%global debug_package %{nil} %define _default_patch_fuzz 2 %define debug 0 %define final 1 %define redhatify 1 %define arts 1 %define _with_libutempter 1 %define _with_samba --with-samba # make -pim-ioslaves subpkg %define pim 1 # trim changelog included in binary rpms %global _changelog_trimtime %(date +%s -d "1 year ago") # Disable automatic .la file removal %global __brp_remove_la_files %nil Name: kdebase3 Summary: KDE 3 core files Version: 3.5.10 Release: 73%{?dist} # programs: GPLv2, libs: LGPLv2 License: GPLv2 Url: http://www.kde.org Source0: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/%{version}/src/kdebase-%{version}.tar.bz2 Source1: konsole.desktop Source5: kde-np.pamd Source6: logrotate-kdm Source7: mailsettings.cc Source8: env.sh Source9: cr16-app-package_games_kids.png Source10: cr32-app-package_games_kids.png Source11: cr48-app-package_games_kids.png Source50: kde-np-legacy.pamd Source1001: kde.pamd Source1002: kde-legacy.pamd Patch0: kdebase-3.5.5-redhat-pam.patch Patch1: kdebase-3.5.9-redhat-startkde.patch Patch2: kdebase-3.3.92-vroot.patch Patch3: kdebase-3.x-shortcuts.patch Patch4: kdebase-3.2.0-keymap.patch Patch5: kdebase-3.1-startpage.patch Patch6: kdebase-3.1.3-konsole-double-esc.patch Patch7: kdebase-3.3.92-kpersonalizer.patch Patch8: kdebase-3.2.92-logo.patch Patch10: kdebase-3.4.2-kdesktop-konsole.patch Patch11: kdebase-3.5.1-xdg.patch Patch13: kdebase-3.5.5-dbus.patch Patch14: kdebase-3.5.1-kdm-readme.patch Patch15: kdebase-3.5.1-konsole-fonts.patch Patch18: kdebase-3.5.2-kconf_update-klipper.patch Patch20: kdebase-3.5.5-keyinit.patch Patch21: kdebase-3.5.3-khelpcenter-sort.patch Patch22: kdebase-3.5.4-htdig.patch Patch24: kdebase-3.5.4-tango-icon-theme.patch Patch25: kdebase-3.5.4-konqueror-shortcut.patch Patch26: kdebase-3.5.5-suspend.patch Patch27: kdebase-3.5.8-consolekit-kdm.patch Patch28: kdebase-3.5.6-kdm-alternatebackground.patch Patch30: kdebase-3.5.7-kio_media_mounthelper.patch # kdebase: "Root Shell" sessions will not close, http://bugzilla.redhat.com/301841 Patch31: kdebase-3.5.10-konsolesu-kdesu.patch # modified version of kubuntu_9915_userdiskmount.diff # fixes NTFS (#378041) and adds PolicyKit support (#428212) Patch36: kdebase-3.5.9-userdiskmount.patch # don't link kcm_colors against libkrdb (and don't call runRdb) Patch37: kdebase-3.5.10-libkrdb_dep.patch # find the Samba 4 libsmbclient.h using pkg-config (fixes FTBFS) Patch39: kdebase-3.5.10-samba4.patch # remove obsolete MimeType from printmgr/printers.desktop (#587568) # patch by Ilya Chernykh from openSUSE Patch40: kdebase-3.5.10-printmanager-desktop-fix.patch # patch to use libtirpc for RPC, from Cygwin Ports # https://github.com/cygwinports/kdebase3/blob/master/3.5.10-libtirpc.patch Patch41: kdebase-3.5.10-libtirpc.patch Patch42: kdebase-3.5.10-uic.patch # http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2008/10/dear-kde3-kdesktop-users.html Patch100: kdebase-3.5.10-minicli-decimal-comma.patch ## Trinity backports # OpenSSL 1.1 support by Slávek Banko (with prerequisite patches by Timothy # Pearson), backported by Kevin Kofler # The patch also fixes OpenSSL 1.0 support, by using the KSSLProxy abstraction. # http://git.trinitydesktop.org/cgit/tdebase/commit/?id=30e57327d5921be080bad5394860fce33b7c3f74 # http://git.trinitydesktop.org/cgit/tdebase/commit/?id=4040124e875f442f1ef618c669e108a3d2bc9662 # http://git.trinitydesktop.org/cgit/tdebase/commit/?id=48c6b8ff3d2cac37dccce46db29499a14fb025b1 # http://git.trinitydesktop.org/cgit/tdebase/commit/?id=d9b4ee04db7e614a59470acc38a6482c15aed032 Patch150: kdebase-3.5.10-openssl-1.1.patch # security fixes # fixes to common KDE 3 autotools machinery # tweak autoconfigury so that it builds with autoconf 2.64 or 2.65 Patch300: kde3-acinclude.patch # remove flawed and obsolete automake version check in admin/cvs.sh Patch301: kde3-automake-version.patch # fix build failure with automake 1.13: add the --add-missing --copy flags # also add --force-missing to get aarch64 support (#925029/#925627) Patch302: kde3-automake-add-missing.patch # fix aarch64 FTBFS due to libtool not liking the file output on *.so files Patch303: kde3-libtool-aarch64.patch # fix for autoconf 2.7x Patch304: kde3-autoconf-version.patch Requires: %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release} %if 0%{?extras} == 0 Obsoletes: kdebase-extras < 6:%{version}-%{release} Provides: kdebase-extras = 6:%{version}-%{release} %endif %if 0%{?pim} Requires: kdebase3-pim-ioslaves = %{version}-%{release} %else Obsoletes: kdebase3-pim-ioslaves < %{version}-%{release} Provides: kdebase3-pim-ioslaves = %{version}-%{release} %endif #Requires(post): coreutils fileutils #Requires(postun): coreutils fileutils # /sbin/fuser Requires: psmisc %ifnarch s390 s390x Requires: eject %endif BuildRequires: kdelibs3-devel >= %{version}-16 BuildRequires: libxslt-devel libxml2-devel %if 0%{?_with_samba:1} BuildRequires: libsmbclient-devel %endif BuildRequires: pam-devel BuildRequires: gettext BuildRequires: perl-interpreter BuildRequires: perl-generators BuildRequires: sed BuildRequires: automake libtool BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: doxygen %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ia64 ppc ppc64 %define _with_suspend 1 ## drop runtime dep, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1208312 #Requires: pm-utils %endif BuildRequires: bzip2-devel BuildRequires: freetype-devel BuildRequires: openldap-devel BuildRequires: cyrus-sasl-devel BuildRequires: libart_lgpl-devel ## X11 support details (xmkmf, bdftopcf) BuildRequires: bdftopcf mkfontdir mkfontscale BuildRequires: imake BuildRequires: xorg-x11-proto-devel BuildRequires: libfontenc-devel BuildRequires: libtirpc-devel BuildRequires: libXScrnSaver-devel BuildRequires: libXdamage-devel BuildRequires: libXcomposite-devel BuildRequires: libXinerama-devel BuildRequires: libXrandr-devel BuildRequires: libXrender-devel BuildRequires: libXfixes-devel BuildRequires: libXext-devel BuildRequires: libXtst-devel BuildRequires: libxkbfile-devel %ifnarch s390 s390x BuildRequires: libraw1394-devel %if 0%{?fedora} > 36 BuildRequires: libusb-compat-0.1-devel %else BuildRequires: libusb-devel %endif %endif # Moving dependency to compat package openexr2. BuildRequires: pkgconfig(OpenEXR) < 3 BuildRequires: gtk2-devel BuildRequires: make %description Core runtime files for KDE 3, for compatibility with KDE 3 applications. %package devel Summary: Development files for %{name} Requires: %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release} Requires: kdelibs3-devel %description devel Header files for developing applications using %{name}. Install %{name}-devel if you want to develop or compile Konqueror, Kate plugins or KWin styles. %if 0%{?extras} %package extras Summary: Extra applications from %{name} Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release} %description extras %{summary}, including: * kappfinder * kpager * ktip * kpersonalizer %endif %package libs Summary: %{name} runtime libraries Requires: kdelibs3 >= %{version} # include to be paranoid, installing libs-only is still mostly untested -- Rex Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release} %description libs %{summary}. %if 0%{?pim} %package pim-ioslaves Summary: PIM KIOslaves from %{name} %description pim-ioslaves Protocol handlers (KIOslaves) for personal information management, including: * kio_ldap * kio_nntp * kio_pop3 * kio_smtp %endif %prep %setup -q -n kdebase-%{version} %patch0 -p1 -b .redhat-pam %patch1 -p1 -b .redhat-startkde %patch2 -p1 -b .vroot %patch3 -p1 -b .shortcuts %patch4 -p1 -b .keymap %patch5 -p1 %patch6 -p1 -b .konsole %patch7 -p1 -b .kper %patch8 -p1 -b .logo %patch10 -p1 -b .kdestop-konsole %patch11 -p1 -b .xdg %{?_with_hal:%patch13 -p1 -b .dbus} %patch14 -p1 -b .kdm-readme %patch15 -p1 -b .konsole-fonts %patch18 -p1 -b .klipper %patch20 -p1 -b .keyinit %patch21 -p1 -b .khelpcenter-sort %patch22 -p1 -b .htdig %patch24 -p1 -b .tango-icon-theme %patch25 -p1 -b .konqueror-shortcut %{?_with_suspend:%patch26 -p1 -b .suspend} %{?_with_hal:%patch27 -p1 -b .consolekit} %patch28 -p1 -b .kdm-alternatebackground %patch30 -p1 -b .bz#265801 %patch31 -p1 -b .konsolesu-kdesu %patch36 -p1 -b .userdiskmount %patch37 -p1 -b .libkrdb_dep %patch39 -p1 -b .samba4 %patch40 -p1 -b .printmanager-desktop %patch41 -p2 -b .libtirpc %patch42 -p1 -b .uic %patch100 -p1 -b .minicli-decimal-comma %patch150 -p1 -b .openssl-1.1 # hacks to omit stuff that doesn't support DO_NOT_COMPILE # colors is pending on http://bugzilla.redhat.com/443343 sed -i.omit -e 's|^FONTINST_SUBDIR=kfontinst|#FONTINST_SUBDIR=kfontinst|' \ -e 's/background//' -e 's/clock//' -e 's/display//' -e 's/energy//' \ -e 's/fonts//' -e 's/icons//' \ -e 's/kdm//' -e 's/kicker//' -e 's/krdb//' -e 's/kthememanager//' \ -e 's/locale//' \ -e 's/screensaver//' -e 's/style//' -e 's/taskbar//' -e 's/xinerama//' \ kcontrol/Makefile.am # security fixes %if %redhatify cp %{SOURCE1} konsole # set Konqueror version perl -pi -e "s,^#define.*KONQUEROR_VERSION.*,#define KONQUEROR_VERSION \"%{version}-%{release} Fedora\"," konqueror/version.h %endif # add missing icons for package_games_kids install -p -m644 %{SOURCE9} %{SOURCE10} %{SOURCE11} pics/crystalsvg/ %patch300 -p1 -b .acinclude %patch301 -p1 -b .automake-version %patch302 -p1 -b .automake-add-missing %patch303 -p1 -b .libtool-aarch64 %patch304 -p1 -b .autoconf2.7x make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs %build # set some default enviroments unset QTDIR && . /etc/profile.d/qt.sh export DO_NOT_COMPILE="kappfinder kdesktop kdesu klipper kdm kmenuedit kpager kpersonalizer ktip nsplugins" export DO_NOT_COMPILE="$DO_NOT_COMPILE konqueror kscreensaver ksysguard knetattach kwin" export DO_NOT_COMPILE="$DO_NOT_COMPILE kdialog kicker ksplashml khelpcenter kxkb" export DO_NOT_COMPILE="$DO_NOT_COMPILE khotkeys kdepasswd kcheckpass drkonqi" # Keep these (kcontrol for kcms, konsole for KonsolePart, kioslave for ioslaves # kate for kscope # export DO_NOT_COMPILE="$DO_NOT_COMPILE kcontrol konsole kioslave kate" %configure \ --disable-new-ldflags \ --disable-dependency-tracking \ --with-xdmdir=%{_sysconfdir}/X11/xdm \ --with-pam=yes \ --with-kdm-pam=kdm \ --with-kcp-pam=kcheckpass \ --with-kss-pam=kscreensaver \ %ifnarch s390 s390x --with-libraw1394 \ %endif --with-openexr \ --with-xinerama \ --with-xscreensaver \ --without-shadow \ --disable-shadow \ --disable-rpath \ --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \ --disable-greet-lib \ %if %{arts} == 0 --without-arts \ %endif %if %{final} %ifnarch s390x --enable-final \ %endif %endif %if %{debug} == 0 --disable-debug \ --disable-warnings \ %else --enable-debug \ %endif --includedir=%{_includedir}/kde \ %{?_with_hal} %{!?_with_hal:--without-hal} \ %{?_with_samba} %{!?_with_samba:--without-samba} %make_build # build mail setting tool %{__cxx} $CXXFLAGS -o mailsettings %{SOURCE7} %install %make_install RUN_KAPPFINDER=no # Nuke man2html - we get it from man find %{buildroot} -name "man2html*" | xargs rm -rf # nuke default kdm setup in favor of our own rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/config/kdm # Make symlinks relative pushd %{buildroot}/%{_docdir}/HTML/en for i in */*/*; do if [ -d "$i" -a -L "$i"/common ]; then rm -f $i/common ln -s ../../../common $i fi done for i in */*; do if [ -d "$i" -a -L "$i"/common ]; then rm -f $i/common ln -s ../../common $i fi done for i in *; do if [ -d "$i" -a -L "$i"/common ]; then rm -f $i/common ln -s ../common $i fi done popd %if %{redhatify} rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/locale/l10n/*/flag.png # mark KDE-Only pushd %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/kde for f in *.desktop ; do if [ "$f" == "konqbrowser.desktop" ] ; then cat $f | grep -v Categories >$f.o echo "Categories=Qt;KDE;Network;" >>$f.o mv $f.o $f else echo "OnlyShowIn=KDE;" >> $f fi done popd for f in $(find %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applnk -name "*.desktop") ; do echo "OnlyShowIn=KDE;" >> $f done %endif # Own Mozilla plugin dir mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/mozilla/plugins # exclude fonts.dir rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/fonts/override/fonts.dir # now in kde-filesystem (see #321771) rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applnk/.hidden/.directory # remove conflicts with kdebase-workspace pushd %{buildroot}%{_bindir} rm -f genkdmconf kaccess kappfinder kapplymousetheme kate kbookmarkmerger \ kblankscrn.kss kcheckrunning kcminit kcminit_startup kcontroledit kdebugdialog \ kdeinstallktheme kdepasswd kdialog kdm kdmctl keditbookmarks \ keditfiletype kfind kfmclient kfontinst kfontview khelpcenter khc_* \ khotkeys kinfocenter klipper \ kmenuedit konqueror konsole krandom.kss krandrtray kreadconfig ksmserver \ ksplashsimple kstart ksysguard ksysguardd ksystraycmd ktip ktrash kwin \ kwin_killer_helper kwin_rules_dialog kwrite kwriteconfig kxkb \ nspluginscan nspluginviewer startkde kdeeject kcontrol popd rm -f %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/ksysguarddrc rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/kconf_update_bin/khotkeys_update rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/kconf_update_bin/kwin_update_default_rules rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/kconf_update_bin/kwin_update_window_settings rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/config.kcfg/kcm_useraccount.kcfg rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/config.kcfg/keditbookmarks.kcfg rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/config.kcfg/klaunch.kcfg rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/config.kcfg/konqueror.kcfg rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/config.kcfg/kwin.kcfg rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/config/klipperrc rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/config/kshorturifilterrc rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/xsessions/kde.desktop # dups of kde4 services rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/kde/cookies.desktop rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/kde/desktop.desktop # remove mediamanager stuff #447852 and kdebug:163717 rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/kde3/kded_mediamanager.* rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/kde3/kded_medianotifier.* rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/kde3/kcm_media.* rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/services/kded/mediamanager.desktop rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/services/kded/medianotifier.desktop rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/kde/media.desktop # remove conflicts with kdesdk rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/config/katerc # remove docs pushd %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/HTML/en/ rm -rf kate kcontrol kdebugdialog kdesu kdm kfind khelpcenter kinfocenter \ kioslave klipper kmenuedit knetattach konqueror konsole ksysguard \ kwrite kxkb popd # remove .desktop files for apps we don't ship pushd %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/kde/ rm -f Help.desktop Home.desktop Kfind.desktop installktheme.desktop \ kappfinder.desktop kate.desktop kdepasswd.desktop kfmclient.desktop \ kfmclient_dir.desktop kfmclient_html.desktop kfmclient_war.desktop \ kinfocenter.desktop klipper.desktop kmenuedit.desktop \ konqbrowser.desktop konquerorsu.desktop konsole.desktop \ konsolesu.desktop krandrtray.desktop ksysguard.desktop ktip.desktop \ kwrite.desktop KControl.desktop sed -i -e "s,^OnlyShowIn=KDE;,OnlyShowIn=KDE3;," *.desktop popd # hicolor rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/kappfinder.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/kate.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/khelpcenter.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/knetattach.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/kfind.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/kfm.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/khotkeys.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/kmenuedit.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/konqueror.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/konsole.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/ksplash.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/ktip.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/kwrite.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/kxkb.* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/locale/en_US/ rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/locale/l10n/ rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/autostart/* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/desktop-directories/* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/templates/* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/templates/.source/* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/wallpapers/* rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/kconf_update_bin rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/fonts rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/apps/kdm rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/apps/konqueror rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/apps/apps/kbookmark rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/apps/ksmserver rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applnk rm -rf %{buildroot}/etc/xdg/menus/ # Stop check-rpaths from complaining about standard runpaths. export QA_RPATHS=0x0001 # legacy scriptlets %if 0%{?fedora} < 25 %post touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/crystalsvg 2> /dev/null || : %posttrans gtk-update-icon-cache -q %{_datadir}/icons/crystalsvg 2> /dev/null || : %postun if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/crystalsvg &> /dev/null || : gtk-update-icon-cache -q %{_datadir}/icons/crystalsvg &> /dev/null || : fi %if 0%{?extras} %post extras touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/crystalsvg &> /dev/null ||: %posttrans extras gtk-update-icon-cache -q %{_datadir}/icons/crystalsvg &> /dev/null ||: %postun extras if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/crystalsvg &> /dev/null ||: gtk-update-icon-cache -q %{_datadir}/icons/crystalsvg &> /dev/null ||: fi %endif %endif %if 0%{?extras} %files extras # kappfinder %{_bindir}/kappfinder %{_datadir}/applications/kde/kappfinder.desktop %{_datadir}/applnk/System/kappfinder.desktop %{_datadir}/apps/kappfinder/ %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/kappfinder.png # ktip %{_bindir}/ktip %{_datadir}/applications/kde/ktip.desktop %{_datadir}/applnk/Toys/ktip.desktop %{_datadir}/apps/kdewizard %{_datadir}/autostart/ktip.desktop %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/ktip* # kpersonalizer %{_bindir}/kpersonalizer %{_datadir}/applications/kde/kpersonalizer.desktop %{_datadir}/applnk/System/kpersonalizer.desktop %{_datadir}/apps/kpersonalizer/ %{_datadir}/icons/crystalsvg/*/apps/kpersonalizer.png # kpager %{_bindir}/kpager %{_datadir}/applications/kde/kpager.desktop %{_datadir}/applnk/Utilities/kpager.desktop %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/kpager.png %endif %files %if 0%{?extras} # kappfinder %exclude %{_datadir}/applications/kde/kappfinder.desktop %exclude %{_datadir}/applnk/System/kappfinder.desktop %exclude %{_datadir}/apps/kappfinder/ %exclude %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/kappfinder.png # ktip %exclude %{_datadir}/applications/kde/ktip.desktop %exclude %{_datadir}/applnk/Toys/ktip.desktop %exclude %{_datadir}/apps/kdewizard %exclude %{_datadir}/autostart/ktip.desktop %exclude %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/ktip* # kpersonalizer %exclude %{_datadir}/applications/kde/kpersonalizer.desktop %exclude %{_datadir}/applnk/System/kpersonalizer.desktop %exclude %{_datadir}/apps/kpersonalizer/ %exclude %{_datadir}/icons/crystalsvg/*/apps/kpersonalizer.png # kpager %exclude %{_datadir}/applications/kde/kpager.desktop %exclude %{_datadir}/applnk/Utilities/kpager.desktop %exclude %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/kpager.png %endif %doc AUTHORS README %license COPYING %{_docdir}/HTML/en/* %if "%{name}" == "kdebase" %{_sysconfdir}/kde/env/* %config(noreplace) /etc/logrotate.d/kdm %config(noreplace) /etc/ksysguarddrc %config(noreplace) /etc/pam.d/* %config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/xsessions/* %{_bindir}/drkonqi %{_bindir}/genkdmconf %{_bindir}/kaccess %{_bindir}/kapplymousetheme %{_bindir}/kate %{_bindir}/kblankscrn.kss %{_bindir}/kbookmarkmerger %{_bindir}/kcminit %{_bindir}/kcminit_startup %{_bindir}/kcontrol %{_bindir}/kcontroledit %{_bindir}/kdebugdialog %{_bindir}/kdeinstallktheme %{_bindir}/kdepasswd %{_bindir}/kdesu %attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/kdesud %{_bindir}/kdialog %{_bindir}/kdm %{_bindir}/kdmctl %{_bindir}/keditbookmarks %{_bindir}/keditfiletype %{_bindir}/kfind %{_bindir}/kfmclient %{_bindir}/khelpcenter %{_bindir}/khotkeys %{_bindir}/kinfocenter %{_bindir}/klipper %{_bindir}/kmenuedit %{_bindir}/konqueror %{?_with_libutempter:%attr(2755,root,utempter) }%{_bindir}/konsole %{_bindir}/krandom.kss %{_bindir}/krandrtray %{_bindir}/krdb %{_bindir}/kreadconfig %{_bindir}/ksmserver %{_bindir}/ksplashsimple %{_bindir}/kstart %{_bindir}/ksysguard %{_bindir}/ksysguardd %{_bindir}/ksystraycmd %{_bindir}/ktrash %{_bindir}/kwin %{_bindir}/kwin_killer_helper %{_bindir}/kwin_rules_dialog %{_bindir}/kwrite %{_bindir}/kwriteconfig %{_bindir}/kxkb %{_bindir}/nspluginscan %{_bindir}/nspluginviewer %{_bindir}/startkde %{_bindir}/kcheckrunning %{_bindir}/kdesktop %{_bindir}/kdesktop_lock %{_bindir}/kdm_config %{_bindir}/kdm_greet %{_bindir}/kfontinst %{_bindir}/kfontview %{_bindir}/krootimage %{_bindir}/kwebdesktop %{_datadir}/autostart/* %{_datadir}/desktop-directories/* %{_datadir}/locale/*/entry.desktop %{_datadir}/locale/l10n %{_datadir}/templates/* %{_datadir}/templates/.source/* %{_datadir}/wallpapers/* %config(noreplace) /etc/xdg/menus/* %dir %{_libdir}/mozilla %dir %{_libdir}/mozilla/plugins %{_bindir}/appletproxy %{_bindir}/extensionproxy %{_bindir}/kasbar %{_bindir}/kcheckpass %{_bindir}/kdeeject %{_bindir}/khc_docbookdig.pl %{_bindir}/khc_htdig.pl %{_bindir}/khc_htsearch.pl %{_bindir}/khc_indexbuilder %{_bindir}/khc_mansearch.pl %{_bindir}/kicker %{_bindir}/knetattach %{_bindir}/kompmgr %{_bindir}/kpm %{_bindir}/ksplash %{_bindir}/mailsettings %{_libdir}/kconf_update_bin %{_datadir}/applnk/*.desktop %{_datadir}/applnk/*/* %{_datadir}/applnk/.hidden/* %config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/config/* %if ! %{redhatify} %{_datadir}/fonts/bitmap-fonts/* %endif %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/kdm %ghost %{_localstatedir}/lib/kdm/kdmsts %endif %{_datadir}/config.kcfg/* %{_bindir}/kde3 %{_bindir}/kio_media_mounthelper %{_bindir}/kio_system_documenthelper %{_bindir}/kdcop %{_bindir}/kdeprintfax %{_bindir}/kjobviewer %{_bindir}/klocaldomainurifilterhelper %{_bindir}/kprinter %{_datadir}/applications/*/* %{_datadir}/apps/* %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/*/* %{_datadir}/icons/crystalsvg/*/*/* %{_datadir}/mimelnk/*/* %{_datadir}/services/* %{_datadir}/servicetypes/* %{_datadir}/sounds/* %{_libdir}/kde3/* %{_libdir}/libkdeinit_*.* %if 0%{?pim} # exclude pim-ioslaves files from main package %exclude %{_libdir}/kde3/kio_ldap.* %exclude %{_libdir}/kde3/kio_nntp.* %exclude %{_libdir}/kde3/kio_pop3.* %exclude %{_libdir}/kde3/kio_smtp.* %exclude %{_datadir}/services/ldap*.protocol %exclude %{_datadir}/services/nntp*.protocol %exclude %{_datadir}/services/pop3*.protocol %exclude %{_datadir}/services/smtp*.protocol %endif %ldconfig_scriptlets libs %files libs %exclude %{_libdir}/libkdeinit_*.* %{_libdir}/lib*.so.* %{_libdir}/lib*.la %if 0%{?pim} %files pim-ioslaves %{_libdir}/kde3/kio_ldap.* %{_libdir}/kde3/kio_nntp.* %{_libdir}/kde3/kio_pop3.* %{_libdir}/kde3/kio_smtp.* %{_datadir}/services/ldap*.protocol %{_datadir}/services/nntp*.protocol %{_datadir}/services/pop3*.protocol %{_datadir}/services/smtp*.protocol %endif %files devel %{_includedir}/kde/*.h %dir %{_includedir}/kde/kate %{_includedir}/kde/kate/* %if "%{name}" == "kdebase" %dir %{_includedir}/kde/kwin %{_includedir}/kde/kwin/* %dir %{_includedir}/kde/ksgrd %{_includedir}/kde/ksgrd/* %dir %{_includedir}/kde/ksplash %{_includedir}/kde/ksplash/* %endif %{_libdir}/lib*.so %exclude %{_libdir}/libkdeinit_*.* %changelog * Mon Jul 25 2022 Than Ngo - 3.5.10-73 - fixed FTBFS * Thu Jul 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-72 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Jan 24 2022 Timm Bäder - 3.5.10-71 - Disable automatic .la file removal - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/RemoveLaFiles * Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-70 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Aug 31 2021 Than Ngo - 3.5.10-69 - Fixed bz1999501 - [F36FTBFS]: kdebase3 fails to build from source in Fedora Rawhide * Sun Aug 01 2021 Richard Shaw - 3.5.10-68 - Build with openexr2 package now that openexr has been updated to 3.x. * Tue Jul 27 2021 Than Ngo - 3.5.10-67 - Disable check-rpath's test for standard runpaths. * Thu Jul 22 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-66 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-65 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jan 13 2021 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-64 - drop -std=gnu++98 to fix FTBFS against new OpenEXR (#1915860) - fix #1307683 mailsettings.cc FTBFS properly, without -std=gnu++98 (#1915860) * Tue Jan 12 2021 Mamoru TASAKA - 3.5.10-63 - rebuild against New OpenEXR again * Fri Jan 01 2021 Richard Shaw - 3.5.10-62 - Rebuild for OpenEXR 2.5.3. * Tue Jul 28 2020 Adam Jackson - 3.5.10-61 - BuildRequires bdftopcf mkfontdir mkfontscale, not xorg-x11-font-utils * Tue Jul 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-60 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jan 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-59 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Aug 10 2019 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-58 - Drop BuildRequires: libXxf86misc-devel, fixes F31+ FTBFS (#1735918) * Thu Jul 25 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-57 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Apr 11 2019 Richard Shaw - 3.5.10-56 - Rebuild for OpenEXR 2.3.0. * Fri Feb 01 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-55 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Jan 05 2019 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-54 - Fix aarch64 FTBFS due to libtool not liking the file output on *.so files * Fri Jul 20 2018 Rex Dieter - 3.5.10-53 - use %%make_build %%make_install %%license %%ldconfig_scriptlets - libs unconditional * Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-52 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Jun 11 2018 Than Ngo - 3.5.10-51 - fixed bz#1583382 - FTBFS * Fri Feb 09 2018 Igor Gnatenko - Escape macros in %%changelog * Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 11 2018 Igor Gnatenko - Remove obsolete scriptlets * Sat Jan 06 2018 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-47 - Build against OpenSSL 1.1, patches from Trinity, backported by Kevin Kofler - Build against libtirpc (see #1531540), patch from Cygwin Ports * Thu Aug 03 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-46 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-45 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Feb 27 2017 Than Ngo - 3.5.10-44 - build against kdelibs3-3.5.10-83, fix FTBFS * Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-43 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Feb 14 2016 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-42 - Add -std=gnu++98 to the CXXFLAGS to fix FTBFS (#1307683) * Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-41 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Jan 25 2016 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-40 - Remove kwrite hicolor icons that conflict with Kate/KWrite 15.12 * Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-39 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild * Sat May 02 2015 Kalev Lember - 3.5.10-38 - Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change * Wed Apr 01 2015 Rex Dieter 3.5.10-37 - drop some runtime deps that no longer make sense: pm-utils (#1208312), some post/postun scriptlet deps * Tue Nov 25 2014 Rex Dieter 3.5.10-36 - rebuild (openexr) * Sat Aug 16 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-35 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Jun 08 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-34 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Dec 01 2013 Rex Dieter - 3.5.10-33 - trim changelog - --disable-new-ldflags, fix FTBFS on rawhide * Wed Nov 27 2013 Rex Dieter 3.5.10-32 - rebuild (openexr) * Sat Nov 09 2013 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-31 - remove obsolete MimeType from printmgr/printers.desktop (#587568) * Sun Sep 08 2013 Rex Dieter 3.5.10-30 - rebuild (openexr) * Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-29 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 17 2013 Petr Pisar - 3.5.10-28 - Perl 5.18 rebuild * Mon Apr 01 2013 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-27 - use automake --force-missing to get aarch64 support (#925029/#925627) - also use automake --copy (the default is symlinking) * Sun Mar 10 2013 Rex Dieter - 3.5.10-26 - rebuild (OpenEXR) * Sat Mar 09 2013 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-25 - unify KDE 3 autotools fixes between packages * Fri Mar 08 2013 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-24 - reenable samba (kio_smb) - find the Samba 4 libsmbclient.h using pkg-config (fixes FTBFS) * Thu Mar 07 2013 Than Ngo - 3.5.10-23 - fix build failure with new automake - disable samba (kio_smb) * Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-22 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-21 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jan 25 2012 Than Ngo - 3.5.10-20 - drop BR on hal * Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-19 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-18 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jun 10 2010 Rex Dieter - 3.5.10-17 - drop old Obsoletes/Provides: kdebase(-devel) * Fri Jan 22 2010 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-16 - fix FTBFS with autoconf >= 2.64 (#539110) * Wed Dec 16 2009 Jaroslav Reznik - 3.5.10-15 - Repositioning the KDE Brand (#547361) * Fri Sep 04 2009 Than Ngo - 3.5.10-14 - openssl-1.0 build fixes * Fri Aug 21 2009 Tomas Mraz - 3.5.10-13 - rebuilt with new openssl * Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-12 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Jul 18 2009 Rex Dieter 3.5.10-11 - FTBFS kdebase3-3.5.10-8.fc11 (#511656) - Requires: %%name-libs%%?_isa ... * Wed Apr 22 2009 Karsten Hopp 3.5.10-10.1 - disable firewire stuff on s390(x) * Fri Mar 26 2009 Rex Dieter - 3.5.10-10 - optimize scriptlets * Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.10-8 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Feb 14 2009 Rex Dieter - 3.5.10-7 - omit desktop.desktop (f9+) * Wed Feb 11 2009 Rex Dieter - 3.5.10-6 - omit cookies.desktop (f9+) * Fri Jan 16 2009 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-5 - rebuild for new OpenSSL * Mon Dec 22 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.10-4 - omit (nonfunctional) kdesu (F9+) * Mon Dec 08 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.10-3 - omit kate.png conflicts (w/kdesdk42) * Wed Oct 08 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-2.1 - add upstream patch to support decimal comma in the minicli calculator * Sun Sep 21 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.10-2 - fix libkrdb_dep patch not to call runRdb which is not being linked in - don't apply libkrdb_dep patch on F8- * Thu Aug 28 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.10-1 - kde-3.5.10 * Wed Jul 23 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.9-17 - rebuild for new libraw1394 * Wed Jun 11 2008 Lukáš Tinkl - 3.5.9-16 - remove kded_media* to prevent clashes with Solid from KDE 4 (#447852, kdebug:163717) * Wed Jun 04 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.9-15 - reinclude crystalsvg icons also on f9+ (no longer using crystalsvg from KDE 4) * Fri May 23 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.9-14.1 - don't set XDG_CONFIG_DIRS (#249109) * Fri May 16 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.9-14 - f9+: omit extraneous kcontrol modules (#446575) * Wed May 14 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.9-12 - kcontrol modules appearing in gnome "Other" menu (#446466) * Mon Apr 14 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.9-10.1 - create/own: /var/lib/kdm (#442081) * Tue Apr 08 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.9-10 - f9+: split off -pim-ioslaves subpackage for kdepim (#441541) * Mon Mar 31 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.9-9 - add missing BR bzip2-devel (thanks to Karsten Hopp) * Fri Mar 28 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.9-8 - omit %%_datadir/applnk/.hidden/.directory (#321771) * Thu Mar 27 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.9-7 - actually apply the patch (on F8+ only, not needed on F7) - fix the patch to actually build * Thu Mar 27 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.9-6 - apply modified Kubuntu patch to fix mounting NTFS partitions (#378041) - also prompts for the root password on PermissionDeniedByPolicy (#428212) * Fri Mar 07 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.9-5 - f9+: omit all of khelpcenter again, we only need the khelpcenter.desktop service description, so move that to kdebase-runtime which actually provides khelpcenter * Mon Mar 03 2008 Than Ngo 3.5.9-4 - apply upstream patch to fix crash in khotkey * Thu Feb 28 2008 Than Ngo 3.5.9-3 - apply upstream patch to unbreak lmsensors support again * Wed Feb 27 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.9-2 - f9+: don't omit all of khelpcenter, some is needed for kde3 apps' help * Thu Feb 14 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.9-1 - kde-3.5.9 - fixup startkde patch, omitting broken bits, for now (#426871) - update startpage patch, use http://start.fedoraproject.org/ * Sat Feb 09 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.8-37 - sync from F8: - kdm: local DoS vulnerability, CVE-2007-5963 (Than Ngo, 3.5.8-31.fc8) - updated flash patch to support 64 bit platforms (Lukáš Tinkl, 3.5.8-32.fc8) - fix detection of struct ucred with current glibc 2.7.90 * Wed Feb 06 2008 Than Ngo 3.5.8-36 - f9+: remove %%{_bindir}/kcontrol %%{_datadir}/applications/kde/Kcontrol* - f9+: make kde3 config tools hidden * Thu Jan 24 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.8-35 - fix file list again (missing libkdeinit_* for f9+) - f9+: reenable kate (libkateutils and libkateinterfaces needed by kscope) - f9+: remove %%{_datadir}/config/katerc - f9+: reenable kdesu for now (until we figure out what to do about it) * Thu Jan 24 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.8-34 - f9+: omit kcontrol/kicker and kcontrol/taskbar (don't build because kicker is omitted) - fix file list * Wed Jan 23 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.8-33 - f9+: don't omit all of kcontrol (kcms are used by several applications) * Wed Jan 23 2008 Rex Dieter 3.5.8-32 - (re)enable --with-samba support (now that we have a GPLv3-compat qt) * Wed Jan 23 2008 Than Ngo 3.5.8-31 - f9+: omit kdesu kdialog kicker kate konqueror kscreensaver \ ksysguard kwin ksplashml khelpcenter khotkeys kxkb kdepasswd * Tue Jan 15 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.8-30.1 - f7: fix libkdeinit_* missing dep errors * Wed Jan 09 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.8-30 - f9+: omit kcontrol/kfontinst * Tue Jan 08 2008 Rex Dieter - 3.5.8-29 - f9+: omit conflicts w/kdebase-workspace-4.0.0 - f9+: DO_NOT_COMPILE="kappfinder kdesktop klipper kdm kmenuedit kpager kpersonalizer kscreensaver ktip nsplugins" - include %%_libdir/libkdeinit_*.* only in main pkg (not -libs or -devel) * Sat Jan 05 2008 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.8-28 - apply upstream build fix for GCC 4.3 (--enable-final macro redefinition) * Mon Dec 31 2007 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.8-27 - fix createGtkrc to set tooltip colors also for GTK+ 2.12+ * Fri Dec 21 2007 Lukáš Tinkl - 3.5.8-26 - fix kded crash on logout (#426459) * Tue Dec 18 2007 Lukas Tinkl - 3.5.8-25 - fix Firefox detection in Klipper (#377171) * Mon Dec 17 2007 Rex Dieter - 3.5.8-24 - Requires: coreutils mktemp xorg-x11-apps xorg-x11-utils xorg-x11-server-utils (used in startkde) - include htdig,man deps (and new startkde ones) in non-compat pkg only * Thu Dec 13 2007 Rex Dieter - 3.5.8-22 - nspluginviewer: respin flash patch with +gtk_init (#410651) - use kde's kde.desktop for xsession support * Thu Dec 13 2007 Rex Dieter - 3.5.8-19 - nspluginviewer: XEmbed support (#410651, kde#132138, kde#146784) * Sat Dec 08 2007 Rex Dieter - 3.5.8-18 - omit pam configs, kdm bits, xsession/gdm support (f9+) * Tue Dec 04 2007 Rex Dieter - 3.5.8-16 - disable kioslave/smb (f9+, samba-3.2.x/gplv3 ickiness) - omit kde_settings optionals * Sat Dec 01 2007 Kevin Kofler - 3.5.8-15 - only set Epoch: 6 when building as kdebase (not kdebase3) - only obsolete kdebase-kdm here when building as kdebase * Sat Dec 01 2007 Kevin Kofler - 6:3.5.8-14 - don't hardcode %%fedora * Sat Dec 01 2007 Kevin Kofler - 6:3.5.8-13 - fix summary and description for kdebase3 - for kdebase3, remove .desktop files for apps we don't ship - don't require /sbin/ldconfig in the main package if we build -libs * Sat Dec 01 2007 Kevin Kofler - 6:3.5.8-12 - build as kdebase3 on F9+ (not F10+) - fix unescaped macros and a typo in changelog - move kdebase-extras Provides/Obsoletes to the correct place - fix check of %%{name} against "kdelibs" instead of "kdebase" - fix Provides/Obsoletes for kdebase3-libs and kdebase3-devel * Wed Nov 28 2007 Sebastian Vahl - 6:3.5.8-11 - renew the list of file conflicts and removals * Wed Nov 28 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.8-9 - adapt updated ConsoleKit patch from Mandriva (Nicolas Lécureuil) to fix xdmcp issues (#243560, Mandriva#34786) * Sat Nov 17 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.8-8 - disable lm_sensors f9+ for now (new lm_sensors api-incompat) * Wed Oct 31 2007 Kevin Kofler - 6:3.5.8-6 - apply GDM socket path patch only on F8+ * Tue Oct 30 2007 Bill Nottingham - 6:3.5.8-5 - use correct path for gdm socket, so you get proper options on logout (http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=149045) * Tue Oct 25 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.8-4 - -libs: Obsoletes: %%name ... to help out multilib upgrades - -libs conditional (f8+) * Mon Oct 15 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.8-3 - respin (for openexr-1.6.0) - -libs: %%post/%%postun /sbin/ldconfig * Sat Oct 13 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.8-2 - update consolekit patch - omit konsole-bz#244906 (doesn't build) - --enable-final - libs subpkg (more multilib friendly) * Sat Oct 13 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.8-1 - kde-3.5.8 * Wed Oct 03 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.7-17 - Requires: findutils which (#312611) * Tue Oct 02 2007 Than Ngo - 6:3.5.7-16 - rh#299731, CVE-2007-4569 * Thu Sep 27 2007 Than Ngo - 6:3.5.7-15 - rh#301841, "Root Shell" sessions will not close * Thu Aug 30 2007 Than Ngo - 6:3.5.7-14 - fix bz#265801, fuser command not found by kio_media_mounthelper * Wed Aug 15 2007 Rex Dieter 6:3.5.7-13 - CVE-2007-3820, CVE-2007-4224, CVE-2007-4225 - License: GPLv2 - Requires: kdelibs3(-devel) * Fri Jul 20 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.7-12 - fix unpackaged files * Fri Jul 20 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.7-9 - %%ifnarch s390 s390x: BR: lm_sensors * Thu Jul 19 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.7-7 - omit dirs owned by kde-filesystem * Mon Jul 02 2007 Than Ngo - 6:3.5.7-6 - fix bz#244906 * Wed Jun 20 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.7-5 - Provides: kdebase3(-devel) * Wed Jun 20 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.7-4 - -devel: Requires: %%name... - portability++ * Fri Jun 15 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.7-3 - specfile portability * Mon Jun 11 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.7-2 - fix BR: kdelibs-devel - cleanup Req's wrt kde-settings * Mon Jun 11 2007 Than Ngo - 6:3.5.7-1.fc7.1 - remove kdebase-3.4.2-npapi-64bit-fixes.patch, it's included in new upstream * Wed Jun 06 2007 Than Ngo - 6:3.5.7-0.1 - 3.5.7 * Thu May 17 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.6-12 - -extras: fix Requires: %%name ... (omitting %%_arch) * Wed May 16 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.6-11 - fix /usr/share/config/kdm conflict with kde-settings * Tue May 15 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.6-10 - drop unconditional --with-sensors, let %%configure autodetect * Tue May 15 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.6-9 - create/own {/usr,/etc/kde}/{env,shutdown} (#178326) * Tue May 15 2007 Rex Dieter - 6:3.5.6-8 - cleanup/simplify scriptlets - drop Req/Prov's that include %%_arch (they don't work) - Req: +samba-common - BR: +OpenEXR-devel, -cdparanoia - env.sh: use XDG_MENU_PREFIX - npapi-64bit-fixes.patch * Tue May 15 2007 Than Ngo - 6:3.5.6-7.fc7 - enable userlist by default in KDM, bz#239701 - own %%{_datadir}/apps/kdm/faces, bz#239694 - remove unneeded Rq on kdelibs-devel (#238846) * Mon Apr 23 2007 Than Ngo - 6:3.5.6-6.fc7 - apply patch KDM to support ConsoleKit, thanks to Kevin Kofler and S.Çağlar Onur, #228111 - ktip, kpersonlizer, kpager, kappfinder in kdebase-extras * Tue Apr 10 2007 Than Ngo 6:3.5.6-5.fc7 - fix unknown protocol smb - add Buildrequires on libusb-devel * Thu Mar 22 2007 Than Ngo 6:3.5.6-4.fc7 - add new KDM theme for Fedora 7 * Tue Mar 06 2007 Than Ngo - 6:3.5.6-3.fc7 - cleanup specfile * Wed Feb 14 2007 Than Ngo - 6:3.5.6-2.fc7 - make konsole binary sgid utempter #213369 * Sun Jan 28 2007 Than Ngo 6:3.5.6-1.fc7 - 3.5.6 * Thu Nov 30 2006 Than Ngo - 6:3.5.5-0.6.fc6 - apply upstream fix: #88506, dragged window follows mouse but on wrong screen (dual-head non-xinerama) #137889, Title bar font size does not correspond to KControl on first use * Tue Nov 07 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.5-0.5.fc6 - add hibernate/suspend in shutdown dialog * Fri Nov 03 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.5-0.4.fc6 - rebuild * Thu Nov 02 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.5-0.3.fc6 - rebuild * Thu Nov 02 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.5-0.2.fc6 - apply upstream patch to fix #213219, KWin focus issue - fix pam config issue * Thu Oct 26 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.5-0.1 - 3.5.5 * Wed Oct 04 2006 Than Ngo Than Ngo 6:3.5.4-13 - add shortcut Shift+Left/Shift+Right for tab_move_left/tab_move_right * Mon Oct 02 2006 Than Ngo Than Ngo 6:3.5.4-12 - fix #178320,#198828, follow menu-spec * Sun Oct 01 2006 Jesse Keating - 6:3.5.4-11 - rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21 * Tue Sep 26 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.4-10 - FedoraDNA for KDM - fix #205566, don't overwrite config files - fix #178320,#198828, follow menu-spec * Fri Sep 22 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.4-9 - fedora desktop background * Tue Sep 12 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.4-8 - apply upstream patch fix #205701, no bold is displayed in konsole fix two possible mem leaks - add missing icons for package_games_kids - add more icon contexts (Tango icontheme) * Thu Sep 07 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.4-7 - apply upstream patch fix #53642, Menubar is always visible after coming back from fullscreen fix #133665, crash in kiosk mode * Mon Aug 28 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.4-6 - fix broken deps for s390(x) * Fri Aug 25 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.4-5 - add Requires: eject - fix #203279, antialiasing issue - apply upstream patch to fix kdedesktop crash, kde#132873 - fix #201507, pam config issue - fix kdm crash * Mon Aug 21 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.4-4 - fix #203221, konsole does not display bold characters * Fri Aug 18 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.4-3 - fix #203083, correct htdig settings * Tue Aug 15 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.4-2 - apply upstream patch to fix argument quoting * Tue Aug 08 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.4-1 - apply upstream patch to fix KDED crashing on startup when D-BUS is unavailable. - apply upstream patch to fix kde#128552, kicker regression * Mon Jul 24 2006 Petr Rockai - 6:3.5.4-0.pre1 - prerelease of 3.5.4 (from the first-cut tag) - disable --enable-final on s390x in case it would cause problems * Fri Jul 21 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-16 - rebuild against new dbus * Thu Jul 20 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-15 - apply upstream patches, fix kde#130774, Strange lonesome icon in KInfocenter's start page * Wed Jul 19 2006 John (J5) Palmieri 6:3.5.3-14 - rebuild for dbus - fixed deprecated dbus functions * Sun Jul 16 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-13 - fix 146377, khelpcenter's Browse Info Pages > Alphabetically should sort entries * Thu Jul 13 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-12 - cleanup keyinit patch * Thu Jul 13 2006 David Howells 6:3.5.3-11 - add keyinit instructions to the kdm PAM scripts (#198630) * Thu Jul 13 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-10 - cleanup upstream patch * Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating - rebuild * Tue Jul 11 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-9 - cleanup config files - upstream patches, #kde127971 hard Drive device icons do not show on desktop * Thu Jul 06 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-8 - fix #187228, kio_media_mounthelper fails with fuser - apply upstream patches, fix #87613 * Mon Jun 26 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-7 - apply patch to check return value * Wed Jun 14 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-6 - apply patch to to fix #194659, CVE-2006-2449 KDM symlink attack vulnerability thanks to KDE security team * Sat Jun 10 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-5 - add several upstream patches * Thu Jun 08 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-4 - fix rpm file list * Thu Jun 08 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-3 - move only *.so symlinks to -devel subpackage - enable --enable-new-ldflags again since ld bug fixed * Wed Jun 7 2006 Jeremy Katz - 6:3.5.3-2 - move .so symlinks into -devel subpackage * Thu Jun 01 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.3-1 - update to 3.5.3 - drop --enable-new-ldflags, workaround for ld bug - update kioslave_media_dbus patch * Wed May 24 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.2-12 - don't overwrites user preference * Tue May 23 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.2-11 - apply upstream patches to fix several bugs in konsole, and fix #192832, konsole crashes on kde logout * Fri May 19 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.2-10 - fix #191049, KDE screensaver calls PAM incorrectly - fix 191306, Kde Help Center can't build an index * Tue May 16 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.2-9 - fix 186425, KDE Terminal Sessions applet does not display konsole bookmarks * Fri May 12 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.2-8 - fix 190836, xmTextFieldClass widgets don't work properly - fix 153202, startkde gets wrong field from space_tmp/space_home with finnish * Thu May 04 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.2-7 - use XDG_CONFIG_DIRS for kde menu #178320 * Thu May 04 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.2-6 - add missing kcheckpass * Fri Apr 28 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.2-5 - fix #189702, kwin crashes when switching windows with Alt-Tab * Tue Apr 25 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.2-4 - fix #189790, kcheckpass cannot authenticate users using a LDAP directory * Thu Apr 13 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.2-3 - fix startkde to look in /usr and /etc/kde for env/ and shutdown/ * Mon Apr 03 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.2-2 - update dbus patch * Sun Mar 26 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.2-1 - update to 3.5.2 - update dbus patch - drop kdebase-3.5.1-kwin-systray.patch, kdebase-3.5.1-keyboardlayout.patch, included in new upstream * Tue Feb 21 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.1-5 - fixed rpm file conflict - added missing Category X-KDE-LookNFeel * Thu Feb 16 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.1-4 - Systray icons not docked sometimes, apply patch to fix this issue #180314 * Wed Feb 15 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.1-3 - kscreensaver/kdm/kcheckpass use a separate PAM config file #66902 - cleanup kdm config file #166388 - apply patch to launch kde scripts in shutdown,env directories #178326 - kdm.log logrotate-enabled #178328 - add konqueror webshortcuts for fedora project #178366 - don't include unnecessary README #169331 * Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating - 6:3.5.1-2.2 - bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64) * Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating - 6:3.5.1-2.1 - rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes * Fri Feb 03 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.1-2 - apply patch to fix broken xx_XX layouts in kxkb - cleanup spec file * Wed Feb 01 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.1-1 - 3.5.1 - apply patch to fix kded segfaults for audio/blank cd's - get rid some of unneeded patches - add buildrequires on libxkbfile-devel * Thu Jan 26 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.0-3 - add BuildPrereq on dbus-devel >= 0.60, hal-devel >= 0.5 * Wed Jan 25 2006 Than Ngo 6:3.5.0-2 - add dbus support - backport kde-mount from coolo kde-branch for working with new dbus/hal - update KDE default setting - update desktop-database/GTK+ icon cache * Fri Dec 16 2005 Jesse Keating 6:3.5.0-1.1 - rebuild for new gcc * Tue Dec 06 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.5.0-1 - add buildreq on imake * Thu Dec 1 2005 Jeremy Katz - 6:3.5.0-0.2.rc2 - rebuild for new dbus * Mon Nov 28 2005 Than Ngo 3.5.0-0.1.rc2 - 3.5 rc2 * Sat Nov 19 2005 Bill Nottingham - fix paths to openmotif * Wed Nov 09 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.92-4 - rebuilt against new openssl * Wed Nov 9 2005 Tomas Mraz 6:3.4.92-3 - rebuilt against new openssl * Mon Oct 24 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.92-2 - add separate PAM configuration for kscreensaver #66902 * Mon Oct 24 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.92-1 - update to 3.5 beta 2 * Fri Oct 7 2005 Tomas Mraz - use include instead of pam_stack in pam config - merged selinux and pam (loginuid) patches * Thu Sep 29 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.91-2 - fix typo * Tue Sep 27 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.91-1 - update to KDE 3.5 Beta1 * Wed Sep 21 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.2-5 - fix uic build problem * Mon Sep 05 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.2-4 - apply patch to fix local root vulnerability in kcheckpass CAN-2005-2494, #166997 - apply upstream patch to fix kinfocenter opengl DRI/GLX crash * Thu Aug 18 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.2-3 - update config files * Wed Aug 17 2005 Than Ngo 3.4.2-2 - enable switching users #166112 * Mon Aug 01 2005 Than Ngo 3.4.2-1 - update to 3.4.2 * Mon Jul 04 2005 Than Ngo 3.4.1-4 - fix uninitialized variable warning #16231 * Mon Jun 27 2005 Than Ngo 3.4.1-3 - apply patch to fix genkdmconfig crash #161751 * Mon Jun 27 2005 Than Ngo 3.4.1-2 - fix gcc4 build problem * Mon Jun 06 2005 Than Ngo 3.4.1-1 - 3.4.1 - update pam configuration for the new audit system #159333 * Tue May 03 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-7 - fix broken kde-essential.menu * Tue Apr 19 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-6 - apply kdebase-3.4.0rc1-konsole-keymap.patch to change backspace key to ASCII-DEL, thanks to j.w.r.degoede@hhs.nl * Wed Apr 13 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-5 - add more fixes from CVS stable branch - get rid of unneeded gcc4 workaround in konqueror * Wed Apr 06 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-4 - update kdebase-3.4.0rc1-konsole-keymap.patch - add Bluecurve theme for kdm - enable show device icons as default * Fri Apr 01 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-3 - include config.kcfg directory #153081 * Mon Mar 21 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-2 - add konsole in desktop menu * Thu Mar 17 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-1 - 3.4.0 release * Wed Mar 16 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-0.rc1.7 - apply gcc4 hack (Dirk Müller) to avoid konqueror crash * Mon Mar 14 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-0.rc1.6 - default font setting Sans/Monospace - apply patch to fix the shift cursor left/right strangeness * Thu Mar 10 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-0.rc1.5 - apply patch (Hans de Goede) to fix incompatibilities between konsole/xterm, #138191 * Fri Mar 04 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-0.rc1.4 - rebuilt against gcc-4.0.0-0.31 * Tue Mar 01 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-0.rc1.3 - rebuilt against gcc-4 * Sat Feb 26 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-0.rc1.2 - bump release * Fri Feb 25 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.4.0-0.rc1.1 - KDE 3.4.0 rc1 * Wed Feb 16 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.3.92-0.1 - KDE-3.4 beta2 * Thu Feb 10 2005 Than Ngo 6:3.3.2-0.4 - add cleanup patch file from Steve * Sun Feb 06 2005 Warren Togami 6:3.3.2-0.3 - rebuild against new libraw1394 * Tue Dec 14 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.2-0.2 - apply the patch to fix Konqueror Window Injection Vulnerability #142510 CAN-2004-1158, Thanks to KDE security team * Fri Dec 03 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.2-0.1 - update to 3.3.2 - remove unneeded kdebase-3.3.1-cvs.patch, kdebase-3.3.1-sidebar.patch - add CVS patch, that fixes a konsole crash * Thu Nov 25 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.1-12 - add patch for kmenu large icons #140842 * Tue Nov 23 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.1-11 - the existing icon is lost, add patch to fix this problem #140196 * Tue Nov 23 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.1-10 - add patch to fix kfind hang on search #137582 * Fri Nov 12 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.1-9 - fix konqueror crash by dragging some text over the navigation panel * Thu Nov 11 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.1-8 - fix buildrequires on s390/s390x * Mon Nov 08 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.1-7 - apply patch number 86 - add patch to fix man page problem konqueror, thanks to Andy Shevchenko * Sun Oct 31 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.1-6 - remove unneeded require on lm_sensors #137649 - enable devices-symbol - get rid of unneeded device desktop files * Sun Oct 31 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.1-5 - CVS fixes * Mon Oct 18 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.1-4 - fix a bug in keyboard layout * Mon Oct 18 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.1-3 - add rhel macro to disable fax #134817 * Sat Oct 16 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.1-2 - fix KDE default setting - remove kdm patch, it's included in upstream * Wed Oct 13 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.1-1 - update to 3.3.1 * Thu Oct 07 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.0-8 - don't show rpc_pipefs in devices #134940 * Tue Sep 28 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.0-7 - fix kdm autologin problem - get rid of start-here on desktop * Sun Sep 26 2004 Than Ngo 6:.3.0-6 - cleanup KDE/GNOME menu * Tue Sep 21 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.0-5 - fix kdm segfault * Mon Sep 20 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.0-4 - get rid of requires openssh-client #132148 * Wed Sep 08 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.0-3 - Fix ALT-F2 command line opens on wrong desktop bug #129698 * Sun Sep 05 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.0-2 - Own mozilla plugin dir, bug #131667 - Fix hangup in kicker when user clears clipboard history fom klipper - Fix df problem on AFS again * Thu Aug 19 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.0-1 - update to 3.3.0 release * Tue Aug 10 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.0-0.1.rc2 - update to 3.3.0 rc2 * Sun Aug 08 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.3.0-0.1.rc1 - update to 3.3 rc1 * Mon Jul 26 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.92-1 - update to 3.3 beta 2 - energy star logo issue - cleanup some patch files - fix df problem on AFS * Mon Jul 19 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.3-2 - fix wrong memory info >4GB, bug #125128 - add IM patch, bug #127996 * Fri Jun 18 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.3-1 - update to 3.2.3-1 * Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Tue May 18 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.2-6 - fix a bug in keyboard layout with xorg.x11, bug #121950 * Mon May 17 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.2-5 - add patch to enable PIE build of kdm * Tue May 04 2004 Than Ngo 3.2.2-4 - cleanup GNOME/KDE Menu, added OnlyShowIn=KDE * Sat May 01 2004 Than Ngo 3.2.2-3 - add fix for using /dev/urandom, #118051 - fix wrong translation in desktop file, #121736 * Mon Apr 19 2004 Than Ngo 3.2.2-2 - fix bug #109954, motif resource issue * Tue Apr 13 2004 Than Ngo 3.2.2-1 - 3.2.2 release * Thu Apr 01 2004 Than Ngo 3.2.1-1.7 - remove redundant Xsession, bug #119503 * Mon Mar 29 2004 Than Ngo 3.2.1-1.6 - cleanup KDE/GNOME menus * Mon Mar 22 2004 Than Ngo 3.2.1-1.5 - fix typo bug - add missing Catagories in konsole, #118864 - add missing requires on kdelibs-devel, bug #118605 * Wed Mar 17 2004 Karsten Hopp 3.2.1-1.4 - use new virtual package 'xfs' * Tue Mar 16 2004 Than Ngo 3.2.1-1.3 - fixed KDE menus, #118282 * Fri Mar 12 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.1-1.2 - cleanup Gnome/KDE menu * Fri Mar 12 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.1-1.1 - fixed desktop files issues , bug #117822 * Tue Mar 09 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.1-1 - rebuild * Fri Mar 05 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.1-0.1 - 3.2.1 release * Thu Mar 04 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.0-1.11 - fixed requires issue on redhat-artwork * Wed Mar 03 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.0-1.10 - respin kde-redhat-config * Tue Mar 02 2004 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Tue Mar 02 2004 Than Ngo 3.2.0-1.9 - don't rename to the contents of the translated Name field - create desktop files if Desktop directory is empty * Sun Feb 22 2004 Than Ngo 3.2.0-1.8 - cleanup startkde - adapt a patch file to allow different icon size in kicker menu * Sat Feb 21 2004 Dan Walsh 6:3.2.0-1.7 - add selinux support to kde pam file * Thu Feb 19 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.0-1.6 - KDM, use standard directory /usr/share/xsessions - fix a bug in selection of session type in KDM * Tue Feb 17 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.0-1.5 - fix typo bug, _smp_mflags instead smp_mflags * Fri Feb 13 2004 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Tue Feb 10 2004 Than Ngo 3.2.0-0.4 - improve bluecurve keymap - fixed broken symlink * Thu Feb 05 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.0-0.3 - build against qt 3.3.0 - cleanup specfile * Tue Feb 03 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.2.0-0.2 - 3.2.0 release * Mon Jan 19 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.1.95-0.1 - KDE 3.2 RC1 * Thu Jan 08 2004 Than Ngo 6:3.1.94-0.4 - added kdebase-3.1.94-kpersonalizer.patch (bluecurve as default) * Wed Dec 10 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.94-0.3 - include kdm README * Tue Dec 02 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.94-0.2 - KDE 3.2 Beta 2 respin - adjusted aboutkde.patch for 3.2 - remove kdebase-3.1.93-menu.patch, it's in upstream * Mon Dec 01 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.94-0.1 - KDE 3.2 Beta 2 * Mon Nov 17 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.93-0.3 - disable kpersonalizer - fix konsole desktop file - get rid of some old workarounds in startkde, speedup startkde - get rid of theme, it's obsolete in 3.2 - add missing starthere icon - add missing kde-unknown.directory * Sun Nov 16 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.93-0.2 - start-here protocol - BlueCure Ksplash as default - fix menu issue in kicker/kcontrol * Tue Nov 04 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.93-0.1 - KDE 3.2 Beta 1 - remove many patch files, which are now in upstream - cleanup many patch files - cleanup startkde - cleanup rpm file list * Tue Oct 28 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.4-6 - vfolder 0.1.5 - kde-redhat-config-3.1.3-4 - added some missing icons * Mon Oct 27 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.4-5 - add support protocol start-here for vfolder (bug #105667) - vfolder 0.1.4 * Tue Oct 14 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.4-4 - add patch to allow different icon size in kicker menu - don't reset icon size to 20x20 if it's greater than 20 * Fri Oct 10 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.4-3 - add patch files from Hans de Goede, (bug #63473, #80650, #80651) * Tue Oct 07 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.4-2 - install kde.desktop in /usr/share/xsession - add more translations for kde.desktop (stolen from kde 3.2 cvs) * Mon Sep 29 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.4-1 - 3.1.4 * Fri Aug 29 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.3-7 - add kde.desktop session for new gdm (bug #103292) * Thu Aug 28 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.3-6 - adopted a patch file from Mandrake, it fixes full screen problem * Mon Aug 18 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.3-5 - fixed kosmetic bug in ksplash (bug #100729) * Thu Aug 14 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.3-4 - adjust the patch file from peter.backlund@home.se for kpersonalizer (bug #100551) * Mon Aug 11 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.3-3 - add better default font setting for konqueror (bug #101735) * Thu Jul 31 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.3-2 - rebuilt * Wed Jul 30 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.3-1 - 3.1.3 - new patch for kicker (bug #86565, #87754, #100728) * Mon Jul 28 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-20 - rebuild * Mon Jul 28 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-19 - vfolder-0.1.3 * Mon Jul 28 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-18 - fix a bug in setting of defaultfont * Thu Jul 17 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-17 - rebuild * Thu Jul 10 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-16 - desktop files issue (bug #98843) * Wed Jul 9 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-15 - "open terminal" menu entry * Thu Jul 3 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-12 - fix vnc server conflict with DCOPserver (bug #68432) - cleanup startkde * Thu Jul 3 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-11 - fix search path for mozilla plugins (bug #92437) * Tue Jul 1 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-10 - fix keydef bug (#97937) * Wed Jun 25 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-8 - remove excludearch s390/s390x * Wed Jun 04 2003 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Wed Jun 4 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-6 - fix to build nsplugins with openmotif - add buildrequires openmotif-devel instead lesstif-devel - vfolder-0.1.2 * Mon May 26 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-4 - KDE launch feedback enable as default bug #90519 - permission fix on kde config file * Thu May 15 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-3 - respin * Mon May 12 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.2-1 - 3.1.2 * Thu May 8 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.1-9 - klipper can't load URLs with mozilla, bug #87430 * Tue May 6 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.1-8 - add patch for using /usr/share/hwdata/usb.ids * Mon Apr 21 2003 Elliot Lee 6:3.1.1-7 - Unconditionally extract vfolder archive, to allow for patching - Patch vfolder/admin/cvs.sh to deal with new 'head' options. - Patch vfolder/xmlcheck/main.cpp to fix typo * Wed Apr 16 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.1-6 - bugfix in vfolder * Mon Apr 14 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.1-5 - add xrandr support * Mon Apr 14 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.1-4 - PS/PDF file handling vulnerability * Thu Apr 3 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.1-3.1 - add patch file to fix smb bug, #80913, #75104 * Tue Apr 1 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.1-3 - fix a bug in Xpdf resource file - use htmlview as preferred browser * Thu Mar 20 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.1-2 - add patch file from CVS to fix: Minicli layout problem, KDM user window width is incorrect * Tue Mar 18 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1.1-1 - 3.1.1 release - get rid of some patch files, which are now in new upstream - adjust some patch files for 3.1.1 - permission fix - get rid of unneeded pam config file of kscreensaver - move desktop-create-menu to kdelibs * Wed Feb 26 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1-12 - energy star logo issue * Tue Feb 25 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1-11 - rpm file list issue (#84999) - add printer manager icon to panel * Mon Feb 24 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1-10 - security fix in kio-fish * Sat Feb 22 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1-9 - set default start page to red hat welcome page (#84858) - add fix for KDE Random Screensaver (#83671) * Thu Feb 20 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1-8 - don't show empty folder, #84029 * Thu Feb 13 2003 Thomas Woerner 6:3.1-7 - fixed arts bug #82750, requires rebuild of kdebase * Sat Feb 8 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1-6 - i18n issue in kio-vfolder * Thu Feb 6 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1-5 - fix scanpath mozilla plugin, #83618 - add a patch file from Leon Ho llch@redhat.com, #82529 - add some missing KDE screensavers, bug #83671 * Tue Feb 4 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1-4 - rhn-applet/pam-panel-icon/eggcups applet start correct now, #83264 - set NFSPollInterval=5000, PollInterval=500 * Tue Feb 4 2003 Thomas Woerner 6:3.1-3 - fixed panel button resize probem * Fri Jan 31 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1-2 - fix wrong Catagory, bug #82441 - fix mouse focus, bug #82675 * Tue Jan 28 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1-1 - 3.1 final * Sun Jan 26 2003 Than Ngo 6:3.1-0.17 - rc7 - remove check_size_t patch - cleanup specfile * Thu Jan 23 2003 Tim Powers 6:3.1-0.16 - rebuild * Wed Jan 15 2003 Thomas Woerner 3.1-0.15 - added s390 flags - included ia64 again * Mon Jan 13 2003 Karsten Hopp 3.1-0.14 - Missing epoch in requires * Mon Jan 13 2003 Thomas Woerner 3.1-0.13 - rc6 - exclude ia64 - ssl uses krb5 - size_t check * Mon Jan 6 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai 3.1-0.12 - add openssl-devel as a buildreq - add pkgconfig as a buildreq - if pkgconfig admits to knowing about openssl, incorporate its information * Sun Dec 29 2002 Than Ngo 3.1-0.11 - fix bug #80307 * Tue Dec 17 2002 Than Ngo 3.1-0.10 - remove unneeded files * Mon Dec 16 2002 Than Ngo 3.1-0.9 - rebuild - Fix wrong Start Here Url (bug #78178) * Sun Dec 15 2002 Than Ngo 3.1-0.8 - Add missing desktop files - requires redhat-menus-0.30 * Sun Dec 8 2002 Than Ngo 3.1-0.7 - remove unneeded patch file - fix dependency issue * Thu Dec 5 2002 Than Ngo 3.1-0.6 - clean up KDE menu/kcontrol center menu - fix build problem on s390/s390x - eggcups to kdebase default session (Tim Waugh) - rpm macros (Mike Harris) * Wed Dec 4 2002 Than Ngo 3.1-0.5 - move 9x15 fix font to bitmaps font package - bug fix in kinfo center - add new catagories * Sun Dec 1 2002 Than Ngo 3.1-0.4 - bug fixes kcontrol center/file browsing/Look&Feel - add RH kdm default configuration * Wed Nov 27 2002 Than Ngo 3.1-0.3 - adjust 2 patch files again - add correct option in configure - use %%configure * Mon Nov 25 2002 Than Ngo 3.1-0.2 - fix desktop file issues * Wed Nov 20 2002 Than Ngo 3.1-0.1 - 3.1 rc4 - adjust many patch files for 3.1 - remove some patch files, which are now in 3.1 * Tue Nov 19 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.5-4 - fix konsole crash on startup with qt 3.1.0 * Mon Nov 11 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai 3.0.5-3 - remove directory names from PAM configuration files so that they can be used for all arches on multilib boxes * Sun Nov 10 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.5-2 - fix lib64 issue * Sat Nov 9 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.5-1 - update to 3.0.5 * Fri Nov 8 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.4-2.2 - konsole super user mode shouldn't require password to be retyped (bug #77387) - unpackged files in buildroot * Sat Oct 12 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.4-1 - cleanup some patch file for 3.0.4 - cleanup configure to build correct on x86_64 - Added /etc/X11/applnk in WatchDir - KDE screensaver issue (bug #73412) - better handling of desktop file renames (bug #74071) - Konsole screen refresh is slow (bug #73303, #75154) - localiztion fix (bug #75085, #75012) - Unable to acess the preferences of KNewsTicker (bug #74805) * Thu Sep 5 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.3-13 - Fixed i18n issue in kio-vfolder * Tue Sep 4 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.3-12 - Added KAboutKDE to kicker menu * Tue Sep 3 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.3-11 - Fixed Url start here - Set Volume to 20 as default * Sun Sep 1 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.3-10 - Fixed kdm to read X resource if it's deleted. - Set Bluecurve theme in kdm as default - Add share/applnk in WatchDir - remove merging share/applnk - Ajust Colors scheme * Sat Aug 31 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.3-9 - turn on AntiAliasing in KDM as default (bug #68872) - fixed KDM using Fonts Sans - put Red Hat in the version number - disable Report Bug menu item - turn off stick button in window title - added katefiledialogencoding patch from Leon Ho (bug #68214) * Wed Aug 28 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.3-8 - Fixed kicker not showing buttons if desktop file not found (bug #71141) - Fixed clock patch to prefer redhat-config-date - klippper only showed in KDE - Add icon order patch from Phil Knirsch * Wed Aug 28 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.3-7 - Added Bluecurve theme for kthememanager - Fixed a bug in KDE default theme (bug #71413) - Added missing KDE settings - Added keymap patch and clock patch from Preston - Adjusted clock patch * Tue Aug 27 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.3-6 - Fix vfolder bug again * Mon Aug 26 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.3-5 - Add fix to resize panel icons (bug #72549) - Add fix to lauch kdm login manager module from kcontrol (bug #72470) - remove OnlyShowIn KDE in konqueror (bug #72408) - Get rid of kpersonalizer from startkde, now KDE supports LANG (bug #72251) - Fix vfolder bug (bug #71919) - Set Sans 10 as default font - Set help_about_kde to false as default - Rename konsole to Terminal - Add fix to reload global X resource if it's deleted * Thu Aug 22 2002 Preston Brown 3.0.3-4 - default keybinding file for Bluecurve theme * Wed Aug 21 2002 Preston Brown 3.0.3-4 - Default mouse focus should be click to focus (#71816) - move all "Preferences->System" items to Extras - move kdm configuration to Extras - remove "Date & Time" (duplicate functionality) from menus (#59695) - remove kcmfontinst (incompatible functionality) from menus (#59695) - Kate into Accessories category (from Programming) - fix Configure... menu entry in RMB menu of kwin - default wallpaper mode is Scaled not Centered * Wed Aug 14 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.3-3 - Some Tweaks in configuration - lauch rhn-applet-gui instead applet-gui - Fixed kpersonalizer using Bluecurve instead Wonderland * Tue Aug 13 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.3-2 - Some fixes in the vfolder ioslave - Support queries in the vfolder ioslave - Add Start Here icon on desktop * Thu Aug 8 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.3-1 - 3.0.3 - Added some rh default settings in kicker/kwin - Fixed a bug in kicker to start menueditor (bug #71164) - Fixed a bug in setting clock/date - Added fix to start rhn-applet and pam-panel-icon in systemtray - Configuration tweaks (bug #70926) - Added fix to use Bluecurve - Added new desktop-create-kmenu - Added a systemtray patch from Harald Hoyer * Wed Aug 7 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.2-8 - Implemented slotRhDescription in kpersonalizer (bug #70863) - Added more BuildPrereq (bug #69992, #70011) - Wonderland icon Theme as default (bug #69654) - Added fix for looking desktop file with prefix kde - Fixed a bug Konsole configure (bug #67217) - don't use prefix kde by some typical KDE appllications - use -O0 on alpha machine (compiler bug) * Mon Aug 5 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.2-7.2 - add patch file to fix kicker segfault (bug #69688) - get rid of Taiwanese Flag in KDE (bug #70235) * Sun Aug 4 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.2-7.1 - don't merge old kde menus (#69652) - add fix to show evolution/mozilla in kicker (#69725, #70152, #70618, #69822) - add fix to have rh panel layout (#59676) - add some fixes from 3.0.2 stable branch - add a patch file to fix a bug in startkde, Karsten Hopp - add requires images for ksplash - add pam_timestamp support (#69863) - add fix to make kpersonalizer usable in 640x480 resolution (#68358) - add fix for looking DesktopEntryName with prefix kde * Thu Aug 1 2002 Tim Powers 3.0.2-7 - don't install the ksplash icons since we're using the images in the redhat-artwork package * Tue Jul 23 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.2-6 - Added correct path to load background image * Mon Jul 22 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.2-5 - Fixed a bug by writing widgetStyle in confile - default.jpg as default background, if no background image is found use plain color #5477A0 - BusyCursor=false as default for rh Style - use klipper applet rather than tray icon (bug #67107) - add rh panel layout - build against gcc 3.2-0.1 * Fri Jul 17 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.2-4 - merge /var/lib/menu/kde/Applications - Added missing index file for Crystal icons - Own /usr/share/icons/Crystal, /usr/share/mimelnk/print - Fixed kwin issue in kpersonalizer - Added a missing patch file - Fixed KDE menu issue (bug #69102, #67648) - Fixed Control Center issue (bug #69031) - Tiny tweaks to kdebase .desktop files (bug #69002) - Added some hacks for KDE screen savers * Tue Jul 16 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.2-3 - Added patch in konqueror, it should search pluggins on mozilla directory (bug #68599) - Fixed a bug in merging /etc/X11/applnk (bug #64919,64594) - Added patch for merging /var/lib/menu/kde - Fixed a bug in kcontrol, it should search screensavers in /var/lib/menu/kde - Added desktop-create-kmenu - Added fix for building against g++-296 (bug #68752) - Added fix in KDE font installer using xfs reload (bug #64664) (rdieter@math.unl.edu) - Fixed refresh issue in konsole (Harald Hoyer) - Fixed font issue in konsole (bug #68476) - Fixed font issue in terminal emulation under Konqueror (bug #68618) - correct fonts in KDE startup (bug #68872) - Redhat Style Kwin has opaque resize as default (bug #68401) - AntiAliasing on as default in Redhat Style Wonderland - Added missing screensave desktop files - Rename the section in screen save desktop files - Don't strip binaries - get rid of wallpapers, requires desktop-backgrounds-basic, wallpapers are now in desktop-backgrounds-basic - Fixed colorScheme issue in kpersonalizer - Added floppy unit icon missing on desktop (bug #68890) - Adapted kdebase to new desktop background framework (bug #66784) - 3.0.2 fixed bug #63700 * Wed Jul 10 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.2-2 - use desktop-file-install * Tue Jul 2 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.2-1 - 3.0.2 * Thu Jun 27 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.2-0.cvs20020627.1 - Add Red Hat style to kpersonalizer - Update * Tue Jun 25 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Change defaults - Add the vfolder ioslave - Add hacks to launch desktop-create-kmenu when needed, merge /etc/kde/menu * Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers - automated rebuild * Thu May 23 2002 Tim Powers - automated rebuild * Fri May 10 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.1-1 - 3.0.1 * Wed Apr 17 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-12 - Make kwin more tolerant to missing window hints, fixes #62308 Patch from Matthias Ettrich * Wed Apr 17 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-11 - Fix #63657 and #63473 * Mon Apr 15 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-10 - Move in new splash screen - Change sonames to take care of compiler changes * Fri Apr 12 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-9 - Try to fix bug #60811 (kpersonalizer now sets default fonts for CJK) - Put kicker configuration back in kpersonalizer (#61266) and make sure the minimal variant is selected for extremely low resolutions (#63266) * Thu Apr 11 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-8 - Don't link desktopconv against libqt - Update flag patch (#61946) * Tue Apr 9 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-7 - Fix default kicker config - it shouldn't point to absolute paths (#62355) - Add build requirement on samba >= 2.2.3a-5 to build the correct smb ioslave (#62202) * Mon Apr 4 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-5 - Add fixes from KDE_3_0_BRANCH, except for the "F1 in konsole" change (that one breaks things) - Don't show Taiwanese flag for zh_CN (#61946) - Move in Red Hat splash screen * Wed Apr 3 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-4 - Fix issues with multiple instances of kbookmarkeditor being opened at the same time - Remove the static cdparanoia hack, we're shipping shared cdparanoia libs these days. * Wed Apr 3 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-3 - Merge patches from KDE_3_0_BRANCH: - Fix konsole crash - Fix Comment vs. GenericName issue in kcm_kdm - Fix memory leak in kcontrol * Thu Mar 28 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.0-2 - fix to use shared xdm config files - add requires some xdm config files * Tue Mar 26 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-1 - 3.0 final - Add fix for minimizing toplevel windows from KDE_3_0_BRANCH * Tue Mar 26 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20020326.1 - Make kdm use the shared {k,x,g}dm config files rather than putting in its own * Thu Mar 21 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20020321.1 - Some more config changes * Wed Mar 20 2002 Than Ngo 3.0.0-0.cvs20020320.1 - update kdebase config for Red Hat * Tue Mar 19 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20020314.4 - Fix up kdm * Mon Mar 18 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20020314.3 - Add patches from Than to fix up menu i18n and kdm sessions - Put back %%{?_smp_mflags} * Tue Mar 12 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20020314.1 - Add patch from Than to scale down icons for submenus pointing to legacy applications rather than keeping them at 32x32 * Mon Mar 11 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20020311.1 - Add patch to kicker allowing it to display just the app descriptions instead of names * Fri Mar 1 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20020301.1 - Update - Remove separate kdm package * Thu Feb 14 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20020214.1 - Build --with-xinerama * Tue Jan 29 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20020129.1 - Manually add Provides: libkateinterfaces.so to work around rpm bug * Sun Jan 20 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20020120.1 - Update to get API changes - Clean up old temp files in startkde some more * Thu Jan 17 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20020117.2 - Make sure the correct kdelibs is in the build environment before building kdebase * Mon Jan 7 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20020107.1 - Update, sync with kdelibs API changes * Sat Dec 29 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20011229.1 - Update * Wed Dec 26 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20011226.1 - Update - Disable ia64 temporarily (because of bug #57833) * Sat Dec 15 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20011215.1 - Update - Make kdm a separate package * Fri Dec 14 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 3.0.0-0.cvs20011214.1 - Update - Exclude alpha for now (compiler bugs) * Sun Aug 5 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.cvs20010805.1 - Fix anti-aliased fonts - Remove Japanese konsole patch, it breaks changing fonts in all other languages - BuildRequire lesstif-devel to make sure recompiled versions of Konqueror support Netscape plugins - Remove language detection hacks from startkde, they're now in kpersonalizer - Personalize kicker in kpersonalizer - Power off when halting the system in kdm (#50847) * Thu Aug 2 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.cvs20010802.1 - Remove Japanese Konsole patch, it breaks other languages (#50619) * Tue Jul 31 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.cvs20010731.1 - Remove some patches that made it into cvs - Fix up the Japanese patch, it messed up konsole fonts on "normal" languages * Mon Jul 30 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.cvs20010730.1 - Fix up audiocd ioslave (#50310) - Initialize kpersonalizer to $LANG (#50311) - Add Japanese patch * Wed Jul 25 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.cvs20010725.1 - Fix error messages on first startup * Tue Jul 24 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.cvs20010724.1 - remove ia64 workarounds - fix default configurations - update - remove dupes from kdeartwork * Sun Jul 22 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.cvs20010722.1 - rebuild after fixing the build root * Sat Jul 21 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.cvs20010721.1 - rebuild - somehow an application got linked against an older version of itself from the buildroot - update * Fri Jul 20 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.cvs20010720.1 - update - get rid of some rpmlint warnings - remove kappfinder (we maintain /etc/X11/applnk) - work around ia64 breakage * Wed Jun 27 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.cvs20010627.1 - update - adapt patches * Sat Jun 16 2001 Alan Eldridge 2.2-0.cvs20010616.1 - updated for current CVS * Tue May 22 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.alpha2.2 - Work around NFS-mounted home directories residing on servers with ultimately broken OSes (#40711) - Fix desktopconv compilation without optimizations (#40144) - Move old config files rather than deleting them (#38107) - Add explicit requirements on lm_sensors and kdelibs-sound (#32678) - Fix doc generation (#40087) - s/Copyright:/License:/ * Sun May 20 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.alpha2.1 - 2.2 alpha 2 * Sun May 13 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.cvs20010513.1 - Fix up default settings; KSpell should use Aspell right away - Split out -devel subpackage; with KWin and Kate moving to plugin systems, this is getting big... * Sat May 12 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.2-0.cvs20010512.1 - Update, adapt patches - Fix up desktop devices patch, we want the "Eject" action for CD-ROMs, CD-Writers, CD-RWs, ZIP and JAZ-Drives and LS120. * Fri Apr 20 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - 2.2alpha1 - kill /usr/share/icons/locolor/16x16/actions/bookmark_folder.png (dupe from kdelibs) * Tue Apr 3 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Fix deadkeys handling in kdm - Fix uninitialized variable in konsole, patch from Tim Waugh (#34452) * Fri Mar 30 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Fix rpmfind shortcut (Bugzilla #34057, KDE Bug #21100) - Add patch from KDE_2_1_BRANCH to get rid of debug output in the ktar IO slave * Wed Mar 28 2001 Than Ngo - fix a bug in desktopconv (bug #33374) * Tue Mar 27 2001 Than Ngo - fix charmap/encoding problem - fix MinimumFontSize in konqueror, default is 10 - set correct DefaultEncoding for konqueror - clean up startkde - disable Israel and Thai, it's broken in qt * Fri Mar 23 2001 Preston Brown - remove CD-ROM / Floppy .desktop files, they are generated automatically now - remove some other old obsolete default config files * Thu Mar 22 2001 Preston Brown - patch to dynamically create icons for removable/user controllable devices on desktop * Wed Mar 21 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.1.1-2 - Log utmp/wtmp correctly in konsole, using utempter - Remove setuid state from konsole_grantpty, it's no longer needed now that we use utempter. - Fix escaping in the konsole KPart - Fix grammar and order in the arts control module * Tue Mar 21 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.1.1-1 - 2.1.1 - Don't crash if kfmexec is invoked without arguments (#32029) - Various desktopconv fixes: - Allow removing or ignoring KDE 1.x files - convert the printer icon we had on the desktop by default. - Support i18n - Add mailsettings tool (generates sane kcmemail defaults at first startup) - Fix up support for Brazil Portuguese and Chinese - Fix loading of child panel config files (harald) - remove -T and --title in konsole, use instead --caption (#31483) (Than Ngo) - More i18n fixes (zh_HK is closer to zh_TW than to zh_CN...) * Mon Mar 20 2001 Than Ngo - fix Login Screen Red Hat logo (Bug #32241) - fix kdm background color - fix a bug in setting font size (Bug #32258) * Fri Mar 17 2001 Than Ngo 2.1-11 - fix placed icons on desktop (Bug #31985) - some bugfixes in startkde - restore support for Russian (bero) - merge bugfix patch from KDE_2_1_BRANCH, Ctrl-U could crash Konqueror under certain circumstances (bero) - Fix up the effects patch (if everything was disabled, no radio button was checked by default, rather than the "No effects" button) (bero) * Thu Mar 15 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.1-10 - Fix up i18n support - Don't use predictable tmp file names in krdb - Remove the printer icon from the desktop. It uses klpq which is in kdeutils, so the icon should come from there. - fix error.c in kdebase-2.1-fixes.patch, It's broken (Than Ngo) - better fix for konsole keyboard mappings (Preston Brown) * Tue Mar 13 2001 Than Ngo - fix default profile for konqueror in webbrowser mode - set lucidatypewriter as fixed-width font for konqueror * Mon Mar 12 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.1-9 - Fix locale settings (old versions didn't check the user's locale settings and always started up in English) - Fix some braindead code in kwrite * Sat Mar 10 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.1-8 - Add option to save backtraces to a file (#30867) - Fix kdm looking horrible on 8 bit displays - Revert to /usr/share/config with an exception for kdmrc - Add /etc/skel/Desktop/.directory (the /etc/skel/Desktop/* glob doesn't include /etc/skel/Desktop/.* ...) - Don't apply konsole-noxft patch anymore (workaround for an X bug that was fixed in 11.4) * Fri Mar 9 2001 Preston Brown - fix home and end default mapping in konsole * Wed Feb 28 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - /usr/share/config -> /etc/kde - Don't throw all config files at every user's home directory; 2.x supports changing global defaults - Get rid of bogus "can't find schema named" warning - Fix various bugs in konsole (don't connect to a NULL slot, etc.) - Cripple kxmlrpcd by default (#23253) - Add a sane icon arrangement at first startup (#25026) * Tue Feb 27 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Add fixes from KDE_2_1_BRANCH: - Fix up cookie handling in konqueror - Fix a potential crash in kcontrol when using config files from cvs snapshots - Fix possible khotkeys segfault - Fix up Konqueror User Agent dialog - Log in to "default" session by default (#29157) * Thu Feb 22 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - 2.1 second (and hopefully last) respin * Wed Feb 21 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - 2.1-respin - Drop the old anotherlevel session type in kdm (#28593) * Mon Feb 19 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - 2.1 * Wed Feb 14 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Fix up konsole_grantpty to work with the /dev/pts filesystem and /dev/ptmx rather than the old /dev/ptyXX system - Replace ktip logo with Red Hat logo, the old one could be considered offensive by some people - Fix build with glibc 2.2.2 - Turn off icon view in kdm - Other minor changes to default config * Mon Feb 12 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - desktopconv: Don't strip off .png/.xpm/.gif in Icon= if it is provided as a full pathname - Build with --disable-debug - Fix a bug causing all icons to appear in the upper-left corner - Don't use antialiased fonts in konsole even if they're turned on. Konsole can't deal with them. - Don't show the postgres and amanda users in kdm - Add rhbug/bz shortcut to Bugzilla - Add ftpsearch/fs shortcut to FTP Search - Add "Eject" option to CD-ROM icon (RFE #26301) - Fix permissions on some files in /etc/skel/Desktop (having them readable by root only is not really useful ;) ) - Fix PAM exiting (#25232, Patch from Tim Waugh) - Fix utmp handling in konsole (Bug #25048) - Rewrite desktopconv and run it from startkde, ensures clean updates from KDE 1.x (Bug #25473) - Add $HOME/bin to PATH in kdm (Bug #25743) * Fri Feb 2 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Link the greeter into kdm statically, pulling in libpthreads Fixes crash with glibc-2.2.1-3 i686 * Fri Jan 26 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - exec ksmserver rather than just starting it - there's no need to keep that shell in memory. * Thu Jan 25 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Turn off anti-aliasing by default - Restore the turning AA on/off and "apply styles to non-KDE-apps" functionality, someone managed to break them just in time for 2.1 beta 2. * Tue Jan 23 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Fix bugs #23136 and #24709 * Mon Jan 22 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Kill /usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/actions/view_tree.png, it's in kdelibs - restore missing /etc/kderc (Bug #24601) * Sat Jan 20 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Fix update if Autostart directory exists, but is empty - Fix usage of mktemp in startkde (#24415) * Fri Jan 19 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Update CVS (fixed #24298, #24242) - Hack in support for turning anti-aliasing on and off, as requested by Than. Unfortunately, this patch probably won't go into the base 2.1 because of the message freeze. * Wed Jan 17 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Update to CVS; I fixed building with OpenLDAP 2.x in there. * Tue Jan 16 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Add kscreensaver pam file (copy the xscreensaver one, don't use the broken one from KDE CVS) * Thu Jan 11 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Don't replace a directory with a symlink (#23671) * Mon Jan 8 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Fix background (#20910) * Mon Jan 8 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - kdm shouldn't show gdm and mailnull users (#23136) - don't install the konsole fonts, they're now included in XFree86 (#23467) - Obsoletes kdebase2 (from 7.0-preview) - Add config files (used to be in kdesupport) (#22601) * Mon Jan 1 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Update * Wed Dec 20 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Update - Obsolete kdebase-3d-screensavers, kdebase-locolor-icons, kapm kcmlaptop (optional stuff from KDE 1.x) * Thu Nov 9 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Update to HEAD branch - s/Prereq/Requires(post,postun)/ * Thu Nov 2 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Some fixes to startkde: - if /etc/skel/.kde doesn't exist, don't copy it - remove stale .DCOPserver* files at startup - Rebuild with fixed kdoc * Tue Oct 31 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Move include files to /usr/include/kde - Don't install any of the mini-lesstif files, we need them at build time only - Fix consolehelper config for kappfinder * Sat Oct 28 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Update to KDE_2_0_BRANCH, now that the ".0 release" bugs are fixed - Get rid of the Red Hat menu, it's merged now - Fix up the gdm session file - Fix up kappfinder, run it through consolehelper (Bug #19903) - Enable Netscape plugin support, add a stripped down version of lesstif to allow this * Mon Oct 23 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - 2.0 final * Sun Oct 1 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - new CVS - fix installation of fonts * Sat Sep 23 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - new CVS snapshot - fix up spec file * Wed Aug 23 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - get rid of the 3d-screensavers package - now that qt-GL is part of qt, there's no need to keep them separate to avoid the dependency. * Mon Aug 21 2000 Than Ngo - fix gnome-session so that KDE2 can be started from gdm - pam/kde2 instead pam/kde to avoid problem with KDE1 - don't requires qt-GL, It's now in qt * Sun Aug 20 2000 Than Ngo - fix dependency problem with KDE1 so that KDE1 and KDE2 can be installed at the same time - add missing ldconfig in %%post and %%postun - fix for reading config files in /etc/X11/xdm, add Xsession to requires * Tue Aug 8 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Fix keytable in konsole (Bug #15682) * Sun Aug 6 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - rebuild, now that kdelibs2 works on alpha - use the same ugly hack to get kdebase to compile - remove ksysguard on alpha (even more compiler problems) * Fri Aug 4 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - new snapshot (fixed libGL detection in CVS) * Wed Aug 2 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - move to /usr/lib/kde2 - new snapshot * Sun Jul 23 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai - fix the --xdmdir arg to be correct (oops) * Fri Jul 21 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai - move kdm config files from /usr/config to /etc/X11 by forcing xdmdir * Fri Jul 21 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - new snapshot - some fixes to spec file * Tue Jul 18 2000 Than Ngo - rebuilt against glibc-2.1.92-14, gcc-2.96-40 * Sun Jul 16 2000 Than Ngo - use new snapshot - disable Motif * Tue Jul 11 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - use gcc 2.96 - new snapshot * Sun Jul 2 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Epoch 3 - Update to current - Use egcs++ * Fri Jun 30 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Update (I put the fixes directly to CVS rather than collecting them in the spec) * Fri Jun 23 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - remove man2html; we get that from man - new snapshot * Tue Jun 20 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - new snapshot - ExcludeArch ia64 for now - remove gnome .desktop file, we get it from gnome-core now. * Wed Apr 5 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - remove dependency on xpm (now in XFree86) * Sat Mar 18 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - new snapshot - move it to /usr, where it belongs * Sat Dec 25 1999 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Build the OpenGL screensavers, and move them to a separate package - Improve the spec file (BuildPrereqs etc.) * Thu Dec 16 1999 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - remove patch #3 (obsoleted by kwin) * Sun Oct 24 1999 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - 2.0 CVS snapshot - fix compilation * Thu Sep 23 1999 Preston Brown - clean up files in /tmp from startkde - mark doc files as such * Tue Sep 21 1999 Preston Brown - start autorun if present in startkde - check for configured soundcard before running sound services * Mon Sep 20 1999 Preston Brown - made kdelnks display Name property if they are of type Link * Thu Sep 16 1999 Preston Brown - moved png handling here (from kdelibs) - changed low color icon directory name to locolor * Tue Sep 14 1999 Preston Brown - added optional session management to logout dialog - include GNOME menus * Mon Sep 13 1999 Preston Brown - added link to /etc/X11/applnk, .directory file - included lowcolor icon sub-package - enable .desktop file access * Fri Sep 10 1999 Preston Brown - customized startkde script to set up user environment if not present. - mention kthememgr in description. * Wed Sep 08 1999 Preston Brown - upgraded to 1.1.2 release - kvt is back - kde icon included - linux console fonts included * Thu Jul 15 1999 Preston Brown - PAM console logout problem solved. * Mon Jul 12 1999 Preston Brown - now includes screensaver password security fix * Fri Jun 11 1999 Preston Brown - snapshot, includes kde 1.1.1 + fixes - kvt removed for security reasons. It is a steaming pile of... * Mon Apr 19 1999 Preston Brown - last snapshot before release * Fri Apr 16 1999 Preston Brown - today's snapshot makes kfm a bit nicer and some other fixes - moved default rc files to kdesupport * Thu Apr 15 1999 Preston Brown - SUID bit removed from konsole_grantpty -- not needed w/glibc 2.1 * Wed Apr 14 1999 Preston Brown - built with today's snapshot -- had to rebuild to fix pam problems. * Tue Apr 13 1999 Preston Brown - new snapshot fixes mimetype video/x-flic problem * Mon Apr 12 1999 Preston Brown - latest stable snapshot * Fri Apr 09 1999 Preston Brown - removed bell.xpm (used to be in fvwm2-icons, don't want installer to see - this previous connection and autoselect kdebase for upgrade). * Tue Mar 23 1999 Preston Brown - moved gdm patch * Mon Mar 22 1999 Preston Brown - added gdm session control file * Fri Mar 19 1999 Preston Brown - added pam-console stuff to kde pam file * Wed Feb 24 1999 Preston Brown - Injected new description and group. * Mon Feb 07 1999 Preston Brown - upgraded to KDE 1.1 final. * Tue Jan 19 1999 Preston Brown - updated macros for RPM 3.0, removed red hat logo. * Tue Jan 05 1999 Preston Brown - re-merged from Duncan Haldane's stuff