%define name qmailadmin %define pversion 1.2.16 %define bversion 1.4 %define rpmrelease 3.kng%{?dist} %define release %{bversion}.%{rpmrelease} %define apacheuser apache %define apachegroup apache BuildRequires: automake #BuildRequires: mysql-devel >= 5.0.22, mysql >= 5.0.22, httpd >= 2.2.3, automake #Requires: mysql >= 5.0.22, httpd >= 2.2.3, %define ccflags %{optflags} %define ldflags %{optflags} ############### RPM ################################ %define debug_package %{nil} %define vtoaster %{pversion} %define basedir %{_datadir}/toaster %define qadmdir %{basedir}/qmailadmin %define builddate Sat Feb 18 2012 %{!?spambox:%define spambox 0} Name: %{name}-toaster Summary: Web Administration for qmail-toaster Version: %{vtoaster} Release: %{release} License: GPL Group: Networking/Other URL: http://www.inter7.com/qmailadmin Source0: qmailadmin-%{pversion}.tar.bz2 Source1: help.tar.bz2 Patch1: qmailadmin-lib-kloxong-qtoaster.patch Patch2: qmailadmin-vpop-devel.patch Patch3: qmailadmin-noroot.patch Patch4: qmailadmin-bounce-fix.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-buildroot BuildRequires: qmail-toaster >= 1.03, vpopmail-toaster >= 5.4.33 BuildRequires: libvpopmail-devel >= 5.4.17 BuildRequires: autorespond-toaster >= 2.0.2, ezmlm-toaster >= 0.53.324, bzip2 BuildRequires: mysql-devel, mysql BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: bzip2 Requires: qmail-toaster >= 1.03, vpopmail-toaster >= 5.4.33 Requires: control-panel-toaster >= 0.2 Requires: autorespond-toaster >= 2.0.2, ezmlm-toaster >= 0.53.324 Requires: mysql Packager: Bharath Chari %define vdir /home/vpopmail %define qdir /var/qmail #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %description #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- QmailAdmin is a free software package that provides a web interface for managing a qmail system with virtual domains. This version is for use with the vpopmail program. It provides admin for adding/deleting users, Aliases, Forwards, Mailing lists and Autoresponders. Version 0.40 features automatic International language support via the users language settings on their browser. qmailadmin 1.2.15 Current settings --------------------------------------- cgi-bin dir = /usr/share/qmailadmin html dir = /usr/share/qmailadmin image dir = /usr/share/qmailadmin/images image URL = /qmailadmin/images template dir = /usr/share/qmailadmin qmail dir = /var/qmail vpopmail dir = /home/vpopmail autorespond dir = /usr/bin ezmlm dir = /usr/bin ezmlm idx = yes mysql for ezmlm = no help = yes modify quota = yes domain autofill = no #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %prep #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %define name qmailadmin %setup -q -n %{name}-%{pversion} # patch 1 and 2 need to go together to find libraries path %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %patch3 -p1 %patch4 -p1 # Cleanup for gcc #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ -f %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc ] && rm -f %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc echo "gcc" > %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc # Export compiler flags #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- export CC="`cat %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc` %{ccflags}" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %build #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Due to changes in compiler options we need this to compile properly on centos 8 # for now it works later we need to find a better way to put this into the spec file %if %{?fedora}0 > 150 || %{?rhel}0 > 70 %define cflags %(echo %{optflags} | sed -e 's/$/ -fPIC/' ) %define ldflags %(echo %{optflags} | sed -e 's/$/ -no-pie/' ) export CFLAGS="%{cflags}" export LDFLAGS="%{ldflags}" %endif %{__aclocal} %{__autoconf} %{__automake} --add-missing autoreconf --install %configure \ --prefix=%{_prefix} \ --datadir=%{_datadir}/%{name} \ --enable-htmllibdir=%{_datadir}/%{name} \ --enable-htmldir=%{_datadir}/%{name} \ --enable-cgibindir=%{_datadir}/%{name} \ --enable-imageurl=/%{name}/images \ --enable-imagedir=%{_datadir}/%{name}/images \ --enable-cgipath=/qmailadmin/index.cgi \ --enable-vpopmaildir=%{vdir} \ --enable-qmaildir=%{qdir} \ --enable-ezmlmdir=%{_bindir} \ --enable-autoresponder-path=%{_bindir} \ --enable-vpopuser=vpopmail \ --enable-vpopgroup=vchkpw \ --enable-maxusersperpage=12 \ --enable-maxaliasesperpage=12 \ --enable-modify-quota=y \ --enable-ezmlm-mysql=n \ --enable-help=y \ %if %{spambox} --enable-modify-spam \ --enable-spam-command="|/var/qmail/bin/preline /usr/bin/maildrop -A 'Content-Filter: maildrop-toaster' /etc/mail/mailfilter" \ %endif --enable-domain-autofill=n ##make %{?_smp_mflags} %{__make} cp %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{pversion}/help.tar.bz2 tar xvfj $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{pversion}/help.tar.bz2 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{pversion}/help.tar.bz2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %install #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rm -Rf %{buildroot} install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name} %{__make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install-strip pushd %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name} ln -s qmailadmin index.cgi popd # Call qmail from admin-toaster #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ -d %{buildroot}%{basedir}/include ] || mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{basedir}/include cat <>%{buildroot}%{basedir}/include/qmailadmin.module Edit Users, mailing lists, forwarders   EOF # Make online help #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/images/help cp -R $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{pversion}/help/* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/images/help/ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %clean #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ -n %{buildroot} -a %{buildroot} ] && rm -rf %{buildroot} [ -d $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{pversion} ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{pversion} rm -f %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %files #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %defattr(-,root,root) # Docs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %doc AUTHORS BUGS ChangeLog COPYING FAQ INSTALL NEWS README* TODO TRANSLATORS # Dirs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/%{name} %attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/html %attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/lang %attr(0755,%{apacheuser},%{apachegroup}) %dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/images # Files #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %attr(0644,root,root) %{_datadir}/%{name}/html/* %attr(0644,root,root) %{_datadir}/%{name}/lang/* %attr(-,%{apacheuser},%{apachegroup}) %{_datadir}/%{name}/images/* %attr(0644,root,root) %{basedir}/include/qmailadmin.module %attr(6755,vpopmail,vchkpw) %{_datadir}/%{name}/index.cgi %attr(6755,vpopmail,vchkpw) %{_datadir}/%{name}/qmailadmin #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %changelog #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Fri Jan 31 2020 Dionysis Kladis 1.2.16-1.4.2.kng.3 - Added flags for compilation to centos 8 in build area - Bumped version of this package - Build for centos 8 * Thu Dec 19 2019 Dionysis Kladis 1.2.16-1.4.2.kng - Fix missing depedencies - Adding patch to fix no root compile error - Adding patches to address library locations for qmail vpopmail toaster library locations - Adding bug fix patch for bounce from qmailtoaster repo - Compile on copr fedora repo with chroot enviroment * Tue Aug 22 2017 Mustafa Ramadhan 1.2.16-1.4.2.mr - recompile without BuildRequires mysql and httpd * Sat Dec 20 2014 Mustafa Ramadhan 1.2.16-1.4.1.mr - cleanup spec based on toaster github (without define like build_cnt_60) * Sat Jan 12 2013 Mustafa Ramadhan 1.2.16-1.4.0.mr - add build_cnt_60 and build_cnt_6064 * Wed Aug 01 2012 Eric Shubert 1.2.16-1.4.0 - Bharath Chari updated to 1.2.16, added dependencies * Sat Jan 22 2011 Jake Vickers 1.2.15-1.3.9 - Updated to version 1.2.15 * Fri Jun 12 2009 Jake Vickers 1.2.12-1.3.8 - Added Fedora 11 support - Added Fedora 11 x86_64 support * Wed Jun 10 2009 Jake Vickers 1.2.12-1.3.8 - Added Mandriva 2009 support * Tue May 12 2009 Jake Vickers 1.2.12-1.3.7 - Updated qmailadmin to version 1.2.12 * Thu Apr 23 2009 Jake Vickers 1.2.11-1.3.6 - Added Fedora 9 x86_64 and Fedora 10 x86_64 support * Fri Feb 13 2009 Jake Vickers 1.2.11-1.3.5 - Added Suse 11.1 support * Mon Feb 09 2009 Jake Vickers 1.2.11-1.3.5 - Added Fedora 9 and 10 support * Sat Apr 14 2007 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.11-1.3.4 - Update to qmailadmin-1.2.11 - Add CentOS 5 i386 support - Add CentOS 5 x86_64 support * Wed Nov 01 2006 Erik A. Espinoza 1.2.9-1.3.3 - Added Fedora Core 6 support * Sat Oct 28 2006 Erik A. Espinoza 1.2.9-1.3.2 - Added definition to enable spambox * Mon Jun 05 2006 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.9-1.3.1 - Add SuSE 10.1 support * Sat May 13 2006 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.9-1.2.13 - Add Fedora Core 5 support * Sun Apr 30 2006 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.9-1.2.12 - Removed spam filtering account breaks quota enforcement * Sun Nov 20 2005 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.9-1.2.11 - Add SuSE 10.0 and Mandriva 2006.0 support * Sat Oct 15 2005 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.9-1.2.10 - Add Fedora Core 4 x86_64 support * Sat Oct 01 2005 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.9-1.2.9 - Add CentOS 4 x86_64 support * Wed Sep 21 2005 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.9-1.2.8 - Update to qmailadmin-1.2.9 * Thu Aug 25 2005 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.8-1.2.7 - Update to qmailadmin-1.2.8 - Add user selectable maildrop filtering * Fri Jul 01 2005 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.7-1.2.6 - Add Fedora Core 4 support * Wed Jun 08 2005 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.7-1.2.5 - Update to qmailadmin-1.2.7 and add online help * Fri Jun 03 2005 Torbjorn Turpeinen 1.2.1-1.2.4 - Gnu/Linux Mandrake 10.0,10.1,10.2 support - Changed Mandrake 9.1,9.2 and 10.0 to apache-2x so all spec files has the same requirements. * Sun Feb 27 2005 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.1-1.2.3 - Add Fedora Core 3 support - Add CentOS support * Thu Jun 03 2004 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.1-1.2.2 - Add Fedora Core 2 support * Thu May 13 2004 Nick Hemmesch 1.2.1-1.2.1 - Update to version 1.2.1 - Relocate qmailadmin to datadir * Mon Dec 29 2003 Nick Hemmesch 1.0.6-1.0.8 - Add Fedora Core 1 support * Sun Nov 23 2003 Nick Hemmesch 1.0.6-1.0.7 - Add Trustix 2.0 support - Fix images to images-toaster - Patch template.c to fix * Thu May 15 2003 Miguel Beccari 1.0.6-1.0.6 - Red Hat Linux 9.0 support (nick@ndhsoft.com) - Gnu/Linux Mandrake 9.2 support - Clean-ups on SPEC: compilation banner, better gcc detects - Detect gcc-3.2.3 * Mon Mar 31 2003 Miguel Beccari 1.0.6-1.0.5 - Conectiva Linux 7.0 support - Better managing of apache user (related to distro) * Sun Feb 15 2003 Nick Hemmesch 1.0.6-1.0.4 - Support for Red Hat 8.0 * Wed Feb 05 2003 Miguel Beccari 1.0.6-1.0.3 - Support for Red Hat 8.0 thanks to Andrew.J.Kay * Sat Feb 01 2003 Miguel Beccari 1.0.6-1.0.2 - Redo Macros to prepare supporting larger RPM OS. We could be able to compile (and use) packages under every RPM based distribution: we just need to write right requirements. * Sat Jan 25 2003 Miguel Beccari 1.0.6-1.0.1 - Added MDK 9.1 support - Try to use gcc-3.2.1 - Added very little patch to compile with newest GLIBC - Support dor new RPM-4.0.4 * Sat Oct 05 2002 Miguel Beccari 1.0.6-0.9.2 - Soft clean-ups * Sun Sep 29 2002 Miguel Beccari 1.0.6-0.9.1 - RPM macros to detect Mandrake, RedHat, Trustix are OK again. They are very basic but they should work. * Fri Sep 27 2002 Miguel Beccari - Rebuilded under 0.8 tree. - Important comments translated from Italian to English. - Written rpm rebuilds instruction at the top of the file (in english). * Sun Sep 22 2002 Miguel Beccari - Quota Fix * Thu Aug 29 2002 Miguel Beccari - Deleted Mandrake Release Autodetection (creates problems) * Fri Aug 16 2002 Miguel Beccari - New version: 0.7 toaster. - Installation directly depends on apache-toaster-conf (that provides httpd configurations for all web packages) - Better macros to detect Mandrake Release * Thu Aug 13 2002 Miguel Beccari - New version: 0.6 toaster. * Mon Aug 12 2002 Miguel Beccari - Checks for gcc-3.2 (default compiler from now) - New version: 0.5 toaster. * Thu Aug 08 2002 Miguel Beccari - New version 1.0.6 - Better RedHat dependecies - Rebuild against 0.4 toaster * Thu Jul 30 2002 Miguel Beccari - Now packages have got 'no sex': you can rebuild them with command line flags for specifics targets that are: RedHat, Trustix, and of course Mandrake (that is default) * Sun Jul 28 2002 Miguel Beccari - toaster v. 0.3: now it is possible upgrading safely because of 'pversion' that is package version and 'version' that is toaster version * Thu Jul 25 2002 Miguel Beccari 0.2- - Fixed path images in cgi - Changed /cgi-bin/ un /mail/ * Mon Jul 22 2002 Miguel Beccari 0.1- - Added index.html to explain what toaster do (to be finished) * Thu Jul 18 2002 Miguel Beccari 0.1- - Added toaster version (we will need to mantain it too): is vtoaster 0.1 - Added tests to make gcc to be 3.1.1 - Very soft clean-ups. * Wed Jul 17 2002 Miguel Beccari 1-0-4 1mdk - First package.