Name: nerd-fonts-firacode Version: 3.2.1 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Nerd Fonts patched FiraCode font License: OFL-1.1 Group: Fonts URL: Source0: %{url}/releases/download/v%{version}/FiraCode.tar.xz BuildArch: noarch %define fontdir /usr/share/fonts/%{name} %description Nerd Fonts patched FiraCode font. Nerd Fonts patches developer-focused fonts with a high number of glyphs (icons) from popular fonts like Font Awesome, Devicons, Octicons, etc. %fontpkg -a %prep %setup -c %install install -m 0644 -D -t %{buildroot}%{fontdir} *.ttf %files %{fontdir}/*.ttf %license LICENSE %doc %changelog * Sat May 11 2024 GuinuxBR - 3.2.1 - Initial release