%global __brp_check_rpaths %{nil} %global packname multilaterals %global packver 1.0 %global rlibdir /usr/local/lib/R/library Name: R-CRAN-%{packname} Version: 1.0 Release: 3%{?dist}%{?buildtag} Summary: Transitive Index Numbers for Cross-Sections and Panel Data License: GPL-3 URL: https://cran.r-project.org/package=%{packname} Source0: %{url}&version=%{packver}#/%{packname}_%{packver}.tar.gz BuildRequires: R-devel Requires: R-core BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: R-parallel BuildRequires: R-CRAN-ape BuildRequires: R-CRAN-igraph Requires: R-parallel Requires: R-CRAN-ape Requires: R-CRAN-igraph %description Computing transitive (and non-transitive) index numbers (Coelli et al., 2005 ) for cross-sections and panel data. For the calculation of transitive indexes, the EKS (Coelli et al., 2005 ; Rao et al., 2002 ) and Minimum spanning tree (Hill, 2004 ) methods are implemented. Traditional fixed-base and chained indexes, and their growth rates, can also be derived using the Paasche, Laspeyres, Fisher and Tornqvist formulas. %prep %setup -q -c -n %{packname} %build %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{rlibdir} %{_bindir}/R CMD INSTALL -l %{buildroot}%{rlibdir} %{packname} test -d %{packname}/src && (cd %{packname}/src; rm -f *.o *.so) rm -f %{buildroot}%{rlibdir}/R.css %files %{rlibdir}/%{packname}