## START: Set by rpmautospec ## (rpmautospec version 0.3.0) %define autorelease(e:s:pb:n) %{?-p:0.}%{lua: release_number = 1; base_release_number = tonumber(rpm.expand("%{?-b*}%{!?-b:1}")); print(release_number + base_release_number - 1); }%{?-e:.%{-e*}}%{?-s:.%{-s*}}%{!?-n:%{?dist}} ## END: Set by rpmautospec %global forgeurl https://github.com/lite-xl/lite-xl Name: lite-xl Version: 2.1.0 Release: %autorelease %forgemeta Summary: A lightweight text editor written in Lua, adapted from lite License: MIT and OFL URL: https://lite-xl.com/ Source: %{forgesource} BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: meson BuildRequires: (pkgconfig(lua) >= 5.4 with pkgconfig(lua) < 5.5) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpcre2-8) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(freetype2) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sdl2) BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils # https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/EncourageI686LeafRemoval ExcludeArch: %{ix86} %description A lightweight, simple, fast, feature-filled, and extremely extensible text editor written in C, and Lua, adapted from lite. Lite XL is derived from lite. It is a lightweight text editor written mostly in Lua — it aims to provide something practical, pretty, small and fast easy to modify and extend, or to use without doing either. The aim of Lite XL compared to lite is to be more user friendly, improve the quality of font rendering, and reduce CPU usage. %prep %forgesetup %build %meson -Darch_tuple=%{_arch}-linux %meson_build %install %meson_install %check %meson_test desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/org.lite_xl.lite_xl.desktop %files %license LICENSE %license %{_docdir}/%{name}/licenses.md %doc README.md changelog.md %{_bindir}/%{name} %{_datadir}/%{name} %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor %{_datadir}/applications/org.lite_xl.lite_xl.desktop %{_datadir}/metainfo/org.lite_xl.lite_xl.appdata.xml %changelog * Wed Nov 16 2022 Alessio <alciregi@fedoraproject.org> 2.1.0-1 - Initial import (fedora#2051643).