## START: Set by rpmautospec ## (rpmautospec version 0.3.0) %define autorelease(e:s:pb:n) %{?-p:0.}%{lua: release_number = 1; base_release_number = tonumber(rpm.expand("%{?-b*}%{!?-b:1}")); print(release_number + base_release_number - 1); }%{?-e:.%{-e*}}%{?-s:.%{-s*}}%{!?-n:%{?dist}} ## END: Set by rpmautospec #global commit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #global snapdate YYYYMMDD Name: c4core Summary: C++ core utilities Version: 0.1.10%{?commit:^%{snapdate}git%(echo '%{commit}' | cut -b -7)} # This is the same as the version number. To prevent undetected soversion # bumps, we nevertheless express it separately. %global so_version 0.1.10 Release: %autorelease URL: https://github.com/biojppm/c4core # The entire source is MIT, except: # # Boost: # - src/c4/ext/sg14/inplace_function.h License: MIT AND BSL-1.0 %{?!commit:%global tag v%{version}} %{?!commit:%global extractdir c4core-%{version}} %{?commit:%global tag %{commit}} %{?commit:%global extractdir c4core-%{commit}} Source0: %{url}/archive/%{tag}/%{extractdir}.tar.gz BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: c4project # Our choice; the default make backend should work just as well BuildRequires: ninja-build # For each header-only library, the guidelines require us to BR the -static # package for tracking. BuildRequires: debugbreak-devel BuildRequires: debugbreak-static BuildRequires: fast_float-devel >= 3.0.0 BuildRequires: fast_float-static BuildRequires: doctest-devel BuildRequires: doctest-static %global common_description %{expand: c4core is a library of low-level C++ utilities, written with low-latency projects in mind. Some of the utilities provided by c4core have already equivalent functionality in the C++ standard, but they are provided as the existing C++ equivalent may be insufficient (eg, std::string_view), inefficient (eg, std::string), heavy (eg streams), or plainly unusable on some platforms/projects, (eg exceptions); some other utilities have equivalent under consideration for C++ standardization; and yet some other utilities have (to my knowledge) no equivalent under consideration.} %description %{common_description} %package devel Summary: %{summary} Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} # Each of these header-only libraries is made available under c4/ext/… in the # API of this package. Dependent packages that use them should really have # BuildRequires on the corresponding -static packages for header-only package # tracking. Requires: debugbreak-devel Requires: fast_float-devel # The bundled copy was forked from the original header-only library published # as a gist at # https://gist.github.com/Leandros/6dc334c22db135b033b57e9ee0311553 (see also # the blog post at https://arvid.io/2018/07/02/better-cxx-prng/). The original # was never versioned, but only one revision was ever published, so we can # infer the commit hash (6dc334c22db135b033b57e9ee0311553) from which the # bundled copy was forked and assign a snapshot version. Provides: bundled(ag-random) = 0^20180702git6dc334c # One header is bundled from https://github.com/WG21-SG14/SG14/ (commit # 3aeb80676ff3e7a974678bd3fd826ffe55a0c4ab), which has never been versioned and # is not currently suitable to be packaged in its entirety—if nothing else, due # to unresolved licensing in some of its other source files that are not # bundled here, https://github.com/WG21-SG14/SG14/issues/163. Provides: bundled(SG14) = 0^20190524git3a3b806 %description devel %{common_description} %prep %autosetup -n %{extractdir} # Remove/unbundle additional dependencies # c4project (CMake build scripts) rm -rvf cmake ln -s '%{_datadir}/cmake/c4project' cmake # Do not try to link against a nonexistent doctest library (doctest is # header-only, and we do not have the complete CMake project for doctest that # would provide a target that knows this): sed -r -i \ -e 's/(LIBS.*)\bdoctest\b/\1/' \ -e 's/(c4_setup_testing\()DOCTEST\)/\1\)/' \ test/CMakeLists.txt # debugbreak rm -rvf src/c4/ext/debugbreak mkdir src/c4/ext/debugbreak ln -sv %{_includedir}/debugbreak.h src/c4/ext/debugbreak/ # fast_float # # The build system expects to produce an amalgamated header, fast_float_all.h, # from the bundled fast_float. We therefore use a symbolic link to preserve the # original bundled header path. The amalgamated header will be produced from # the *system* fast_float headers. Once the amalgamated header is produced, we # again replace it with a symbolic link to the main system fast_float header, # thereby fully unbundling fast_float. rm -rvf src/c4/ext/fast_float mkdir -p src/c4/ext/fast_float/include ln -sv %{_includedir}/fast_float src/c4/ext/fast_float/include/ %build # We can stop the CMake scripts from downloading doctest by setting # C4CORE_CACHE_DOWNLOAD_DOCTEST to any directory that exists. %cmake -GNinja \ -DC4CORE_CACHE_DOWNLOAD_DOCTEST:PATH=/ \ -DC4CORE_BUILD_TESTS=ON %cmake_build %install %cmake_install # Fix wrong installation paths for multilib; it would be nontrivial to patch # the source to get this right in the first place. if [ '%{_libdir}' != '%{_prefix}/lib' ] then mkdir -p '%{buildroot}%{_libdir}' mv -v %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/libc4core.so* '%{buildroot}%{_libdir}/' mkdir -p '%{buildroot}%{_libdir}/cmake' mv -v %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/cmake/c4core '%{buildroot}%{_libdir}/cmake/' fi # Some unbundled header-only libraries that appear in the API may have had # their symlinks dereferenced during installation. Make sure they aren’t # “re-bundled†as a result. # debugbreak ln -svf '%{_includedir}/debugbreak.h' \ '%{buildroot}%{_includedir}/c4/ext/debugbreak/' # fast_float # Replace amalgamated single-file header produced by build system with one that # trivially includes the main system fast_float header. # link to main system fast_float header. cat > '%{buildroot}%{_includedir}/c4/ext/fast_float_all.h' <<EOF #include <fast_float/fast_float.h> EOF %check %cmake_build --target c4core-test-run-verbose %files %license LICENSE.txt LICENSE-BOOST.txt %doc README.md %doc ROADMAP.md %doc changelog/ %{_libdir}/libc4core.so.%{so_version} %files devel %{_includedir}/c4 %{_libdir}/libc4core.so %{_libdir}/cmake/c4core %changelog * Wed Aug 31 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.10-1 - Update to 0.1.10 (close RHBZ#2120069) * Thu Aug 04 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.9^20220802gitda43293-1 - Update to da43293 snapshot * Sun Jul 31 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.9-6 - Update License field to SPDX * Wed Jul 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> 0.1.9-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Apr 25 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.9-4 - Fix simplified doctest download workaround * Mon Apr 25 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.9-3 - Simplify doctest download workaround * Wed Apr 20 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.9-2 - Drop “forge†macros, which are not doing much here * Tue Mar 01 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.9-1 - Update to 0.1.9 (close RHBZ#2057741) * Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> 0.1.8-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jan 12 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.8-2 - Fix unbundling of amalgamated fast_float * Wed Jan 05 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.8-1 - Update to 0.1.8 (close RHBZ#2035965) * Mon Dec 27 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.7-7 - Rebuild with c4project 7a35d94 * Thu Dec 16 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.7-6 - De-arch two -devel dependencies * Tue Dec 14 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.7-5 - Dep. on cmake-filesystem is now auto-generated * Mon Nov 22 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.7-4 - Remove an unnecessary glob in the files list * Mon Nov 22 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.7-3 - Fix regression: tests not executed * Sun Nov 21 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.7-2 - Build and run tests a simpler way * Wed Nov 03 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.7-1 - Update to 0.1.7 (close RHBZ#2019940) * Tue Oct 26 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.6-2 - BR fast_float 3.x * Tue Oct 26 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> 0.1.6-1 - Initial package