## START: Set by rpmautospec ## (rpmautospec version 0.3.0) %define autorelease(e:s:pb:n) %{?-p:0.}%{lua: release_number = 2; base_release_number = tonumber(rpm.expand("%{?-b*}%{!?-b:1}")); print(release_number + base_release_number - 1); }%{?-e:.%{-e*}}%{?-s:.%{-s*}}%{!?-n:%{?dist}} ## END: Set by rpmautospec %global with_debug 1 %if 0%{?with_debug} %global _find_debuginfo_dwz_opts %{nil} %global _dwz_low_mem_die_limit 0 %else %global debug_package %{nil} %endif %global provider github %global provider_tld com %global project containers %global repo buildah # https://github.com/containers/buildah %global import_path %{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project}/%{repo} %global git0 https://%{import_path} %global built_tag v1.29.1 %global built_tag_strip %(b=%{built_tag}; echo ${b:1}) %global gen_version %(b=%{built_tag_strip}; echo ${b/-/"~"}) Name: %{repo} Version: %{gen_version} License: Apache-2.0 and BSD-2-Clause and BSD-3-Clause and ISC and MIT and MPL-2.0 Release: %autorelease ExclusiveArch: %{golang_arches_future} Summary: A command line tool used for creating OCI Images URL: https://%{name}.io # Tarball fetched from upstream Source: %{git0}/archive/%{built_tag}.tar.gz BuildRequires: go-md2man BuildRequires: device-mapper-devel BuildRequires: git-core BuildRequires: golang >= 1.16.6 BuildRequires: glib2-devel BuildRequires: glibc-static BuildRequires: go-rpm-macros BuildRequires: gpgme-devel BuildRequires: libassuan-devel BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: ostree-devel BuildRequires: btrfs-progs-devel BuildRequires: shadow-utils-subid-devel %if 0%{?fedora} > 37 Requires: containers-common-extra >= 4:1-78 %else %if 0%{?fedora} == 37 Requires: containers-common-extra >= 4:1-73 %else Requires: containers-common-extra >= 4:1-62 %endif %endif BuildRequires: libseccomp-static Requires: libseccomp >= 2.4.1-0 Suggests: cpp # awk '{print "Provides: bundled(golang("$1")) = "$2}' go.mod | sort | uniq | sed -e 's/-/_/g' -e '/bundled(golang())/d' -e '/bundled(golang(go\|module\|replace\|require))/d' Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/Azure/go_ansiterm)) = v0.0.0_20210617225240_d185dfc1b5a1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/BurntSushi/toml)) = v1.2.1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/Microsoft/go_winio)) = v0.6.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim)) = v0.9.6 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/VividCortex/ewma)) = v1.2.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/acarl005/stripansi)) = v0.0.0_20180116102854_5a71ef0e047d Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/asaskevich/govalidator)) = v0.0.0_20210307081110_f21760c49a8d Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/blang/semver/v4)) = v4.0.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/chzyer/readline)) = v1.5.1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/container_orchestrated_devices/container_device_interface)) = v0.5.3 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/containerd/cgroups)) = v1.0.4 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/containerd/containerd)) = v1.6.15 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/containerd/stargz_snapshotter/estargz)) = v0.13.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/containernetworking/cni)) = v1.1.2 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/containernetworking/plugins)) = v1.2.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/containers/common)) = v0.51.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/containers/image/v5)) = v5.24.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/containers/libtrust)) = v0.0.0_20230121012942_c1716e8a8d01 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/containers/ocicrypt)) = v1.1.7 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/containers/storage)) = v1.45.3 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/cyberphone/json_canonicalization)) = v0.0.0_20220623050100_57a0ce2678a7 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/cyphar/filepath_securejoin)) = v0.2.3 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/davecgh/go_spew)) = v1.1.1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/disiqueira/gotree/v3)) = v3.0.2 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/docker/distribution)) = v2.8.1+incompatible Provides: 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v0.9.1_0.20221014010322_58c91d646d86 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/opencontainers/selinux)) = v1.10.2 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/openshift/imagebuilder)) = v1.2.4_0.20220711175835_4151e43600df Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/ostreedev/ostree_go)) = v0.0.0_20210805093236_719684c64e4f Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/pkg/errors)) = v0.9.1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/pmezard/go_difflib)) = v1.0.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/proglottis/gpgme)) = v0.1.3 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/rivo/uniseg)) = v0.4.3 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/seccomp/libseccomp_golang)) = v0.10.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/sigstore/fulcio)) = v1.0.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/sigstore/rekor)) = v1.0.1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/sigstore/sigstore)) = v1.5.1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/sirupsen/logrus)) = v1.9.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/spf13/cobra)) = v1.6.1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/spf13/pflag)) = v1.0.5 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/stefanberger/go_pkcs11uri)) = v0.0.0_20201008174630_78d3cae3a980 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/stretchr/testify)) = v1.8.1 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/sylabs/sif/v2)) = v2.9.0 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/syndtr/gocapability)) = v0.0.0_20200815063812_42c35b437635 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/tchap/go_patricia)) = v2.3.0+incompatible Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/theupdateframework/go_tuf)) = v0.5.2_0.20221207161717_9cb61d6e65f5 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/titanous/rocacheck)) = v0.0.0_20171023193734_afe73141d399 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/ulikunitz/xz)) = v0.5.11 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/vbatts/tar_split)) = v0.11.2 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/vbauerster/mpb/v7)) = v7.5.3 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/vishvananda/netlink)) = v1.2.1_beta.2 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/vishvananda/netns)) = v0.0.0_20210104183010_2eb08e3e575f Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonpointer)) = v0.0.0_20190905194746_02993c407bfb Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonreference)) = v0.0.0_20180127040603_bd5ef7bd5415 Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonschema)) = v1.2.0 Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/klog)) = v1.0.0 Provides: bundled(golang(sigs.k8s.io/yaml)) = v1.3.0 %description The %{name} package provides a command line tool which can be used to * create a working container from scratch or * create a working container from an image as a starting point * mount/umount a working container's root file system for manipulation * save container's root file system layer to create a new image * delete a working container or an image %package tests Summary: Tests for %{name} Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: bats Requires: bzip2 Requires: podman Requires: golang Requires: jq Requires: httpd-tools Requires: openssl Requires: nmap-ncat Requires: git-daemon %description tests %{summary} This package contains system tests for %{name} %prep %autosetup -Sgit -n %{name}-%{built_tag_strip} %build %set_build_flags # These extra flags present in $CFLAGS have been skipped for now as they break the build CGO_CFLAGS=$(echo $CGO_CFLAGS | sed 's/-flto=auto//g') CGO_CFLAGS=$(echo $CGO_CFLAGS | sed 's/-Wp,D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS//g') CGO_CFLAGS=$(echo $CGO_CFLAGS | sed 's/-specs=\/usr\/lib\/rpm\/redhat\/redhat-annobin-cc1//g') %ifarch x86_64 export CGO_CFLAGS+=" -m64 -mtune=generic -fcf-protection=full" %endif export GOPATH=$(pwd)/_build:$(pwd) export CGO_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS mkdir _build cd _build mkdir -p src/%{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project} ln -s ../../../../ src/%{import_path} cd .. mv vendor src export CNI_VERSION=`grep '^# github.com/containernetworking/cni ' src/modules.txt | sed 's,.* ,,'` export LDFLAGS="-X main.buildInfo=`date +%s` -X main.cniVersion=${CNI_VERSION}" export BUILDTAGS='seccomp exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper' export BUILDTAGS+=' libsubid selinux' %gobuild -o bin/%{name} %{import_path}/cmd/%{name} %gobuild -o bin/imgtype %{import_path}/tests/imgtype %gobuild -o bin/copy %{import_path}/tests/copy %gobuild -o bin/tutorial %{import_path}/tests/tutorial GOMD2MAN=go-md2man %{__make} -C docs %install export GOPATH=$(pwd)/_build:$(pwd) make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} PREFIX=%{_prefix} install install.completions make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} PREFIX=%{_prefix} -C docs install install -d -p %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/%{name}/test/system cp -pav tests/. %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/%{name}/test/system cp bin/imgtype %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/%{name}-imgtype cp bin/copy %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/%{name}-copy cp bin/tutorial %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/%{name}-tutorial #define license tag if not already defined %{!?_licensedir:%global license %doc} %files %license LICENSE %doc README.md %{_bindir}/%{name} %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}* %dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion %dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/%{name} %files tests %license LICENSE %{_bindir}/%{name}-imgtype %{_bindir}/%{name}-copy %{_bindir}/%{name}-tutorial %{_datadir}/%{name}/test %changelog * Mon Mar 06 2023 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.29.1-2 - migrated to SPDX license * Fri Feb 17 2023 RH Container Bot 1.29.1-1 - auto bump to v1.29.1 * Thu Feb 09 2023 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.29.0-2 - exclusivearch: golang_arches_future * Tue Jan 31 2023 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.29.0-1 - bump to v1.29.0 * Wed Jan 18 2023 Fedora Release Engineering 1.28.2-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Nov 28 2022 RH Container Bot 1.28.2-1 - auto bump to v1.28.2 * Fri Oct 28 2022 Troy Dawson 1.28.0-7 - Add ExclusiveArch * Tue Oct 25 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.28.0-6 - rebuild * Fri Oct 07 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.28.0-5 - Revert "auto bump to v1.28.0" * Fri Oct 07 2022 RH Container Bot 1.28.0-4 - auto bump to v1.28.0 * Thu Oct 06 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.28.0-3 - depend on containers-common-extra * Thu Oct 06 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.28.0-2 - remove debbuild macros to comply with Fedora guidelines * Mon Oct 03 2022 RH Container Bot 1.28.0-1 - auto bump to v1.28.0 * Fri Sep 30 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.27.2-1 - bump to v1.27.2 * Fri Sep 09 2022 RH Container Bot 1.27.1-1 - auto bump to v1.27.1 * Wed Aug 17 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.27.0-3 - use easier tag macros to make both fedora and debbuild happy * Tue Aug 16 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.27.0-2 - Fix debbuild maintainer issue * Tue Aug 09 2022 RH Container Bot 1.27.0-1 - auto bump to v1.27.0 * Mon Aug 08 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.26.4-2 - add buildah-tutorial binary * Wed Aug 03 2022 RH Container Bot 1.26.4-1 - auto bump to v1.26.4 * Wed Aug 03 2022 RH Container Bot 1.26.3-1 - auto bump to v1.26.3 * Wed Jul 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering 1.26.2-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jul 07 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.26.2-2 - debbuild s/Maintainer/Packager * Wed Jul 06 2022 RH Container Bot 1.26.2-1 - auto bump to v1.26.2 * Fri Jun 24 2022 Martin Jackson 1.26.1-5 - Add shadow-utils-subid-devel BuildRequires to pick up proper subid support * Sat Jun 18 2022 Robert-André Mauchin 1.26.1-4 - Rebuilt for CVE-2022-1996, CVE-2022-24675, CVE-2022-28327, CVE-2022-27191, CVE-2022-29526, CVE-2022-30629 * Fri Jun 17 2022 Robert-André Mauchin 1.26.1-3 - Rebuilt for CVE-2022-1996, CVE-2022-24675, CVE-2022-28327, CVE-2022-27191, CVE-2022-29526, CVE-2022-30629 * Fri May 27 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.26.1-2 - build deb packages using debbuild * Thu May 05 2022 RH Container Bot 1.26.1-1 - auto bump to v1.26.1 * Wed May 04 2022 Neal Gompa 1.26.0-2 - Add missing container networking dependencies (#2081834) * Wed May 04 2022 RH Container Bot 1.26.0-1 - auto bump to v1.26.0 * Wed Mar 30 2022 RH Container Bot 1.25.1-1 - auto bump to v1.25.1 * Tue Mar 29 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.25.0-2 - containerfile manpages no longer included, no need to delete * Tue Mar 29 2022 RH Container Bot 1.25.0-1 - auto bump to v1.25.0 * Thu Feb 17 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.24.2-1 - bump to v1.24.2 * Fri Feb 04 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.24.1-1 - bump to v1.24.1 * Wed Feb 02 2022 Ed Santiago 1.24.0-8 - tests package: now require git-daemon * Tue Feb 01 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.24.0-7 - rebuild to stay ahead of f35 * Tue Feb 01 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.24.0-6 - rebuild to stay ahead of f35 * Fri Jan 28 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.24.0-4 - unpack git content * Fri Jan 28 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.24.0-2 - fix deps and golang provides * Fri Jan 28 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.24.0-1 - bump to v1.24.0, bump containers-common dep * Wed Jan 26 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.23.2-1 - bump to v1.23.2, switch to autospec * Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering 1.23.1-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Sep 28 2021 RH Container Bot 1.23.1-1 - buildah-1.23.1-1 * Tue Sep 14 2021 RH Container Bot 1.23.0-1 - buildah-1.23.0-1 * Fri Sep 10 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.22.3-2 - update autobuild macros * Wed Aug 25 2021 RH Container Bot 1.22.3-1 - buildah-1.22.3-1 * Mon Aug 16 2021 RH Container Bot 1.22.0-22 - buildah-1.22.0-1 * Thu Aug 05 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.22.0-21 - buildah-1.22.0-2 - Resolves: #1974086 - correct build date in buildah version * Thu Aug 05 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.22.0-20 - buildah-1.22.0-1 - bump to v1.22.0 * Mon Aug 02 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.22.0-18 - buildah-1.22.0-0.15.dev.gitec35bc4 - Resolves: #1983596, #1987738 - Security fix for CVE-2021-34558 * Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering 1.22.0-17 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering 1.22.0-16 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Jul 19 2021 Ed Santiago 1.22.0-15 - Try to deal with buildah copy-helper nightmare * Fri Jul 16 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.22.0-14 - adjust hardening flags for s390x otherwise build fails * Fri Jul 16 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.22.0-13 - buildah-1.22.0-0.12.dev.gitec35bc4 - Resolves: #1969264, #1982880 - Security fix for CVE-2021-3602 * Fri Jul 16 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.22.0-12 - buildah-1.22.0-0.12.dev.gitec35bc4 - Resolves: #1982880 - Security fix for CVE-2021-3602 * Wed Jun 23 2021 RH Container Bot 1.22.0-11 - buildah-1.22.0-0.11.dev.git6d5d1ae - autobuilt 6d5d1ae * Tue Jun 22 2021 RH Container Bot 1.22.0-10 - buildah-1.22.0-0.10.dev.git802a904 - autobuilt 802a904 * Sat Jun 19 2021 RH Container Bot 1.22.0-9 - buildah-1.22.0-0.9.dev.git5181b9c - autobuilt 5181b9c * Fri Jun 18 2021 RH Container Bot 1.22.0-8 - buildah-1.22.0-0.8.dev.git814868e - autobuilt 814868e * Thu Jun 17 2021 RH Container Bot 1.22.0-7 - buildah-1.22.0-0.7.dev.git30c07b7 - autobuilt 30c07b7 * Wed Jun 16 2021 RH Container Bot 1.22.0-6 - buildah-1.22.0-0.6.dev.gitd99221f - autobuilt d99221f * Mon Jun 14 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.22.0-5 - buildah-1.22.0-0.5.dev.git8d08247 - fix dependencies and bad changelog date * Fri Jun 11 2021 RH Container Bot 1.22.0-4 - buildah-1.22.0-0.4.dev.git8d08247 - autobuilt 8d08247 * Thu Jun 10 2021 RH Container Bot 1.22.0-3 - buildah-1.22.0-0.3.dev.git9c7f50b - autobuilt 9c7f50b * Mon Jun 07 2021 RH Container Bot 1.22.0-2 - buildah-1.22.0-0.2.dev.gitd08dbe7 - autobuilt d08dbe7 * Thu Jun 03 2021 RH Container Bot 1.22.0-1 - buildah-1.22.0-0.1.dev.gitbbbe10a - bump to 1.22.0 - autobuilt bbbe10a * Wed Jun 02 2021 RH Container Bot 1.21.1-8 - buildah-1.21.1-0.8.dev.git4fa566e - autobuilt 4fa566e * Sat May 29 2021 RH Container Bot 1.21.1-7 - buildah-1.21.1-0.7.dev.git8a6d840 - autobuilt 8a6d840 * Fri May 28 2021 RH Container Bot 1.21.1-6 - buildah-1.21.1-0.6.dev.git23e2b79 - autobuilt 23e2b79 * Thu May 27 2021 RH Container Bot 1.21.1-5 - buildah-1.21.1-0.5.dev.gitd677bf0 - autobuilt d677bf0 * Tue May 25 2021 RH Container Bot 1.21.1-4 - buildah-1.21.1-0.4.dev.gitdf14b1c - autobuilt df14b1c * Sat May 22 2021 RH Container Bot 1.21.1-3 - buildah-1.21.1-0.3.dev.git19d3065 - autobuilt 19d3065 * Fri May 21 2021 RH Container Bot 1.21.1-2 - buildah-1.21.1-0.2.dev.git2a83637 - autobuilt 2a83637 * Thu May 20 2021 RH Container Bot 1.21.1-1 - buildah-1.21.1-0.1.dev.gitf629ded - bump to 1.21.1 - autobuilt f629ded * Tue May 18 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-17 - buildah-1.20.2-0.15.dev.gitf30b420 - autobuilt f30b420 * Tue May 18 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-16 - buildah-1.20.2-0.14.dev.git2ab877e - autobuilt 2ab877e * Sat May 15 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-15 - buildah-1.20.2-0.13.dev.git162fbaf - autobuilt 162fbaf * Thu May 13 2021 Daniel J Walsh 1.20.2-14 - Add suggests qemu-user-static * Thu May 13 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-13 - buildah-1.20.2-0.11.dev.git5119393 - autobuilt 5119393 * Wed May 12 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-12 - buildah-1.20.2-0.10.dev.gita0853c3 - autobuilt a0853c3 * Tue May 11 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-11 - buildah-1.20.2-0.9.dev.git135d63d - autobuilt 135d63d * Fri May 07 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-10 - buildah-1.20.2-0.8.dev.git22fc573 - autobuilt 22fc573 * Thu May 06 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-9 - buildah-1.20.2-0.7.dev.gitd78dfd1 - autobuilt d78dfd1 * Mon May 03 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-8 - buildah-1.20.2-0.6.dev.gitc4fc67f - autobuilt c4fc67f * Wed Apr 28 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-7 - buildah-1.20.2-0.5.dev.git1065fd2 - autobuilt 1065fd2 * Mon Apr 26 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-6 - buildah-1.20.2-0.4.dev.git9428d03 - autobuilt 9428d03 * Tue Apr 20 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-5 - buildah-1.20.2-0.3.dev.git2f99c2e - autobuilt 2f99c2e * Fri Apr 16 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.20.2-4 - buildah-1.20.2-0.2.dev.git61f5dff - bump for buildah-tests * Fri Apr 16 2021 Ed Santiago 1.20.2-3 - buildah-tests: require nmap-ncat * Fri Apr 16 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.20.2-2 - buildah-1.20.2-0.2.dev.git61f5dff - slirp4netns, crun, container-selinux and fuse-overlayfs deps used from containers-common * Wed Apr 14 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.2-1 - buildah-1.20.2-0.1.dev.git2e5732b - bump to 1.20.2 - autobuilt 2e5732b * Mon Mar 29 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.1-1 - buildah-1.20.1-0.1.dev.git98f7b3d - bump to 1.20.1 - autobuilt 98f7b3d * Mon Mar 22 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-17 - buildah-1.20.0-0.33.dev.git915de2e - autobuilt 915de2e * Sat Mar 13 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-16 - buildah-1.20.0-0.32.dev.gitecbb651 - autobuilt ecbb651 * Thu Mar 11 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-15 - buildah-1.20.0-0.31.dev.git0a38651 - autobuilt 0a38651 * Wed Mar 10 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-14 - buildah-1.20.0-0.30.dev.gitb2f7e27 - autobuilt b2f7e27 * Wed Mar 10 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-13 - buildah-1.20.0-0.29.dev.git30ed95a - autobuilt 30ed95a * Wed Mar 10 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-12 - buildah-1.20.0-0.28.dev.git9cdde41 - autobuilt 9cdde41 * Tue Mar 09 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-11 - buildah-1.20.0-0.27.dev.git3b8acfb - autobuilt 3b8acfb * Mon Mar 08 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-10 - buildah-1.20.0-0.26.dev.gitfd48180 - autobuilt fd48180 * Mon Mar 08 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-9 - buildah-1.20.0-0.25.dev.gitced3c7b - autobuilt ced3c7b * Sun Mar 07 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-8 - buildah-1.20.0-0.24.dev.git5352624 - autobuilt 5352624 * Fri Mar 05 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-7 - buildah-1.20.0-0.23.dev.gite481c9b - autobuilt e481c9b * Fri Mar 05 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-6 - buildah-1.20.0-0.22.dev.gitd5d782f - autobuilt d5d782f * Thu Mar 04 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-5 - buildah-1.20.0-0.21.dev.git8614456 - autobuilt 8614456 * Thu Mar 04 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-4 - buildah-1.20.0-0.20.dev.git17d8e1b - autobuilt 17d8e1b * Wed Mar 03 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-3 - buildah-1.20.0-0.19.dev.git35300f3 - autobuilt 35300f3 * Wed Mar 03 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-2 - buildah-1.20.0-0.18.dev.git0d8da0a - autobuilt 0d8da0a * Mon Mar 01 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.20.0-1 - buildah-1.20.0-0.16.dev.git0ade935 - Resolves: #1933039 - fix Version field and bump Epoch * Mon Mar 01 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-16 - buildah-define.Version-0.16.dev.git0ade935 - autobuilt 0ade935 * Sat Feb 27 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-15 - buildah-define.Version-0.15.dev.gitc0915a5 - autobuilt c0915a5 * Thu Feb 25 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-14 - buildah-define.Version-0.14.dev.git1688944 - autobuilt 1688944 * Wed Feb 24 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-13 - buildah-define.Version-0.13.dev.gitc15269d - autobuilt c15269d * Wed Feb 24 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-12 - buildah-define.Version-0.12.dev.git06d974b - autobuilt 06d974b * Wed Feb 24 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-11 - buildah-define.Version-0.11.dev.gitb51f63a - autobuilt b51f63a * Wed Feb 24 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-10 - buildah-define.Version-0.10.dev.giteb42398 - autobuilt eb42398 * Tue Feb 23 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-9 - buildah-define.Version-0.9.dev.gitd5c503c - autobuilt d5c503c * Tue Feb 23 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-8 - buildah-define.Version-0.8.dev.gita5e80a5 - autobuilt a5e80a5 * Tue Feb 23 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-7 - buildah-define.Version-0.7.dev.git1296778 - autobuilt 1296778 * Mon Feb 22 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-6 - buildah-define.Version-0.6.dev.git72ef182 - autobuilt 72ef182 * Mon Feb 22 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-5 - buildah-define.Version-0.5.dev.git1b49e62 - autobuilt 1b49e62 * Mon Feb 22 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-4 - buildah-define.Version-0.4.dev.gitd47032f - autobuilt d47032f * Wed Feb 17 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-3 - buildah-define.Version-0.3.dev.gita6eeca7 - autobuilt a6eeca7 * Wed Feb 17 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-2 - buildah-define.Version-0.2.dev.gitde6c0da - autobuilt de6c0da * Tue Feb 16 2021 RH Container Bot define.Version-1 - buildah-define.Version-0.1.dev.gitd5326ef - bump to define.Version - autobuilt d5326ef * Tue Feb 16 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-28 - buildah-1.20.0-0.27.dev.gite1c7a5c - autobuilt e1c7a5c * Mon Feb 15 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-27 - buildah-1.20.0-0.26.dev.git013883e - autobuilt 013883e * Mon Feb 15 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-26 - buildah-1.20.0-0.25.dev.git0a064b3 - autobuilt 0a064b3 * Mon Feb 15 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-25 - buildah-1.20.0-0.24.dev.git457c75c - autobuilt 457c75c * Fri Feb 12 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-24 - buildah-1.20.0-0.23.dev.git6421c84 - autobuilt 6421c84 * Thu Feb 11 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-23 - buildah-1.20.0-0.22.dev.git2e59c37 - autobuilt 2e59c37 * Thu Feb 11 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-22 - buildah-1.20.0-0.21.dev.git3679b9f - autobuilt 3679b9f * Tue Feb 09 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-21 - buildah-1.20.0-0.20.dev.git0508fba - autobuilt 0508fba * Tue Feb 09 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-20 - buildah-1.20.0-0.19.dev.git9eb048a - autobuilt 9eb048a * Tue Feb 09 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-19 - buildah-1.20.0-0.18.dev.git885e9c1 - autobuilt 885e9c1 * Mon Feb 08 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-18 - buildah-1.20.0-0.17.dev.git8f63761 - autobuilt 8f63761 * Mon Feb 08 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-17 - buildah-1.20.0-0.16.dev.git800a3ed - autobuilt 800a3ed * Mon Feb 08 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-16 - buildah-1.20.0-0.15.dev.git044ea34 - autobuilt 044ea34 * Tue Feb 02 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-15 - buildah-1.20.0-0.14.dev.gite1dfdd3 - autobuilt e1dfdd3 * Mon Feb 01 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-14 - buildah-1.20.0-0.13.dev.gitd0af90d - autobuilt d0af90d * Fri Jan 29 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.20.0-13 - correct built_tag value * Thu Jan 28 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-12 - buildah-1.20.0-0.12.dev.git7f340f9 - autobuilt 7f340f9 * Thu Jan 28 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-11 - buildah-1.20.0-0.11.dev.git0ec651f - autobuilt 0ec651f * Thu Jan 28 2021 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.20.0-10 - buildah-1.20.0-0.10.dev.git6002877 - use oci-runtime and crun * Wed Jan 27 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-9 - buildah-1.20.0-0.9.dev.git6002877 - autobuilt 6002877 * Mon Jan 25 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-8 - buildah-1.20.0-0.8.dev.git0c5bfcd - autobuilt 0c5bfcd * Mon Jan 25 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-7 - buildah-1.20.0-0.7.dev.git2f20868 - autobuilt 2f20868 * Mon Jan 25 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-6 - buildah-1.20.0-0.6.dev.git4925e86 - autobuilt 4925e86 * Fri Jan 22 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-5 - buildah-1.20.0-0.5.dev.git1a04337 - autobuilt 1a04337 * Fri Jan 22 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-4 - buildah-1.20.0-0.4.dev.git371e4ca - autobuilt 371e4ca * Thu Jan 21 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-3 - buildah-1.20.0-0.3.dev.gitd460e2e - autobuilt d460e2e * Mon Jan 18 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-2 - buildah-1.20.0-0.2.dev.git3f5ba7e - autobuilt 3f5ba7e * Mon Jan 18 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-1 - buildah-1.20.0-0.1.dev.git6f554d8 - bump to 1.20.0 - autobuilt 6f554d8 * Fri Jan 15 2021 RH Container Bot 1.19.1-2 - buildah-1.19.1-0.2.dev.gitd10dbf3 - autobuilt d10dbf3 * Thu Jan 14 2021 RH Container Bot 1.19.1-1 - buildah-1.19.1-0.1.dev.gitf17ccd0 - bump to 1.19.1 - autobuilt f17ccd0 * Thu Jan 14 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-6 - buildah-1.20.0-0.6.dev.gitb595a98 - autobuilt b595a98 * Thu Jan 14 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-5 - buildah-1.20.0-0.5.dev.git2e1bbc2 - autobuilt 2e1bbc2 * Wed Jan 13 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-4 - buildah-1.20.0-0.4.dev.git80181e8 - autobuilt 80181e8 * Tue Jan 12 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-3 - buildah-1.20.0-0.3.dev.gitcfb3372 - autobuilt cfb3372 * Sun Jan 10 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-2 - buildah-1.20.0-0.2.dev.git8d89b80 - autobuilt 8d89b80 * Sat Jan 09 2021 RH Container Bot 1.20.0-1 - buildah-1.20.0-0.1.dev.git911e6ea - bump to 1.20.0 - autobuilt 911e6ea * Fri Jan 08 2021 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-44 - buildah-1.19.0-0.41.dev.git1b3dc91 - autobuilt 1b3dc91 * Fri Jan 08 2021 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-43 - buildah-1.19.0-0.40.dev.git10c10ee - autobuilt 10c10ee * Fri Jan 08 2021 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-42 - buildah-1.19.0-0.39.dev.gitddcbb30 - autobuilt ddcbb30 * Fri Jan 08 2021 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-41 - buildah-1.19.0-0.38.dev.git6d3b8d3 - autobuilt 6d3b8d3 * Thu Jan 07 2021 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-40 - buildah-1.19.0-0.37.dev.gitf01ddd6 - autobuilt f01ddd6 * Wed Jan 06 2021 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-39 - buildah-1.19.0-0.36.dev.git02b914b - autobuilt 02b914b * Wed Jan 06 2021 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-38 - buildah-1.19.0-0.35.dev.git5129d28 - autobuilt 5129d28 * Tue Jan 05 2021 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-37 - buildah-1.19.0-0.34.dev.gitf3c5c03 - autobuilt f3c5c03 * Mon Jan 04 2021 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-36 - buildah-1.19.0-0.33.dev.gitd899c7c - autobuilt d899c7c * Tue Dec 29 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-35 - buildah-1.19.0-0.32.dev.git00b8e9f - autobuilt 00b8e9f * Tue Dec 29 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-34 - buildah-1.19.0-0.31.dev.git24e0eb7 - autobuilt 24e0eb7 * Wed Dec 23 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-33 - buildah-1.19.0-0.30.dev.gitffef8a6 - autobuilt ffef8a6 * Tue Dec 22 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-32 - buildah-1.19.0-0.29.dev.git00aa7f0 - autobuilt 00aa7f0 * Tue Dec 22 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-31 - buildah-1.19.0-0.28.dev.gitb9fdee0 - autobuilt b9fdee0 * Mon Dec 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-30 - buildah-1.19.0-0.27.dev.git5f1031f - autobuilt 5f1031f * Mon Dec 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-29 - buildah-1.19.0-0.26.dev.git7734b68 - autobuilt 7734b68 * Mon Dec 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-28 - buildah-1.19.0-0.25.dev.gitbec005d - autobuilt bec005d * Mon Dec 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-27 - buildah-1.19.0-0.24.dev.git6e56bea - autobuilt 6e56bea * Thu Dec 17 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-26 - buildah-1.19.0-0.23.dev.git6747061 - autobuilt 6747061 * Wed Dec 16 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-25 - buildah-1.19.0-0.22.dev.git356fd7e - autobuilt 356fd7e * Wed Dec 16 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-24 - buildah-1.19.0-0.21.dev.git8c01c17 - autobuilt 8c01c17 * Wed Dec 16 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-23 - buildah-1.19.0-0.20.dev.gitef8adfd - autobuilt ef8adfd * Tue Dec 15 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-22 - buildah-1.19.0-0.19.dev.gitd69f76a - autobuilt d69f76a * Thu Dec 10 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-21 - buildah-1.19.0-0.18.dev.git5b867f2 - autobuilt 5b867f2 * Wed Dec 09 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-20 - buildah-1.19.0-0.17.dev.git1678745 - autobuilt 1678745 * Tue Dec 08 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-19 - buildah-1.19.0-0.16.dev.git10d622b - autobuilt 10d622b * Mon Dec 07 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-18 - buildah-1.19.0-0.15.dev.git1d67d26 - autobuilt 1d67d26 * Mon Dec 07 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-17 - buildah-1.19.0-0.14.dev.gitac96369 - autobuilt ac96369 * Mon Dec 07 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.19.0-16 - rearrange BUILDTAGS specification line * Mon Dec 07 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.19.0-15 - fcf-protection not for centos <= 7 * Mon Dec 07 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-14 - buildah-1.19.0-0.13.dev.gitc50e236 - autobuilt c50e236 * Sat Dec 05 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.19.0-13 - buildah-1.19.0-0.12.dev.git75ae8be - harden cgo binaries * Wed Dec 02 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-12 - buildah-1.19.0-0.11.dev.git75ae8be - autobuilt 75ae8be * Mon Nov 30 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-11 - buildah-1.19.0-0.10.dev.gitacb97f1 - autobuilt acb97f1 * Mon Nov 30 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-10 - buildah-1.19.0-0.9.dev.git92463b5 - autobuilt 92463b5 * Mon Nov 30 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-9 - buildah-1.19.0-0.8.dev.git02b3b50 - autobuilt 02b3b50 * Wed Nov 25 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-8 - buildah-1.19.0-0.7.dev.gitdd26b13 - autobuilt dd26b13 * Wed Nov 25 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-7 - buildah-1.19.0-0.6.dev.git587e617 - autobuilt 587e617 * Mon Nov 23 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-6 - buildah-1.19.0-0.5.dev.gitaf10f8c - autobuilt af10f8c * Sat Nov 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-5 - buildah-1.19.0-0.4.dev.git2e1d92e - autobuilt 2e1d92e * Fri Nov 20 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-4 - buildah-1.19.0-0.3.dev.git570b43f - autobuilt 570b43f * Fri Nov 20 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.19.0-3 - Suggests: cpp for fedora * Wed Nov 18 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-2 - buildah-1.19.0-0.2.dev.gite016fa8 - autobuilt e016fa8 * Tue Nov 17 2020 RH Container Bot 1.19.0-1 - buildah-1.19.0-0.1.dev.git05aa527 - bump to 1.19.0 - autobuilt 05aa527 * Mon Nov 16 2020 RH Container Bot 1.18.0-8 - buildah-1.18.0-0.8.dev.gitaa37929 - autobuilt aa37929 * Sat Nov 14 2020 RH Container Bot 1.18.0-7 - buildah-1.18.0-0.7.dev.git272f241 - autobuilt 272f241 * Fri Nov 13 2020 RH Container Bot 1.18.0-6 - buildah-1.18.0-0.6.dev.gitd0c958d - autobuilt d0c958d * Wed Nov 11 2020 RH Container Bot 1.18.0-5 - buildah-1.18.0-0.5.dev.git5368ec3 - autobuilt 5368ec3 * Tue Nov 10 2020 RH Container Bot 1.18.0-4 - buildah-1.18.0-0.4.dev.git18c0b33 - autobuilt 18c0b33 * Mon Nov 09 2020 RH Container Bot 1.18.0-3 - buildah-1.18.0-0.3.dev.git1087564 - autobuilt 1087564 * Sat Nov 07 2020 RH Container Bot 1.18.0-2 - buildah-1.18.0-0.2.dev.gitc7ed3ca - autobuilt c7ed3ca * Thu Nov 05 2020 RH Container Bot 1.18.0-1 - buildah-1.18.0-0.1.dev.git7719296 - bump to 1.18.0 - autobuilt 7719296 * Wed Oct 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-41 - buildah-1.17.0-0.39.dev.gitd33bb41 - autobuilt d33bb41 * Tue Oct 20 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-40 - buildah-1.17.0-0.38.dev.git9229549 - autobuilt 9229549 * Fri Oct 16 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-39 - buildah-1.17.0-0.37.dev.gita970ffb - autobuilt a970ffb * Thu Oct 15 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-38 - buildah-1.17.0-0.36.dev.git7699b6e - autobuilt 7699b6e * Wed Oct 14 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-37 - buildah-1.17.0-0.35.dev.git7389cc7 - autobuilt 7389cc7 * Tue Oct 13 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-36 - buildah-1.17.0-0.34.dev.git9913b9f - autobuilt 9913b9f * Sat Oct 10 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-35 - buildah-1.17.0-0.33.dev.git415715a - autobuilt 415715a * Fri Oct 09 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-34 - buildah-1.17.0-0.32.dev.gited75e66 - autobuilt ed75e66 * Wed Oct 07 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-33 - buildah-1.17.0-0.31.dev.git746b5a6 - autobuilt 746b5a6 * Tue Oct 06 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.17.0-32 - buildah- 1.17.0-0.30.dev.gitf09e52c - no btrfs for eln * Tue Oct 06 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-31 - buildah-1.17.0-0.29.dev.gitf09e52c - autobuilt f09e52c * Sat Oct 03 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-30 - buildah-1.17.0-0.28.dev.git71a5615 - autobuilt 71a5615 * Fri Oct 02 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-29 - buildah-1.17.0-0.27.dev.git73ae001 - autobuilt 73ae001 * Thu Oct 01 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-28 - buildah-1.17.0-0.26.dev.gitdc504d9 - autobuilt dc504d9 * Wed Sep 30 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-27 - buildah-1.17.0-0.25.dev.git7fb1282 - autobuilt 7fb1282 * Fri Sep 25 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-26 - buildah-1.17.0-0.24.dev.git5955652 - autobuilt 5955652 * Fri Sep 25 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-25 - buildah-1.17.0-0.23.dev.gitb3f6ed8 - autobuilt b3f6ed8 * Mon Sep 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-24 - buildah-1.17.0-0.22.dev.git0e06e45 - autobuilt 0e06e45 * Mon Sep 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-23 - buildah-1.17.0-0.21.dev.gitf2f857a - autobuilt f2f857a * Mon Sep 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-22 - buildah-1.17.0-0.20.dev.git0f4a259 - autobuilt 0f4a259 * Mon Sep 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-21 - buildah-1.17.0-0.19.dev.gitd273b9e - autobuilt d273b9e * Mon Sep 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-20 - buildah-1.17.0-0.18.dev.git411a885 - autobuilt 411a885 * Mon Sep 21 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.17.0-19 - buildah-1.17.0-0.17.dev.git678da1d - adjust centos deps * Thu Sep 17 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-18 - buildah-1.17.0-0.16.dev.git678da1d - autobuilt 678da1d * Thu Sep 17 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-17 - buildah-1.17.0-0.15.dev.git58541a3 - autobuilt 58541a3 * Thu Sep 17 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-16 - buildah-1.17.0-0.14.dev.git17bb22f - autobuilt 17bb22f * Wed Sep 16 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-15 - buildah-1.17.0-0.13.dev.git552cbd3 - autobuilt 552cbd3 * Tue Sep 15 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-14 - buildah-1.17.0-0.12.dev.gitd0f43a0 - autobuilt d0f43a0 * Tue Sep 15 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-13 - buildah-1.17.0-0.11.dev.gitb47ffb9 - autobuilt b47ffb9 * Fri Sep 11 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-12 - buildah-1.17.0-0.10.dev.git1f8bf4d - autobuilt 1f8bf4d * Thu Sep 10 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-11 - buildah-1.17.0-0.9.dev.git33768fc - autobuilt 33768fc * Wed Sep 09 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-10 - buildah-1.17.0-0.8.dev.gitaa3128e - autobuilt aa3128e * Wed Sep 09 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-9 - buildah-1.17.0-0.7.dev.gitefc5ec2 - autobuilt efc5ec2 * Tue Sep 08 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-8 - buildah-1.17.0-0.6.dev.gitbfe6da5 - autobuilt bfe6da5 * Tue Sep 08 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-6 - buildah-1.17.0-0.5.dev.git2928303 - autobuilt 2928303 * Tue Sep 08 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-5 - buildah-1.17.0-0.4.dev.git555eb26 - autobuilt 555eb26 * Tue Sep 08 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-3 - buildah-1.17.0-0.3.dev.git49a5768 - autobuilt 49a5768 * Mon Sep 07 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-2 - buildah-1.17.0-0.2.dev.gitd83657c - autobuilt d83657c * Sat Sep 05 2020 RH Container Bot 1.17.0-1 - buildah-1.17.0-0.1.dev.git28d7d44 - bump to 1.17.0 - autobuilt 28d7d44 * Thu Sep 03 2020 RH Container Bot 1.16.0-7 - buildah-1.16.0-0.4.dev.git58e6b4f - autobuilt 58e6b4f * Thu Sep 03 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.16.0-6 - buildah-1.16.0-0.3.dev.gitfce9668 - tests package requires openssl * Thu Sep 03 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.16.0-5 - tests package requires openssl * Thu Sep 03 2020 RH Container Bot 1.16.0-4 - buildah-1.16.0-0.2.dev.gitfce9668 - autobuilt fce9668 * Thu Sep 03 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.16.0-3 - 32bit building fixed upstream * Thu Sep 03 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.16.0-2 - fix build issues * Thu Sep 03 2020 RH Container Bot 1.16.0-1 - buildah-1.16.0-0.1.dev.gitac0182c - bump to 1.16.0 - autobuilt ac0182c * Mon Jul 27 2020 Fedora Release Engineering 1.15.0-76 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Jul 20 2020 Ed Santiago 1.15.0-75 - More htpasswd fallout: use httpd-tools * Tue May 26 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.15.0-73 - fix buildtags and ostree dep * Tue May 26 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.15.0-72 - update deps for centos * Tue May 26 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.15.0-71 - update deps for CentOS * Tue May 26 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-70 - buildah-1.15.0-0.66.dev.git2c46b4b - autobuilt 2c46b4b * Tue May 26 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-69 - buildah-1.15.0-0.65.dev.gitf7a3515 - autobuilt f7a3515 * Mon May 25 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-68 - buildah-1.15.0-0.64.dev.git0ac2a67 - autobuilt 0ac2a67 * Sun May 24 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-67 - buildah-1.15.0-0.63.dev.gitdbf0777 - autobuilt dbf0777 * Sat May 23 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-66 - buildah-1.15.0-0.62.dev.gitde0f541 - autobuilt de0f541 * Thu May 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-65 - buildah-1.15.0-0.61.dev.git75e94a2 - autobuilt 75e94a2 * Thu May 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-64 - buildah-1.15.0-0.60.dev.gitab1adf1 - autobuilt ab1adf1 * Wed May 20 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-61 - buildah-1.15.0-0.59.dev.git4fc49ce - autobuilt 4fc49ce * Mon May 18 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-60 - buildah-1.15.0-0.58.dev.git7957c13 - autobuilt 7957c13 * Wed May 13 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-59 - buildah-1.15.0-0.57.dev.git9bd70ac - autobuilt 9bd70ac * Tue May 12 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-58 - buildah-1.15.0-0.56.dev.git3184920 - autobuilt 3184920 * Mon May 11 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-57 - buildah-1.15.0-0.55.dev.git0f6c2a9 - autobuilt 0f6c2a9 * Mon May 11 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-56 - buildah-1.15.0-0.54.dev.gitf80da42 - autobuilt f80da42 * Fri May 08 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-55 - buildah-1.15.0-0.53.dev.git6a7ace0 - autobuilt 6a7ace0 * Tue May 05 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-54 - buildah-1.15.0-0.52.dev.gitb438050 - autobuilt b438050 * Mon May 04 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-53 - buildah-1.15.0-0.51.dev.git828035f - autobuilt 828035f * Mon May 04 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-52 - buildah-1.15.0-0.50.dev.git7610123 - autobuilt 7610123 * Mon May 04 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-51 - buildah-1.15.0-0.49.dev.git7b0dfb8 - autobuilt 7b0dfb8 * Fri May 01 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-50 - buildah-1.15.0-0.48.dev.gitf35e7d4 - autobuilt f35e7d4 * Fri May 01 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-49 - buildah-1.15.0-0.47.dev.git42a48f9 - autobuilt 42a48f9 * Fri May 01 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-48 - buildah-1.15.0-0.46.dev.git63567cb - autobuilt 63567cb * Fri May 01 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-47 - buildah-1.15.0-0.45.dev.git3af27b4 - autobuilt 3af27b4 * Tue Apr 28 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-46 - buildah-1.15.0-0.44.dev.git8169acd - autobuilt 8169acd * Tue Apr 28 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-45 - buildah-1.15.0-0.43.dev.gitbea8692 - autobuilt bea8692 * Fri Apr 24 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-44 - buildah-1.15.0-0.42.dev.git0b9a534 - autobuilt 0b9a534 * Fri Apr 24 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-43 - buildah-1.15.0-0.41.dev.git0d5ab1d - autobuilt 0d5ab1d * Thu Apr 23 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.15.0-42 - build latest source * Thu Apr 23 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-41 - buildah-1.15.0-0.39.dev.git843d15d - autobuilt 843d15d * Mon Apr 20 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-40 - buildah-1.15.0-0.38.dev.gitf4970e6 - autobuilt f4970e6 * Thu Apr 16 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-39 - buildah-1.15.0-0.37.dev.git81e2659 - autobuilt 81e2659 * Tue Apr 14 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-38 - buildah-1.15.0-0.36.dev.gitdb3ced9 - autobuilt db3ced9 * Mon Apr 13 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-37 - buildah-1.15.0-0.35.dev.gitc404c89 - autobuilt c404c89 * Mon Apr 13 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-36 - buildah-1.15.0-0.34.dev.git7a88d7e - autobuilt 7a88d7e * Thu Apr 09 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-35 - buildah-1.15.0-0.33.dev.gitf7ff4c1 - autobuilt f7ff4c1 * Thu Apr 09 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-34 - buildah-1.15.0-0.32.dev.gite48fa75 - autobuilt e48fa75 * Tue Apr 07 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-33 - buildah-1.15.0-0.31.dev.gitc554675 - autobuilt c554675 * Tue Apr 07 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-32 - buildah-1.15.0-0.30.dev.gitf5dbfc1 - autobuilt f5dbfc1 * Tue Apr 07 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-31 - buildah-1.15.0-0.29.dev.git310c02b - autobuilt 310c02b * Tue Apr 07 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-30 - buildah-1.15.0-0.28.dev.gitc3070ba - autobuilt c3070ba * Mon Apr 06 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-29 - buildah-1.15.0-0.27.dev.git20e41b7 - autobuilt 20e41b7 * Mon Apr 06 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-28 - buildah-1.15.0-0.26.dev.git9c031e0 - autobuilt 9c031e0 * Sat Apr 04 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-27 - buildah-1.15.0-0.25.dev.git31a01b4 - autobuilt 31a01b4 * Thu Apr 02 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-26 - buildah-1.15.0-0.24.dev.gite9a6703 - autobuilt e9a6703 * Wed Apr 01 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-25 - buildah-1.15.0-0.23.dev.git2fc064e - autobuilt 2fc064e * Tue Mar 31 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-24 - buildah-1.15.0-0.22.dev.git912ca5a - autobuilt 912ca5a * Tue Mar 31 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-23 - buildah-1.15.0-0.21.dev.git25c294c - autobuilt 25c294c * Mon Mar 30 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-22 - buildah-1.15.0-0.20.dev.git1db2cde - autobuilt 1db2cde * Sat Mar 28 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-21 - buildah-1.15.0-0.19.dev.git17ceb60 - autobuilt 17ceb60 * Fri Mar 27 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-20 - buildah-1.15.0-0.18.dev.gitc18e043 - autobuilt c18e043 * Fri Mar 27 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-19 - buildah-1.15.0-0.17.dev.gitd3804fa - autobuilt d3804fa * Thu Mar 26 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-18 - buildah-1.15.0-0.16.dev.git11ad04e - autobuilt 11ad04e * Thu Mar 26 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-17 - buildah-1.15.0-0.15.dev.gite48ff81 - autobuilt e48ff81 * Thu Mar 26 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-16 - buildah-1.15.0-0.14.dev.gite54da62 - autobuilt e54da62 * Wed Mar 25 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-15 - buildah-1.15.0-0.13.dev.gita5fabab - autobuilt a5fabab * Wed Mar 25 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-14 - buildah-1.15.0-0.12.dev.gitc61925b - autobuilt c61925b * Mon Mar 23 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-13 - buildah-1.15.0-0.11.dev.gitaba0d4d - autobuilt aba0d4d * Mon Mar 23 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-12 - buildah-1.15.0-0.10.dev.git3b9c6a3 - autobuilt 3b9c6a3 * Mon Mar 23 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-11 - buildah-1.15.0-0.9.dev.git10542ed - autobuilt 10542ed * Thu Mar 19 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-10 - buildah-1.15.0-0.8.dev.git665dc2f - autobuilt 665dc2f * Thu Mar 19 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.15.0-9 - use %%global for url/commit specifications * Thu Mar 19 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.15.0-8 - fix commit * Thu Mar 19 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-7 - buildah-1.15.0-0.7.dev.gitf1cf92b - autobuilt 843d15d * Thu Mar 19 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-6 - buildah-1.15.0-0.6.dev.gitf1cf92b - autobuilt 843d15d * Thu Mar 19 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-5 - buildah-1.15.0-0.5.dev.gitf1cf92b - autobuilt a2285ed * Wed Mar 18 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-4 - buildah-1.15.0-0.4.dev.gitf1cf92b - autobuilt a2285ed * Wed Mar 18 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-3 - buildah-1.15.0-0.3.dev.gitf1cf92b - autobuilt a2285ed * Tue Mar 17 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-2 - buildah-1.15.0-0.2.dev.gitf1cf92b - autobuilt 040fb4b * Mon Mar 16 2020 RH Container Bot 1.15.0-1 - buildah-1.15.0-0.1.dev.gitf1cf92b - bump to 1.15.0 - autobuilt d26f437 * Mon Feb 10 2020 Ed Santiago 1.14.0-39 - buildah-tests now requires 'jq' * Wed Feb 05 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.14.0-38 - adjust libseccomp deps * Wed Feb 05 2020 Lokesh Mandvekar 1.14.0-37 - adjust deps and macros for centos obs build * Wed Feb 05 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-36 - buildah-1.14.0-0.35.dev.gitf1cf92b - autobuilt f1cf92b * Sat Feb 01 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-35 - buildah-1.14.0-0.34.dev.gitf89b081 - autobuilt f89b081 * Fri Jan 31 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-34 - buildah-1.14.0-0.33.dev.git3177db5 - autobuilt 3177db5 * Thu Jan 30 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-33 - buildah-1.14.0-0.32.dev.git4131dfa - autobuilt 4131dfa * Wed Jan 29 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-32 - buildah-1.14.0-0.31.dev.git82ff48a - autobuilt 82ff48a * Tue Jan 28 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-31 - buildah-1.14.0-0.30.dev.git0a063c4 - autobuilt 0a063c4 * Mon Jan 27 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-30 - buildah-1.14.0-0.29.dev.gitec4bbe6 - autobuilt ec4bbe6 * Tue Jan 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-29 - buildah-1.14.0-0.28.dev.git6e277a2 - autobuilt 6e277a2 * Tue Jan 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-28 - buildah-1.14.0-0.27.dev.git6417a9a - autobuilt 6417a9a * Tue Jan 21 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-27 - buildah-1.14.0-0.26.dev.git0c3234f - autobuilt 0c3234f * Sun Jan 19 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-26 - buildah-1.14.0-0.25.dev.git2055fe9 - autobuilt 2055fe9 * Fri Jan 17 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-25 - buildah-1.14.0-0.24.dev.gita925f79 - autobuilt a925f79 * Fri Jan 17 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-24 - buildah-1.14.0-0.23.dev.gitca0819f - autobuilt ca0819f * Thu Jan 16 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-23 - buildah-1.14.0-0.22.dev.gitc46f6e0 - autobuilt c46f6e0 * Thu Jan 16 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-22 - buildah-1.14.0-0.21.dev.gitb09fdc3 - autobuilt b09fdc3 * Wed Jan 15 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-21 - buildah-1.14.0-0.20.dev.git09d1c24 - autobuilt 09d1c24 * Tue Jan 14 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-20 - buildah-1.14.0-0.19.dev.gitbf14e6c - autobuilt bf14e6c * Mon Jan 13 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-19 - buildah-1.14.0-0.18.dev.git720e5d6 - autobuilt 720e5d6 * Mon Jan 13 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-18 - buildah-1.14.0-0.17.dev.gitb7e6731 - autobuilt b7e6731 * Mon Jan 13 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-17 - buildah-1.14.0-0.16.dev.gitf7731c2 - autobuilt f7731c2 * Mon Jan 13 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-16 - buildah-1.14.0-0.15.dev.git9def9c0 - autobuilt 9def9c0 * Mon Jan 13 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-15 - buildah-1.14.0-0.14.dev.git3af1491 - autobuilt 3af1491 * Thu Jan 09 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-14 - buildah-1.14.0-0.13.dev.git4e23b7a - autobuilt 4e23b7a * Thu Jan 09 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-13 - buildah-1.14.0-0.12.dev.git55fa8f5 - autobuilt 55fa8f5 * Wed Jan 08 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-12 - buildah-1.14.0-0.11.dev.git47ce18b - autobuilt 47ce18b * Wed Jan 08 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-11 - buildah-1.14.0-0.10.dev.gita3dec02 - autobuilt a3dec02 * Wed Jan 08 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-10 - buildah-1.14.0-0.9.dev.gitb555b7d - autobuilt b555b7d * Wed Jan 08 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-9 - buildah-1.14.0-0.8.dev.gite7be041 - autobuilt e7be041 * Tue Jan 07 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-8 - buildah-1.14.0-0.7.dev.gitdbec497 - autobuilt dbec497 * Tue Jan 07 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-7 - buildah-1.14.0-0.6.dev.git45543bf - autobuilt 45543bf * Mon Jan 06 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-6 - buildah-1.14.0-0.5.dev.gitd792c70 - autobuilt d792c70 * Mon Jan 06 2020 RH Container Bot 1.14.0-5 - buildah-1.14.0-0.4.dev.git20c2a54 - autobuilt 20c2a54 * Mon Jan 06 2020 Ed Santiago 1.14.0-4 - RPMAUTOSPEC: unresolvable merge