%global pypi_name nikola Name: python-%{pypi_name} Version: 8.0.4 Release: 5%{?dist} Summary: A modular, fast, simple, static website and blog generator License: MIT and CC0 and BSD URL: https://getnikola.com/ Source0: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch #Upstream patches for next release Patch0: nikola-8.0.4-update-markdown-test.patch Patch1: nikola-8.0.4-exclude-tests-install.patch BuildRequires: python3-devel # Required to apply upstream patches BuildRequires: git-core # Sphinx required for documentation BuildRequires: python3dist(sphinx) # Required for testing ( requires + extras + testing) # * from requirements.txt BuildRequires: python3dist(doit) BuildRequires: python3dist(pygments) BuildRequires: python3dist(pillow) BuildRequires: python3dist(python-dateutil) BuildRequires: python3dist(docutils) BuildRequires: python3dist(mako) BuildRequires: python3dist(markdown) BuildRequires: python3dist(unidecode) BuildRequires: python3dist(lxml) BuildRequires: python3dist(yapsy) BuildRequires: python3dist(pyrss2gen) BuildRequires: python3dist(blinker) BuildRequires: python3dist(setuptools) BuildRequires: python3dist(natsort) BuildRequires: python3dist(requests) BuildRequires: python3dist(piexif) BuildRequires: python3dist(babel) # * from requirements-extras.txt BuildRequires: python3dist(jinja2) BuildRequires: python3dist(husl) BuildRequires: python3dist(pyphen) BuildRequires: python3dist(micawber) BuildRequires: python3dist(pygal) BuildRequires: python3dist(typogrify) BuildRequires: python3dist(phpserialize) BuildRequires: python3dist(notebook) BuildRequires: python3dist(ipykernel) BuildRequires: python3dist(ghp-import2) BuildRequires: python3dist(aiohttp) BuildRequires: python3dist(watchdog) BuildRequires: python3dist(ruamel.yaml) BuildRequires: python3dist(toml) # * from requirements-tests.txt BuildRequires: python3dist(coverage) BuildRequires: python3dist(pytest) BuildRequires: python3dist(pytest-cov) BuildRequires: python3dist(freezegun) BuildRequires: python3dist(flake8) # Extra requirements to enable plugins Requires: python3dist(jinja2) Requires: python3dist(husl) Requires: python3dist(pyphen) Requires: python3dist(micawber) Requires: python3dist(pygal) Requires: python3dist(typogrify) Requires: python3dist(phpserialize) Requires: python3dist(notebook) Requires: python3dist(ipykernel) Requires: python3dist(ghp-import2) Requires: python3dist(aiohttp) Requires: python3dist(watchdog) Requires: python3dist(ruamel.yaml) Requires: python3dist(toml) %description Nikola is a static site and blog generator using Python. It generates sites with tags, feeds, archives, comments, and more from plain text files. Source can be unformatted, or formatted with reStructuredText or Markdown. It also automatically builds image galleries. %package -n python3-%{pypi_name} Summary: %{summary} %{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-%{pypi_name}} Requires: glyphicons-halflings-fonts %description -n python3-%{pypi_name} Nikola is a static site and blog generator using Python. It generates sites with tags, feeds, archives, comments, and more from plain text files. Source can be unformatted, or formatted with reStructuredText or Markdown. This package contains the Python implementation of nikola. %package -n python-%{pypi_name}-doc Summary: python-nikola documentation Obsoletes: python2-nikola < 8 Obsoletes: python3-nikola < 8 %description -n python-%{pypi_name}-doc Documentation for python-nikola %package -n %{pypi_name} Summary: %{summary} Requires: python3-%{pypi_name} = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pypi_name} Documentation for python-nikola Nikola is a static site and blog generator using Python. It generates sites with tags, feeds, archives, comments, and more from plain text files. Source can be unformatted, or formatted with reStructuredText or Markdown. It also automatically builds image galleries. %prep %autosetup -S git -n nikola-%{version} # Remove bundled egg-info rm -rf Nikola.egg-info %build %py3_build # generate html docs PYTHONPATH=${PWD} sphinx-build-3 docs/sphinx html # remove the sphinx-build leftovers rm -rf html/.{doctrees,buildinfo} %install %py3_install %check pytest %files -n python3-%{pypi_name} %license LICENSE.txt %doc README.rst %{python3_sitelib}/nikola %{python3_sitelib}/Nikola-%{version}-py?.?.egg-info %files -n python-%{pypi_name}-doc %license LICENSE.txt %doc html %files -n %{pypi_name} %license LICENSE.txt %{_bindir}/nikola %{_datadir}/doc/%{pypi_name}/*.rst %{_mandir}/man1/nikola.1.gz %changelog * Mon Mar 16 2020 José Matos - 8.0.4-5 - add Obsoletes to nikola for versions < 8 to ensure a clean upgrade path - simplify the testing now that Fedora 31 has the new python-markdown * Fri Mar 6 2020 José Matos - 8.0.4-4 - Require git-core instead of git to support "%%autosetup -S git" * Thu Mar 5 2020 José Matos - 8.0.4-3 - use directly pytest for tests instead of using setup.py - add upstream patch to fix a test * Tue Feb 25 2020 José Matos - 8.0.4-2 - Reenable tests to see if they now work - Add extra requirements to enable plugins * Tue Feb 25 2020 José Matos - 8.0.4-1 - update to 8.0.4 * Sun Jun 9 2019 José Matos - 8.0.2-1 - package resubmitted to Fedora. * Sat Sep 8 2018 José Matos - 7.8.15-2 - make Requires dependencies greater or equal rather than just equal. * Sat Sep 1 2018 José Matos - 7.8.15-1 - initial package. - disable for now the dependency on ws4py because it does not build with python3.7