%global __brp_check_rpaths %{nil} %global __requires_exclude ^libmpi %global packname emIRT %global packver 0.0.14 %global rlibdir /usr/local/lib/R/library Name: R-CRAN-%{packname} Version: 0.0.14 Release: 1%{?dist}%{?buildtag} Summary: EM Algorithms for Estimating Item Response Theory Models License: GPL (>= 3) URL: https://cran.r-project.org/package=%{packname} Source0: %{url}&version=%{packver}#/%{packname}_%{packver}.tar.gz BuildRequires: R-devel >= 2.10 Requires: R-core >= 2.10 BuildRequires: R-CRAN-pscl >= 1.0.0 BuildRequires: R-CRAN-Rcpp >= 0.10.6 BuildRequires: R-CRAN-RcppArmadillo Requires: R-CRAN-pscl >= 1.0.0 Requires: R-CRAN-Rcpp >= 0.10.6 %description Various Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithms are implemented for item response theory (IRT) models. The package includes IRT models for binary and ordinal responses, along with dynamic and hierarchical IRT models with binary responses. The latter two models are fitted using variational EM. The package also includes variational network and text scaling models. The algorithms are described in Imai, Lo, and Olmsted (2016) . %prep %setup -q -c -n %{packname} # fix end of executable files find -type f -executable -exec grep -Iq . {} \; -exec sed -i -e '$a\' {} \; # prevent binary stripping [ -d %{packname}/src ] && find %{packname}/src -type f -exec \ sed -i 's@/usr/bin/strip@/usr/bin/true@g' {} \; || true [ -d %{packname}/src ] && find %{packname}/src/Make* -type f -exec \ sed -i 's@-g0@@g' {} \; || true # don't allow local prefix in executable scripts find -type f -executable -exec sed -Ei 's@#!( )*/usr/local/bin@#!/usr/bin@g' {} \; %build %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{rlibdir} %{_bindir}/R CMD INSTALL -l %{buildroot}%{rlibdir} %{packname} test -d %{packname}/src && (cd %{packname}/src; rm -f *.o *.so) rm -f %{buildroot}%{rlibdir}/R.css # remove buildroot from installed files find %{buildroot}%{rlibdir} -type f -exec sed -i "s@%{buildroot}@@g" {} \; %files %{rlibdir}/%{packname}