%global git_owner astefanutti %global git_repo kubebox %global git_archive_file v%{version}.tar.gz %global git_archive_dir %{git_repo}-%{version} Name: %{git_repo} Version: 0.10.0 Release: 1%{?dist}.harbottle Summary: Kubebox is a Terminal and Web console for Kubernetes Group: Applications/System License: MIT Url: https://github.com/%{git_owner}/%{git_repo} Source0: %{url}/archive/%{git_archive_file} BuildRequires: devtoolset-7 rh-nodejs10 make python glibc-static %description Kubebox is a terminal console for Kubernetes cluster which allows you to manage and monitor your cluster-live status with nice, old-school interface. Kubebox shows your pod resource usage, cluster monitoring, and container logs, etc. Additionally, you can easily navigate to the desired namespace and execute into the desired container for fast troubleshooting/recovery. %prep %setup -q -n %{git_archive_dir} %build %define debug_package %{nil} scl enable devtoolset-7 - <