Name: agent Version: 10.0.1550 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Agent for Linux License: Apache Public License 2.0 Source0: agent Source1: agent.desktop Source2: agent.png AutoReqProv: no %description Simple way to communicate and nothing extra. New design, group chats and much more! %prep %build %install install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}/usr/bin/ install -m 755 %{SOURCE0} %{buildroot}/usr/bin/ install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}/usr/share/applications/ install -m 644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}/usr/share/applications/ install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}/usr/share/pixmaps/ install -m 644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}/usr/share/pixmaps/ %clean [ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && rm -fr %{buildroot} %files /usr/bin/%{name} /usr/share/applications/%{name}.desktop /usr/share/pixmaps/%{name}.png %changelog * Sun Mar 28 2021 19:40:50 +0000 im-devops <> - Initial version of the package