests: spread test snap dir migration - interfaces/shared-memory: support single wild-cards in the read/write paths - tests: cross store remodel - packaging,tests: fix running autopkgtest - spread-shellcheck: add a caching layer - tests: add jammy to spread executions - osutils: deal with ENOENT in UserMaybeSudoUser() - packaging/ubuntu-16.04/control: adjust libfuse3 dependency as suggested - gadget/update.go: add DiskTraitsFromDeviceAndValidate - tests/lib/prepare.sh: add debug kernel command line params via gadget on UC20 - check-commit-email: do not fail when current dir is not under git - configcore: implement netplan write support via dbus - run-checks, check-commit-email.py: check commit email addresses for validity - tests: setup snapd remodel testing bits - cmd/snap: adjust /cmd to migration changes - systemd: enable batched calls for systemd calls operation on units - o/ifacestate: add convenience Active() method to ConnectionState struct - o/snapstate: migrate to hidden dir on refresh/install - store: fix flaky test - i/builtin/xilinx-dma: add interface for Xilinx DMA driver - go.mod: tidy up - overlord/h/c/umount: remove handling of required parameter - systemd: add NeedDaemonReload to the unit state - mount-control: step 3 - tests/nested/manual/minimal-smoke: bump mem to 512 for unencrypted case too - gadget: fix typo with filesystem message - gadget: misc helper fixes for implicit system-data role handling - tests: fix uses of fakestore new-snap-declaration - spread-shellcheck: use safe_load rather than load with a loder - interfaces: allow access to new at-spi socket location in desktop- legacy - cmd/snap: setup tracking cgroup when invoking a service directly as a user - tests/main/snap-info: use yaml.safe_load rather than yaml.load - cmd/snap: rm unnecessary validation - tests: fix `tests/core/create-user` on testflinger pi3 - tests: fix parallel-install-basic on external UC16 devices - tests: ubuntu-image 2.0 compatibility fixes - tests/lib/prepare-restore: use go install rather than go get - cmd/snap, daemon: add debug command for getting OnDiskVolume dump - gadget: resolve index ambiguity between OnDiskStructure and LaidOutStructuretype: bare structures). - tests: workaround missing bluez snap - HACKING.md: add dbus-x11 to packages needed to run unit tests - spread.yaml: add debian-{10,11}, drop debian-9 - cmd/snap/quota: fix typo in the help message - gadget: allow gadget struct with unspecified filesystem to match part with fs - tests: re-enable kernel-module-load tests on arm - tests/lib/uc20-create-partitions/main.go: setup a logger for messages - cmd: support installing multiple local snaps - usersession: implement method to close notifications via usersession REST API - data/env: treat XDG_DATA_DIRS like PATH for fish - cmd/snap, cmd/snap-confine: extend manpage, update links - tests: fix fwupd interface test in debian sid - tests: do not run k8s smoke test on 32 bit systems - tests: fix testing in trusty qemu - packaging: merge 2.54.2 changelog back to master - overlord: fix issue with concurrent execution of two snapd processes - interfaces: add a polkit interface - gadget/install/partition.go: wait for udev settle when creating partitions too - tests: exclude interfaces-kernel-module load on arm - tests: ensure that test-snapd-kernel-module-load is removed - tests: do not test microk8s-smoke on arm - packaging, bloader, github: restore cleanliness of snapd info file; check in GA workflow - tests/lib/tools/tests.invariant: simplify check - tests/nested/manual/core20-to-core22: wait for device to be initialized before starting a remodel - build-aux/snap/snapcraft.yaml: use build-packages, don't fail dirty builds - tests/lib/tools/tests.invariant: add invariant for detecting broken snaps - tests/core/failover: replace boot-state with snap debug boot-vars - tests: fix remodel-kernel test when running on external devices - data/selinux: allow poking /proc/xen - gadget: do not crash if gadget.yaml has an empty Volumes section - i/b/mount-control: support creating tmpfs mounts - packaging: Update openSUSE spec file with apparmor-parser and datadir for fish - cmd/snap-device-helper: fix variable name typo in the unit tests - tests: fixed an issue with retrieval of the squashfuse repo - release: 2.54.1 - tests: tidy up the top-level of ubuntu-seed during tests - build-aux: detect/fix dirty git revisions while snapcraft building - release: 2.54 * Fri Mar 11 2022 Maciek Borzecki - 2.54.4-1 - Release 2.54.4 to Fedora - Includes a fix for RHBZ#2062678 - Cherry pick a fix for RHBZ#2057103 * Thu Mar 03 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.54.4 - t/m/interfaces-network-manager: use different channel depending on system - many: backport attrer interface changes to 2.54 - tests: skip version check on lp-1871652 for sru validation - i/builtin: allow modem-manager interface to access some files in sysfs - snapstate: make "remove vulnerable version" message more friendly - tests: fix "undo purging" step in snap-run-devmode-classic - o/snapstate: deal with potentially invalid type of refresh.retain value due to lax validation - interfaces: custom-device - packaging/ubuntu-16.04/control: adjust libfuse3 dependency - data/env: fix fish env for all versions of fish - packaging/ubuntu-16.04/snapd.postinst: start socket and service first - interfaces/u2f-devices: add U2F-TOKEN - interfaces/seccomp: Add rseq to base seccomp template - tests: remove disabled snaps before calling save_snapd_state - overlord: skip manager tests on riscv for now - interfaces/opengl: add support for ARM Mali - devicestate: ensure permissions of /var/lib/snapd/void are correct - cmd/snap-update-ns: convert some unexpected decimal file mode constants to octal. - interfaces/shared-memory: support single wild-cards in the read/write paths - packaging: fix running autopkgtest - i/builtin/xilinx-dma-host: add interface for Xilinx DMA driver - tests: fix `tests/core/create-user` on testflinger pi3 - tests: fix parallel-install-basic on external UC16 devices - tests: re-enable kernel-module-load tests on arm - tests: do not run k8s smoke test on 32 bit systems * Thu Feb 17 2022 Maciek Borzecki - 2.54.3-1 - Release 2.54.3 to Fedora - Cherry pick SELinux policy fixes for RHBZ#1944390, RHBZ#2043160, RHBZ#2043161, RHBZ#2046358, RHBZ#2046363, RHBZ#2046361, RHBZ#2046364, RHBZ#2046365, RHBZ#2051594, RHBZ#2043902, RHBZ#1944390 * Tue Feb 15 2022 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.54.3 - bugfixes * Tue Jan 25 2022 Maciek Borzecki - 2.54.2-1 - Release 2.54.2 to Fedora * Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.54.1-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 06 2022 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.54.2 - tests: exclude interfaces-kernel-module load on arm - tests: ensure that test-snapd-kernel-module-load is removed - tests: do not test microk8s-smoke on arm - tests/core/failover: replace boot-state with snap debug boot-vars - tests: use snap info|awk to extract tracking channel - tests: fix remodel-kernel test when running on external devices - .github/workflows/test.yaml: also check internal snapd version for cleanliness - packaging/ubuntu-16.04/rules: eliminate seccomp modification - bootloader/assets/grub_*cfg_asset.go: update Copyright - build-aux/snap/snapcraft.yaml: adjust comment about get-version - .github/workflows/test.yaml: add check in github actions for dirty snapd snaps - build-aux/snap/snapcraft.yaml: use build-packages, don't fail dirty builds - data/selinux: allow poking /proc/xen * Mon Dec 27 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.54.1-1 - Release 2.54.1 to Fedora and EPEL - Fixes for RHBZ#2035664 * Mon Dec 20 2021 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.54.1 - buid-aux: set version before calling ./generate-packaging-dir This fixes the "dirty" suffix in the auto-generated version * Fri Dec 17 2021 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.54 - interfaces/builtin/opengl.go: add boot_vga sys/devices file - o/configstate/configcore: add tmpfs.size option - tests: moving to manual opensuse 15.2 - cmd/snap-device-helper: bring back the device type identification behavior, but for remove action fallback only - cmd/snap-failure: use snapd from the snapd snap if core is not present - tests/core/failover: enable the test on core18 - o/devicestate: ensure proper order when remodel does a simple switch-snap-channel - builtin/interfaces: add shared memory interface - overlord: extend kernel/base success and failover with bootenv checks - o/snapstate: check disk space w/o store if possible - snap-bootstrap: Mount snaps read only - gadget/install: do not re-create partitions using OnDiskVolume after deletion - many: fix formatting w/ latest go version - devicestate,timeutil: improve logging of NTP sync - tests/main/security-device-cgroups-helper: more debugs - cmd/snap: print a placeholder for version of broken snaps - o/snapstate: mock system with classic confinement support - cmd: Fixup .clangd to use correct syntax - tests: run spread tests in fedora-35 - data/selinux: allow snapd to access /etc/modprobe.d - mount-control: step 2 - daemon: add multiple snap sideload to API - tests/lib/pkgdb: install dbus-user-session during prepare, drop dbus-x11 - systemd: provide more detailed errors for unimplemented method in emulation mode - tests: avoid checking TRUST_TEST_KEYS on restore on remodel-base test - tests: retry umounting /var/lib/snapd/seed on uc20 on fsck-on-boot test - o/snapstate: add hide/expose snap data to backend - interfaces: kernel-module-load - snap: add support for `snap watch --last={revert,enable,disable,switch}` - tests/main/security-udev-input-subsystem: drop info from udev - tests/core/kernel-and-base-single-reboot-failover, tests/lib/fakestore: verify failover scenario - tests/main/security-device-cgroups-helper: collect some debug info when the test fails - tests/nested/manual/core20-remodel: wait for device to have a serial before starting a remodel - tests/main/generic-unregister: test re-registration if not blocked - o/snapstate, assertsate: validation sets/undo on partial failure - tests: ensure snapd can be downloaded as a module - snapdtool, many: support additional key/value flags in info file - data/env: improve fish shell env setup - usersession/client: provide a way for client to send messages to a subset of users - tests: verify that simultaneous refresh of kernel and base triggers a single reboot only - devicestate: Unregister deletes the device key pair as well - daemon,tests: support forgetting device serial via API - asserts: change behavior of alternative attribute matcher - configcore: relax validation rules for hostname - cmd/snap-confine: do not include libglvnd libraries from the host system - overlord, tests: add managers and a spread test for UC20 to UC22 remodel - HACKING.md: adjust again for building the snapd snap - systemd: add support for systemd unit alias names - o/snapstate: add InstallPathMany - gadget: allow EnsureLayoutCompatibility to ensure disk has all laid out structsnow reject/fail: - packaging/ubuntu, packaging/debian: depend on dbus-session-bus provider (#11111) - interfaces/interfaces/scsi_generic: add interface for scsi generic de… (#10936) - osutil/disks/mockdisk.go: add MockDevicePathToDiskMapping - interfaces/microstack-support: set controlsDeviceCgroup to true - network-setup-control: add netplan generate D-Bus rules - interface/builtin/log_observe: allow to access /dev/kmsg - .github/workflows/test.yaml: restore failing of spread tests on errors (nested) - gadget: tweaks to DiskStructureDeviceTraits + expand test cases - tests/lib/nested.sh: allow tests to use their own core18 in extra- snaps-path - interfaces/browser-support: Update rules for Edge - o/devicestate: during remodel first check pending download tasks for snaps - polkit: add a package to validate polkit policy files - HACKING.md: document building the snapd snap and splicing it into the core snap - interfaces/udev: fix installing snaps inside lxd in 21.10 - o/snapstate: refactor disk space checks - tests: add (strict) microk8s smoke test - osutil/strace: try to enable strace on more arches - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: fix snap-device-helper device allow list modification on cgroup v2 - tests/main/snapd-reexec-snapd-snap: improve debugging - daemon: write formdata file parts to snaps dir - systemd: add support for .target units - tests: run snap-disconnect on uc16 - many: add experimental setting to allow using ~/.snap/data instead of ~/snap - overlord/snapstate: perform a single reboot when updating boot base and kernel - kernel/fde: add DeviceUnlockKernelHookDeviceMapperBackResolver, use w/ disks pkg - o/devicestate: introduce DeviceManager.Unregister - interfaces: allow receiving PropertiesChanged on the mpris plug - tests: new tool used to retrieve data from mongo db - daemon: amend ssh keys coming from the store - tests: Include the tools from snapd-testing-tools project in "$TESTSTOOLS" - tests: new workflow step used to report spread error to mongodb - interfaces/builtin/dsp: update proc files for ambarella flavor - gadget: replace ondisk implementation with disks package, refactor part calcs - tests: Revert "tests: disable flaky uc18 tests until systemd is fixed" - Revert: "many: Vendor apparmor-3.0.3 into the snapd snap" - asserts: rename "white box" to "clear box" (woke checker) - many: Vendor apparmor-3.0.3 into the snapd snap - tests: reorganize the debug-each on the spread.yaml - packaging: sync with downstream packaging in Fedora and openSUSE - tests: disable flaky uc18 tests until systemd is fixed - data/env: provide profile setup for fish shell - tests: use ubuntu-image 1.11 from stable channel - gadget/gadget.go: include disk schema in the disk device volume traits too - tests/main/security-device-cgroups-strict-enforced: extend the comments - README.md: point at bugs.launchpad.net/snapd instead of snappy project - osutil/disks: introduce RegisterDeviceMapperBackResolver + use for crypt-luks2 - packaging: make postrm script robust against `rm` failures - tests: print extra debug on auto-refresh-gating test failure - o/assertstate, api: move enforcing/monitoring from api to assertstate, save history - tests: skip the test-snapd-timedate-control-consumer.date to avoid NTP sync error - gadget/install: use disks functions to implement deviceFromRole, also rename - tests: the `lxd` test is failing right now on 21.10 - o/snapstate: account for deleted revs when undoing install - interfaces/builtin/block_devices: allow blkid to print block device attributes - gadget: include size + sector-size in DiskVolumeDeviceTraits - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: do not deny all devices when reusing the device cgroup - interfaces/builtin/time-control: allow pps access - o/snapstate/handlers: propagate read errors on "copy-snap-data" - osutil/disks: add more fields to Partition, populate them during discovery - interfaces/u2f-devices: add Trezor and Trezor v2 keys - interfaces: timezone-control, add permission for ListTimezones DBus call - o/snapstate: remove repeated test assertions - tests: skip `snap advise-command` test if the store is overloaded - cmd: create ~/snap dir with 0700 perms - interfaces/apparmor/template.go: allow udevadm from merged usr systems - github: leave a comment documenting reasons for pipefail - github: enable pipefail when running spread - osutil/disks: add DiskFromPartitionDeviceNode - gadget, many: add model param to Update() - cmd/snap-seccomp: add riscv64 support - o/snapstate: maintain a RevertStatus map in SnapState - tests: enable lxd tests on impish system - tests: (partially) revert the memory limits PR#r10241 - o/assertstate: functions for handling validation sets tracking history - tests: some improvements for the spread log parser - interfaces/network-manager-observe: Update for libnm / dart clients - tests: add ntp related debug around "auto-refresh" test - boot: expand on the fact that reseal taking modeenv is very intentional - cmd/snap-seccomp/syscalls: update syscalls to match libseccomp abad8a8f4 - data/selinux: update the policy to allow snapd to talk to org.freedesktop.timedate1 - o/snapstate: keep old revision if install doesn't add new one - overlord/state: add a unit test for a kernel+base refresh like sequence - desktop, usersession: observe notifications - osutil/disks: add AllPhysicalDisks() - timeutil,deviceutil: fix unit tests on systems without dbus or without ntp-sync - cmd/snap-bootstrap/README: explain all the things (well most of them anyways) - docs: add run-checks dependency install instruction - o/snapstate: do not prune refresh-candidates if gate-auto-refresh- hook feature is not enabled - o/snapstate: test relink remodel helpers do a proper subset of doInstall and rework the verify*Tasks helpers - tests/main/mount-ns: make the test run early - tests: add `--debug` to netplan apply - many: wait for up to 10min for NTP synchronization before autorefresh - tests: initialize CHANGE_ID in _wait_autorefresh - sandbox/cgroup: freeze and thaw cgroups related to services and scopes only - tests: add more debug around qemu-nbd - o/hookstate: print cohort with snapctl refresh --pending (#10985) - tests: misc robustness changes - o/snapstate: improve install/update tests (#10850) - tests: clean up test tools - spread.yaml: show `journalctl -e` for all suites on debug - tests: give interfaces-udisks2 more time for the loop device to appear - tests: set memory limit for snapd - tests: increase timeout/add debug around nbd0 mounting (up, see LP:#1949513) - snapstate: add debug message where a snap is mounted - tests: give nbd0 more time to show up in preseed-lxd - interfaces/dsp: add more ambarella things - cmd/snap: improve snap disconnect arg parsing and err msg - tests: disable nested lxd snapd testing - tests: disable flaky "interfaces-udisks2" on ubuntu-18.04-32 - o/snapstate: avoid validationSetsSuite repeating snapmgrTestSuite - sandbox/cgroup: wait for start transient unit job to finish - o/snapstate: fix task order, tweak errors, add unit tests for remodel helpers - osutil/disks: re-org methods for end of usable region, size information - build-aux: ensure that debian packaging matches build-base - docs: update HACKING.md instructions for snapd 2.52 and later - spread: run lxd tests with version from latest/edge - interfaces: suppress denial of sys_module capability - osutil/disks: add methods to replace gadget/ondisk functions - tests: split test tools - part 1 - tests: fix nested tests on uc20 - data/selinux: allow snap-confine to read udev's database - i/b/common_test: refactor AppArmor features test - tests: run spread tests on debian 11 - o/devicestate: copy timesyncd clock timestamp during install - interfaces/builtin: do not probe parser features when apparmor isn't available - interface/modem-manager: allow connecting to the mbim/qmi proxy - tests: fix error message in run-checks - tests: spread test for validation sets enforcing - cmd/snap-confine: lazy set up of device cgroup, only when devices were assigned - o/snapstate: deduplicate snap names in remove/install/update - tests/main/selinux-data-context: use session when performing actions as test user - packaging/opensuse: sync with openSUSE packaging, enable AppArmor on 15.3+ - interfaces: skip connection of netlink interface on older systems - asserts, o/snapstate: honor IgnoreValidation flag when checking installed snaps - tests/main/apparmor-batch-reload: fix fake apparmor_parser to handle --preprocess - sandbox/apparmor, interfaces/apparmor: detect bpf capability, generate snippet for s-c - release-tools/repack-debian-tarball.sh: fix c-vendor dir - tests: test for enforcing with prerequisites - tests/main/snapd-sigterm: fix race conditions - spread: run lxd tests with version from latest/stable - run-checks: remove --spread from help message - secboot: use latest secboot with tpm legacy platform and v2 fully optional - tests/lib/pkgdb: install strace on Debian 11 and Sid - tests: ensure systemd-timesyncd is installed on debian - interfaces/u2f-devices: add Nitrokey 3 - tests: update the ubuntu-image channel to candidate - osutil/disks/labels: simplify decoding algorithm - tests: not testing lxd snap anymore on i386 architecture - o/snapstate, hookstate: print remaining hold time on snapctl --hold - cmd/snap: support --ignore-validation with snap install client command - tests/snapd-sigterm: be more robust against service restart - tests: simplify mock script for apparmor_parser - o/devicestate, o/servicestate: update gadget assets and cmdline when remodeling - tests/nested/manual/refresh-revert-fundamentals: re-enable encryption - osutil/disks: fix bug in BlkIDEncodeLabel, add BlkIDDecodeLabel - gadget, osutil/disks: fix some bugs from prior PR'sin the dir. - secboot: revert move to new version (revert #10715) - cmd/snap-confine: die when snap process is outside of snap specific cgroup - many: mv MockDeviceNameDisksToPartitionMapping -> MockDeviceNameToDiskMapping - interfaces/builtin: Add '/com/canonical/dbusmenu' path access to 'unity7' interface - interfaces/builtin/hardware-observer: add /proc/bus/input/devices too - osutil/disks, many: switch to defining Partitions directly for MockDiskMapping - tests: remove extra-snaps-assertions test - interface/modem-manager: add accept for MBIM/QMI proxy clients - tests/nested/core/core20-create-recovery: fix passing of data to curl - daemon: allow enabling enforce mode - daemon: use the syscall connection to get the socket credentials - i/builtin/kubernetes_support: add access to Calico lock file - osutil: ensure parent dir is opened and sync'd - tests: using test-snapd-curl snap instead of http snap - overlord: add managers unit test demonstrating cyclic dependency between gadget and kernel updates - gadget/ondisk.go: include the filesystem UUID in the returned OnDiskVolume - packaging: fixes for building on openSUSE - o/configcore: allow hostnames up to 253 characters, with dot- delimited elements - gadget/ondisk.go: add listBlockDevices() to get all block devices on a system - gadget: add mapping trait types + functions to save/load - interfaces: add polkit security backend - cmd/snap-confine/snap-confine.apparmor.in: update ld rule for s390x impish - tests: merge coverage results - tests: remove "features" from fde-setup.go example - fde: add new device-setup support to fde-setup - gadget: add `encryptedDevice` and add encryptedDeviceLUKS - spread: use `bios: uefi` for uc20 - client: fail fast on non-retryable errors - tests: support running all spread tests with experimental features - tests: check that a snap that doesn't have gate-auto-refresh hook can call --proceed - o/snapstate: support ignore-validation flag when updating to a specific snap revision - o/snapstate: test prereq update if started by old version - tests/main: disable cgroup-devices-v1 and freezer tests on 21.10 - tests/main/interfaces-many: run both variants on all possible Ubuntu systems - gadget: mv ensureLayoutCompatibility to gadget proper, add gadgettest pkg - many: replace state.State restart support with overlord/restart - overlord: fix generated snap-revision assertions in remodel unit tests * Wed Dec 8 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.53.4-1 - Release 2.53.4 to Fedora - Cherry pick for nvidia glvnd incompatibility * Thu Dec 02 2021 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.53.4 - devicestate: mock devicestate.MockTimeutilIsNTPSynchronized to avoid host env leaking into tests - timeutil: return NoTimedate1Error if it can't connect to the system bus * Thu Dec 02 2021 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.53.3 - devicestate: Unregister deletes the device key pair as well - daemon,tests: support forgetting device serial via API - configcore: relax validation rules for hostname - o/devicestate: introduce DeviceManager.Unregister - packaging/ubuntu, packaging/debian: depend on dbus-session-bus provider - many: wait for up to 10min for NTP synchronization before autorefresh - interfaces/interfaces/scsi_generic: add interface for scsi generic devices - interfaces/microstack-support: set controlsDeviceCgroup to true - interface/builtin/log_observe: allow to access /dev/kmsg - daemon: write formdata file parts to snaps dir - spread: run lxd tests with version from latest/edge - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: fix snap-device-helper device allow list modification on cgroup v2 - interfaces/builtin/dsp: add proc files for monitoring Ambarella DSP firmware - interfaces/builtin/dsp: update proc file accordingly * Mon Nov 29 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.53.2-2 - Cherry-pick a fix for snap-device-helper (RHBZ#2025264) * Wed Nov 17 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.53.2-1 - Release 2.53.2 to Fedora * Mon Nov 15 2021 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.53.2 - interfaces/builtin/block_devices: allow blkid to print block device attributes/run/udev/data/b{major}:{minor} - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: do not deny all devices when reusing the device cgroup - interfaces/builtin/time-control: allow pps access - interfaces/u2f-devices: add Trezor and Trezor v2 keys - interfaces: timezone-control, add permission for ListTimezones DBus call - interfaces/apparmor/template.go: allow udevadm from merged usr systems - interface/modem-manager: allow connecting to the mbim/qmi proxy - interfaces/network-manager-observe: Update for libnm client library - cmd/snap-seccomp/syscalls: update syscalls to match libseccomp abad8a8f4 - sandbox/cgroup: freeze and thaw cgroups related to services and scopes only - o/hookstate: print cohort with snapctl refresh --pending - cmd/snap-confine: lazy set up of device cgroup, only when devices were assigned - tests: ensure systemd-timesyncd is installed on debian - tests/lib/pkgdb: install strace on Debian 11 and Sid - tests/main/snapd-sigterm: flush, use retry - tests/main/snapd-sigterm: fix race conditions - release-tools/repack-debian-tarball.sh: fix c-vendor dir - data/selinux: allow snap-confine to read udev's database - interfaces/dsp: add more ambarella things* interfaces/dsp: add more ambarella things * Tue Nov 2 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.53.1-2 - Disable BPF support on systems that are too old * Tue Nov 2 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.53.1-1 - Release 2.53.1 to Fedora * Thu Oct 21 2021 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.53.1 - spread: run lxd tests with version from latest/stable - secboot: use latest secboot with tpm legacy platform and v2 fully optional (#10946) - cmd/snap-confine: die when snap process is outside of snap specific cgroup (2.53) - interfaces/u2f-devices: add Nitrokey 3 - Update the ubuntu-image channel to candidate - Allow hostnames up to 253 characters, with dot-delimited elements (as suggested by man 7 hostname). - Disable i386 until it is possible to build snapd using lxd - o/snapstate, hookstate: print remaining hold time on snapctl --hold - tests/snapd-sigterm: be more robust against service restart - tests: add a regression test for snapd hanging on SIGTERM - daemon: use the syscall connection to get the socket credentials - interfaces/builtin/hardware-observer: add /proc/bus/input/devices too - cmd/snap-confine/snap-confine.apparmor.in: update ld rule for s390x impish - interface/modem-manager: add accept for MBIM/QMI proxy clients - secboot: revert move to new version * Tue Oct 05 2021 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.53 - overlord: fix generated snap-revision assertions in remodel unit tests - snap-bootstrap: wait in `mountNonDataPartitionMatchingKernelDisk` - interfaces/modem-manager: add access to PCIe modems - overlord/devicestate: record recovery capable system on a successful remodel - o/snapstate: use device ctx in prerequisite install/update - osutil/disks: support filtering by mount opts in MountPointsForPartitionRoot - many: support an API flag system-restart-immediate to make snap ops proceed immediately with system restarts - osutil/disks: add RootMountPointsForPartition - overlord/devicestate, tests: enable UC20 remodel, add spread tests - cmd/snap: improve snap run help message - o/snapstate: support ignore validation flag on install/update - osutil/disks: add Disk.FindMatchingPartitionWith{Fs,Part}Label - desktop: implement gtk notification backend and provide minimal notification api - tests: use the latest cpu family for nested tests execution - osutil/disks: add Partition struct and Disks.Partitions() - o/snapstate: prevent install hang if prereq install fails - osutil/disks: add Disk.KernelDevice{Node,Path} methods - disks: add `Size(path)` helper - tests: reset some mount units failing on ubuntu impish - osutil/disks: add DiskFromDevicePath, other misc changes - interfaces/apparmor: do not fail during initialization when there is no AppArmor profile for snap-confine - daemon: implement access checkers for themes API - interfaces/seccomp: add clone3 to default template - interfaces/u2f-devices: add GoTrust Idem Key - o/snapstate: validation sets enforcing on update - o/ifacestate: don't fail remove if disconnect hook fails - tests: fix error trying to create the extra-snaps dir which already exists - devicestate: use EncryptionType - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: workaround BPF memory accounting, update apparmor profile - tests: skip system-usernames-microk8s when TRUST_TEST_KEYS is false - interfaces/dsp: add a usb rule to the ambarella flavor - interfaces/apparmor/template.go: allow inspection of dbus mediation level - tests/main/security-device-cgroups: fix when both variants run on the same host - cmd/snap-confine: update s-c apparmor profile to allow versioned ld.so - many: rename systemd.Kind to Backend for a bit more clarity - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: fix set but unused variable in the unit tests - tests: fix netplan test on i386 architecture - tests: fix lxd-mount-units test which is based on core20 in ubuntu focal system - osutil/disks: add new `CreateLinearMapperDevice` helper - cmd/snap: wait while inhibition file is present - tests: cleanup the job workspace as first step of the actions workflow - tests: use our own image for ubuntu impish - o/snapstate: update default provider if missing required content - o/assertstate, api: update validation set assertions only when updating all snaps - fde: add HasDeviceUnlock() helper - secboot: move to new version - o/ifacestate: don't lose connections if snaps are broken - spread: display information about current device cgroup in debug dump - sysconfig: set TMPDIR in tests to avoid cluttering the real /tmp - tests, interfaces/builtin: introduce 21.10 cgroupv2 variant, tweak tests for cgroupv2, update builtin interfaces - sysconfig/cloud-init: filter MAAS c-i config from ubuntu-seed on grade signed - usersession/client: refactor doMany() method - interfaces/builtin/opengl.go: add libOpenGL.so* too - o/assertstate: check installed snaps when refreshing validation set assertions - osutil: helper for injecting run time faults in snapd - tests: update test nested tool part 2 - libsnap-confine: use the pid parameter - gadget/gadget.go: LaidOutSystemVolumeFromGadget -> LaidOutVolumesFromGadget - tests: update the time tolerance to fix the snapd-state test - .github/workflows/test.yaml: revert #10809 - tests: rename interfaces-hooks-misbehaving spread test to install- hook-misbehaving - data/selinux: update the policy to allow s-c to manipulate BPF map and programs - overlord/devicestate: make settle wait longer in remodel tests - kernel/fde: mock systemd-run in unit test - o/ifacestate: do not create stray task in batchConnectTasks if there are no connections - gadget: add VolumeName to Volume and VolumeStructure - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: use root when necessary for BPF related operations - .github/workflows/test.yaml: bump action-build to 1.0.9 - o/snapstate: enforce validation sets/enforce on InstallMany - asserts, snapstate: return full validation set keys from CheckPresenceRequired and CheckPresenceInvalid - cmd/snap: only log translation warnings in debug/testing - tests/main/preseed: update for new base snap of the lxd snap - tests/nested/manual: use loop for checking for initialize-system task done - tests: add a local snap variant to testing prepare-image gating support - tests/main/security-device-cgroups-strict-enforced: demonstrate device cgroup being enforced - store: one more tweak for the test action timeout - github: do not fail when codecov upload fails - o/devicestate: fix flaky test remodel clash - o/snapstate: add ChangeID to conflict error - tests: fix regex of TestSnapActionTimeout test - tests: fix tests for 21.10 - tests: add test for store.SnapAction() request timeout - tests: print user sessions info on debug-each - packaging: backports of golang-go 1.13 are good enough - sysconfig/cloudinit: add cloudDatasourcesInUseForDir - cmd: build gdb shims as static binaries - packaging/ubuntu: pass GO111MODULE to dh_auto_test - cmd/libsnap-confine-private, tests, sandbox: remove warnings about cgroup v2, drop forced devmode - tests: increase memory quota in quota-groups-systemd-accounting - tests: be more robust against a new day stepping in - usersession/xdgopenproxy: move PortalLauncher class to own package - interfaces/builtin: fix microstack unit tests on distros using /usr/libexec - cmd/snap-confine: handle CURRENT_TAGS on systems that support it - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: device cgroup v2 support - o/servicestate: Update task summary for restart action - packaging, tests/lib/prepare-restore: build packages without network access, fix building debs with go modules - systemd: add AtLeast() method, add mocking in systemdtest - systemd: use text.template to generate mount unit - o/hookstate/ctlcmd: Implement snapctl refresh --show-lock command - o/snapstate: optimize conflicts around snaps stored on conditional-auto-refresh task - tests/lib/prepare.sh: download core20 for UC20 runs via BASE_CHANNEL - mount-control: step 1 - go: update go.mod dependencies - o/snapstate: enforce validation sets on snap install - tests: revert revert manual lxd removal - tests: pre-cache snaps in classic and core systems - tests/lib/nested.sh: split out additional helper for adding files to VM imgs - tests: update nested tool - part1 - image/image_linux.go: add newline - interfaces/block-devices: support to access the state of block devices - o/hookstate: require snap-refresh-control interface for snapctl refresh --proceed - build-aux: stage libgcc1 library into snapd snap - configcore: add read-only netplan support - tests: fix fakedevicesvc service already exists - tests: fix interfaces-libvirt test - tests: remove travis leftovers - spread: bump delta ref to 2.52 - packaging: ship the `snapd.apparmor.service` unit in debian - packaging: remove duplicated `golang-go` build-dependency - boot: record recovery capable systems in recovery bootenv - tests: skip overlord tests on riscv64 due to timeouts. - overlord/ifacestate: fix arguments in unit tests - ifacestate: undo repository connection if doConnect fails - many: remove unused parameters - tests: failure of prereqs on content interface doesn't prevent install - tests/nested/manual/refresh-revert-fundamentals: fix variable use - strutil: add Intersection() - o/ifacestate: special-case system-files and force refreshing its static attributes - interface/builtin: add qualcomm-ipc-router interface for AF_QIPCRTR socket protocol - tests: new snapd-state tool - codecov: fix files pathnames - systemd: add mock systemd helper - tests/nested/core/extra-snaps-assertions: fix the match pattern - image,c/snap,tests: support enforcing validations in prepare-image via --customize JSON validation enforce(|ignore) - o/snapstate: enforce validation sets assertions when removing snaps - many: update deps - interfaces/network-control: additional ethernet rule - tests: use host-scaled settle timeout for hookstate tests - many: move to go modules - interfaces: no need for snapRefreshControlInterface struct - interfaces: introduce snap-refresh-control interface - tests: move interfaces-libvirt test back to 16.04 - tests: bump the number of retries when waiting for /dev/nbd0p1 - tests: add more space on ubuntu xenial - spread: add 21.10 to qemu, remove 20.10 (EOL) - packaging: add libfuse3-dev build dependency - interfaces: add microstack-support interface - wrappers: fix a bunch of duplicated service definitions in tests - tests: use host-scaled timeout to avoid riscv64 test failure - many: fix run-checks gofmt check - tests: spread test for snapctl refresh --pending/--proceed from the snap - o/assertstate,daemon: refresh validation sets assertions with snap declarations - tests: migrate tests that are only executed on xenial to bionic - tests: remove opensuse-15.1 and add opensuse-15.3 from spread runs - packaging: update master changelog for 2.51.7 - sysconfig/cloudinit: fix bug around error state of cloud-init - interfaces, o/snapstate: introduce AffectsPlugOnRefresh flag - interfaces/interfaces/ion-memory-control: add: add interface for ion buf - interfaces/dsp: add /dev/ambad into dsp interface - tests: new spread log parser - tests: check files and dirs are cleaned for each test - o/hookstate/ctlcmd: unify the error message when context is missing - o/hookstate: support snapctl refresh --pending from snap - many: remove unused/dead code - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: add BPF support helpers - interfaces/hardware-observe: add some dmi properties - snapstate: abort kernel refresh if no gadget update can be found - many: shellcheck fixes - cmd/snap: add Size column to refresh --list - packaging: build without dwarf debugging data - snapstate: fix misleading `assumes` error message - tests: fix restore in snapfuse spread tests - o/assertstate: fix missing 'scheduled' header when auto refreshing assertions - o/snapstate: fail remove with invalid snap names - o/hookstate/ctlcmd: correct err message if missing root - .github/workflows/test.yaml: fix logic - o/snapstate: don't hold some snaps if not all snaps can be held by the given gating snap - c-vendor.c: new c-vendor subdir - store: make sure expectedZeroFields in tests gets updated - overlord: add manager test for "assumes" checking - store: deal correctly with "assumes" from the store raw yaml - sysconfig/cloudinit.go: add functions for filtering cloud-init config - cgroup-support: allow to hide cgroupv2 warning via ENV - gadget: Export mkfs functions for use in ubuntu-image - tests: set to 10 minutes the kill timeout for tests failing on slow boards - .github/workflows/test.yaml: test github.events key - i18n/xgettext-go: preserve already escaped quotes - cmd/snap-seccomp/syscalls: update syscalls list to libseccomp v2.2.0-428-g5c22d4b - github: do not try to upload coverage when working with cached run - tests/main/services-install-hook-can-run-svcs: shellcheck issue fix - interfaces/u2f-devices: add Nitrokey FIDO2 - testutil: add DeepUnsortedMatches Checker - cmd, packaging: import BPF headers from kernel, detect whether host headers are usable - tests: fix services-refresh-mode test - tests: clean snaps.sh helper - tests: fix timing issue on security-dev-input-event-denied test - tests: update systems for sru validation - .github/workflows: add codedov again - secboot: remove duplicate import - tests: stop the service when is active in test interfaces- firewall-control test - packaging: remove TEST_GITHUB_AUTOPKGTEST support - packaging: merge 2.51.6 changelog back to master - secboot: use half the mem for KDF in AddRecoveryKey - secboot: switch main key KDF memory cost to 32KB - tests: remove the test user just when it was installed on create- user-2 test - spread: temporarily fix the ownership of /home/ubuntu/.ssh on 21.10 - daemon, o/snapstate: handle IgnoreValidation flag on install (2/3) - usersession/agent: refactor common JSON validation into own function - o/hookstate: allow snapctl refresh --proceed from snaps - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: fix issues identified by coverity - cmd/snap: print logs in local timezone - packaging: changelog for 2.51.5 to master - build-aux: build with go-1.13 in the snapcraft build too - config: rename "virtual" config to "external" config - devicestate: add `snap debug timings --ensure=install-system` - interfaces/builtin/raw_usb: fix platform typo, fix access to usb devices accessible through platform - o/snapstate: remove commented out code - cmd/snap-device-helper: reimplement snap-device-helper - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: fix coverity issues in tests, tweak uses of g_assert() - o/devicestate/handlers_install.go: add workaround to create dirs for install - o/assertstate: implement ValidationSetAssertionForEnforce helper - clang-format: stop breaking my includes - o/snapstate: allow auto-refresh limited to snaps affected by a specific gating snap - tests: fix core-early-config test to use tests.nested tool - sysconfig/cloudinit.go: measure (but don't use) gadget cloud-init datasource - c/snap,o/hookstate/ctlcmd: add JSON/string strict processing flags to snap/snapctl - corecfg: add "system.hostname" setting to the system settings - wrappers: measure time to enable services in StartServices() - configcore: fix early config timezone handling - tests/nested/manual: enable serial assertions on testkeys nested VM's - configcore: fix a bunch of incorrect error returns - .github/workflows/test.yaml: use snapcraft 4.x to build the snapd snap - packaging: merge 2.51.4 changelog back to master - {device,snap}state: skip kernel extraction in seeding - vendor: move to snapshot-4c814e1 branch and set fixed KDF options - tests: use bigger storage on ubuntu 21.10 - snap: support links map in snap.yaml (and later from the store API) - o/snapstate: add AffectedByRefreshCandidates helper - configcore: register virtual config for timezone reading - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: move device cgroup files, add helper to deny a device - tests: fix cached-results condition in github actions workflow - interfaces/tee: add support for Qualcomm qseecom device node - packaging: fix build failure on bionic and simplify rules - o/snapstate: affectedByRefresh tweaks - tests: update nested wait for snapd command - interfaces/builtin: allow access to per-user GTK CSS overrides - tests/main/snapd-snap: install 4.x snapcraft to build the snapd snap - snap/squashfs: handle squashfs-tools 4.5+ - asserts/snapasserts: CheckPresenceInvalid and CheckPresenceRequired methods - cmd/snap-confine: refactor device cgroup handling to enable easier v2 integration - tests: skip udp protocol on latest ubuntus - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: g_spawn_check_exit_status is deprecated since glib 2.69 - interfaces: s/specifc/specific/ - github: enable gofmt for Go 1.13 jobs - overlord/devicestate: UC20 specific set-model, managers tests - o/devicestate, sysconfig: refactor cloud-init config permission handling - config: add "virtual" config via config.RegisterVirtualConfig - packaging: switch ubuntu to use golang-1.13 - snap: change `snap login --help` to not mention "buy" - tests: removing Ubuntu 20.10, adding 21.04 nested in spread - tests/many: remove lxd systemd unit to prevent unexpected leftovers - tests/main/services-install-hook-can-run-svcs: make variants more obvious - tests: force snapd-session-agent.socket to be re-generated * Tue Oct 05 2021 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.52.1 - snap-bootstrap: wait in `mountNonDataPartitionMatchingKernelDisk` for the disk (if not present already) - many: support an API flag system-restart-immediate to make snap ops proceed immediately with system restarts - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: g_spawn_check_exit_status is deprecated since glib 2.69 - interfaces/seccomp: add clone3 to default template - interfaces/apparmor/template.go: allow inspection of dbus mediation level - interfaces/dsp: add a usb rule to the ambarella flavor - cmd/snap-confine: update s-c apparmor profile to allow versioned ld.so - o/ifacestate: don't lose connections if snaps are broken - interfaces/builtin/opengl.go: add libOpenGL.so* too - interfaces/hardware-observe: add some dmi properties - build-aux: stage libgcc1 library into snapd snap - interfaces/block-devices: support to access the state of block devices - packaging: ship the `snapd.apparmor.service` unit in debian * Wed Sep 29 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.52-1 - Update to 2.52 - Drop squashfs 4.5+ patch as it's part of 2.52 release - Cherry pick clone3 seccom patch (RHBZ#2008737) * Fri Sep 03 2021 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.52 - interface/builtin: add qualcomm-ipc-router interface for AF_QIPCRTR socket protocol - o/ifacestate: special-case system-files and force refreshing its static attributes - interfaces/network-control: additional ethernet rule - packaging: update 2.52 changelog with 2.51.7 - interfaces/interfaces/ion-memory-control: add: add interface for ion buf - packaging: merge 2.51.6 changelog back to 2.52 - secboot: use half the mem for KDF in AddRecoveryKey - secboot: switch main key KDF memory cost to 32KB - many: merge release/2.51 change to release/2.52 - .github/workflows/test.yaml: use snapcraft 4.x to build the snapd snap - o/servicestate: use snap app names for ExplicitServices of ServiceAction - tests/main/services-install-hook-can-run-svcs: add variant w/o --enable - o/servicestate: revert only start enabled services - tests: adding Ubuntu 21.10 to spread test suite - interface/modem-manager: add support for MBIM/QMI proxy clients - cmd/snap/model: support storage-safety and snaps headers too - o/assertstate: Implement EnforcedValidationSets helper - tests: using retry tool for nested tests - gadget: check for system-save with multi volumes if encrypting correctly - interfaces: make the service naming entirely internal to systemd BE - tests/lib/reset.sh: fix removing disabled snaps - store/store_download.go: use system snap provided xdelta3 priority + fallback - packaging: merge changelog from 2.51.3 back to master - overlord: only start enabled services - interfaces/builtin: add sd-control interface - tests/nested/cloud-init-{never-used,nocloud}-not-vuln: fix tests, use 2.45 - tests/lib/reset.sh: add workaround from refresh-vs-services tests for all tests - o/assertstate: check for conflicts when refreshing and committing validation set asserts - devicestate: add support to save timings from install mode - tests: new tests.nested commands copy and wait-for - install: add a bunch of nested timings - tests: drop any-python wrapper - store: set ResponseHeaderTimeout on the default transport - tests: fix test-snapd-user-service-sockets test removing snap - tests: moving nested_exec to nested.tests exec - tests: add tests about services vs snapd refreshes - client, cmd/snap, daemon: refactor REST API for quotas to match CLI org - c/snap,asserts: create/delete-key external keypair manager interaction - tests: revert disable of the delta download tests - tests/main/system-usernames-microk8s: disable on centos 7 too - boot: support device change - o/snapstate: remove unused refreshSchedule argument for isRefreshHeld helper - daemon/api_quotas.go: handle conflicts, returning conflict response - tests: test for gate-auto-refresh hook error resulting in hold - release: 2.51.2 - snapstate/check_snap: add snap_microk8s to shared system- usernames - snapstate: remove temporary snap file for local revisions early - interface: allows reading sd cards internal info from block- devices interface - tests: Renaming tool nested-state to tests.nested - testutil: fix typo in json checker unit tests - tests: ack assertions by default, add --noack option - overlord/devicestate: try to pick alternative recovery labels during remodel - bootloader/assets: update recovery grub to allow system labels generated by snapd - tests: print serial log just once for nested tests - tests: remove xenial 32 bits - sandbox/cgroup: do not be so eager to fail when paths do not exist - tests: run spread tests in ubuntu bionic 32bits - c/snap,asserts: start supporting ExternalKeypairManager in the snap key-related commands - tests: refresh control spread test - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: do not fail on ENOENT, better getline error handling - tests: disable delta download tests for now until the store is fixed - tests/nested/manual/preseed: fix for cloud images that ship without core18 - boot: properly handle tried system model - tests/lib/store.sh: revert #10470 - boot, seed/seedtest: tweak test helpers - o/servicestate: TODO and fix preexisting typo - o/servicestate: detect conflicts for quota group operations - cmd/snap/quotas: adjust help texts for quota commands - many/quotas: little adjustments - tests: add spread test for classic snaps content slots - o/snapstate: fix check-rerefresh task summary when refresh control is used - many: use changes + tasks for quota group operations - tests: fix test snap-quota-groups when checking file cgroupProcsFile - asserts: introduce ExternalKeypairManager - o/ifacestate: do not visit same halt tasks in waitChainSearch to avoid cycles - tests/lib/store.sh: fix make_snap_installable_with_id() - overlord/devicestate, overlord/assertstate: use a temporary DB when creating recovery systems - corecfg: allow using `# snapd-edit: no` header to disable pi- config# snapd-edit: no - tests/main/interfaces-ssh-keys: tweak checks for openSUSE Tumbleweed - cmd/snap: prevent cycles in waitChainSearch with snap debug state - o/snapstate: fix populating of affectedSnapInfo.AffectingSnaps for marking self as affecting - tests: new parameter used by retry tool to set env vars - tests: support parameters for match-log on journal-state tool - configcore: ignore system.pi-config.* setting on measured kernels - sandbox/cgroup: support freezing groups with unified hierarchy - tests: fix preseed test to used core20 snap on latest systems - testutil: introduce a checker which compares the type after having passed them through a JSON marshaller - store: tweak error message when store.Sections() download fails - o/servicestate: stop setting DoneStatus prematurely for quota- control - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: bump max depth of groups hierarchy to 32 - many: turn Contact into an accessor - store: make the log with download size a debug one - cmd/snap-update-ns: Revert "cmd/snap-update-ns: add SRCDIR to include search path" - o/devicestate: move SystemMode method before first usage - tests: skip tests when the sections cannot be retrieved - boot: support resealing with a try model - o/hookstate: dedicated handler for gate-auto-refresh hook - tests: make sure the /root/snap dir is backed up on test snap- user-dir-perms-fixed - cmd/snap-confine: make mount ns use check cgroup v2 compatible - snap: fix TestInstallNoPATH unit test failure when SUDO_UID is set - cmd/libsnap-confine-private/cgroup-support.c: Fix typo - cmd/snap-confine, cmd/snapd-generator: fix issues identified by sparse - o/snapstate: make conditional-auto-refresh conflict with other tasks via affected snaps - many: pass device/model info to configcore via sysconfig.Device interface - o/hookstate: return bool flag from Error function of hook handler to ignore hook errors - cmd/snap-update-ns: add SRCDIR to include search path - tests: fix for tests/main/lxd-mount-units test and enable ubuntu-21.04 - overlord, o/devicestate: use a single test helper for resetting to a post boot state - HACKING.md: update instructions for go1.16+ - tests: fix restore for security-dev-input-event-denied test - o/servicestate: move SetStatus to doQuotaControl - tests: fix classic-prepare-image test - o/snapstate: prune gating information and refresh-candidates on snap removal - o/svcstate/svcstatetest, daemon/api_quotas: fix some tests, add mock helper - cmd: a bunch of tweaks and updates - o/servicestate: refactor meter handling, eliminate some common parameters - o/hookstate/ctlcmd: allow snapctl refresh --pending --proceed syntax. - o/snapstate: prune refresh candidates in check-rerefresh - osutil: pass --extrausers option to groupdel - o/snapstate: remove refreshed snap from snaps-hold in snapstate.doInstall - tests/nested: add spread test for uc20 cloud.conf from gadgets - boot: drop model from resealing and boostate - o/servicestate, snap/quota: eliminate workaround for buggy systemds, add spread test - o/servicestate: introduce internal and servicestatetest - o/servicestate/quota_control.go: enforce minimum of 4K for quota groups - overlord/servicestate: avoid unnecessary computation of disabled services - o/hookstate/ctlcmd: do not call ProceedWithRefresh immediately from snapctl - o/snapstate: prune hold state during autoRefreshPhase1 - wrappers/services.go: do not restart disabled or inactive services - sysconfig/cloudinit.go: allow installing both gadget + ubuntu-seed config - spread: switch LXD back to latest/candidate channel - interfaces/opengl: add support for Imagination PowerVR - boot: decouple model from seal/reseal handling via an auxiliary type - spread, tests/main/lxd: no longer manual, switch to latest/stable - github: try out golangci-lint - tests: set lxd test to manual until failures are fixed - tests: connect 30% of the interfaces on test interfaces-many-core- provided - packaging/debian-sid: update snap-seccomp patches for latest master - many: fix imports order (according to gci) - o/snapstate: consider held snaps in autoRefreshPhase2 - o/snapstate: unlock the state before calling backend in undoStartSnapServices - tests: replace "not MATCH" by NOMATCH in tests - README.md: refer to new IRC server - cmd/snap-preseed: provide more error info if snap-preseed fails early on mount - daemon: add a Daemon argument to AccessChecker.CheckAccess - c/snap-bootstrap: add bind option with tests - interfaces/builtin/netlink_driver_test.go: add test snippet - overlord/devicestate: set up recovery system tasks when attempting a remodel - osutil,strutil,testutil: fix imports order (according to gci) - release: merge 2.51.1 changelog - cmd: fix imports order (according to gci) - tests/lib/snaps/test-snapd-policy-app-consumer: remove dsp-control interface - o/servicestate: move handlers tests to quota_handlers_test.go file instead - interfaces: add netlink-driver interface - interfaces: remove leftover debug print - systemd: refactor property parsers for int values in CurrentTasksCount, etc. - tests: fix debug section for postrm-purge test - tests/many: change all cloud-init passwords for ubuntu to use plain_test_passwd - asserts,interfaces,snap: fix imports order (according to gci) - o/servicestate/quota_control_test.go: test the handlers directly - tests: fix issue when checking the udev tag on test security- device-cgroups - many: introduce Store.SnapExists and use it in /v2/accessories/themes - o/snapstate: update LastRefreshTime in doLinkSnap handler - o/hookstate: handle snapctl refresh --proceed and --hold - boot: fix model inconsistency check in modeenv, extend unit tests - overlord/servicestate: improve test robustness with locking - tests: first part of the cleanup - tests: new note in HACKING file to clarify about yamlordereddictloader dependency - daemon: make CheckAccess return an apiError - overlord: fix imports ordering (according to gci) - o/servicestate: add quotastate handlers - boot: track model's sign key ID, prepare infra for tracking candidate model - daemon: have apiBaseSuite.errorReq return *apiError directly - o/servicestate/service_control.go: add comment about ExplicitServices - interfaces: builtin: add dm-crypt interface to support external storage encryption - daemon: split out error response code from response*.go to errors*.go - interfaces/dsp: fix typo in udev rule - daemon,o/devicestate: have DeviceManager.SystemMode take an expectation on the system - o/snapstate: add helpers for setting and querying holding time for snaps - many: fix quota groups for centos 7, amazon linux 2 w/ workaround for buggy systemd - overlord/servicestate: mv ensureSnapServicesForGroup to new file - overlord/snapstate: lock the mutex before returning from stop snap services undo - daemon: drop resp completely in favor of using respJSON consistently - overlord/devicestate: support for snap downloads in recovery system handlers - daemon: introduce a separate findResponse, simplify SyncRespone and drop Meta - overlord/snapstate, overlord/devicestate: exclusive change conflict check - wrappers, packaging, snap-mgmt: handle removing slices on purge too - services: remember if acting on the entire snap - store: extend context and action objects of SnapAction with validation-sets - o/snapstate: refresh control - autorefresh phase2 - cmd/snap/quota: refactor quota CLI as per new design - interfaces: opengl: change path for Xilinx zocl driver - tests: update spread images for ubuntu-core-20 and ubuntu-21.04 - o/servicestate/quota_control_test.go: change helper escaping - o/configstate/configcore: support snap set system swap.size=... - o/devicestate: require serial assertion before remodeling can be started - systemd: improve systemctl error reporting - tests/core/remodel: use model assertions signed with valid keys - daemon: use apiError for more of the code - store: fix typo in snapActionResult struct json tag - userd: mock `systemd --version` in privilegedDesktopLauncherSuite - packaging/fedora: sync with downstream packaging - daemon/api_quotas.go: include current memory usage information in results - daemon: introduce StructuredResponse and apiError - o/patch: check if we have snapd snap with correct snap type already in snapstate - tests/main/snapd-snap: build the snapd snap on all platforms with lxd - tests: new commands for snaps-state tool - tests/main/snap-quota-groups: add functional spread test for quota groups - interfaces/dsp: add /dev/cavalry into dsp interface - cmd/snap/cmd_info_test.go: make test robust against TZ changes - tests: moving to tests directories snaps built locally - part 2 - usersession/userd: fix unit tests on systems using /var/lib/snapd - sandbox/cgroup: wait for pid to be moved to the desired cgroup - tests: fix snap-user-dir-perms-fixed vs format checks - interfaces/desktop-launch: support confined snaps launching other snaps - features: enable dbus-activation by default - usersession/autostart: change ~/snap perms to 0700 on startup - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: mount ubuntu-data nosuid - tests: new test static checker - release-tool/changelog.py: misc fixes from real world usage - release-tools/changelog.py: add function to generate github release template - spread, tests: Fedora 32 is EOL, drop it - o/snapstate: bump max postponement from 60 to 95 days - interfaces/apparmor: limit the number of jobs when running with a single CPU - packaging/fedora/snapd.spec: correct date format in changelog - packaging: merge 2.51 changelog back to master - packaging/ubuntu-16.04/changelog: add 2.50 and 2.50.1 changelogs, placeholder for 2.51 - interfaces: allow read access to /proc/tty/drivers to modem- manager and ppp/dev/tty * Wed Sep 1 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.51.7-1 - New upstream release 2.51.7 (RHBZ#1972558) - Include an upstream fix for squashfs 4.5+ compatibility (RHBZ#1999998) * Fri Aug 27 2021 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.51.7 - cmd/snap-seccomp/syscalls: update syscalls list to libseccomp v2.2.0-428-g5c22d4b1 - tests: cherry-pick shellcheck fix `bd730fd4` - interfaces/dsp: add /dev/ambad into dsp interface - many: shellcheck fixes - snapstate: abort kernel refresh if no gadget update can be found - overlord: add manager test for "assumes" checking - store: deal correctly with "assumes" from the store raw yaml * Thu Aug 19 2021 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.51.6 - secboot: use half the mem for KDF in AddRecoveryKey - secboot: switch main key KDF memory cost to 32KB * Mon Aug 16 2021 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.51.5 - snap/squashfs: handle squashfs-tools 4.5+ - tests/core20-install-device-file-install-via-hook-hack: adjust test for 2.51 - o/devicestate/handlers_install.go: add workaround to create dirs for install - tests: fix linter warning - tests: update other spread tests for new behaviour - tests: ack assertions by default, add --noack option - release-tools/changelog.py: also fix opensuse changelog date format - release-tools/changelog.py: fix typo in function name - release-tools/changelog.py: fix fedora date format - release-tools/changelog.py: handle case where we don't have a TZ - release-tools/changelog.py: fix line length check - release-tools/changelog.py: specify the LP bug for the release as an arg too - interface/modem-manager: add support for MBIM/QMI proxy clients - .github/workflows/test.yaml: use snapcraft 4.x to build the snapd snap * Mon Aug 09 2021 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.51.4 - {device,snap}state: skip kernel extraction in seeding - vendor: move to snapshot-4c814e1 branch and set fixed KDF options - tests/interfaces/tee: fix HasLen check for udev snippets - interfaces/tee: add support for Qualcomm qseecom device node - gadget: check for system-save with multi volumes if encrypting correctly - gadget: drive-by: drop unnecessary/supported passthrough in test gadget.yaml * Fri Jul 30 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.51-4 - Cherry pick a compatibility fix for squashfs 4.5+ * Tue Jul 27 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.51-3 - Fix FTBFS with glib 2.69 * Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.51-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 14 2021 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.51.3 - interfaces/builtin: add sd-control interface - store: set ResponseHeaderTimeout on the default transport * Wed Jul 07 2021 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.51.2 - snapstate: remove temporary snap file for local revisions early - interface: allows reading sd cards internal info from block- devices interface - o/ifacestate: do not visit same halt tasks in waitChainSearch to avoid slow convergence (or unlikely cycles) - corecfg: allow using `# snapd-edit: no` header to disable pi- config - configcore: ignore system.pi-config.* setting on measured kernels - many: pass device/model info to configcore via sysconfig.Device interface - o/configstate/configcore: support snap set system swap.size=... - store: make the log with download size a debug one - interfaces/opengl: add support for Imagination PowerVR * Tue Jun 15 2021 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.51.1 - interfaces: add netlink-driver interface - interfaces: builtin: add dm-crypt interface to support external storage encryption - interfaces/dsp: fix typo in udev rule - overlord/snapstate: lock the mutex before returning from stop snap services undo - interfaces: opengl: change path for Xilinx zocl driver - interfaces/dsp: add /dev/cavalry into dsp interface - packaging/fedora/snapd.spec: correct date format in changelog * Mon May 31 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.51-1 - Relase 2.51 to Fedora (RHBZ#1962474) * Thu May 27 2021 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.51 - cmd/snap: stacktraces debug endpoint - secboot: deactivate volume again when model checker fails - store: extra log message, a few minor cleanups - packaging/debian-sid: update systemd patch - snapstate: adjust update-gadget-assets user visible message - tests/nested/core/core20-create-recovery: verify that recovery system can be created at runtime - gadget: support creating vfat partitions during bootstrap - daemon/api_quotas.go: support updating quotas with ensure action - daemon: tighten access to a couple of POST endpoints that should be really be root-only - seed/seedtest, overlord/devicestate: move seed validation helper to seedtest - overlord/hookstate/ctlcmd: remove unneeded parameter - snap/quota: add CurrentMemoryUsage for current memory usage of a quota group - systemd: add CurrentMemoryUsage to get current memory usage for a unit - o/snapstate: introduce minimalInstallInfo interface - o/hookstate: print pending info (ready, inhibited or none) - osutil: a helper to find out the total amount of memory in the system - overlord, overlord/devicestate: allow for reloading modeenv in devicemgr when testing - daemon: refine access testing - spread: disable unattended-upgrades on debian - tests/lib/reset: make nc exit after a while when connection is idle - daemon: replace access control flags on commands with access checkers - release-tools/changelog.py: refactor regexp + file reading/writing - packaging/debian-sid: update locale patch for the latest master - overlord/devicestate: tasks for creating recovery systems at runtime - release-tools/changelog.py: implement script to update all the changelog files - tests: change machine type used for nested testsPrices: - cmd/snap: include locale when linting description being lower case - o/servicestate: add RemoveSnapFromQuota - interfaces/serial-port: add Qualcomm serial port devices to allowed list - packaging: merge 2.50.1 changelog back - interfaces/builtin: introduce raw-input interface - tests: remove tests.cleanup prepare from nested test - cmd/snap-update-ns: fix linter errors - asserts: fix errors reported by linter - o/hookstate/ctlcmd: allow system-mode for non-root - overlord/devicestate: comment why explicit system mode check is needed in ensuring tried recovery systems (#10275) - overlord/devicesate: observe snap writes when creating recovery systems - packaging/ubuntu-16.04/changelog: add placeholder for 2.50.1 - tests: moving to tests directories snaps built locally - part 1 - seed/seedwriter: fail early when system seed directory exists - o/snapstate: autorefresh phase1 for refresh-control - c/snap: more precise message for ErrorKindSystemRestart op != reboot - tests: simplify the tests.cleanup tool - boot: helpers for manipulating current and good recovery systems list - o/hookstate, o/snapstate: print revision, version, channel with snapctl --pending - overlord: unit test tweaks, use well known snap IDs, setup snap declarations for most common snaps - tests/nested/manual: add test for install-device + snapctl reboot - o/servicestate: restart slices + services on modifications - tests: update mount-ns test to support changes in the distro - interfaces: fix linter issues - overlord: mock logger in managers unit tests - tests: adding support for fedora-34 - tests: adding support for debian 10 on gce - boot: reseal given keys when the respective boot chain has changed - secboot: switch encryption key size to 32 byte (thanks to Chris) - interfaces/dbus: allow claiming 'well-known' D-Bus names with a wildcard suffix - spread: bump delta reference version - interfaces: builtin: update permitted paths to be compatible with UC20 - overlord: fix errors reported by linter - tests: remove old fedora systems from tests - tests: update spread url - interfaces/camera: allow devices in /sys/devices/platform/**/usb* - interfaces/udisks2: Allow access to the login manager via dbus - cmd/snap: exit normally if "snap changes" has no changes (LP #1823974) - tests: more fixes for spread suite on openSUSE - tests: fix tests expecting cgroup v1/hybrid on openSUSE Tumbleweed - daemon: fix linter errors - spread: add Fedora 34, leave a TODO about dropping Fedora 32 - interfaces: fix linter errors - tests: use op.paths tools instead of dirs.sh helper - part 2 - client: Fix linter errors - cmd/snap: Fix errors reported by linter - cmd/snap-repair: fix linter issues - cmd/snap-bootstrap: Fix linter errors - tests: update permission denied message for test-snapd-event on ubuntu 2104 - cmd/snap: small tweaks based on previous reviews - snap/snaptest: helper that mocks both the squashfs file and a snap directory - overlord/devicestate: tweak comment about creating recovery systems, formatting tweaks - overlord/devicestate: move devicemgr base suite helpers closer to test suite struct - overlord/devicestate: keep track of tried recovery system - seed/seedwriter: clarify in the diagram when SetInfo is called - overlord/devicestate: add helper for creating recovery systems at runtime - snap-seccomp: update syscalls.go list - boot,image: support image.Customizations.BootFlags - overlord: support snapctl --halt|--poweroff in gadget install- device - features,servicestate: add experimental.quota-groups flag - o/servicestate: address comments from previous PR - tests: basic spread test for snap quota commands - tests: moving the snaps which are not locally built to the store directory - image,c/snap: implement prepare-image --customize - daemon: implement REST API for quota groups (create / list / get) - cmd/snap, client: snap quotas command - o/devicestate,o/hookstate/ctlcmd: introduce SystemModeInfo methods and snapctl system-mode - o/servicestate/quota_control.go: introduce (very) basic group manipulation methods - cmd/snap, client: snap remove-quota command - wrappers, quota: implement quota groups slice generation - snap/quotas: followups from previous PR - cmd/snap: introduce 'snap quota' command - o/configstate/configcore/picfg.go: use ubuntu-seed config.txt in uc20 run mode - o/servicestate: test has internal ordering issues, consider both cases - o/servicestate/quotas: add functions for getting and setting quotas in state - tests: new buckets for snapd-spread project on gce - spread.yaml: update the gce project to start using snapd-spread - quota: new package for managing resource groups - many: bind and check keys against models when using FDE hooks v2 - many: move responsibilities down seboot -> kernel/fde and boot -> secboot - packaging: add placeholder changelog - o/configstate/configcore/vitality: fix RequireMountedSnapdSnap bug - overlord: properly mock usr-lib-snapd tests to mimic an Ubuntu Core system - many: hide EncryptionKey size and refactors for fde hook v2 next steps - tests: adding debug info for create user tests - o/hookstate: add "refresh" command to snapctl (hidden, not complete yet) - systemd: wait for zfs mounts (LP #1922293) - testutil: support referencing files in FileEquals checker - many: refactor to kernel/fde and allow `fde-setup initial-setup` to return json - o/snapstate: store refresh-candidates in the state - o/snapstate: helper for creating gate-auto-refresh hooks - bootloader/bootloadertest: provide interface implementation as mixins, provide a mock for recovery-aware-trusted-asses bootloader - tests/lib/nested: do not compress images, return early when restored from pristine image - boot: split out a helper for making recovery system bootable - tests: update os.query check to match new bullseye codename used on sid images - o/snapstate: helper for getting snaps affected by refresh, define new hook - wrappers: support in EnsureSnapServices a callback to observe changes (#10176) - gadget: multi line support in gadget's cmdline file - daemon: test that requesting restart from (early) Ensure works - tests: use op.paths tools instead of dirs.sh helper - part 1 - tests: add new command to snaps-state to get current core, kernel and gadget - boot, gadget: move opening the snap container into the gadget helper - tests, overlord: extend unit tests, extend spread tests to cover full command line support - interfaces/builtin: introduce dsp interface - boot, bootloader, bootloader/assets: support for full command line override from gadget - overlord/devicestate, overlord/snapstate: add task for updating kernel command lines from gadget - o/snapstate: remove unused DeviceCtx argument of ensureInstallPreconditions - tests/lib/nested: proper status return for tpm/secure boot checks - cmd/snap, boot: add snapd_full_cmdline_args to dumped boot vars - wrappers/services.go: refactor helper lambda function to separate function - boot/flags.go: add HostUbuntuDataForMode - boot: handle updating of components that contribute to kernel command line - tests: add 20.04 to systems for nested/core - daemon: add new accessChecker implementations - boot, overlord/devicestate: consider gadget command lines when updating boot config - tests: fix prepare-image-grub-core18 for arm devices - tests: fix gadget-kernel-refs-update-pc test on arm and when $TRUST_TEST_KEY is false - tests: enable help test for all the systems - boot: set extra command line arguments when preparing run mode - boot: load bits of kernel command line from gadget snaps - tests: update layout for tests - part 2 - tests: update layout for tests - part 1 - tests: remove the snap profiler from the test suite - boot: drop gadget snap yaml which is already defined elsewhere in the tests - boot: set extra kernel command line arguments when making a recovery system bootable - boot: pass gadget path to command line helpers, load gadget from seed - tests: new os.paths tool - daemon: make ucrednetGet() return a *ucrednet structure - boot: derive boot variables for kernel command lines - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: fix boot-flags location from initramfs * Wed May 19 2021 Ian Johnson - New upstream release 2.50.1 - interfaces: update permitted /lib/.. paths to be compatible with UC20 - interfaces: builtin: update permitted paths to be compatible with UC20 - interfaces/greengrass-support: delete white spaces at the end of lines - snap-seccomp: update syscalls.go list - many: backport kernel command line for 2.50 - interfaces/dbus: allow claiming 'well-known' D-Bus names with a wildcard suffix - interfaces/camera: allow devices in /sys/devices/platform/**/usb* - interfaces/builtin: introduce dsp interface * Wed May 5 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.50-1 - Release 2.50 to Fedora (RHBZ#1936784) * Sat Apr 24 2021 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.50 - overlord: properly mock usr-lib-snapd tests to mimic an Ubuntu Core system - o/configstate/configcore/vitality: fix RequireMountedSnapdSnap bug - o/servicestate/servicemgr.go: add ensure loop for snap service units - wrappers/services.go: introduce EnsureSnapServices() - snapstate: add "kernel-assets" to featureSet - systemd: wait for zfs mounts - overlord: make servicestate responsible to compute SnapServiceOptions - boot,tests: move where we write boot-flags one level up - o/configstate: don't pass --root=/ when masking/unmasking/enabling/disabling services - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: write active boot-flags to /run - gadget: be more flexible with kernel content resolving - boot, cmd/snap: include extra cmdline args in debug boot-vars output - boot: support read/writing boot-flags from userspace/initramfs - interfaces/pwm: add PWM interface - tests/lib/prepare-restore.sh: clean out snapd changes and snaps before purging - systemd: enrich UnitStatus returned by systemd.Status() with Installed flag - tests: updated restore phase of spread tests - part 1 - gadget: add support for kernel command line provided by the gadget - tests: Using GO111MODULE: "off" in spread.yaml - features: add gate-auto-refresh-hook feature flag - spread: ignore linux kernel upgrade in early stages for arch preparation - tests: use snaps-state commands and remove them from the snaps helper - o/configstate: fix panic with a sequence of config unset ops over same path - api: provide meaningful error message on connect/disconnect for non-installed snap - interfaces/u2f-devices: add HyperFIDO Pro - tests: add simple sanity check for systemctl show --property=UnitFileState for unknown service - tests: use tests.session tool on interfaces-desktop-document- portal test - wrappers: install D-Bus service activation files for snapd session tools on core - many: add x-gvfs-hide option to mount units - interfaces/builtin/gpio_test.go: actually test the generated gpio apparmor - spread: tentative workaround for arch failure caused by libc upgrade and cgroups v2 - tests: add spread test for snap validate against store assertions - tests: remove snaps which are not used in any test - ci: set the accept-existing-contributors parameter for the cla- check action - daemon: introduce apiBaseSuite.(json|sync|async|error)Req (and some apiBaseSuite cosmetics) - o/devicestate/devicemgr: register install-device hook, run if present in install - o/configstate/configcore: simple refactors in preparation for new function - tests: unifying the core20 nested suite with the core nested suite - tests: uboot-unpacked-assets updated to reflect the real path used to find the kernel - daemon: switch api_test.go to daemon_test and various other cleanups - o/configstate/configcore/picfg.go: add hdmi_cvt support - interfaces/apparmor: followup cleanups, comments and tweaks - boot: cmd/snap-bootstrap: handle a candidate recovery system v2 - overlord/snapstate: skip catalog refresh when snappy testing is enabled - overlord/snapstate, overlord/ifacestate: move late security profile removal to ifacestate - snap-seccomp: fix seccomp test on ppc64el - interfaces, interfaces/apparmor, overlord/snapstate: late removal of snap-confine apparmor profiles - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: move time forward using assertion times - tests: reset the system while preparing the test suite - tests: fix snap-advise-command check for 429 - gadget: policy for gadget/kernel refreshes - o/configstate: deal with no longer valid refresh.timer=managed - interfaces/udisks2: allow locking /run/mount/utab for udisks 2.8.4 - cla-check: Use has-signed-canonical-cla GitHub Action - tests: validation sets spread test - tests: simplify the reset.sh logic by removing not needed command - overlord/snapstate: make sure that snapd current symlink is not removed during refresh - tests/core/fsck-on-boot: unmount /run/mnt/snapd directly on uc20 - tests/lib/fde-setup-hook: also verify that fde-reveal-key key data is base64 - o/devicestate: split off ensuring next boot goes to run mode into new task - tests: fix cgroup-tracking test - boot: export helper for clearing tried system state, add tests - cmd/snap: use less aggressive client timeouts in unit tests - daemon: fix signing key validity timestamp in unit tests - o/{device,hook}state: encode fde-setup-request key as base64 string - packaging: drop dh-systemd from build-depends on ubuntu-16.04+ - cmd/snap/pack: unhide the compression option - boot: extend set try recovery system unit tests - cmd/snap-bootstrap: refactor handling of ubuntu-save, do not use secboot's implicit fallback - o/configstate/configcore: add hdmi_timings to pi-config - snapstate: reduce reRefreshRetryTimeout to 1/2 second - interfaces/tee: add TEE/OPTEE interface - o/snapstate: update validation sets assertions with auto-refresh - vendor: update go-tpm2/secboot to latest version - seed: ReadSystemEssentialAndBetterEarliestTime - tests: replace while commands with the retry tool - interfaces/builtin: update unit tests to use proper distro's libexecdir - tests: run the reset.sh helper and check test invariants while the test is restored - daemon: switch preexisting daemon_test tests to apiBaseSuite and .req - boot, o/devicestate: split makeBootable20 into two parts - interfaces/docker-support: add autobind unix rules to docker- support - interfaces/apparmor: allow reading /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail - tests: use retry tool instead a loops - tests/main/uc20-create-partitions: fix tests cleanup - asserts: mode where Database only assumes cur time >= earliest time - daemon: validation sets/api tests cleanup - tests: improve tests self documentation for nested test suite - api: local assertion fallback when it's not in the store - api: validation sets monitor mode - tests: use fs-state tool in interfaces tests - daemon: move out /v2/login|logout and errToResponse tests from api_test.go - boot: helper for inspecting the outcome of a recovery system try - o/configstate, o/snapshotstate: fix handling of nil snap config on snapshot restore - tests: update documentation and checks for interfaces tests - snap-seccomp: add new `close_range` syscall - boot: revert #10009 - gadget: remove `device-tree{,-origin}` from gadget tests - boot: simplify systems test setup - image: write resolved-content from snap prepare-image - boot: reseal the run key for all recovery systems, but recovery keys only for the good ones - interfaces/builtin/network-setup-{control,observe}: allow using netplan directly - tests: improve sections prepare and restore - part 1 - tests: update details on task.yaml files - tests: revert os.query usage in spread.yaml - boot: export bootAssetsMap as AssetsMap - tests/lib/prepare: fix repacking of the UC20 kernel snap for with ubuntu-core-initramfs 40 - client: protect against reading too much data from stdin - tests: improve tests documentation - part 2 - boot: helper for setting up a try recover system - tests: improve tests documentation - part 1 - tests/unit/go: use tests.session wrapper for running tests as a user - tests: improvements for snap-seccomp-syscalls - gadget: simplify filterUpdate (thanks to Maciej) - tests/lib/prepare.sh: use /etc/group and friends from the core20 snap - tests: fix tumbleweed spread tests part 2 - tests: use new commands of os.query tool on tests - o/snapshotstate: create snapshots directory on import - tests/main/lxd/prep-snapd-in-lxd.sh: dump contents of sources.list - packaging: drop 99-snapd.conf via dpkg-maintscript-helper - osutil: add SetTime() w/ 32-bit and 64-bit implementations - interfaces/wayland: rm Xwayland Xauth file access from wayland slot - packaging/ubuntu-16.04/rules: turn modules off explicitly - gadget,devicestate: perform kernel asset update for $kernel: style refs - cmd/recovery: small fix for `snap recovery` tab output - bootloader/lkenv: add recovery systems related variables - tests: fix new tumbleweed image - boot: fix typo, should be systems - o/devicestate: test that users.create.automatic is configured early - asserts: use Fetcher in AddSequenceToUpdate - daemon,o/c/configcore: introduce users.create.automatic - client, o/servicestate: expose enabled state of user daemons - boot: helper for checking and marking tried recovery system status from initramfs - asserts: pool changes for validation-sets (#9930) - daemon: move the last api_foo_test.go to daemon_test - asserts: include the assertion timestamp in error message when outside of signing key validity range - ovelord/snapshotstate: keep a few of the last line tar prints before failing - gadget/many: rm, delay sector size + structure size checks to runtime - cmd/snap-bootstrap/triggerwatch: fix returning wrong errors - interfaces: add allegro-vcu and media-control interfaces - interfaces: opengl: add Xilinx zocl bits - mkversion: check that version from changelog is set before overriding the output version - many: fix new ineffassign warnings - .github/workflows/labeler.yaml: try work-around to not sync labels - cmd/snap, boot: add debug set-boot-vars - interfaces: allow reading the Xauthority file KDE Plasma writes for Wayland sessions - tests/main/snap-repair: test running repair assertion w/ fakestore - tests: disable lxd tests for 21.04 until the lxd images are published for the system - tests/regression/lp-1910456: cleanup the /snap symlink when done - daemon: move single snap querying and ops to api_snaps.go - tests: fix for preseed and dbus tests on 21.04 - overlord/snapshotstate: include the last message printed by tar in the error - interfaces/system-observe: Allow reading /proc/zoneinfo - interfaces: remove apparmor downgrade feature - snap: fix unit tests on Go 1.16 - spread: disable Go modules support in environment - tests: use new path to find kernel.img in uc20 for arm devices - tests: find files before using cat command when checking broadcom- asic-control interface - boot: introduce good recovery systems, provide compatibility handling - overlord: add manager gadget refresh test - tests/lib/fakestore: support repair assertions too - github: temporarily disable action labeler due to issues with labels being removed - o/devicestate,many: introduce DeviceManager.preloadGadget for EarlyConfig - tests: enable ubuntu 21.04 for spread tests - snap: provide a useful error message if gdbserver is not installed - data/selinux: allow system dbus to watch /var/lib/snapd/dbus-1 - tests/lib/prepare.sh: split reflash.sh into two parts - packaging/opensuse: sync with openSUSE packaging - packaging: disable Go modules in snapd.mk - snap: add deprecation noticed to "snap run --gdb" - daemon: add API for checking and installing available theme snaps - tests: using labeler action to add automatically a label to run nested tests - gadget: improve error handling around resolving content sources - asserts: repeat the authority cross-check in CheckSignature as well - interfaces/seccomp/template.go: allow copy_file_range - o/snapstate/check_snap.go: add support for many subversions in assumes snapdX.. - daemon: move postSnap and inst.dispatch tests to api_snaps_test.go - wrappers: use proper paths for mocked mount units in tests - snap: rename gdbserver option to `snap run --gdbserver` - store: support validation sets with fetch-assertions action - snap-confine.apparmor.in: support tmp and log dirs on Yocto/Poky - packaging/fedora: sync with downstream packaging in Fedora - many: add Delegate=true to generated systemd units for special interfaces (master) - boot: use a common helper for mocking boot assets in cache - api: validate snaps against validation set assert from the store - wrappers: don't generate an [Install] section for timer or dbus activated services - tests/nested/core20/boot-config-update: skip when snapd was not built with test features - o/configstate,o/devicestate: introduce devicestate.EarlyConfig implemented by configstate.EarlyConfig - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: fix typo in func name - interfaces/builtin: mock distribution in fontconfig cache unit tests - tests/lib/prepare.sh: add another console= to the reflash magic grub entry - overlord/servicestate: expose dbus activators of a service - desktop/notification: test against a real session bus and notification server implementation - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: write realistic modeenv for recover+install - HACKING.md: explain how to run UC20 spread tests with QEMU - asserts: introduce AtSequence - overlord/devicestate: task for updating boot configs, spread test - gadget: fix documentation/typos - gadget: cleanup MountedFilesystem{Writer,Updater} - gadget: use ResolvedSource in MountedFilesystemWriter - snap/info.go: add doc-comment for SortServices - interfaces: add an optional mount-host-font-cache plug attribute to the desktop interface - osutil: skip TestReadBuildGo inside sbuild - o/hookstate/ctlcmd: add optional --pid and --apparmor-label arguments to "snapctl is-connected" - data/env/snapd: use quoting in case PATH contains spaces - boot: do not observe successful boot assets if not in run mode - tests: fix umount for snapd snap on fsck-on-boot testumount: /run/mnt/ubuntu-seed/systems/*/snaps/snapd_*.snap: no mount - misc: little tweaks - snap/info.go: ignore unknown daemons in SortSnapServices - devicestate: keep log from install-mode on installed system - seed: add LoadEssentialMeta to seed16 and allow all of its implementations to be called multiple times - cmd/snap-preseed: initialize snap.SanitizePlugsSlots for gadget in seeds - tests/core/uc20-recovery: move recover mode helpers to generic testslib script - interfaces/fwupd: allow any distros to access fw files via fwupd - store: method for fetching validation set assertion - store: switch to v2/assertions api - gadget: add new ResolvedContent and populate from LayoutVolume() - spread: use full format when listing processes - osutil/many: make all test pkgs osutil_test instead of "osutil" - tests/unit/go: drop unused environment variables, skip coverage - OpenGL interface: Support more Tegra libs - gadget,overlord: pass kernelRoot to install.Run() - tests: run unit tests in Focal instead of Xenial - interfaces/browser-support: allow sched_setaffinity with browser- sandbox: true - daemon: move query /snaps/ tests to api_snaps_test.go - cmd/snap-repair/runner.go: add SNAP_SYSTEM_MODE to env of repair runner - systemd/systemd.go: support journald JSON messages with arrays for values - cmd: make string/error code more robust against errno leaking - github, run-checks: do not collect coverage data on subsequent test runs - boot: boot config update & reseal - o/snapshotstate: handle conflicts between snapshot forget, export and import - osutil/stat.go: add RegularFileExists - cmd/snapd-generator: don't create mount overrides for snap-try snaps inside lxc - gadget/gadget.go: rename ubuntu-* to system-* in doc-comment - tests: use 6 spread workers for centos8 - bootloader/assets: support injecting bootloader assets in testing builds of snapd - gadget: enable multi-volume uc20 gadgets in LaidOutSystemVolumeFromGadget; rename too - overlord/devicestate, sysconfig: do nothing when cloud-init is not present - cmd/snap-repair: filter repair assertions based on bases + modes - snap-confine: make host /etc/ssl available for snaps on classic * Fri Mar 26 2021 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.49.2 - interfaces/tee: add TEE/OPTEE interface - o/configstate/configcore: add hdmi_timings to pi-config - interfaces/udisks2: allow locking /run/mount/utab for udisks 2.8.4 - snap-seccomp: fix seccomp test on ppc64el - interfaces{,/apparmor}, overlord/snapstate: late removal of snap-confine apparmor profiles - overlord/snapstate, wrappers: add dependency on usr-lib- snapd.mount for services on core with snapd snap - o/configstate: deal with no longer valid refresh.timer=managed - overlord/snapstate: make sure that snapd current symlink is not removed during refresh - packaging: drop dh-systemd from build-depends on ubuntu-16.04+ - o/{device,hook}state: encode fde-setup-request key as base64 - snapstate: reduce reRefreshRetryTimeout to 1/2 second - tests/main/uc20-create-partitions: fix tests cleanup - o/configstate, o/snapshotstate: fix handling of nil snap config on snapshot restore - snap-seccomp: add new `close_range` syscall * Mon Mar 08 2021 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.49.1 - tests: turn modules off explicitly in spread go unti test - o/snapshotstate: create snapshots directory on import - cmd/snap-bootstrap/triggerwatch: fix returning wrong errors - interfaces: add allegro-vcu and media-control interfaces - interfaces: opengl: add Xilinx zocl bits - many: fix new ineffassign warnings - interfaces/seccomp/template.go: allow copy_file_range - interfaces: allow reading the Xauthority file KDE Plasma writes for Wayland sessions - data/selinux: allow system dbus to watch /var/lib/snapd/dbus-1 - Remove apparmor downgrade feature - Support tmp and log dirs on Yocto/Poky * Tue Mar 02 2021 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 2.49-3 - Rebuilt for updated systemd-rpm-macros See https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2583. * Tue Feb 16 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.49-2 - Fix SELinux policy to allow dbus-daemon watch access on /var/lib/snapd/dbus-1 (LP#1915642) * Thu Feb 11 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.49-1 - Release snapd 2.49 to Fedora (RHBZ#1927314) - Include fix for CVE-2020-27352 (RHBZ#1927428, RHBZ#1927432) * Wed Feb 10 2021 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.49 - many: add Delegate=true to generated systemd units for special interfaces - cmd/snap-bootstrap: rename ModeenvFromModel to EphemeralModeenvForModel - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: write realistic modeenv for recover+install - osutil: skip TestReadBuildGo inside sbuild - tests: fix umount for snapd snap on fsck-on-boot test - snap/info_test.go: add unit test cases for bug - tests/main/services-after-before: add regression spread test - snap/info.go: ignore unknown daemons in SortSnapServices - cmd/snap-preseed: initialize snap.SanitizePlugsSlots for gadget in seeds - OpenGL interface: Support more Tegra libs - interfaces/browser-support: allow sched_setaffinity with browser- sandbox: true - cmd: make string/error code more robust against errno leaking - o/snapshotstate: handle conflicts between snapshot forget, export and import - cmd/snapd-generator: don't create mount overrides for snap-try snaps inside lxc - tests: update test pkg for fedora and centos - gadget: pass sector size in to mkfs family of functions, use to select block sz - o/snapshotstate: fix returning of snap names when duplicated snapshot is detected - tests/main/snap-network-errors: skip flushing dns cache on centos-7 - interfaces/builtin: Allow DBus property access on org.freedesktop.Notifications - cgroup-support.c: fix link to CGROUP DELEGATION - osutil: update go-udev package - packaging: fix arch-indep build on debian-sid - {,sec}boot: pass "key-name" to the FDE hooks - asserts: sort by revision with Sort interface - gadget: add gadget.ResolveContentPaths() - cmd/snap-repair: save base snap and mode in device info; other misc cleanups - tests: cleanup the run-checks script - asserts: snapasserts method to validate installed snaps against validation sets - tests: normalize test tools - part 1 - snapshotstate: detect duplicated snapshot imports - interfaces/builtin: fix unit test expecting snap-device-helper at /usr/lib/snapd - tests: apply workaround done for snap-advise-command to apt-hooks test - tests: skip main part of snap-advise test if 429 error is encountered - many: clarify gadget role-usage consistency checks for UC16/18 vs UC20 - sandbox/cgroup, tess/main: fix unit tests on v2 system, disable broken tests on sid - interfaces/builtin: more drive by fixes, import ordering, removing dead code - tests: skip interfaces-openvswitch spread test on debian sid - interfaces/apparmor: drive by comment fix - cmd/libsnap-confine-private/cleanup-funcs-test.c: rm g_autofree usage - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: make unit tests execute happily in a container - interfaces, wrappers: misc comment fixes, etc. - asserts/repair.go: add "bases" and "modes" support to the repair assertion - interfaces/opengl: allow RPi MMAL video decoding - snap: skip help output tests for go-flags v1.4.0 - gadget: add validation for "$kernel:ref" style content - packaging/deb, tests/main/lxd-postrm-purge: fix purge inside containers - spdx: update to SPDX license list version: 3.11 2020-11-25 - tests: improve hotplug test setup on classic - tests: update check to verify is the current system is arm - tests: use os-query tool to check debian, trusty and tumbleweed - daemon: start moving implementation to api_snaps.go - tests/main/snap-validate-basic: disable test on Fedora due to go- flags panics - tests: fix library path used for tests.pkgs - tests/main/cohorts: replace yq with a Python snippet - run-checks: update to match new argument syntax of ineffassign - tests: use apiBaseSuite for snapshots tests, fix import endpoint path - many: separate consistency/content validation into gadget.Validate|Content - o/{device,snap}state: enable devmode snaps with dangerous model assertions secboot: add test for when systemd-run does not honor RuntimeMaxSec - secboot: add workaround for snapcore/core-initrd issue #13 - devicestate: log checkEncryption errors via logger.Noticef - o/daemon: validation sets api and basic spread test - gadget: move BuildPartitionList to install and make it unexported - tests: add nested spread end-to-end test for fde-hooks - devicestate: implement checkFDEFeatures() - boot: tweak resealing with fde-setup hooks - tests: add os query commands for subsystems and architectures - o/snapshotstate: don't set auto flag in the snapshot file - tests: use os.query tool instead of comparing the system var - testutil: use the original environment when calling shellcheck - sysconfig/cloudinit.go: add "manual_cache_clean: true" to cloud- init restrict file - gadget,o/devicestate,tests: drop EffectiveFilesystemLabel and instead set the implicit labels when loading the yaml - secboot: add new LockSealedKeys() that uses either TPM/fde-reveal- key - gadget/quantity: introduce Offset, start using it for offset related fields in the gadget - gadget: use "sealed-keys" to determine what method to use for reseal - tests/main/fake-netplan-apply: disable test on xenial for now - daemon: start splitting snaps op tests out of api_test.go - testutil: make DBusTest use a custom bus configuration file - tests: replace pkgdb.sh (library) with tests.pkgs (program) - gadget: prepare gadget kernel refs (0/N) - interfaces/builtin/docker-support: allow /run/containerd/s/... - cmd/snap-preseed: reset run inhibit locks on --reset. - boot: add sealKeyToModeenvUsingFdeSetupHook() - daemon: reorg snap.go and split out sections and icons support from api.go - sandbox/seccomp: use snap-seccomp's stdout for getting version info - daemon: split find support to its own api_*.go files and move some helpers - tests: move snapstate config defaults tests to a separate file. - bootloader/{lk,lkenv}: followups from #9695 - daemon: actually move APIBaseSuite to daemon_test.apiBaseSuite - gadget,o/devicestate: set implicit values for schema and role directly instead of relying on Effective* accessors - daemon: split aliases support to its own api_*.go files - gadget: start separating rule/convention validation from basic soundness - cmd/snap-update-ns: add better unit test for overname sorting - secboot: use `fde-reveal-key` if available to unseal key - tests: fix lp-1899664 test when snapd_x1 is not installed in the system - tests: fix the scenario when the "$SRC".orig file does not exist - cmd/snap-update-ns: fix sorting of overname mount entries wrt other entries - devicestate: add runFDESetupHook() helper - bootloader/lk: add support for UC20 lk bootloader with V2 lkenv structs - daemon: split unsupported buy implementation to its own api_*.go files - tests: download timeout spread test - gadget,o/devicestate: hybrid 18->20 ready volume setups should be valid - o/devicestate: save model with serial in the device save db - bootloader: add check for prepare-image time and more tests validating options - interfaces/builtin/log_observe.go: allow controlling apparmor audit levels - hookstate: refactor around EphemeralRunHook - cmd/snap: implement 'snap validate' command - secboot,devicestate: add scaffoling for "fde-reveal-key" support - boot: observe successful command line update, provide a default - tests: New queries for the os tools - bootloader/lkenv: specify backup file as arg to NewEnv(), use "" as path+"bak" - osutil/disks: add FindMatchingPartitionUUIDWithPartLabel to Disk iface - daemon: split out snapctl support and snap configuration support to their own api_*.go files - snapshotstate: improve handling of multiple errors - tests: sign new nested-18|20* models to allow for generic serials - bootloader: remove installableBootloader interface and methods - seed: cleanup/drop some no longer valid TODOS, clarify some other points - boot: set kernel command line in modeenv during install - many: rename disks.FindMatching... to FindMatching...WithFsLabel and err type - cmd/snap: suppress a case of spurious stdout logging from tests - hookstate: add new HookManager.EphemeralRunHook() - daemon: move some more api tests from daemon to daemon_test - daemon: split apps and logs endpoints to api_apps.go and tests - interfaces/utf: Add Ledger to U2F devices - seed/seedwriter: consider modes when checking for deps availability - o/devicestate,daemon: fix reboot system action to not require a system label - cmd/snap-repair,store: increase initial retry time intervals, stalling TODOs - daemon: split interfacesCmd to api_interfaces.go - github: run nested suite when commit is pushed to release branch - client: reduce again the /v2/system-info timeout - tests: reset fakestore unit status - update-pot: fix typo in plural keyword spec - tests: remove workarounds that add "ubuntu-save" if missing - tests: add unit test for auto-refresh with validate-snap failure - osutil: add helper for getting the kernel command line - tests/main/uc20-create-partitions: verify ubuntu-save encryption keys, tweak not MATCH - boot: add kernel command lines to the modeenv file - spread: bump delta ref, tweak repacking to make smaller delta archives - bootloader/lkenv: add v2 struct + support using it - snapshotstate: add cleanup of abandonded snapshot imports - tests: fix uc20-create-parition-* tests for updated gadget - daemon: split out /v2/interfaces tests to api_interfaces_test.go - hookstate: implement snapctl fde-setup-{request,result} - wrappers, o/devicestate: remove EnableSnapServices - tests: enable nested on 20.10 - daemon: simplify test helpers Get|PostReq into Req - daemon: move general api to api_general*.go - devicestate: make checkEncryption fde-setup hook aware - client/snapctl, store: fix typos - tests/main/lxd/prep-snapd-in-lxd.sh: wait for valid apt files before doing apt ops - cmd/snap-bootstrap: update model cross-check considerations - client,snapctl: add naive support for "stdin" - many: add new "install-mode: disable" option - osutil/disks: allow building on mac os - data/selinux: update the policy to allow operations on non-tmpfs /tmp - boot: add helper for generating candidate kernel lines for recovery system - wrappers: generate D-Bus service activation files - bootloader/many: rm ConfigFile, add Present for indicating presence of bloader - osutil/disks: allow mocking DiskFromDeviceName - daemon: start cleaning up api tests - packaging/arch: sync with AUR packaging - bootloader: indicate when boot config was updated - tests: Fix snap-debug-bootvars test to make it work on arm devices and core18 - tests/nested/manual/core20-save: verify handling of ubuntu-save with different system variants - snap: use the boot-base for kernel hooks - devicestate: support "storage-safety" defaults during install - bootloader/lkenv: mv v1 to separate file, include/lk/snappy_boot_v1.h: little fixups - interfaces/fpga: add fpga interface - store: download timeout - vendor: update secboot repo to avoid including secboot.test binary - osutil: add KernelCommandLineKeyValue - gadget/gadget.go: allow system-recovery-{image,select} as roles in gadget.yaml - devicestate: implement boot.HasFDESetupHook - osutil/disks: add DiskFromName to get a disk using a udev name - usersession/agent: have session agent connect to the D-Bus session bus - o/servicestate: preserve order of services on snap restart - o/servicestate: unlock state before calling wrappers in doServiceControl - spread: disable unattended-upgrades on ubuntu - tests: testing new fedora 33 image - tests: fix fsck on boot on arm devices - tests: skip boot state test on arm devices - tests: updated the systems to run prepare-image-grub test - interfaces/raw_usb: allow read access to /proc/tty/drivers - tests: unmount /boot/efi in fsck-on-boot test - strutil/shlex,osutil/udev/netlink: minimally import go-check - tests: fix basic20 test on arm devices - seed: make a shared seed system label validation helper - tests/many: enable some uc20 tests, delete old unneeded tests or TODOs - boot/makebootable.go: set snapd_recovery_mode=install at image- build time - tests: migrate test from boot.sh helper to boot-state tool - asserts: implement "storage-safety" in uc20 model assertion - bootloader: use ForGadget when installing boot config - spread: UC20 no longer needs 2GB of mem - cmd/snap-confine: implement snap-device-helper internally - bootloader/grub: replace old reference to Managed...Blr... with Trusted...Blr... - cmd/snap-bootstrap: add readme for snap-bootstrap + real state diagram - interfaces: fix greengrass attr namingThe flavor attribute names are now as follows: - tests/lib/nested: poke the API to get the snap revisions - tests: compare options of mount units created by snapd and snapd- generator - o/snapstate,servicestate: use service-control task for service actions - sandbox: track applications unconditionally - interfaces/greengrass-support: add additional "process" flavor for 1.11 update - cmd/snap-bootstrap, secboot, tests: misc cleanups, add spread test * Tue Feb 2 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.48.2-3 - Explicitly disable go module support during build (RHBZ#1923716) * Wed Jan 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.48.2-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Jan 8 2021 Maciek Borzecki - 2.48.2-1 - Release 2.48.2 to Fedora (RHBZ#1899700) * Tue Dec 15 2020 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.48.2 - tests: sign new nested-18|20* models to allow for generic serials - secboot: add extra paranoia when waiting for that fde-reveal-key - tests: backport netplan workarounds from #9785 - secboot: add workaround for snapcore/core-initrd issue #13 - devicestate: log checkEncryption errors via logger.Noticef - tests: add nested spread end-to-end test for fde-hooks - devicestate: implement checkFDEFeatures() - boot: tweak resealing with fde-setup hooks - sysconfig/cloudinit.go: add "manual_cache_clean: true" to cloud- init restrict file - secboot: add new LockSealedKeys() that uses either TPM or fde-reveal-key - gadget: use "sealed-keys" to determine what method to use for reseal - boot: add sealKeyToModeenvUsingFdeSetupHook() - secboot: use `fde-reveal-key` if available to unseal key - cmd/snap-update-ns: fix sorting of overname mount entries wrt other entries - o/devicestate: save model with serial in the device save db - devicestate: add runFDESetupHook() helper - secboot,devicestate: add scaffoling for "fde-reveal-key" support - hookstate: add new HookManager.EphemeralRunHook() - update-pot: fix typo in plural keyword spec - store,cmd/snap-repair: increase initial expontential time intervals - o/devicestate,daemon: fix reboot system action to not require a system label - github: run nested suite when commit is pushed to release branch - tests: reset fakestore unit status - tests: fix uc20-create-parition-* tests for updated gadget - hookstate: implement snapctl fde-setup-{request,result} - devicestate: make checkEncryption fde-setup hook aware - client,snapctl: add naive support for "stdin" - devicestate: support "storage-safety" defaults during install - snap: use the boot-base for kernel hooks - vendor: update secboot repo to avoid including secboot.test binary * Thu Dec 03 2020 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.48.1 - gadget: disable ubuntu-boot role validation check * Thu Nov 19 2020 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.48 - osutil: add KernelCommandLineKeyValue - devicestate: implement boot.HasFDESetupHook - boot/makebootable.go: set snapd_recovery_mode=install at image- build time - bootloader: use ForGadget when installing boot config - interfaces/raw_usb: allow read access to /proc/tty/drivers - boot: add scaffolding for "fde-setup" hook support for sealing - tests: fix basic20 test on arm devices - seed: make a shared seed system label validation helper - snap: add new "fde-setup" hooktype - cmd/snap-bootstrap, secboot, tests: misc cleanups, add spread test - secboot,cmd/snap-bootstrap: fix degraded mode cases with better device handling - boot,dirs,c/snap-bootstrap: avoid InstallHost* at the cost of some messiness - tests/nested/manual/refresh-revert-fundamentals: temporarily disable secure boot - snap-bootstrap,secboot: call BlockPCRProtectionPolicies in all boot modes - many: address degraded recover mode feedback, cleanups - tests: Use systemd-run on tests part2 - tests: set the opensuse tumbleweed system as manual in spread.yaml - secboot: call BlockPCRProtectionPolicies even if the TPM is disabled - vendor: update to current secboot - cmd/snap-bootstrap,o/devicestate: use a secret to pair data and save - spread.yaml: increase number of workers on 20.10 - snap: add new `snap recovery --show-keys` option - tests: minor test tweaks suggested in the review of 9607 - snapd-generator: set standard snapfuse options when generating units for containers - tests: enable lxd test on ubuntu-core-20 and 16.04-32 - interfaces: share /tmp/.X11-unix/ from host or provider - tests: enable main lxd test on 20.10 - cmd/s-b/initramfs-mounts: refactor recover mode to implement degraded mode - gadget/install: add progress logging - packaging: keep secboot/encrypt_dummy.go in debian - interfaces/udev: use distro specific path to snap-device-helper - o/devistate: fix chaining of tasks related to regular snaps when preseeding - gadget, overlord/devicestate: validate that system supports encrypted data before install - interfaces/fwupd: enforce the confined fwupd to align Ubuntu Core ESP layout - many: add /v2/system-recovery-keys API and client - secboot, many: return UnlockMethod from Unlock* methods for future usage - many: mv keys to ubuntu-boot, move model file, rename keyring prefix for secboot - tests: using systemd-run instead of manually create a systemd unit - part 1 - secboot, cmd/snap-bootstrap: enable or disable activation with recovery key - secboot: refactor Unlock...IfEncrypted to take keyfile + check disks first - secboot: add LockTPMSealedKeys() to lock access to keys independently - gadget: correct sfdisk arguments - bootloader/assets/grub: adjust fwsetup menuentry label - tests: new boot state tool - spread: use the official image for Ubuntu 20.10, no longer an unstable system - tests/lib/nested: enable snapd logging to console for core18 - osutil/disks: re-implement partition searching for disk w/ non- adjacent parts - tests: using the nested-state tool in nested tests - many: seal a fallback object to the recovery boot chain - gadget, gadget/install: move helpers to install package, refactor unit tests - dirs: add "gentoo" to altDirDistros - update-pot: include file locations in translation template, and extract strings from desktop files - gadget/many: drop usage of gpt attr 59 for indicating creation of partitions - gadget/quantity: tweak test name - snap: fix failing unittest for quantity.FormatDuration() - gadget/quantity: introduce a new package that captures quantities - o/devicestate,a/sysdb: make a backup of the device serial to save - tests: fix rare interaction of tests.session and specific tests - features: enable classic-preserves-xdg-runtime-dir - tests/nested/core20/save: check the bind mount and size bump - o/devicetate,dirs: keep device keys in ubuntu-save/save for UC20 - tests: rename hasHooks to hasInterfaceHooks in the ifacestate tests - o/devicestate: unit test tweaks - boot: store the TPM{PolicyAuthKey,LockoutAuth}File in ubuntu-save - testutil, cmd/snap/version: fix misc little errors - overlord/devicestate: bind mount ubuntu-save under /var/lib/snapd/save on startup - gadget/internal: tune ext4 setting for smaller filesystems - tests/nested/core20/save: a test that verifies ubuntu-save is present and set up - tests: update google sru backend to support groovy - o/ifacestate: handle interface hooks when preseeding - tests: re-enable the apt hooks test - interfaces,snap: use correct type: {os,snapd} for test data - secboot: set metadata and keyslots sizes when formatting LUKS2 volumes - tests: improve uc20-create-partitions-reinstall test - client, daemon, cmd/snap: cleanups from #9489 + more unit tests - cmd/snap-bootstrap: mount ubuntu-save during boot if present - secboot: fix doc comment on helper for unlocking volume with key - tests: add spread test for refreshing from an old snapd and core18 - o/snapstate: generate snapd snap wrappers again after restart on refresh - secboot: version bump, unlock volume with key - tests/snap-advise-command: re-enable test - cmd/snap, snapmgr, tests: cleanups after #9418 - interfaces: deny connected x11 plugs access to ICE - daemon,client: write and read a maintenance.json file for when snapd is shut down - many: update to secboot v1 (part 1) - osutil/disks/mockdisk: panic if same mountpoint shows up again with diff opts - tests/nested/core20/gadget,kernel-reseal: add sanity checks to the reseal tests - many: implement snap routine console-conf-start for synchronizing auto-refreshes - dirs, boot: add ubuntu-save directories and related locations - usersession: fix typo in test name - overlord/snapstate: refactor ihibitRefresh - overlord/snapstate: stop warning about inhibited refreshes - cmd/snap: do not hardcode snapshot age value - overlord,usersession: initial notifications of pending refreshes - tests: add a unit test for UpdateMany where a single snap fails - o/snapstate/catalogrefresh.go: don't refresh catalog in install mode uc20 - tests: also check snapst.Current in undo-unlink tests - tests: new nested tool - o/snapstate: implement undo handler for unlink-snap - tests: clean systems.sh helper and migrate last set of tests - tests: moving the lib section from systems.sh helper to os.query tool - tests/uc20-create-partitions: don't check for grub.cfg - packaging: make sure that static binaries are indeed static, fix openSUSE - many: have install return encryption keys for data and save, improve tests - overlord: add link participant for linkage transitions - tests: lxd smoke test - tests: add tests for fsck; cmd/s-b/initramfs-mounts: fsck ubuntu- seed too - tests: moving main suite from systems.sh to os.query tool - tests: moving the core test suite from systems.sh to os.query tool - cmd/snap-confine: mask host's apparmor config - o/snapstate: move setting updated SnapState after error paths - tests: add value to INSTANCE_KEY/regular - spread, tests: tweaks for openSUSE - cmd/snap-confine: update path to snap-device-helper in AppArmor profile - tests: new os.query tool - overlord/snapshotstate/backend: specify tar format for snapshots - tests/nested/manual/minimal-smoke: use 384MB of RAM for nested UC20 - client,daemon,snap: auto-import does not error on managed devices - interfaces: PTP hardware clock interface - tests: use tests.backup tool - many: verify that unit tests work with nosecboot tag and without secboot package - wrappers: do not error out on read-only /etc/dbus-1/session.d filesystem on core18 - snapshots: import of a snapshot set - tests: more output for sbuild test - o/snapstate: re-order remove tasks for individual snap revisions to remove current last - boot: skip some unit tests when running as root - o/assertstate: introduce ValidationTrackingKey/ValidationSetTracking and basic methods - many: allow ignoring running apps for specific request - tests: allow the searching test to fail under load - overlord/snapstate: inhibit startup while unlinked - seed/seedwriter/writer.go: check DevModeConfinement for dangerous features - tests/main/sudo-env: snap bin is available on Fedora - boot, overlord/devicestate: list trusted and managed assets upfront - gadget, gadget/install: support for ubuntu-save, create one during install if needed - spread-shellcheck: temporary workaround for deadlock, drop unnecessary test - snap: support different exit-code in the snap command - logger: use strutil.KernelCommandLineSplit in debugEnabledOnKernelCmdline - logger: fix snapd.debug=1 parsing - overlord: increase refresh postpone limit to 14 days - spread-shellcheck: use single thread pool executor - gadget/install,secboot: add debug messages - spread-shellcheck: speed up spread-shellcheck even more - spread-shellcheck: process paths from arguments in parallel - tests: tweak error from tests.cleanup - spread: remove workaround for openSUSE go issue - o/configstate: create /etc/sysctl.d when applying early config defaults - tests: new tests.backup tool - tests: add tests.cleanup pop sub-command - tests: migration of the main suite to snaps-state tool part 6 - tests: fix journal-state test - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: split off new helper for misc recover files - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: also copy /etc/machine-id for same IP addr - packaging/{ubuntu,debian}: add liblzo2-dev as a dependency for building snapd - boot, gadget, bootloader: observer preserves managed bootloader configs - tests/nested/manual: add uc20 grade signed cloud-init test - o/snapstate/autorefresh.go: eliminate race when launching autorefresh - daemon,snapshotstate: do not return "size" from Import() - daemon: limit reading from snapshot import to Content-Length - many: set/expect Content-Length header when importing snapshots - github: switch from ::set-env command to environment file - tests: migration of the main suite to snaps-state tool part 5 - client: cleanup the Client.raw* and Client.do* method families - tests: moving main suite to snaps-state tool part 4 - client,daemon,snap: use constant for snapshot content-type - many: fix typos and repeated "the" - secboot: fix tpm connection leak when it's not enabled - many: scaffolding for snapshots import API - run-checks: run spread-shellcheck too - interfaces: update network-manager interface to allow ObjectManager access from unconfined clients - tests: move core and regression suites to snaps-state tool - tests: moving interfaces tests to snaps-state tool - gadget: preserve files when indicated by content change observer - tests: moving smoke test suite and some tests from main suite to snaps-state tool - o/snapshotstate: pass set id to backend.Open, update tests - asserts/snapasserts: introduce ValidationSets - o/snapshotstate: improve allocation of new set IDs - boot: look at the gadget for run mode bootloader when making the system bootable - cmd/snap: allow snap help vs --all to diverge purposefully - usersession/userd: separate bus name ownership from defining interfaces - o/snapshotstate: set snapshot set id from its filename - o/snapstate: move remove-related tests to snapstate_remove_test.go - desktop/notification: switch ExpireTimeout to time.Duration - desktop/notification: add unit tests - snap: snap help output refresh - tests/nested/manual/preseed: include a system-usernames snap when preseeding - tests: fix sudo-env test - tests: fix nested core20 shellcheck bug - tests/lib: move to new directory when restoring PWD, cleanup unpacked unpacked snap directories - desktop/notification: add bindings for FDO notifications - dbustest: fix stale comment references - many: move ManagedAssetsBootloader into TrustedAssetsBootloader, drop former - snap-repair: add uc20 support - tests: print all the serial logs for the nested test - o/snapstate/check_snap_test.go: mock osutil.Find{U,G}id to avoid bug in test - cmd/snap/auto-import: stop importing system user assertions from initramfs mnts - osutil/group.go: treat all non-nil errs from user.Lookup{Group,} as Unknown* - asserts: deserialize grouping only once in Pool.AddBatch if needed - gadget: allow content observer to have opinions about a change - tests: new snaps-state command - part1 - o/assertstate: support refreshing any number of snap-declarations - boot: use test helpers - tests/core/snap-debug-bootvars: also check snap_mode - many/apparmor: adjust rules for reading profile/ execing new profiles for new kernel - tests/core/snap-debug-bootvars: spread test for snap debug boot- vars - tests/lib/nested.sh: more little tweaks - tests/nested/manual/grade-signed-above-testkeys-boot: enable kvm - cmd/s-b/initramfs-mounts: use ConfigureTargetSystem for install, recover modes - overlord: explicitly set refresh-app-awareness in tests - kernel: remove "edition" from kernel.yaml and add "update" - spread: drop vendor from the packed project archive - boot: fix debug bootloader variables dump on UC20 systems - wrappers, systemd: allow empty root dir and conditionally do not pass --root to systemctl - tests/nested/manual: add test for grades above signed booting with testkeys - tests/nested: misc robustness fixes - o/assertstate,asserts: use bulk refresh to refresh snap- declarations - tests/lib/prepare.sh: stop patching the uc20 initrd since it has been updated now - tests/nested/manual/refresh-revert-fundamentals: re-enable test - update-pot: ignore .go files inside .git when running xgettext-go - tests: disable part of the lxd test completely on 16.04. - o/snapshotstate: tweak comment regarding snapshot filename - o/snapstate: improve snapshot iteration - bootloader: lk cleanups - tests: update to support nested kvm without reboots on UC20 - tests/nested/manual/preseed: disable system-key check for 20.04 image - spread.yaml: add ubuntu-20.10-64 to qemu - store: handle v2 error when fetching assertions - gadget: resolve device mapper devices for fallback device lookup - tests/nested/cloud-init-many: simplify tests and unify helpers/seed inputs - tests: copy /usr/lib/snapd/info to correct directory - check-pr-title.py * : allow "*" in the first part of the title - many: typos and small test tweak - tests/main/lxd: disable cgroup combination for 16.04 that is failing a lot - tests: make nested signing helpers less confusing - tests: misc nested changes - tests/nested/manual/refresh-revert-fundamentals: disable temporarily - tests/lib/cla_check: default to Python 3, tweaks, formatting - tests/lib/cl_check.py: use python3 compatible code * Mon Oct 12 2020 Maciek Borzecki - 2.47.1-1 - Release 2.47.1 to Fedora (RHBZ#1872528) * Thu Oct 08 2020 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.47.1 - o/configstate: create /etc/sysctl.d when applying early config defaults - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: also copy /etc/machine-id for same IP addr - packaging/{ubuntu,debian}: add liblzo2-dev as a dependency for building snapd - cmd/snap: allow snap help vs --all to diverge purposefully - snap: snap help output refresh * Tue Sep 29 2020 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.47 - tests: fix nested core20 shellcheck bug - many/apparmor: adjust rule for reading apparmor profile for new kernel - snap-repair: add uc20 support - cmd/snap/auto-import: stop importing system user assertions from initramfs mnts - cmd/s-b/initramfs-mounts: use ConfigureTargetSystem for install, recover modes - gadget: resolve device mapper devices for fallback device lookup - secboot: add boot manager profile to pcr protection profile - sysconfig,o/devicestate: mv DisableNoCloud to DisableAfterLocalDatasourcesRun - tests: make gadget-reseal more robust - tests: skip nested images pre-configuration by default - tests: fix for basic20 test running on external backend and rpi - tests: improve kernel reseal test - boot: adjust comments, naming, log success around reseal - tests/nested, fakestore: changes necessary to run nested uc20 signed/secured tests - tests: add nested core20 gadget reseal test - boot/modeenv: track unknown keys in Read and put back into modeenv during Write - interfaces/process-control: add sched_setattr to seccomp - boot: with unasserted kernels reseal if there's a hint modeenv changed - client: bump the default request timeout to 120s - configcore: do not error in console-conf.disable for install mode - boot: streamline bootstate20.go reseal and tests changes - boot: reseal when changing kernel - cmd/snap/model: specify grade in the model command output - tests: simplify repack_snapd_snap_with_deb_content_and_run_mode_first_boot_tweaks - test: improve logging in nested tests - nested: add support to telnet to serial port in nested VM - secboot: use the snapcore/secboot native recovery key type - tests/lib/nested.sh: use more focused cloud-init config for uc20 - tests/lib/nested.sh: wait for the tpm socket to exist - spread.yaml, tests/nested: misc changes - tests: add more checks to disk space awareness spread test - tests: disk space awareness spread test - boot: make MockUC20Device use a model and MockDevice more realistic - boot,many: reseal only when meaningful and necessary - tests/nested/core20/kernel-failover: add test for failed refresh of uc20 kernel - tests: fix nested to work with qemu and kvm - boot: reseal when updating boot assets - tests: fix snap-routime-portal-info test - boot: verify boot chain file in seal and reseal tests - tests: use full path to test-snapd-refresh.version binary - boot: store boot chains during install, helper for checking whether reseal is needed - boot: add call to reseal an existing key - boot: consider boot chains with unrevisioned kernels incomparable - overlord: assorted typos and miscellaneous changes - boot: group SealKeyModelParams by model, improve testing - secboot: adjust parameters to buildPCRProtectionProfile - strutil: add SortedListsUniqueMergefrom the doc comment: - snap/naming: upgrade TODO to TODO:UC20 - secboot: add call to reseal an existing key - boot: in seal.go adjust error message and function names - o/snapstate: check available disk space in RemoveMany - boot: build bootchains data for sealing - tests: remove "set -e" from function only shell libs - o/snapstate: disk space check on UpdateMany - o/snapstate: disk space check with snap update - snap: implement new `snap reboot` command - boot: do not reorder boot assets when generating predictable boot chains and other small tweaks - tests: some fixes and improvements for nested execution - tests/core/uc20-recovery: fix check for at least specific calls to mock-shutdown - boot: be consistent using bootloader.Role* consts instead of strings - boot: helper for generating secboot load chains from a given boot asset sequence - boot: tweak boot chains to support a list of kernel command lines, keep track of model and kernel boot file - boot,secboot: switch to expose and use snapcore/secboot load event trees - tests: use `nested_exec` in core{20,}-early-config test - devicestate: enable cloud-init on uc20 for grade signed and secured - boot: add "rootdir" to baseBootenvSuite and use in tests - tests/lib/cla_check.py: don't allow users.noreply.github.com commits to pass CLA - boot: represent boot chains, helpers for marshalling and equivalence checks - boot: mark successful with boot assets - client, api: handle insufficient space error - o/snapstate: disk space check with single snap install - configcore: "service.console-conf.disable" is gadget defaults only - packaging/opensuse: fix for /usr/libexec on TW, do not hardcode AppArmor profile path - tests: skip udp protocol in nfs-support test on ubuntu-20.10 - packaging/debian-sid: tweak code preparing _build tree - many: move seal code from gadget/install to boot - tests: remove workaround for cups on ubuntu-20.10 - client: implement RebootToSystem - many: seed.Model panics now if called before LoadAssertions - daemon: add /v2/systems "reboot" action API - github: run tests also on push to release branches - interfaces/bluez: let slot access audio streams - seed,c/snap-bootstrap: simplify snap-bootstrap seed reading with new seed.ReadSystemEssential - interfaces: allow snap-update-ns to read /proc/cmdline - tests: new organization for nested tests - o/snapstate, features: add feature flags for disk space awareness - tests: workaround for cups issue on 20.10 where default printer is not configured. - interfaces: update cups-control and add cups for providing snaps - boot: keep track of the original asset when observing updates - tests: simplify and fix tests for disk space checks on snap remove - sysconfig/cloudinit.go: add AllowCloudInit and use GadgetDir for cloud.conf - tests/main: mv core specific tests to core suite - tests/lib/nested.sh: reset the TPM when we create the uc20 vm - devicestate: rename "mockLogger" to "logbuf" - many: introduce ContentChange for tracking gadget content in observers - many: fix partion vs partition typo - bootloader: retrieve boot chains from bootloader - devicestate: add tests around logging in RequestSystemAction - boot: handle canceled update - bootloader: tweak doc comments (thanks Samuele) - seed/seedwriter: test local asserted snaps with UC20 grade signed - sysconfig/cloudinit.go: add DisableNoCloud to CloudInitRestrictOptions - many: use BootFile type in load sequences - boot,bootloader: clarifications after the changes to introduce bootloader.Options.Role - boot,bootloader,gadget: apply new bootloader.Options.Role - o/snapstate, features: add feature flag for disk space check on remove - testutil: add checkers for symbolic link target - many: refactor tpm seal parameter setting - boot/bootstate20: reboot to rollback to previous kernel - boot: add unit test helpers - boot: observe update & rollback of trusted assets - interfaces/utf: Add MIRKey to u2f devices - o/devicestate/devicestate_cloudinit_test.go: test cleanup for uc20 cloud-init tests - many: check that users of BaseTest don't forget to consume cleanups - tests/nested/core20/tpm: verify trusted boot assets tracking - github: run macOS job with Go 1.14 - many: misc doc-comment changes and typo fixes - o/snapstate: disk space check with InstallMany - many: cloud-init cleanups from previous PR's - tests: running tests on opensuse leap 15.2 - run-checks: check for dirty build tree too - vendor: run ./get-deps.sh to update the secboot hash - tests: update listing test for "-dirty" versions - overlord/devicestate: do not release the state lock when updating gadget assets - secboot: read kernel efi image from snap file - snap: add size to the random access file return interface - daemon: correctly parse Content-Type HTTP header. - tests: account for apt-get on core18 - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: compute string outside of loop - mkversion.sh: simple hack to include dirty in version if the tree is dirty - cgroup,snap: track hooks on system bus only - interfaces/systemd: compare dereferenced Service - run-checks: only check files in git for misspelling - osutil: add a package doc comment (via doc.go) - boot: complain about reused asset name during initial install - snapstate: installSize helper that calculates total size of snaps and their prerequisites - snapshots: export of snapshots - boot/initramfs_test.go: reset boot vars on the bootloader for each iteration * Fri Sep 04 2020 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.46.1 - interfaces: allow snap-update-ns to read /proc/cmdline - github: run macOS job with Go 1.14 - o/snapstate, features: add feature flag for disk space check on remove - tests: account for apt-get on core18 - mkversion.sh: include dirty in version if the tree is dirty - interfaces/systemd: compare dereferenced Service - vendor.json: update mysterious secboot SHA again * Tue Aug 25 2020 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.46 - logger: add support for setting snapd.debug=1 on kernel cmdline - o/snapstate: check disk space before creating automatic snapshot on remove - boot, o/devicestate: observe existing recovery bootloader trusted boot assets - many: use transient scope for tracking apps and hooks - features: add HiddenSnapFolder feature flag - tests/lib/nested.sh: fix partition typo, unmount the image on uc20 too - runinhibit: open the lock file in read-only mode in IsLocked - cmd/s-b/initramfs-mounts: make recover -> run mode transition automatic - tests: update spread test for unknown plug/slot with snapctl is- connected - osutil: add OpenExistingLockForReading - kernel: add kernel.Validate() - interfaces: add vcio interface - interfaces/{docker,kubernetes}-support: load overlay and support systemd cgroup driver - tests/lib/nested.sh: use more robust code for finding what loop dev we mounted - cmd/snap-update-ns: detach all bind-mounted file - snap/snapenv: set SNAP_REAL_HOME - packaging: umount /snap on purge in containers - interfaces: misc policy updates xlvi - secboot,cmd/snap-bootstrap: cross-check partitions before unlocking, mounting - boot: copy boot assets cache to new root - gadget,kernel: add new kernel.{Info,Asset} struct and helpers - o/hookstate/ctlcmd: make is-connected check whether the plug or slot exists - tests: find -ignore_readdir_race when scanning cgroups - interfaces/many: deny arbitrary desktop files and misc from /usr/share - tests: use "set -ex" in prep-snapd-in-lxd.sh - tests: re-enable udisks test on debian-sid - cmd/snapd-generator: use PATH fallback if PATH is not set - tests: disable udisks2 test on arch linux - github: use latest/stable go, not latest/edge - tests: remove support for ubuntu 19.10 from spread tests - tests: fix lxd test wrongly tracking 'latest' - secboot: document exported functions - cmd: compile snap gdbserver shim correctly - many: correctly calculate the desktop file prefix everywhere - interfaces: add kernel-crypto-api interface - corecfg: add "system.timezone" setting to the system settings - cmd/snapd-generator: generate drop-in to use fuse in container - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: tweak names, add comments from previous PR - interfaces/many: miscellaneous updates for strict microk8s - secboot,cmd/snap-bootstrap: don't import boot package from secboot - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: call systemd-mount instead of the-tool - tests: work around broken update of systemd-networkd - tests/main/install-fontconfig-cache-gen: enhance test by verifying, add fonts to test - o/devicestate: wrap asset update observer error - boot: refactor such that bootStateUpdate20 mainly carries Modeenv - mkversion.sh: disallow changelog versions that have git in it, if we also have git version - interfaces/many: miscellaneous updates for strict microk8s - snap: fix repeated "cannot list recovery system" and add test - boot: track trusted assets during initial install, assets cache - vendor: update secboot to fix key data validation - tests: unmount FUSE file-systems from XDG runtime dir - overlord/devicestate: workaround non-nil interface with nil struct - sandbox/cgroup: remove temporary workaround for multiple cgroup writers - sandbox/cgroup: detect dangling v2 cgroup - bootloader: add helper for creating a bootloader based on gadget - tests: support different images on nested execution - many: reorg cmd/snapinfo.go into snap and new client/clientutil - packaging/arch: use external linker when building statically - tests: cope with ghost cgroupv2 - tests: fix issues related to restarting systemd-logind.service - boot, o/devicestate: TrustedAssetUpdateObserver stubs, hook up to gadget updates - vendor: update github.com/kr/pretty to fix diffs of values with pointer cycles - boot: move bootloaderKernelState20 impls to separate file - .github/workflows: move snap building to test.yaml as separate cached job - tests/nested/manual/minimal-smoke: run core smoke tests in a VM meeting minimal requirements - osutil: add CommitAs to atomic file - gadget: introduce content update observer - bootloader: introduce TrustedAssetsBootloader, implement for grub - o/snapshotstate: helpers for calculating disk space needed for an automatic snapshot - gadget/install: retrieve command lines from bootloader - boot/bootstate20: unify commit method impls, rm bootState20MarkSuccessful - tests: add system information and image information when debug info is displayed - tests/main/cgroup-tracking: try to collect some information about cgroups - boot: introduce current_boot_assets and current_recovery_boot_assets to modeenv - tests: fix for timing issues on journal-state test - many: remove usage and creation of hijacked pid cgroup - tests: port regression-home-snap-root-owned to tests.session - tests: run as hightest via tests.session - github: run CLA checks on self-hosted workers - github: remove Ubuntu 19.10 from actions workflow - tests: remove End-Of-Life opensuse/fedora releases - tests: remove End-Of-Life releases from spread.yaml - tests: fix debug section of appstream-id test - interfaces: check !b.preseed earlier - tests: work around bug in systemd/debian - boot: add deepEqual, Copy helpers for Modeenv to simplify bootstate20 refactor - cmd: add new "snap recovery" command - interfaces/systemd: use emulation mode when preseeding - interfaces/kmod: don't load kernel modules in kmod backend when preseeding - interfaces/udev: do not reload udevadm rules when preseeding - cmd/snap-preseed: use snapd from the deb if newer than from seeds - boot: fancy marshaller for modeenv values - gadget, osutil: use atomic file copy, adjust tests - overlord: use new tracking cgroup for refresh app awareness - github: do not skip gofmt with Go 1.9/1.10 - many: introduce content write observer, install mode glue, initial seal stubs - daemon,many: switch to use client.ErrorKind and drop the local errorKind... - tests: new parameters for nested execution - client: move all error kinds into errors.go and add doc strings - cmd/snap: display the error in snap debug seeding if seeding is in error - cmd/snap/debug/seeding: use unicode for proper yaml - tests/cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: add test case for empty recovery_mode - osutil/disks: add mock disk and tests for happy path of mock disks - tests: refresh/revert snapd in uc20 - osutil/disks: use a dedicated error to indicate a fs label wasn't found - interfaces/system-key: in WriteSystemKey during tests, don't call ParserFeatures - boot: add current recovery systems to modeenv - bootloader: extend managed assets bootloader interface to compose a candidate command line - interfaces: make the unmarshal test match more the comment - daemon/api: use pointers to time.Time for debug seeding aspect - o/ifacestate: update security profiles in connect undo handler - interfaces: add uinput interface - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: add doSystemdMount + unit tests - o/devicestate: save seeding/preseeding times for use with debug seeding api - cmd/snap/debug: add "snap debug seeding" command for preseeding debugging - tests/main/selinux-clean: workaround SELinux denials triggered by linger setup on Centos8 - bootloader: compose command line with mode and extra arguments - cmd/snap, daemon: detect and bail purge on multi-snap - o/ifacestate: fix bug in snapsWithSecurityProfiles - interfaces/builtin/multipass: replace U+00A0 no-break space with simple space - bootloader/assets: generate bootloader assets from files - many/tests/preseed: reset the preseeded images before preseeding them - tests: drop accidental accents from e - secboot: improve key sealing tests - tests: replace _wait_for_file_change with retry - tests: new fs-state which replaces the files.sh helper - sysconfig/cloudinit_test.go: add test for initramfs case, rm "/" from path - cmd/snap: track started apps and hooks - tests/main/interfaces-pulseaudio: disable start limit checking for pulseaudio service - api: seeding debug api - .github/workflows/snap-build.yaml: build the snapd snap via GH Actions too - tests: moving journalctl.sh to a new journal-state tool - tests/nested/manual: add spread tests for cloud-init vuln - bootloader/assets: helpers for registering per-edition snippets, register snippets for grub - data,packaging,wrappers: extend D-Bus service activation search path - spread: add opensuse 15.2 and tumbleweed for qemu - overlord,o/devicestate: restrict cloud-init on Ubuntu Core - sysconfig/cloudinit: add RestrictCloudInit - cmd/snap-preseed: check that target path exists and is a directory on --reset - tests: check for pids correctly - gadget,gadget/install: refactor partition table update - sysconfig/cloudinit: add CloudInitStatus func + CloudInitState type - interface/fwupd: add more policies for making fwupd upstream strict - tests: new to-one-line tool which replaces the strings.sh helper - interfaces: new helpers to get and compare system key, for use with seeding debug api - osutil, many: add helper for checking whether the process is a go test binary - cmd/snap-seccomp/syscalls: add faccessat2 - tests: adjust xdg-open after launcher changes - tests: new core config helper - usersession/userd: do not modify XDG_DATA_DIRS when calling xdg- open - cmd/snap-preseed: handle relative chroot path - snapshotstate: move sizer to osutil.Sizer() - tests/cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: rm duplicated env ref kernel tests - gadget/install,secboot: use snapcore/secboot luks2 api - boot/initramfs_test.go: add Commentf to more Assert()'s - tests/lib: account for changes in arch package file name extension - bootloader/bootloadertest: fix comment typo - bootloader: add helper for getting recovery system environment variables - tests: preinstall shellcheck and run tests on focal - strutil: add a helper for parsing kernel command line - osutil: add CheckFreeSpace helper - secboot: update tpm connection error handling - packaging, cmd/snap-mgmt, tests: remove modules files on purge - tests: add tests.cleanup helper - packaging: add "ca-certificates" to build-depends - tests: more checks in core20 early config spread test - tests: fix some snapstate tests to use pointers for snapmgrTestSuite - boot: better naming of helpers for obtaining kernel command line - many: use more specific check for unit test mocking - systemd/escape: fix issues with "" and "\t" handling - asserts: small improvements and corrections for sequence-forming assertions' support - boot, bootloader: query kernel command line of run mod and recovery mode systems - snap/validate.go: disallow snap layouts with new top-level directories - tests: allow to add a new label to run nested tests as part of PR validation - tests/core/gadget-update-pc: port to UC20 - tests: improve nested tests flexibility - asserts: integer headers: disallow prefix zeros and make parsing more uniform - asserts: implement Database.FindSequence - asserts: introduce SequenceMemberAfter in the asserts backstores - spread.yaml: remove tests/lib/tools from PATH - overlord: refuse to install snaps whose activatable D-Bus services conflict with installed snaps - tests: shorten lxd-state undo-mount-changes - snap-confine: don't die if a device from sysfs path cannot be found by udev - tests: fix argument handling of apt-state - tests: rename lxd-tool to lxd-state - tests: rename user-tool to user-state, fix --help - interfaces: add gconf interface - sandbox/cgroup: avoid parsing security tags twice - tests: rename version-tool to version-compare - cmd/snap-update-ns: handle anomalies better - tests: fix call to apt.Package.mark_install(auto_inst=True) - tests: rename mountinfo-tool to mountinfo.query - tests: rename memory-tool to memory-observe-do - tests: rename invariant-tool to tests.invariant - tests: rename apt-tool to apt-state - many: managed boot config during run mode setup - asserts: introduce the concept of sequence-forming assertion types - tests: tweak comments/output in uc20-recovery test - tests/lib/pkgdb: do not use quiet when purging debs - interfaces/apparmor: allow snap-specific /run/lock - interfaces: add system-source-code for access to /usr/src - sandbox/cgroup: extend SnapNameFromPid with tracking cgroup data - gadget/install: move udev trigger to gadget/install - many: make nested spread tests more reliable - tests/core/uc20-recovery: apply hack to get gopath in recover mode w/ external backend - tests: enable tests on uc20 which now work with the real model assertion - tests: enable system-snap-refresh test on uc20 - gadget, bootloader: preserve managed boot assets during gadget updates - tests: fix leaked dbus-daemon in selinux-clean - tests: add servicestate.Control tests - tests: fix "restart.service" - wrappers: helper for enabling services - extract and move enabling of services into a helper - tests: new test to validate refresh and revert of kernel and gadget on uc20 - tests/lib/prepare-restore: collect debug info when prepare purge fails - bootloader: allow managed bootloader to update its boot config - tests: Remove unity test from nightly test suite - o/devicestate: set mark-seeded to done in the task itself - tests: add spread test for disconnect undo caused by failing disconnect hook - sandbox/cgroup: allow discovering PIDs of given snap - osutil/disks: support IsDecryptedDevice for mountpoints which are dm devices - osutil: detect autofs mounted in /home - spread.yaml: allow amazon-linux-2-64 qemu with ec2-user/ec2-user - usersession: support additional zoom URL schemes - overlord: mock timings.DurationThreshold in TestNewWithGoodState - sandbox/cgroup: add tracking helpers - tests: detect stray dbus-daemon - overlord: refuse to install snaps providing user daemons on Ubuntu 14.04 - many: move encryption and installer from snap-boostrap to gadget - o/ifacestate: fix connect undo handler - interfaces: optimize rules of multiple connected iio/i2c/spi plugs - bootloader: introduce managed bootloader, implement for grub - tests: fix incorrect check in smoke/remove test - asserts,seed: split handling of essential/not essential model snaps - gadget: fix typo in mounted filesystem updater - gadget: do only one mount point lookup in mounted fs updater - tests/core/snap-auto-mount: try to make the test more robust - tests: adding ubuntu-20.04 to google-sru backend - o/servicestate: add updateSnapstateServices helper - bootloader: pull recovery grub config from internal assets - tests/lib/tools: apply linger workaround when needed - overlord/snapstate: graceful handling of denied "managed" refresh schedule - snapstate: fix autorefresh from classic->strict - overlord/configstate: add system.kernel.printk.console-loglevel option - tests: fix assertion disk handling for nested UC systems - snapstate: use testutil.HostScaledTimeout() in snapstate tests - tests: extra worker for google-nested backend to avoid timeout error on uc20 - snapdtool: helper to check whether the current binary is reexeced from a snap - tests: mock servicestate in api tests to avoid systemctl checks - many: rename back snap.Info.GetType to Type - tests/lib/cla_check: expect explicit commit range - osutil/disks: refactor diskFromMountPointImpl a bit - o/snapstate: service-control task handler - osutil: add disks pkg for associating mountpoints with disks/partitions - gadget,cmd/snap-bootstrap: move partitioning to gadget - seed: fix LoadEssentialMeta when gadget is not loaded - cmd/snap: Debian does not allow $SNAP_MOUNT_DIR/bin in sudo secure_path - asserts: introduce new assertion validation-set - asserts,daemon: add support for "serials" field in system-user assertion - data/sudo: drop a failed sudo secure_path workaround - gadget: mv encodeLabel to osutil/disks.EncodeHexBlkIDFormat - boot, snap-bootstrap: move initramfs-mounts logic to boot pkg - spread.yaml: update secure boot attribute name - interfaces/block_devices: add NVMe subsystem devices, support multipath paths - tests: use the "jq" snap from the edge channel - tests: simplify the tpm test by removing the test-snapd-mokutil snap - boot/bootstate16.go: clean snap_try_* vars when not in Trying status too - tests/main/sudo-env: check snap path under sudo - tests/main/lxd: add test for snaps inside nested lxd containers not working - asserts/internal: expand errors about invalid serialized grouping labels - usersession/userd: add msteams url support - tests/lib/prepare.sh: adjust comment about sgdisk - tests: fix how gadget pc is detected when the snap does not exist and ls fails - tests: move a few more tests to snapstate_update_test.go - tests/main: add spread test for running svc from install hook - tests/lib/prepare: increase the size of the uc16/uc18 partitions - tests/special-home-can-run-classic-snaps: re-enable - workflow: test PR title as part of the static checks again - tests/main/xdg-open-compat: backup and restore original xdg-open - tests: move update-related tests to snapstate_update_test.go - cmd,many: move Version and bits related to snapd tools to snapdtool, merge cmdutil - tests/prepare-restore.sh: reset-failed systemd-journald before restarting - interfaces: misc small interface updates - spread: use find rather than recursive ls, skip mounted snaps - tests/lib/prepare-restore.sh: if we failed to purge snapd deb, ls /var/lib/snapd - tests: enable snap-auto-mount test on core20 - cmd/snap: do not show $PATH warning when executing under sudo on a known distro - asserts/internal: add some iteration benchmarks - sandbox/cgroup: improve pid parsing code - snap: add new `snap run --experimental-gdbserver` option - asserts/internal: limit Grouping size switching to a bitset representationWe don't always use the bit-set representation because: - snap: add an activates-on property to apps for D-Bus activation - dirs: delete unused Cloud var, fix typo - sysconfig/cloudinit: make callers of DisableCloudInit use WritableDefaultsDir - tests: fix classic ubuntu core transition auth - tests: fail in setup_reflash_magic() if there is snapd state left - tests: port interfaces-many-core-provided to tests.session - tests: wait after creating partitions with sfdisk - bootloader: introduce bootloarder assets, import grub.cfg with an edition marker - riscv64: bump timeouts - gadget: drop dead code, hide exports that are not used externally - tests: port 2 uc20 part1 - tests: fix bug waiting for snap command to be ready - tests: move try-related tests to snapstate_try_test.go - tests: add debug for 20.04 prepare failure - travis.yml: removed, all our checks run in GH actions now - tests: clean up up the use of configcoreSuite in the configcore tests - sandbox/cgroup: remove redundant pathOfProcPidCgroup - sandbox/cgroup: add tests for ParsePids - tests: fix the basic20 test for uc20 on external backend - tests: use configcoreSuite in journalSuite and remove some duplicated code - tests: move a few more tests to snapstate_install_test - tests: assorted small patches - dbusutil/dbustest: separate license from package - interfaces/builtin/time-control: allow POSIX clock API - usersession/userd: add "slack" to the white list of URL schemes handled by xdg-open - tests: check that host settings like hostname are settable on core - tests: port xdg-settings test to tests.session - tests: port snap-handle-link test to tests.session - arch: add riscv64 - tests: core20 early defaults spread test - tests: move install tests from snapstate_test.go to snapstate_install_test.go - github: port macOS sanity checks from travis - data/selinux: allow checking /var/cache/app-info - o/devicestate: core20 early config from gadget defaults - tests: autoremove after removing lxd in preseed-lxd test - secboot,cmd/snap-bootstrap: add tpm sealing support to secboot - sandbox/cgroup: move FreezerCgroupDir from dirs.go - tests: update the file used to detect the boot path on uc20 - spread.yaml: show /var/lib/snapd in debug - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: also copy systemd clock + netplan files - snap/naming: add helpers to parse app and hook security tags - tests: modernize retry tool - tests: fix and trim debug section in xdg-open-portal - tests: modernize and use snapd.tool - vendor: update to latest github.com/snapcore/bolt for riscv64 - cmd/snap-confine: add support for libc6-lse - interfaces: miscellaneous policy updates xlv - interfaces/system-packages-doc: fix typo in variable names - tests: port interfaces-calendar-service to tests.session - tests: install/run the lzo test snap too - snap: (small) refactor of `snap download` code for testing/extending - data: fix shellcheck warnings in snapd.sh.in - packaging: disable buildmode=pie for riscv64 - tests: install test-snapd-rsync snap from edge channel - tests: modernize tests.session and port everything using it - tests: add ubuntu 20.10 to spread tests - cmd/snap/remove: mention snap restore/automatic snapshots - dbusutil: move all D-Bus helpers and D-Bus test helpers - wrappers: pass 'disable' flag to StopServices wrapper - osutil: enable riscv64 build - snap/naming: add ParseSecurityTag and friends - tests: port document-portal-activation to session-tool - bootloader: rename test helpers to reflect we are mocking EFI boot locations - tests: disable test of nfs v3 with udp proto on debian-sid - tests: plan to improve the naming and uniformity of utilities - tests: move *-tool tests to their own suite - snap-bootstrap: remove sealed key file on reinstall - bootloader/ubootenv: don't panic with an empty uboot env - systemd: rename actualFsTypeAndMountOptions to hostFsTypeAndMountOptions - daemon: fix filtering of service-control changes for snap.app - tests: spread test for preseeding in lxd container - tests: fix broken snapd.session agent.socket - wrappers: add RestartServices function and ReloadOrRestart to systemd - o/cmdstate: handle ignore flag on exec-command tasks - gadget: make ext4 filesystems with or without metadata checksum - tests: update statx test to run on all LTS releases - configcore: show better error when disabling services - interfaces: add hugepages-control - interfaces-ssh-keys: Support reading /etc/ssh/ssh_config.d/ - tests: run ubuntu-20.04-* tests on all ubuntu-2* releases - tests: skip interfaces-openvswitch for centos 8 in nightly suite - tests: reload systemd --user for root, if present - tests: reload systemd after editing /etc/fstab - tests: add missing dependencies needed for sbuild test on debian - tests: reload systemd after removing pulseaudio - image, tests: core18 early config. - interfaces: add system-packages-doc interface - cmd/snap-preseed, systemd: fix handling of fuse.squashfuse when preseeding - interfaces/fwupd: allow bind mount to /boot on core - tests: improve oom-vitality tests - tests: add fedora 32 to spread.yaml - config: apply vitality-hint immediately when the config changes - tests: port snap-routine-portal-info to session-tool - configcore: add "service.console-conf.disable" config option - tests: port xdg-open to session-tool - tests: port xdg-open-compat to session-tool - tests: port interfaces-desktop-* to session-tool - spread.yaml: apply yaml formatter/linter - tests: port interfaces-wayland to session-tool - o/devicestate: refactor current system handling - snap-mgmt: perform cleanup of user services - snap/snapfile,squashfs: followups from 8729 - boot, many: require mode in modeenv - data/selinux: update policy to allow forked processes to call getpw*() - tests: log stderr from dbus-monitor - packaging: build cmd/snap and cmd/snap-bootstrap with nomanagers tag - snap/squashfs: also symlink snap Install with uc20 seed snap dir layout - interfaces/builtin/desktop: do not mount fonts cache on distros with quirks - data/selinux: allow snapd to remove/create the its socket - testutil/exec.go: set PATH after running shellcheck - tests: silence stderr from dbus-monitor - snap,many: mv Open to snapfile pkg to support add'l options to Container methods - devicestate, sysconfig: revert support for cloud.cfg.d/ in the gadget - github: remove workaround for bug 133 in actions/cache - tests: remove dbus.sh - cmd/snap-preseed: improve mountpoint checks of the preseeded chroot - spread.yaml: add ps aux to debug section - github: run all spread systems in a single go with cached results - test: session-tool cli tweaks - asserts: rest of the Pool API - tests: port interfaces-network-status-classic to session-tool - packaging: remove obsolete 16.10,17.04 symlinks - tests: setup portals before starting user session - o/devicestate: typo fix - interfaces/serial-port: add NXP SC16IS7xx (ttySCX) to allowed devices - cmd/snap/model: support store, system-user-authority keys in --verbose - o/devicestate: raise conflict when requesting system action while seeding - tests: detect signs of crashed snap-confine - tests: sign kernel and gadget to run nested tests using current snapd code - tests: remove gnome-online-accounts we install - tests: fix the issue where all the tests were executed on secboot system - tests: port interfaces-accounts-service to session-tool - interfaces/network-control: bring /var/lib/dhcp from host - image,cmd/snap,tests: add support for store-wide cohort keys - configcore: add nomanagers buildtag for conditional build - tests: port interfaces-password-manager-service to session-tool - o/devicestate: cleanup system actions supported by recover mode - snap-bootstrap: remove create-partitions and update tests - tests: fix nested tests - packaging/arch: update PKGBUILD to match one in AUR - tests: port interfaces-location-control to session-tool - tests: port interfaces-contacts-service to session-tool - state: log task errors in the journal too - o/devicestate: change how current system is reported for different modes - devicestate: do not report "ErrNoState" for seeded up - tests: add a note about broken test sequence - tests: port interfaces-autopilot-introspection to session-tool - tests: port interfaces-dbus to session-tool - packaging: update sid packaging to match 16.04+ - tests: enable degraded test on uc20 - c/snaplock/runinhibit: add run inhibition operations - tests: detect and report root-owned files in /home - tests: reload root's systemd --user after snapd tests - tests: test registration with serial-authority: [generic] - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: copy auth.json and macaroon- key in recover - tests/mount-ns: stop binfmt_misc mount unit - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: use booted kernel partition uuid if available - daemon, tests: indicate system mode, test switching to recovery and back to run - interfaces/desktop: silence more /var/lib/snapd/desktop/icons denials - tests/mount-ns: update to reflect new UEFI boot mode - usersession,tests: clean ups for userd/settings.go and move xdgopenproxy under usersession - tests: disable mount-ns test - tests: test user belongs to systemd-journald, on core20 - tests: run core/snap-set-core-config on uc20 too - tests: remove generated session-agent units - sysconfig: use new _writable_defaults dir to create cloud config - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: cosmetic changes in prep for future work - asserts: make clearer that with label we mean a serialized label - cmd/snap-bootstrap: tweak recovery trigger log messages - asserts: introduce PoolTo - userd: allow setting default-url-scheme-handler - secboot: append uuid to ubuntu-data when decrypting - o/configcore: pass extra options to FileSystemOnlyApply - tests: add dbus-user-session to bionic and reorder package names - boot, bootloader: adjust comments, expand tests - tests: improve debugging of user session agent tests - packaging: add the inhibit directory - many: add core.resiliance.vitality-hint config setting - tests: test adjustments and fixes for recently published images - cmd/snap: coldplug auto-import assertions from all removable devices - secboot,cmd/snap-bootstrap: move initramfs-mounts tpm access to secboot - tests: not fail when boot dir cannot be determined - tests: new directory used to store the cloud images on gce - tests: inject snapd from edge into seeds of the image in manual preseed test - usersession/agent,wrappers: fix races between Shutdown and Serve - tests: add dependency needed for next upgrade of bionic - tests: new test user is used for external backend - cmd/snap: fix the order of positional parameters in help output - tests: don't create root-owned things in ~test - tests/lib/prepare.sh: delete patching of the initrd - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: add sudoers to dirs to copy as well - progress: tweak multibyte label unit test data - o/devicestate,cmd/snap-bootstrap: seal to recover mode cmdline - gadget: fix fallback device lookup for 'mbr' type structures - configcore: only reload journald if systemd is new enough - cmd/snap-boostrap, boot: use /run/mnt/data instead of ubuntu-data - wrappers: allow user mode systemd daemons - progress: fix progress bar with multibyte duration units - tests: fix raciness in pulseaudio test - asserts/internal: introduce Grouping and Groupings - tests: remove user.sh - tests: pair of follow-ups from earlier reviews - overlord/snapstate: warn of refresh/postpone events - configcore,tests: use daemon-reexec to apply watchdog config - c/snap-bootstrap: check mount states via initramfsMountStates - store: implement DownloadAssertions - tests: run smoke test with different bases - tests: port user-mounts test to session-tool - store: handle error-list in fetch-assertions results - tests: port interfaces-audio-playback-record to session-tool - data/completion: add `snap` command completion for zsh - tests/degraded: ignore failure in systemd-vconsole-setup.service - image: stub implementation of image.Prepare for darwin - tests: session-tool --restore -u stops user-$UID.slice - o/ifacestate/handlers.go: fix typo - tests: port pulseaudio test to session-tool - tests: port user-session-env to session-tool - tests: work around journald bug in core16 - tests: add debug to core-persistent-journal test - tests: port selinux-clean to session-tool - tests: port portals test to session-tool, fix portal tests on sid - tests: adding option --no-install-recommends option also when install all the deps - tests: add session-tool --has-systemd-and-dbus - packaging/debian-sid: add gcc-multilib to build deps - osutil: expand FileLock to support shared locks and more - packaging: stop depending on python-docutils - store,asserts,many: support the new action fetch-assertions - tests: port snap-session-agent-* to session-tool - packaging/fedora: disable FIPS compliant crypto for static binaries - tests: fix for preseeding failures * Tue Aug 4 2020 Maciek Borzecki - - Release to Fedora (RHBZ#1861024) - Fix FTBFS in Rawhide (RHBZ#1865496) * Sat Aug 01 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.45.2-3 - Second attempt - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.45.2-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jul 28 2020 Samuele Pedroni - New upstream release, LP: #1875071 - o/ifacestate: fix bug in snapsWithSecurityProfiles - tests/main/selinux-clean: workaround SELinux denials triggered by linger setup on Centos8 * Mon Jul 27 2020 Zygmunt Krynicki - New upstream release, LP: #1875071 - many: backport _writable_defaults dir changes - tests: fix incorrect check in smoke/remove test - cmd/snap-bootstrap,seed: backport of uc20 PRs - tests: avoid exit when nested type var is not defined - cmd/snap-preseed: backport fixes - interfaces: optimize rules of multiple connected iio/i2c/spi plugs - many: cherry-picks for 2.45, gh-action, test fixes - tests/lib: account for changes in arch package file name extension - postrm, snap-mgmt: cleanup modules and other cherry-picks - snap-confine: don't die if a device from sysfs path cannot be found by udev - data/selinux: update policy to allow forked processes to call getpw*() - tests/main/interfaces-time-control: exercise setting time via date - interfaces/builtin/time-control: allow POSIX clock API - usersession/userd: add "slack" to the white list of URL schemes handled by xdg-open * Wed Jul 15 2020 Maciek Borzecki - 2.45.2-1 - release 2.45.2 to Fedora * Fri Jul 10 2020 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.45.2 - SECURITY UPDATE: sandbox escape vulnerability on snapctl xdg-open implementation - usersession/userd/launcher.go: remove XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable modification when calling the system xdg-open. Patch thanks to James Henstridge - packaging/ubuntu-16.04/snapd.postinst: ensure "snap userd" is restarted. Patch thanks to Michael Vogt - CVE-2020-11934 - SECURITY UPDATE: arbitrary code execution vulnerability on core devices with access to physical removable media - devicestate: Disable/restrict cloud-init after seeding. - CVE-2020-11933 * Mon Jun 8 2020 Maciek Borzecki - 2.45.1-1 - Release 2.45.1 to Fedora (RHBZ#1844628) - Drop cherry-picked patches that are part of the release * Fri Jun 05 2020 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.45.1 - data/selinux: allow checking /var/cache/app-info - cmd/snap-confine: add support for libc6-lse - interfaces: miscellanious policy updates xlv - snap-bootstrap: remove sealed key file on reinstall - interfaces-ssh-keys: Support reading /etc/ssh/ssh_config.d/ - gadget: make ext4 filesystems with or without metadata checksum - interfaces/fwupd: allow bind mount to /boot on core - tests: cherry-pick test fixes from master - snap/squashfs: also symlink snap Install with uc20 seed snap dir layout - interfaces/serial-port: add NXP SC16IS7xx (ttySCX) to allowed devices - snap,many: mv Open to snapfile pkg to support add'l options to Container methods - interfaces/builtin/desktop: do not mount fonts cache on distros with quirks - devicestate, sysconfig: revert support for cloud.cfg.d/ in the gadget - data/completion, packaging: cherry-pick zsh completion - state: log task errors in the journal too - devicestate: do not report "ErrNoState" for seeded up - interfaces/desktop: silence more /var/lib/snapd/desktop/icons denials - packaging/fedora: disable FIPS compliant crypto for static binaries - packaging: stop depending on python-docutils * Wed May 20 2020 Maciek Borzecki - 2.45-1 - Release 2.45 to Fedora (RHBZ#1814552) - Cherry pick zsh completion patch - Cherry pick patch disabling fontconfig system cache sharing due to known incompatibilities - Drop sudoers config (RHBZ#1691996) * Tue May 12 2020 Michael Vogt - New upstream release 2.45 - o/devicestate: support doing system action reboots from recover mode - vendor: update to latest secboot - tests: not fail when boot dir cannot be determined - configcore: only reload journald if systemd is new enough - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: append uuid to ubuntu-data when decrypting - tests/lib/prepare.sh: delete patching of the initrd - cmd/snap: coldplug auto-import assertions from all removable devices - cmd/snap: fix the order of positional parameters in help output - c/snap-bootstrap: port mount state mocking to the new style on master - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: add sudoers to dirs to copy as well - o/devicestate,cmd/snap-bootstrap: seal to recover mode cmdline, unlock in recover mode initramfs - progress: tweak multibyte label unit test data - gadget: fix fallback device lookup for 'mbr' type structures - progress: fix progress bar with multibyte duration units - many: use /run/mnt/data over /run/mnt/ubuntu-data for uc20 - many: put the sealed keys in a directory on seed for tidiness - cmd/snap-bootstrap: measure epoch and model before unlocking encrypted data - o/configstate: core config handler for persistent journal - bootloader/uboot: use secondary ubootenv file boot.sel for uc20 - packaging: add "$TAGS" to dh_auto_test for debian packaging - tests: ensure $cache_dir is actually available - secboot,cmd/snap-bootstrap: add model to pcr protection profile - devicestate: do not use snap-boostrap in devicestate to install - tests: fix a typo in nested.sh helper - devicestate: add support for cloud.cfg.d config from the gadget - cmd/snap-bootstrap: cleanups, naming tweaks - testutil: add NewDBusTestConn - snap-bootstrap: lock access to sealed keys - overlord/devicestate: preserve the current model inside ubuntu- boot - interfaces/apparmor: use differently templated policy for non-core bases - seccomp: add get_tls, io_pg* and *time64/*64 variants for existing syscalls - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: mount ubuntu-seed first, other misc changes - o/snapstate: tweak "waiting for restart" message - boot: store model model and grade information in modeenv - interfaces/firewall-control: allow -legacy and -nft for core20 - boot: enable makeBootable20RunMode for EnvRefExtractedKernel bootloaders - boot/bootstate20: add EnvRefExtractedKernelBootloader bootstate20 implementation - daemon: fix error message from `snap remove-user foo` on classic - overlord: have a variant of Mock that can take a state.State - tests: 16.04 and 18.04 now have mediating pulseaudio (again) - seed: clearer errors for missing essential snapd or core snap - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: support EnvRefExtractedKernelBootloader's - gadget, cmd/snap-bootstrap: MBR schema support - image: improve/adjust DownloadSnap doc comment - asserts: introduce ModelGrade.Code - tests: ignore user-12345 slice and service - image,seed/seedwriter: support redirect channel aka default tracks - bootloader: use binary.Read/Write - tests: uc20 nested suite part II - tests/boot: refactor to make it easier for new bootloaderKernelState20 impl - interfaces/openvswitch: support use of ovs-appctl - snap-bootstrap: copy auth data from real ubuntu-data in recovery mode - snap-bootstrap: seal and unseal encryption key using tpm - tests: disable special-home-can-run-classic-snaps due to jenkins repo issue - packaging: fix build on Centos8 to support BUILDTAGS - boot/bootstate20: small changes to bootloaderKernelState20 - cmd/snap: Implement a "snap routine file-access" command - spread.yaml: switch back to latest/candidate for lxd snap - boot/bootstate20: re-factor kernel methods to use new interface for state - spread.yaml,tests/many: use global env var for lxd channel - boot/bootstate20: fix bug in try-kernel cleanup - config: add system.store-certs.[a-zA-Z0-9] support - secboot: key sealing also depends on secure boot enabled - httputil: fix client timeout retry tests - cmd/snap-update-ns: handle EBUSY when unlinking files - cmd/snap/debug/boot-vars: add opts for setting dir and/or uc20 vars - secboot: add tpm support helpers - tests/lib/assertions/developer1-pi-uc20.model: use 20/edge for kernel and gadget - cmd/snap-bootstrap: switch to a 64-byte key for unlocking - tests: preserve size for centos images on spread.yaml - github: partition the github action workflows - run-checks: use consistent "Checking ..." style messages - bootloader: add efi pkg for reading efi variables - data/systemd: do not run snapd.system-shutdown if finalrd is available - overlord: update tests to work with latest go - cmd/snap: do not hide debug boot-vars on core - cmd/snap-bootstrap: no error when not input devices are found - snap-bootstrap: fix partition numbering in create-partitions - httputil/client_test.go: add two TLS version tests - tests: ignore user@12345.service hierarchy - bootloader, gadget, cmd/snap-bootstrap: misc cosmetic things - tests: rewrite timeserver-control test - tests: fix racy pulseaudio tests - many: fix loading apparmor profiles on Ubuntu 20.04 with ZFS - tests: update snap-preseed --reset logic to accommodate for 2.44 change - cmd/snap: don't wait for system key when stopping - sandbox/cgroup: avoid making arrays we don't use - osutil: mock proc/self/mountinfo properly everywhere - selinux: export MockIsEnforcing; systemd: use in tests - tests: add 32 bit machine to GH actions - tests/session-tool: kill cron session, if any - asserts: it should be possible to omit many snap-ids if allowed, fix - boot: cleanup more things, simplify code - github: skip spread jobs when corresponding label is set - dirs: don't depend on osutil anymore, mv apparmor vars to apparmor pkg - tests/session-tool: add session-tool --dump - github: allow cached debian downloads to restore - tests/session-tool: session ordering is non-deterministic - tests: enable unit tests on debian-sid again - github: move spread to self-hosted workers - secboot: import secboot on ubuntu, provide dummy on !ubuntu - overlord/devicestate: support for recover and run modes - snap/naming: add validator for snap security tag - interfaces: add case for rootWritableOverlay + NFS - tests/main/uc20-create-partitions: tweaks, renames, switch to 20.04 - github: port CLA check to Github Actions - interfaces/many: miscellaneous policy updates xliv - configcore,tests: fix setting watchdog options on UC18/20 - tests/session-tool: collect information about services on startup - tests/main/uc20-snap-recovery: unbreak, rename to uc20-create- partitions - state: add state.CopyState() helper - tests/session-tool: stop anacron.service in prepare - interfaces: don't use the owner modifier for files shared via document portal - systemd: move the doc comments to the interface so they are visible - cmd/snap-recovery-chooser: tweaks - interfaces/docker-support: add overlayfs file access - packaging: use debian/not-installed to ignore snap-preseed - travis.yml: disable unit tests on travis - store: start splitting store.go and store_test.go into subtopic files - tests/session-tool: stop cron/anacron from meddling - github: disable fail-fast as spread cannot be interrupted - github: move static checks and spread over - tests: skip "/etc/machine-id" in "writablepaths" test - snap-bootstrap: store encrypted partition recovery key - httputil: increase testRetryStrategy max timelimit to 5s - tests/session-tool: kill leaking closing session - interfaces: allow raw access to USB printers - tests/session-tool: reset failed session-tool units - httputil: increase httpclient timeout in TestRetryRequestTimeoutHandling - usersession: extend timerange in TestExitOnIdle - client: increase timeout in client tests to 100ms - many: disentagle release and snapdenv from sandbox/* - boot: simplify modeenv mocking to always write a modeenv - snap-bootstrap: expand data partition on install - o/configstate: add backlight option for core config - cmd/snap-recovery-chooser: add recovery chooser - features: enable robust mount ns updates - snap: improve TestWaitRecovers test - sandbox/cgroup: add ProcessPathInTrackingCgroup - interfaces/policy: fix comment in recent new test - tests: make session tool way more robust - interfaces/seccomp: allow passing an address to setgroups - o/configcore: introduce core config handlers (3/N) - interfaces: updates to login-session-observe, network-manager and modem-manager interfaces - interfaces/policy/policy_test.go: add more tests'allow- installation: false' and we grant based on interface attributes - packaging: detect/disable broken seed in the postinst - cmd/snap-confine/mount-support-nvidia.c: add libnvoptix as nvidia library - tests: remove google-tpm backend from spread.yaml - tests: install dependencies with apt using --no-install-recommends - usersession/userd: add zoommtg url support - snap-bootstrap: fix disk layout sanity check - snap: add `snap debug state --is-seeded` helper - devicestate: generate warning if seeding fails - config, features: move and rename config.GetFeatureFlag helper to features.Flag - boot, overlord/devicestate, daemon: implement requesting boot into a given recovery system - xdgopenproxy: forward requests to the desktop portal - many: support immediate reboot - store: search v2 tweaks - tests: fix cross build tests when installing dependencies - daemon: make POST /v2/systems/