%define name qmailmrtg %define pversion 4.2 %define bversion 1.3 %define rpmrelease 9.kng%{?dist} %define release %{bversion}.%{rpmrelease} %define apacheuser apache %define apachegroup apache %define crontab /etc/crontab %define outputdir %{basedir}/htdocs/mrtg #Requires: vixie-cron, crontabs >= 1.10, httpd >= 2.2.2, php >= 5.1.6, mrtg Requires: cronie, crontabs >= 1.10, mrtg %define ccflags %{optflags} %define ldflags %{optflags} ############### RPM ################################ %define debug_package %{nil} %define vtoaster %{pversion} %define basedir %{_datadir}/toaster %define mrtgdir %{basedir}/mrtg %define builddate Fri Jun 12 2009 Name: %{name}-toaster Summary: Mrtg for qmail-toaster Version: %{vtoaster} Release: %{release} License: GPL Group: Networking/Other URL: http://dev.prodigysolutions.com Source0: qmailmrtg7-%{pversion}.tar.bz2 Source1: index.php.bz2 Patch0: qmailmrtg7-modernize-code.diff BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-buildroot BuildRequires: qmail-toaster >= 1.03 BuildRequires: perl, gcc, gcc-c++, make Requires: qmail-toaster >= 1.03, control-panel-toaster >= 0.2 Packager: Jake Vickers #------------------------------------------------------------------- %description #------------------------------------------------------------------- Qmail MRTG Stat collector #------------------------------------------------------------------- %prep #------------------------------------------------------------------- [ -n %{buildroot} -a %{buildroot} ] && rm -rf %{buildroot} #------------------------------------------------------------------- %setup -q -n qmailmrtg7-%{pversion} #------------------------------------------------------------------- # We need to patch for modern compilers %patch0 -p1 # Try detecting newest gcc (some distributions have got more then one compiler) # and write it on a temp file [ -f %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc ] && rm -f %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc if [ -x /usr/bin/gcc-3.2.3 ]; then echo "/usr/bin/gcc-3.2.3" > %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc elif [ -x /usr/bin/gcc-3.2.2 ]; then echo "/usr/bin/gcc-3.2.2" > %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc elif [ -x /usr/bin/gcc-3.2.1 ]; then echo "/usr/bin/gcc-3.2.1" > %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc elif [ -x /usr/bin/gcc-3.2 ]; then echo "/usr/bin/gcc-3.2" > %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc elif [ -x /usr/bin/gcc-3.1.1 ]; then echo "/usr/bin/gcc-3.1.1" > %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc else echo "gcc" > %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc fi #------------------------------------------------------------------- %build #------------------------------------------------------------------- [ -n "%{buildroot}" -a "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf %{buildroot} mkdir -p %{buildroot} # Write the module for the control panel #------------------------------------------------------------------- cat <>$RPM_BUILD_DIR/qmailmrtg7-%{pversion}/qmailmrtg.module MTA statistics   EOF #"------------------------------------------------------------------- # We have gcc written in a temp file export CC="`cat %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc` %{ccflags}" %{__cc} checkq.c -o checkq ./checkq %{__cc} -s -O qmailmrtg7.c -o qmailmrtg #------------------------------------------------------------------- %install #------------------------------------------------------------------- install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cron.d/ install -d %{buildroot}%{mrtgdir} install -d %{buildroot}%{_bindir} install -d %{buildroot}%{basedir}/htdocs/mrtg install -d %{buildroot}%{basedir}/include install -m755 qmailmrtg %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/qmailmrtg install -m644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{basedir}/htdocs/mrtg/ install -m644 qmailmrtg.module %{buildroot}%{basedir}/include/ bunzip2 %{buildroot}%{basedir}/htdocs/mrtg/index.php.bz2 cat <>%{buildroot}%{mrtgdir}/qmailmrtg.cfg # config by Oden Eriksson Refresh: 600 Interval: 10 WriteExpires: Yes # where to save the output. WorkDir: %{outputdir} ############################################################# Title[messages]: FQDN - Qmail (throughput) MaxBytes[messages]: 10000 AbsMax[messages]: 20000 Options[messages]: gauge Target[messages]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg m /var/log/qmail/send\` PageTop[messages]: FQDN - Qmail (throughput)
ShortLegend[messages]: Messages YLegend[messages]: Messages Legend1[messages]: Total messages LegendI[messages]:  Deliveries: LegendO[messages]:  Attempts: WithPeak[messages]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[queue-size]: FQDN - Qmail (queue size) MaxBytes[queue-size]: 10000 AbsMax[queue-size]: 100000 Options[queue-size]: gauge Target[queue-size]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg q /var/qmail/queue\` PageTop[queue-size]: FQDN - Qmail (queue size)
ShortLegend[queue-size]: Messages YLegend[queue-size]: Messages Legend1[queue-size]: Messages LegendI[queue-size]:  Messages: LegendO[queue-size]:  Unprocessed Messages: WithPeak[queue-size]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[clamd]: FQDN - clamd MaxBytes[clamd]: 10000 AbsMax[clamd]: 100000 Options[clamd]: gauge Target[clamd]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg C /var/log/qmail/clamd\` PageTop[clamd]: FQDN ClamAV
ShortLegend[clamd]: Msg YLegend[clamd]: Viruses Legend1[clamd]: Total Viruses; LegendI[clamd]: Found  LegendO[clamd]: Errors:  WithPeak[clamd]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[spamd]: FQDN - spamd MaxBytes[spamd]: 10000 AbsMax[spamd]: 100000 Options[spamd]: gauge Target[spamd]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg S /var/log/qmail/spamd\` PageTop[spamd]: FQDN SpamAssassin
ShortLegend[spamd]: Messages YLegend[spamd]: Spam/hour Legend1[spamd]: Total Spam; LegendI[spamd]: Clean  LegendO[spamd]: Spam:  WithPeak[spamd]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[concurrency]: FQDN - Qmail (concurrency) MaxBytes[concurrency]: 500 AbsMax[concurrency]: 10000 Options[concurrency]: gauge Target[concurrency]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg c /var/log/qmail/send\` PageTop[concurrency]: FQDN - Qmail (concurrency)
ShortLegend[concurrency]: Concurrency YLegend[concurrency]: Concurrency Legend1[concurrency]: Concurrency LegendI[concurrency]:  Local: LegendO[concurrency]:  Remote: WithPeak[concurrency]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[messstatus]: FQDN - Qmail (Success/Failures) MaxBytes[messstatus]: 10000 AbsMax[messstatus]: 100000 Options[messstatus]: gauge Target[messstatus]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg s /var/log/qmail/send\` PageTop[messstatus]: FQDN - Qmail (Success/Failures)
ShortLegend[messstatus]: Messages YLegend[messstatus]: Messages Legend1[messstatus]: Messages LegendI[messstatus]:  Success: LegendO[messstatus]:  Failures: WithPeak[messstatus]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[bytes]: FQDN - Qmail (Bytes Transfered) MaxBytes[bytes]: 200000 AbsMax[bytes]: 10000000 Options[bytes]: gauge Target[bytes]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg b /var/log/qmail/send\` PageTop[bytes]: FQDN - Qmail (Bytes Transfered)
ShortLegend[bytes]: kB YLegend[bytes]: kB Legend1[bytes]: kB LegendI[bytes]:  kB: LegendO[bytes]:  kB: WithPeak[bytes]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[smtp]: FQDN - Qmail (smtp concurrency) MaxBytes[smtp]: 100 AbsMax[smtp]: 500 Options[smtp]: gauge Target[smtp]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg t /var/log/qmail/smtp\` PageTop[smtp]: FQDN - Qmail (smtp)
ShortLegend[smtp]: smtp YLegend[smtp]: smtp Legend1[smtp]: smtp LegendI[smtp]:  smtp: LegendO[smtp]: WithPeak[smtp]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[smtpad]: FQDN - smtp (allow/deny) MaxBytes[smtpad]: 1000 AbsMax[smtpad]: 10000 Options[smtpad]: gauge Target[smtpad]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg a /var/log/qmail/smtp\` PageTop[smtpad]: FQDN - smtp (allow/deny)
ShortLegend[smtpad]: Smtp YLegend[smtpad]: Smtp Legend1[smtpad]: Smtp LegendI[smtpad]:  Allow: LegendO[smtpad]:  Deny: WithPeak[smtpad]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[pop3]: FQDN - Qmail (pop3) MaxBytes[pop3]: 100 AbsMax[pop3]: 500 Options[pop3]: gauge Target[pop3]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg t /var/log/qmail/pop3\` PageTop[pop3]: FQDN - Qmail (pop3)
ShortLegend[pop3]: pop3 YLegend[pop3]: pop3 Legend1[pop3]: pop3 LegendI[pop3]:  pop3: LegendO[pop3]: WithPeak[pop3]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[pop3ad]: FQDN - pop3 (allow/deny) MaxBytes[pop3ad]: 1000 AbsMax[pop3ad]: 10000 Options[pop3ad]: gauge Target[pop3ad]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg a /var/log/qmail/pop3\` PageTop[pop3ad]: FQDN - pop3 (allow/deny)
ShortLegend[pop3ad]: Pop3 YLegend[pop3ad]: Pop3 Legend1[pop3ad]: Pop3 LegendI[pop3ad]:  Allow: LegendO[pop3ad]:  Deny: WithPeak[pop3ad]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[imap4]: FQDN - Qmail (imap4) MaxBytes[imap4]: 100 AbsMax[imap4]: 500 Options[imap4]: gauge Target[imap4]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg t /var/log/qmail/imap4\` PageTop[imap4]: FQDN - Qmail (imap4)
ShortLegend[imap4]: imap4 YLegend[imap4]: imap4 Legend1[imap4]: imap4 LegendI[imap4]:  imap4: LegendO[imap4]: WithPeak[imap4]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[imap4ad]: FQDN - imap4 (allow/deny) MaxBytes[imap4ad]: 1000 AbsMax[imap4ad]: 10000 Options[imap4ad]: gauge Target[imap4ad]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg a /var/log/qmail/imap4\` PageTop[imap4ad]: FQDN - imap4 (allow/deny)
ShortLegend[imap4ad]: Imap4 YLegend[imap4ad]: Imap4 Legend1[imap4ad]: Imap4 LegendI[imap4ad]:  Allow: LegendO[imap4ad]:  Deny: WithPeak[imap4ad]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[imap4-ssl]: FQDN - Qmail (imap4-ssl) MaxBytes[imap4-ssl]: 100 AbsMax[imap4-ssl]: 500 Options[imap4-ssl]: gauge Target[imap4-ssl]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg t /var/log/qmail/imap4-ssl\` PageTop[imap4-ssl]: FQDN - Qmail (imap4-ssl)
ShortLegend[imap4-ssl]: imap4-ssl YLegend[imap4-ssl]: imap4-ssl Legend1[imap4-ssl]: imap4-ssl LegendI[imap4-ssl]:  imap4-ssl: LegendO[imap4-ssl]: WithPeak[imap4-ssl]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[imap4-sslad]: FQDN - imap4-ssl (allow/deny) MaxBytes[imap4-sslad]: 1000 AbsMax[imap4-sslad]: 10000 Options[imap4-sslad]: gauge Target[imap4-sslad]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg a /var/log/qmail/imap4-ssl\` PageTop[imap4-sslad]: FQDN - imap4-ssl (allow/deny)
ShortLegend[imap4-sslad]: Imap4-ssl YLegend[imap4-sslad]: Imap4-ssl Legend1[imap4-sslad]: Imap4-ssl LegendI[imap4-sslad]:  Allow: LegendO[imap4-sslad]:  Deny: WithPeak[imap4-sslad]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[pop3-ssl]: FQDN - Qmail (pop3-ssl) MaxBytes[pop3-ssl]: 100 AbsMax[pop3-ssl]: 500 Options[pop3-ssl]: gauge Target[pop3-ssl]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg t /var/log/qmail/pop3-ssl\` PageTop[pop3-ssl]: FQDN - Qmail (pop3-ssl)
ShortLegend[pop3-ssl]: pop3-ssl YLegend[pop3-ssl]: pop3-ssl Legend1[pop3-ssl]: pop3-ssl LegendI[pop3-ssl]:  pop3-ssl: LegendO[pop3-ssl]: WithPeak[pop3-ssl]: ymwd #------------------------------------------------------------------- Title[pop3-sslad]: FQDN - pop3-ssl (allow/deny) MaxBytes[pop3-sslad]: 1000 AbsMax[pop3-sslad]: 10000 Options[pop3-sslad]: gauge Target[pop3-sslad]: \`/usr/bin/qmailmrtg a /var/log/qmail/pop3-ssl\` PageTop[pop3-sslad]: FQDN - pop3-ssl (allow/deny)
ShortLegend[pop3-sslad]: Pop3-ssl YLegend[pop3-sslad]: Pop3-ssl Legend1[pop3-sslad]: Pop3-ssl LegendI[pop3-sslad]:  Allow: LegendO[pop3-sslad]:  Deny: WithPeak[pop3-sslad]: ymwd EOF #------------------------------------------------------------------- %post #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup mrtg cat <>%{_tmppath}/setupmrtg env LANG=C %{_bindir}/mrtg %{mrtgdir}/qmailmrtg.cfg 2>&1 > /dev/null env LANG=C %{_bindir}/mrtg %{mrtgdir}/qmailmrtg.cfg 2>&1 > /dev/null env LANG=C %{_bindir}/mrtg %{mrtgdir}/qmailmrtg.cfg 2>&1 > /dev/null env LANG=C %{_bindir}/mrtg %{mrtgdir}/qmailmrtg.cfg 2>&1 > /dev/null EOF chmod +x %{_tmppath}/setupmrtg %{_tmppath}/setupmrtg 2>&1 > /dev/null rm -f %{_tmppath}/setupmrtg #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Install cron-job #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove old cron-job grep -v '* * * * root %{_bindir}/mrtg %{mrtgdir}/qmailmrtg.cfg' %{crontab} > %{crontab}.old mv -f %{crontab}.old %{crontab} if ! grep '* * * * root env LANG=C %{_bindir}/mrtg %{mrtgdir}/qmailmrtg.cfg' %{crontab} > /dev/null; then echo "" >> %{crontab} echo "0-59/5 * * * * root env LANG=C %{_bindir}/mrtg %{mrtgdir}/qmailmrtg.cfg 2>&1 > /dev/null" >> %{crontab} fi #------------------------------------------------------------------- %postun #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove cron-job if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then grep -v '* * * * root env LANG=C %{_bindir}/mrtg %{mrtgdir}/qmailmrtg.cfg' %{crontab} > %{crontab}.new mv -f %{crontab}.new %{crontab} fi #------------------------------------------------------------------- %clean #------------------------------------------------------------------- [ -n "%{buildroot}" -a "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf %{buildroot} [ -d $RPM_BUILD_DIR/qmailmrtg7-%{pversion} ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_DIR/qmailmrtg7-%{pversion} [ -f %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc ] && rm -f %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{pversion}-gcc #------------------------------------------------------------------- %files #------------------------------------------------------------------- %defattr(-,root,root) %attr(0755,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{mrtgdir}/qmailmrtg.cfg %attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/qmailmrtg %defattr(-,%{apacheuser},%{apachegroup}) %attr(0755,%{apacheuser},%{apachegroup}) %dir %{basedir}/htdocs/mrtg %attr(0644,%{apacheuser},%{apachegroup}) %{basedir}/htdocs/mrtg/index.php %attr(0644,%{apacheuser},%{apachegroup}) %{basedir}/include/* #------------------------------------------------------------------- %changelog #------------------------------------------------------------------- * Thu Jan 30 2020 Dionysis Kladis 3.4-1.3.8.kng - Added a patch from build.opensuse.org/package/show/home%3Aweberho%3Aqmailtoaster/qmailmrtg for modernizing code - Fixed compile error on centos 8 * Sat Dec 20 2014 Mustafa Ramadhan 3.4-1.3.8.mr - cleanup spec based on toaster github (without define like build_cnt_60) * Sat Jan 12 2013 Mustafa Ramadhan 3.4-1.3.7.mr - add build_cnt_60 and build_cnt_6064 * Sun Apr 10 2011 Martin Waschbüsch 3.4-1.3.7 - Converted PHP tags to full format 3.4-1.3.6 - Added Fedora 11 support - Added Fedora 11 x86_64 support * Wed Jun 10 2009 Jake Vickers 3.4-1.3.6 - Added Mandriva 2009 support * Thu Apr 23 2009 Jake Vickers 3.4-1.3.5 - Added Fedora 9 x86_64 and Fedora 10 x86_64 support - Changed some commenting in spec file to English for consistency * Fri Feb 13 2009 Jake Vickers 3.4-1.3.4 - Added Suse 11.1 support * Mon Feb 09 2009 Jake Vickers 3.4-1.3.4 - Added Fedora 9 and 10 support * Sat Apr 14 2007 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.3.3 - Add CentOS i386 support - Add CentOS x86_64 support * Wed Nov 01 2006 Erik A. Espinoza 4.2-1.3.2 - Added Fedora Core 6 support * Mon Jun 05 2006 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.3.1 - Add SuSE 10.1 support * Sat May 13 2006 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.2.11 - Add Fedora Core 5 support * Sat Apr 29 2006 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.2.10 - Fix qmailmrtg.cfg * Fri Apr 28 2006 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.2.9 - Set path variable for distros - Wade Albright - Additional graphs by Guillermo Villasana * Sat Nov 12 2005 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.2.8 - Add SuSE 10.0 and Mandriva 2006.0 support * Sat Oct 15 2005 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.2.7 - Add Fedora Core 4 x86_64 support * Sat Oct 01 2005 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.2.6 - Add CentOS 4 x86_64 support * Mon Jul 18 2005 Erik A. Espinoza 4.2-1.2.5 - Upgraded to qmailmrtg 4.2 - Added support for virus scanning * Fri Jul 01 2005 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.2.4 - Add Fedora Core 4 support * Fri Jun 03 2005 Torbjorn Turpeinen 3.4-1.2.3 - Gnu/Linux Mandrake 10.0,10.1,10.2 support - Changed Mandrake 9.1,9.2,10.0,10.1 and 10.2 to apache-2x so all spec files has the same requirements. - Add requirement for mandrake mrtg to Mandrake 9.1,9.2,10.0,10.1 and 10.2 * Sun Feb 27 2005 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.2.2 - Add Fedora Core 3 support - Add CentOS 4 support * Thu Jun 03 2004 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.2.1 - Update spec file - Add Fedora Core 2 support * Wed Feb 11 2004 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.0.11 - Define crontab * Mon Jan 12 2004 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.0.10 - Trustix fix - fcrontab dep by Christian Dietrich * Mon Dec 29 2003 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.0.9 - Add Fedora Core 1 support * Tue Nov 25 2003 Nick Hemmesch 3.4-1.0.8 - Add Trustix 2.0 support - Fix images to images-toaster * Fri May 24 2003 Miguel Beccari 03.7-1.0.7 - Fixed mrtg dependency: Red Hat 9 has got its mrtg package * Thu May 15 2003 Miguel Beccari 03.7-1.0.6 - Red Hat Linux 9.0 support (nick@ndhsoft.com) - Gnu/Linux Mandrake 9.2 support - Clean-ups on SPEC: compilation banner, better gcc detects - Detect gcc-3.2.3 * Mon Mar 31 2003 Miguel Beccari 3.7-1.0.5 - Conectiva Linux 7.0 support - Better managing of apache user (related to distro) * Sun Feb 15 2003 Nick Hemmesch 3.7-1.0.3 - Support for Red Hat 8.0 * Sat Feb 01 2003 Miguel Beccari 3.7-1.0.2 - Redo Macros to prepare supporting larger RPM OS. We could be able to compile (and use) packages under every RPM based distribution: we just need to write right requirements. * Sat Jan 25 2003 Miguel Beccari 3.7-1.0.1 - Added MDK 9.1 support - Try to use gcc-3.2.1 - Added very little patch to compile with newest GLIBC - Support dor new RPM-4.0.4 * Sun Oct 06 2002 Miguel Beccari 3.7-0.9.2 - Clean-ups * Sun Sep 29 2002 Miguel Beccari 3.7-0.9.1 - RPM macros to detect Mandrake, RedHat, Trustix are OK again. They are very basic but they should work. * Fri Sep 27 2002 Miguel Beccari - Rebuilded under 0.8 tree. - Important comments translated from Italian to English. - Written rpm rebuilds instruction at the top of the file (in english). * Sun Sep 22 2002 Miguel Beccari - Added imap4, imap4-ssl, pop3-ssl statistics. - Testes crontab jobs: now it REALLY works 100%!!! * Sun Sep 01 2002 Miguel Beccari - New version: it works now * Thu Aug 29 2002 Miguel Beccari - Deleted Mandrake Release Autodetection (creates problems) - Fixed RedHat compatibility * Fri Aug 16 2002 Miguel Beccari - First RPM release. It comes with toaster templates, toaster layout, toaster dependencies: seems to work.