%global __brp_check_rpaths %{nil} %global packname doex %global packver 1.2 %global rlibdir /usr/local/lib/R/library Name: R-CRAN-%{packname} Version: 1.2 Release: 3%{?dist}%{?buildtag} Summary: The One-Way Heteroscedastic ANOVA Tests License: GPL (>= 2) URL: https://cran.r-project.org/package=%{packname} Source0: %{url}&version=%{packver}#/%{packname}_%{packver}.tar.gz BuildRequires: R-devel Requires: R-core BuildArch: noarch %description Contains the heteroscedastic ANOVA tests for normal and two-parameter exponential distributed populations. For normal distributions, Alexander-Govern test by Alexandern and Govern (1994) , Alvandi et al. Generalized F test by Alvandi et al. (2012) , Approximate F test by Asiribo and Gurland (1990) , Box F test by Box (1954) , Brown-Forsythe test by Brown and Forsythe (1974) , B2 test by Ozdemir and Kurt (2006) , Cochran F test by Cochran (1937) , Fiducial Approach test by Li et al. (2011) , Generalized F test by Weerahandi (1995) , Johansen F test by Johansen (1980) , Modified Brown-Forsythe test by Mehrotra (1997) , Modified Welch test by Hartung et al.(2002) , One-Stage test by Chen and Chen (1998) , One-Stage Range test by Chen and Chen (2000) , Parametric Bootstrap test by Krishnamoorhty et al.(2007) , Permutation F test by Berry and Mielke (2002) , Scott-Smith test by Scott and Smith (1971) , Welch test by Welch(1951) , and Welch-Aspin test by Aspin (1948) . These tests are used to test the equality of group means under unequal variance. Also, a modified version of Generalized F-test is improved to test the equality of non-normal group means under unequal variances and a revised version of Generalized F-test is given to test the equality of non-normal group means caused by skewness. Furthermore, it consists some procedures for testing equality of several two-parameter exponentially distributed population means under unequal scale parameters such as generalized p-value, parametric bootstrap and fiducial approach test by Malekzadeh and Jafari (2019) . There is also Hsieh test by Hsieh (1986) for testing equality of location parameters of two-parameter exponentially distributed populations under unequal scale parameters. %prep %setup -q -c -n %{packname} %build %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{rlibdir} %{_bindir}/R CMD INSTALL -l %{buildroot}%{rlibdir} %{packname} test -d %{packname}/src && (cd %{packname}/src; rm -f *.o *.so) rm -f %{buildroot}%{rlibdir}/R.css %files %{rlibdir}/%{packname}