# Generated by rust2rpm 24 %bcond_without check %global debug_package %{nil} %global crate bencher Name: rust-bencher Version: 0.1.5 Release: %autorelease Summary: Port of the libtest benchmark runner to stable Rust # Upstream license specification: MIT/Apache-2.0 License: MIT OR Apache-2.0 URL: https://crates.io/crates/bencher Source: %{crates_source} BuildRequires: rust-packaging >= 21 %global _description %{expand: A port of the libtest (unstable Rust) benchmark runner to Rust stable releases. Supports running benchmarks and filtering based on the name. Benchmark execution works exactly the same way and no more (caveat: black_box is still missing!).} %description %{_description} %package devel Summary: %{summary} BuildArch: noarch %description devel %{_description} This package contains library source intended for building other packages which use the "%{crate}" crate. %files devel %license %{crate_instdir}/LICENSE-APACHE %license %{crate_instdir}/LICENSE-MIT %doc %{crate_instdir}/README.rst %{crate_instdir}/ %package -n %{name}+default-devel Summary: %{summary} BuildArch: noarch %description -n %{name}+default-devel %{_description} This package contains library source intended for building other packages which use the "default" feature of the "%{crate}" crate. %files -n %{name}+default-devel %ghost %{crate_instdir}/Cargo.toml %prep %autosetup -n %{crate}-%{version_no_tilde} -p1 %cargo_prep %generate_buildrequires %cargo_generate_buildrequires %build %cargo_build %install %cargo_install %if %{with check} %check %cargo_test %endif %changelog %autochangelog