## START: Set by rpmautospec ## (rpmautospec version 0.3.0) %define autorelease(e:s:pb:n) %{?-p:0.}%{lua: release_number = 2; base_release_number = tonumber(rpm.expand("%{?-b*}%{!?-b:1}")); print(release_number + base_release_number - 1); }%{?-e:.%{-e*}}%{?-s:.%{-s*}}%{!?-n:%{?dist}} ## END: Set by rpmautospec %global with_debug 1 %if 0%{?with_debug} %global _find_debuginfo_dwz_opts %{nil} %global _dwz_low_mem_die_limit 0 %else %global debug_package %{nil} %endif %global provider github %global provider_tld com %global project containers %global repo %{name} # https://github.com/containers/%%{name} %global import_path %{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project}/%{repo} %global git0 https://%{import_path} # dnsname %global repo_plugins dnsname # https://github.com/containers/dnsname %global import_path_plugins %{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project}/%{repo_plugins} %global git_plugins https://%{import_path_plugins} %global commit_plugins 18822f9a4fb35d1349eb256f4cd2bfd372474d84 # gvproxy %global repo_gvproxy gvisor-tap-vsock # https://github.com/containers/gvisor-tap-vsock %global import_path_gvproxy %%{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project}/%{repo_gvproxy} %global git_gvproxy https://%{import_path_gvproxy} %global commit_gvproxy aab0ac9367fc5142f5857c36ac2352bcb3c60ab7 %global built_tag v4.4.0-rc2 %global built_tag_strip %(b=%{built_tag}; echo ${b:1}) %global gen_version %(b=%{built_tag_strip}; echo ${b/-/"~"}) Name: podman Epoch: 4 Version: %{gen_version} License: ASL 2.0 and BSD and ISC and MIT and MPLv2.0 Release: %autorelease ExclusiveArch: %{golang_arches} Summary: Manage Pods, Containers and Container Images URL: https://%{name}.io/ # All SourceN files fetched from upstream Source0: %{git0}/archive/%{built_tag}.tar.gz Source1: %{git_plugins}/archive/%{commit_plugins}/%{repo_plugins}-%{commit_plugins}.tar.gz Source2: %{git_gvproxy}/archive/%{commit_gvproxy}/%{repo_gvproxy}-%{commit_gvproxy}.tar.gz Provides: %{name}-manpages = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} BuildRequires: go-md2man BuildRequires: btrfs-progs-devel BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: glib2-devel BuildRequires: glibc-devel BuildRequires: glibc-static BuildRequires: golang BuildRequires: git-core BuildRequires: go-rpm-macros BuildRequires: gpgme-devel BuildRequires: libassuan-devel BuildRequires: libgpg-error-devel BuildRequires: libseccomp-devel BuildRequires: libselinux-devel BuildRequires: shadow-utils-subid-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: ostree-devel BuildRequires: systemd BuildRequires: systemd-devel Requires: catatonit Requires: conmon >= 2:2.0.30-2 %if 0%{?fedora} > 37 Requires: containers-common-extra >= 4:1-78 %else %if 0%{?fedora} == 37 Requires: containers-common-extra >= 4:1-73 %else Requires: containers-common-extra >= 4:1-62 %endif %endif Recommends: %{name}-gvproxy = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} # vendored libraries # awk '{print "Provides: bundled(golang("$1")) = "$2}' go.mod | sort | uniq | sed -e 's/-/_/g' -e '/bundled(golang())/d' -e '/bundled(golang(go\|module\|replace\|require))/d' Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/Azure/go_ansiterm)) = v0.0.0_20210617225240_d185dfc1b5a1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/BurntSushi/toml)) = v1.2.1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/Microsoft/go_winio)) = v0.6.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim)) = v0.9.6 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/VividCortex/ewma)) = v1.2.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/acarl005/stripansi)) = v0.0.0_20180116102854_5a71ef0e047d Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/blang/semver/v4)) = v4.0.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/buger/goterm)) = v1.0.4 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/checkpoint_restore/checkpointctl)) = v0.0.0_20220321135231_33f4a66335f0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/checkpoint_restore/go_criu/v6)) = v6.3.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/chzyer/readline)) = v1.5.1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/container_orchestrated_devices/container_device_interface)) = v0.5.3 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Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/proglottis/gpgme)) = v0.1.3 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/rivo/uniseg)) = v0.2.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/rootless_containers/rootlesskit)) = v1.1.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/seccomp/libseccomp_golang)) = v0.10.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/sigstore/sigstore)) = v1.5.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/sirupsen/logrus)) = v1.9.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/spf13/cobra)) = v1.6.1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/spf13/pflag)) = v1.0.5 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/stefanberger/go_pkcs11uri)) = v0.0.0_20201008174630_78d3cae3a980 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/stretchr/testify)) = v1.8.1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/sylabs/sif/v2)) = v2.9.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/syndtr/gocapability)) = v0.0.0_20200815063812_42c35b437635 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/tchap/go_patricia)) = v2.3.0+incompatible Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/theupdateframework/go_tuf)) = v0.5.2_0.20221207161717_9cb61d6e65f5 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/titanous/rocacheck)) = v0.0.0_20171023193734_afe73141d399 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/uber/jaeger_client_go)) = v2.30.0+incompatible Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/ulikunitz/xz)) = v0.5.11 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/vbatts/tar_split)) = v0.11.2 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/vbauerster/mpb/v7)) = v7.5.3 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/vishvananda/netlink)) = v1.1.1_0.20220115184804_dd687eb2f2d4 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/vishvananda/netns)) = v0.0.0_20210104183010_2eb08e3e575f Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonpointer)) = v0.0.0_20190905194746_02993c407bfb Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonreference)) = v0.0.0_20180127040603_bd5ef7bd5415 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonschema)) = v1.2.0 Provides: bundled(golang(sigs.k8s.io/yaml)) = v1.3.0 %description %{name} (Pod Manager) is a fully featured container engine that is a simple daemonless tool. %{name} provides a Docker-CLI comparable command line that eases the transition from other container engines and allows the management of pods, containers and images. Simply put: alias docker=%{name}. Most %{name} commands can be run as a regular user, without requiring additional privileges. %{name} uses Buildah(1) internally to create container images. Both tools share image (not container) storage, hence each can use or manipulate images (but not containers) created by the other. %{summary} %{repo} Simple management tool for pods, containers and images %package docker Summary: Emulate Docker CLI using %{name} BuildArch: noarch Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Conflicts: docker Conflicts: docker-latest Conflicts: docker-ce Conflicts: docker-ee Conflicts: moby-engine %description docker This package installs a script named docker that emulates the Docker CLI by executes %{name} commands, it also creates links between all Docker CLI man pages and %{name}. %package tests Summary: Tests for %{name} Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Requires: bats Requires: jq Requires: skopeo Requires: nmap-ncat Requires: httpd-tools Requires: openssl Requires: socat Requires: buildah Requires: gnupg %description tests %{summary} This package contains system tests for %{name} %package remote Summary: (Experimental) Remote client for managing %{name} containers %description remote Remote client for managing %{name} containers. This experimental remote client is under heavy development. Please do not run %{name}-remote in production. %{name}-remote uses the version 2 API to connect to a %{name} client to manage pods, containers and container images. %{name}-remote supports ssh connections as well. %package plugins Summary: Plugins for %{name} Requires: dnsmasq Recommends: %{name}-gvproxy = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} %description plugins This plugin sets up the use of dnsmasq on a given CNI network so that Pods can resolve each other by name. When configured, the pod and its IP address are added to a network specific hosts file that dnsmasq will read in. Similarly, when a pod is removed from the network, it will remove the entry from the hosts file. Each CNI network will have its own dnsmasq instance. %package gvproxy Summary: Go replacement for libslirp and VPNKit %description gvproxy A replacement for libslirp and VPNKit, written in pure Go. It is based on the network stack of gVisor. Compared to libslirp, gvisor-tap-vsock brings a configurable DNS server and dynamic port forwarding. %package quadlet Summary: Easily create systemd services using %{name} Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Conflicts: quadlet %description quadlet This package installs a systemd generator for *.container files in /etc/containers/systemd. Such files are automatically converted into systemd service units, allowing easily written and maintained podman-based system services. %prep %autosetup -Sgit -n %{name}-%{built_tag_strip} sed -i 's;@@PODMAN@@\;$(BINDIR);@@PODMAN@@\;%{_bindir};' Makefile # untar dnsname tar zxf %{SOURCE1} # untar %%{name}-gvproxy tar zxf %{SOURCE2} %build %set_build_flags export CGO_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS # These extra flags present in $CFLAGS have been skipped for now as they break the build CGO_CFLAGS=$(echo $CGO_CFLAGS | sed 's/-flto=auto//g') CGO_CFLAGS=$(echo $CGO_CFLAGS | sed 's/-Wp,D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS//g') CGO_CFLAGS=$(echo $CGO_CFLAGS | sed 's/-specs=\/usr\/lib\/rpm\/redhat\/redhat-annobin-cc1//g') %ifarch x86_64 export CGO_CFLAGS+=" -m64 -mtune=generic -fcf-protection=full" %endif export GO111MODULE=off export GOPATH=$(pwd)/_build:$(pwd) mkdir _build cd _build mkdir -p src/%{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project} ln -s ../../../../ src/%{import_path} cd .. ln -s vendor src # build date. FIXME: Makefile uses '/v2/libpod', that doesn't work here? LDFLAGS="-X %{import_path}/libpod/define.buildInfo=$(date +%s)" # build rootlessport first %gobuild -o bin/rootlessport %{import_path}/cmd/rootlessport export BASEBUILDTAGS="seccomp exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper $(hack/selinux_tag.sh) $(hack/systemd_tag.sh) $(hack/libsubid_tag.sh)" # build %%{name} export BUILDTAGS="$BASEBUILDTAGS $(hack/btrfs_installed_tag.sh) $(hack/btrfs_tag.sh) $(hack/libdm_tag.sh)" %gobuild -o bin/%{name} %{import_path}/cmd/%{name} # build %%{name}-remote export BUILDTAGS="$BASEBUILDTAGS exclude_graphdriver_btrfs btrfs_noversion remote" %gobuild -o bin/%{name}-remote %{import_path}/cmd/%{name} # build quadlet export BUILDTAGS="$BASEBUILDTAGS $(hack/btrfs_installed_tag.sh) $(hack/btrfs_tag.sh)" %gobuild -o bin/quadlet %{import_path}/cmd/quadlet cd %{repo_plugins}-%{commit_plugins} mkdir _build cd _build mkdir -p src/%{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project} ln -s ../../../../ src/%{import_path_plugins} cd .. ln -s vendor src export GOPATH=$(pwd)/_build:$(pwd) %gobuild -o bin/dnsname %{import_path_plugins}/plugins/meta/dnsname cd .. cd %{repo_gvproxy}-%{commit_gvproxy} mkdir _build cd _build mkdir -p src/%{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project} ln -s ../../../../ src/%{import_path_gvproxy} cd .. ln -s vendor src export GOPATH=$(pwd)/_build:$(pwd) %gobuild -o bin/gvproxy %{import_path_gvproxy}/cmd/gvproxy cd .. %{__make} docs docker-docs %install install -dp %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} PODMAN_VERSION=%{version} %{__make} PREFIX=%{buildroot}%{_prefix} ETCDIR=%{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir} \ install.bin \ install.man \ install.systemd \ install.completions \ install.docker \ install.docker-docs \ install.remote \ %if 0%{?fedora} >= 36 install.modules-load %endif # install dnsname plugin cd %{repo_plugins}-%{commit_plugins} %{__make} PREFIX=%{_prefix} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install cd .. # install gvproxy cd %{repo_gvproxy}-%{commit_gvproxy} install -dp %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name} install -p -m0755 bin/gvproxy %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name} cd .. # do not include docker and podman-remote man pages in main package for file in `find %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man[15] -type f | sed "s,%{buildroot},," | grep -v -e remote -e docker`; do echo "$file*" >> podman.file-list done rm -f %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man5/docker*.5 install -d -p %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/%{name}/test/system cp -pav test/system %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/%{name}/test/ #define license tag if not already defined %{!?_licensedir:%global license %doc} # PACKIT PACKIT PACKIT PACKIT PACKIT PACKIT PACKIT PACKIT PACKIT PACKIT # These files will be installed by unreleased versions of %%{name} and upstream is # not comfy with a patch using packit's fix-spec-files action so let's remove the file here. # The packager will need to revisit this section on every upstream release. # See: https://github.com/containers/podman/pull/15457#discussion_r955423853 rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/user-tmpfiles.d/%{name}-docker.conf %files -f %{name}.file-list %license LICENSE %doc README.md CONTRIBUTING.md install.md transfer.md %{_bindir}/%{name} %dir %{_libexecdir}/%{name} %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/rootlessport %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/%{name} # By "owning" the site-functions dir, we don't need to Require zsh %dir %{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions %{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions/_%{name} %dir %{_datadir}/fish/vendor_completions.d %{_datadir}/fish/vendor_completions.d/%{name}.fish %{_unitdir}/%{name}* %{_userunitdir}/%{name}* %{_tmpfilesdir}/%{name}.conf %if 0%{?fedora} >= 36 %{_modulesloaddir}/%{name}-iptables.conf %endif %files docker %{_bindir}/docker %{_mandir}/man1/docker*.1* %{_tmpfilesdir}/%{name}-docker.conf %files remote %license LICENSE %{_bindir}/%{name}-remote %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-remote*.* %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/%{name}-remote %dir %{_datadir}/fish/vendor_completions.d %{_datadir}/fish/vendor_completions.d/%{name}-remote.fish %dir %{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions %{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions/_%{name}-remote %files tests %license LICENSE %{_datadir}/%{name}/test %files plugins %license %{repo_plugins}-%{commit_plugins}/LICENSE %doc %{repo_plugins}-%{commit_plugins}/{README.md,README_PODMAN.md} %dir %{_libexecdir}/cni %{_libexecdir}/cni/dnsname %files gvproxy %license %{repo_gvproxy}-%{commit_gvproxy}/LICENSE %doc %{repo_gvproxy}-%{commit_gvproxy}/README.md %dir %{_libexecdir}/%{name} %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/gvproxy %files quadlet %license LICENSE %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/quadlet %{_systemdgeneratordir}/%{name}-system-generator %{_systemdusergeneratordir}/%{name}-user-generator %changelog * Thu Jan 19 2023 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.4.0~rc2-2 - bump gvproxy to 0.5.0 * Wed Jan 18 2023 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.4.0~rc2-1 - bump to v4.4.0-rc2 * Mon Jan 16 2023 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.4.0~rc1-3 - update bundled golang provides * Mon Jan 16 2023 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.4.0~rc1-2 - add quadlet subpackage * Mon Jan 16 2023 RH Container Bot 4:4.4.0~rc1-1 - auto bump to v4.4.0-rc1 * Fri Nov 11 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.3.1-1 - bump to v4.3.1 * Thu Oct 20 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.3.0-2 - fix sdnotify gating test (merged upstream) * Wed Oct 19 2022 RH Container Bot 4:4.3.0-1 - auto bump to v4.3.0 * Fri Oct 07 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.3.0~rc1-5 - Revert "auto bump to v4.3.0-rc1" * Fri Oct 07 2022 RH Container Bot 4:4.3.0~rc1-4 - auto bump to v4.3.0-rc1 * Fri Oct 07 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.3.0~rc1-3 - update bundled provides * Fri Oct 07 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.3.0~rc1-2 - Remove debbuild macros and depend on containers-common-extra * Tue Sep 27 2022 RH Container Bot 4:4.3.0~rc1-1 - auto bump to v4.3.0-rc1 * Wed Sep 07 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.1-2 - use correct tarball * Wed Sep 07 2022 RH Container Bot 4:4.2.1-1 - auto bump to v4.2.1 * Mon Sep 05 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0-11 - update license for debbuild * Fri Aug 26 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0-10 - Packit: remove files installed by unreleased versions * Wed Aug 24 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0-9 - use tmpfilesdir macro * Wed Aug 24 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0-8 - account for upcoming /usr/lib/user-tmpfiles.d/podman-docker.conf in podman-docker * Wed Aug 24 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0-7 - account for upcoming tmpfilesdir/podman-docker.conf * Mon Aug 22 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0-6 - install systemd units for debbuild * Fri Aug 19 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0-5 - Attempt to fix debian 11 and ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 * Wed Aug 17 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0-4 - use easier tag macros to make both fedora and debbuild happy * Tue Aug 16 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0-3 - Fix debbuild maintainer issue * Thu Aug 11 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0-2 - fix tarball_tag * Thu Aug 11 2022 RH Container Bot 4:4.2.0-1 - auto bump to v4.2.0 * Fri Aug 05 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0~rc3-2 - fix tarball_tag macro * Fri Aug 05 2022 RH Container Bot 4:4.2.0~rc3-1 - auto bump to v4.2.0-rc3 * Wed Aug 03 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0~rc2-1 - Bump to v4.2.0-rc2 * Fri Jul 22 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.1.1-3 - bump for 4.1.1 rebuild * Fri Jul 22 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.1.1-2 - bump for 4.1.1 rebuild * Fri Jul 22 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.1.1-1 - Revert "Bump back to v4.2.0-rc1 with Epoch bump maintained" * Fri Jul 22 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.2.0~rc1-1 - Bump back to v4.2.0-rc1 with Epoch bump maintained * Fri Jul 22 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 4:4.1.1-1 - revert to v4.1.1 with Epoch bump for golang CVE fixes * Fri Jul 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering 3:4.2.0~rc1-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jul 19 2022 Maxwell G 3:4.2.0~rc1-3 - Rebuild for CVE-2022-{1705,32148,30631,30633,28131,30635,30632,30630,1962} in golang * Mon Jul 11 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.2.0~rc1-2 - tmp fix to unblock build such that debbuild works too * Mon Jul 11 2022 RH Container Bot 3:4.2.0~rc1-1 - auto bump to v4.2.0-rc1 * Wed Jul 06 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.1.1-4 - podman requires podman-gvproxy * Wed Jul 06 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.1.1-3 - Explicitly list tmpfiles dir for debbuild * Sat Jun 18 2022 Robert-André Mauchin 3:4.1.1-2 - Rebuilt for CVE-2022-1996, CVE-2022-24675, CVE-2022-28327, CVE-2022-27191, CVE-2022-29526, CVE-2022-30629 * Wed Jun 15 2022 RH Container Bot 3:4.1.1-1 - auto bump to v4.1.1 * Mon Jun 06 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.1.0-9 - try autochangelog * Mon May 30 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.1.0-7 - Revert last 2 commits * Mon May 30 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.1.0-6 - remove commented changelog entry * Mon May 30 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.1.0-5 - try autochangelog * Mon May 30 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.1.0-4 - Resolves: #2090108 - catatonit should be a full dependency * Fri May 27 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.1.0-3 - build deb packages using debbuild * Fri May 06 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.1.0-1 - bump to v4.1.0 * Wed May 04 2022 RH Container Bot 3:4.1.0~rc2-1 - auto bump to v4.1.0-rc2 * Thu Apr 28 2022 RH Container Bot 3:4.1.0~rc1-1 - auto bump to v4.1.0-rc1 * Tue Apr 26 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.3-3 - Revert "try autochangelog" * Tue Apr 26 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.3-2 - try autochangelog * Fri Apr 01 2022 RH Container Bot 3:4.0.3-1 - auto bump to v4.0.3 * Tue Mar 29 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.2-5 - update placeholder changelog * Wed Mar 09 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.2-4 - adjust conditionals for centos 8 * Wed Mar 09 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.2-3 - go-rpm-macros not defined for rhel8 * Thu Mar 03 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.2-1 - bump to v4.0.2 * Fri Feb 25 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.1-2 - add checks for centos to account for rhcontainerbot/podman4 copr * Fri Feb 25 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.1-1 - bump to v4.0.1, add iptables modules for fedora >= 36 * Mon Feb 21 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-22 - add patch to fix version * Thu Feb 17 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-21 - add placeholder changelog entry until autospec bz2051542 is fixed * Thu Feb 17 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-20 - remove unwanted conditionals and scriptlets * Thu Feb 17 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-19 - remove conditional epoch - probably messes with autospec * Thu Feb 17 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-18 - bump to v4.0.0 * Fri Feb 11 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-17 - podman-3:4.0.0-0.7.rc5 - bump to v4.0.0-rc5 * Thu Feb 10 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-16 - podman-3:4.0.0-0.6.rc4 - shadow-utils-subid soname change (update changelog in spec file) * Thu Feb 10 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-15 - rebuild to be ahead of f36 * Thu Feb 10 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-14 - account for latest shadow-utils-subid * Fri Feb 04 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-13 - bump to v4.0.0-rc4, adjust dependencies * Mon Jan 31 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-12 - podman-3:4.0.0-0.4.rc3 - fix license, conditionals and update provides * Mon Jan 31 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar - remove unused packages, update provides and fix license * Mon Jan 31 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-9 - podman-3:4.0.0-0.3.rc3 - bump to v4.0.0-rc3 * Mon Jan 31 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-8 - Revert last 4 commits * Fri Jan 28 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-7 - remove conditional gobuild macro definition * Fri Jan 28 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-6 - bump to v4.0.0-rc3, bump containers-common dep * Tue Jan 25 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-5 - use updated install targets for upcoming rc * Mon Jan 24 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-4 - account for md2man in c9s for copr builds * Fri Jan 21 2022 RH Container Bot 3:4.0.0-3 - podman-3:4.0.0-0.2.rc2 * Wed Jan 19 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:4.0.0-2 - fix v4.0.0-rc1 build - got rid of machine-cni - fixed install.systemd target * Mon Jan 10 2022 RH Container Bot 3:4.0.0-1 - podman-3:4.0.0-0.1.rc1 * Wed Dec 08 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.4.4-1 - podman-3:3.4.4-1 * Tue Dec 07 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.4.3-1 - podman-3:3.4.3-1 * Fri Nov 12 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.4.2-1 - podman-3:3.4.2-1 * Fri Nov 12 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.1-4 - bump gvisor-tap-vsock to v0.3.0 * Thu Nov 11 2021 Ed Santiago 3:3.4.1-3 - podman-tests now Requires: gnupg due to https://github.com/containers/podman/pull/12270 * Wed Oct 20 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.1-2 - gating-test.patch merged upstream * Wed Oct 20 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.4.1-1 - podman-3:3.4.1-1 * Tue Oct 05 2021 Stephen Gallagher 3:3.4.0-20 - Drop i686 support for RHEL >= 9 * Mon Oct 04 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.0-19 - podman-3:3.4.0-3 - Gating tests: fix permissions error * Fri Oct 01 2021 Timm Bäder 3:3.4.0-18 - Remove hardcoded CFLAGS * Thu Sep 30 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.4.0-17 - podman-3:3.4.0-1 * Tue Sep 28 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.0-16 - centos conditionals no longer needed * Mon Sep 27 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.0-15 - podman-3:3.4.0-0.11.rc2 - bump containers-common dep * Fri Sep 24 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.0-14 - podman-3:3.4.0-0.10.rc2 - build with libsubid buildtag * Fri Sep 24 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.0-13 - podman-3:3.4.0-0.9.rc2 - depend on shadow-utils-subid for f35 and higher * Fri Sep 24 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.0-12 - podman-3:3.4.0-0.8.rc2 - bump release to stay ahead of older fedora * Fri Sep 24 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.0-11 - shadow-utils-subid-devel only for f35 and higher * Fri Sep 24 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.4.0-10 - podman-3:3.4.0-0.7.rc2 * Fri Sep 24 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.0-9 - Revert "require shadow-utils-subid" * Fri Sep 24 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.0-8 - require shadow-utils-subid * Thu Sep 23 2021 Daniel J Walsh 3:3.4.0-7 - Add shadow-utils-subid-devel requirement * Thu Sep 23 2021 Daniel J Walsh 3:3.4.0-6 - rm -f /var/lib/containers/storage/libpod/defaultCNINetExists in post * Wed Sep 22 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.0-5 - podman-3:3.4.0-0.4.rc1 - bump conmon requirement for remote gating tests * Wed Sep 22 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.0-4 - podman-3:3.4.0-0.3.rc1 - Requires: conmon >= 2:2.0.30 for remote gating tests * Tue Sep 21 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.4.0-3 - podman-3:3.4.0-0.2.rc1 - rebuild for podman-remote gating tests * Thu Sep 16 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.4.0-1 - podman-3:3.4.0-0.1.rc1 * Wed Sep 15 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.1-4 - update dnsname and machine-cni to latest upstream tags * Tue Aug 31 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.1-2 - podman-3:3.3.1-2 - bump release to be on par with f35 * Mon Aug 30 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.1-1 - podman-3:3.3.1-1 * Fri Aug 27 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-39 - podman-3:3.3.0-2 - update gvproxy binary name * Fri Aug 20 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-38 - podman-3:3.3.0-1 * Tue Aug 17 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-37 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.28.rc3 * Mon Aug 16 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-36 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.27.rc2 - Bump to v3.3.0-rc2 - Include podman-gvproxy subpackage which provides /usr/libexecdir/podman/podman-gvproxy * Thu Aug 12 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-35 - use %%global instead of %%define * Tue Aug 03 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-34 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.26.rc1 - Bump to v3.3.0-rc1 * Mon Aug 02 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-33 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.25.dev.gitd32e566 - Resolves: #1983596, #1987739 - Security fix for CVE-2021-34558 * Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering 3:3.3.0-32 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Jul 16 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-31 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.23.dev.gitd32e566 - Resolves: #1969264, #1982881 - Security fix for CVE-2021-3602 * Wed Jul 14 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-30 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.22.dev.git599b7d7 - rebuild with gating.yaml changes * Tue Jul 06 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-28 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.21.dev.git599b7d7 - rebuild for openQA * Tue Jun 29 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-26 - update dep on containers-common * Tue Jun 29 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-25 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.20.dev.git599b7d7 - remove /etc/sysconfdir/cni/net.d/87-podman-bridge.conflist - bodhi will not be ignored for this one so cut us some slack ;) * Thu Jun 24 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-24 - update min containers-common * Thu Jun 24 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-23 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.19.dev.gitfc34f35 - autobuilt fc34f35 * Wed Jun 23 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-22 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.18.dev.gitd3afc6b - autobuilt d3afc6b * Tue Jun 22 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-21 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.17.dev.gitbe15e69 - autobuilt be15e69 * Mon Jun 21 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-20 - add podman-restart unitfiles * Mon Jun 21 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-19 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.16.dev.git18bf92f - autobuilt 18bf92f * Mon Jun 21 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-18 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.15.dev.git928687e - autobuilt 928687e * Sun Jun 20 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-17 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.14.dev.gitd8cd205 - autobuilt d8cd205 * Sat Jun 19 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-16 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.13.dev.git48db8d9 - autobuilt 48db8d9 * Fri Jun 18 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-15 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.12.dev.gitce04a3e - autobuilt ce04a3e * Thu Jun 17 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-14 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.11.dev.git814a8b6 - autobuilt 814a8b6 * Wed Jun 16 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-13 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.10.dev.git092b2ec - autobuilt 092b2ec * Tue Jun 15 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-12 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.9.dev.gite2f51ee - autobuilt e2f51ee * Mon Jun 14 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-11 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.8.dev.gite549ca5 - BR: go-rpm-macros to re-enable debuginfo * Sun Jun 13 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-10 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.7.dev.gite549ca5 - autobuilt e549ca5 * Sat Jun 12 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-9 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.6.dev.git45dc3d6 - autobuilt 45dc3d6 * Fri Jun 11 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-8 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.5.dev.gited983c9 - autobuilt ed983c9 * Thu Jun 10 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-7 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.4.dev.gitea39735 - autobuilt ea39735 * Wed Jun 09 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-6 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.3.dev.gitda1bade - autobuilt da1bade * Tue Jun 08 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-4 - disable debuginfo for rawhide * Tue Jun 08 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-3 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.2.dev.git9a3a732 - include podman-machine-cni in podman-plugins subpackage * Tue Jun 08 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.3.0-2 - include podman-machine-cni in podman-plugins subpackage * Tue Jun 08 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.3.0-1 - podman-3:3.3.0-0.1.dev.git9a3a732 - bump to 3.3.0 - autobuilt 9a3a732 * Tue May 18 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.2.0-12 - podman-3:3.2.0-0.27.dev.git353f04b - disable debuginfo temporarily to get a successful build past gating issues * Tue May 18 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.2.0-11 - podman-3:3.2.0-0.26.dev.git353f04b - autobuilt 353f04b * Tue May 18 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.2.0-10 - podman-3:3.2.0-0.25.dev.gita7fa0da - use containers-common >= 4:1-19 with container-selinux 2.162.1 * Tue May 18 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.2.0-8 - podman-3:3.2.0-0.24.dev.gita7fa0da - autobuilt a7fa0da * Mon May 17 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.2.0-7 - podman-3:3.2.0-0.23.dev.gita6a3df0 - autobuilt a6a3df0 * Sun May 16 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.2.0-6 - podman-3:3.2.0-0.22.dev.git90a12ac - autobuilt 90a12ac * Sat May 15 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.2.0-5 - podman-3:3.2.0-0.21.dev.git2b0b971 - autobuilt 2b0b971 * Thu May 13 2021 Daniel J Walsh 3:3.2.0-4 - Add suggests qemu-user-static * Thu May 13 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.2.0-3 - podman-3:3.2.0-0.19.dev.git4dc52f6 - autobuilt 4dc52f6 * Wed May 12 2021 RH Container Bot 3:3.2.0-2 - podman-3:3.2.0-0.18.dev.git59dd357 - autobuilt 59dd357 * Tue May 11 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 3:3.2.0-1 - podman-3:3.2.0-0.17.dev.git57b6425 - bump epoch to account for bad v3.2.0-rc1 in stable * Tue May 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-16 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.16.dev.git57b6425 - autobuilt 57b6425 * Sun May 09 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-15 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.15.dev.git54bed10 - autobuilt 54bed10 * Sat May 08 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-14 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.14.dev.git141d3f1 - autobuilt 141d3f1 * Fri May 07 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-13 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.13.dev.git5616887 - autobuilt 5616887 * Fri May 07 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-12 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.12.dev.gitb533fcb - autobuilt b533fcb * Thu May 06 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-11 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.11.dev.git8cc96bd - autobuilt 8cc96bd * Thu May 06 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-10 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.10.dev.gitb6405c1 - autobuilt b6405c1 * Mon May 03 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-9 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.9.dev.git697ec8f - autobuilt 697ec8f * Wed Apr 28 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-8 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.8.dev.git4ca34fc - autobuilt 4ca34fc * Wed Apr 28 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-7 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.7.dev.git99e5a76 - autobuilt 99e5a76 * Tue Apr 27 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-6 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.6.dev.git3148e01 - autobuilt 3148e01 * Mon Apr 26 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-5 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.5.dev.git476c76f - autobuilt 476c76f * Tue Apr 20 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-4 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.4.dev.gitcf2c3a1 - autobuilt cf2c3a1 * Fri Apr 16 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.2.0-3 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.3.dev.git35b62ef - slirp4netns and fuse-overlayfs deps are in containers-common * Thu Apr 15 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.2.0-2 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.2.dev.git373f15f - container-selinux and crun dependencies moved to containers-common * Thu Apr 15 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.2.0-1 - podman-2:3.2.0-0.1.dev.git373f15f - bump to 3.2.0 - autobuilt 373f15f * Mon Apr 05 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.1.0-105 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.102.dev.git259004f - adjust dependencies * Mon Mar 29 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.1.0-104 - fix build issues on 32-bit * Mon Mar 29 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-103 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.101.dev.git259004f - autobuilt 259004f * Thu Mar 25 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.1.0-102 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.100.dev.gitdf1d561 - bump crun requirement * Mon Mar 22 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-101 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.99.dev.gitdf1d561 - autobuilt df1d561 * Mon Mar 15 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-100 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.98.dev.gite7dc592 - autobuilt e7dc592 * Fri Mar 12 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-99 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.97.dev.gitfc02d16 - autobuilt fc02d16 * Fri Mar 12 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-98 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.96.dev.git5b22ddd - autobuilt 5b22ddd * Thu Mar 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-97 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.95.dev.git81737b3 - autobuilt 81737b3 * Thu Mar 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-96 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.94.dev.git8d33bfa - autobuilt 8d33bfa * Wed Mar 10 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-95 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.93.dev.gite2d35e5 - autobuilt e2d35e5 * Wed Mar 10 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-94 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.92.dev.git786757f - autobuilt 786757f * Wed Mar 10 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-93 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.91.dev.git5331096 - autobuilt 5331096 * Wed Mar 10 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-92 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.90.dev.git1ac2fb7 - autobuilt 1ac2fb7 * Tue Mar 09 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-91 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.89.dev.git09473d4 - autobuilt 09473d4 * Tue Mar 09 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-90 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.88.dev.git66ac942 - autobuilt 66ac942 * Tue Mar 09 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-89 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.87.dev.git36ec835 - autobuilt 36ec835 * Mon Mar 08 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-88 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.86.dev.git789d579 - autobuilt 789d579 * Mon Mar 08 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-87 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.85.dev.gitff46d13 - autobuilt ff46d13 * Mon Mar 08 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-86 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.84.dev.gitba36d79 - autobuilt ba36d79 * Mon Mar 08 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-85 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.83.dev.gitb386d23 - autobuilt b386d23 * Mon Mar 08 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-84 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.82.dev.git1e1035c - autobuilt 1e1035c * Mon Mar 08 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-83 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.81.dev.gitb6079bc - autobuilt b6079bc * Mon Mar 08 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-82 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.80.dev.git6fe634c - autobuilt 6fe634c * Mon Mar 08 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-81 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.79.dev.git7c09752 - autobuilt 7c09752 * Sun Mar 07 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-80 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.78.dev.gitb7c00f2 - autobuilt b7c00f2 * Sat Mar 06 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-79 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.77.dev.gita9fcd9d - autobuilt a9fcd9d * Sat Mar 06 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-78 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.76.dev.git77a597a - autobuilt 77a597a * Fri Mar 05 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-77 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.75.dev.git2a78157 - autobuilt 2a78157 * Fri Mar 05 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-76 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.74.dev.git44e6d20 - autobuilt 44e6d20 * Fri Mar 05 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-75 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.73.dev.git0bac30d - autobuilt 0bac30d * Fri Mar 05 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-74 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.72.dev.gitc6cefa5 - autobuilt c6cefa5 * Fri Mar 05 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-73 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.71.dev.git05080a1 - autobuilt 05080a1 * Thu Mar 04 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.1.0-72 - add macros for autobuilding on non-rawhide * Thu Mar 04 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-71 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.70.dev.git4e5cc6a - autobuilt 4e5cc6a * Thu Mar 04 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-70 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.69.dev.gite65bcc1 - autobuilt e65bcc1 * Thu Mar 04 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-69 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.68.dev.git7a92de4 - autobuilt 7a92de4 * Thu Mar 04 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-68 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.67.dev.git87a78c0 - autobuilt 87a78c0 * Thu Mar 04 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-67 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.66.dev.git17cacea - autobuilt 17cacea * Thu Mar 04 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.1.0-66 - install.docker-docs-nobuild Makefile target added upstream * Wed Mar 03 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.1.0-65 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.65.dev.git87e2056 - built 87e2056 * Tue Mar 02 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-64 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.64.dev.git426178a - autobuilt 426178a * Tue Mar 02 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-63 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.63.dev.gitc726732 - autobuilt c726732 * Tue Mar 02 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-62 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.62.dev.git7497dcb - autobuilt 7497dcb * Mon Mar 01 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-61 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.61.dev.git8af6680 - autobuilt 8af6680 * Mon Mar 01 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-60 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.60.dev.git73044b2 - autobuilt 73044b2 * Mon Mar 01 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-59 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.59.dev.git8daa014 - autobuilt 8daa014 * Mon Mar 01 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-58 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.58.dev.gitb5827d8 - autobuilt b5827d8 * Mon Mar 01 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-57 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.57.dev.gitb154c51 - autobuilt b154c51 * Sat Feb 27 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-56 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.56.dev.git9600ea6 - autobuilt 9600ea6 * Fri Feb 26 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-55 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.55.dev.git397aae3 - autobuilt 397aae3 * Fri Feb 26 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-54 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.54.dev.git05410e8 - autobuilt 05410e8 * Thu Feb 25 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-53 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.53.dev.gitbde1d3f - autobuilt bde1d3f * Thu Feb 25 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-52 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.52.dev.gitb220d6c - autobuilt b220d6c * Thu Feb 25 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-51 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.51.dev.git9ec8106 - autobuilt 9ec8106 * Thu Feb 25 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-50 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.50.dev.git79e8032 - autobuilt 79e8032 * Wed Feb 24 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-49 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.49.dev.git25d8195 - autobuilt 25d8195 * Wed Feb 24 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-48 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.48.dev.gitdec06b1 - autobuilt dec06b1 * Wed Feb 24 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-47 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.47.dev.git49fa19d - autobuilt 49fa19d * Tue Feb 23 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-46 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.46.dev.gitca0af71 - autobuilt ca0af71 * Tue Feb 23 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-45 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.45.dev.git4dfcd58 - autobuilt 4dfcd58 * Tue Feb 23 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-44 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.44.dev.git1702cbc - autobuilt 1702cbc * Tue Feb 23 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-43 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.43.dev.git96fc9d9 - autobuilt 96fc9d9 * Mon Feb 22 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-42 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.42.dev.gitd999328 - autobuilt d999328 * Mon Feb 22 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-41 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.41.dev.gitc69decc - autobuilt c69decc * Mon Feb 22 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-40 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.40.dev.gita6e7d19 - autobuilt a6e7d19 * Mon Feb 22 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-39 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.39.dev.gitf8ff172 - autobuilt f8ff172 * Mon Feb 22 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-38 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.38.dev.gitcb3af5b - autobuilt cb3af5b * Mon Feb 22 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-37 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.37.dev.git6fbf73e - autobuilt 6fbf73e * Mon Feb 22 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-36 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.36.dev.git10d52c0 - autobuilt 10d52c0 * Mon Feb 22 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-35 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.35.dev.gitd92b946 - autobuilt d92b946 * Sun Feb 21 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-34 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.34.dev.git4a6582b - autobuilt 4a6582b * Sun Feb 21 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-33 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.33.dev.git7b52654 - autobuilt 7b52654 * Fri Feb 19 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-32 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.32.dev.git4aaaa6c - autobuilt 4aaaa6c * Fri Feb 19 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-31 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.31.dev.gitb6db60e - autobuilt b6db60e * Fri Feb 19 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-30 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.30.dev.git6a9257a - autobuilt 6a9257a * Thu Feb 18 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-29 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.29.dev.git1c6c94d - autobuilt 1c6c94d * Thu Feb 18 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-28 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.28.dev.gitb2bb05d - autobuilt b2bb05d * Thu Feb 18 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-27 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.27.dev.gitc3419d2 - autobuilt c3419d2 * Wed Feb 17 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-26 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.26.dev.gitd48f4a0 - autobuilt d48f4a0 * Wed Feb 17 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-25 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.25.dev.git516dc6d - autobuilt 516dc6d * Wed Feb 17 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-24 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.24.dev.git2e522ff - autobuilt 2e522ff * Wed Feb 17 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-23 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.23.dev.gitd55d80a - autobuilt d55d80a * Tue Feb 16 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-22 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.22.dev.git5004212 - autobuilt 5004212 * Tue Feb 16 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-21 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.21.dev.git7fb347a - autobuilt 7fb347a * Tue Feb 16 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-20 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.20.dev.git58a4793 - autobuilt 58a4793 * Tue Feb 16 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-19 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.19.dev.gitaadb16d - autobuilt aadb16d * Tue Feb 16 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-18 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.18.dev.git8c444e6 - autobuilt 8c444e6 * Tue Feb 16 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-17 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.17.dev.gitac9a048 - autobuilt ac9a048 * Tue Feb 16 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-16 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.16.dev.gitdf8ba7f - autobuilt df8ba7f * Mon Feb 15 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-15 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.15.dev.git30607d7 - autobuilt 30607d7 * Sat Feb 13 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-14 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.14.dev.git3ba0afd - autobuilt 3ba0afd * Sat Feb 13 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-13 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.13.dev.git9d57aa7 - autobuilt 9d57aa7 * Fri Feb 12 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-12 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.12.dev.git87b2722 - autobuilt 87b2722 * Fri Feb 12 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-11 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.11.dev.git1d15ed7 - autobuilt 1d15ed7 * Fri Feb 12 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-10 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.10.dev.git73cf06a - autobuilt 73cf06a * Fri Feb 12 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-9 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.9.dev.git291f596 - autobuilt 291f596 * Thu Feb 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-8 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.8.dev.git1b284a2 - autobuilt 1b284a2 * Thu Feb 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-7 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.7.dev.gitb38b143 - autobuilt b38b143 * Thu Feb 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-6 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.6.dev.gita500d93 - autobuilt a500d93 * Thu Feb 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-5 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.5.dev.gitafe4ce6 - autobuilt afe4ce6 * Thu Feb 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-4 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.4.dev.gitca354f1 - autobuilt ca354f1 * Thu Feb 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-3 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.3.dev.gitdb64865 - autobuilt db64865 * Wed Feb 10 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-2 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.2.dev.git4d604c1 - autobuilt 4d604c1 * Wed Feb 10 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.1.0-1 - podman-2:3.1.0-0.1.dev.git88ab83d - bump to 3.1.0 - autobuilt 88ab83d * Wed Feb 10 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-219 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.213.dev.gitb4ca924 - autobuilt b4ca924 * Wed Feb 10 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-218 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.212.dev.git629a979 - autobuilt 629a979 * Wed Feb 10 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-217 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.211.dev.git055e2dd - autobuilt 055e2dd * Wed Feb 10 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-216 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.210.dev.git2d829ae - autobuilt 2d829ae * Tue Feb 09 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-215 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.209.dev.git8600c3b - autobuilt 8600c3b * Tue Feb 09 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-214 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.208.dev.git763d522 - autobuilt 763d522 * Tue Feb 09 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-213 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.207.dev.gitf98605e - autobuilt f98605e * Tue Feb 09 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-212 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.206.dev.git9da4169 - autobuilt 9da4169 * Mon Feb 08 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-211 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.205.dev.git19507d0 - autobuilt 19507d0 * Wed Feb 03 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-210 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.204.dev.gita086f60 - autobuilt a086f60 * Wed Feb 03 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-209 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.203.dev.git9742165 - autobuilt 9742165 * Tue Feb 02 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-208 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.202.dev.gitd1e0afd - autobuilt d1e0afd * Tue Feb 02 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-207 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.201.dev.gitaab8a93 - autobuilt aab8a93 * Tue Feb 02 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-206 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.200.dev.git628b0d7 - autobuilt 628b0d7 * Tue Feb 02 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-205 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.199.dev.gitd66a18c - autobuilt d66a18c * Tue Feb 02 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-204 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.198.dev.git828279d - autobuilt 828279d * Tue Feb 02 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-203 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.197.dev.git2314af7 - autobuilt 2314af7 * Tue Feb 02 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-202 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.196.dev.git52575db - autobuilt 52575db * Mon Feb 01 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-201 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.195.dev.git48a0e00 - autobuilt 48a0e00 * Mon Feb 01 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-200 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.194.dev.git182e841 - autobuilt 182e841 * Mon Feb 01 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-199 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.193.dev.git2018334 - autobuilt 2018334 * Mon Feb 01 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-198 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.192.dev.gitb045c17 - autobuilt b045c17 * Mon Feb 01 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-197 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.191.dev.git4ead806 - autobuilt 4ead806 * Sat Jan 30 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-196 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.190.dev.git735b16e - autobuilt 735b16e * Fri Jan 29 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-195 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.189.dev.git2686e40 - autobuilt 2686e40 * Fri Jan 29 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-194 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.188.dev.gitf3a7bc1 - autobuilt f3a7bc1 * Fri Jan 29 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-193 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.187.dev.git4ee66c2 - autobuilt 4ee66c2 * Thu Jan 28 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-192 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.186.dev.git0c6a889 - autobuilt 0c6a889 * Thu Jan 28 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-191 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.185.dev.git2ee034c - autobuilt 2ee034c * Thu Jan 28 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-190 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.184.dev.gitfb653c4 - autobuilt fb653c4 * Wed Jan 27 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-189 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.183.dev.git9d59daa - autobuilt 9d59daa * Wed Jan 27 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-188 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.182.dev.git14cc4aa - autobuilt 14cc4aa * Wed Jan 27 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-187 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.181.dev.git1814fa2 - autobuilt 1814fa2 * Wed Jan 27 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-186 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.180.dev.git2ff4da9 - autobuilt 2ff4da9 * Wed Jan 27 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-185 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.179.dev.git179b9d1 - autobuilt 179b9d1 * Wed Jan 27 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-184 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.178.dev.git2102e26 - autobuilt 2102e26 * Wed Jan 27 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-183 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.177.dev.gitc3b3984 - autobuilt c3b3984 * Tue Jan 26 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-182 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.176.dev.git5d44446 - autobuilt 5d44446 * Tue Jan 26 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-181 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.175.dev.gitad1e0bb - autobuilt ad1e0bb * Tue Jan 26 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-180 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.174.dev.gitf13385e - autobuilt f13385e * Tue Jan 26 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-179 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.173.dev.gitefcd48b - autobuilt efcd48b * Tue Jan 26 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-178 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.172.dev.gite5e447d - autobuilt e5e447d * Tue Jan 26 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-177 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.171.dev.git79565d1 - autobuilt 79565d1 * Mon Jan 25 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-176 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.170.dev.git6ba8819 - autobuilt 6ba8819 * Mon Jan 25 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-175 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.169.dev.git63cef43 - autobuilt 63cef43 * Mon Jan 25 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-174 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.168.dev.git23b879d - autobuilt 23b879d * Mon Jan 25 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-173 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.167.dev.gitf4e8572 - autobuilt f4e8572 * Mon Jan 25 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-172 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.166.dev.gitb4b7838 - autobuilt b4b7838 * Sun Jan 24 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-171 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.165.dev.git479fc22 - autobuilt 479fc22 * Sat Jan 23 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-170 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.164.dev.git3f5af4e - autobuilt 3f5af4e * Sat Jan 23 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-169 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.163.dev.git6cef7c7 - autobuilt 6cef7c7 * Fri Jan 22 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-168 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.162.dev.git474ba4c - autobuilt 474ba4c * Fri Jan 22 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-167 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.161.dev.git47616fe - autobuilt 47616fe * Thu Jan 21 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-166 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.160.dev.git6fd83de - autobuilt 6fd83de * Thu Jan 21 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-165 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.159.dev.git3ba1a8d - autobuilt 3ba1a8d * Thu Jan 21 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-164 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.158.dev.gitd102d02 - autobuilt d102d02 * Thu Jan 21 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-163 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.157.dev.git7d297dd - autobuilt 7d297dd * Thu Jan 21 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-162 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.156.dev.git5598229 - autobuilt 5598229 * Wed Jan 20 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-161 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.155.dev.git14443cc - autobuilt 14443cc * Wed Jan 20 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-160 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.154.dev.gitfe4f9ba - autobuilt fe4f9ba * Wed Jan 20 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-159 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.153.dev.git7d024a2 - autobuilt 7d024a2 * Wed Jan 20 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-158 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.152.dev.git54c465b - autobuilt 54c465b * Tue Jan 19 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-157 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.151.dev.git5e7262d - autobuilt 5e7262d * Tue Jan 19 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-156 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.150.dev.gitd99e475 - autobuilt d99e475 * Tue Jan 19 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-155 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.149.dev.git8c6df5e - autobuilt 8c6df5e * Tue Jan 19 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-154 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.148.dev.git9a10f20 - autobuilt 9a10f20 * Mon Jan 18 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-153 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.147.dev.git5f1a7a7 - autobuilt 5f1a7a7 * Sun Jan 17 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-152 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.146.dev.git5b3c7a5 - autobuilt 5b3c7a5 * Sun Jan 17 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-151 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.145.dev.git341c4b1 - autobuilt 341c4b1 * Sat Jan 16 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-150 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.144.dev.git73b036d - autobuilt 73b036d * Fri Jan 15 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-149 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.143.dev.git83ed464 - autobuilt 83ed464 * Fri Jan 15 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-148 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.142.dev.git0400dc0 - autobuilt 0400dc0 * Fri Jan 15 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-147 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.141.dev.git7d3a628 - autobuilt 7d3a628 * Fri Jan 15 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-146 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.140.dev.git5a166b2 - autobuilt 5a166b2 * Fri Jan 15 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-145 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.139.dev.git3ceef00 - autobuilt 3ceef00 * Fri Jan 15 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-144 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.138.dev.git3fcf346 - autobuilt 3fcf346 * Thu Jan 14 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-143 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.137.dev.git2b7793b - autobuilt 2b7793b * Thu Jan 14 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-142 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.136.dev.gita944f90 - autobuilt a944f90 * Thu Jan 14 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-141 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.135.dev.git9f50d48 - autobuilt 9f50d48 * Thu Jan 14 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-140 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.134.dev.git4e4477c - autobuilt 4e4477c * Wed Jan 13 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-139 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.133.dev.gitb2ac2a3 - autobuilt b2ac2a3 * Wed Jan 13 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-138 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.132.dev.gitbbff9c8 - autobuilt bbff9c8 * Wed Jan 13 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-137 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.131.dev.git9473dda - autobuilt 9473dda * Wed Jan 13 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-136 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.130.dev.git99c5746 - autobuilt 99c5746 * Wed Jan 13 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-135 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.129.dev.git183f443 - autobuilt 183f443 * Wed Jan 13 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-134 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.128.dev.gitf52a9ee - autobuilt f52a9ee * Tue Jan 12 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-133 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.127.dev.git265ec91 - autobuilt 265ec91 * Tue Jan 12 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-132 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.126.dev.git0ccc888 - autobuilt 0ccc888 * Tue Jan 12 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-131 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.125.dev.git0532fda - autobuilt 0532fda * Tue Jan 12 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-130 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.124.dev.git64b86d0 - autobuilt 64b86d0 * Tue Jan 12 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-129 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.123.dev.git5575c7b - autobuilt 5575c7b * Mon Jan 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-128 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.122.dev.git5681907 - autobuilt 5681907 * Mon Jan 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-127 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.121.dev.git20217f5 - autobuilt 20217f5 * Mon Jan 11 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.0.0-126 - BR: git-core instead of git * Mon Jan 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-125 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.120.dev.gitd2503ae - autobuilt d2503ae * Mon Jan 11 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-124 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.119.dev.git3b987a7 - autobuilt 3b987a7 * Sun Jan 10 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-123 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.118.dev.git41613bd - autobuilt 41613bd * Sun Jan 10 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-122 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.117.dev.gitbc0fa65 - autobuilt bc0fa65 * Fri Jan 08 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-121 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.116.dev.git49db79e - autobuilt 49db79e * Fri Jan 08 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-120 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.115.dev.gita0b432d - autobuilt a0b432d * Thu Jan 07 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-119 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.114.dev.git78cda71 - autobuilt 78cda71 * Thu Jan 07 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-118 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.113.dev.git3cf41c4 - autobuilt 3cf41c4 * Thu Jan 07 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-117 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.112.dev.gita475150 - autobuilt a475150 * Thu Jan 07 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-116 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.111.dev.git355e387 - autobuilt 355e387 * Wed Jan 06 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-115 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.110.dev.gitbb82c37 - autobuilt bb82c37 * Tue Jan 05 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-114 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.109.dev.gitffe2b1e - autobuilt ffe2b1e * Tue Jan 05 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-113 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.108.dev.git1f59276 - autobuilt 1f59276 * Tue Jan 05 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-112 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.107.dev.gitb84b7c8 - autobuilt b84b7c8 * Tue Jan 05 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-111 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.106.dev.gitbc21fab - autobuilt bc21fab * Tue Jan 05 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-110 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.105.dev.git1b9366d - autobuilt 1b9366d * Tue Jan 05 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-109 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.104.dev.git618c355 - autobuilt 618c355 * Mon Jan 04 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-108 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.103.dev.gitced7c0a - autobuilt ced7c0a * Mon Jan 04 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-107 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.102.dev.gitb502854 - autobuilt b502854 * Mon Jan 04 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-106 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.101.dev.git6a1fbe7 - autobuilt 6a1fbe7 * Mon Jan 04 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-105 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.100.dev.gitf261bfc - autobuilt f261bfc * Mon Jan 04 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-104 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.99.dev.git8e4d19d - autobuilt 8e4d19d * Mon Jan 04 2021 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-103 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.98.dev.git23f25b8 - autobuilt 23f25b8 * Sat Jan 02 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-102 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.97.dev.git142b4ac - autobuilt 142b4ac * Thu Dec 31 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-101 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.96.dev.git39b1cb4 - autobuilt 39b1cb4 * Wed Dec 30 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-100 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.95.dev.gitc6c9b45 - autobuilt c6c9b45 * Wed Dec 30 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-99 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.94.dev.gitef12e36 - autobuilt ef12e36 * Wed Dec 30 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-98 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.93.dev.git7f0771f - autobuilt 7f0771f * Fri Dec 25 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-97 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.92.dev.git9c9f02a - autobuilt 9c9f02a * Thu Dec 24 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-96 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.91.dev.git8f75ed9 - autobuilt 8f75ed9 * Thu Dec 24 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-95 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.90.dev.gitb176c62 - autobuilt b176c62 * Thu Dec 24 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-94 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.89.dev.git231c528 - autobuilt 231c528 * Wed Dec 23 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-93 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.88.dev.git9ac5ed1 - autobuilt 9ac5ed1 * Wed Dec 23 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-92 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.87.dev.gitbbc0deb - autobuilt bbc0deb * Wed Dec 23 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-91 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.86.dev.git54b82a1 - autobuilt 54b82a1 * Wed Dec 23 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-90 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.85.dev.git0778c11 - autobuilt 0778c11 * Wed Dec 23 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-89 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.84.dev.git3728ca9 - autobuilt 3728ca9 * Wed Dec 23 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-88 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.83.dev.git06a6fd9 - autobuilt 06a6fd9 * Wed Dec 23 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-87 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.82.dev.git9b6324f - autobuilt 9b6324f * Tue Dec 22 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-86 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.81.dev.git07663f7 - autobuilt 07663f7 * Tue Dec 22 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-85 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.80.dev.gitcfdb8fb - autobuilt cfdb8fb * Tue Dec 22 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-84 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.79.dev.gitb4692f2 - autobuilt b4692f2 * Mon Dec 21 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-83 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.78.dev.git182646b - autobuilt 182646b * Mon Dec 21 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-82 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.77.dev.git076f77b - autobuilt 076f77b * Mon Dec 21 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-81 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.76.dev.gitd692518 - autobuilt d692518 * Fri Dec 18 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-80 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.75.dev.git5c6b5ef - autobuilt 5c6b5ef * Fri Dec 18 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-79 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.74.dev.gitf568658 - autobuilt f568658 * Thu Dec 17 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-78 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.73.dev.gita17afa9 - autobuilt a17afa9 * Thu Dec 17 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-77 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.72.dev.git0333366 - autobuilt 0333366 * Thu Dec 17 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-76 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.71.dev.git7592f8f - autobuilt 7592f8f * Thu Dec 17 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-75 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.70.dev.gitd291013 - autobuilt d291013 * Thu Dec 17 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-74 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.69.dev.gitc38ae47 - autobuilt c38ae47 * Wed Dec 16 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-73 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.68.dev.git915ae6d - autobuilt 915ae6d * Wed Dec 16 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-72 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.67.dev.git2a21dcd - autobuilt 2a21dcd * Wed Dec 16 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-71 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.66.dev.gitbacb2fc - autobuilt bacb2fc * Wed Dec 16 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-70 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.65.dev.git978c076 - autobuilt 978c076 * Wed Dec 16 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-69 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.64.dev.gitf1f7b8f - autobuilt f1f7b8f * Wed Dec 16 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-68 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.63.dev.git8333a9e - autobuilt 8333a9e * Tue Dec 15 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-67 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.62.dev.git66e979a - autobuilt 66e979a * Tue Dec 15 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-66 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.61.dev.gite689503 - autobuilt e689503 * Tue Dec 15 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-65 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.60.dev.git9379ee9 - autobuilt 9379ee9 * Mon Dec 14 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-64 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.59.dev.git999d40d - autobuilt 999d40d * Mon Dec 14 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-63 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.58.dev.git0fd31e2 - autobuilt 0fd31e2 * Mon Dec 14 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-62 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.57.dev.gitbdbf47f - autobuilt bdbf47f * Sat Dec 12 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-61 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.56.dev.gita226e6e - autobuilt a226e6e * Sat Dec 12 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-60 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.55.dev.git36bec38 - autobuilt 36bec38 * Sat Dec 12 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-59 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.54.dev.git1d50245 - autobuilt 1d50245 * Sat Dec 12 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-58 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.53.dev.gitfbcd445 - autobuilt fbcd445 * Fri Dec 11 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-57 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.52.dev.gitb0a287c - autobuilt b0a287c * Fri Dec 11 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-56 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.51.dev.git99ac30a - autobuilt 99ac30a * Fri Dec 11 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-55 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.50.dev.gitdd95478 - autobuilt dd95478 * Thu Dec 10 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-54 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.49.dev.git6823a5d - autobuilt 6823a5d * Thu Dec 10 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-53 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.48.dev.git2bb1490 - autobuilt 2bb1490 * Thu Dec 10 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-52 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.47.dev.gitdeb0042 - autobuilt deb0042 * Thu Dec 10 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-51 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.46.dev.giteaa19a1 - autobuilt eaa19a1 * Wed Dec 09 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-50 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.45.dev.git9216be2 - autobuilt 9216be2 * Wed Dec 09 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-49 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.44.dev.giteb053df - autobuilt eb053df * Wed Dec 09 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-48 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.43.dev.git43567c6 - autobuilt 43567c6 * Wed Dec 09 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-47 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.42.dev.git9abbe07 - autobuilt 9abbe07 * Wed Dec 09 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-46 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.41.dev.git3cd143f - autobuilt 3cd143f * Wed Dec 09 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-45 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.40.dev.gitb875c5c - autobuilt b875c5c * Wed Dec 09 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-44 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.39.dev.git2472600 - autobuilt 2472600 * Wed Dec 09 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-43 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.38.dev.gitdd295f2 - autobuilt dd295f2 * Tue Dec 08 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-42 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.37.dev.git7caef9c - autobuilt 7caef9c * Tue Dec 08 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-41 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.36.dev.git47d2a4b - autobuilt 47d2a4b * Tue Dec 08 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-40 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.35.dev.git0cccba8 - autobuilt 0cccba8 * Tue Dec 08 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-39 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.34.dev.git9b3a81a - autobuilt 9b3a81a * Mon Dec 07 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-38 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.33.dev.gite2f9120 - autobuilt e2f9120 * Mon Dec 07 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-37 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.32.dev.gitbfbeece - autobuilt bfbeece * Mon Dec 07 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-36 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.31.dev.gita5ca039 - autobuilt a5ca039 * Mon Dec 07 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-35 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.30.dev.git3569e24 - autobuilt 3569e24 * Mon Dec 07 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-34 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.29.dev.gite6f80fa - autobuilt e6f80fa * Mon Dec 07 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.0.0-33 - fcf-protection cflag NOT for centos <= 7 * Mon Dec 07 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-32 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.28.dev.gite117ad3 - autobuilt e117ad3 * Mon Dec 07 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-31 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.27.dev.git0c96731 - autobuilt 0c96731 * Sat Dec 05 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-30 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.26.dev.git0c2a43b - autobuilt 0c2a43b * Fri Dec 04 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-29 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.25.dev.git8e83799 - autobuilt 8e83799 * Fri Dec 04 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-28 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.24.dev.gitb6536d2 - autobuilt b6536d2 * Fri Dec 04 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-27 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.23.dev.gitc55b831 - autobuilt c55b831 * Fri Dec 04 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.0.0-26 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.22.dev.gitf01630a - make both checksec and koji happy * Fri Dec 04 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.0.0-25 - adjust CGO_CFLAGS to make both koji and checksec happy * Fri Dec 04 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-24 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.21.dev.gitf01630a - autobuilt f01630a * Fri Dec 04 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-23 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.20.dev.gitec0411a - autobuilt ec0411a * Thu Dec 03 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.0.0-22 - correct changelog tag * Thu Dec 03 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar - podman-2:3.0.0-0.17.dev.git85b412d - Harden binaries * Thu Dec 03 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.0.0-20 - Harden binaries * Thu Dec 03 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-19 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.18.dev.git70284b1 - autobuilt 70284b1 * Thu Dec 03 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-18 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.17.dev.gitc675d8a - autobuilt c675d8a * Thu Dec 03 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-17 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.16.dev.git85b412d - autobuilt 85b412d * Thu Dec 03 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-16 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.15.dev.git9180872 - autobuilt 9180872 * Thu Dec 03 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-15 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.14.dev.git5cf7aa6 - autobuilt 5cf7aa6 * Wed Dec 02 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-14 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.13.dev.git7984842 - autobuilt 7984842 * Wed Dec 02 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-13 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.12.dev.gitd456765 - autobuilt d456765 * Wed Dec 02 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-12 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.11.dev.gite82ec90 - autobuilt e82ec90 * Wed Dec 02 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-11 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.10.dev.git7210b86 - autobuilt 7210b86 * Wed Dec 02 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-10 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.9.dev.gitd28874b - autobuilt d28874b * Wed Dec 02 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-9 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.8.dev.git9c5fe95 - autobuilt 9c5fe95 * Tue Dec 01 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-8 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.7.dev.gitb2cd6e0 - autobuilt b2cd6e0 * Tue Dec 01 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-7 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.6.dev.gitc71ad9a - autobuilt c71ad9a * Tue Dec 01 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-6 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.5.dev.gitce45b71 - autobuilt ce45b71 * Tue Dec 01 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:3.0.0-4 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.4.dev.git429d949 - use podman-plugins / dnsname upstream v1.1.1 * Tue Dec 01 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-3 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.3.dev.git429d949 - autobuilt 429d949 * Tue Dec 01 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-2 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.2.dev.git2438390 - autobuilt 2438390 * Tue Dec 01 2020 RH Container Bot 2:3.0.0-1 - podman-2:3.0.0-0.1.dev.gitca612a3 - bump to 3.0.0 - autobuilt ca612a3 * Mon Nov 30 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-78 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.74.dev.gitc342583 - autobuilt c342583 * Mon Nov 30 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-77 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.73.dev.gitf6fb297 - autobuilt f6fb297 * Mon Nov 30 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-76 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.72.dev.git7ad1c9c - autobuilt 7ad1c9c * Mon Nov 30 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-75 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.71.dev.gitfc85ec9 - autobuilt fc85ec9 * Sat Nov 28 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-74 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.70.dev.git8b2c0a4 - autobuilt 8b2c0a4 * Sat Nov 28 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-73 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.69.dev.gitf0d48aa - autobuilt f0d48aa * Sat Nov 28 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-72 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.68.dev.git3110308 - autobuilt 3110308 * Thu Nov 26 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-71 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.67.dev.gitad24392 - autobuilt ad24392 * Wed Nov 25 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-70 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.66.dev.git397e9a9 - autobuilt 397e9a9 * Tue Nov 24 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-69 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.65.dev.gitd408395 - autobuilt d408395 * Tue Nov 24 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-68 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.64.dev.git850bdd2 - autobuilt 850bdd2 * Tue Nov 24 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-67 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.63.dev.git4ebd9d9 - autobuilt 4ebd9d9 * Mon Nov 23 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-66 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.62.dev.git4fe7c3f - autobuilt 4fe7c3f * Mon Nov 23 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-65 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.61.dev.gitcd6c4cb - autobuilt cd6c4cb * Mon Nov 23 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-64 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.60.dev.git5d55285 - autobuilt 5d55285 * Mon Nov 23 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-63 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.59.dev.gitdd34341 - autobuilt dd34341 * Sat Nov 21 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-62 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.58.dev.git5292d5a - autobuilt 5292d5a * Fri Nov 20 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-61 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.57.dev.git042d488 - autobuilt 042d488 * Thu Nov 19 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-60 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.56.dev.git70f91fb - autobuilt 70f91fb * Wed Nov 18 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:2.2.0-59 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.55.dev.git286d356 - bump dnsname to v1.1.0, commit a9c2a10 * Wed Nov 18 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-58 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.54.dev.git286d356 - autobuilt 286d356 * Wed Nov 18 2020 Ed Santiago 2:2.2.0-57 - Slight correction to the path of the removed .md file * Tue Nov 17 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:2.2.0-56 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.52.dev.git42ec4cf - containers-mounts.conf.5 in containers-common * Tue Nov 17 2020 Ed Santiago 2:2.2.0-55 - completion files: package -remote files in -remote * Tue Nov 17 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-54 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.50.dev.git42ec4cf - autobuilt 42ec4cf * Mon Nov 16 2020 Ed Santiago 2:2.2.0-53 - Package new zsh and fish completion files * Sun Nov 15 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-52 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.48.dev.git3920756 - autobuilt 3920756 * Sat Nov 14 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-51 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.47.dev.git4eb9c28 - autobuilt 4eb9c28 * Fri Nov 13 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-50 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.46.dev.git0b1a60e - autobuilt 0b1a60e * Thu Nov 12 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-49 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.45.dev.git6c2503c - autobuilt 6c2503c * Wed Nov 11 2020 Ed Santiago 2:2.2.0-48 - Distribute newly-added tmpfiles.d/podman * Wed Nov 11 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-47 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.43.dev.gite443c01 - autobuilt e443c01 * Tue Nov 10 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-46 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.42.dev.gitda01191 - autobuilt da01191 * Sat Nov 07 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-45 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.41.dev.gite2b82e6 - autobuilt e2b82e6 * Fri Nov 06 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-44 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.40.dev.git07293bc - autobuilt 07293bc * Fri Oct 23 2020 Ashley Cui 2:2.2.0-43 - Test build * Fri Oct 23 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:2.2.0-42 - correct changelog order * Wed Oct 21 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-41 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.38.dev.git287edd4 - autobuilt 287edd4 * Tue Oct 20 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-40 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.37.dev.git35b4cb1 - autobuilt 35b4cb1 * Mon Oct 19 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-39 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.36.dev.git7ffcab0 - autobuilt 7ffcab0 * Mon Oct 19 2020 Ed Santiago 2:2.2.0-38 - Podman tests now require buildah * Sun Oct 18 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-37 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.35.dev.git6ec96dc - autobuilt 6ec96dc * Sat Oct 17 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-36 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.34.dev.git39f1bea - autobuilt 39f1bea * Fri Oct 16 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-35 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.33.dev.git9f98b34 - autobuilt 9f98b34 * Thu Oct 15 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-34 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.32.dev.gita82d60d - autobuilt a82d60d * Wed Oct 14 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-33 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.31.dev.gitd30b4b7 - autobuilt d30b4b7 * Tue Oct 13 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-32 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.30.dev.git7ad631b - autobuilt 7ad631b * Mon Oct 12 2020 Jindrich Novy 2:2.2.0-31 - podman-2.2.0-0.29.dev.git212011f.fc34 - use %%%%rhel instead of %%%%eln, thanks to Adam Samalik for noticing * Mon Oct 12 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-30 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.28.dev.git212011f - autobuilt 212011f * Sat Oct 10 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-29 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.27.dev.git7876dd5 - autobuilt 7876dd5 * Fri Oct 09 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-28 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.26.dev.git71d675a - autobuilt 71d675a * Thu Oct 08 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-27 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.25.dev.git59b5f0a - autobuilt 59b5f0a * Wed Oct 07 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-26 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.24.dev.gita7500e5 - autobuilt a7500e5 * Tue Oct 06 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:2.2.0-25 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.23.dev.gitdefb754 - btrfs deps for fedora only * Tue Oct 06 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-24 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.22.dev.gitdefb754 - autobuilt defb754 * Mon Oct 05 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-23 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.21.dev.gitcaace52 - autobuilt caace52 * Sat Oct 03 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:2.2.0-22 - rebuild * Sat Oct 03 2020 RH Container Bot 2:2.2.0-21 - podman-2:2.2.0-0.19.dev.git7c12967 - autobuilt 7c12967 * Fri Oct 02 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 2:2.2.0-20 - RPMAUTOSPEC: unresolvable merge