%global __brp_check_rpaths %{nil} %global __requires_exclude ^libmpi %global packname heuristicsmineR %global packver 0.3.0 %global rlibdir /usr/local/lib/R/library Name: R-CRAN-%{packname} Version: 0.3.0 Release: 1%{?dist}%{?buildtag} Summary: Discovery of Process Models with the Heuristics Miner License: MIT + file LICENSE URL: https://cran.r-project.org/package=%{packname} Source0: %{url}&version=%{packver}#/%{packname}_%{packver}.tar.gz BuildRequires: R-devel >= 2.10 Requires: R-core >= 2.10 BuildRequires: R-CRAN-DiagrammeR >= 1.0.0 BuildRequires: R-CRAN-processmapR >= 0.3.1 BuildRequires: R-CRAN-petrinetR >= 0.3.0 BuildRequires: R-CRAN-bupaR BuildRequires: R-CRAN-rlang BuildRequires: R-CRAN-magrittr BuildRequires: R-CRAN-dplyr BuildRequires: R-CRAN-tidyr BuildRequires: R-CRAN-purrr BuildRequires: R-CRAN-scales BuildRequires: R-CRAN-Rcpp BuildRequires: R-CRAN-ggplot2 BuildRequires: R-CRAN-ggthemes BuildRequires: R-CRAN-data.table BuildRequires: R-CRAN-stringr BuildRequires: R-CRAN-BH Requires: R-CRAN-DiagrammeR >= 1.0.0 Requires: R-CRAN-processmapR >= 0.3.1 Requires: R-CRAN-petrinetR >= 0.3.0 Requires: R-CRAN-bupaR Requires: R-CRAN-rlang Requires: R-CRAN-magrittr Requires: R-CRAN-dplyr Requires: R-CRAN-tidyr Requires: R-CRAN-purrr Requires: R-CRAN-scales Requires: R-CRAN-Rcpp Requires: R-CRAN-ggplot2 Requires: R-CRAN-ggthemes Requires: R-CRAN-data.table Requires: R-CRAN-stringr %description Provides the heuristics miner algorithm for process discovery as proposed by Weijters et al. (2011) . The algorithm builds a causal net from an event log created with the 'bupaR' package. Event logs are a set of ordered sequences of events for which 'bupaR' provides the S3 class eventlog(). The discovered causal nets can be visualised as 'htmlwidgets' and it is possible to annotate them with the occurrence frequency or processing and waiting time of process activities. %prep %setup -q -c -n %{packname} # fix end of executable files find -type f -executable -exec grep -Iq . {} \; -exec sed -i -e '$a\' {} \; # prevent binary stripping [ -d %{packname}/src ] && find %{packname}/src -type f -exec \ sed -i 's@/usr/bin/strip@/usr/bin/true@g' {} \; || true [ -d %{packname}/src ] && find %{packname}/src/Make* -type f -exec \ sed -i 's@-g0@@g' {} \; || true # don't allow local prefix in executable scripts find -type f -executable -exec sed -Ei 's@#!( )*/usr/local/bin@#!/usr/bin@g' {} \; %build %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{rlibdir} %{_bindir}/R CMD INSTALL -l %{buildroot}%{rlibdir} %{packname} test -d %{packname}/src && (cd %{packname}/src; rm -f *.o *.so) rm -f %{buildroot}%{rlibdir}/R.css # remove buildroot from installed files find %{buildroot}%{rlibdir} -type f -exec sed -i "s@%{buildroot}@@g" {} \; %files %{rlibdir}/%{packname}